# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Summarize the MSStats results and data quantification
#' @description Converts the MSStats results file to wide format
#' (unique Protein ID and columns are the comparisons), as well as adds
#' BioReplicate information about
#' - the Number of Unique Peptides,
#' - Spectral Counts
#' - Intensities
#' for each protein.
#' In cases where there are multiple values for a Protein-BioReplicate
#' pair due to minute changes in sequence, the maximum value is taken for the
#' pair. Any pairs without a value are assigned a value of NA.
#' @param evidence_file (char or data.frame) The filepath to the MaxQuant
#' searched data (evidence) file (txt tab delimited file).
#' Only works for the newer versions of the evidence file.
#' @param prot_group_file (char) The filepath to the MaxQuant
#' `proteinGroups.txt` file (txt tab delimited file) or data.frame
#' @param keys_file (char) The filepath to the keys file used with MSStats
#' (txt tab delimited file).
#' @param results_file (char) The filepath to the MSStats results file in t
#' he default long format (txt tab delimited file or data.frame).
#' @param return_df (data.frame) Whether or not to return the results
#' to the R environment upon completion. This is useful if this is being
#' used in an R pipeline and you want to feed the results directly into the
#' next stage of analysis via an R environment/terminal.
#' Regardless, the results will be written to file. Default = FALSE
#' @param verbose (logical) `TRUE` (default) shows function messages
#' @return (data.frame or txt file) with the summary
#' @keywords MaxQuant, evidence, MSStats, summary
#' @examples
#' # Testing warning if files are not submitted
#' test <- artmsMsstatsSummary(evidence_file = NULL,
#' prot_group_file = NULL,
#' keys_file = NULL,
#' results_file = NULL)
#' @export
artmsMsstatsSummary <- function(evidence_file,
return_df = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
MS.MS.Count = NULL
if(any(missing(evidence_file) |
missing(prot_group_file) |
missing(keys_file) |
stop("Missed (one or many) required argument(s)
Please, check the help of this function to find out more")
# Check if passing in data or if passing in files
if(verbose) message(">> GENERATING A GLOBAL SUMMARY")
if(is.null(evidence_file) &
is.null(prot_group_file) &
& is.null(results_file)){
return("Files must not be NULL")
dat <- artmsMergeEvidenceAndKeys(evidence_file,
verbose = verbose)
dat <- data.table(dat)
pg <- .artms_checkIfFile(prot_group_file)
pg <- data.table(pg)
results <- .artms_checkIfFile(results_file)
results <- data.table(results)
message("--- Summarizing Spectral Counts ")
if( any(grepl("MS.MS.count", colnames(dat))) ){
dat <- artmsChangeColumnName(dataset = dat, "MS.MS.count", "MS.MS.Count")
# dat.sc <- data.table::dcast(data = dat,
# Proteins ~ BioReplicate,
# value.var = "MS.MS.Count",
# max,
# fill = NA_real_)
dat.sc <- dat %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = Proteins,
names_from = BioReplicate,
values_from = MS.MS.Count,
values_fn = list(MS.MS.Count = max))
dat.sc <- as.data.frame(dat.sc)
names(dat.sc)[-1] <- paste0(names(dat.sc)[-1], "_SC")
message("--- Summarizing Intensities ")
# dat.intensity1 <- data.table::dcast(data = dat,
# Proteins ~ BioReplicate,
# value.var = "Intensity",
# max,
# fill = NA_real_)
dat.intensity <- dat %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = Proteins,
names_from = BioReplicate,
values_from = Intensity,
values_fn = list(Intensity = max))
dat.intensity <- as.data.frame(dat.intensity)
names(dat.intensity)[-1] <- paste0(names(dat.intensity)[-1], "_Intensity")
# find the UNIQUE PEPTIDE columns
message("--- Summarizing Unique Peptides ")
idx <- grep("Peptide.counts..unique.", colnames(pg), fixed = TRUE)
pg.uniqPep <- pg[, c(1, idx), with = FALSE]
# # fix names to match the rest of the data and to merge smoothly
# names(pg.uniqPep) <- gsub("Peptide counts (unique)", "", names(pg.uniqPep))
# names(pg.uniqPep)[-1] <- paste0(names(pg.uniqPep)[-1], "_UniqPep")
# names(pg.uniqPep)[1] <- "Proteins"
fixed = TRUE)] <- "UniquePeptides"
names(pg.uniqPep)[1] <- "Proteins"
# convert RESULTS to WIDE format
message(">> Converting Results to Wide format ")
# results_l1 = data.table::melt(data = results[, c("Protein", "Label", "log2FC", "adj.pvalue"),
# with = FALSE], id.vars = c("Protein", "Label"))
results_l <- results %>%
dplyr::select(c(Protein, Label, log2FC, adj.pvalue)) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -c(Protein, Label),
values_to = "value",
names_to = "variable")
## then cast to get combinations of LFCV/PVAl and Label as columns
# results_w <- data.table::dcast(Protein ~ Label + variable,
# data = results_l,
# value.var = c("value"))
results_w <- results_l %>%
dplyr::mutate(Label_variable = paste(Label, variable, sep = "_")) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = Protein,
names_from = Label_variable,
values_from = value)
names(results_w)[1] = "Proteins"
# Combine them all together
message(">> Bringing it all together ")
results_summary = Reduce(function(...)
merge(..., by = "Proteins", all.x = TRUE),
list(pg.uniqPep, results_w, dat.sc, dat.intensity))
names(results_summary)[grep("Proteins", names(results_summary))] = "Protein"
# write out summary
message(">> Writing out Summary. ")
if (!is.data.frame(results_file) &
!is.data.table(results_file)) {
out_file <- gsub(".txt", "_summarized.txt", results_file)
quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t"
if (return_df) {
message(">> Summarization Completed ")
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