
Defines functions plotDeaVolcano1v1 plotDeaVolcano plotDeaSummary plotDeaPvalues plotDeaLogFC plotDeaGeneCount plotDeaHeatmap plotDeaDotPlot plotCnvLineplot plotCnvHeatmap plotBoxplot plotBarchart plotAutoencoderResults plotAutoencoderAssessment

Documented in plotAutoencoderAssessment plotAutoencoderResults plotBarchart plotBoxplot plotCnvHeatmap plotCnvLineplot plotDeaDotPlot plotDeaGeneCount plotDeaHeatmap plotDeaLogFC plotDeaPvalues plotDeaSummary plotDeaVolcano plotDeaVolcano1v1

# plotA -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Plot total variance of different neural networks
#' @description Visualizes the results of \code{assessAutoencoderOptions()} by displaying the
#' total variance of each combination of an activation function (such as \emph{relu, sigmoid})
#' and the number of bottleneck neurons.
#' The results depend on further adjustments like number of layers, dropout and number of epochs.
#' @inherit check_object params
#' @return ggplot_family return
#' @export

plotAutoencoderAssessment <- function(object, activation_subset = NULL, clrp = NULL, verbose = NULL){


  assessment_list <- getAutoencoderAssessment(object)

  plot_df <- assessment_list$df


    confuns::check_vector(input = activation_subset,
                          against = activation_fns,
                          ref.input = "input for argumetn 'activation_subset'",
                          ref.against = "valid activation functions.")

    plot_df <- dplyr::filter(plot_df, activation %in% activation_subset)



    msg <- glue::glue("Additional set up of neural network: \n\nEpochs: {epochs}\nDropout: {dropout}\nLayers: {layers}",
                      epochs = assessment_list$set_up$epochs,
                      dropout = assessment_list$set_up$dropout,
                      layers = glue::glue_collapse(x = assessment_list$set_up$layers, sep = ", ", last = " and "))

    base::writeLines(text = msg)


  ggplot2::ggplot(data = plot_df, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = bottleneck, y = total_var)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = activation), size = 3) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(mapping = ggplot2::aes(group = activation, color = activation), size = 1.5) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(facets = . ~ activation) +
    scale_color_add_on(aes = "color", clrp = clrp, variable = plot_df$activation) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw()  +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "Number of Bottleneck Neurons", y = "Total Variance")


#' @title Plot scaled vs. denoised expression
#' @description Compares the distribution of the expression levels of \code{genes}
#' between the scaled matrix and the denoised matrix.
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit runAutoencoderDenoising params
#' @inherit check_pt params
#' @inherit ggplot_family return
#' @details This function requires a denoised matrix in slot @@data generated
#' by \code{runAutoEncoderDenoising()} as well as a scaled matrix.
#' @export

plotAutoencoderResults <- function(object,
                                   mtr_name = "denoised",
                                   normalize = NULL,
                                   scales = NULL,
                                   pt_alpha = NULL,
                                   pt_clrp = NULL,
                                   pt_size = NULL,
                                   verbose = NULL,
                                   of_sample = NA,

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

  check_pt(pt_size = pt_size, pt_alpha = pt_alpha, pt_clrp = pt_clrp)

  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = "")
  genes <- check_genes(object, genes = genes, of.length = 2, fdb_fn = "stop")

  denoised <- getExpressionMatrix(object, of_sample = of_sample, mtr_name = mtr_name)
  scaled <- getExpressionMatrix(object, of_sample = of_sample, mtr_name = "scaled")

  # 2. Join data ------------------------------------------------------------

  plot_df <-
      data.frame(base::t(denoised[genes, ]), type = "Denoised"),
      data.frame(base::t(scaled[genes, ]), type = "Scaled")
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = base::factor(x = type, levels = c("Scaled", "Denoised")))


    plot_df <-
      dplyr::group_by(plot_df, type) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = {{genes}}, .funs = confuns::normalize)


  # 3. Plot -----------------------------------------------------------------

  ggplot2::ggplot(data = plot_df, ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[genes[1]]], y = .data[[genes[2]]], color = type)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(alpha = pt_alpha, size = pt_size) +
    ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x) +
    confuns::call_flexibly(fn = "facet_wrap", fn.ns = "ggplot2", default = list(facets = stats::as.formula(. ~ type), scales = scales)) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
      strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      legend.position = "none"
    ) +
    scale_color_add_on(aes = "color", variable = "discrete", clrp = pt_clrp)


# plotB -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Plot distribution of discrete variables
#' @description Visualizes the count or the proportion of barcode spots falling
#' into certain groups via barcharts. It does so either for the whole sample or
#' in a comparing manner if \code{across} is specified.
#' @inherit plotBoxplot params return
#' @param variables Character vector. The discrete features whose group count or
#' proportion you want to display. Must not contain the feature specified in
#' \code{across} - if \code{across} is not set to NULL.

#' @export

plotBarchart <- function(object,
                         across = NULL,
                         across_subset = NULL,
                         relevel = NULL,
                         clrp = NULL,
                         clrp_adjust = NULL,
                         position = NULL,
                         display_facets = NULL,
                         ncol = NULL,
                         nrow = NULL,



    warning("Argument `variables` is deprecated in this function. Please use `grouping_variables` instead.")

    grouping_variables <- variables


  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, desired_length = 1)

  features <-
      object = object,
      features = c(grouping_variables, across),
      valid_classes = c("character", "factor")

  spata_df <-
      object = object,
      spata_df = getSpataDf(object, of_sample),
      features = features,
      smooth = FALSE
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(-barcodes, -sample)

  confuns::plot_barplot(df = spata_df,
                        variables = grouping_variables,
                        across = across,
                        across.subset = across_subset,
                        relevel = relevel,
                        display.facets = display_facets,
                        nrow = nrow,
                        ncol = ncol,
                        clrp = clrp,
                        clrp.adjust = clrp_adjust,
                        position = position,


#' @title Plot numeric distribution and statistical tests
#' @description These functions display the distribution of numeric
#' variables for the whole sample or in a comparative manner if argument
#' \code{across} is specified. \code{plotViolinplot()} and \code{plotBoxplot()}
#' allow for statistical tests such as t-test or ANOVA.
#' @inherit across_dummy params
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit check_pt params
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit joinWith params
#' @inherit variables_num params
#' @param test_groupwise Character value or NULL. Specifies the groupwise statistical
#' test to be conducted. If character, one of \emph{'anova', 'kruskal.test'}. If set
#' to NULL the testing is skipped.
#' @param test_pairwise Character value or NULL. Specifies the pairwise statistical
#' test to be conducted. If character, one of \emph{'t.test', 'wilcox.test'}. If set
#' to NULL the testing is skipped.
#' @param ref_group Character value or NULL. Specifies the reference group against
#' which all other groups are compared in the test denoted in \code{test_groupwise}
#' is conducted. If set to NULL the first group found is taken.
#' @param step_increase Numeric value. Denotes the increase in fraction of total
#' height for every additional comparison to minimize overlap.
#' @param vjust Numeric value. Denotes the relative, vertical position of the results of
#' the test denoted in \code{test.groupwise}. Negative input highers, positive
#' input lowers the position.
#' @param ... Additional arguments given to the respective \code{ggplot2::geom_<plot_type>()}
#' function. E.g. \code{plotViolinplot()} relies on \code{ggplot2::geom_violin()}.
#' @inherit ggplot_family return
#' @export

plotBoxplot <- function(object,
                        across = NULL,
                        across_subset = NULL,
                        relevel = NULL,
                        clrp = NULL,
                        clrp_adjust = NULL,
                        test_groupwise = NULL,
                        test_pairwise = NULL,
                        ref_group = NULL,
                        step_increase = 0.01,
                        vjust = 0,
                        display_facets = NULL,
                        scales = "free",
                        nrow = NULL,
                        ncol = NULL,
                        display_points = FALSE,
                        n_bcsp = NULL,
                        pt_alpha = NULL,
                        pt_clr = NULL,
                        pt_size = NULL,
                        pt_shape = NULL,
                        method_gs = NULL,
                        normalize = NULL,
                        verbose = NULL,
                        of_sample = NA,


  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, desired_length = 1)

  all_features <- getFeatureNames(object)
  all_genes <- getGenes(object = object)
  all_gene_sets <- getGeneSets(object)

  var_levels <- base::unique(variables)

  variables <-
      variables = c(variables, across),
      all_features = all_features,
      all_gene_sets = all_gene_sets,
      all_genes = all_genes,
      simplify = FALSE

  spata_df <-
      object = object,
      spata_df = getSpataDf(object, of_sample),
      variables = variables,
      method_gs = method_gs,
      smooth = FALSE,
      normalize = normalize
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(-barcodes, -sample)

    df = spata_df,
    variables = var_levels,
    across = across,
    across.subset = across_subset,
    relevel = relevel,
    test.pairwise = test_pairwise,
    test.groupwise = test_groupwise,
    ref.group = ref_group,
    step.increase = step_increase,
    vjust = vjust,
    scales = scales,
    nrow = nrow,
    ncol = ncol,
    display.facets = display_facets,
    display.points = display_points,
    pt.alpha = pt_alpha,
    pt.color = pt_clr,
    pt.num = n_bcsp,
    pt.shape = pt_shape,
    pt.size = pt_size,
    clrp = clrp,
    clrp.adjust = clrp_adjust,
    verbose = verbose,


# plotC -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Plota clockplot
#' @description Visualize the evaluation of the fit of a numeric variable
#' against models around the area of an image annotation.
#' @param fill Character value. The color with which the columns are filled.
#' @inherit object_dummy params
#' @inherit variables_num params
#' @inherit imageAnnotationScreening params
#' @inherit ggplot2::facet_wrap params
#' @inherit ggplot2::facet_grid params
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "plotClockplot", def = function(object, ...){

  standardGeneric(f = "plotClockplot")


#' @rdname plotClockplot
#' @export
  f = "plotClockplot",
  signature = "spata2",
  definition = function(object,
                        distance = NA_integer_,
                        n_bins_circle = NA_integer_,
                        binwidth = getCCD(object),
                        angle_span = c(0,360),
                        n_angle_bins = 12,
                        summarize_with = "mean",
                        model_subset = NULL,
                        model_remove = NULL,
                        model_add = NULL,
                        layout = 1,
                        switch = NULL,
                        fill = "steelblue",

    input_list <-
        distance = distance,
        binwidth = binwidth,
        n_bins_circle = n_bins_circle,
        object = object,
        verbose = verbose

    distance <- input_list$distance
    n_bins_circle <- input_list$n_bins_circle
    binwidth  <- input_list$binwidth

    temp_ias <-
        object = object,
        id = id,
        variables = variables,
        distance = distance,
        binwidth = binwidth,
        n_bins_circle = n_bins_circle,
        angle_span = angle_span,
        n_bins_angle = n_bins_angle,
        summarize_with = summarize_with,
        model_subset = model_subset,
        model_remove = model_remove,
        model_add = model_add

      object = temp_ias,
      layout = layout,
      switch = switch,
      fill = fill,


#' @rdname plotClockplot
#' @export
  f = "plotClockplot",
  signature = "ImageAnnotationScreening",
  definition = function(object,
                        model_subset = NULL,
                        model_remove = NULL,
                        layout = 1,
                        switch = NULL,
                        fill = "steelblue",

    ias_results_df <-
      dplyr::filter(object@results_primary, variables %in% {{variables}})

    bins_angle <- base::unique(ias_results_df$bins_angle)
    models <- base::unique(ias_results_df$models)

    plot_df <-
        variables = variables,
        models = models,
        bins_angle = bins_angle
      ) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(y = ias_results_df, by = c("variables", "models", "bins_angle")) %>%
        bins_angle = base::factor(bins_angle, levels = bins_angle),
        corr = tidyr::replace_na(corr, replace = 0)


      plot_df <-
        dplyr::filter(plot_df, stringr::str_detect(models, pattern = model_subset))



      plot_df <-
        dplyr::filter(plot_df, !stringr::str_detect(models, pattern = model_subset))

    if(base::length(variables) == 1){

      facet_add_on <-
          facets = . ~ models,
          nrow = nrow,
          ncol = ncol

    } else if(layout == 1){

      facet_add_on <-
          rows = ggplot2::vars(variables),
          cols = ggplot2::vars(models),
          switch = switch

    } else {

      facet_add_on <-
          rows = ggplot2::vars(models),
          cols = ggplot2::vars(variables),
          switch = switch


    plot_df$models <- make_pretty_names(plot_df$models)

    background_df <-
        .data = plot_df,
        screened = !base::is.na(p_value),
        corr = dplyr::if_else(screened, true = 1, false = NaN)

    ggplot2::ggplot(data = plot_df) +
      ggplot2::coord_polar() +
      ggplot2::theme_bw() +
      facet_add_on +
        data = background_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = bins_angle, y = corr),
        width = 1, color = "black", fill = "white"
      ) +
        data = plot_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = bins_angle, y = corr),
        width = 1, color = "black", fill = fill
      ) +
      ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(breaks = bins_angle, labels = bins_angle) +
      ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
      ggplot2::labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)


#' @title Plot CNV Heatmap
#' @description Plots the results of \code{runCnvAnalysis()} in form of a heatmap.
#' Use arguments \code{across} and \code{across_subset} to visualize CNV differences
#' between subgroups of cluster variables or other grouping variables (e.g. based on
#' histology created with \code{createSpatialSegmentation()}).
#' @param arm_subset Character vector. A combination of \emph{'p'} and/or \emph{'q'}.
#' Denotes which chromosome arms are included. Defaults to both.
#' @param chrom_subset Character or numeric vector. Denotes the chromosomes that
#' are included. Defaults to all 1-22.
#' @param chrom_separate Character or numeric vector. Denotes the chromosomes that
#' are separated from their neighbors by vertical lines. Defaults to all 1-22. If FALSE or NULL,
#' no vertical lines are drawn. Requires \code{display_vlines} to be set to TRUE.
#' @param chrom_arm_subset Character vector. Denotes the exact chromosome-arm combinations
#' that are included.
#' @param n_bins_bcsp,n_bins_genes Numeric values. Denotes the number of bins into which CNV results of
#' barcode-spot ~ gene pairs are summarized. Reduces the plotting load. Set to \code{Inf} if you want
#' all barcode-spots ~ gene pairs to be plotted in one tile. \code{n_bins_bcsp} effectively
#' specifies the number of rows of the heatmap, \code{n_bins_genes} specifies the number of columns.
#' @param summarize_with Character value. Name of the function with which to summarize. Either
#' \emph{'mean'} or \emph{'median'}.
#' @param display_arm_annotation Logical value. If TRUE, guiding information of the chromosome
#' arms are plotted on top of the heatmap.
#' @param colors_arm_annotation Named character vector. Denotes the colors with which
#' the chromosome arms are displayed. Names must be \emph{'p'} and/or \emph{'q'}.
#' @param display_chrom_annotation Logical value. If TRUE, guiding information of the chromosomes
#' are plotted on top of the heatmap.
#' @param display_chrom_names Logical value. If TRUE, the chromosome names/numbers
#' are plotted on top or on the bottom of the heatmap.
#' @param display_hlines Logical value. If TRUE and if \code{across} is not NULL,
#' horizontal lines are drawn to aid the eye by separating the grouping rows of the
#' heatmap. Appearance of the lines can be adjusted with the \code{hline}-arguments.
#' @param display_vlines Logical value. If TRUE, vertical lines are drawn to aid the
#' eye by separating the chromosome columns of the heatmap. Appearance of the lines
#' can be adjusted with the \code{vlines}-arguments.
#' @param text_alpha,text_color,text_size Parameters given to \code{ggplot2::geom_text()}
#' that are used to manipulate the appearance of the chromosome names.
#' @param text_position Character value. Either \emph{'top'} or \emph{'bottom'}.
#' @param clrsp Character vector. The colorspectrum with which the tiles of the heatmap
#' are colored. Should be one of \code{validColorSpectra()[[\emph{'Diverging'}]]}.
#' @param annotation_size_top,annotation_size_side Numeric values. Used to adjust
#' the size of the row/column annotation of the heatmap.
#' @param pretty_name Logical. If TRUE makes legend names pretty.
#' @param limits Numeric vector of length two or NULL, If numeric, sets the limits
#' of the colorscale (\code{oob} is set to \code{scales::squish}).
#' @param display_border Logical value. If TRUE, a border is drawn around the heatmap
#' and each annotation. Can be provided as a named vector to adress single parts
#' of the heatmap. Valid names are \emph{'arm'}, \emph{'chrom'}, \emph{'grouping'}
#' and \emph{'main'}.
#' @param border_color,border_size Impact the appearance of the border if \code{display_border}
#' is TRUE.
#' @param ggpLayers A list of additional \code{gg} elements to customize the
#' output plot. See details for more.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @details The output plot of this function consists of several elements - each element being
#' a ggplot. These elements are combined/aligned using the \code{aplot} package.
#' Therefore, the output plot is of class \code{aplot} and can \bold{not} be adjusted
#' by adding additional \code{gg} objects using the \code{+} operator of the \code{ggplot2}
#' framework.
#' Individual customization is still possible with the \code{ggpLayers} argument.
#' Every single element of the output plot is named:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{main:}{ The heatmap itself and the horizontal and vertical lines.}
#'  \item{arm:}{ The arm annotation on top of the heatmap.}
#'  \item{chrom:} The chromosome annotation on top of the heatmap. (not displayed by default)
#'  \item{names:} The chromosome name annotation on top of the heatmap.
#'  \item{grouping:} The grouping annotation on the left side of the heatmap if \code{across} is not NULL.
#'  }
#' \code{ggpLayers} takes a list as input. Unnamed elements of the list are added
#' to all elements of the plot. E.g.: \code{ggpLayers} = \code{list(theme(legend.position = "none"))}
#' removes all legends.
#' To address single elements of the output plot corresponding elements of the list must be
#' named. E.g.: \code{ggpLayers} = \code{list(grouping = theme(legend.position = "none"))}
#' removes only the legend of the grouping while leaving the legends that come
#' with other plot elements as they are.
#' @return A plot of class \code{aplot}.
#' @export
plotCnvHeatmap <- function(object,
                           across = NULL,
                           across_subset = NULL,
                           relevel = NULL,
                           arm_subset = c("p", "q"),
                           chrom_subset = 1:22,
                           chrom_separate = 1:22,
                           chrom_arm_subset = NULL,
                           n_bins_bcsp = 500,
                           n_bins_genes = 500,
                           summarize_with = "mean",
                           display_arm_annotation = TRUE,
                           colors_arm_annotation = c("p" = "white", "q" = "black"),
                           display_chrom_annotation = FALSE,
                           display_chrom_names = TRUE,
                           text_alpha = 1,
                           text_color = "black",
                           text_position = "top",
                           text_size = 3.5,
                           display_hlines = TRUE,
                           hline_alpha = 0.75,
                           hline_color = "black",
                           hline_size = 0.5,
                           hline_type = "dashed",
                           display_vlines = TRUE,
                           vline_alpha = 0.75,
                           vline_color = "black",
                           vline_size = 0.5,
                           vline_type = "dashed",
                           display_border = TRUE,
                           border_color = "black",
                           border_size = 0.5,
                           clrp = NULL,
                           clrp_adjust = NULL,
                           clrsp = "Blue-Red 3",
                           limits = NULL,
                           annotation_size_top = 0.0125,
                           annotation_size_side = 0.0125,
                           pretty_name = TRUE,
                           ggpLayers = list(),
                           verbose = NULL){


  # extract and prepare data ------------------------------------------------

  cnv_df <- getCnvGenesDf(object)

    msg = "Extracting and merging CNV data. This might take a few seconds.",
    verbose = verbose

  # join grouping if needed

    cnv_df <-
        x = cnv_df,
        y = getFeatureDf(object) %>% dplyr::select(barcodes, !!rlang::sym(across)),
        by = "barcodes"
      ) %>%


  # subsetting

    chrom_subset <- base::as.character(chrom_subset)


  cnv_df <-
      df = cnv_df,
      across = across,
      across.subset = across_subset,
      relevel = relevel
    ) %>%
    # (check_across_subset() works for all factor variables)
      across = "chrom",
      across.subset = chrom_subset,
      relevel = FALSE
    ) %>%
      across = "arm",
      across.subset = arm_subset,
      relevel = FALSE
    ) %>%
      acros = "chrom_arm",
      across.subset = chrom_arm_subset,
      relevel = FALSE

    msg = "Binning and summarizing.",
    verbose = verbose

  # order genes and barcodes
  # already sorted by across if across != NULL
  barcode_order <- base::unique(cnv_df[["barcodes"]])

  gene_order <-
    dplyr::distinct(cnv_df, genes, chrom_arm, start_position) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(chrom_arm) %>%
    # order by chromosome-arm 1p -> 22q
    # within every chromosome-arm by start_position
    dplyr::arrange(start_position, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::pull(genes) %>%


    n_bins_bcsp <- base::length(barcode_order)



    n_bins_genes <- base::length(gene_order)


  # binning to reduce plotting load
  binned_cnv_df <-
      .data = cnv_df,
      bcsp_num = base::factor(barcodes, levels = barcode_order) %>% base::as.numeric(),
      genes_num = base::factor(genes, levels = gene_order) %>% base::as.numeric(),
      bcsp_bins = base::cut(bcsp_num, breaks = n_bins_bcsp) %>% base::as.numeric(),
      gene_bins = base::cut(genes_num, breaks = n_bins_genes) %>% base::as.numeric()

  # summarize by bin
  smrd_cnv_df <-
    dplyr::group_by(binned_cnv_df, chrom, chrom_arm, arm, bcsp_bins, gene_bins) %>%

        dplyr::group_by(.data = ., !!rlang::sym(across), .add = TRUE)

      } else {



    } %>%
        .cols = values,
        .fns = summarize_formulas[[summarize_with]]

  # assemble plot -----------------------------------------------------------

    msg = "Creating annotations and assembling heatmap.",
    verbose = verbose

  if(base::length(ggpLayers) == 0){

    ggpLayers_add_on <- list()

  } else {

    # distribute unnamed elements

      unnamed_elements <-
        ggpLayers[!purrr::map_lgl(.x = base::names(ggpLayers), .f = ~ shiny::isTruthy(.x))]

    } else {

      unnamed_elements <- ggpLayers


    ggpLayers_add_on <-
        .x = cnv_heatmap_list,
        .f = ~ c(.x, unnamed_elements) # add unnamed elements to each slot

    # add elements in slot 'all' to each slot

      ggpLayers_add_on <-
          .x = ggpLayers_add_on,
          .f = ~ c(., list(ggpLayers[["all"]]))


    # distribute named elements
    ggpLayers[["all"]] <- NULL
    named_elements <- confuns::keep_named(ggpLayers)

    if(base::length(named_elements) >= 1){

      ggpLayers_add_on <-
          .x = ggpLayers_add_on, # iterate over named elements
          .f = ~ list(.x, named_elements[[.y]]) # combine content with respective slot
        ) %>%
        purrr::map(.f = ~ purrr::discard(.x = .x, .p = base::is.null))



  border <- display_border


    border_theme <-
        panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(
          color = border_color,
          size = border_size,
          fill = ggplot2::alpha("white", 0)

    border_add_on <-
        arm = border_theme,
        chrom = border_theme,
        grouping = border_theme,
        main = border_theme

    if(base::length(border) == 1){

      border <-
        base::rep(TRUE, 4) %>%
        purrr::set_names(nm = c("arm", "chrom", "grouping", "main"))

    } else {

      border <- confuns::keep_named(border)


  } else {

    border_add_on <- NULL


  # create grouping annotation

    grouping_df <- dplyr::distinct(smrd_cnv_df, bcsp_bins, !!rlang::sym(across))

    p_grouping_annotation <-
        data = grouping_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = 1, y = bcsp_bins, fill = .data[[across]])
      ) +
      ggplot2::geom_raster() +
      ggplot2::theme_void() +
        aes = "fill",
        variable = grouping_df[[across]],
        clrp = clrp,
        clrp.adjust = clrp_adjust
      ) +
      ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
      ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
      ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)) +
      ggplot2::labs(fill = confuns::make_pretty_name(across, make.pretty = pretty_name)) +
      pull_slot(border_add_on, slot = border["grouping"]) +
      pull_slot(ggpLayers_add_on, slot = "grouping")

  } else {

    p_grouping_annotation <- NULL


  # create chrom arm annotation
  chrom_arm_df <- dplyr::distinct(smrd_cnv_df, gene_bins, chrom, arm)


    p_arm_annotation <-
        data = chrom_arm_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = gene_bins, y = 1, fill = arm)
      ) +
      ggplot2::geom_raster() +
      ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
      ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
        aes = "fill",
        clrp = "default",
        variable = chrom_arm_df[["arm"]],
        clrp.adjust = colors_arm_annotation
      ) +
      ggplot2::theme_void() +
      ggplot2::labs(fill = "Chr.Arm") +
      pull_slot(border_add_on, slot = border["arm"]) +
      pull_slot(ggpLayers_add_on, slot = "arm")

  } else {

    p_arm_annotation <- NULL


  # create chrom annotation

    clrp_adjust_chrom <-
      confuns::color_vector("milo") %>%
      c(., "gold", "red") %>%
        nm = base::levels(chrom_arm_df[["chrom"]])

    p_chrom_annotation <-
        data = chrom_arm_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = gene_bins, y = 1, fill = chrom)
      ) +
      ggplot2::geom_raster() +
      ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
      ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
        aes = "fill",
        clrp = "default",
        variable = chrom_arm_df[["chrom"]],
        clrp.adjust = clrp_adjust_chrom
      ) +
      ggplot2::theme_void() +
      ggplot2::labs(fill = "Chrom.") +
      pull_slot(border_add_on, slot = border["chrom"]) +
      pull_slot(ggpLayers_add_on, slot = "chrom")

  } else {

    p_chrom_annotation <- NULL


  # create vline add on
  if(base::isTRUE(display_vlines) & base::is.numeric(chrom_separate)){


      chrom_separate <- base::as.character(chrom_separate)


    all_chroms <- base::unique(chrom_arm_df[["chrom_arm"]])

    first <- base::as.character(all_chroms[1])
    last <- base::as.character(utils::tail(all_chroms,1))

    vline_df <-
      dplyr::ungroup(chrom_arm_df) %>%
      dplyr::distinct(chrom, chrom_arm, gene_bins) %>%
      dplyr::filter(chrom %in% {{chrom_separate}}) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(chrom) %>%
      dplyr::filter(gene_bins == base::max(gene_bins))


      vline_df <- dplyr::filter(vline_df, chrom_arm != {{first}})


    vline_df <- dplyr::filter(vline_df, chrom_arm != {{last}})

    vline_df <-
      dplyr::ungroup(vline_df) %>%

    vline_add_on <-
        data = vline_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(xintercept = gene_bins),
        alpha = vline_alpha,
        color = vline_color,
        size = vline_size,
        linetype = vline_type

  } else {

    vline_add_on <- NULL


  if(base::is.character(across) && base::isTRUE(display_hlines)){

    hline_df <-
      dplyr::ungroup(smrd_cnv_df) %>%
      dplyr::distinct(bcsp_bins, !!rlang::sym(across)) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(across)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(bcsp_bins == base::min(bcsp_bins)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(bcsp_bins = bcsp_bins - 1) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::filter(bcsp_bins != base::min(bcsp_bins)) # remove lowest

    hline_add_on <-
        data = hline_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(yintercept = bcsp_bins),
        alpha = hline_alpha,
        color = hline_color,
        size = hline_size,
        linetype = hline_type

  } else {

    hline_add_on <- NULL


  # create text add on
  if(!base::is.null(display_chrom_names) & !base::isFALSE(display_chrom_names)){


      display_chrom_names <- base::as.character(display_chrom_names)


    text_df <-
      dplyr::ungroup(chrom_arm_df) %>%
      dplyr::distinct(chrom, gene_bins)


      text_df <-
          df = text_df,
          across = "chrom",
          across.subset = display_chrom_names


    text_plot_df <-
      dplyr::group_by(text_df, chrom) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(x_axis = base::mean(gene_bins))

    p_name_annotation <-
        data = text_plot_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x_axis, y = 1, label = chrom)
      ) +
      ggplot2::geom_point(color = "black", alpha = 0) +
      ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
      ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
        alpha = text_alpha,
        color = text_color,
        size = text_size
      ) +
      ggplot2::theme_void() +
      pull_slot(ggpLayers_add_on, slot = "names")

  } else {

    p_name_annotation <- NULL


  # create main plot


    limits <- base::range(smrd_cnv_df[["values"]])


  p_main <-
      data = smrd_cnv_df,
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = gene_bins, y = bcsp_bins)
    ) +
    ggplot2::geom_raster(mapping = ggplot2::aes(fill = values)) +
    vline_add_on +
    hline_add_on +
    ggplot2::theme_void() +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
      aes = "fill",
      clrsp = clrsp,
      mid = 1,
      oob = scales::squish,
      limits = limits
    ) +
    ggplot2::labs(fill = "CNV") +
    pull_slot(border_add_on, slot = border["main"]) +
    pull_slot(ggpLayers_add_on, slot = "main")

  # insert all parts
  if(base::length(annotation_size_top) == 1){

    annotation_size_top <- base::rep(annotation_size_top, 2)



    p_main <-
        .data = p_main,
        plot = p_arm_annotation,
        height = annotation_size_top[1]



    p_main <-
        .data = p_main,
        plot = p_chrom_annotation,
        height = annotation_size_top[2]



    if(text_position == "top"){

      p_main <-
          .data = p_main,
          plot = p_name_annotation,
          height = base::mean(annotation_size_top)*2.5

    } else {

      p_main <-
          .data = p_main,
          plot = p_name_annotation,
          height = base::mean(annotation_size_top)*2.5




    p_main <-
        .data = p_main,
        plot = p_grouping_annotation,
        width = annotation_size_side


    msg = "Done.",
    verbose = verbose



#' @title Plot CNV Lineplot
#' @description Plots the results of \code{runCnvAnalysis()} in form of a lineplot.
#' Use arguments \code{across} and \code{across_subset} to visualize CNV differences
#' between subgroups of cluster variables or other grouping variables (e.g. based on
#' histology created with \code{createSpatialSegmentation()}).
#' @param ribbon_alpha,ribbon_fill Parameters given to \code{ggplot2::geom_ribbion()}
#' that control the appearance of the ribbon around the main line of the plot.
#' @param breaks_y,labels_y,limits_y,expand_y Given to the corresponding arguments
#' of \code{ggplot2::scale_y_continuous()}.
#' @inherit plotCnvHeatmap params
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit ggplot_dummy return
#' @export
plotCnvLineplot <- function(object,
                            across = NULL,
                            across_subset = NULL,
                            arm_subset = c("p", "q"),
                            chrom_subset = 1:22,
                            chrom_separate = 1:22,
                            chrom_arm_subset = NULL,
                            smooth_span = 0.08,
                            line_alpha = 0.9,
                            line_color = "blue",
                            line_size = 1,
                            display_ribbon = TRUE,
                            ribbon_alpha = 0.25,
                            ribbon_fill = "lightgrey",
                            vline_alpha = 0.75,
                            vline_color = "black",
                            vline_size = 0.5,
                            vline_type = "dashed",
                            summarize_with = "mean",
                            nrow = NULL,
                            ncol = NULL,
                            breaks_y = c(0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.05, 1.1),
                            labels_y = breaks_y,
                            limits_y = base::range(breaks_y),
                            expand_y = ggplot2::waiver(),
                            verbose = TRUE,


  # extract and prepare data ------------------------------------------------

  cnv_df <- getCnvGenesDf(object)

    msg = "Extracting and merging CNV data. This might take a few seconds.",
    verbose = verbose

  # join grouping if needed

    cnv_df <-
        x = cnv_df,
        y = getFeatureDf(object) %>% dplyr::select(barcodes, !!rlang::sym(across)),
        by = "barcodes"
      ) %>%


  # subsetting

    chrom_subset <- base::as.character(chrom_subset)


  cnv_df <-
      df = cnv_df,
      across = across,
      across.subset = across_subset,
      relevel = relevel
    ) %>%
    # (check_across_subset() works for all factor variables)
      across = "chrom",
      across.subset = chrom_subset,
      relevel = FALSE
    ) %>%
      across = "arm",
      across.subset = arm_subset,
      relevel = FALSE
    ) %>%
      acros = "chrom_arm",
      across.subset = chrom_arm_subset,
      relevel = FALSE

  # order genes and barcodes
  gene_order <-
    dplyr::distinct(cnv_df, genes, chrom_arm, start_position) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(chrom_arm) %>%
    # order by chromosome-arm 1p -> 22q
    # within every chromosome-arm by start_position
    dplyr::arrange(start_position, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::pull(genes) %>%

  # summarize cnv results

  new_name <- stringr::str_c("values", summarize_with, sep = "_")

  smrd_cnv_df <-
    dplyr::group_by(cnv_df, chrom, chrom_arm, arm, genes) %>%

        dplyr::group_by(.data = ., !!rlang::sym(across), .add = TRUE)

      } else {



    } %>%
        .cols = values,
        .fns = summarize_formulas[c(summarize_with, "sd")]
    ) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      genes = base::factor(genes, levels = gene_order),
      gene_pos = base::as.numeric(genes)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::rename(values = !!rlang::sym(new_name))

  # assemble plot -----------------------------------------------------------


    facet_add_on <-
        facets = stringr::str_c(". ~ ", across) %>% stats::as.formula(),
        nrow = nrow,
        ncol = ncol

  } else {

    facet_add_on <- NULL


  # create separating lines
  if(!base::is.null(chrom_separate) | !base::isFALSE(chrom_separate)){


      chrom_separate <- base::as.character(chrom_separate)


    all_chroms <- base::unique(smrd_cnv_df[["chrom_arm"]])

    first <- base::as.character(all_chroms[1])
    last <- base::as.character(utils::tail(all_chroms, 1))

    vline_df <-
      dplyr::distinct(smrd_cnv_df, gene_pos, chrom, arm) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(chrom) %>%
        gene_pos == base::max(gene_pos) &
          !chrom %in% c(first, last)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::rename(xintercept = gene_pos)

    vline_add_on <-
        data = vline_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(xintercept = xintercept),
        alpha = vline_alpha,
        color = vline_color,
        size = vline_size,
        linetype = vline_type

  } else {

    vline_add_on <- NULL


  # creat ribbon around the line

    ribbon_df <-
        .data = smrd_cnv_df,
        ymax = values + values_sd,
        ymin = values - values_sd

    ribbon_add_on <-
        data = ribbon_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
        alpha = ribbon_alpha,
        fill = ribbon_fill

  } else {

    ribbon_add_on <- NULL


  # compute breaks
  x_axis <-
    dplyr::distinct(smrd_cnv_df, chrom, gene_pos, values) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(chrom) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(breaks = base::mean(gene_pos)) %>%
    dplyr::rename(labels = chrom)

    msg = "Done.",
    verbose = verbose

    data = smrd_cnv_df,
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(
      x = gene_pos,
      y = values
  ) +
      formula = y ~ x,
      method = "loess",
      span = smooth_span,
      alpha = line_alpha,
      color = line_color,
      size = line_size,
      linetype = "solid",
      se = FALSE
    ) +
    vline_add_on +
    ribbon_add_on +
      breaks = x_axis[["breaks"]],
      labels = base::as.character(x_axis[["labels"]])
    ) +
      breaks = breaks_y,
      labels = base::as.character(breaks_y),
      limits = limits_y,
      expand = expand_y
    ) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "Chromosomes", y = NULL) +


# plotD -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Plot differentially expressed genes
#' @description Visualizes results of DE analysis with
#' dot plots.
#' @param x Character value. Specifies what is plotted on the x-axis.
#' If \emph{p_val_adj} the scale is reversed. Ignored if \code{by_group} = FALSE.
#' @param genes Character vector or NULL. If character, vector of gene names
#' that determines which genes are included. If NULL, genes are taken according
#' to the threshold input for average log fold change and adjusted p-value.
#' @inherit check_method params
#' @inherit check_pt params
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit confuns::across_vis1 params
#' @inherit confuns::argument_dummy params
#' @inherit confuns::plot_gsea_dot params return
#' @param by_group Logical value. If TRUE for every group in the grouping
#' variable a single dot plot is created. If FALSE one plot for all groups and all
#' gene sets is created.
#' @export
plotDeaDotPlot <- function(object,
                           across = getDefaultGrouping(object),
                           across_subset = NULL,
                           relevel = NULL,
                           method_de = NULL,
                           by_group = TRUE,
                           max_adj_pval = NULL,
                           min_lfc = NULL,
                           n_highest_lfc = NULL,
                           n_lowest_pval = NULL,
                           genes = NULL,
                           color_by = "avg_log2FC",
                           alpha_by = NULL,
                           alpha_trans = "identity",
                           color_trans = "identity",
                           size_by = "p_val_adj",
                           size_trans = "reverse",
                           pt_alpha = 0.9,
                           pt_size = 2,
                           pt_color = "blue4",
                           pt_clrp = NULL,
                           pt_clrsp = "plasma",
                           scales = "free",
                           nrow = NULL,
                           ncol = NULL,
                           transform_with = NULL,
                           arrange_genes = TRUE,
                           reverse = TRUE,
                           reverse_within = FALSE,


  lfc_name <- getDeaLfcName(object, across = across, method_de = method_de)


    df <-
        object = object,
        across = across,
        across_subset = across_subset,
        method_de = method_de,
        max_adj_pval = max_adj_pval,
        min_lfc = min_lfc,
        n_highest_lfc = n_highest_lfc,
        n_lowest_pval = n_lowest_pval

    genes <-
        input = genes,
        against = base::unique(df$gene) %>% base::as.character(),
        ref.against = "differentially expressed genes",
        ref.input = "input genes"

    df <-
      dplyr::filter(df, gene %in% genes) %>%
        gene = base::factor(gene, levels = base::unique(genes)),
        {{lfc_name}} := base::round(!!rlang::sym(lfc_name), digits = 2)

  } else {

    df <-
        object = object,
        across = across,
        across_subset = across_subset,
        relevel = relevel,
        method_de = method_de,
        max_adj_pval = max_adj_pval,
        min_lfc = min_lfc,
        n_highest_lfc = n_highest_lfc,
        n_lowest_pval = n_lowest_pval
      ) %>%
        gene = base::as.factor(gene),
        {{lfc_name}} := base::round(!!rlang::sym(lfc_name), digits = 2)


  x <- lfc_name


    # change later
    if(x == x){

      x_add_on <- NULL

    } else if(x == "p_val_adj") {

      x_add_on <-
          labels = function(x){ base::format(x, scientific = TRUE)},
          trans = "reverse"


    out_plot <-
        df = df,
        x = x,
        y = "gene",
        across = across,
        across.subset = across_subset,
        relevel = relevel,
        alpha.by = alpha_by,
        alpha.trans = alpha_trans,
        color.by = color_by,
        color.trans = color_trans,
        shape.by = NULL,
        size.by = size_by,
        size.trans = size_trans,
        pt.alpha = pt_alpha,
        pt.color = pt_color,
        pt.clrsp = pt_clrsp,
        pt.clrp = pt_clrp,
        pt.size = pt_size,
        scales = scales,
        nrow = nrow,
        ncol = ncol,
        transform.with = transform_with,

  } else {

    out_plot <-
        df = df,
        x = across,
        y = "gene",
        alpha.by = alpha_by,
        alpha.trans = alpha_trans,
        color.by = color_by,
        color.trans = color_trans,
        shape.by = NULL,
        size.by = size_by,
        size.trans = size_trans,
        pt.alpha = pt_alpha,
        pt.color = pt_color,
        pt.clrsp = pt_clrsp,
        pt.clrp = pt_clrp,
        pt.size = pt_size,
        transform.with = transform_with,
        arrange.y = arrange_genes,
        reverse.all = reverse,
        reverse.within = reverse_within,
        arrange.by = size_by,




#' @title Plot differentially expressed genes
#' @description Visualizes the expression of genes across subgroups in a heatmap. It either takes the results
#' from previously conducted de-analysis or uses the expression information of specific genes to plot a heatmap.
#' @inherit across_dummy params
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit getDeaResultsDf params details
#' @param n_bcsp The number of barcode-spots belonging to each cluster you want to
#' include in the matrix. Should be lower than the total number of barcode-spots of every cluster
#' and can be deployed in order to keep the heatmap clear and aesthetically pleasing.
#' If set to NULL (the default) it is automatically computed according to the number of genes that
#' are displayed in the heatmap.
#' @param breaks Denotes the colorspectrum breaks. If set to NULL the breaks are set automatically. If a
#' numeric vector is specified it is taken as input. If a function is specified the expression matrix is
#' passed to it as the first argument and the length of \code{colors} as the second argument.
#' @param genes Character vector or NULL. If you want to display specific genes irrespective of de-anaylsis results you
#' can specifiy them in \code{genes}. If \code{genes} is specified that way arguments referring to de-anylsis results are
#' ignored and only the genes specified are taken and displayed.

#' @param ... Additional arguments given to \code{pheatmap::pheatmap()}.
#' @return A heatmap of class 'pheatmap'.
#' @export

plotDeaHeatmap <- function(object,
                           across_subset = NULL,
                           relevel = NULL,
                           method_de = NULL,
                           max_adj_pval = NULL,
                           min_lfc = NULL,
                           n_highest_lfc = NULL,
                           n_lowest_pval = NULL,
                           breaks = NULL,
                           genes = NULL,
                           n_bcsp = NULL,
                           clrp = NULL,
                           colors = NULL,
                           verbose = NULL,
                           of_sample = NA,


  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

  #lazy check

  confuns::are_values("clrp", mode = "character")

  confuns::is_vec(x = across_subset, mode = "character", skip.allow = TRUE, skip.val = NULL)

  # adjusting check
  across <- check_features(object, features = across, valid_classes = c("character", "factor"), max_length = 1)
  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, desired_length = 1)

  # ------

  # 2. Data extraction and pipeline -----------------------------------------

  # extract information on the genes to plot

    genes <- check_genes(object, genes = genes)

    if(base::isTRUE(verbose)){"Argument 'genes' has been specified. Ignoring de-related arguments."}

    de_df <- NULL

  } else {

    de_df <-
        object = object,
        across = across,
        across_subset = across_subset,
        relevel = relevel,
        of_sample = of_sample,
        max_adj_pval = max_adj_pval,
        min_lfc = min_lfc,
        n_highest_lfc = n_highest_lfc,
        n_lowest_pval = n_lowest_pval

    # save the remaining groups (if 'across' is a factor 'unique_groups' is a factor)
    unique_groups <- base::unique(de_df[[across]])

    genes <- dplyr::pull(de_df, var = "gene")


  # data.frame that provides barcode-spots and cluster belonging

    n_bcsp <- base::round(base::length(genes) / base::length(unique_groups), digits = 0)

  } else {

    confuns::is_value(x = n_bcsp, mode = "numeric")


  barcodes_df <-
    joinWithFeatures(object, spata_df = getSpataDf(object, of_sample), features = across, verbose = FALSE) %>%
      df = .,
      across = across,
      across.subset = base::as.character(unique_groups), # provide unique_groups as a character in case it is a factor
      relevel = FALSE # no need to relevel (if 'relevel' == TRUE 'unique_groups' is already releveled)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(across)) %>%
    dplyr::slice_sample(n = n_bcsp)

  # make sure that each group is represented by it's specific color in case 'across' is a factor

    color_levels <- base::levels(unique_groups)

  } else {

    color_levels <- base::unique(unique_groups)


  # calculate where the heatmap gaps need to appear

    gaps_row <- NULL

  } else {

    gaps_row <-
      dplyr::group_by(de_df, !!rlang::sym(across)) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(count = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(positions = base::cumsum(count)) %>%
      dplyr::pull(positions) %>%

    gaps_row <- gaps_row[1:(base::length(gaps_row)-1)]


  gaps_col <-
    dplyr::group_by(barcodes_df, !!rlang::sym(across)) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(count = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(positions = base::cumsum(count)) %>%
    dplyr::pull(positions) %>%

  gaps_col <- gaps_col[1:(base::length(gaps_col)-1)]

  # assemble the heatmap annotation
  annotation_col <-
    dplyr::select(.data = barcodes_df, !!rlang::sym(across)) %>%

  base::rownames(annotation_col) <- dplyr::pull(barcodes_df, barcodes)

  # determine discrete colors used to represent the groups
  if(clrp == "default"){

    color_vec <- NA

  } else {

    color_vec <- confuns::color_vector(clrp = clrp)



    discrete_colors <- color_vec[base::seq_along(color_levels)]

    annotation_colors <-
      purrr::set_names(x = list(discrete_colors), nm = across) %>%
      purrr::map(.f = ~ purrr::set_names(x = .x, nm = color_levels))

    annotation_colors[[across]] <-
      annotation_colors[[across]][base::names(annotation_colors[[across]]) %in% unique_groups]

  } else {

    annotation_colors <- NA


  # -----

  # 3. Plotting -------------------------------------------------------------

    msg = "Plotting heatmap. This can take a few seconds.",
    verbose = verbose

  expr_mtr <-
    getExpressionMatrix(object, of_sample = of_sample)[genes, barcodes_df$barcodes]


    breaks_input <-
      hlpr_breaks(mtr = expr_mtr,
                  length_out = base::length(colors))

  } else if(base::is.numeric(breaks)){

    breaks_input <- breaks

  } else if(base::is.function(breaks)){

    breaks_input <- breaks(expr_mtr, base::length(colors))


  pheatmap::pheatmap(mat = expr_mtr,
                     scale = "row",
                     breaks = breaks_input,
                     annotation_col = annotation_col,
                     cluster_cols = FALSE,
                     cluster_rows = FALSE,
                     show_colnames = FALSE,
                     color = colors,
                     annotation_names_col = FALSE,
                     annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
                     gaps_row = gaps_row,
                     gaps_col = gaps_col,


#' @title Plot the number of differently expressed genes of certain groups
#' @description Use argument \code{across} to specify the grouping
#' variable of interest across which the de-analysis has been conducted and
#' argument \code{max_adj_pval} to set the quality requirements of genes
#' to be included in the counting process.
#' @inherit plotDeaPvalues params return
#' @inherit getDeaResultsDf params
#' @export

plotDeaGeneCount <- function(object,
                             across = NULL,
                             across_subset = NULL,
                             relevel = FALSE,
                             method_de = NULL,
                             max_adj_pval = NULL,
                             clrp = NULL,
                             clrp_adjust = NULL,
                             display_title = NULL,
                             sort_by_count = TRUE,
                             of_sample = NA,

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  dea_df <-
      object = object,
      across = across,
      across_subset = across_subset,
      relevel = relevel,
      method_de = method_de,
      max_adj_pval = max_adj_pval,
      of_sample = of_sample


    dea_df <- dplyr::mutate(dea_df, {{across}} := forcats::fct_infreq(f = !!rlang::sym(across)))


  # 2. Plotting -------------------------------------------------------------

  ggplot2::ggplot(data = dea_df, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[across]])) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(mapping = ggplot2::aes(fill = .data[[across]]), color = "black") +
    scale_color_add_on(aes = "fill", variable = "discrete", clrp = clrp, clrp.adjust = clrp_adjust, ...) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ggplot2::labs(y = "Number of differentially expressed genes") +
    hlpr_display_title(display_title, title = stringr::str_c("Adj. p-value cutoff:", max_adj_pval, sep = " "))


#' @rdname plotDeaPvalues
#' @export
plotDeaLogFC <- function(object,
                         across = NULL,
                         across_subset = NULL,
                         relevel = NULL,
                         method_de = NULL,
                         max_adj_pval = NULL,
                         binwidth = NULL,
                         clrp = NULL,
                         plot_type = "histogram",
                         scales = NULL,
                         limits_x = c(NA, NA),
                         display_title = NULL,
                         of_sample = NA,

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

    input = plot_type,
    against = validPlotTypes(fn_name = "plotDeaLogFC")

  lfc_name <-
      object = object,
      across = across,
      method_de = method_de

  if(plot_type == "histogram"){

    default_list <-
      c(list(mapping = ggplot2::aes(fill = .data[[across]]), color = "black"),
        "binwidth" = binwidth)

  } else {

    default_list <-
      list(mapping = ggplot2::aes(fill = .data[[across]]), color = "black")


  de_df <- getDeaResultsDf(object = object,
                           across = across,
                           across_subset = across_subset,
                           relevel = relevel,
                           method_de = method_de,
                           max_adj_pval = max_adj_pval,
                           of_sample = of_sample)

  # 2. Plotting -------------------------------------------------------------

  ggplot2::ggplot(data = de_df, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[lfc_name]])) +
      fn = stringr::str_c("geom", plot_type, sep = "_"), fn.ns = "ggplot2",
      default = default_list,
    ) +
    scale_color_add_on(aes = "fill", variable = "discrete", clrp = clrp) +
      fn = "facet_wrap", fn.ns = "ggplot2",
      default = list(facets = stats::as.formula(stringr::str_c("~", across)), scales = scales, drop = TRUE)
    ) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
      legend.position = "none",
      strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = limits_x) +
    ggplot2::labs(y = NULL) +
    hlpr_display_title(display_title, title = stringr::str_c("Adj. p-value cutoff:", max_adj_pval, sep = " "))


#' @title Plot the p-value and log fold change distribution of de-analysis results
#' @description Use argument \code{across} to specify the grouping
#' variable of interest across which the de-analysis has been conducted.
#' Valid input options for \code{plot_type} are \emph{'density'} and
#'  \emph{'histogram'}.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit binwidth_dummy params
#' @inherit check_method params
#' @inherit plotDeaSummary params return
#' @inherit plot_type_dummy params
#' @param limits_x Numeric vector of length two. Specify the limits
#' of the x-axis.
#' @inherit ggplot_dummy return
#' @export

plotDeaPvalues <- function(object,
                           across = NULL,
                           across_subset = NULL,
                           relevel = NULL,
                           method_de = NULL,
                           max_adj_pval = NULL,
                           binwidth = NULL,
                           clrp = NULL,
                           plot_type = "histogram",
                           scales = NULL,
                           limits_x = c(NA, NA),
                           display_title = NULL,
                           of_sample = NA,


  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

    input = plot_type,
    against = validPlotTypes(fn_name = "plotDeaPvalues")

  if(plot_type == "histogram"){

    default_list <-
      c(list(mapping = ggplot2::aes(fill = .data[[across]]), color = "black"),
        "binwidth" = binwidth)

  } else {

    default_list <-
      list(mapping = ggplot2::aes(fill = .data[[across]]), color = "black")


  de_df <-
      object = object,
      across = across,
      across_subset = across_subset,
      relevel = relevel,
      method_de = method_de,
      max_adj_pval = max_adj_pval,
      of_sample = of_sample

  # 2. Plotting -------------------------------------------------------------

  ggplot2::ggplot(data = de_df, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = p_val_adj)) +
      fn = stringr::str_c("geom", plot_type, sep = "_"), fn.ns = "ggplot2",
      default = default_list,
    ) +
    scale_color_add_on(aes = "fill", variable = "discrete", clrp = clrp) +
      fn = "facet_wrap", fn.ns = "ggplot2",
      default = list(facets = stats::as.formula(stringr::str_c("~", across)), scales = scales, drop = TRUE)
    ) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
      legend.position = "none",
      strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank()
    ) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = limits_x) +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "Adjusted p-values", y = NULL) +
    hlpr_display_title(display_title, title = stringr::str_c("Adj. p-value cutoff:", max_adj_pval, sep = " "))


#' @title Plot a summary of differential expression analysis results
#' @description This function is a wrapper around \code{plotDeaPvalues(),
#' plotDeaLogFC()} and \code{plotDeaGeneCount()} and returns
#' a combined ggplot. Set the respective argument to FALSE if
#' you want to skip one of the functions or specify their arguments
#' by providing a named list of arguments.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit across_dummy params
#' @inherit check_method params
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit getDeaResultsDf params
#' @inherit ggplot_family return
#' @export

plotDeaSummary <- function(object,
                           across = NULL,
                           across_subset = NULL,
                           relevel = NULL,
                           method_de = NULL,
                           max_adj_pval = NULL,
                           clrp = NULL,
                           plotDeaGeneCount = list(display_title = TRUE),
                           plotDeaLogFC = list(display_title = FALSE),
                           plotDeaPvalues = list(display_title = FALSE),
                           verbose = NULL,
                           of_sample = NA){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

    input = plot_type,
    against = validPlotTypes(fn_name = "plotDeaSummary")

  default_list <-
    list("object" = object,
         "max_adj_pval" = max_adj_pval,
         "method_de" = method_de,
         "across" = across,
         "across_subset" = across_subset,
         "relevel" = relevel,
         "clrp" = clrp,
         "of_sample" = of_sample,
         "verbose" = verbose)

  # 2. Plotting -------------------------------------------------------------

  dea_gene_count <-
      fn = "plotDeaGeneCount", fn.ns = "SPATA",
      default = default_list,
      v.fail = patchwork::plot_spacer(),
      v.skip = patchwork::plot_spacer()

  dea_log_fc <-
      fn = "plotDeaLogFC", fn.ns = "SPATA",
      default = default_list,
      v.fail = patchwork::plot_spacer(),
      v.skip = patchwork::plot_spacer()

  dea_pvalues <-
      fn = "plotDeaPvalues", fn.ns = "SPATA",
      default = default_list,
      v.fail = patchwork::plot_spacer(),
      v.skip = patchwork::plot_spacer()

  (patchwork::plot_spacer() / dea_gene_count) | (dea_log_fc / dea_pvalues)


#' @title Plot gene expression testing results
#' @description Plots a common volcano plot with p-value on the y- and logfold
#' change on the x-axis.
#' @param color_up Character value. Color of points that represent upregulated genes.
#' @param color_down Character value. Color of poitns that represent downregulated genes.
#' @param color_insignif Character value. Color of points that fall below the threshold set
#' via argument \code{threshold_pval}.
#' @param threshold_pval Numeric value. Denotes the threshold for the p-value. Genes with
#' a p-value above are displayed as not significant.
#' @param threshold_logFC Numeric value. Denotes the threshold for the logFC. Genes with
#' a logFC below are displayed as not significant.
#' @param label_genes Specify which genes are labeled in the plot. If numeric,
#' specifies the number of genes that are labeled. E.g. if \code{label_genes} = 5,
#' the default, the top 5 genes are labeled. If character, specifies the genes
#' that are supposed to be labeled by name. If `NULL` or `FALSE`, no genes are labeled.
#' @param label_side Character vector. Decides on which side to label genes. Valid input
#' are *'up'* and/or *'down'*.
#' @param label_insignificant Logical value. If `FALSE`, insignifcant genes are
#' not labeled.
#' @param use_pseudolog Logical value. If TRUE, avglogFC is transformed with log10. Requires
#' package \code{ggallin} to be installed.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit ggplot_dummy return
#' @export
plotDeaVolcano <- function(object,
                           across = getDefaultGrouping(object),
                           across_subset = NULL,
                           relevel = TRUE,
                           method_de = NULL,
                           color_up = "tomato",
                           color_down = "steelblue",
                           color_insignif = "lightgrey",
                           pt_alpha = 0.9,
                           pt_size = 1,
                           threshold_logFC = 1,
                           threshold_pval = 0.01,
                           label_genes = 5,
                           label_insignificant = TRUE,
                           label_side = c("up", "down"),
                           label_size = 1,
                           nrow = NULL,
                           ncol = NULL,
                           scales = "fixed",
                           use_pseudolog = FALSE,


  # get data
  dea_df <-
      object = object,
      across = across,
      method_de = method_de,
      max_adj_pval = 1,
      min_lfc = NULL

  col_pval <- "p_val_adj"
  col_logFC <- getDeaLfcName(object, across = across, method_de = method_de)
  col_genes <- "gene"
  col_groups <- across

  # create formula
  facet_formula <-
    stringr::str_c(". ~ ", col_groups, sep = "") %>%

  facet_add_on <-
      facets = facet_formula,
      nrow = nrow,
      ncol = ncol,
      scales = scales

  dea_df <-
      df = dea_df,
      across = across,
      across.subset = across_subset,
      relevel = relevel

  # denote significance and up/downregulation genes

  neg_threshold_lgFC <- -threshold_logFC

  dea_df <-
      .data = dea_df,
      status = dplyr::case_when(
        !!rlang::sym(col_pval) > {{threshold_pval}} ~ "Insignificant",
        !!rlang::sym(col_logFC) > {{threshold_logFC}} ~ "Upregulated",
        !!rlang::sym(col_logFC) < {{neg_threshold_lgFC}} ~ "Downregulated",
        TRUE ~ "Insignificant"
      stats = base::factor(x = status, levels = c("Upregulated", "Downregulated", "Insignificant"))

  # transform pvalue
  dea_df[["pval_log10"]] <- -base::log10(dea_df[[col_pval]])

  # label genes if desired
  if(!base::is.null(label_genes) & !base::isFALSE(label_genes)){


        input = label_side,
        against = c("up", "down")

    } else {

      label_side <- NULL


    # chose genes to be labeled by name

      label_df <- dplyr::filter(dea_df, !!rlang::sym(col_genes) %in% {{label_genes}})

    # chose genes to be labeled by position in list
    } else if(base::is.numeric(label_genes)){


        dea_df <- dplyr::group_by(dea_df, !!rlang::sym(col_groups))


      if(base::length(label_genes) == 1){

        label_genes <- base::rep(label_genes, 2)


      if(label_genes[1] != 0){

        label_df1 <-
            .data = dplyr::filter(dea_df, !!rlang::sym(col_logFC) > 0),
            order_by = !!rlang::sym(col_pval),
            n = label_genes[1],
            with_ties = FALSE

      } else {

        label_df1 <- NULL


      if(label_genes[2] != 0){

        label_df2 <-
            .data = dplyr::filter(dea_df, !!rlang::sym(col_logFC) < 0),
            order_by = !!rlang::sym(col_pval),
            n = label_genes[2],
            with_ties = FALSE

      } else {

        label_df2 <- NULL


      label_df <- base::rbind(label_df1, label_df2)


    # decide if genes are labeled on upreg., downreg. or on both sides
    if(base::length(label_side) != 2){

      if("up" %in% label_side){

        label_df <- dplyr::filter(label_df, !!rlang::sym(col_logFC) > 0)

      } else if("down" %in% label_side){

        label_df <- dplyr::filter(label_df, !!rlang::sym(col_logFC) < 0)



    # decide if genes are labeled if insignificant

      label_df <- dplyr::filter(label_df, status != "Insignificant")


    label_add_on <-
        data = label_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(label = .data[[col_genes]]),
        size = label_size,

  } else {

    label_add_on <- NULL



    scale_x_add_on <-
        trans = ggallin::pseudolog10_trans

    xlab <- "Avg. logFC (pseudolog10)"

  } else {

    scale_x_add_on <- NULL
    xlab <- "Avg. logFC"


  dea_df <- dplyr::arrange(dea_df, dplyr::desc(stats))

  # assemble final plot
    data = dea_df,
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[col_logFC]], y = pval_log10)
  ) +
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = status),
      alpha = pt_alpha, size = pt_size
    ) +
      values = c("Upregulated" = color_up, "Downregulated" = color_down, "Insignificant" = color_insignif)
    ) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
    ggplot2::labs(color = NULL) +
    ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = pt_size*2))) +
    ggplot2::theme(strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
    ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = "Adjusted p-value (-log10)") +
    label_add_on +
    facet_add_on +


#' @rdname plotDeaVolcano
#' @export
plotDeaVolcano1v1 <- function(object,
                              method_de = NULL,
                              clrp = NULL,
                              clrp_adjust = NULL,
                              color_insignif = "lightgrey",
                              pt_alpha = 0.9,
                              pt_size = 1,
                              threshold_logFC = 1,
                              threshold_pval = 0.01,
                              col_pval = "p_val_adj",
                              label_genes = 5,
                              label_size = 1,
                              use_pseudolog = FALSE,
                              limits = NULL,
                              display_title = TRUE,
                              title_size = 2,
                              digits = 2,


  # get data
  dea_df <-
      object = object,
      across = across,
      method_de = method_de,
      min_lfc = 0,
      max_adj_pval = 1

  group_names <- base::levels(dea_df[[across]])

  g1 <- group_names[1]

  if(base::length(group_names) != 2){

    stop("Number of groups in grouping variable must be exactly 2.")


  col_logFC <- getDeaLfcName(object, across = across, method_de = method_de)
  col_genes <- "gene"

  # denote significance and up/downregulation genes

  neg_threshold_lgFC <- -threshold_logFC

  dea_df <-
      .data = dea_df,
      group_names = base::as.character(!!rlang::sym(across)),
      status = dplyr::if_else(
        condition =
          !!rlang::sym(col_pval) < {{threshold_pval}} &
          !!rlang::sym(col_logFC) > {{threshold_logFC}},
        true = group_names,
        false = "x.insignif.x"
      status = base::factor(status),
      !!rlang::sym(col_logFC) := dplyr::if_else(
        condition = !!rlang::sym(across) == {{g1}},
        true = !!rlang::sym(col_logFC)*-1,
        false = !!rlang::sym(col_logFC)

  dea_df[["pval_log10"]] <- -base::log10(dea_df[[col_pval]])

  # label genes if desired
  if(!base::is.null(label_genes) & !base::isFALSE(label_genes)){


      label_df <- dplyr::filter(dea_df, gene %in% {{label_genes}})

    } else if(base::is.numeric(label_genes)){

      dea_df <- dplyr::group_by(dea_df, !!rlang::sym(across))

      if(base::length(label_genes) == 1){

        label_genes <- base::rep(label_genes, 2)


      if(label_genes[1] != 0){

        label_df1 <-
            .data = dea_df,
            order_by = !!rlang::sym(col_pval),
            n = label_genes[1],
            with_ties = FALSE

      } else {

        label_df1 <- NULL


      if(label_genes[2] != 0){

        label_df2 <-
            .data = dea_df,
            order_by = !!rlang::sym(col_pval),
            n = label_genes[2],
            with_ties = FALSE

      } else {

        label_df2 <- NULL


      label_df <-
        base::rbind(label_df1, label_df2) %>%


    label_add_on <-
        data = label_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(label = .data[[col_genes]]),
        size = label_size,

  } else {

    label_add_on <- NULL



    scale_x_add_on <-
        trans = ggallin::pseudolog10_trans

    xlab <- stringr::str_c(col_logFC, "(pseudolog10)")

  } else {

    scale_x_add_on <- NULL
    xlab <- col_logFC


  if(!base::is.numeric(limits) | !base::length(limits) == 2){

    limits <-
      base::max(dea_df[[col_logFC]]) %>%
      base::ceiling() %>%
      c((-.), .)


  # assemble final plot
    data = dea_df,
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[col_logFC]], y = pval_log10)
  ) +
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = status),
      alpha = pt_alpha, size = pt_size
    ) +
      variable = dea_df[["status"]],
      clrp = clrp,
      clrp.adjust = c(clrp_adjust, "x.insignif.x" = color_insignif)
    ) +
      limits = limits,
      labels = function(x){

        base::round(x, digits = digits) %>%
          base::as.character() %>%
          stringr::str_remove(string = ., pattern = "^-")

    ) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
    ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = "Adjusted p-value (-log10)", color = NULL) +
    label_add_on +


plotDimRed <- function(object,
                       color_by = NULL,
                       color_aes = "color",
                       color_trans = "identity",
                       alpha_by = NULL,
                       order_by = NULL,
                       order_desc = FALSE,
                       shape_by = NULL,
                       method_gs = "mean",
                       pt_size = 2,
                       pt_shape = 19,
                       pt_alpha = 1,
                       pt_clrsp = "inferno",
                       pt_clrp = "milo",
                       pt_clr = "black",
                       clrp_adjust = NULL,
                       normalize = TRUE,
                       transform_with = NULL,
                       use_scattermore = FALSE,
                       sctm_interpolate = FALSE,
                       sctm_pixels = c(1024, 1024),
                       verbose = NULL,



  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

  check_pt(pt_size = pt_size, pt_alpha = pt_alpha, pt_clrsp = pt_clrsp)

  color_by <- base::unname(color_by)

  confuns::are_values("alpha_by", "order_by", mode = "character", skip.allow = TRUE, skip.val = NULL)


    if(base::length(color_by) != 1){

      stop("If `alpha_by` is a character value `color_by` must be of length 1.")



  # -----

  # 2. Data extraction and plot preparation ---------------------------------

  df <- getDimRedDf(object, method_dr = method_dr)

  df <-
      object = object,
      df = df,
      variables = c(color_by, alpha_by, order_by),
      normalize = normalize,
      method_gs = method_gs,
      smooth = FALSE,
      verbose = FALSE
    )  %>%
      .cols = dplyr::contains(match = "-"),
      .fn = ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, pattern = "-", replacement = "_")


    color_by <- stringr::str_replace_all(color_by, pattern = "-", replacement = "_")



    alpha_by <- stringr::str_replace_all(alpha_by, pattern = "-", replacement = "_")


  if(base::length(color_by) > 1){

    df <-
        data = df,
        cols = dplyr::all_of(color_by),
        names_to = "variables",
        values_to = "values"
      ) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(variables = base::factor(variables, levels = color_by))

    color_by <- "values"
    facet_by <- "variables"
    lab_color <- "Expr."

  } else {

    facet_by <- NULL
    lab_color <- color_by


  # -----

  # 3. Plotting -------------------------------------------------------------

  if(base::nrow(df) >= threshold_scattermore){

    use_scattermore <- TRUE


  x <- stringr::str_c(method_dr, 1, sep = "")
  y <- stringr::str_c(method_dr, 2, sep = "")

    df = df,
    x = x,
    y = y,
    across = facet_by,
    pt.alpha = pt_alpha,
    pt.color = pt_clr,
    pt.clrp = pt_clrp,
    pt.fill = pt_clr,
    pt.shape = pt_shape,
    pt.size = pt_size,
    alpha.by = alpha_by,
    color.aes = color_aes,
    color.by = color_by,
    color.trans = color_trans,
    shape.by = shape_by,
    clrp = pt_clrp,
    clrp.adjust = clrp_adjust,
    clrsp = pt_clrsp,
    order.by = order_by,
    order.desc = order_desc,
    transform.with = transform_with,
    use.scattermore = use_scattermore,
    sctm.interpolate = sctm_interpolate,
    sctm.pixels = sctm_pixels,
  ) +
    ggplot2::labs(color = lab_color, fill = lab_color)

  # -----


#' @rdname plotBoxplot
#' @export
plotDensityplot <- function(object,
                            across = NULL,
                            across_subset = NULL,
                            relevel = NULL,
                            clrp = NULL,
                            clrp_adjust = NULL,
                            display_facets = NULL,
                            scales = "free_x",
                            nrow = NULL,
                            ncol = NULL,
                            method_gs = NULL,
                            normalize = NULL,
                            verbose = NULL,
                            of_sample = NA,


  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, desired_length = 1)

  var_levels <- base::unique(variables)

  all_features <- getFeatureNames(object)
  all_genes <- getGenes(object = object)
  all_gene_sets <- getGeneSets(object)

  variables <-
    check_variables(variables = c(variables, across),
                    all_features = all_features,
                    all_gene_sets = all_gene_sets,
                    all_genes = all_genes,
                    simplify = FALSE)

  spata_df <-
      object = object,
      spata_df = getSpataDf(object, of_sample),
      variables = variables,
      method_gs = method_gs,
      smooth = FALSE,
      normalize = normalize
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(-barcodes, -sample)

    df = spata_df,
    variables = var_levels,
    across = across,
    across.subset = across_subset,
    relevel = relevel,
    scales = scales,
    display.facets = display_facets,
    nrow = nrow,
    ncol = ncol,
    clrp = clrp,
    clrp.adjust = clrp_adjust,
    verbose = verbose,

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.