
Defines functions plot_exposures plot_spectrum_generic plot_spectrum_dbs plot_spectrum_id plot_spectrum_tsw plot_spectrum_sbs plot_spectrum plot_reconstruction plot_all plot_gof plot_ppc make_colors

Documented in make_colors plot_all plot_exposures plot_gof plot_ppc plot_reconstruction plot_spectrum plot_spectrum_dbs plot_spectrum_generic plot_spectrum_id plot_spectrum_sbs plot_spectrum_tsw

#' Colour warnings for posterior predictive checks
#' yellow = observed value is in top or bottom 2.5% of ppc simulations
#' red = observed value is outside ppc simulations
make_colors <- function(c, c_ppc, sample = 1) {
    n_ppc_sims <- dim(c_ppc)[1]
    v <- vector("character", ncol(c))
    for (i in 1:ncol(c)) {
        prop <- sum(c[sample, i] < c_ppc[, sample, i]) / n_ppc_sims
        if (prop < 0.001 | prop > 0.999) {
            v[i] <- "firebrick"
        else if (prop < 0.025 | prop > 0.975) {
            v[i] <- "yellow3"
        else {
            v[i] <- "black"

#' Plot result of posterior predictive check
#' black = observed value is not extreme compared to the simulated distribution
#' yellow = observed value is in top or bottom 2.5% of ppc simulations
#' red = observed value is outside ppc simulations
#' @param c Integer matrix of observed counts.
#' @param c_ppc Simulated posterior predictive counts obtained from
#' MCMC samples using \code{extract(samples)$counts_ppc}.
#' @export
plot_ppc <- function(c, c_ppc, sample = 1) {
    plot(c[sample, ], type = "n")
    n_ppc_sims <- dim(c_ppc)[1]
    for (i in sample(1:n_ppc_sims, 500)) {
        lines(c_ppc[i, sample, ], pch=20, cex=0.3,
              col = rgb(.09, .45, .80, 0.1))
    colors <- make_colors(c, c_ppc, sample)
    lines(c[sample, ], type = 'p', lwd=2, col = colors, pch = 20)
    lines(c[sample, ], type = 'h', lend=1, lwd=1, col = colors)
           legend=c("PPC distribution",
                    "Observation (not extreme relative to PPC)",
                    "Observation (in 5% tails of PPC)",
                    "Observation (outside PPC)"),
           col=c(rgb(.09, .45, .80, 1),
           lty=c(1, NA, NA, NA),
           pch=c(NA, 20, 20, 20),
           lwd=c(3, 2, 2, 2),

#' Plot goodness-of-fit
#' \code{plot_gof} plots the goodness-of-fit of a set of samples, each of which has typically been
#' sampled using an signature extraction model with a different number of signatures.
#' @param sample_list List containing the results of signature extraction using
#' \code{\link{extract_signatures}} with multiple numbers of signatures (see argument
#' \code{nsignatures} in \code{\link{extract_signatures}}).
#' @param stat Function for measuring goodness-of-fit. Admits character values \code{"cosine"}
#' (cosine similarity, default) or \code{"L2"} (L2 norm or Euclidean distance).
#' @importFrom "rstan" extract
#' @export
plot_gof <- function(sample_list, stat = "cosine") {
    if (sum(sapply(sample_list, is.list)) < 4) {
        warning("Goodness-of-fit analysis omitted when using less than 4 values of 'nsignatures'.")
    if (!(stat %in% c("cosine", "L2"))) {
        stop("'stat' only admits values \"cosine\" and \"L2\".\nType ?plot_gof to read the documentation.")
    else {
        if ("gof" %in% names(sample_list)) {
            gof_list <- sample_list[["gof"]]
            if (gof_list[["stat"]] != stat) {
                gof_list <- calculate_gof(sample_list, stat)
        } else {
            gof_list <- calculate_gof(sample_list, stat)
        nS <- gof_list[["nS"]]
        gof <- gof_list[["gof"]]
        best <- gof_list[["best"]]
        model <- gof_list[["model"]]
        plot(nS, gof, type = "o", lty = 3, pch = 16, col = "dodgerblue4",
             main = paste0("Goodness-of-fit (", stat, ")\nmodel: ", model),
             xlab = "Number of signatures",
             ylab = paste0("Goodness-of-fit (", stat, ")"))
        points(nS[best], gof[best], pch = 16, col = "orangered", cex = 1.1)

        cat("Estimated best number of signatures:", nS[best], "\n")

#' Plot all results from signature fitting or extraction
#' For a given set of signature fitting or extraction results, \code{plot_all} plots, in PDF format:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{All the original (input) mutational catalogues (via \code{\link{plot_spectrum}})}
#'  \item{Mutational signatures (via \code{\link{plot_spectrum}})}
#'  \item{Signature exposures (via \code{\link{plot_exposures}})}
#'  \item{All the reconstructed mutational spectra (via \code{\link{plot_reconstruction}})}
#' }
#' @param mcmc_samples List with two elements named \code{`data`} and \code{`results`}, produced via
#' \code{\link{fit_signatures}}, \code{\link{extract_signatures}}, or
#' \code{\link{fit_extract_signatures}}. This is the preferred option for supplying data and
#' results, but can be replaced by the combination of arguments \code{counts}, \code{signatures},
#' \code{exposures} and \code{opportunities}.
#' @param out_path Character indicating the path to the directory where the output PDF files will
#' be stored. The directory will be created if it does not exist.
#' @param prefix Character indicating an optional prefix to be added to output file names.
#' @param counts Numeric matrix of observed mutation counts, with one row per sample and
#' one column per mutation type. Only needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided.
#' @param signatures Either a numeric matrix of mutational signatures, with one row per signature
#' and one column per mutation type, or a list of matrices generated via \code{\link{retrieve_pars}}.
#' Only needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided.
#' @param exposures Either a numeric matrix of signature exposures, with one row per sample and one
#' column per signature, or a list of matrices generated via \code{\link{retrieve_pars}}. Only
#' needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided.
#' @param opportunities Numeric matrix of mutational opportunities, with one row per signature and
#' one column per mutation type. It also admits character values \code{"human-genome"} or
#' \code{"human-exome"}, in which case the mutational opportunities of the reference human
#' genome/exome will be used. Only needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided and opportunities
#' were used during signature extraction or fitting.
#' @param thresh Numeric indicating the minimum threshold for the lower HPD limits of signature
#' exposures (default is 0.01). Exposures with a lower HPD limit below this value will be shown in
#' grey. This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_exposures}}.
#' @param hpd_prob Numeric value in the interval (0, 1), indicating the desired probability content
#' of HPD intervals (default is 0.95). This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_exposures}}.
#' @param signature_names Character vector containing the name of each signature. Only needed if
#' \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided and the exposures were obtained via signature fitting
#' (rather than extraction). This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_exposures}}.
#' @param exp_margin_bottom Numeric indicating the bottom margin of the exposures barplots, in
#' inches (default is 10.5). This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_exposures}}.
#' @param exp_legend_pos Character indicating the position of the legend in the exposures barplot.
#' Admits values \code{"top"}, \code{"bottom"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"left"}, \code{"right"}, 
#' \code{"topleft"}, \code{"topright"}, \code{"bottomleft"} and \code{"bottomright"} (default is
#' \code{"topleft"}). This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_exposures}}.
#' @param exp_legend_cex Numeric indicating the relative size of the legend in the exposures
#' barplot (default is 2). This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_exposures}}.
#' @param exp_cex_names Numeric indicating the relative size of sample labels in the exposures
#' barplot (default is 1.9). This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_exposures}}.
#' @param rec_legend_pos Character indicating the position of the legend in the spectrum
#' reconstruction plots. Admits values \code{"top"}, \code{"bottom"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"left"},
#' \code{"right"}, \code{"topleft"}, \code{"topright"}, \code{"bottomleft"} and \code{"bottomright"}
#' (default is \code{"topleft"}). This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_reconstruction}}.
#' @param rec_legend_cex Numeric indicating the relative size of the legend in the reconstruction
#' plots (default is 2). This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_reconstruction}}.
#' @param sig_color_palette Character vector of custom color names or hexadecimal codes to use for
#' each signature in exposure and reconstruction plots. Must have at least as many elements as the
#' number of signatures. This value is passed to \code{\link{plot_exposures}} and
#' \code{\link{plot_reconstruction}}.
#' @param boxes Logical indicating whether boxes should be drawn around spectrum, signature and
#' reconstruction plots (default is \code{TRUE}). This value is passed to
#' \code{\link{plot_spectrum}} and \code{\link{plot_reconstruction}}.
#' @param generic Logical indicating whether a "generic" spectrum should be plotted (default is
#' \code{FALSE}). A generic spectrum is always plotted if the number of mutation types in
#' \code{spectra} does not match any of the available spectrum types. This value is passed to
#' \code{\link{plot_spectrum}} and \code{\link{plot_reconstruction}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load example mutational catalogues
#' data("counts_21breast")
#' # Extract signatures using the EMu (Poisson) model
#' samples <- extract_signatures(counts_21breast, nsignatures = 2, model = "emu",
#'                               opportunities = "human-genome", iter = 800)
#' # Retrieve signatures and exposures
#' signatures <- retrieve_pars(samples, "signatures")
#' exposures <- retrieve_pars(samples, "exposures")
#' # Plot results using MCMC samples
#' plot_all(mcmc_samples = samples, out_path = ".", prefix = "Test1")
#' # Plot results using retrieved signatures and exposures
#' plot_all(counts = counts_21breast, signatures = signatures,
#'          exposures = exposures, opportunities = "human-genome",
#'          out_path = ".", prefix = "Test2")
#' }
#' @importFrom "rstan" extract
#' @export
plot_all <- function(mcmc_samples = NULL, out_path, prefix = NULL, counts = NULL, signatures = NULL,
                     exposures = NULL, opportunities = NULL, thresh = 0.01, hpd_prob = 0.95, 
                     signature_names = NULL, exp_margin_bottom = 10.5, exp_legend_pos = "topleft",
                     exp_legend_cex = 2, exp_cex_names = 1.9, rec_legend_pos = "topleft",
                     rec_legend_cex = 2, sig_color_palette = NULL, boxes = TRUE, generic = FALSE) {

    if (is.null(mcmc_samples) &
        (is.null(counts) | is.null(signatures) | is.null(exposures))) {
        stop("Either 'mcmc_samples', or all of 'counts', 'signatures' and 'exposures', must be provided.")

    # Create output directory if it does not exist
    dir.create(out_path, showWarnings=F)
    if (!is.null(prefix)) {
        prefix <- paste0(prefix, "_")

    # Case A: matrices provided instead of MCMC samples
    if (is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
        cat("Plotting original catalogues...\n")
        plot_spectrum(counts, boxes = boxes, generic = generic,
                      pdf_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(prefix, "Catalogues_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")))

        cat("Plotting mutational signatures...\n")
        plot_spectrum(signatures, boxes = boxes, generic = generic,
                      pdf_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(prefix, "Signatures_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")))

        cat("Plotting signature exposures...\n")
        plot_exposures(counts = counts, exposures = exposures,
                       signature_names = signature_names, thresh = thresh,
                       sig_color_palette = sig_color_palette, cex_names = exp_cex_names,
                       margin_bottom = exp_margin_bottom, legend_pos = exp_legend_pos,
                       legend_cex = exp_legend_cex,
                       pdf_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(prefix, "Exposures_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")))

        plot_reconstruction(counts = counts, signatures = signatures, exposures = exposures,
                            opportunities = opportunities, legend_pos = rec_legend_pos,
                            legend_cex = rec_legend_cex, sig_color_palette = sig_color_palette,
                            boxes = boxes, generic = generic,
                            pdf_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(prefix, "Reconstructions_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")))

    # Case B: MCMC samples provided instead of matrices
    else {
        cat("Plotting original catalogues...\n")
        plot_spectrum(mcmc_samples$data$counts_real, boxes = boxes, generic = generic,
                      pdf_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(prefix, "Catalogues_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")))

        cat("Plotting mutational signatures...\n")
        if ("signatures" %in% mcmc_samples$result@model_pars) {
            signatures <- retrieve_pars(mcmc_samples, "signatures")
        else {
            signatures <- mcmc_samples$data$signatures
        plot_spectrum(signatures, boxes = boxes, generic = generic,
                      pdf_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(prefix, "Signatures_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")))

        cat("Plotting signature exposures...\n")
        plot_exposures(mcmc_samples = mcmc_samples,
                       thresh = thresh, hpd_prob = hpd_prob,
                       margin_bottom = exp_margin_bottom, legend_pos = exp_legend_pos,
                       sig_color_palette = sig_color_palette, cex_names = exp_cex_names,
                       legend_cex = exp_legend_cex,
                       pdf_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(prefix, "Exposures_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")))

        plot_reconstruction(mcmc_samples = mcmc_samples,
                            legend_pos = rec_legend_pos, legend_cex = rec_legend_cex,
                            sig_color_palette = sig_color_palette, boxes = boxes, generic = generic,
                            pdf_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(prefix, "Reconstructions_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")))

#' Plot mutational spectrum reconstructions
#' \code{plot_reconstruction} plots reconstructions of the original mutational catalogues obtained
#' using the inferred signatures and/or exposures. If provided with multiple catalogues, it produces
#' one plot per catalogue. Fitting or extraction results can be provided either as a single stanfit
#' object (generated via \code{\link{fit_signatures}} or \code{\link{extract_signatures}}), or as
#' separate signatures and exposures matrices (or lists produced via \code{\link{retrieve_pars}}).
#' Only the former option allows the incorporation of HPD intervals to the reconstructed catalogue.
#' @param mcmc_samples List with two elements named \code{`data`} and \code{`results`}, produced via
#' \code{\link{fit_signatures}}, \code{\link{extract_signatures}}, or
#' \code{\link{fit_extract_signatures}}. This is the preferred option for supplying data and
#' results, but can be replaced by the combination of arguments \code{counts}, \code{signatures},
#' \code{exposures} and \code{opportunities}.
#' @param pdf_path Character indicating the path to an optional output PDF file for the plots. The
#' PDF dimensions and graphical parameters are automatically set to appropriate values, but custom
#' dimensions can be specified via the arguments \code{pdf_width} and \code{pdf_height}.
#' @param counts Numeric matrix of observed mutation counts, with one row per sample and
#' one column per mutation type. Only needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided.
#' @param signatures Either a numeric matrix of mutational signatures, with one row per signature
#' and one column per mutation type, or a list of matrices generated via \code{\link{retrieve_pars}}.
#' Only needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided.
#' @param exposures Either a numeric matrix of signature exposures, with one row per sample and one
#' column per signature, or a list of matrices generated via \code{\link{retrieve_pars}}. Only
#' needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided.
#' @param opportunities Numeric matrix of mutational opportunities, with one row per signature and
#' one column per mutation type. It also admits character values \code{"human-genome"} or
#' \code{"human-exome"}, in which case the mutational opportunities of the reference human
#' genome/exome will be used. Only needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided and opportunities
#' were used during signature extraction or fitting.
#' @param pdf_width Numeric indicating the width of the output PDF, in inches (default is 24).
#' Only used if \code{pdf_path} is provided.
#' @param pdf_height Numeric indicating the height of the output PDF, in inches (default is 15).
#' Only used if \code{pdf_path} is provided.
#' @param legend_pos Character indicating the position of the legend in the plots. Admits values
#' \code{"top"}, \code{"bottom"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"left"}, \code{"right"}, \code{"topleft"},
#' \code{"topright"}, \code{"bottomleft"} and \code{"bottomright"} (default is \code{"topleft"}).
#' @param legend_cex Numeric indicating the relative size of the legend (default is 2).
#' @param sig_color_palette Character vector of custom color names or hexadecimal codes to use for
#' each signature in exposure and reconstruction plots. Must have at least as many elements as the
#' number of signatures.
#' @param boxes Logical indicating whether boxes should be drawn around the plots (default is
#' \code{TRUE}).
#' @param generic Logical indicating whether a "generic" spectrum should be plotted (default is
#' \code{FALSE}). A generic spectrum is always plotted if the number of mutation types in
#' \code{spectra} does not match any of the available spectrum types.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load example mutational catalogues
#' data("counts_21breast")
#' # Extract signatures using the EMu (Poisson) model
#' samples <- extract_signatures(counts_21breast, nsignatures = 2, model = "emu",
#'                               opportunities = "human-genome", iter = 800)
#' # Retrieve signatures and exposures
#' signatures <- retrieve_pars(samples, "signatures")
#' exposures <- retrieve_pars(samples, "exposures")
#' # Plot reconstructed catalogues using stanfit object
#' plot_reconstruction(mcmc_samples = samples, pdf_path = "Reconstructions_1.pdf")
#' # Plot reconstructed catalogues using retrieved signatures and exposures
#' plot_reconstruction(counts = counts_21breast, signatures = signatures, exposures = exposures,
#'                     opportunities = "human-genome", pdf_path = "Reconstructions_2.pdf")
#' }
#' @importFrom "rstan" extract
#' @importFrom "coda" as.mcmc HPDinterval
#' @importFrom "grDevices" cairo_pdf
#' @export
plot_reconstruction <- function(mcmc_samples = NULL, pdf_path = NULL, counts = NULL,
                                signatures = NULL, exposures = NULL, opportunities = NULL, 
                                pdf_width = 24, pdf_height = 15, legend_pos = "topleft", 
                                legend_cex = 2, sig_color_palette = NULL, boxes = TRUE,
                                generic = FALSE) {

    if (!is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
        counts <- mcmc_samples$data$counts_real
        opportunities <- mcmc_samples$data$opportunities
    else {
        if (is.null(counts) | is.null(exposures) | is.null(signatures)) {
            stop("Either 'mcmc_samples', or all three of 'counts', 'signatures' and 'exposures', must be provided.")

    # Force counts to (integer) matrix
    counts <- to_matrix(counts, int = TRUE)

    NCAT <- ncol(counts)   # number of categories
    NSAMP <- nrow(counts)  # number of samples
    strand <- NCAT == 192  # strand bias indicator (logical)

    if (is.null(opportunities) | is.character(opportunities)) {
        opportunities <- build_opps_matrix(NSAMP, NCAT, opportunities)
    else if (!is.matrix(opportunities)) {
        opportunities <- as.matrix(opportunities)
    stopifnot(all(dim(opportunities) == dim(counts)))

    cat("Building reconstructed catalogues...\n")

    # Case A: matrices given instead of MCMC samples
    if (is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
        # Force signatures and exposures to matrices
        signatures <- to_matrix(signatures)
        exposures <- to_matrix(exposures)
        NSIG <- nrow(signatures)

        stopifnot(ncol(signatures) == NCAT)
        stopifnot(nrow(exposures) == NSAMP)
        stopifnot(ncol(exposures) == NSIG)

        # Create reconstructed catalogues
        reconstructions <- array(NA, dim = c(NSAMP, NSIG, NCAT))
        for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
            rec <- exposures[i,] * signatures
            rec <- rec * opportunities[i,]
            rec <- rec / sum(rec)
            reconstructions[i,,] <- rec * sum(counts[i,])

    # Case B: MCMC samples given instead of matrices
    else {
        l <- get_reconstructions(mcmc_samples)
        reconstructions <- l$reconstructions
        exposures <- l$exposures
        hpds <- l$hpds
        NSIG <- dim(l$exposures)[2]

    cat("Plotting reconstructed catalogues...\n")

    # Plotting
    TYPES <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
    COLORS <- c("deepskyblue", "black", "firebrick2", "gray76", "darkolivegreen3", "rosybrown2")
    STRANDCOL <- c("deepskyblue3", "red3")
    BACKCOL <- c("#00BFFF33", "#00000033", "#EE2C2C33", "#C2C2C24D", "#A2CD5A4D", "#EEB4B44D")
    LINECOL <- "gray60"
    FACTOR <- 1.095
    XL <- c(0.2, 19.4, 38.6, 57.8, 77, 96.2)
    XR <- c(19.2, 38.4, 57.6, 76.8, 96, 115.2)
    BACKLIM <- c(0, 46.5, 93, 139.5, 186, 232.5, 279)

    if (is.null(sig_color_palette)) {
        sigcols <- default_sig_palette(NSIG)
    else {
        sigcols <- sig_color_palette[1:NSIG]

    if (is.null(rownames(counts))) {
        rownames(counts) <- paste("Sample", 1:NSAMP)

    if ("signatures" %in% names(mcmc_samples$data)) {
        sig_names <- rownames(mcmc_samples$data$signatures)
    else if (!is.null(rownames(signatures))) {
        sig_names <- rownames(signatures)
    else {
        LETTERLABELS <- letterwrap(NSIG)
        sig_names <- paste("Signature", LETTERLABELS[1:NSIG])

    if (!is.null(pdf_path)) {
        cairo_pdf(pdf_path, width = pdf_width, height = pdf_height, onefile = TRUE)
        par(oma = c(1, 0, 1, 0))
        if (ncol(counts) %in% c(96, 192)) {
            par(mar = c(4.5, 7, 6.5, 2))
        else {
            par(mar = c(9, 7, 6.5, 2))
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))

    # Generic spectrum (NCAT!={96,192})
    if (!(ncol(counts) %in% c(96, 192)) | generic) {
        if (is.null(colnames(counts))) {
            types <- paste("Mut. type", 1:ncol(counts))
        else {
            types <- colnames(counts)

        for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
            if (is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
                max_y <- max(c(counts[i, ], colSums(reconstructions[i, , ]))) * FACTOR
            else {
                max_y <- max(c(counts[i, ], hpds[i, , ])) * FACTOR

            # Plot original catalogue
            plot_spectrum(counts[i, ], name = rownames(counts)[i], max_y = max_y,
                          boxes = boxes, generic = TRUE)

            # Plot catalogue reconstruction
            bars <- barplot(reconstructions[i, , ],
                            names.arg = types, col = sigcols, border = "white",
                            yaxt = "n", ylim = c(0, max_y), cex.names = 1, las = 2, xaxs="i")
            axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            mtext("Mutations", side = 2, cex = 2, line = 3.5)
            title(paste0("Reconstructed spectrum (cosine similarity = ",
                         round(cosine_sim(counts[i,], colSums(reconstructions[i, , ])), 3), ")"),
                  line = 4, cex.main = 2.5)
            # HPD intervals
            if (!is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
                arrows(bars, hpds[i, 1, ],
                       bars, hpds[i, 2, ],
                       length = 0, lwd = 3, col = LINECOL)
            # Legend and box
            legend(legend_pos, inset = c(0, 0.13), ncol = 2,
                   legend = paste0(sig_names, " (", round(exposures[i, ], 3), ")"),
                   fill = sigcols, border = "white", cex = legend_cex, bty = "n")
            if (boxes) {
                box(lwd = 2)
    else {
        dimnames(reconstructions)[[3]] <- mut_types(strand)

        # Default spectrum (NCAT=96)
        if (!strand) {
            for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
                if (is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
                    max_y <- max(c(counts[i, ], colSums(reconstructions[i, , ]))) * FACTOR
                else {
                    max_y <- max(c(counts[i, ], hpds[i, , ])) * FACTOR
                if (boxes) {
                    xlim <- c(-0.105, 115.5)
                else {
                    xlim <- c(-1, 116)

                # Plot original catalogue
                plot_spectrum(counts[i, ], name = rownames(counts)[i], max_y = max_y, boxes = boxes)

                # Plot catalogue reconstruction
                bars <- barplot(reconstructions[i, , ],
                                names.arg = substr(mut_types(), 1, 3), mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0),
                                col = sigcols, border = "white",
                                yaxt = "n", ylim = c(0, max_y), xlim = xlim,
                                las = 2, cex.names = 1.6, xaxs = "i", family = "mono")
                for (j in 1:length(COLORS)) {
                    idx <- ((j-1) * 16 + 1):(j * 16)
                    axis(side = 1, at = bars[idx], tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 1.6,
                         mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), las = 2, family = "mono", font = 2,
                         col.axis = COLORS[j], labels = paste0(" ", substr(mut_types()[idx], 2, 2), " "))
                axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
                mtext("Mutations", side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3.5)
                title(paste0("Reconstructed spectrum (cosine similarity = ",
                             round(cosine_sim(counts[i,], colSums(reconstructions[i, , ])), 3), ")"),
                      line = 4, cex.main = 2.5)
                # HPD intervals
                if (!is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
                    arrows(bars, hpds[i, 1, ],
                           bars, hpds[i, 2, ],
                           length = 0, lwd = 3, col = LINECOL)
                # Mutation type labels
                text(x = (XL + XR) / 2, y = max_y * 1.055,
                     labels = TYPES, cex = 2.4, xpd = TRUE)
                rect(xleft = XL, xright = XR, ybottom = max_y * 0.945,
                     ytop = max_y, col = COLORS, border = "white")
                # Legend
                legend(legend_pos, inset = c(0, 0.05), ncol = 2,
                       legend = paste0(sig_names, " (", round(exposures[i, ], 3), ")"),
                       fill = sigcols, border = sigcols, cex = 1.9, bty = "n")
                # Box
                if (boxes) {
                    box(lwd = 2)

        # Strand-wise spectrum (NCAT=192)
        else {
            for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
                if (is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
                    max_y <- max(c(counts[i, ], colSums(reconstructions[i, , ]))) * FACTOR
                else {
                    max_y <- max(c(counts[i, ], hpds[i, , ])) * FACTOR
                if (boxes) {
                    xlim <- c(0, 279.2)
                else {
                    xlim <- c(-3, 280)

                # Plot original catalogue
                plot_spectrum(counts[i, ], name = rownames(counts)[i], max_y = max_y, boxes = boxes)
                # Plot catalogue reconstruction
                # Background panes and mutation type labels
                barplot(rbind(reconstructions[i, 1, 1:(NCAT/2)],
                              reconstructions[i, 1, (NCAT/2+1):NCAT]),
                        beside = TRUE, col = NA, border = NA,
                        space = c(0.1, 0.8), xaxs = "i", yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", 
                        ylim = c(0, max_y), xlim = xlim)
                for (j in 1:length(COLORS)) {
                    rect(xleft = BACKLIM[j], xright = BACKLIM[j+1], ybottom = 0,
                         ytop = max_y, col = BACKCOL[j], border = "white")
                    rect(xleft = BACKLIM[j], xright = BACKLIM[j+1], ybottom = 0.945 * max_y,
                         ytop = max_y, col = COLORS[j], border = "white")
                    text(x = (BACKLIM[j] + BACKLIM[j+1]) / 2, y = 1.055 * max_y,
                         labels = TYPES[j], cex = 2.4, xpd = TRUE)
                # Spectrum bars
                for (j in NSIG:1) {
                    rec = colSums(to_matrix(reconstructions[i, 1:j, ]))
                    bars <- barplot(rbind(rec[1:(NCAT/2)],
                                    names.arg = substr(mut_types(), 1, 3),
                                    col = sigcols[j], border = "white", las = 2,
                                    beside = TRUE, space = c(0.1, 0.8), mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), 
                                    cex.names = 1.6, yaxt = "n", xaxs = "i",
                                    family = "mono", add = TRUE)
                for (j in 1:length(COLORS)) {
                    idx <- ((j-1) * 16 + 1):(j * 16)
                    axis(side = 1, tick = FALSE, at = colMeans(bars[, idx]),
                         cex.axis = 1.6, mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), las = 2,
                         family = "mono", font = 2, col.axis = COLORS[j],
                         labels = paste0(" ", substr(mut_types()[idx], 2, 2), " "))
                axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
                mtext("Mutations", side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3.5)
                title(paste0("Reconstructed spectrum (cosine similarity = ",
                             round(cosine_sim(counts[i,], colSums(reconstructions[i, , ])), 3), ")"),
                      line = 4, cex.main = 2.5)
                # HPD intervals
                if (!is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
                    bars <- as.numeric(t(bars))
                    arrows(bars, hpds[i, 1, ],
                           bars, hpds[i, 2, ],
                           length = 0, lwd = 2.5, col = LINECOL)
                # Legend
                legend(legend_pos, inset = c(0, 0.05), ncol = 2,
                       legend = paste0(sig_names, " (", round(exposures[i, ], 3), ")"),
                       fill = sigcols, border = sigcols, cex = 1.9, bty = "n")
                # legend(legend_pos, inset = c(0.01, 0.105), ncol = 2,
                #        legend = paste0(sig_names, " (", round(exposures[i, ], 3), ")"),
                #        fill = sigcols, border = sigcols, cex = 1.8, bty = "n")
                # Box
                if (boxes) {
                    box(lwd = 2)
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    if (!is.null(pdf_path)) {

#' Plot mutational spectra
#' \code{plot_spectrum} generates plots of one or more mutational spectra, which can be either
#' mutational catalogues or mutational signatures. If provided with multiple spectra, it produces
#' one plot per spectrum. If the spectra contain values greater than 1, the values will be
#' interpreted as mutation counts (as in a catalogue); otherwise, they will be interpreted as
#' mutation probabilities (as in a signature).
#' @param spectra This can be a numeric vector with one element per mutation type, a numeric matrix
#' with one row per signature/catalogue and one column per mutation type, or a list of signature
#' matrices as produced by \code{\link{retrieve_pars}}. In the latter case, HPD intervals will be 
#' included in the plots. Row names will be used as the catalogue/signature names.
#' @param pdf_path Character indicating the path to an optional output PDF file for the plots. The
#' PDF dimensions and graphical parameters are automatically set to appropriate values, but custom
#' dimensions can be specified via the arguments \code{pdf_width} and \code{pdf_height}.
#' @param pdf_width Numeric indicating the width of the output PDF, in inches (default is 24).
#' Only used if \code{pdf_path} is provided.
#' @param pdf_height Numeric indicating the height of the output PDF, in inches (default is 8).
#' Only used if \code{pdf_path} is provided.
#' @param name Character indicating a name to include in the plot title; useful when plotting a
#' single spectrum.
#' @param max_y Numeric indicating an optional upper limit for the vertical axis.
#' @param colors Character vector of custom color names or hexadecimal codes to use for the spectrum
#' bars. Must contain either a single value, or as many values as the number of mutation types in
#' the spectrum. This argument is ignored when plotting transcriptional strand-wise spectra.
#' @param boxes Logical indicating whether boxes should be drawn around the plots (default is
#' \code{TRUE}).
#' @param generic Logical indicating whether a "generic" spectrum should be plotted (default is
#' \code{FALSE}). A generic spectrum is always plotted if the number of mutation types in
#' \code{spectra} does not match any of the available spectrum types.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load example mutational catalogues
#' data("counts_21breast")
#' # Plot catalogues
#' plot_spectrum(counts_21breast, pdf_path = "Catalogues.pdf")
#' # Extract signatures using the Poisson model
#' samples <- extract_signatures(counts_21breast, nsignatures = 2, model = "poisson",
#'                               opportunities = "human-genome", iter = 800)
#' # Retrieve extracted signatures
#' sigs <- retrieve_pars(samples, "signatures")
#' # Plot signatures
#' plot_spectrum(sigs, pdf_path = "Signatures.pdf")
#' }
#' @importFrom "grDevices" cairo_pdf
#' @export
plot_spectrum <- function(spectra, pdf_path = NULL, pdf_width = 24, pdf_height = 8, name = NULL,
                          max_y = NULL, colors = NULL, boxes = TRUE, generic = FALSE) {
    # Fetch HPD interval values, if present
    if (is.list(spectra) & "mean" %in% names(spectra)) {
        spec <- to_matrix(spectra$mean)
        lwr <- to_matrix(spectra$lower)
        upr <- to_matrix(spectra$upper)
    else {
        spec <- to_matrix(spectra)
        lwr <- NULL
        upr <- NULL
    if (is.null(rownames(spec))) {
        rownames(spec) <- paste("Sample", 1:nrow(spec))

    NTYPES <- c("SBS"=96, "TSW"=192, "ID"=83, "DBS"=78)  # number of categories per spectrum type
    NCAT <- ncol(spec)                                   # number of categories in spectrum

    # Initialise PDF
    if (!is.null(pdf_path)) {
        cairo_pdf(pdf_path, width = pdf_width, height = pdf_height, onefile = TRUE)
        if (NCAT %in% NTYPES) {
            par(mar = c(5.5, 7, 7.5, 2))
        else {
            par(mar = c(10, 7, 7.5, 2))

    # Generic spectrum (NCAT!={78,83,96,192})
    if (!(NCAT %in% NTYPES) | generic) {
        plot_spectrum_generic(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes)
    else {
        # Standard SBS spectrum (NCAT=96)
        if (NCAT == NTYPES["SBS"]) {
            plot_spectrum_sbs(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes)
        # Strand-wise SBS spectrum (NCAT=192)
        if (NCAT == NTYPES["TSW"]) {
            plot_spectrum_tsw(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes)
        # Indel spectrum (NCAT=83)
        if (NCAT == NTYPES["ID"]) {
            plot_spectrum_id(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes)
        # DBS spectrum (NCAT=78)
        if (NCAT == NTYPES["DBS"]) {
            plot_spectrum_dbs(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes)
    if (!is.null(pdf_path)) {

#' Plot SBS spectrum
plot_spectrum_sbs <- function(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes) {
    TYPES <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
    COLORS <- c("deepskyblue", "black", "firebrick2", "gray76", "darkolivegreen3", "rosybrown2")
    LINECOL <- "gray60"
    XL <- c(0.2, 19.4, 38.6, 57.8, 77, 96.2)
    XR <- c(19.2, 38.4, 57.6, 76.8, 96, 115.2)
    FACTOR <- 1.095
    NCAT <- ncol(spec)   # number of categories
    NSAMP <- nrow(spec)  # number of samples
    for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
        if (is.null(max_y)) {
            samp_max_y <- max(0.05,
                              ifelse(is.null(upr), max(spec[i,]) * FACTOR, max(upr[i,]) * FACTOR))
        else {
            samp_max_y <- max_y
        if (boxes) {
            xlim <- c(-0.105, 115.5)
        else {
            xlim <- c(-1, 116)
        # Plot spectrum bars
        if (is.null(colors)) {
            colors = rep(COLORS, each = 16)
        else if ((length(colors) > 1) & (length(colors) != NCAT)) {
            stop("'colors' must contain either a single value, or one value per mutation type.")
        bars <- barplot(spec[i, ],
                        names.arg = substr(mut_types(), 1, 3), mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0),
                        col = colors, border = "white",
                        las = 2, ylim = c(0, samp_max_y), xlim = xlim,
                        yaxt = "n", cex.names = 1.6, xaxs = "i", family = "mono")
        # Highlight trinucleotide middle bases
        for (j in 1:length(COLORS)) {
            idx <- ((j-1) * 16 + 1):(j * 16)
            axis(side = 1, at = bars[idx], tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 1.6,
                 mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), las = 2, family = "mono", font = 2,
                 col.axis = COLORS[j], labels = paste0(" ", substr(mut_types()[idx], 2, 2), " "))
        # Plot axis
        if (any(spec > 1)) {
            axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutations"
            n_text <- paste0(" (", prettyNum(sum(spec[i,]), big.mark = ","), " mutations)")
        else {
            axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, samp_max_y, ifelse(samp_max_y > 0.25, 0.1, 0.05)),
                 cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutation probability"
            n_text <- ""
        if (is.null(name)) {
            nme <- rownames(spec)[i]
        else {
            nme <- name
        mtext(label, side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3.5)
        title(paste0(nme, n_text), line = 4, cex.main = 2.5)
        # Plot HPD intervals
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            arrows(bars, upr[i,],
                   bars, lwr[i,],
                   length = 0, lwd = 3, col = LINECOL)
        # Plot mutation type labels
        text(x = (XL + XR) / 2, y = 1.055 * samp_max_y,
             labels = TYPES, cex = 2.4, xpd = TRUE)
        rect(xleft = XL, xright = XR, ybottom = 0.945 * samp_max_y,
             ytop = samp_max_y, col = COLORS, border = "white")
        # Plot box
        if (boxes) {
            box(lwd = 2)

#' Plot strandwise SBS spectrum
plot_spectrum_tsw <- function(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes) {
    TYPES <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
    COLORS <- c("deepskyblue", "black", "firebrick2", "gray76", "darkolivegreen3", "rosybrown2")
    STRANDCOL <- c("deepskyblue3", "red3")
    BACKCOL <- c("#00BFFF33", "#00000033", "#EE2C2C33", "#C2C2C24D", "#A2CD5A4D", "#EEB4B44D")
    LINECOL <- "gray60"
    XL <- c(0.2, 19.4, 38.6, 57.8, 77, 96.2)
    XR <- c(19.2, 38.4, 57.6, 76.8, 96, 115.2)
    BACKLIM <- c(0, 46.8, 93.2, 139.55, 186, 232.35, 279.2)
    FACTOR <- 1.095
    NCAT <- ncol(spec)   # number of categories
    NSAMP <- nrow(spec)  # number of samples
    for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
        if (is.null(max_y)) {
            samp_max_y <- max(0.05,
                              ifelse(is.null(upr), max(spec[i,]) * FACTOR, max(upr[i,]) * FACTOR))
        else {
            samp_max_y <- max_y
        if (boxes) {
            xlim <- c(0, 279.2)
        else {
            xlim <- c(-3, 280)
        # Plot background panes and mutation type labels
        barplot(rbind(spec[i, 1:(NCAT/2)], spec[i, (NCAT/2+1):NCAT]), beside = TRUE,
                col = NA, border = NA, space = c(0.1, 0.8), xaxs = "i", yaxt = "n",
                xaxt = "n", ylim = c(0, samp_max_y), xlim = xlim)
        for (j in 1:length(COLORS)) {
            rect(xleft = BACKLIM[j], xright = BACKLIM[j+1], ybottom = 0,
                 ytop = samp_max_y, col = BACKCOL[j], border = "white")
            text(x = (BACKLIM[j] + BACKLIM[j+1]) / 2, y = 1.055 * samp_max_y,
                 labels = TYPES[j], cex = 2.4, xpd = TRUE)
            rect(xleft = BACKLIM[j], xright = BACKLIM[j+1], ybottom = 0.945 * samp_max_y,
                 ytop = samp_max_y, col = COLORS[j], border = "white")
        # Plot legend
        legend("topright", bty = "n", inset = c(0.016, 0.03), 
               legend = c("Transcribed", "Untranscribed"), 
               cex = 2.1, fill = NA, border = NA)
        legend("topright", bty = "n", inset = c(0.115, 0.03), pch=15, pt.cex=3.75,
               col=STRANDCOL, legend = c("", ""), cex = 2.1)
        # Plot spectrum bars
        bars <- barplot(rbind(spec[i, 1:(NCAT/2)],
                              spec[i, (NCAT/2+1):NCAT]),
                        names.arg = substr(mut_types(), 1, 3), beside = TRUE,
                        space = c(0.1, 0.8), mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), las = 2,
                        col = STRANDCOL, border = "white", yaxt = "n",
                        cex.names = 1.6, xaxs = "i", family = "mono", add = TRUE)
        # Highlight trinucleotide middle bases
        for (j in 1:length(COLORS)) {
            idx <- ((j-1) * 16 + 1):(j * 16)
            axis(side = 1, at = colMeans(bars)[idx], tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 1.6,
                 mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), las = 2, family = "mono", font = 2,
                 col.axis = COLORS[j], labels = paste0(" ", substr(mut_types()[idx], 2, 2), " "))
        # Plot axis
        if (any(spec > 1)) {
            axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutations"
            n_text <- paste0(" (", prettyNum(sum(spec[i,]), big.mark = ","), " mutations)")
        else {
            axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, samp_max_y, ifelse(samp_max_y > 0.25, 0.1, 0.05)),
                 cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutation probability"
            n_text <- ""
        if (is.null(name)) {
            nme <- rownames(spec)[i]
        else {
            nme <- name
        mtext(label, side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3.5)
        title(paste0(nme, n_text), line = 4, cex.main = 2.5)
        # Plot HPD intervals
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            bars <- as.numeric(t(bars))
            arrows(bars, upr[i,],
                   bars, lwr[i,],
                   length = 0, lwd = 2.5, col = LINECOL)
        # Plot box
        if (boxes) {
            box(lwd = 2)

#' Plot ID (indel) spectrum
plot_spectrum_id <- function(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes) {
    TYPES <- c("1-bp deletion", "1-bp insertion", ">1-bp deletion at repeat\n(deletion length)",
               ">1-bp insertion at repeat\n(insertion length)", "Microhomology\n(deletion length)")
    COLORS <- c(rep(c("#FCBD6F", "#FE8002", "#AFDC8A", "#36A02E", "#FCC9B4", "#FB896A", "#F04432",
                      "#BB191A", "#CFE0F1", "#93C3DE", "#4A97C8", "#1764AA"), each = 6), "#E1E1EE",
                rep("#B5B5D7", 2), rep("#8582BC", 3), rep("#62409A", 5))
    LINECOL <- "gray60"
    XL <- c(0.2, 7.4, 14.6, 21.8, 29, 36.2, 43.4, 50.6, 57.8, 65, 72.2, 79.4, 86.6, 87.8, 90.2, 93.8)
    XR <- c(7.2, 14.4, 21.6, 28.8, 36, 43.2, 50.4, 57.6, 64.8, 72, 79.2, 86.4, 87.6, 90, 93.6, 99.6)
    XM <- c(7.3, 21.7, 43.3, 72.1, 93.1)
    FACTOR <- 1.095
    NCAT <- ncol(spec)   # number of categories
    NSAMP <- nrow(spec)  # number of samples
    colnames(spec) <- c(rep(c(paste0(1:5, "  "), "6+"), 2), rep(c(paste0(0:4, "  "), "5+"), 2),
                        rep(c(paste0(1:5, "  "), "6+"), 4), rep(c(paste0(0:4, "  "), "5+"), 4),
                        paste0(c(1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4), "  "), "5+")
    par(mar = c(5.5, 7, 11, 2))
    for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
        if (is.null(max_y)) {
            samp_max_y <- max(0.05,
                              ifelse(is.null(upr), max(spec[i,]) * FACTOR, max(upr[i,]) * FACTOR))
        else {
            samp_max_y <- max_y
        if (boxes) {
            xlim <- c(-0.105, 99.9)
        else {
            xlim <- c(-1, 100.2)
        # Plot spectrum bars
        if (is.null(colors)) {
            colors <- COLORS
        else if ((length(colors) > 1) & (length(colors) != NCAT)) {
            stop("'colors' must contain either a single value, or one value per mutation type.")
        bars <- barplot(spec[i, ], names.arg = colnames(spec),
                        mgp = c(3, 0.3, 0), col = colors, border = "white",
                        ylim = c(0, samp_max_y), xlim = xlim, yaxt = "n", xaxs = "i",
                        las = 2, cex.names = 1.5, adj = 0.5)
        # Plot axis
        if (any(spec > 1)) {
            axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutations"
            n_text <- paste0(" (", prettyNum(sum(spec[i,]), big.mark = ","), " mutations)")
        else {
            axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, samp_max_y, ifelse(samp_max_y > 0.25, 0.1, 0.05)),
                 cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutation probability"
            n_text <- ""
        if (is.null(name)) {
            nme <- rownames(spec)[i]
        else {
            nme <- name
        mtext(label, side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3.5)
        title(paste0(nme, n_text), line = 7.8, cex.main = 2.5)
        # Plot HPD intervals
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            arrows(bars, upr[i,],
                   bars, lwr[i,],
                   length = 0, lwd = 3, col = LINECOL)
        # Plot mutation type labels
        rect(xleft = XL, xright = XR, ybottom = 0.945 * samp_max_y,
             ytop = samp_max_y, col = unique(COLORS), border = "white")
        mtext(TYPES, side = 3, at = XM, line = 2.4, cex = 2.2, xpd = TRUE)
        mtext(c(rep(c("C", "T"), 2), rep(c("2", "3", "4", "5+"), 3)),
              at = (XL + XR) / 2, side = 3, line = 0.35, cex = 2.1)
        mtext(c(rep(c("Homopolymer length", "Number of repeat units"), each = 2),
                "Microhomology length"),
              side = 1, at = XM + c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2), line = 2.8, cex = c(rep(1.95, 4), 1.85))
        # Plot box
        if (boxes) {
            box(lwd = 2)

#' Plot DBS (doublet) spectrum
plot_spectrum_dbs <- function(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes) {
    data("cosmic_signatures_doublet_v3.2", package = "sigfit", envir = environment())
    TYPES <- c("AC>NN", "AT>NN", "CC>NN", "CG>NN", "CT>NN",
               "GC>NN", "TA>NN", "TC>NN","TG>NN", "TT>NN")
    COLORS <- rep(c("#02BCEE", "#0367CB", "#A1CE62", "#016501", "#FF9899",
                    "#E32925","#FEB067", "#FE8001", "#CB99FE", "#4C0299"),
                  c(9, 6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9))
    LINECOL <- "gray60"
    XL <- c(0.2, 11, 18.2, 29, 36.2, 47, 54.2, 61.4, 72.2, 83)
    XR <- c(10.8, 18, 28.8, 36, 46.8, 54, 61.2, 72, 82.8, 93.6)
    FACTOR <- 1.095
    NCAT <- ncol(spec)   # number of categories
    NSAMP <- nrow(spec)  # number of samples
    for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
        if (is.null(max_y)) {
            samp_max_y <- max(0.05,
                              ifelse(is.null(upr), max(spec[i,]) * FACTOR, max(upr[i,]) * FACTOR))
        else {
            samp_max_y <- max_y
        if (boxes) {
            xlim <- c(-0.05, 93.86)
        else {
            xlim <- c(-1, 94.4)
        # Plot spectrum bars
        if (is.null(colors)) {
            colors = COLORS
        else if ((length(colors) > 1) & (length(colors) != NCAT)) {
            stop("'colors' must contain either a single value, or one value per mutation type.")
        bars <- barplot(spec[i, ],
                        names.arg = substr(colnames(cosmic_signatures_doublet_v3.2), 4, 5),
                        mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), col = colors, border = "white",
                        ylim = c(0, samp_max_y), xlim = xlim, yaxt = "n", xaxs = "i",
                        las = 2, cex.names = 1.75, family = "mono")
        # Plot axis
        if (any(spec > 1)) {
            axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutations"
            n_text <- paste0(" (", prettyNum(sum(spec[i,]), big.mark = ","), " mutations)")
        else {
            axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, samp_max_y, ifelse(samp_max_y > 0.25, 0.1, 0.05)),
                 cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutation probability"
            n_text <- ""
        if (is.null(name)) {
            nme <- rownames(spec)[i]
        else {
            nme <- name
        mtext(label, side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3.5)
        title(paste0(nme, n_text), line = 4, cex.main = 2.5)
        # Plot HPD intervals
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            arrows(bars, upr[i,],
                   bars, lwr[i,],
                   length = 0, lwd = 3, col = LINECOL)
        # Plot mutation type labels
        text(x = (XL + XR) / 2, y = 1.055 * samp_max_y,
             labels = TYPES, cex = 2.4, xpd = TRUE)
        rect(xleft = XL, xright = XR, ybottom = 0.945 * samp_max_y,
             ytop = samp_max_y, col = unique(COLORS), border = "white")
        # Plot box
        if (boxes) {
            box(lwd = 2)

#' Plot generic spectrum
plot_spectrum_generic <- function(spec, lwr, upr, name, max_y, colors, boxes) {
    COLOR <- "orangered3"
    LINECOL <- "gray60"
    FACTOR <- 1.05
    NCAT <- ncol(spec)   # number of categories
    NSAMP <- nrow(spec)  # number of samples
    if (is.null(colnames(spec))) {
        types <- paste("Mut. type", 1:NCAT)
    else {
        types <- colnames(spec)
    for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
        if (is.null(max_y)) {
            samp_max_y <- ifelse(is.null(upr), max(spec[i,]) * FACTOR, max(upr[i,]) * FACTOR)
        else {
            samp_max_y <- max_y
        if (is.null(colors)) {
            colors = COLOR
        else if ((length(colors) > 1) & (length(colors) != NCAT)) {
            stop("'colors' must contain either a single value, or one value per mutation type.")
        # Plot spectrum bars
        bars <- barplot(spec[i,], names.arg = types, col = colors, mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0),
                        border = "white", las = 2, cex.names = 1,
                        ylim = c(0, samp_max_y), yaxt = "n", xaxs="i")
        # Plot axis
        if (any(spec > 1)) {
            axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutations"
            n_text <- paste0(" (", prettyNum(sum(spec[i,]), big.mark = ","), " mutations)")
        else {
            axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2)
            label <- "Mutation probability"
            n_text <- ""
        if (is.null(name)) {
            nme <- rownames(spec)[i]
        else {
            nme <- name
        mtext(label, side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3.5)
        title(paste0(nme, n_text), line = 4, cex.main = 2.5)
        # Plot HPD intervals
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            arrows(bars, upr[i,],
                   bars, lwr[i,],
                   length = 0, lwd = 3, col = LINECOL)
        # Plot box
        if (boxes) {
            box(lwd = 2)

#' Plot signature exposures
#' \code{plot_exposures} plots the distribution of signature exposures across samples.
#' @param mcmc_samples List with two elements named \code{`data`} and \code{`results`}, produced via
#' \code{\link{fit_signatures}}, \code{\link{extract_signatures}}, or
#' \code{\link{fit_extract_signatures}}. This is the preferred option for supplying data and
#' results, but can be replaced by the combination of arguments \code{counts}, \code{exposures} and
#' \code{signature_names}.
#' @param pdf_path Character indicating the path to an optional output PDF file for the plots. The
#' PDF dimensions and graphical parameters are automatically set to appropriate values, but custom
#' dimensions can be specified via the arguments \code{pdf_width} and \code{pdf_height}.
#' @param counts Numeric matrix of observed mutation counts, with one row per sample and
#' one column per mutation type. Only needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided.
#' @param exposures Either a numeric matrix of signature exposures, with one row per sample and one
#' column per signature, or a list of matrices generated via \code{\link{retrieve_pars}}. Only
#' needed if \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided.
#' @param signature_names Character vector containing the name of each signature. Only needed if
#' \code{mcmc_samples} is not provided and the exposures were obtained via signature fitting
#' (rather than extraction).
#' @param thresh Numeric indicating the minimum threshold for the lower HPD limits of signature
#' exposures (default is 0.01). Exposures with a lower HPD limit below this value will be shown in
#' grey.
#' @param hpd_prob Numeric value in the interval (0, 1), indicating the desired probability content
#' of HPD intervals (default is 0.95).
#' @param pdf_width Numeric indicating the width of the output PDF, in inches (default is 24).
#' Only used if \code{pdf_path} is provided.
#' @param pdf_height Numeric indicating the height of the output PDF, in inches (default is 10).
#' Only used if \code{pdf_path} is provided.
#' @param margin_bottom Numeric indicating the width of the bottom margin, in inches (default
#' is 10.5).
#' @param legend_pos Character indicating the position of the legend. Admits values \code{"top"},
#' \code{"bottom"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"left"}, \code{"right"}, \code{"topleft"},
#' \code{"topright"}, \code{"bottomleft"} and \code{"bottomright"} (default is \code{"topleft"}).
#' @param legend_cex Numeric indicating the relative size of the legend (default is 2).
#' @param cex_names Numeric indicating the relative size of sample labels (default is 1.9).
#' @param sig_color_palette Character vector of custom color names or hexadecimal codes to use for
#' each signature in exposure and reconstruction plots. Must have at least as many elements as the
#' number of signatures.
#' @importFrom "graphics" arrows axis barplot legend lines mtext par plot points rect text title
#' @importFrom "grDevices" pdf dev.off rgb
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load example mutational catalogues and COSMIC signatures
#' data("counts_21breast")
#' data("cosmic_signatures_v2")
#' # Fit signatures and retrieve exposures
#' samples <- fit_signatures(counts_21breast, cosmic_signatures_v2)
#' exposures <- retrieve_pars(samples, "exposures")
#' # Plot exposures using MCMC samples
#' plot_exposures(mcmc_samples = samples, pdf_path = "Exposures.pdf")
#' # Plot exposures using retrieved exposures matrix
#' plot_exposures(counts = counts_21breast, exposures = exposures,
#'                signature_names = rownames(cosmic_signatures_v2),
#'                pdf_path = "Exposures.pdf")
#' }
#' @importFrom "grDevices" cairo_pdf
#' @importFrom "graphics" segments
#' @export
plot_exposures <- function(mcmc_samples = NULL, pdf_path = NULL, counts = NULL, exposures = NULL,
                           signature_names = NULL, thresh = 0.01, hpd_prob = 0.95, pdf_width = 24,
                           pdf_height = 10, margin_bottom = 10.5, legend_pos = "topleft",
                           legend_cex = 2, cex_names = 1.9, sig_color_palette = NULL) {
    if (is.null(mcmc_samples) & (is.null(counts) | is.null(exposures))) {
        stop("Either 'mcmc_samples', or both 'counts' and 'exposures', must be provided.")
    if (!is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
        counts <- mcmc_samples$data$counts_real
        exposures <- retrieve_pars(mcmc_samples, "exposures", hpd_prob = hpd_prob)
        lwr <- to_matrix(exposures$lower)
        upr <- to_matrix(exposures$upper)
    else if (is.list(exposures) & "mean" %in% names(exposures)) {
        lwr <- to_matrix(exposures$lower)
        upr <- to_matrix(exposures$upper)
    else {
        lwr <- NULL
        upr <- NULL
    if (!is.null(signature_names)) {
        for (i in 1:length(exposures)) {
            colnames(exposures[[i]]) <- signature_names
    exposures <- to_matrix(exposures)
    stopifnot(nrow(counts) == nrow(exposures))

    NSAMP <- nrow(counts)
    NSIG <- ncol(exposures)
    LETTERLABELS <- letterwrap(NSIG)

    if (is.null(rownames(counts))) {
        rownames(exposures) <- paste("Sample", 1:NSAMP)
    else {
        rownames(exposures) <- rownames(counts)
    if (is.null(colnames(exposures))) {
        colnames(exposures) <- paste("Signature", LETTERLABELS[1:NSIG])

    if (is.null(sig_color_palette)) {
        sigcols <- default_sig_palette(NSIG)
    else {
        sigcols <- sig_color_palette[1:NSIG]

    if (!is.null(pdf_path)) {
        # PDF width increases with number of samples
        if (pdf_width == 24) {
            pdf_width <- max(pdf_width, NSAMP * 0.13)
        cairo_pdf(pdf_path, width = pdf_width, height = pdf_height, onefile = TRUE)
        par(mar = c(margin_bottom, 7.5, 7.5, 0))

    # If >1 sample: plot average exposures
    if (NSAMP > 1) {
        exposures_global <- colMeans(exposures)
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            lwr_global <- colMeans(lwr)
            upr_global <- colMeans(upr)
            max_y <- max(upr_global)
        else {
            max_y <- max(exposures_global)
        colours <- rep("skyblue3", NSIG)
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            colours[lwr_global < thresh] <- "grey"
        bars <- barplot(exposures_global, col = colours, border = NA,
                        cex.names = 1e-20, cex.main = 2.3, ylim = c(0, max_y), axes = F,
                        main = "Mean signature exposures across sample set")
        text(x = bars, y = par()$usr[3] - 0.05 * (par()$usr[4] - par()$usr[3]),
             labels = names(exposures_global), cex = cex_names, srt = 45, adj = 1, xpd = TRUE)
        axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2, line = -2.5, las = 2)
        mtext("Mutation fraction", side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3)
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            arrows(bars, upr_global,
                   bars, lwr_global,
                   length = 0, lwd = 4, col = "gray50")

    # Plot exposures for each sample
    if (!is.null(upr)) {
        max_y <- max(upr)
    else {
        max_y <- max(exposures)
    for (i in 1:NSAMP) {
        colours <- rep("skyblue3", NSIG)
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            colours[lwr[i, ] < thresh] <- "grey"
        bars <- barplot(exposures[i, ], col = colours, border = NA,
                        cex.names = 1e-20, cex.main = 2.3, ylim = c(0, max_y), axes = F,
                        main = paste("Signature exposures in", rownames(exposures)[i]))
        text(x = bars, y = par()$usr[3] - 0.05 * (par()$usr[4] - par()$usr[3]),
             labels = colnames(exposures), cex = cex_names, srt = 45, adj = 1, xpd = TRUE)
        axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2, line = -2.5, las = 2)
        mtext("Mutation fraction", side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3)
        if (!is.null(lwr)) {
            segments(x0 = bars, y0 = upr[i, ], y1 = lwr[i, ], lwd = 4, col = "gray50")

    # If >1 sample: plot exposures across samples
    if (NSAMP > 1) {
        # Plot absolute exposures
        muts <- rowSums(counts)
        exposures_abs <- exposures * muts
        bars <- barplot(t(exposures_abs), col = sigcols,
                        cex.names = 1e-20, cex.main = 2.3, axes = FALSE,
                        main = "Signature exposures per sample (absolute)")
        text(x = bars, y = par()$usr[3] - 0.05 * (par()$usr[4] - par()$usr[3]),
             labels = rownames(exposures), cex = cex_names, srt = 45, adj = 1, xpd = TRUE)
        axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2, line = -2.5)
        mtext("Mutations", side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3)

        # Legend
        # Expand legend box horizontally if there are many signatures
        LEGENDCOLS <- max(2, ceiling(NSIG / 10))
        legend(legend_pos, bty = "n", ncol = LEGENDCOLS, xpd = TRUE, inset = c(0.03, -0.04),
               fill = sigcols, border = sigcols, legend = colnames(exposures), cex = legend_cex)

        # Plot relative exposures
        bars <- barplot(t(exposures), col = sigcols,
                        cex.names = 1e-20, cex.main = 2.3, axes = FALSE,
                        main = "Signature exposures per sample (relative)")
        text(x = bars, y = par()$usr[3] - 0.05 * (par()$usr[4] - par()$usr[3]),
             labels = rownames(exposures), cex = cex_names, srt = 45, adj = 1, xpd = TRUE)
        axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 1.9, lwd = 2, line = -2.5, las = 2)
        mtext("Mutation fraction", side = 2, cex = 2.4, line = 3)

    if (!is.null(pdf_path)) {
kgori/sigfit documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 12:04 p.m.