
## server.R
## created: 2016-09-01
## creator: Muhammad Raheel
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Main workflow of the ShinyBeads tool.

# libraries
library(data.table) # using the function fread for reading large csv files
library(lattice)# using qqunif.plot
library(plotly) #interactive graphics with D3
library(ShinyBeads, lib.loc = "/home/users/mraheel/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4")

##################################################################### <- function(wd,f) {

  if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(wd,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) ){
    filename <- file.path(wd, 'differential_methylation_data',f)

    filename= as.character(filename)

    # fread function from the library data.table
    list.diff.p.values <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c("diffmeth.p.val"))

    # converting the data into list so that it can be plotted

    list.diff.p.values <-

    list.diff.p.values <- as.matrix(list.diff.p.values)

    list.diff.p.values <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(list.diff.p.values)), function(col) list.diff.p.values[,col])

    list.diff.p.values <- unlist(list.diff.p.values)



    empty_list <- list()



## S H I N Y S E R V E R ###################################################################################################

topRowsPlotChoices = c('All','5000', '1000' , '500' ,'100')
topRowsChoices = c('All', '100000' ,'50000' , '20000', '10000', '1000' , '500' ,'100')

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

  # update timestamp when update is clicked
  shinyjs::onclick("update", shinyjs::html("time", date()))

  # logo of the app

  output$preImage <- renderImage({

    filename <- normalizePath(file.path(getwd(),'includes','images',
                                        paste('Rnbeads', '.png', sep='')))

    # Return a list containing the filename and alt text
    list(src = filename,
         contentType = 'image/png',
         width = 100,
         height = 50,
         alt = paste("Image number", 'logo'))

  }, deleteFile = FALSE)

  # oberve to change the tabs when button or table clicked!

  observeEvent(input$action, {
    newtab <- switch(input$tabs,
                     "about" = "home",
    updateTabItems(session, "tabs", newtab)

  observeEvent(input$dataset, {
    newtab <- switch(input$tabs,
                     "home" = "dataset",
    updateTabItems(session, "tabs", newtab)

    if(input$view_datasets > 0){

      session$sendCustomMessage("myCallbackHandler", "4")

  # comment uncomment to use dynamic path of the repository
  # .global.analysisDir is the path to the RnBeads repository selected before running shiny app
  #updatedDir <- normalizePath(.global.analysisDir, winslash = "\\", mustWork = NA)

  updatedDir <- normalizePath("/var/www/html/data", winslash = "\\", mustWork = NA)
  #updatedDir <- normalizePath("/projects/factorization/raw_data/Demo_Repository", winslash = "\\", mustWork = NA)

  selectedDir <-  as.character(updatedDir)

  analysis <-

  # updating all the selectInput dropdowns of the app

  updateSelectInput(session, "input_type",
                    label = paste("Select analysis folder"),
                    choices = analysis)

  updateSelectInput(session, "select_ia",
                    label = paste("Select analysis folder"),
                    choices = analysis)

  updateSelectInput(session, "input_dmcomp_choices",
                    label = paste("Select analysis folder"),
                    choices = analysis)

  updateSelectInput(session, "input_dmcomp_choices_1",
                    label = paste("Analysis 1"),
                    choices = analysis)

  updateSelectInput(session, "input_dmcomp_choices_2",
                    label = paste("Analysis 2"),
                    choices = analysis)

  updateSelectInput(session, "input_tablebrowser_choices",
                    label = paste("Select analysis folder"),
                    choices = analysis)

  updateSelectInput(session, "input_topscorer_choices_1",
                    label = paste("Analysis 1"),
                    choices = analysis)

  updateSelectInput(session, "input_topscorer_choices_2",
                    label = paste("Analysis 2"),
                    choices = analysis)

  # Can also set the label and select items
  updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "cb_ts_comp_venn",
                           label = paste("Select analysis"),
                           choices = analysis,
                           selected = 1

  dirfolder = analysis

  if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(selectedDir,dirfolder[1],'index.html',sep="/") }) ) ){
    output$ErrorText1 <- renderText({ paste("You are working with the following RnBeads analysis repository:",sep="") })
    output$ErrorText2 <- renderText({ paste(selectedDir,sep="") })
    output$ErrorText1 <- renderText({ paste("Not a Valid RnBeads Repository:",sep="") })
    output$ErrorText2 <- renderText({ paste(selectedDir,sep="") })

      check.repo = 'FALSE'
      session$sendCustomMessage(type = "t", check.repo)


  results.dir = reactive({file.path(path = selectedDir)})

  # selected RnBeads repository folder
  value <- reactive({as.character(input$input_type) })
  rwaDir <- reactive({file.path(results.dir(), value()) })

  # output logo

  output$logo <- renderText({

    file.path(results.dir(), 'images/RnBeads.png')


  # displaying folders of repository selected

    # Create a Progress object
    progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
    progress$set(message = "Reading analysis, please wait..", value = 50)

    choices <-

    analysis.datetime.list <- list()

    for (i in 1:length(choices)) {

      analysis.datetime.list[i] <- as.character(,choices[i], sep="/"))$ctime)


    output$count_rfolders <- renderText({
      paste("Total RnBeads reports in this repository = ", length(choices), sep = " ")


    if ( length(choices) != 0 ){

      output$list_folders <- renderDataTable({

        choices <- unlist(choices)
        ana_datetime <- unlist(analysis.datetime.list)
        DT <- data.table( RnBeads_Reports = choices , Reports_Generated_Date = ana_datetime)


      },selection = 'single', escape = FALSE)



      output$list_folders <- renderDataTable({

        DT <- data.table( RnBeads_Analysis = 'No directory in this repository.')

      },selection = 'single', escape = FALSE)


    #closing the progress bar



  # check and return the results folder that have the same sample annotation file.


    # Create a Progress object
    progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
    progress$set(message = "Collecting information, please wait..", value = 50)

    cd_list <- list()
    cd_list_counter <- 1

    commond_list <- list()
    commond_list_counter <- 1

#     common.datasets =
#     common.datasets.path = common.datasets$path_list
#     common.datasets.analysis = common.datasets$analysis_list
#     total.common.datasets = rnbi.common.dataset(results.dir())

    analysis <-

    common.datasets = rnbi.dataset(results.dir())
    datasets.unique.analysis.index = common.datasets$analysis_list
    datasets.common.analysis.index = common.datasets$common_list

    if (length(datasets.unique.analysis.index) != 0 || length(datasets.common.analysis.index) != 0 ){

      # unique analysis
      cd_list <- lapply(1:(length(datasets.unique.analysis.index)), function(i) {
        cd_list[cd_list_counter] <- paste("Dataset",analysis[datasets.unique.analysis.index[i]],datasets.unique.analysis.index[i],sep = "_")
        cd_list_counter = cd_list_counter + 1



      # common analysis
      commond_list <- lapply(1:(length(datasets.common.analysis.index)), function(i) {
        list_index <- unlist(datasets.common.analysis.index[i])
        commond_list[commond_list_counter] <- paste("Dataset",analysis[list_index[1]],list_index[1],sep = "_")
        commond_list_counter = commond_list_counter + 1



      # combining unique and common analysis into one

      total_dataset <-  c(cd_list, commond_list)

      dataset_choices <- unlist(total_dataset)
      # update the datalist dropdown in the individual data sets tab
      updateSelectInput(session, "dd_ids_datasets",
                        label = "Datasets",
                        choices = dataset_choices)

      output$total_datasets <- renderText({
        paste("Total datasets used in this repository =", length(cd_list) + length(commond_list), sep = " ")


      output$list_datasets <- renderDataTable({
        #cd_list <- unlist(cd_list)
        DT <- data.table( Datasets_Used = dataset_choices)


      },selection = 'single', escape = FALSE)

      output$common_datasets_used <- renderDataTable({
        commond_list <- unlist(commond_list)
        DT <- data.table( Datasets_Used = commond_list)


      },selection = 'single', escape = FALSE)



      output$total_datasets <- renderText({
        paste("Total datasets used in this repository =", length(cd_list), sep = " ")


      output$list_datasets <- renderDataTable({

        DT <- data.table( Datasets_Used = 'No information available.')


      },selection = 'single', escape = FALSE)


    #closing the progress bar



  # if any of the datasetslist rows is clicked then it will redirects to individual dataset
  #tab to display the annotaion.csv file contents

  observeEvent(input$list_datasets_rows_selected, {
    row <- input$list_datasets_rows_selected

    row <- as.integer(row)


  ## Nav Bar Tab : Individual Analaysis
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Main sub tabs under Individual Analaysis top nav bar.


  # displaying RnBeads options


    value.options <- reactive({as.character(input$select_ia) })

    wd_options <- reactive({file.path(results.dir(), value.options()) })

    if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(wd_options(),'analysis_options.RData',sep="/") }) ) ){

      rwaDirUpdated <- reactive({file.path(wd_options(), "analysis_options.RData")})

      # function to read analysis_options.RData file

      LoadToEnvironment <- function(rwaDir, env = new.env()){
        load(rwaDir, env)

      output$list_options <- renderDataTable({

        rdata.env <- LoadToEnvironment(rwaDirUpdated()) <- rdata.env$analysis.options

        options_values <- list()

        for (i in 1:length( {

          options_values[i] <- toString([i])


        options_values <- unlist(options_values) <- names(

        DT = data.table( Analysis_Options =, Values = options_values)


      },selection = 'single',
      extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL),

      options = list(autoWidth = FALSE,columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 2)),
                     pageLength = 100,
                     initComplete = JS(
                       "function(settings, json) {",
                       "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
                     #lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 15, 20)
                     scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = TRUE, dom = 'Blfrtip',buttons = list(  'print',list( extend = 'collection',buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'), text = 'Download'), I('colvis')),br(), keys = TRUE
      ), escape = TRUE)

      output$list_options <- renderDataTable({

        DT = data.table( data = "No infomation available.")





  # displaying list of RnBeads modules performed


    value.modules <- reactive({as.character(input$select_ia) })

    if (as.character(input$select_ia) == 'NA')
      output$list_module <- renderTable({
        DT <- data.table(Performed_Modules = 'No file exist or no data available.')

      wd_modules <- reactive({file.path(results.dir(), value.modules()) })

      data_type = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , value.modules())

      if (grepl('idat files' , data_type )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
        rrbs_analysis = FALSE
        rrbs_analysis = TRUE

      if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE){

        Performed_Modules <- rnbi.analysis.rrbs.modules.performed(wd_modules())

        if ( length(Performed_Modules) > 0 ){
          #fucntion from the ShinyBeads package

          modules <- unlist(Performed_Modules)

          output$list_module <- renderTable({
            DT <- data.table( Performed_Modules = modules)



          output$list_module <- renderTable({
            DT <- data.table(Performed_Modules = 'No file exist or no data available.')


        if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(wd_modules(),'analysis.log',sep="/") }) ) ){
          #fucntion from the ShinyBeads package

          #Performed_Modules <-  modules_performed(wd_modules())
          Performed_Modules <- rnbi.analysis.modules.performed(wd_modules())

          modules <- unlist(Performed_Modules)

          output$list_module <- renderTable({
            DT <- data.table( Performed_Modules = modules)



          output$list_module <- renderTable({
            DT <- data.table(Performed_Modules = 'No file exist or no data available.')

    }# end of else for checking NA


  # displaying rnbeads reports index.html file content
    output$rnbeadsReports <- renderUI({

      value.modules <- reactive({as.character(input$select_ia) })
      wd_modules <- reactive({file.path(results.dir(), value.modules()) })

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(wd_modules(),'index.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

          #HTML(paste('<a class = "btn btn-primary" target = "_blank" href = "',paste(as.character(input$select_ia),'index.html"',sep="/"),'>View Reports','</a>',sep=""))
          HTML(paste('<a class = "btn btn-primary" target = "_blank" href = "',paste('file:///',as.character(results.dir()),as.character(input$select_ia),'index.html"',sep="/"),'>View Reports','</a><br/>','<br/> <p>*In Chrome web browser, If the view report button does not open the reports than you need to install a chrome extension that allows to open the local files link.<br/> To install the extension click <a target = "_blank" href = "">LocalLinks</a></p>','<p>*For all other web browsers you need to copy the below link and paste it in a browser to view the reports.</p>',paste('<a class="text-info">file:///',as.character(results.dir()),as.character(input$select_ia),'index.html</a>',sep="/"),sep=""))

          HTML('<p>No reports exist!</p>')



  ## Nav Bar Tab : Individual Datset
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Main sub tabs under Individual Dataset top nav bar.


  # Displaying annotation file contents as well as in how many of the RnBeads analysis
  # annotation file is used


    dd_datasets <- as.character(input$dd_ids_datasets)

    tmp = toString(dd_datasets)
    tmp = unlist(strsplit(tmp, "_"))
    len = length(tmp)
    #last_character = substr(tmp,len,len)
    last_character = tmp[len]

#     # Create a Progress object
#     progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
#     progress$set(message = "please wait..", value = 50)

    analysis <-

    if (dd_datasets != "NA"){

      last_character = as.integer(last_character)

      path_ = paste(results.dir(), analysis[last_character], 'data_import_data','annotation.csv',sep="/")

      # if no datasets returned means that we have only one analysis so in else showing it
      if (length(path_) != 0){
        a.file <- reactive({fread(as.character(path_), sep=',')})

        output$totalDatasetSamples <- renderText({

          #HTML(paste('<b><p> Total samples used in the selected data set = ',nrow(data.frame(a.file())),'</p> </b>',sep=""))
          paste('Total samples used in the selected data set = ',nrow(data.frame(a.file())),sep="")

        # Generate a summary of the dataset
        output[[paste0('annotation')]] <- renderDataTable({

          dataset <- a.file()

        },selection = 'single',

        extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL),
        options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 2)),
                       pageLength = 100,
                       initComplete = JS(
                         "function(settings, json) {",
                         "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
          scrollX = TRUE,
          scrollY = TRUE,
          dom = 'Blfrtip',
          buttons = list(

              extend = 'collection',
              buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
              text = 'Download'

          keys = TRUE

        ), escape = TRUE)


        if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(results.dir(),input$select_ia,'data_import_data','annotation.csv',sep="/") }) ) )
          a.file <- reactive({fread(normalizePath(paste(results.dir(),input$select_ia,'data_import_data','annotation.csv',sep="/"), winslash = "\\", mustWork = NA),sep=',')})

          # Generate a summary of the dataset
          output[[paste0('annotation')]] <- renderDataTable({

            dataset <- a.file()

          },selection = 'single',

          extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL),
          options = list(
                         columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2))),
                         #pageLength = 100,
                         initComplete = JS(
                           "function(settings, json) {",
                           "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
            scrollX = TRUE,
            scrollY = TRUE,
            dom = 'Blfrtip',
            buttons = list(

                extend = 'collection',
                buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
                text = 'Download'

            keys = TRUE

          ), escape = TRUE)

          # Generate a summary of the dataset
          output[[paste0('annotation')]] <- renderDataTable({

            dataset <- data.table( data = "No infomation available.")


          output$h1_datasettab <- renderText({
            paste("No Dataset Available")




      # how many analysis is the selected dataset is used in common in the analysis

      common.datasets = rnbi.dataset(results.dir())
      datasets.unique.analysis.index = common.datasets$analysis_list
      datasets.common.analysis.index = common.datasets$common_list = common.datasets$total_common_index

      # if dataset is used in more than one analysis or not
      if (last_character %in% ){

        common <- c()
        common_index <- 1

        # iterate over the common dataset analysis
        for (i in 1:length(datasets.common.analysis.index)) {

          list_index <- unlist(datasets.common.analysis.index[i])

          if(last_character %in% list_index)

            # store the different analysis sharing common dataset
            for (j in 1:length(list_index)){
              common <- c(common, analysis[list_index[j]] )
            common_index <- i



        analysis.datetime.list <- list()

        for (i in 1:length(common)) {

          analysis.datetime.list[i] <- as.character(,common[i], sep="/"))$ctime)


        output[[paste0('annotation1')]] <- renderDataTable({
          common <- unlist(common)
          analysis.datetime <- unlist(analysis.datetime.list)
          DT <- data.table( Analysis_directory = common, Reports_Generated_Date = analysis.datetime)


        },selection = 'single', escape = TRUE)



        # if no dataset is shared among other analysis

        analysis.datetime <- as.character(,analysis[last_character], sep="/"))$ctime)

        output[[paste0('annotation1')]] <- renderDataTable({

          DT <- data.table( Analysis_Dir = analysis[last_character], Reports_Generated_Date = analysis.datetime)


        },selection = 'single', escape = TRUE)



#     #closing the progress bar
#     on.exit(progress$close())


  ## Top Nav Bar Tab : Integrative Visualization
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Main sub tabs under Integrative Visualization top nav bar.

  ## Nav Bar Tab : QQ-plots


  # Differential Methylation options getting it from the HTML file

#   observe({
#     value.options <- reactive({as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices) })
#     if (value.options() != "NA"){
#       wd_options <- reactive({file.path(results.dir(), value.options()) })
#       if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(wd_options(),'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){
#         filename <- reactive({ normalizePath(file.path(wd_options(),'differential_methylation.html'), winslash = "\\", mustWork = NA) })
#         #filename= as.character(filename)
#         differential.methylation.path <- filename()
#         webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
#         pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
#         # Extract table header and contents of the analysis option table of differential methylation
#         tablehead <- xpathSApply(pagetree, "//*/table[@class='tindex']/thead/tr/th", xmlValue)
#         results <- xpathSApply(pagetree, "//*/table[@class='tindex']/tbody/tr/td", xmlValue)
#         # Convert character vector to dataframe
#         content <-, ncol =2, byrow = TRUE))
#         # Clean up the results
#         content[,1] <- gsub("Â ", "", content[,1])
#         tablehead <- gsub("Â ", "", tablehead)
#         names(content) <- tablehead
#         output$htmlTable = renderTable({
#           content
#         })
#         output$htmlcomparisonTable = renderTable({
#           "comparisonTable No data avaialbe"
#         })
#       }
#       else{
#         output$htmlTable = renderTable({
#           paste("No data available")
#         })
#         output$htmlcomparisonTable = renderTable({
#           paste("No data available")
#         })
#       }
#     }
#   })


  # showing comparisons performed from the HTML file and displaying in the dropdown for qqplot 1

#   observeEvent(input$input_dmcomp_choices,{
#     shinyjs::hide(id = "id_qqplot")
#     input_choices <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices)
#     qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)
#     # Extracting the values from the table from differential methylation html file and displaying the values of comparisons in the dropdown
#     if (input_choices != "NA"){
#       if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){
#         filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')
#         differential.methylation.path <- filename
#         webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
#         pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
#         query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
#         dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)
#         dates
#         comp_names <- list()
#         comp_names_counter <- 1
#         for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
#           comp_names[comp_names_counter] <- dates[i]
#           comp_names_counter = comp_names_counter + 1
#         }
#         choices.list <- comp_names
#       }
#       else{
#         choices.list <- 'NA'
#       }
#     }
#     else{
#       choices.list <- 'NA'
#     }
#     updateSelectInput(session, "input_dmcomp_files",
#                       label = paste("Comparison", ""),
#                       choices = choices.list)
#     if (length(choices.list) > 0){
#       updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "check_comp",
#                                label = paste("Select comparison", ""),
#                                choices = choices.list
#       )
#     }
#     else{
#       updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "check_comp",
#                                label = paste("Select comparison", ""),
#                                choices = ""
#       )
#     }
#   })


  # qqplots 1 of diff methylation p- values

  output$input_multiqqplot_readtop <- renderUI({
    selectInput("input_multiqqplot_readtop", "Read top n rows:", topRowsPlotChoices)

  output$qq.columns <- renderUI({
                label = paste(""),
                choices = c("diffmeth.p.val"))

  output$qq.columns.equality <- renderUI({
                label = paste(" "),
                choices = c(">","<", ">=","<=","all"))

  output$qq.columns.range <- renderUI({
                label = paste(""),
                choices = c("0.01","0.1", "0.05","0.5","0","1"))

  output$qq.multi.columns <- renderUI({
                label = paste("Filter the p-values"),
                choices = c("diffmeth.p.val"))

  output$qq.multi.columns.equality <- renderUI({
                label = paste("_"),
                choices = c(">","<", ">=","<=","all"))

  output$qq.multi.columns.range <- renderUI({
                label = paste("_"),
                choices = c("0.01","0.1", "0.05","0.5","0","1"))

  # returns the index of selected comparison file in QQplot 1
  index_list <- eventReactive(input$input_dmcomp_files, {

    input_choices <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

    # Extracting the values from the table from differential methylation html file and displaying the values of comparisons in the dropdown

    choice.index <- '1'

    if (input_choices != "NA"){

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

        differential.methylation.path <- filename

        webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
        pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

        query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
        dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)

        for (i in 1:length(dates)) {

          if (identical(input$input_dmcomp_files, dates[i])){

            choice.index <- as.character(i)


        choice.index <- '1'

      choice.index <- '1'




    shinyjs::show(id = "id_qqplot")

    plotInput <- function(){

      qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices)

      qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

      data_type = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , qq.value)

      if (grepl('idat files' , data_type )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
        rrbs_analysis = FALSE
        rrbs_analysis = TRUE

      if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

        f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list(), ".csv.gz",sep = '')
        f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list(), ".csv",sep = '')

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) )

        # Create a Progress object
        progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

        progress$set(message = "Making QQ Plot", value = 50)

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)

        filename= as.character(filename)

        nrows.value <- as.integer(input$input_qqplot_readtop)

        column_selected = as.character(input$input_qq_columns)
        equality = as.character(input$input_qq_columns_equality)
        range_selected = as.numeric(input$input_qq_columns_range)

        if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)
          # fread function from the library data.table
          comp.file <- fread(input = paste('zcat < ',filename,sep = ''),sep = ",", select = c("Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val"))

          if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.val"){
            colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val
            colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val

          # filtering the dataframe

          if(equality == ">="){
            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected > range_selected,]

          else if(equality == ">"){
            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected > range_selected,]

          else if(equality == "<="){

            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected <= range_selected,]

          else if(equality == "<"){
            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected < range_selected,]


          else {
            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file


          comp.file <- filtered.dataset
          # fread function from the library data.table
          comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c("cgid","Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val"))

          if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.val"){
            colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val
            colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val

          # filtering the dataframe

          if(equality == ">="){
            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected >= range_selected,]

          else if(equality == ">"){
            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected > range_selected,]

          else if(equality == "<="){

            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected <= range_selected,]

          else if(equality == "<"){
            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected < range_selected,]


          else {
            original.dataset <- comp.file
            filtered.dataset <- comp.file


          comp.file <- filtered.dataset

        if (length(comp.file$diffmeth.p.val) < nrows.value){
          nrows.value = length(comp.file$diffmeth.p.val)

        comp.file <- data.frame(comp.file[1:nrows.value,])

        if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

          #remove NA columns rows

          completeFun <- function(data, desiredCols) {
            completeVec <- complete.cases(data[, desiredCols])
            return(data[completeVec, ])

          filtered.comp.file <- completeFun(comp.file, "diffmeth.p.val")

          q <- rnbi.qqplot.single.rrbs(filtered.comp.file)
          q <- rnbi.qqplot.single(comp.file)

        p <- plotly::ggplotly(q)%>%
                 autosize = FALSE,
                 width = 600,
                 height =  600


        output$info.qqplot <- renderUI({

          HTML(paste("'<p>QQplot is generated from the diffmeth.p.values of the comparison selected above.</p> <br/ > <p><b>diffmeth.p.val:</b> p-value obtained from a two-sided Welch t-test or alternatively from linear models employed in the limma package (which type of p-value is computed is specified in the option). In case of paired analysis, the paired Student's t-test is applied.",'</p>',sep=""))


        # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error



      else {

        # print error/ warning message
        # qqplot(1,1,main="Normal Q-Q Plot", ylab="diffmeth.p.val")
        # text(1,1,"No data available or no comparison file exist")

        Primates <- c('No Data Avaiable')
        Bodywt <- c(0.5 )
        Brainwt <- c(0.5)

        data <- data.frame(Primates, Bodywt, Brainwt)

        p <- plot_ly(data,x = ~Bodywt, y = ~Brainwt, type = 'scatter',
                     mode = 'text', text = ~Primates, textposition = 'middle center',
                     textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 16))%>%
          layout(title = 'Q-Q Plot',
                 autosize = FALSE,
                 width = 500,
                 height =  500,
                 xaxis = list(title = 'Expected -log10(p) (uniform distribution)'

                 yaxis = list(title = 'Observed -log10(p)'



    output$compqqplotly <- renderPlotly({
      p <- plotInput()

# tetsing code####
output$testingcompqqplotly <- renderPlotly({

  f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",1, ".csv",sep = '')
  filename <- file.path("/var","www","html","data","20150212_NeuronPD_SBvsBN_reports", 'differential_methylation_data',f)

  filename= as.character(filename)

  nrows.value <- as.integer(100)

  # fread function from the library data.table
  comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c("cgid","Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val","diffmeth.p.adj.fdr"), nrows = nrows.value)

  f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",2, ".csv",sep = '')
  filename <- file.path("/var","www","html","data","20150212_NeuronPD_SBvsBN_WithBlacklist", 'differential_methylation_data',f)

  filename= as.character(filename)

  nrows.value <- as.integer(100)

  # fread function from the library data.table
  comp.file2 <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c("cgid","Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val","diffmeth.p.adj.fdr"), nrows = nrows.value)

  p <- rnbi.qqplot.single (comp.file)

  p <- plotly::ggplotly(p)


output$testingcompqqplot <- renderPlot({

  p <-  qqmath(~-log10(my.pvalues),



  # qqplots 2 of diff methylation p- values in which two comarprisons qqplots is displayed

  v <- reactiveValues(data = TRUE)


    nrows.value <- reactive({as.character(input$input_multiqqplot_readtop)})
    # everytime it will run else code !
    if (nrows.value() == 'All'){

      output$multicompqqplot1 <- renderPlotly({



      output$compqqplot <- renderPlot({


      },height = "0")

  # for Repository 1

    v$data <- FALSE

    input_choices <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_1)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

    # qq.dmd.dir <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data')
    # input_c = list.files(path = qq.dmd.dir)

    # Extracting the values from the table from differential methylation html file and displaying the values of comparisons in the dropdown

    if (input_choices != "NA"){

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

        differential.methylation.path <- filename

        webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
        pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

        query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
        dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)
        comp_names <- list()
        comp_names_counter <- 1
        for (i in 1:length(dates)) {

          comp_names[comp_names_counter] <- dates[i]
          comp_names_counter = comp_names_counter + 1


        choices.list <- comp_names
        choices.list <- 'NA'
      choices.list <- 'NA'


    updateSelectInput(session, "input_dmcomp_files_1",
                      label = paste("Comparison 1", ""),
                      choices = choices.list)


  # returns the index of selected comparison file in QQplot 1
  index_list_1 <- eventReactive(input$input_dmcomp_files_1, {

    input_choices <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_1)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

    # Extracting the values from the table from differential methylation html file and displaying the values of comparisons in the dropdown

    choice.index <- '1'

    if (input_choices != "NA"){

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

        differential.methylation.path <- filename

        webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
        pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

        query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
        dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)

        for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
          if (identical(input$input_dmcomp_files_1, dates[i])){

            choice.index <- as.character(i)



        choice.index <- '1'

      choice.index <- '1'



  list.pvalues_1 <- reactive({

    nrows.value <- reactive({as.character(input$input_multiqqplot_readtop)})
    # everytime it will run else code !
    if (nrows.value() != 'All'){

      qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_1)

      qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

      #qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_files_1)

      if (qq.value == "" || qq.value == "NA"){
        x <- list()
        #fucntion from the ShinyBeads package

        # Create a Progress object
        progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

        progress$set(message = "Reading data from analysis 1", value = 50)

        data_type = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , qq.value)

        if (grepl('idat files' , data_type )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
          rrbs_analysis = FALSE
          rrbs_analysis = TRUE

        if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

          f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list_1(), ".csv.gz",sep = '')
          f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list_1(), ".csv",sep = '')

        if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) ){

          filename <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)
          filename= as.character(filename)

          column_selected = as.character(input$input_qq_multi_columns)
          equality = as.character(input$input_qq_multi_columns_equality)
          range_selected = as.numeric(input$input_qq_multi_columns_range)

          if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)
            # fread function from the library data.table
            comp.file <- fread(input = paste('zcat < ',filename,sep = ''),sep = ",", select = c("Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val"))
            original.dataset <- comp.file

            if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.val"){
              colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val
              colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val

            # filtering the dataframe

            if(equality == ">="){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected >= range_selected,]

            else if(equality == ">"){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected > range_selected,]

            else if(equality == "<="){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected <= range_selected,]

            else if(equality == "<"){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected < range_selected,]


            else {

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file


            comp.file <- filtered.dataset
            # fread function from the library data.table
            comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c("cgid","Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val"))
            original.dataset <- comp.file

            if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.val"){
              colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val
              colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val

            # filtering the dataframe

            if(equality == ">="){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected >= range_selected,]

            else if(equality == ">"){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected > range_selected,]

            else if(equality == "<="){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected <= range_selected,]

            else if(equality == "<"){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected < range_selected,]


            else {

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file


            comp.file <- filtered.dataset

          if (as.character(input$input_multiqqplot_readtop) == "All"){
            nrows.value = as.integer(5000)

            nrows.value <- as.integer(input$input_multiqqplot_readtop)


          if (length(comp.file$diffmeth.p.val) < nrows.value){
            nrows.value = length(comp.file$diffmeth.p.val)

          comp.file <- data.frame(comp.file[1:nrows.value,])

          if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

            #remove NA columns rows

            completeFun <- function(data, desiredCols) {
              completeVec <- complete.cases(data[, desiredCols])
              return(data[completeVec, ])

            filtered.comp.file <- completeFun(comp.file, "diffmeth.p.val")

            x <- filtered.comp.file

            x <- comp.file

          # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error

          x <- list()
        # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error




  # for Repository 2
    v$data <- FALSE

    input_choices <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_2)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

    # qq.dmd.dir <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data')
    # input_c = list.files(path = qq.dmd.dir)

    # Extracting the values from the table from differential methylation html file and displaying the values of comparisons in the dropdown

    if (input_choices != "NA"){

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

        differential.methylation.path <- filename

        webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
        pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

        query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
        dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)
        comp_names <- list()
        comp_names_counter <- 1
        for (i in 1:length(dates)) {

          comp_names[comp_names_counter] <- dates[i]
          comp_names_counter = comp_names_counter + 1


        choices.list <- comp_names
        choices.list <- 'NA'
      choices.list <- 'NA'


    updateSelectInput(session, "input_dmcomp_files_2",
                      label = paste("Comparison 2", ""),
                      choices = choices.list)


  # returns the index of selected comparison file in QQplot 1
  index_list_2 <- eventReactive(input$input_dmcomp_files_2, {

    input_choices <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_2)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

    # Extracting the values from the table from differential methylation html file and displaying the values of comparisons in the dropdown

    choice.index <- '1'

    if (input_choices != "NA"){

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

        differential.methylation.path <- filename

        webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
        pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

        query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
        dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)

        for (i in 1:length(dates)) {

          #if statement is not vectorized. For vectorized if statements you should use ifelse
          #ifelse(length(comp_names)>0,choices.list <- comp_names, choices.list <- 'NA')

          if (identical(input$input_dmcomp_files_2, dates[i])){

            choice.index <- as.character(i)




        choice.index <- '1'

      choice.index <- '1'



  list.pvalues_2 <- reactive({

    nrows.value <- reactive({as.character(input$input_multiqqplot_readtop)})

    # everytime it will run else code !
    if (nrows.value() != 'All'){

      qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_2)

      qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

      #qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_files_2)

      if (qq.value == "" || qq.value == "NA"){
        x <- list()

        # Create a Progress object
        progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

        progress$set(message = "Reading data from analysis 2", value = 50)

        #fucntion from the ShinyBeads package
        data_type = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , qq.value)

        if (grepl('idat files' , data_type )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
          rrbs_analysis = FALSE
          rrbs_analysis = TRUE

        if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

          f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list_2(), ".csv.gz",sep = '')
          f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list_2(), ".csv",sep = '')

        if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) ){

          filename <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)
          filename= as.character(filename)

          column_selected = as.character(input$input_qq_multi_columns)
          equality = as.character(input$input_qq_multi_columns_equality)
          range_selected = as.numeric(input$input_qq_multi_columns_range)

          if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)
            # fread function from the library data.table
            comp.file <- fread(input = paste('zcat < ',filename,sep = ''),sep = ",", select = c("Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val"))
            original.dataset <- comp.file

            if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.val"){
              colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val
              colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val

            # filtering the dataframe

            if(equality == ">="){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected >= range_selected,]

            else if(equality == ">"){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected > range_selected,]

            else if(equality == "<="){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected <= range_selected,]

            else if(equality == "<"){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected < range_selected,]


            else {

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file


            comp.file <- filtered.dataset
            # fread function from the library data.table
            comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c("cgid","Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val"))
            original.dataset <- comp.file

            if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.val"){
              colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val
              colselected <- comp.file$diffmeth.p.val

            # filtering the dataframe

            if(equality == ">="){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected >= range_selected,]

            else if(equality == ">"){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected > range_selected,]

            else if(equality == "<="){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected <= range_selected,]

            else if(equality == "<"){

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file[colselected < range_selected,]


            else {

              filtered.dataset <- comp.file


            comp.file <- filtered.dataset

          if (as.character(input$input_multiqqplot_readtop) == "All"){
            nrows.value <- as.integer(5000)

            nrows.value <- as.integer(input$input_multiqqplot_readtop)


          if (length(comp.file$diffmeth.p.val) < nrows.value){
            nrows.value = length(comp.file$diffmeth.p.val)

          comp.file <- data.frame(comp.file[1:nrows.value,])

          if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

            #remove NA columns rows

            completeFun <- function(data, desiredCols) {
              completeVec <- complete.cases(data[, desiredCols])
              return(data[completeVec, ])

            filtered.comp.file <- completeFun(comp.file, "diffmeth.p.val")

            y <- filtered.comp.file

            y <- comp.file

          # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error

          y <- list()

        # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error





  # qqplots 2 of diff methylation p- values in which two comarprisons qqplots is displayed OLD code

  list.pvalues1 <- reactive({

    qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_1)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

    #qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_files_1)

    if (qq.value == "" || qq.value == "NA"){
      x <- list()
      # Create a Progress object
      progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

      progress$set(message = "Reading data from analysis 1", value = 50)

      #fucntion from the ShinyBeads package
      data_type = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , qq.value)

      if (grepl('idat files' , data_type )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
        rrbs_analysis = FALSE
        rrbs_analysis = TRUE

      if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

        f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list_1(), ".csv.gz",sep = '')
        x <- , f)
        f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list_1(), ".csv",sep = '')
        x <- , f)





  list.pvalues2 <- reactive({

    qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_2)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

    #qq.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_files_2)

    if (qq.value == "" || qq.value == "NA"){
      x <- list()
      # Create a Progress object
      progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

      progress$set(message = "Reading data from analysis 2", value = 50)

      #fucntion from the ShinyBeads package
      data_type = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , qq.value)

      if (grepl('idat files' , data_type )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
        rrbs_analysis = FALSE
        rrbs_analysis = TRUE

      if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

        f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list_2(), ".csv.gz",sep = '')
        x <- , f)
        f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list_2(), ".csv",sep = '')
        x <- , f)


  ################################################################### old code ends

  observeEvent(input$displayBtn, {

    v$data <- TRUE

    print (v$data)

    nrows.value <- reactive({as.character(input$input_multiqqplot_readtop)})

    # everytime it will run else code !
    if (nrows.value() != 'All'){

      output$compqqplot <- renderPlot({
      }, height = "0")

      output$multicompqqplot1 <- renderPlotly({

        # dist <- switch(input$dist,
        #                unif = runif,
        #                norm = rnorm,
        #                # lnorm = rlnorm,
        #                # exp = rexp,
        #                rnorm)

        if (is.null(v$data)) {
          print (v$data)

        else if (identical(v$data, FALSE)) {
          print (v$data)

        else {

          if(length(list.pvalues_1()) == 0) {

            # print error/ warning message

  #           qqplot(1,1,main="Normal Q-Q Plot", ylab="diffmeth.p.val")
  #           text(1,1,"No data available or no comparison file exist from repository 1")

            Primates <- c('No Data Avaiable for analysis 1')
            Bodywt <- c(0.5 )
            Brainwt <- c(0.5)

            data <- data.frame(Primates, Bodywt, Brainwt)

            q <- plot_ly(data,x = ~Bodywt, y = ~Brainwt, type = 'scatter',
                         mode = 'text', text = ~Primates, textposition = 'middle center',
                         textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 16))%>%
              layout(title = 'Q-Q Plot',
                     xaxis = list(title = 'Expected -log10(p) (uniform distribution)',
                                  zeroline = TRUE,
                                  range = c(0, 1)),
                     yaxis = list(title = 'Observed -log10(p)',
                                  range = c(0,1)))




          else if(length(list.pvalues_2()) == 0) {

            # print error/ warning message

            #           qqplot(1,1,main="Normal Q-Q Plot", ylab="diffmeth.p.val")
            #           text(1,1,"No data available or no comparison file exist from repository 1")

            Primates <- c('No Data Avaiable for analysis 2')
            Bodywt <- c(0.5 )
            Brainwt <- c(0.5)

            data <- data.frame(Primates, Bodywt, Brainwt)

            q <- plot_ly(data,x = ~Bodywt, y = ~Brainwt, type = 'scatter',
                         mode = 'text', text = ~Primates, textposition = 'middle center',
                         textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 16))%>%
              layout(title = 'Q-Q Plot',
                     xaxis = list(title = 'Expected -log10(p) (uniform distribution)',
                                  zeroline = TRUE,
                                  range = c(0, 1)),
                     yaxis = list(title = 'Observed -log10(p)',
                                  range = c(0,1)))




            # Create a Progress object
            progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

            progress$set(message = "Making selected analysis QQ Plot", value = 50)


            x <- list.pvalues_1()
            y <- list.pvalues_2()

            a1.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_1)
            a2.value <- as.character(input$input_dmcomp_choices_2)

            #fucntion from the ShinyBeads package
            data_type1 = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , a1.value)

            if (grepl('idat files' , data_type1 )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
              rrbs_analysis1 = FALSE
              rrbs_analysis1 = TRUE

            data_type2 = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , a2.value)

            if (grepl('idat files' , data_type2 )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
              rrbs_analysis2 = FALSE
              rrbs_analysis2 = TRUE

            if (rrbs_analysis1 == TRUE && rrbs_analysis2 == TRUE)

              if(length(list.pvalues_1()) != length(list.pvalues_2())){
                Primates <- c('Could not draw qqplot! Length of the p-values data are not equal! Please try again')
                Bodywt <- c(0.5 )
                Brainwt <- c(0.5)

                data <- data.frame(Primates, Bodywt, Brainwt)

                q <- plot_ly(data,x = ~Bodywt, y = ~Brainwt, type = 'scatter',
                             mode = 'text', text = ~Primates, textposition = 'middle center',
                             textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 16))%>%
                  layout(title = 'Q-Q Plot',
                         xaxis = list(title = ')',
                                      zeroline = TRUE,
                                      range = c(0, 1)),
                         yaxis = list(title = '',
                                      range = c(0,1)))


                q <- tryCatch({

                  p <- rnbi.qqplot.double.rrbs(x,y)

                  q <- plotly::ggplotly(p)%>%
                      autosize = FALSE,
                      width = 720,
                      height =  600


                },error = function(err) {

                  # error handler picks up where error was generated
                  print(paste("MY_ERROR:  ",err))

                  data <- c(paste("Error occured! Please try again.. Details -> ", err))
                  x <- c(0.5 )
                  y <- c(0.5)

                  data <- data.frame(data, x, y)

                  q <- plot_ly(data,x = ~x, y = ~y, type = 'scatter',
                               mode = 'text', text = ~data, textposition = 'middle center',
                               textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 12))%>%
                    layout(title = 'Q-Q Plot',
                           xaxis = list(title = ')',
                                        zeroline = TRUE,
                                        range = c(0, 1)),
                           yaxis = list(title = '',
                                        range = c(0,1)))


                }) # END tryCatch


            else if (rrbs_analysis1 == FALSE && rrbs_analysis2 == FALSE){

              p <- rnbi.qqplot.double(x,y)

              q <- plotly::ggplotly(p)%>%
                  autosize = FALSE,
                  width = 720,
                  height =  600


              Primates <- c('Please select the same analysis i.e. both either IDAT analysis or RRBS analysis')
              Bodywt <- c(0.5 )
              Brainwt <- c(0.5)

              data <- data.frame(Primates, Bodywt, Brainwt)

              q <- plot_ly(data,x = ~Bodywt, y = ~Brainwt, type = 'scatter',
                           mode = 'text', text = ~Primates, textposition = 'middle center',
                           textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 16))%>%
                layout(title = 'Q-Q Plot',
                       xaxis = list(title = ')',
                                    zeroline = TRUE,
                                    range = c(0, 1)),
                       yaxis = list(title = '',
                                    range = c(0,1)))




            # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error




      })# end of render plotly


      output$multicompqqplot1 <- renderPlotly({



      output$compqqplot <- renderPlot({

        # dist <- switch(input$dist,
        #                unif = runif,
        #                norm = rnorm,
        #                # lnorm = rlnorm,
        #                # exp = rexp,
        #                rnorm)

        if (is.null(v$data)) {
          print (v$data)

        else if (identical(v$data, FALSE)) {
          print (v$data)

        else {

          if(length(list.pvalues1()) == 0) {

            # print error/ warning message
            qqplot(1,1,main="Normal Q-Q Plot", ylab="diffmeth.p.val")
            text(1,1,"No data available or no comparison file exist from repository 1")

          else if (length(list.pvalues2()) == 0){
            # print error/ warning message
            qqplot(1,1,main="Normal Q-Q Plot", ylab="diffmeth.p.val")
            text(1,1,"No data available or no comparison file exist from repository 2")
            x<- list.pvalues1()
            y<- list.pvalues2()

            # Create a Progress object
            progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

            progress$set(message = "Making qqplot! please wait..", value = 50)

            q <- tryCatch({

              #qqplot(x,y,main="Normal Q-Q Plot", xlab="diffmeth.p.val 1", ylab="diffmeth.p.val 2")
              my.pvalue.list<-list("Analysis_1"=x, "Analysis_2"=y)
              # omitting the NA values
              my.pvalue.list <- lapply(my.pvalue.list, function(x) x[!])
              q <- qqunif.plot(my.pvalue.list, auto.key=list(corner=c(.95,.05)), aspect="fill")



            },error = function(err) {

              # error handler picks up where error was generated
              print(paste("MY_ERROR:  ",err))

              data <- c(paste("Error occured! Please try again.. Details -> ", err))

              # Define the cars vector with 5 values
              cars <- c(1,2)

              # Graph the cars vector with all defaults
              q <- plot(cars)


            }) # END tryCatch

            # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error
    #         #Calculate expectations
    #         exp.pvalues<-(rank(x, ties.method="first")+.5)/(length(x)+1)
    #         #Make plot
    #         plot(-log10(exp.pvalues), -log10(x), asp=1)
    #         abline(0,1)


      }, height = 650, width = 650)

  output$info.qqplot2 <- renderUI({

    HTML(paste("'<p>QQplot is generated from the diffmeth.p.values of the comparisons selected above for the two analysis.</p>  <p><b>diffmeth.p.val:</b> p-value obtained from a two-sided Welch t-test or alternatively from linear models employed in the limma package (which type of p-value is computed is specified in the option). In case of paired analysis, the paired Student's t-test is applied.",'</p>',sep=""))


  ## Nav Bar Tab : Table Browser


  # Table browser filling up the comparisons in the dropdown

  checkDisplay <- reactiveValues(data = FALSE , data2 = FALSE)


    checkDisplay$data <- FALSE
    checkDisplay$data2 <- FALSE

    shinyjs::hide(id = "id_tb_filterPlot_Btn")
    shinyjs::hide(id = "id_tb_filterPlot")

    input_choices <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_choices)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

    # Extracting the values from the table from differential methylation html file and displaying the values of comparisons in the dropdown

    if (input_choices != "NA"){

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

        differential.methylation.path <- filename

        webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
        pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

        query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
        dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)
        comp_names <- list()
        comp_names_counter <- 1
        for (i in 1:length(dates)) {

          comp_names[comp_names_counter] <- dates[i]
          comp_names_counter = comp_names_counter + 1


        choices.list <- comp_names

        choices.list <- 'NA'
      choices.list <- 'NA'


    updateSelectInput(session, "input_tablebrowser_files",
                      label = paste("Comparison", ""),
                      choices = choices.list)


  # returns the index of selected comparison file in table browser section
  comp.file.index <- eventReactive(input$input_tablebrowser_files, {

    #checkDisplay$data <- FALSE
    shinyjs::hide(id = "id_tb_filterPlot")

    input_choices <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_choices)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

    # Extracting the values from the table from differential methylation html file and displaying the values of comparisons in the dropdown

    choice.index <- '1'

    if (input_choices != "NA"){

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

        differential.methylation.path <- filename

        webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
        pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

        query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
        dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)

        for (i in 1:length(dates)) {

          if (identical(input$input_tablebrowser_files, dates[i])){

            choice.index <- as.character(i)


        choice.index <- '1'

      choice.index <- '1'




  # showing comparisons in the Table Browser tab


    checkDisplay$data <- TRUE
    checkDisplay$data2 <- FALSE

    shinyjs::show(id = "id_tb_filterPlot_Btn")

    shinyjs::hide(id = "id_tb_filterPlot")

      output$output.comparison.file <- renderDataTable({

        if (is.null(checkDisplay$data)) {
          print (checkDisplay$data)

        else if (identical(checkDisplay$data, FALSE)) {
          print (checkDisplay$data)


            checkDisplay$data2 <- FALSE

            qq.value <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_choices)

            qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

            if (qq.value == "" || qq.value == "NA"){
              dataset <- data.table( data = "No data available.")

              data_type = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , qq.value)

              if (grepl('idat files' , data_type )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
                rrbs_analysis = FALSE
                rrbs_analysis = TRUE

              if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE)

                #index() contains the index of the selected file ffrom the dropdown
                f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",comp.file.index(), ".csv.gz",sep = '')

                if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) ){

                  # Create a Progress object
                  progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

                  progress$set(message = "Reading data! please wait...", value = 50)

                  filename=file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)

                  filename= as.character(filename)

                  nrows.value <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_readtop)

                  if (nrows.value == 'All'){
                    nrows.value = -1

                  # fread function from the library data.table
                  comp.file <- fread(input = paste('zcat < ',filename,sep = ''), nrows = nrows.value )

                  comp.file <-

                  updateSelectInput(session, "input_tablebrowser_x_axis",
                                    label = paste("Select x-axis:"),
                                    choices = as.character(as.vector(names(comp.file[,6:ncol(comp.file)]))))

                  updateSelectInput(session, "input_tablebrowser_y_axis",
                                    label = paste("Select y-axis:"),
                                    choices = as.character(as.vector(names(comp.file[,6:ncol(comp.file)]))))

                  #comp.file <- sprintf("%.3f", names(comp.file[,6:ncol(comp.file)]))
                  comp.file <- rapply(object = comp.file, f = round, classes = "numeric", how = "replace", digits = 3)
                  dataset <- data.table( comp.file)
                  #%>% formatRound(columns =c('mean.diff'), digits= 3)

                  inFile <- input$file1

                  if (!is.null(inFile)){
                    input.file <- fread(inFile$datapath, header = input$header,
                                        sep = input$sep)

                    dataset <- merge(dataset, input.file, by.x="cgid", by.y="cgid", all.x="TRUE")


                  # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error



                  dataset <- data.table( data = "No data available.")


                #index() contains the index of the selected file ffrom the dropdown
                f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",comp.file.index(), ".csv",sep = '')

                if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) ){

                  # Create a Progress object
                  progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

                  progress$set(message = "Reading data! please wait...", value = 50)

                  filename <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)

                  filename= as.character(filename)

                  nrows.value <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_readtop)

                  if (nrows.value == 'All'){
                    nrows.value = -1

                  # fread function from the library data.table
                  comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",", nrows = nrows.value )
                  #comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",")

                  comp.file <-

                  updateSelectInput(session, "input_tablebrowser_x_axis",
                                    label = paste("Select x-axis:"),
                                    choices = as.character(as.vector(names(comp.file[,6:ncol(comp.file)]))))

                  updateSelectInput(session, "input_tablebrowser_y_axis",
                                    label = paste("Select y-axis:"),
                                    choices = as.character(as.vector(names(comp.file[,6:ncol(comp.file)]))))

                  #comp.file <- sprintf("%.3f", names(comp.file[,6:ncol(comp.file)]))
                  comp.file <- rapply(object = comp.file, f = round, classes = "numeric", how = "replace", digits = 3)
                  dataset <- data.table( comp.file)
                  #%>% formatRound(columns =c('mean.diff'), digits= 3)

                  inFile <- input$file1

                  if (!is.null(inFile)){
                    input.file <- fread(inFile$datapath, header = input$header,
                                        sep = input$sep)

                    dataset <- merge(dataset, input.file, by.x="cgid", by.y="cgid", all.x="TRUE")


                  # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error



                  dataset <- data.table( data = "No data available.")




      },selection = 'single', filter = 'top',

      extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL,'Scroller'= NULL),
      options = list(deferRender = TRUE,
#                      scrollY = 400,
#                      scroller = TRUE,
                     #fixedHeader = TRUE,
                     columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2, 3,4,5)), list(visible=FALSE, targets=c(0))),
                     pageLength = 50,
                     initComplete = JS(
                       "function(settings, json) {",
                       "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
        #scrollX = TRUE,
        #scrollY = TRUE,
        dom = 'Blfrtip',
        buttons = list(

            extend = 'collection',
            buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
            text = 'Download'

        keys = TRUE

      ), escape = TRUE)

#     output$rnbeadsDiffMethReport <- renderUI({
#       value.modules <- reactive({as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_choices) })
#       wd_modules <- reactive({file.path(results.dir(), value.modules()) })
#       if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(wd_modules(),'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){
#         #browseURL(paste('','as.character(input$select_ia)','index.html',sep="/"))
#         HTML(paste('<b><p>Comprehensive details of differential methylation comparisons generated by RnBeads can be found ','<a target = "_blank" href = "//',paste(as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_choices),'differential_methylation.html"',sep="/"),'>here','</a></p></b>',sep=""))
#       }
#       else{
#         HTML('<p>No reports exist!</p>')
#       }
#     })



    #checkDisplay$data <- FALSE
    checkDisplay$data2 <- TRUE
    shinyjs::show(id = "id_tb_filterPlot")

      if (is.null(checkDisplay$data2)) {



      else if (identical(checkDisplay$data2, FALSE)) {



      else {

            # use the key aesthetic/argument to help uniquely identify selected observations
        filtered_data <- input$output.comparison.file_rows_all

        if (length(filtered_data) <  2)
          Primates <- c('No Data Avaiable')
          Bodywt <- c(0.5 )
          Brainwt <- c(0.5)

          data <- data.frame(Primates, Bodywt, Brainwt)

          output$filteredplotly <- renderPlotly({

          p <- plot_ly(data,x = ~Bodywt, y = ~Brainwt, type = 'scatter',
                       mode = 'text', text = ~Primates, textposition = 'middle center',
                       textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 16))%>%
            layout(                        # all of layout's properties: /r/reference/#layout
              title = "Plot", # layout's title: /r/reference/#layout-title
              xaxis = list(           # layout's xaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis
                title = "mean.diff",      # xaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-title
                showgrid = F),       # xaxis's showgrid: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-showgrid
              yaxis = list(           # layout's yaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis
                title = "diffmeth.p.val")     # yaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis-title



            qq.value <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_choices)

            qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

            if (qq.value == "" || qq.value == "NA"){
              dataset <- data.table( data = "No data available.")

              data_type = rnbi.analysis.datatype(results.dir() , qq.value)

              if (grepl('idat files' , data_type )) # true if idat files is the data type of the analysis in the string data_type
                rrbs_analysis = FALSE
                rrbs_analysis = TRUE

              if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE){
                f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",comp.file.index(), ".csv.gz",sep = '')
                f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",comp.file.index(), ".csv",sep = '')


              if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) ){

                # Create a Progress object
                progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

                progress$set(message = "Making Plot! please wait...", value = 50)

                filename <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)

                filename= as.character(filename)

                nrows.value <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_readtop)

                if (nrows.value == 'All'){
                  nrows.value = -1

                if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE){

                  comp.file <- fread(input = paste('zcat < ',filename,sep = ''), nrows = nrows.value )

                  # fread function from the library data.table
                  comp.file <- fread(filename, nrows = nrows.value)
                  #comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",")


                comp.file <-

                filtered <- comp.file[filtered_data, , drop = FALSE]

#               remove NA columns rows

#                 completeFun <- function(data, desiredCols) {
#                   completeVec <- complete.cases(data[, desiredCols])
#                   return(data[completeVec, ])
#                 }
#                 filtered <- completeFun(filtered, c(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis, input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis))

                key <- colnames(comp.file) <- names(comp.file)

                if (rrbs_analysis == TRUE){

                  if (length(filtered_data) > 20000)

                    output$filteredplotly <- renderPlotly({
                      return ()
                    output$basicfilteredplot <- renderPlot({


                      x_axis = input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis
                      y_axis = input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis

                      df <- data.frame (x_axis= filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis)] ,y_axis=filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis)])
                      p <- ggplot(df, aes(x_axis, y_axis)) + geom_point(size = 2) +
                        xlab(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis) +


                    }, width = 700 , height = 600)


                    output$basicfilteredplot <- renderPlot({
                      return ()
                    },height = "0")

                    output$filteredplotly <- renderPlotly({

                      p <- plot_ly(filtered,
                                   type = "scatter",        # all "scatter" attributes:
                                   x = ~filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis)],               # more about scatter's "x": /r/reference/#scatter-x
                                   y = ~filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis)],            # more about scatter's "y": /r/reference/#scatter-y
                                   #name = "Plot",   # more about scatter's "name": /r/reference/#scatter-name
                                   marker = list(           # marker is a named list, valid keys: /r/reference/#scatter-marker
                                     color="#264E86"        # more about marker's "color" attribute: /r/reference/#scatter-marker-color
                                   )) %>%

                                  x = ~filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis)],               # more about scatter's "x": /r/reference/#scatter-x
                                  y = ~filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis)],
                                  text = ~filtered[["Chromosome"]]
                                  #                             mode = 'lines',                                    # scatter's "y": /r/reference/#scatter-mode
                                  #                             line = list(                                       # line is a named list, valid keys: /r/reference/#scatter-line
                                  #                               color = "#5E88FC",                               # line's "color": /r/reference/#scatter-line-color
                                  #                               dash = "dashed"                                  # line's "dash" property: /r/reference/#scatter-line-dash
                                  #                             ),

                        ) %>%

                        layout(                        # all of layout's properties: /r/reference/#layout
                          title = "Plot", # layout's title: /r/reference/#layout-title

                          autosize = FALSE,
                          width = 700,
                          height =  600,

                          xaxis = list(           # layout's xaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis
                            title = input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis,      # xaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-title
                            showgrid = F),       # xaxis's showgrid: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-showgrid
                          yaxis = list(           # layout's yaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis
                            title = input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis)     # yaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis-title





                  if (length(filtered_data) > 20000)
#                     output$info.tb.plot <- renderUI({
#                       HTML(paste("<p>please wait....! if the plot does not appear or change than click the button again.",'</p>',sep=""))
#                     })

                    output$filteredplotly <- renderPlotly({
                      return ()

                    output$basicfilteredplot <- renderPlot({


                      x_axis = input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis
                      y_axis = input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis

                      df <- data.frame (x_axis= filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis)] ,y_axis=filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis)])
                      p <- ggplot(df, aes(x_axis, y_axis)) + geom_point(size = 2) +
                        xlab(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis) +


                    }, width = 700 , height = 600)

                    output$basicfilteredplot <- renderPlot({
                      return ()
                    },height = "0")
                    output$filteredplotly <- renderPlotly({


                      p <- plot_ly(filtered,
                                 type = "scatter",        # all "scatter" attributes:
                                 x = ~filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis)],               # more about scatter's "x": /r/reference/#scatter-x
                                 y = ~filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis)],            # more about scatter's "y": /r/reference/#scatter-y
                                 #name = "Plot",   # more about scatter's "name": /r/reference/#scatter-name
                                 marker = list(           # marker is a named list, valid keys: /r/reference/#scatter-marker
                                   color="#264E86"        # more about marker's "color" attribute: /r/reference/#scatter-marker-color
                                 )) %>%

                                x = ~filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis)],               # more about scatter's "x": /r/reference/#scatter-x
                                y = ~filtered[,c(input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis)],
                                text = ~filtered[["cgid"]]
                                #                             mode = 'lines',                                    # scatter's "y": /r/reference/#scatter-mode
                                #                             line = list(                                       # line is a named list, valid keys: /r/reference/#scatter-line
                                #                               color = "#5E88FC",                               # line's "color": /r/reference/#scatter-line-color
                                #                               dash = "dashed"                                  # line's "dash" property: /r/reference/#scatter-line-dash
                                #                             ),

                      ) %>%

                      layout(                        # all of layout's properties: /r/reference/#layout
                        title = "Plot", # layout's title: /r/reference/#layout-title
                        autosize = FALSE,
                        width = 700,
                        height =  600,
                        xaxis = list(           # layout's xaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis
                          title = input$input_tablebrowser_x_axis,      # xaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-title
                          showgrid = F),       # xaxis's showgrid: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-showgrid
                        yaxis = list(           # layout's yaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis
                          title = input$input_tablebrowser_y_axis)     # yaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis-title


                }# rrbs or idat if else ends here

                # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error

              }# file check else

            }# check for NA




    shinyjs::show(id = "id_tb_filterPlot")

    output$simpleTBPlot <- renderPlot({

        # use the key aesthetic/argument to help uniquely identify selected observations
        filtered_data <- input$output.comparison.file_rows_all

        if (length(filtered_data) <  2)
          p <- plot('no data available')

          # qqplot(1,1,main="Normal Q-Q Plot", ylab="diffmeth.p.val")
          # text(1,1,"No data available or no comparison file exist")


          qq.value <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_choices)

          qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

          if (qq.value == "" || qq.value == "NA"){
            dataset <- data.table( data = "No data available.")

            #index_list() contains the index of the selected file ffrom the dropdown
            f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",comp.file.index(), ".csv",sep = '')

            if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) ){

              # Create a Progress object
              progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

              progress$set(message = "Making Plot! please wait...", value = 50)

              filename <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)

              filename= as.character(filename)

              # fread function from the library data.table
              comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c( "id","mean.diff"))
              #comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",")

              comp.file <-

              key <- colnames(comp.file) <- c("id","mean.diff")

              p <- qqnorm(comp.file[filtered_data, , drop = FALSE]$mean.diff   )

              # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error





  output$contents <- renderDataTable({
    # input$file1 will be NULL initially. After the user selects
    # and uploads a file, it will be a data frame with 'name',
    # 'size', 'type', and 'datapath' columns. The 'datapath'
    # column will contain the local filenames where the data can
    # be found.

    inFile <- input$file1

    if (is.null(inFile))

    fread(inFile$datapath, header = input$header,
             sep = input$sep)

  },selection = 'single', filter = 'top',

  extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL,'Scroller'= NULL),
  options = list(deferRender = TRUE,
                 scrollY = 400,
                 scroller = TRUE,
                 #fixedHeader = TRUE,
                 columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2, 3,4,5))),
                 #pageLength = 100,
                 initComplete = JS(
                   "function(settings, json) {",
                   "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
    dom = 'Blfrtip',
    buttons = list(

        extend = 'collection',
        buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
        text = 'Download'

    keys = TRUE

  ), escape = TRUE)

  output$mergedData <- renderDataTable({
    # input$file1 will be NULL initially. After the user selects
    # and uploads a file, it will be a data frame with 'name',
    # 'size', 'type', and 'datapath' columns. The 'datapath'
    # column will contain the local filenames where the data can
    # be found.

    qq.value <- as.character(input$input_tablebrowser_choices)

    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), qq.value)

    if (qq.value == "" || qq.value == "NA"){
      dataset <- data.table( data = "Some information is missing to do the merging.")

      #index_list() contains the index of the selected file ffrom the dropdown
      f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp",index_list(), ".csv",sep = '')

      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation_data',f,sep="/") }) ) ){

        # Create a Progress object
        progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

        progress$set(message = "Reading data! please wait...", value = 50)

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)

        filename= as.character(filename)

        # fread function from the library data.table
        comp.file <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c("cgid","Chromosome","diffmeth.p.val","diffmeth.p.adj.fdr","mean.covg.Normal"))

        comp.file <-

        dataset <- data.table( comp.file)


        inFile <- input$file1

        if (is.null(inFile))

        input.file <- fread(inFile$datapath, header = input$header,
                            sep = input$sep)

        # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error

        dataset <- data.table( data = "No data available.")

  },selection = 'single', filter = 'top',

  extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL,'Scroller'= NULL),
  options = list(deferRender = TRUE,
                 scrollY = 400,
                 scroller = TRUE,
                 #fixedHeader = TRUE,
                 columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2, 3,4,5))),
                 #pageLength = 100,
                 initComplete = JS(
                   "function(settings, json) {",
                   "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
    dom = 'Blfrtip',
    buttons = list(

        extend = 'collection',
        buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
        text = 'Download'

    keys = TRUE

  ), escape = TRUE)

  ## Nav Bar Tab : Top Scorer


  # Top scorer implementation of the input select comparisons

  output$cb <- renderUI({

    choices =

#     choices_names <- list()
#     choices_names_counter <- 1
#     lapply(1:length(choices), function(i) {
#       input_choices <- as.character(choices[i])
#       qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)
#       if (input_choices != "NA"){
#         if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){
#             choices_names[choices_names_counter] <- input_choices
#             choices_names_counter = choices_names_counter + 1
#           }
#       }
#     })

    checkboxGroupInput(paste0("cb_ts_comp_venn"), "", choices)


  output$input_topscorer_readtop <- renderUI({
    selectInput("input_topscorer_readtop", "Read total n rows:", topRowsChoices)


  output$ts.columns <- renderUI({
                label = paste("Fitler by"),
                choices = c("mean.diff","diffmeth.p.val","diffmeth.p.adj.fdr","mean.quot.log2"))

  output$ts.columns.equality <- renderUI({
                label = paste("_"),
                choices = c(">","<", ">=","<=","="))

  output$ts.columns.range <- renderUI({
                label = paste("_"),
                choices = c("0.01","0.1", "0.05","0.5","0","1"))

# returns the index of selected comparison file in table browser section
get.choice.index <- reactive({

  # preparing data to display in Venn diagram and in data table
  cb.checked <- c(input$cb_ts_comp_venn)

  choice.index <- list()

  choices = cb.checked
  for (i in 1:length(choices)) {

    input_choices <- as.character(choices[i])
    qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

    if (input_choices != "NA"){
      if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

        filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

        differential.methylation.path <- filename

        webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
        pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

        query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
        dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)

        for (j in 1:length(dates)) {

          if ( i == 1 ){

            if (identical(input$si1, dates[j])){
              choice.index[i] <- as.character(j)

          else if( i == 2 ){

            if (identical(input$si2, dates[j])){
              choice.index[i] <- as.character(j)

          else if( i == 3 ){

            if (identical(input$si3, dates[j])){
              choice.index[i] <- as.character(j)

          else if( i == 4 ){

            if (identical(input$si4, dates[j])){
              choice.index[i] <- as.character(j)

          else if( i == 5 ){

            if (identical(input$si5, dates[j])){
              choice.index[i] <- as.character(j)

          else if( i == 6 ){

            if (identical(input$si6, dates[j])){
              choice.index[i] <- as.character(j)


            if (identical(input$si1, dates[j])){
              choice.index[i] <- as.character(j)



  }# end of outer for loop



# returns
observeEvent(input$cb_ts_comp_venn, {
  # preparing data to display in Venn diagram and in data table

  cb.checked <- c(input$cb_ts_comp_venn)

  output$si <- renderUI({

    choices = cb.checked
    lapply(1:length(choices), function(i) {

      input_choices <- as.character(choices[i])
      qq.dir <- file.path(results.dir(), input_choices)

      if (input_choices != "NA"){
        if ( file.exists( isolate({ paste(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html',sep="/") }) ) ){

          filename <- file.path(qq.dir,'differential_methylation.html')

          differential.methylation.path <- filename

          webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(differential.methylation.path)); close(tc)
          pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

          query = "//*/div[@id='section3']/ul/li"
          dates = xpathSApply(pagetree, query, xmlValue)
          comp_names <- list()
          comp_names_counter <- 1
          for (j in 1:length(dates)) {

            comp_names[comp_names_counter] <- dates[j]
            comp_names_counter = comp_names_counter + 1


          choices.list <- comp_names
          choices.list <- 'NA'

        choices.list <- 'NA'

      selectInput(paste0("si",i), paste(input_choices,""), choices.list)



  # display venn diagram

  observeEvent(input$btnMultipleShowVenn ,{

    output$output.ts.multivenn.plot <- renderPlot({

      output$ts.venn.overlapping.error.value <- renderText({

      output$comparison.check <- renderText({

      cb.checked <- c(input$cb_ts_comp_venn)

      column_selected = as.character(input$input_topscorer_columns)
      equality = as.character(input$input_topscorer_columns_equality)
      range_selected = as.numeric(input$input_topscorer_columns_range)

      original.dataset.list <- list()
      filtered.dataset.list <- list()
      filtered.logical.dataset.list <- list()
      dataset.venn.count.list <- list()

      vec_length <- c()
      xyz <- 0

      # Create a Progress object
      progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

      progress$set(message = "Reading data! please wait...", value = 50)

      for (i in 1:length(cb.checked)) {

        analysis.selected <- as.character(cb.checked[i])
        analysis.path <- file.path(results.dir(), analysis.selected)

        nrows.value <- as.character(input$input_topscorer_readtop)

        if (nrows.value == 'All'){
          nrows.value = -1

        if (length(get.choice.index()[i]) < 1){

          get.choice.index()[i] <- 1
        #dataset <-,analysis.path,as.integer(unlist(get.choice.index()[i])), nrows.value,column_selected , results.dir())
        dataset <-,analysis.path,as.integer(unlist(get.choice.index()[i])), nrows.value,column_selected)

        # checking the length of each comparison data and ommit rows
#         vec_length <- c(vec_length,nrow(dataset))
#         xyz <- xyz+1
#         max_rows_index <- which.min(vec_length)
#         max_rows <- vec_length[max_rows_index]
#         dataset <- dataset[1:max_rows,]

        if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.val"){
          colselected <- dataset$diffmeth.p.val

        else if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.adj.fdr"){
          colselected <- dataset$diffmeth.p.adj.fdr
        else if(column_selected == "mean.quot.log2"){
          colselected <- dataset$mean.quot.log2
          colselected <- dataset$mean.diff

        # filtering the dataframe and also using the logical column dataset to use in venn diagram counts
        # and finally display the cg values based on the numbers generated by venn counts using apended
        # logical column in orginal dataset

        if(equality == ">="){
          original.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset
          filtered.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset[colselected >= range_selected,]
          filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]] <- (subset(dataset, select = c(column_selected) ) >= as.numeric( range_selected))
          original.dataset.list[[i]][,"logical"] <- filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]]

        else if(equality == ">"){
          original.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset
          filtered.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset[colselected > range_selected,]
          filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]] <- (subset(dataset, select = c(column_selected) ) > as.numeric( range_selected))
          original.dataset.list[[i]][,"logical"] <- filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]]

        else if(equality == "<="){

          original.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset
          filtered.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset[colselected > range_selected,]
          filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]] <- (subset(dataset, select = c(column_selected) ) <= as.numeric( range_selected))
          original.dataset.list[[i]][,"logical"] <- filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]]

        else if(equality == "<"){
          original.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset
          filtered.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset[colselected > range_selected,]
          filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]] <- (subset(dataset, select = c(column_selected) ) < as.numeric( range_selected))
          original.dataset.list[[i]][,"logical"] <- filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]]

        else if(equality == "="){

          original.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset
          filtered.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset[colselected > range_selected,]
          filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]] <- (subset(dataset, select = c(column_selected) ) == as.numeric( range_selected))
          original.dataset.list[[i]][,"logical"] <- filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]]

        else {
          original.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset
          filtered.dataset.list[[i]] <- dataset[colselected > range_selected,]
          filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]] <- (subset(dataset, select = c(column_selected) ) > as.numeric( range_selected))
          original.dataset.list[[i]][,"logical"] <- filtered.logical.dataset.list[[i]]


        # rounding off the columns values
        if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.val"){
          original.dataset.list[[i]]$diffmeth.p.val <- sprintf("%.3f", original.dataset.list[[i]]$diffmeth.p.val)


        else if(column_selected == "diffmeth.p.adj.fdr"){
          original.dataset.list[[i]]$diffmeth.p.adj.fdr <- sprintf("%.3f", original.dataset.list[[i]]$diffmeth.p.adj.fdr)

        else if(column_selected == "mean.quot.log2"){
          original.dataset.list[[i]]$mean.quot.log2 <- sprintf("%.3f", original.dataset.list[[i]]$mean.quot.log2)

          original.dataset.list[[i]]$mean.diff <- sprintf("%.3f", original.dataset.list[[i]]$mean.diff)


        if (i == 1){
          clogicaldf <- cbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]])

        else if (i == 2){

          # checking if the two dataframe are unequal if yes than in order to cbind we need to make them equal size
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]) < length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]))
            # creating a logical vector of False of length and rbind it to the orginal dataframe
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]) - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], temp)
          }else if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]) < length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]))
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]) - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]],temp )


          clogicaldf <- cbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]])

        else if (i == 3){

          test <- c(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]))
          max_index = which.max(test)
          max_length = test[max_index]

          # checking if the two dataframe are unequal if yes than in order to cbind we need to make them equal size
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]) < max_length)
            # creating a logical vector of False of length and rbind it to the orginal dataframe
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], temp)
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]],temp )


          clogicaldf <- cbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]])


        else if (i == 4){

          test <- c(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]))
          max_index = which.max(test)
          max_length = test[max_index]

          # checking if the two dataframe are unequal if yes than in order to cbind we need to make them equal size
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]) < max_length)
            # creating a logical vector of False of length and rbind it to the orginal dataframe
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], temp)
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]],temp )


          clogicaldf <- cbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]])

        else if (i == 5){

          test <- c(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]]))
          max_index = which.max(test)
          max_length = test[max_index]

          # checking if the two dataframe are unequal if yes than in order to cbind we need to make them equal size
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]) < max_length)
            # creating a logical vector of False of length and rbind it to the orginal dataframe
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], temp)
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]],temp )


          clogicaldf <- cbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]])

        else if (i == 6){

          test <- c(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]]),length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[6]]))
          max_index = which.max(test)
          max_length = test[max_index]

          # checking if the two dataframe are unequal if yes than in order to cbind we need to make them equal size
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]) < max_length)
            # creating a logical vector of False of length and rbind it to the orginal dataframe
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], temp)
          if (length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]],temp )

          if(length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[6]]) < max_length)
            temp <- cbind(logical(length = (max_length - length(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[6]]))))
            filtered.logical.dataset.list[[6]] <- rbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[6]],temp )


          clogicaldf <- cbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[2]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[3]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[4]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[5]], filtered.logical.dataset.list[[6]])

        else {
          clogicaldf <- cbind(filtered.logical.dataset.list[[1]])

        dataset.venn.count.list[[i]] <- vennCounts(clogicaldf)

        # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error

      }#end of forloop

      if (length(cb.checked) == 1){

        output$output.ts.table.multivenn.plot.labels <- renderTable({
          Selected_analysis= c(paste("A = ",cb.checked[1]))
          result <- data.frame(Selected_analysis)

        p <- vennDiagram(dataset.venn.count.list[[1]], include = "both",
                         names = paste (paste("",cb.checked[1])),
                         cex = 1, counts.col = "red", circle.col = c("green"))

        #par(mar= c(50,50,50,50))

        output$ts.selector.overlapping.value <- renderUI({
                      label = paste("Venn Diagram numbers."),
                      choices = c(paste("!A", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[1]][1,2]),paste("A", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[1]][2,2])) , selected = -1 , width = validateCssUnit("100%"))

        # updating the table and showing content

        # output the datatable according to the venn diagram count number selected
        output$output.topscorer.overlappingComparison <- renderDataTable({

          # Create a Progress object
          progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

          progress$set(message = "Drawing venn diagram! please wait...", value = 50)

          selected_value = input$input_ts_selector_overlapping_value

          if(identical(as.character(selected_value) , as.character(paste("A", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[1]][2,2])))){
            c1 = original.dataset.list[[1]] [(original.dataset.list[[1]]$logical == "TRUE" ) ]
            c1 = original.dataset.list[[1]] [(original.dataset.list[[1]]$logical == "FALSE" ) ]
          c1$logical      <- NULL

          outputTableData <- c1

          # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error

#           colnames(outputTableData) = head(LETTERS, ncol(outputTableData))
#           head(outputTableData)


        },selection = 'single', filter = 'top',
        extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL),
        options = list(
          #fixedHeader = TRUE,
          columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2, 3,4,5))),
          pageLength = 100,
          initComplete = JS(
            "function(settings, json) {",
            "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
                       scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = TRUE, dom = 'Blfrtip',buttons = list(  'print',list( extend = 'collection',buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'), text = 'Download'), I('colvis')),br(), keys = TRUE
        ), escape = TRUE)

      else if(length(cb.checked) == 2){

        output$output.ts.table.multivenn.plot.labels <- renderTable({
          Selected_analysis= c(paste("A = ",cb.checked[1]), paste("B = ",cb.checked[2]))
          result <- data.frame(Selected_analysis)

        # drawing venn diagram
        p <- vennDiagram(dataset.venn.count.list[[2]], include = "both",
                         names = c(paste ("A"), paste ("B")),
                         cex = 1, counts.col = "red", circle.col = c("green","blue"))

        # updating  the count numbers of the venn diagram under venn count selector option

        output$ts.selector.overlapping.value <- renderUI({
                      label = paste("Select CpGs contents based on Venn Diagram numbers."),
                      choices = c(paste("!AB", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[2]][1,3]), paste("B", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[2]][2,3]), paste("A", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[2]][3,3]) , paste("AB", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[2]][4,3])) , selected = -1 , width = validateCssUnit("100%"))

        # updating the table and showing content

        # output the datatable according to the venn diagram count number selected
        output$output.topscorer.overlappingComparison <- renderDataTable({

          # Create a Progress object
          progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

          progress$set(message = "populating table below! please wait...", value = 50)

          selected_value = input$input_ts_selector_overlapping_value

          outputTableData <- data.frame()

          if(identical(as.character(selected_value) , as.character(paste("!AB", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[2]][1,3])))){

            df <- data.frame(clogicaldf)
            colnames(df) <- c("colA", "colB")

   <- df[ which( df$colA == FALSE & df$colB == FALSE) , ]
            rnames <- row.names(
            odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[1]])
            c1 <-  odf1[rnames,]
            c1[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

            odf2 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[2]])
            c2 <-  odf2[rnames,]
            c2[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

            c1$logical      <- NULL
            c2$logical      <- NULL

            outputTableData <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
            outputTableData$customrowname      <- NULL
            #colnames(outputTableData) <- c("cgid.A", "Chromosome.A", "Start.A", "Strand.A", paste(colselected,".A"), "cgod.B", "Chromosome.B", "Strand.A",paste(colselected,".B"))

          else if(identical(as.character(selected_value) , as.character(paste("B", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[2]][2,3])))){
            df <- data.frame(clogicaldf)
            colnames(df) <- c("colA", "colB")

   <- df[ which( df$colA == FALSE & df$colB == TRUE) , ]
            rnames <- row.names(
            odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[2]])
            c2 <-  odf1[rnames,]

            #c1$logical      <- NULL
            c2$logical      <- NULL

            outputTableData <- c2

          else if(identical(as.character(selected_value) , as.character(paste("A", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[2]][3,3])))){
            df <- data.frame(clogicaldf)
            colnames(df) <- c("colA", "colB")

   <- df[ which( df$colA == TRUE & df$colB == FALSE) , ]
            rnames <- row.names(
            odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[1]])
            c1 <-  odf1[rnames,]

            c1$logical      <- NULL
            #c2$logical      <- NULL

            outputTableData <- c1

          else if(identical(as.character(selected_value) , as.character(paste("AB", " = " , dataset.venn.count.list[[2]][4,3])))){
            df <- data.frame(clogicaldf)
            colnames(df) <- c("colA", "colB")

   <- df[ which( df$colA == TRUE & df$colB == TRUE) , ]
            rnames <- row.names(
            odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[1]])
            c1 <-  odf1[rnames,]
            c1[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

            odf2 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[2]])
            c2 <-  odf2[rnames,]
            c2[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

            c1$logical      <- NULL
            c2$logical      <- NULL

            outputTableData <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
            outputTableData$customrowname      <- NULL
            #colnames(outputTableData) <- c("cgid.A", "Chromosome.A", "Start.A", "Strand.A", paste(colselected,".A"), "cgod.B", "Chromosome.B", "Strand.A",paste(colselected,".B"))

            c1 = original.dataset.list[[1]] [(original.dataset.list[[1]]$logical == "FALSE" ) ]

            c2 = original.dataset.list[[2]] [ (original.dataset.list[[2]]$logical == "FALSE" )]

            c1$logical      <- NULL
            c2$logical      <- NULL

            outputTableData <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("cgid","Chromosome","Start","Strand") , all = F)


          # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error


        },selection = 'single', filter = 'top',
        extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL,'Scroller'= NULL),
        options = list(deferRender = TRUE,
                       scrollY = 400,
                       scroller = TRUE,
                       #fixedHeader = TRUE,
                       columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2, 3,4,5))),
                       #pageLength = 100,
                       initComplete = JS(
                         "function(settings, json) {",
                         "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
                       scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = TRUE, dom = 'Blfrtip',buttons = list(  'print',list( extend = 'collection',buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'), text = 'Download'), I('colvis')),br(), keys = TRUE
        ), escape = TRUE)

      else if(length(cb.checked) == 3){

        output$output.ts.table.multivenn.plot.labels <- renderTable({
          Selected_analysis= c(paste("A = ",cb.checked[1]), paste("B = ",cb.checked[2]), paste("C = ",cb.checked[3]))
          result <- data.frame(Selected_analysis)

        p <- vennDiagram(dataset.venn.count.list[[3]], include = "both",
                         names = c(paste ("A"), paste ("B"),paste ("C")),
                         cex = 1, counts.col = "red", circle.col = c("green","blue", "orange"))

        # updating  the count numbers of the venn diagram under venn count selector option
        choices.vector <- list()
        combination <- c("!ABC = ","C = ","B = ","BC = ","A = ","AC = ","AB = ","ABC = ")
        combinationLogicalA <- c("FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE","TRUE","TRUE")
        combinationLogicalB <- c("FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE","FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE")
        combinationLogicalC <- c("FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE")
        for (i in 1:8) {
          choices.vector[i] = paste(combination[i] , dataset.venn.count.list[[3]][i,4])

        output$ts.selector.overlapping.value <- renderUI({
                      label = paste("Select CpGs contents based on Venn Diagram numbers."),
                      choices = choices.vector , selected = -1 , width = validateCssUnit("100%"))

        output$ts.table.overlapping.value3 <- renderText({

        # updating the table and showing content

        # output the datatable according to the venn diagram count number selected
        output$output.topscorer.overlappingComparison <- renderDataTable({

          # Create a Progress object
          progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

          progress$set(message = "populating table below! please wait...", value = 50)

          selected_value = input$input_ts_selector_overlapping_value

          df <- data.frame(clogicaldf)
          colnames(df) <- c("colA", "colB", "colC")

          outputTableData <- data.frame()
          for (i in 1:8) {
            if(identical(as.character(selected_value) , as.character(paste(combination[i] , dataset.venn.count.list[[3]][i,4]))))
     <- df[ which( df$colA == combinationLogicalA[i] & df$colB == combinationLogicalB[i] & df$colC == combinationLogicalC[i] ) , ]
              rnames <- row.names(
              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[1]])
              c1 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c1[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[2]])
              c2 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c2[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[3]])
              c3 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c3[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              c1$logical      <- NULL
              c2$logical      <- NULL
              c3$logical      <- NULL

              if(identical(as.character("C = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c3
              else if(identical(as.character("A = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c1
              else if(identical(as.character("B = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c2
              else if(identical(as.character("AC = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("AB = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BC = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c2, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
                c <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)

              outputTableData$customrowname      <- NULL


          # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error


        },selection = 'single', filter = 'top',
        extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL,'Scroller'= NULL),
        options = list(deferRender = TRUE,
                       scrollY = 400,
                       scroller = TRUE,
                       #fixedHeader = TRUE,
                       columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2, 3,4,5))),
                       #pageLength = 100,
                       initComplete = JS(
                         "function(settings, json) {",
                         "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
                       scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = TRUE, dom = 'Blfrtip',buttons = list(  'print',list( extend = 'collection',buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'), text = 'Download'), I('colvis')),br(), keys = TRUE
        ), escape = TRUE)


      else if(length(cb.checked) == 4){

        output$output.ts.table.multivenn.plot.labels <- renderTable({
          Selected_analysis= c(paste("A = ",cb.checked[1]), paste("B = ",cb.checked[2]), paste("C = ",cb.checked[3]), paste("D = ",cb.checked[4]))
          result <- data.frame(Selected_analysis)

        p <- vennDiagram(dataset.venn.count.list[[4]], include = "both",
                         names = c(paste ("A"), paste ("B"),paste ("C"),paste ("D")),
                         cex = 1, counts.col = "red", circle.col = c("green","blue", "orange","yellow"))

        # updating  the count numbers of the venn diagram under venn count selector option
        choices.vector <- list()
        combination <- c("!ABCD = ","D = ","C = ","DC = ","B = ","BD = ","BC = ","BCD = ","A = ","AD = ","AC = ","ACD = ","AB = ","ABD = ","ABC = ","ABCD = ")
        combinationLogicalA <- c("FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE", "TRUE","TRUE","TRUE","TRUE" ,"TRUE","TRUE","TRUE","TRUE")
        combinationLogicalB <- c("FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE","TRUE","TRUE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE","TRUE","TRUE")
        combinationLogicalC <- c("FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE","FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE","FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE","FALSE","FALSE","TRUE","TRUE")
        combinationLogicalD <- c("FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE","FALSE","TRUE")
        for (i in 1:16) {
          choices.vector[i] = paste(combination[i] , dataset.venn.count.list[[4]][i,5])

        output$ts.selector.overlapping.value <- renderUI({
                      label = paste("Select CpGs contents based on Venn Diagram numbers."),
                      choices = choices.vector , selected = -1 , width = validateCssUnit("100%"))

        output$ts.table.overlapping.value3 <- renderText({

        # updating the table and showing content

        df <- data.frame(clogicaldf)
        colnames(df) <- c("colA", "colB", "colC", "colD")

        # output the datatable according to the venn diagram count number selected
        output$output.topscorer.overlappingComparison <- renderDataTable({

          # Create a Progress object
          progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

          progress$set(message = "populating table data! please wait...", value = 50)

          selected_value = input$input_ts_selector_overlapping_value

          outputTableData <- data.frame()
          for (i in 1:16) {
            if(identical(as.character(selected_value) , as.character(paste(combination[i] , dataset.venn.count.list[[4]][i,5]))))
     <- df[ which( df$colA == combinationLogicalA[i] & df$colB == combinationLogicalB[i] & df$colC == combinationLogicalC[i] & df$colD == combinationLogicalD[i]) , ]
              rnames <- row.names(
              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[1]])
              c1 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c1[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[2]])
              c2 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c2[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[3]])
              c3 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c3[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[4]])
              c4 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c4[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              c1$logical      <- NULL
              c2$logical      <- NULL
              c3$logical      <- NULL
              c4$logical      <- NULL

              outputTableData <- c1

              if(identical(as.character("C = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c3
              else if(identical(as.character("A = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c1
              else if(identical(as.character("B = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c2
              else if(identical(as.character("D = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c4
              else if(identical(as.character("AC = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("AB = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("AD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BC = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c2, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c2, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("ABC = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("ABD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("ACD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c1, c3, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BCD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c2, c3, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
                c12 <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
                c34 <- merge(c3, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
                c1234 <- merge(c12, c34, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)

                outputTableData <- c1234

              outputTableData$customrowname      <- NULL

          # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error


        },selection = 'single', filter = 'top',
        extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL,'Scroller'= NULL),
        options = list(deferRender = TRUE,
#                        scrollY = 400,
#                        scroller = TRUE,
                       #fixedHeader = TRUE,
                       columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2, 3,4,5))),
                       #pageLength = 100,
                       initComplete = JS(
                         "function(settings, json) {",
                         "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
                       #scrollX = TRUE, #scrollY = TRUE,
                      dom = 'Blfrtip',buttons = list(  'print',list( extend = 'collection',buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'), text = 'Download'), I('colvis')),br(), keys = TRUE
        ), escape = TRUE)


      else if(length(cb.checked) == 5){

        output$output.ts.table.multivenn.plot.labels <- renderTable({
          Selected_analysis= c(paste("A = ",cb.checked[1]), paste("B = ",cb.checked[2]), paste("C = ",cb.checked[3]), paste("D = ",cb.checked[4]), paste("E = ",cb.checked[5]))
          result <- data.frame(Selected_analysis)

        p <- vennDiagram(dataset.venn.count.list[[5]], include = "both",
                         names = c(paste ("A"), paste ("B"),paste ("C"),paste ("D"),paste ("E")),
                         cex = 1, counts.col = "red", circle.col = c("green","blue", "orange","yellow"))

        # updating  the count numbers of the venn diagram under venn count selector option
        choices.vector <- list()
        combination <- c("!ABCDE = ","E = ","D = ","ED = ","C = ","CE = ","CD = ","CDE = ","B = ","BE = ","BD = ","BDE = ","BC = ","BCE = ","BCD = ","BCDE = ","A = ","AE = ","AD = ","ADE = ","AC = ","ACE = ","ACD = ","ACDE = ","AB = ","ABE = ","ABD = ","ABDE = ","ABC = ","ABCE = ","ABCD = ","ABCDE = ")

        for (i in 1:32) {
          choices.vector[i] = paste(combination[i] , dataset.venn.count.list[[5]][i,6])

        output$ts.selector.overlapping.value <- renderUI({
                      label = paste("Select CpGs contents based on Venn Diagram numbers."),
                      choices = choices.vector , selected = -1 , width = validateCssUnit("100%"))

        output$ts.table.overlapping.value3 <- renderText({

        # updating the table and showing content

        df <- data.frame(clogicaldf)
        colnames(df) <- c("colA", "colB", "colC", "colD", "colE")

        # output the datatable according to the venn diagram count number selected
        output$output.topscorer.overlappingComparison <- renderDataTable({

          # Create a Progress object
          progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

          progress$set(message = "Populating table data! please wait...", value = 50)

          selected_value = input$input_ts_selector_overlapping_value

          outputTableData <- data.frame()
          for (i in 1:32) {
            if(identical(as.character(selected_value) , as.character(paste(combination[i] , dataset.venn.count.list[[5]][i,6]))))

     <- df[ which( df$colA == combinationLogicalA[i] & df$colB == combinationLogicalB[i] & df$colC == combinationLogicalC[i] & df$colD == combinationLogicalD[i] & df$colE == combinationLogicalE[i]) , ]
              rnames <- row.names(
              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[1]])
              c1 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c1[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[2]])
              c2 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c2[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[3]])
              c3 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c3[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[4]])
              c4 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c4[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              odf1 <- data.frame(original.dataset.list[[5]])
              c5 <-  odf1[rnames,]
              c5[,"customrowname"] <- rnames

              c1$logical      <- NULL
              c2$logical      <- NULL
              c3$logical      <- NULL
              c4$logical      <- NULL
              c5$logical      <- NULL

              outputTableData <- c1

              if(identical(as.character("C = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c3
              else if(identical(as.character("A = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c1
              else if(identical(as.character("B = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c2
              else if(identical(as.character("D = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c4
              else if(identical(as.character("E = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- c5
              else if(identical(as.character("AC = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("AB = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("AD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("AE = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c1, c5, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BC = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c2, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c2, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BE = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                outputTableData <- merge(c2, c5, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("ABC = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c3, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("ABD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("ABE = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c5, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("ACD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c1, c3, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("ACE = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c1, c3, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BCD = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c2, c3, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
              else if(identical(as.character("BCE = ") , as.character(combination[i])))

                c <- merge(c2, c3, by = c("customrowname"), all = F)
                outputTableData <- merge(c, c5, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
                c12 <- merge(c1, c2, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
                c34 <- merge(c3, c4, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
                c1234 <- merge(c12, c34, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)
                c12345 <- merge(c1234, c5, by = c("customrowname") , all = F)

                outputTableData <- c12345

              outputTableData$customrowname      <- NULL


          # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error


        },selection = 'single', filter = 'top',
        extensions = list("ColReorder" = NULL,"Buttons" = NULL,"KeyTable" = NULL,'Scroller'= NULL),
        options = list(deferRender = TRUE,
                       scrollY = 400,
                       scroller = TRUE,
                       #fixedHeader = TRUE,
                       columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(1,2, 3,4,5))),
                       #pageLength = 100,
                       initComplete = JS(
                         "function(settings, json) {",
                         "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#368BC1', 'color': '#000'});",
                       scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = TRUE, dom = 'Blfrtip',buttons = list(  'print',list( extend = 'collection',buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'), text = 'Download'), I('colvis')),br(), keys = TRUE
        ), escape = TRUE)


      else if(length(cb.checked) == 6){

        p <- vennDiagram(dataset.venn.count.list[[6]] , include = "both",
                         names = c(cb.checked[1], cb.checked[2], cb.checked[3], cb.checked[4], cb.checked[5], cb.checked[6]),
                         cex = 1, counts.col = "red", circle.col = c("green","blue", "orange","yellow"))

        output$output.ts.table.multivenn.plot.labels <- renderTable({
          Selected_analysis= c(paste("A = ",cb.checked[1]), paste("B = ",cb.checked[2]), paste("C = ",cb.checked[3]), paste("D = ",cb.checked[4]), paste("E = ",cb.checked[5]), paste("F = ",cb.checked[6]))
          result <- data.frame(Selected_analysis)

        output$ts.selector.overlapping.value <- renderUI({
                      label = paste("Sorry can not display table"),
                      choices = c("") , selected = -1 , width = validateCssUnit("100%"))


        output$ts.venn.overlapping.error.value <- renderText({
          paste("Please select atleast 6 analysis to draw venn diagram!")



    }, width = 600, height = 600)


  #end of top scorer tab

  output$testingPlotly <- renderPlot({

    x <- runif(100000 , 0 , 1)
    y <- runif(100000 ,  0, 1)

    # Create a Progress object
    progress <- shiny::Progress$new()

    progress$set(message = "Drawing test plot", value = 50)

    qq.value <- as.character('20150212_NeuronPD_SBvsBN_reports')

    qq.dir <- file.path('/var/www/html/data', qq.value)

    f = paste("diffMethTable_site_cmp1", ".csv",sep = '')
    filename <- file.path(qq.dir, 'differential_methylation_data',f)

    filename= as.character(filename)

    # fread function from the library data.table
    list.diff.p.values <- fread(filename,sep = ",", select = c("diffmeth.p.val"))

    # converting the data into list so that it can be plotted
    list.diff.p.values <- round(as.matrix(list.diff.p.values),digits=3)

    x <- list.diff.p.values
    #x <- runif(x , 0 , 1)


    # The summary data frame ds is used to plot larger red points on top
    # of the raw data. Note that we don't need to supply `data` or `mapping`
    # in each layer because the defaults from ggplot() are used.
#     p <- ggplot(data)
#     p <- p + stat_qq(aes(sample = x),distribution = stats::qunif)

    #p <- ggplot(data, aes(sample = data$x)) + stat_qq(color="firebrick2", alpha=1) + geom_abline(intercept = mean(data$x), slope = sd(data$x))

    gg_qqplot <- function(ps,ps1, ci = 0.95) {
      N  <- length(ps)
      #N  <- max(length(ps),length(ps1))
      df <- data.frame(
        observed = -log10(sort(ps)),
        #observed1 = -log10(sort(ps1)),
        expected = -log10(1:N / N),
        clower   = -log10(qbeta(ci,     1:N, N - 1:N + 1)),
        cupper   = -log10(qbeta(1 - ci, 1:N, N - 1:N + 1))
      log10Pe <- expression(paste("Expected -log"[10], plain(P)))
      log10Po <- expression(paste("Observed -log"[10], plain(P)))
      ggplot(df) +
        geom_point(aes(expected, observed), shape = 1, size = 3) +
        #geom_point(aes(expected, observed1), shape = 1, size = 3) +
        geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
        geom_line(aes(expected, cupper), linetype = 2) +
        geom_line(aes(expected, clower), linetype = 2, color = 'red') +
        xlab(log10Pe) +

    p <- gg_qqplot(x,y)

    #closing the progress bar
  }, width = 600, height = 600)


.LOG.INFO <- new.env()

.LOG.INDENT <- "    "
.LOGGER <- "ShinyBeads"

logger.transform <- function(txt, indent = TRUE) {
  if (!(is.character(txt) && is.vector(txt))) {
    stop("invalid value for parameter txt")
  if (length(txt) > 1) {
    txt <- paste(txt, collapse = " ")
  if (indent && length(.LOG.INFO[["titles"]]) != 0) {
    txt <- paste(paste(rep(.LOG.INDENT, length(.LOG.INFO[["titles"]])), collapse = ""), txt, sep = "")

logger.paste <- function(status.word, txt) {
  record <- list(
    timestamp = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ")
  txt <- paste(record, "\n", sep = "")
  cat(txt, append = TRUE)

m-raheel/ShinyBeads documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:34 a.m.