
Defines functions dimsum__check_experiment_design_countfile

Documented in dimsum__check_experiment_design_countfile

#' dimsum__check_experiment_design_countfile
#' Validate metadata from experiment design file when countPath specified.
#' @param dimsum_meta an experiment metadata object (required)
#' @param exp_design experiment design data.frame (required)
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
dimsum__check_experiment_design_countfile <- function(

  ### Column existence checks 
  #Check if mandatory columns present
  mandatory_cols <- c("sample_name", "experiment_replicate", "selection_id", "selection_replicate", "technical_replicate", "pair1", "pair2")
  if(sum(unlist(lapply(mandatory_cols, "%in%", colnames(exp_design)))==FALSE)!=0){
    stop(paste0("One or more mandatory columns missing from experimentDesign file ('sample_name', 'experiment_replicate', 'selection_id', 'selection_replicate', 'technical_replicate', 'pair1', 'pair2')"), call. = FALSE)

  # ### FASTQ file checks (pair1/pair2 columns)
  # #Check file name columns are of type character 
  # if(typeof(exp_design[,"pair1"])!="character" | typeof(exp_design[,"pair2"])!="character"){
  #   stop(paste0("One or more invalid FASTQ file name values in experimentDesign file (only characters allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check for duplicated FASTQ files
  # if(sum(duplicated(exp_design[,c("pair1", "pair2")]))!=0 & !dimsum_meta[["experimentDesignPairDuplicates"]]){
  #   stop(paste0("Duplicate FASTQ files not allowed in experimentDesign file columns: 'pair1' and 'pair2'"), call. = FALSE)
  # }

  ### Sample name checks (sample_name column)
  #Check sample name column is of type character 
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'sample_name' values in experimentDesign file (only characters allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
  #Check for duplicated sample names (after collapsing on technical replicate id)
  sample_names_collapsed <- unique(exp_design[,c("sample_name", "experiment_replicate", "selection_id", "selection_replicate")])[,"sample_name"]
    stop(paste0("Duplicate 'sample_name' values not allowed in experimentDesign file (if not technical replicates)"), call. = FALSE)
  #Check only alphanumeric characters
  if(sum(!grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9]+$", exp_design[,"sample_name"], perl = T))!=0){
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'sample_name' values in experimentDesign file (only alphanumeric characters allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
  #Check first character alphabetic
  if(sum(!grepl("^[A-Za-z]+$", substr(exp_design[,"sample_name"], 1, 1), perl = T))!=0){
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'sample_name' values in experimentDesign file (first character must be alphabetic)"), call. = FALSE)
  #Check that all input sample names for the same experiment_replicate are identical
  experiment_input <- unique(exp_design[exp_design[,"selection_id"]==0,c("sample_name", "experiment_replicate")])
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid input 'sample_name' values in experimentDesign file (must be identical for the same experiment replicate)"), call. = FALSE)
  #Check that all output sample names for the same experiment_replicate and selection_replicate are identical
  experiment_output <- unique(exp_design[exp_design[,"selection_id"]!=0,c("sample_name", "experiment_replicate", "selection_replicate")])
  if(sum(duplicated(experiment_output[,c("experiment_replicate", "selection_replicate")]))!=0){
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid output 'sample_name' values in experimentDesign file (must be identical for the same experiment replicate and selection replicate)"), call. = FALSE)

  ### Experiment id checks (experiment_replicate column)
  #Check experiment_replicate strictly positive integer
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'experiment_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (only positive integers allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'experiment_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (only positive integers allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
  # #Check that at least two experimental replicates exist (requirement to run error model)
  # if(length(unique(exp_design[,"experiment_replicate"]))<2){
  #   stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'experiment_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (at least two replicates required)"), call. = FALSE)
  # }
  #Check that less than 10 experimental replicates exist (more than 9 not supported)
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'experiment_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (more than 9 not supported)"), call. = FALSE)

  ### Selection id checks (selection_id column)
  #Check selection_id strictly positive integer (zero inclusive)
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'selection_id' values in experimentDesign file (only 0 or positive integers allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'selection_id' values in experimentDesign file (only 0 or positive integers allowed)"), call. = FALSE)

  ### Minimum required matrix data checks
  #Check if at least one input and output sample present for each experiment_replicate
  experiment_input <- unique(exp_design[exp_design[,"selection_id"]==0,"experiment_replicate"])
  experiment_output <- unique(exp_design[exp_design[,"selection_id"]!=0,"experiment_replicate"])
  if(length(experiment_input)!=length(experiment_output) | sum(!experiment_input %in% experiment_output)!=0){
    stop(paste0("All experiment replicates should have at least one sample before and after selection in experimentDesign file"), call. = FALSE)

  ### Biological replicate id checks (selection_replicate column)
  #Check that selection_replicate column blank (NA) for input samples
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'selection_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (leave blank for input samples)"), call. = FALSE)
  #Check selection_replicate strictly positive integer
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'selection_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (only positive integers allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
  if(sum(exp_design[,"selection_replicate"]<=0, na.rm = T)!=0){
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'selection_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (only positive integers allowed)"), call. = FALSE)

  # ### Technical replicate id checks (technical_replicate column)
  # #Check technical_replicate strictly positive integer (or all missing/NA)
  # if(typeof(exp_design[,"technical_replicate"])!="integer" & sum(!is.na(exp_design[,"technical_replicate"]))!=0){
  #   stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'technical_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (only positive integers allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # if(sum(exp_design[,"technical_replicate"]<=0, na.rm = T)!=0){
  #   stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'technical_replicate' values in experimentDesign file (only positive integers allowed)"), call. = FALSE)
  # }

  ### Duplicate matrix row checks
  #Check for duplicated rows in the following columns: "experiment_replicate", "selection_id", "selection_replicate"
  if(sum(duplicated(exp_design[,c("experiment_replicate", "selection_id", "selection_replicate")]))!=0){
    stop(paste0("One or more duplicated rows in experimentDesign file matrix (sample rows should be unique)"), call. = FALSE)

  # ### 5'/3' adapter/cut existence checks
  # #Check that at least one cutadapt argument specified for all samples
  # if(sum(is.na(exp_design[,"cutadapt5First"]))!=0 & sum(is.na(exp_design[,"cutadapt5Second"]))!=0 & sum(is.na(exp_design[,"cutadapt3First"]))!=0 & sum(is.na(exp_design[,"cutadapt3Second"]))!=0){
  #   if(sum(is.na(exp_design[,"cutadaptCut5First"]))!=0 & sum(is.na(exp_design[,"cutadaptCut5Second"]))!=0 & sum(is.na(exp_design[,"cutadaptCut3First"]))!=0 & sum(is.na(exp_design[,"cutadaptCut3Second"]))!=0){
  #     stop("At least one of cutadapt5First, cutadapt5Second, cutadapt3First, cutadapt3Second, cutadaptCut5First, cutadaptCut5Second, cutadaptCut3First, cutadaptCut3Second must be specified for all samples. Please check that the corresponding experiment design file columns are correct.", call. = FALSE)
  #   }
  # }

  # ### Constant region checks
  # #Check constant region columns are of type character (or logical i.e. all empty/NA)
  # if(sum(!unlist(lapply(exp_design[,c("cutadapt5First", "cutadapt5Second", "cutadapt3First", "cutadapt3Second")], typeof)) %in% c("character", "logical"))!=0){
  #   stop(paste0("One or more invalid constant region sequences. Only valid nucleotide sequences allowed (A/C/T/G)."), call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check constant region sequences are valid (ACGT characters only)
  # all_characters <- unique(unlist(strsplit(gsub("[ACGT]\\.\\.\\.[ACGT]", "", as.character(unlist(exp_design[,c("cutadapt5First", "cutadapt5Second", "cutadapt3First", "cutadapt3Second")]))), "")))
  # if(sum(!all_characters %in% c("A", "C", "G", "T", NA))!=0){
  #   stop("Invalid constant region sequences. Only valid nucleotide sequences allowed (A/C/T/G).", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # ### Misc cutadapt argument checks
  # #Check cutadaptCut... columns are of type integer (or logical i.e. all empty/NA)
  # if(sum(!unlist(lapply(exp_design[,c("cutadaptCut5First", "cutadaptCut5Second", "cutadaptCut3First", "cutadaptCut3Second")], typeof)) %in% c("integer", "logical"))!=0){
  #   stop(paste0("One or more invalid 'cutadaptCut...' arguments. Only positive integers allowed (zero exclusive)."), call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check strictly positive integer cutadaptCut... arguments (if not NA)
  # if(sum(unlist(exp_design[,c("cutadaptCut5First", "cutadaptCut5Second", "cutadaptCut3First", "cutadaptCut3Second")])<=0, na.rm = T)!=0){
  #   stop("Invalid 'cutadaptCut...' arguments. Only positive integers allowed (zero exclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check cutadaptMinLength strictly positive integer
  # if(typeof(exp_design[,"cutadaptMinLength"])!="integer"){
  #   stop("Invalid 'cutadaptMinLength' argument. Only positive integers allowed (zero exclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check cutadaptMinLength argument
  # if(sum(exp_design[,c("cutadaptMinLength")]<1)!=0){
  #   stop("Invalid 'cutadaptMinLength' argument. Only positive integers allowed (zero exclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check cutadaptErrorRate double
  # if(typeof(exp_design[,"cutadaptErrorRate"])!="double"){
  #   stop("Invalid 'cutadaptErrorRate' argument. Only positive doubles less than 1 allowed (zero inclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check cutadaptErrorRate positive double less than 1
  # if(sum(exp_design[,c("cutadaptErrorRate")]<0)!=0 | sum(exp_design[,c("cutadaptErrorRate")]>=1)!=0){
  #   stop("Invalid 'cutadaptErrorRate' argument. Only positive doubles less than 1 allowed (zero inclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check cutadaptOverlap integer
  # if(typeof(exp_design[,"cutadaptOverlap"])!="integer"){
  #   stop("Invalid 'cutadaptOverlap' argument. Only positive integers allowed (zero inclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # #Check cutadaptOverlap positive integer zero inclusive
  # if(sum(exp_design[,c("cutadaptOverlap")]<0)!=0){
  #   stop("Invalid 'cutadaptOverlap' argument. Only positive integers allowed (zero inclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  ### Generations checks
  #Check generations column is of type double (or logical i.e. all empty/NA)
  if(!typeof(exp_design[,"generations"]) %in% c("double", "logical")){
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid generations values. Only positive doubles allowed (zero exclusive)."), call. = FALSE)
  #Check generations column is strictly positive
  if(sum(exp_design[,"generations"]<=0, na.rm=T)!=0){
    stop(paste0("One or more invalid generations values. Only positive doubles allowed (zero exclusive)."), call. = FALSE)
  #Check that all output samples have a generations value (if one or more specified)
  if(typeof(exp_design[,"generations"])=="double" & sum(is.na(exp_design[exp_design[,"selection_id"]==1,"generations"]))!=0){
    stop(paste0("One or more missing generations values. Generations values must be specified for all output samples (or none)."), call. = FALSE)
  #Check that generations values are identical for technical output replicates (if one or more specified)
  temp_n_output_replicates <- length(unique(exp_design[exp_design[,"selection_id"]!=0,c("sample_name")]))
  if(typeof(exp_design[,"generations"])=="double" & dim(unique(exp_design[exp_design[,"selection_id"]!=0,c("sample_name", "generations")]))[1]!=temp_n_output_replicates){
    stop(paste0("Generations values not identical for technical output replicates. Generations values must be specified for all output samples (or none)."), call. = FALSE)

lehner-lab/DiMSum documentation built on April 10, 2024, 4:15 a.m.