
Defines functions getGeneInfoByIDs findGeneByPapers findGeneByCompartmentPaperCnt findGeneByPaperCnt getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCnt getPapers getGeneIdByPaperCnt getGeneIdByPapers getGeneIdByName getGenesByID findGenesByName getGeneIdByEntrez findGenesByEntrez getGeneInfoByEntrez getGeneInfoByPapers getGeneInfoByName

Documented in findGeneByCompartmentPaperCnt findGeneByPaperCnt findGeneByPapers findGenesByEntrez findGenesByName getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCnt getGeneIdByEntrez getGeneIdByName getGeneIdByPaperCnt getGeneIdByPapers getGeneInfoByEntrez getGeneInfoByIDs getGeneInfoByName getGeneInfoByPapers getGenesByID getPapers

##### Use cases 1 and 2 Show my favourite gene info#####
#' Get gene information for set of gene names.
#' Function lookup for name in Human Gene name, Rat Gene name and
#' Mouse Gene name data and return following features for all found genes:
#' GeneID (internal database ID), Localisation (one of the following:
#' presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptosome),
#' MGI (MGI ID), HumanEntrez (Human Entrez ID), MouseEntrez (Mouse Entrez ID),
#' HumanName (Human gene name), MouseName (Mouse gene name),
#' PaperPMID (PMID IDs for the publications where the genes were reported),
#' Paper (papers where specific genes were reported in a format
#' FIRSTAUTHOR_YEAR), Year, SpeciesTaxID (specie the original experiment
#' was performed on), BrainRegion (Brain region where the specific genes
#' were identified, according to the paper)
#' This function then returns
#' following features for all found genes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item GeneID,
#' \item Localisation,
#' \item MGI,
#' \item HumanEntrez,
#' \item MouseEntrez,
#' \item HumanName,
#' \item MouseName,
#' \item PaperPMID,
#' \item Paper,
#' \item Year,
#' \item SpeciesTaxID,
#' \item BrainRegion
#' }
#' @param name \code{vector} of gene names
#' @return \code{data.frame} with fields specified above.
#' @export
#' @family {GeneInfo functions}
#' @examples
#' # get information for specific gene
#' t <- getGeneInfoByName("CASK")
#' # get information for the list of genes
#' t <- getGeneInfoByName(c("CASK", "DLG2"))
getGeneInfoByName <- function(name) {
    ids <- getGeneIdByName(name)
    df <- getGeneInfoByIDs(ids)

#' Get gene information for set of genes mentioned by certain papers.
#' Function lookup for specified PubMedIDs in the gene reference data and
#' return following features for genes referenced by requested papers at
#' least \code{cnt} times:
#' GeneID (internal database ID), Localisation (one of the following:
#' presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptosome),
#' MGI (MGI ID), HumanEntrez (Human Entrez ID), MouseEntrez (Mouse Entrez ID),
#' HumanName (Human gene name), MouseName (Mouse gene name),
#' PaperPMID (PMID IDs for the publications where the genes were reported if
#' it is within \code{pmids} list),
#' Paper (papers where specific genes were reported in a format
#' FIRSTAUTHOR_YEAR), Year, SpeciesTaxID (specie the original experiment
#' was performed on), BrainRegion (Brain region where the specific genes
#' were identified, according to the paper)
#' This function then returns
#' following features for all found genes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item GeneID,
#' \item Localisation,
#' \item MGI,
#' \item HumanEntrez,
#' \item MouseEntrez,
#' \item HumanName,
#' \item MouseName,
#' \item PaperPMID,
#' \item Paper,
#' \item Year,
#' \item SpeciesTaxID,
#' \item BrainRegion
#' }
#' @param pmids vector of PMIDs to search for genes
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} with fields specified above.
#' @export
#' @family {GeneInfo functions}
#' @examples
#' res<- getAllGenes4Compartment(compartmentID = 1)
#' gnt<-getGeneInfoByIDs(res$GeneID)
#' pmids<-names(sort(table(gnt$PaperPMID))[1:5])
#' cntT <- getGeneInfoByPapers(pmids,cnt=3)
#' head(cntT)
getGeneInfoByPapers <- function(pmids,cnt=1) {
    ids <- getGeneIdByPapers(pmids,cnt)
    df <- getGeneInfoByIDs(ids$GeneID) %>% dplyr::filter(PaperPMID %in% pmids)

#' Gene information for given list of gene Entrez IDs
#' Get gene information for set of gene Entrez IDs. Function lookup for
#' name in Human Entrez ID and Mouse Entrez Id  data and return following
#' features for all found genes: GeneID (internal database ID), Localisation
#' (presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptosome), MGI (MGI ID),
#' HumanEntrez (Human Entrez ID), MouseEntrez (Mouse Entrez ID),
#' HumanName (Human gene name), MouseName (Mouse gene name),
#' PaperPMID (PMID IDs for the publications where the genes were reported),
#' Paper (papers where specific genes were reported in a format
#' FIRSTAUTHOR_YEAR), Year, SpeciesTaxID (specie the original experiment
#' was performed on), BrainRegion (Brain region where the specific genes
#' were identified, according to the paper)
#' @param entrez \code{vector} of Entres IDs. Function accepts both
#' integers and characters.
#' @return  \code{data.frame}  with fields specified above.
#' @export
#' @family {GeneInfo functions}
#' @examples
#' # get information for specific gene
#' t <- getGeneInfoByEntrez(1742)
#' # get information for specific character string Entres representation
#' t <- getGeneInfoByEntrez("1742")
#' # get information for the list of genes
#' t <- getGeneInfoByName(c(1741, 1742, 1739, 1740))
getGeneInfoByEntrez <- function(entrez) {
    ids <- getGeneIdByEntrez(entrez)
    df <- getGeneInfoByIDs(ids)

#' Internal Gene representation for given list of gene Entrez IDs
#' Get internal gene representation for set of gene Entrez IDs.
#' Function lookups for provided values in Human Entrez ID, Mouse Entrez ID
#' and Rat Entrez ID columns and return following features for all found
#' genes: GeneID (internal database ID), MGI ID, Human Entrez ID, Mouse
#' Entrez ID, Rat Entrez ID, Human gene name, Mouse gene name and Rat
#' gene name.
#' Could be used as an intermediate step for building Protein-Protein
#' interaction map from the list of Gene IDs returned in the first column.
#' Also, this function provides a useful sanity check, e.g. how many Gene IDs
#' correspond to the
#' specific gene name or Entrez ID, which could be specie-specific.
#' @param entrez \code{vector} of Entres IDs. Function accepts both
#' integers and characters.
#' @return  \code{data.frame} with columns specified above.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl select filter pull collect
#' @family {Lookup functions}
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # get information for specific gene
#' t <- findGenesByEntrez(c(1742, 1741, 1739, 1740))
findGenesByEntrez <- function(entrez) {
    ids <- getGeneIdByEntrez(entrez)

#' Get list of GeneIDs corresponding to provided Entrez IDs.
#' Get internal GeneID values for set of gene Entrez IDs. Function
#' lookups for provided values in Human Entrez ID, Mouse Entrez ID and
#' Rat Entrez ID columns and returns obtained GeneIDs.
#' @param entrez \code{vector} of Entres IDs. Function accepts both
#' integers and characters.
#' @return \code{vector} of GeneID values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' t <- synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByEntrez(c(1742, 1741, 1739, 1740))
getGeneIdByEntrez <- function(entrez) {
    idsH <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl("Gene") %>%
            HumanEntrez %in% entrez |
                MouseEntrez %in% entrez |
                RatEntrez %in% entrez
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(ID) %>%
        dplyr::pull(ID) %>%

#' Find GeneIDs for names
#' Get internal gene representation for set of gene names. Function lookups
#' for provided values in Human Name, Mouse Name and Rat Name columns and
#' return following features for all found genes: GeneID (internal database
#' ID), MGI ID, Human Entrez ID, Mouse Entrez ID, Rat Entrez ID, Human gene
#' name, Mouse gene name and Rat gene name.
#' Could be used as an intermediate step for building Protein-Protein
#' interaction map from the list of Gene IDs returned in the first column.
#' Also, this function provides a useful sanity check, e.g. how many Gene
#' IDs correspond to the specific gene name or Entrez ID, which could be
#' specie-specific.
#' @param name \code{vector} of gene names.
#' @return  \code{data.frame} with columns specified above.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl select filter pull collect
#' @family {Lookup functions}
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @examples
#' # Find GeneIDs for names
#' t <- findGenesByName(c("Src", "Srcin1", "Fyn"))
findGenesByName <- function(name) {
    ids <- getGeneIdByName(name)

#' Get gene table from list of GeneIDs.
#' Takes internal gene IDs as input and return the following features for
#' all found genes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{GeneID}{ internal database ID}
#' \item{MGI}{ MGI ID}
#' \item{HumanEntrez}{Human Entrez ID}
#' \item{MouseEntrez}{Mouse Entrez ID}
#' \item{HumanName}{Human gene name}
#' \item{MouseName}{Mouse gene name}
#' \item{RatEntrez}{Rat Entrez ID}
#' \item{Rat Name}{Rat gene name}
#' }
#' @param ids \code{vector} of GeneID values.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with 8 columns specified above.
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl select filter rename collect
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gdf <- getGenesByID(c(46, 6, 15, 1))
getGenesByID <- function(ids) {
    #TODO: fix the DB and remove suppressWarnings
    genes <- suppressWarnings(
        get_dbconn() %>%
            dplyr::tbl("Gene") %>%
                ID, MGI,
                HumanEntrez, MouseEntrez, RatEntrez,
                HumanName, MouseName, RatName
            ) %>%
            dplyr::filter(ID %in% ids) %>%
            dplyr::rename(GeneID = ID) %>%

#' Get list of GeneIDs corresponding to provided gene names.
#' @param name \code{vector} of gene names.
#' @return \code{vector} of GeneID values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' t <- synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByName(c("Src", "Srcin1", "Fyn"))
getGeneIdByName <- function(name) {
    idsH <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl("Gene") %>%
            HumanName %in% name |
                MouseName %in% name |
                RatName %in% name
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(ID) %>%
        dplyr::pull(ID) %>%

#' Get list of GeneIDs for genes found in specified papers
#' @param pmids vector of PMIDs to search for genes
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return tibble wiht GeneID and Npmid columns for genes and paper count
#'         data respectively.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' res<- getAllGenes4Compartment(compartmentID = 1)
#' gnt<-getGeneInfoByIDs(res$GeneID)
#' pmids<-names(sort(table(gnt$PaperPMID))[1:5])
#' cntT<-synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByPapers(pmids,3)
getGeneIdByPapers <- function(pmids, cnt = 1) {
    if (length(pmids) < 1) {
            'At least one paper should be specified.\n',
            'To search in all papers use getGeneIdByPaperCnt instead.\n'
    if (!is.numeric(cnt)) {
        stop('Count shauld be natural number.\n')
    if (length(cnt) > 1) {
        cnt <- cnt[1]
        warning("Count should be a single value. First element is used.\n")
    if (cnt < 1) {
        stop('Count shauld be natural number. (', cnt, ')\n')
    idsCnt <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl('PaperGene') %>%
        dplyr::filter(PaperPMID %in% pmids) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(GeneID) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(Npmid = n_distinct(PaperPMID)) %>%
        dplyr::filter(Npmid >= cnt) %>%

#' Get list of frequently found GeneIDs
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return tibble wiht GeneID and Npmid columns for genes and paper count
#'         data respectively.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' cntT<-synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByPaperCnt(47)
getGeneIdByPaperCnt <- function(cnt=1) {
        stop('Count shauld be natural number.\n')
        warning("Count should be a single value. First element is used.\n")
    if(cnt < 1){
        stop('Count shauld be natural number. (',cnt,')\n')
    idsCnt <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl('PaperGene') %>%
        dplyr::group_by(GeneID) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(Npmid=n_distinct(PaperPMID)) %>%
        dplyr::filter( Npmid>=cnt) %>%

#' Get synaptome papers overview
#' @return data.frame with following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item PaperPMID
#' \item SpeciesTaxID
#' \item Year
#' \item Name
#' \item Localisation
#' \item BrainRegion
#' \item Method
#' \item Ngenes
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- getPapers()
#' head(p)
getPapers <- function() {
    p <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl('Paper') %>%
        dplyr::select(PMID, Year, Name)
    b <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl("BrainRegion") %>%
        dplyr::select(ID, Name) %>%
        dplyr::rename("BrainRegion" = 'Name')
    c <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl("Localisation") %>%
        dplyr::select(ID, Name) %>%
        dplyr::rename("Localisation" = 'Name')
    m <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl("Method") %>%
        dplyr::select(ID, Name) %>%
        dplyr::rename("Method" = 'Name')

    papers <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl('PaperGene') %>%
                        MethodID) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(Ngenes = n_distinct(GeneID)) %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(p, by = c('PaperPMID' = 'PMID')) %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(b, by = c('BrainRegionID' = 'ID')) %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(c, by = c('LocalisationID' = 'ID')) %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(m, by = c('MethodID' = 'ID')) %>%
    papers <- papers %>% as.data.frame %>%

#' Get list of frequently found in `Compartment GeneIDs
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return tibble wiht GeneID, LocalisationID, and Npmid
#'         columns for genes and paper count
#'         data respectively.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' cntT<-synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCnt(4)
getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCnt <- function(cnt=1) {
        stop('Count shauld be natural number.\n')
        warning("Count should be a single value. First element is used.\n")
    if(cnt < 1){
        stop('Count shauld be natural number. (',cnt,')\n')
    idsCnt <- get_dbconn() %>%
        dplyr::tbl('PaperGene') %>%
        dplyr::group_by(GeneID,LocalisationID) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(Npmid=n_distinct(PaperPMID)) %>%
        dplyr::filter( Npmid>=cnt) %>%

#' Get gene table of frequently found genes
#' Get gene table and paper count for genes mentioned \code{cnt}
#' or more times in different papers.
#' @param cnt  minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} with 9 columns: 8 specified in
#'         \code{\link{getGenesByID}} and \code{Npmid} column for the paper
#'         count.
#' @export
#' @seealso getGenesByID
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @examples
#' cntT <- findGeneByPaperCnt(47)
#' head(cntT)
findGeneByPaperCnt <- function(cnt=1) {
    gnt<-getGenesByID(ids$GeneID) %>% dplyr::left_join(ids,by='GeneID')

#' Get gene table of frequently found genes within compartments
#' Get gene table and paper count for genes mentioned \code{cnt}
#' or more times in different compartment-paper pairs.
#' @param cnt  minimal number of times mentioned gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} with 9 columns: 8 specified in
#'         \code{\link{getGenesByID}} and \code{Npmid} column for the paper
#'         count.
#' @export
#' @seealso getGenesByID
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @examples
#' cntT <- findGeneByPaperCnt(47)
#' head(cntT)
findGeneByCompartmentPaperCnt <- function(cnt = 1) {
    ids <- getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCnt(cnt) %>%
                         by = c("LocalisationID" = 'ID')) %>%
        dplyr::rename('Localisation' = 'Name') %>%
        dplyr::select('GeneID', 'Localisation', 'Npmid')
    gnt <- getGenesByID(ids$GeneID) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(ids, by = 'GeneID')

#' Get gene table of frequently found genes
#' Get gene table and paper count for genes mentioned \code{cnt}
#' or more times in different papers.
#' @param pmids vector of PMIDs to search for genes
#' @param cnt  minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} with 9 columns: 8 specified in
#'         \code{\link{getGenesByID}} and \code{Npmid} column for the paper
#'         count.
#' @export
#' @seealso getGenesByID
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @examples
#' res<- getAllGenes4Compartment(compartmentID = 1)
#' gnt<-getGeneInfoByIDs(res$GeneID)
#' pmids<-names(sort(table(gnt$PaperPMID))[1:5])
#' cntT <- findGeneByPapers(pmids,cnt=3)
#' head(cntT)
findGeneByPapers <- function(pmids,cnt=1) {
    gnt<-getGenesByID(ids$GeneID) %>% dplyr::left_join(ids,by='GeneID')

#' Get GeneInfo table for set of GeneIDs
#' Function lookup for internal GeneID values and return following
#' features for all found genes:
#' GeneID (internal database ID), Localisation (one of the following:
#' presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptosome),
#' MGI (MGI ID), HumanEntrez (Human Entrez ID), MouseEntrez (Mouse Entrez ID),
#' HumanName (Human gene name), MouseName (Mouse gene name),
#' PaperPMID (PMID IDs for the publications where the genes were reported),
#' Paper (papers where specific genes were reported in a format
#' FIRSTAUTHOR_YEAR), Year, SpeciesTaxID (specie the original experiment
#' was performed on), BrainRegion (Brain region where the specific genes
#' were identified, according to the paper)
#' This function then returns
#' following features for all found genes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item GeneID,
#' \item Localisation,
#' \item MGI,
#' \item HumanEntrez,
#' \item MouseEntrez,
#' \item HumanName,
#' \item MouseName,
#' \item PaperPMID,
#' \item Paper,
#' \item Year,
#' \item SpeciesTaxID,
#' \item BrainRegion
#' }
#' @param ids \code{vector} of Gene IDs.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with column specified above.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl select filter pull collect
#' @family {GeneInfo functions}
#' @examples
#' gdf <- getGeneInfoByIDs(c(46, 6, 15, 1))
getGeneInfoByIDs <- function(ids) {
    if("Dataset" %in% DBI::dbListFields(get_dbconn(),'PaperGene')){
        gtbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
            dplyr::tbl('Gene') %>%
            dplyr::filter(ID %in% ids)
        ltbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
        pgtbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
        ptbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
        brtbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
        gns <- gtbl %>%
            dplyr::inner_join(pgtbl, by = c('ID' = 'GeneID')) %>%
            dplyr::rename(GeneID = ID) %>%
            dplyr::inner_join(ltbl, by = c('LocalisationID' = 'ID')) %>%
            dplyr::rename(Localisation = Name) %>%
            dplyr::inner_join(ptbl, by = c('PaperPMID' = 'PMID')) %>%
            dplyr::rename(Paper = Name) %>%
            dplyr::inner_join(brtbl, by = c('BrainRegionID' = 'ID')) %>%
            dplyr::rename(BrainRegion = Name) %>%
                # gns <- get_dbconn() %>%
                # dplyr::tbl("FullGeneFullPaperFullRegion") %>%
                # dplyr::filter(GeneID %in% ids) %>%
                # dplyr::select(
        warning('Old DB structure is used.\n',
                'Call: AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub() to update the cache.\n')
        gns <- get_dbconn() %>%
            dplyr::tbl("FullGeneFullPaperFullRegion") %>%
            dplyr::filter(GeneID %in% ids) %>%
    df <- gns %>% dplyr::collect() %>% unique
lptolik/synaptome.db documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 2:50 p.m.