#' Set \code{x|yAxis} of Echarts (Primary or Secondary)
#' When an echart object is generated, you can modify it by setting axis using
#' \code{\link{\%>\%}}. \cr \cr
#' You can use work functions \code{setXAxis}, \code{setYAxis}, \code{setX1Axis},
#' \code{setY1Axis}. \cr \cr
#' This function modified a few default options for the axis component in
#' ECharts:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{scale = TRUE} (was \code{FALSE} by default in ECharts);
#' \item \code{axisLine$onZero = FALSE} (was \code{TRUE} in ECharts).
#' }
#' @param chart \code{echarts} object generated by \code{\link{echart}}
#' @param series Which series to be put on this axis. Could be:
#' \itemize{
#' \item series names, in vectors. E.g, \code{c('setosa', 'virginica')};
#' \item index of series, in vectors. E.g., \code{1:2} or \code{c(1,3)}.
#' }
#' @param which Which axis to be modified. Could be one of the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{x}{primary x axis}
#' \item{y}{primary y axis}
#' \item{x1}{secondary x axis}
#' \item{y1}{secondary y axis}
#' }
#' @param type Type of the axis. Could be \code{c('time', 'value', 'category', 'log')}.
#' Default 'value'.
#' @param position Position of this axis. Could be \code{c('bottom', 'top', 'left',
#' 'right')} (default for primary x axis, secondary x axis, primary y axis and secondary
#' y axis, respectively.)
#' @param boundaryGap A two-element numeric vector, defining the policy of the space
#' at the two ends of the axis (percents). Deafult \code{c(0, 0)}.
#' @param min The mininum value of the axis. Default NULL (automatic). If a numeric
#' value is set, \code{boundaryGap} is disabled.
#' @param max The maxinum value of the axis. Default NULL (automatic). If a numeric
#' value is set, \code{boundaryGap} is disabled.
#' @param scale Logical, for axis of 'value', 'time', 'log' type, to define whether
#' zoom the scale to the range between _min and _max. Default TRUE.
#' @param splitNumber Numeric, how many sections to devide the axis. Default NULL,
#' automatically deviding based on algorithms of \code{min} and \code{max}.
#' @param axisLine A list. Default: \cr
#' \code{list(show=TRUE, onZero=FALSE, lineStyle=list( \cr
#' type='solid', color='#48b', width=2, shadowColor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', shadowBlur=5,
#' shadowOffsetX=3, shadowOffsetY=3))} \cr \cr
#' \code{lineStyle} accepts features \code{color, width, type, shadowColor, shadowBlur,
#' shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY}
#' @param axisTick A list. Default: \cr
#' \code{show=FALSE, inside=FALSE, length=5, lineStyle=list(color="#333", width=1)} \cr \cr
#' \code{lineStyle} accepts feature \code{color, width, type, shadowColor, shadowBlur,
#' shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY}
#' @param axisLabel A list controlling the axis labels. Default \code{show=TRUE,
#' rotate=0, margin=8, clickable=FALSE, formatter=NULL, textStyle=list(color="#333")} \cr \cr
#' \code{textStyle} accepts features \code{color, align, baseline, fontFamily, fontSize,
#' fontStyle, fontWeight}. \cr \cr
#' \strong{\code{formatter}}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{sprintf/format string}{String to overide \code{axisLable$formatter}.
#' It accepts \code{sprintf} (category and value) and \code{strptime} (time) formats.}
#' \item{js mode}{a JS function/expression, which is default}
#' } \cr
#' \code{axisLabel=list(formatter="\%s cm")} is equal to \cr
#' \code{axisLabel=list(formatter=JS('function (value) {return value + "cm";}'))} or \cr
#' \code{axisLabel=list(formatter='{value} cm')}
#' @param splitLine A list controlling the split lines. Default \code{show=TRUE,
#' lineStyle=list(color=list("#ccc"), width=1, type="solid")} \cr \cr
#' \code{lineStyle} accepts features \code{color, width, type, shadowColor, shadowBlur,
#' shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY}.
#' @param splitArea A list controlling the split areas. Default \code{show=FALSE,
#' onGap=NULL, areaStyle= list(color= list("rgba(250,250,250,0.3)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.3)")
#' , type="default"} \cr \cr
#' \code{areaStyle} accepts features \code{color, type}.
#' @param data A character vector/list for axis of type 'category', to define the text
#' labels shown in this axis. Default NULL. You can even pass in a complicated list with
#' \code{textSytle} list: \cr
#' \code{list('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', \cr list(value='Apr', textStyle=list(color='red', ...)),
#' \cr 'May', ...)}
#' @param grid
#' @param offset
#' @param inverse
#' @param interval
#' @param logBase
#' @param silent
#' @param triggerEvent
#' @param zlevel
#' @param z
#' @param mode
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{setXAxis}}, \code{\link{setYAxis}}, \code{\link{setX1Axis}},
#' \code{\link{setY1Axis}}
#' @references
#' \url{http://echarts.baidu.com/echarts2/doc/option.html#tooltip-line1~xAxis-i}
#' \url{http://echarts.baidu.com/echarts2/doc/option.html#tooltip-line1~yAxis-i}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' g = echart(iris, Sepal.Width, Petal.Width, series=Species)
#' # Change the style
#' g %>% setTheme('gray') %>% setXAxis(splitLine=list(show=FALSE)) %>%
#' setYAxis(axisLine=list(lineStyle=list(width=0)))
#' # Dual-yAxis, series 1,2 on primary y-axis, series 3 on secondary y-axis
#' g %>% setYAxis(1:2, name="setosa/versicolor") %>%
#' setY1Axis("virginica", name="virginica")
#' }
setAxis = function(
chart, series = NULL, grid = NULL, which = c('x', 'y', 'x1', 'y1', 'y2'),
type = c('value', 'category', 'time', 'log'), offset = 0, show = TRUE,
position = c('bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right'), inverse = FALSE,
name = '', nameLocation = c('end', 'middle', 'start'), onZero = FALSE,
nameTextStyle = emptyList(), nameGap = 15, nameRotate = NULL,
boundaryGap = c(0, 0), min = NULL, max = NULL, scale = TRUE, splitNumber = NULL,
interval = NULL, logBase = 10, silent = FALSE, triggerEvent = FALSE,
axisLine = list(show = TRUE, onZero = onZero), axisTick = list(show = FALSE),
axisLabel = list(show = TRUE), splitLine = list(show = TRUE),
splitArea = list(show = FALSE), data = list(), zlevel = 0, z = 0
) {
if (!inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
stop('chart is not an Echarts object. ',
'Check if you have missed a %>% in your pipe chain.')
layout = getLayout(chart)
layout = layout[layout$coordSys == 'cartesian2d',]
which = match.arg(which)
whichAx = substr(which, 0, 1) # x or y axis
hasT = "timeline" %in% names(chart$x)
if (!is.numeric(grid)) grid = NULL
# get intersect of the series (char)
allSeries = getSeriesPart(chart, 'category', drop=FALSE, fetch.all=TRUE) # all levels of series
if (!hasT) allSeries = as.matrix(allSeries, ncol=1)
uniSeries = unique(as.vector(allSeries))
if (!is.null(allSeries) && !is.null(series)){
if (is.numeric(series)){
series = intersect(series, seq_len(nrow(allSeries)))
series = if (length(series) > 0) allSeries[series,1] else NULL
series = intersect(as.character(series), unique(as.vector(allSeries)))
if (length(series) == 0) series = NULL
if (length(series) == 0) return(chart)
series = unique(layout$series)
# get intersect of gridIndex (num)
if (is.numeric(grid)){
grid = intersect(grid-1, layout$coordIdx)
if (length(grid) == 0) return(chart)
grid = unique(layout$coordIdx)
# modify df layout, chart already has 2*facet axes lists by autoAxis()
targetAxRows = which(layout$series %in% series & layout$coordIdx %in% grid)
if (which == 'x1'){
layout$xAxisIdx[targetAxRows] = layout$xAxisIdx[targetAxRows] +
if (which == 'y1'){
layout$yAxisIdx[targetAxRows] = layout$yAxisIdx[targetAxRows] +
if (which == 'y2'){
targetAx = unique(grid) + length(seq_along(unique(layout$coordIdx)))
layout$yAxisIdx[targetAxRows] = seq_along(targetAx) -1 +
# original data along the axis
if (hasT){
odata = lapply(chart$x$options, getMeta)
if (!is.null(series)) {
sdata = lapply(odata, function(lst) lst['series'])
sdata = do.call('rbind', sdata)[,1]
odata = lapply(odata, function(lst) lst[[which]])
odata = do.call('rbind', odata)[,1]
odata = getMeta(chart)[[which]][,1]
if (!is.null(series)) sdata = getMeta(chart)[['series']][,1]
if (!is.null(series)) {
odata = odata[sdata %in% series]
# only get odata of specific series
if (missing(type)) type = axisType(odata, which)
if (missing(position)) {
position = switch(which, x = 'bottom', y = 'left', x1 = 'top',
y1 = 'right', y2 = 'right')
position = match.arg(position)
if (!is.null(axisLabel$formatter))
if (!is.list(axisLabel$formatter)){
axisLabel = mergeList(axisLabel, list(
formatter = if (inherits(axisLabel$formatter, 'JS_EVAL'))
axisLabel$formatter else convFormat2JS(axisLabel$formatter, type)
if (hasT) x = chart$x$baseOption else x = chart$x
i = paste0(whichAx, 'Axis')
o = list(
type = match.arg(type), show = show, position = position,
inverse = inverse, name = name, nameLocation = match.arg(nameLocation),
nameTextStyle = nameTextStyle, nameGap = nameGap, nameRotate = nameRotate,
boundaryGap = boundaryGap, min = min, max = max, scale = scale,
offset = offset, splitNumber = splitNumber, interval = interval,
logBase = logBase, triggerEvent = triggerEvent, silent = silent,
axisLine = axisLine, axisTick = axisTick, axisLabel = axisLabel,
splitLine = splitLine, splitArea = splitArea, data = data
if (length(x[[i]]) == 0) chart = autoAxis(chart)
# only merge the arguments that are not missing, e.g. eAxis(min = 0) will
# only overide 'min' but will not overide the 'name' attribute
a = intersect(c('position', 'axisLine', 'scale', 'show',
names(as.list(match.call()[-1]))), names(o))
if (which %in% c('x', 'x1')){
for (j in unique(layout[targetAxRows, 'xAxisIdx']))
x[[i]][[j+1]] = mergeList(x[[i]][[j+1]], o[a])
}else if (which %in% c('y', 'y1')){
for (j in unique(layout[targetAxRows, 'yAxisIdx']))
x[[i]][[j+1]] = mergeList(x[[i]][[j+1]], o[a])
}else if (which %in% 'y2'){
for (j in unique(layout[targetAxRows, 'yAxisIdx']))
x[[i]][j+1] = list(o[a])
if (hasT) chart$x$baseOption = x else chart$x = x
# revise axisIndex
ax = paste0(whichAx, "AxisIndex")
if (hasT){
for (i in targetAxRows)
chart$x$baseOption$series[[i]][c('xAxisIndex', 'yAxisIndex')] =
list(layout$xAxisIdx[i], layout$yAxisIdx[i])
for (i in targetAxRows)
chart$x$series[[i]][c('xAxisIndex', 'yAxisIndex')] =
list(layout$xAxisIdx[i], layout$yAxisIdx[i])
autoFacetTitle = function(chart){
stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
layout = getLayout(chart)
meta = getMeta(chart)
facet.name = if ('facet' %in% meta) names(meta$facet) else
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
if (max(layout$ifacet) == 1) return(chart)
f.layout = layout[!duplicated(layout$ifacet),]
f.text = paste0(facet.name[1], ': ', f.layout$row)
if (!all(is.na(f.layout$col)))
f.text = paste(f.text, paste0(facet.name[2], ': ', f.layout$col),
sep=' | ')
f.layout$width = as.numeric(gsub('%', '', f.layout$width))
f.layout$left = as.numeric(gsub('%', '', f.layout$left))
lstTitle = lapply(unique(layout$ifacet), function(i){
list(text=f.text[i], meta='facet_title', top=f.layout$top[i],
left=paste0(f.layout$left[i] + f.layout$width[i]/2, '%'),
textAlign='center', backgroundColor='rgba(0,0,0,0.1)',
textStyle=list(fontSize = 12))
if (hasT){
chart$x$baseOption$title = append(
ifnull(chart$x$baseOption$title, list()), lstTitle)
chart$x$title = append(ifnull(chart$x$title, list()), lstTitle)
autoAxis = function(chart, hasSubAxis = TRUE, showMainAxis = TRUE, ...) {
stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
layout = getLayout(chart)
layout = layout[layout$coordSys == 'cartesian2d',]
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
meta = getMeta(if (hasT) chart$x$options[[1]] else chart)
xlab = if ('x' %in% names(meta[[1]])) names(meta[[1]]$x)[1] else
ylab = if ('y' %in% names(meta[[1]])) names(meta[[1]]$y)[1] else
if (nrow(layout) == 0) return(chart)
lstXAxis = lapply(unique(layout$xAxisIdx), function(x){
type = if (hasT) axisType(getMeta(chart)[[1]][[x+1]]$x[,1], 'x') else
axisType(getMeta(chart)[[x+1]]$x[,1], 'x')
if (type == 'category'){
idx = getLayout(chart)$i[getLayout(chart)$xAxisIdx == x]
data = getMeta(chart)[idx]
data = lapply(data, function(lst) data.frame(rownames=lst$rownames[,1],
data = do.call('rbind', data)
data = data[order(data$rownames),]
axisData = unique(as.character(data$x))
axisData = list()
list(gridIndex = x, show = showMainAxis, type = type, name = xlab,
axisLine = list(onZero=FALSE), scale = TRUE, data = axisData
if (hasSubAxis)
lstXAxis = append(lstXAxis, lapply(unique(layout$xAxisIdx), function(x){
list(gridIndex = x, show = FALSE, type = if (hasT)
axisType(getMeta(chart)[[1]][[x+1]]$x[,1], 'x') else
axisType(getMeta(chart)[[x+1]]$x[,1], 'x'),
axisLine = list(onZero=FALSE), scale = TRUE, data = list()
lstYAxis = lapply(unique(layout$yAxisIdx), function(x){
type = if (hasT) axisType(getMeta(chart)[[1]][[x+1]]$y[,1], 'y') else
axisType(getMeta(chart)[[x+1]]$y[,1], 'y')
if (type == 'category'){
idx = getLayout(chart)$i[getLayout(chart)$yAxisIdx == x]
data = getMeta(chart)[idx]
data = lapply(data, function(lst) data.frame(rownames=lst$rownames[,1],
data = do.call('rbind', data)
data = data[order(data$rownames),]
axisData = unique(as.character(data$y))
axisData = list()
list(gridIndex = x, show = showMainAxis, type = type, name = ylab,
axisLine = list(onZero=FALSE), scale = TRUE, data = axisData
if (hasSubAxis)
lstYAxis = append(lstYAxis, lapply(unique(layout$yAxisIdx), function(x){
list(gridIndex = x, show = FALSE, type = if (hasT)
axisType(getMeta(chart)[[1]][[x+1]]$y[,1], 'y') else
axisType(getMeta(chart)[[x+1]]$y[,1], 'y'),
axisLine = list(onZero=FALSE), scale = TRUE, data = list()
lstGrid = lapply(unique(layout$coordIdx), function(x){
rec = layout[layout$coordIdx == x,][1,]
return(list(top=rec$top, left=rec$left, width=rec$width, height=rec$height,
# set axis
if (hasT){
chart$x$baseOption[c('xAxis', 'yAxis', 'grid')] = list(
lstXAxis, lstYAxis, lstGrid)
chart$x[c('xAxis', 'yAxis', 'grid')] = list(lstXAxis, lstYAxis, lstGrid)
#' @export
#' @rdname setAxis
setYAxis = function(chart, ...) { # set primary y axis
setAxis(chart, which = 'y', position = 'left', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setAxis
setY1Axis = function(chart, ...) { # set secondary y axis
setAxis(chart, which = 'y1', position = 'right', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setAxis
setXAxis = function(chart, ...) { # set primary x axis
setAxis(chart, which = 'x', position = 'bottom', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setAxis
setX1Axis = function(chart, ...) { # set secondary x axis
setAxis(chart, which = 'x1', position = 'top', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setAxis
setY2Axis = function(chart, ...) { # set secondary x axis
setAxis(chart, which = 'y2', position = 'right', offset = 20, ...)
axisType = function(data, which = c('x', 'y')) {
if (is.numeric(data) || is.null(data)) return('value')
if (is.factor(data) || is.character(data)) return('category')
if (inherits(data, c('Date', 'POSIXct', 'POSIXlt'))) return('time')
message('The structure of the ', which, ' variable:')
stop('Unable to derive the axis type automatically from the ', which, ' variable')
flipAxis = function(chart, flip=NULL, ...){
# flip x|y-axis, and exchange x,y in data series
# flip: index of series
if (!inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
stop('chart is not an Echarts object. ',
'Check if you have missed a %>% in your pipe chain.')
layout = getLayout(chart)
flip = intersect(flip, which(layout$coordSys == 'cartesian2d'))
if (length(flip) == 0) return(chart)
gridIdx = unique(layout$coordIdx[flip])
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
if (hasT){
if (all(c('xAxis', 'yAxis') %in% names(chart$x$baseOption))) {
lstAx = chart$x$baseOption[c('xAxis', 'yAxis')]
axes = sapply(lstAx, function(lst) sapply(lst, function(l) {
axes = data.table::melt(axes)
axes = axes[axes$value %in% gridIdx,]
if (nrow(axes) > 0){
xAxIdx = axes$Var1[axes$Var2=='xAxis']
yAxIdx = axes$Var1[axes$Var2=='yAxis']
tmp = list(chart$x$baseOption$xAxis[xAxIdx],
for (i in xAxIdx) chart$x$xAxis[[i]] = tmp[[2]][[which(xAxIdx==i)]]
for (i in yAxIdx) chart$x$yAxis[[i]] = tmp[[1]][[which(yAxIdx==i)]]
for (t in seq_along(chart$x$options)){
for (s in flip){
if (is.list(chart$x$options[[t]]$series[[s]]$data)){
chart$x$options[[t]]$series[[s]]$data = lapply(
chart$x$options[[t]]$series[[s]]$data, function(l){
l[1:2] = l[2:1]
}else if (is.data.frame(chart$x$options[[t]]$series[[s]]$data) &&
ncol(chart$x$options[[t]]$series[[s]]$data) > 1){
chart$x$options[[t]]$series[[s]]$data[,1:2] =
if (all(c('xAxis', 'yAxis') %in% names(chart$x))){
lstAx = chart$x[c('xAxis', 'yAxis')]
axes = sapply(lstAx, function(lst) sapply(lst, function(l) {
axes = data.table::melt(axes)
axes = axes[axes$value %in% gridIdx,]
if (nrow(axes) > 0){
xAxIdx = axes$Var1[axes$Var2=='xAxis']
yAxIdx = axes$Var1[axes$Var2=='yAxis']
tmp = list(chart$x$xAxis[xAxIdx], chart$x$yAxis[yAxIdx])
for (i in xAxIdx) chart$x$xAxis[[i]] = tmp[[2]][[which(xAxIdx==i)]]
for (i in yAxIdx) chart$x$yAxis[[i]] = tmp[[1]][[which(yAxIdx==i)]]
for (s in flip){
if (is.list(chart$x$series[[s]]$data)){
chart$x$series[[s]]$data = lapply(
chart$x$series[[s]]$data, function(l){
l[1:2] = l[2:1]
}else if (is.data.frame(chart$x$series[[s]]$data) &&
ncol(chart$x$series[[s]]$data) > 1){
chart$x$series[[s]]$data[,1:2] =
#' Set \code{grid} of Echarts Widgets And Pane
#' When an echart object is generated, you can modify it by setting grid using
#' \code{\link{\%>\%}}. \cr
#' \strong{It is recommended to put \code{setGrid} at the end of the piped command.} \cr
#' When used for 'pane', it is only applicable for \code{scatter, point, bubble,
#' line, area, bar, histogram}. When used for 'timeline', it only take in params
#' \code{x, y, x2, y2}. When used for 'legend', 'title', 'dataZoom', 'dataRange',
#' 'toolbox', 'roamController', it only takes in params \code{x, y}.
#' @param chart \code{echarts} object generated by \code{\link{echart}}
#' @param widget Widget name to set. Could be \code{c('pane', 'timeline', 'legend',
#' 'title', 'dataZoom', 'dataRange', 'toolbox')}.
#' \describe{
#' \item{pane}{the area pane, takes in all the parameters}
#' \item{timeline}{timeline widget, only use \code{x, y, x2, y2}}
#' \item{legend, title, dataZoom, dataRange, toolbox, roamController}{other widgets,
#' only use \code{x, y}}
#' }
#' @param index Integer, index of the widget, if widget is 'pane'. Default 1.
#' @param left Left margin of the plot area. Default NULL ('auto').
#' @param top Top margin of the plot area. Default 60 px.
#' @param right Right margin of the plot area. Default '10\%'.
#' @param bottom Bottom margin of the plot area. Default 60 px.
#' @param width Width of the plot area. Default NULL (automatically configured)
#' @param height Height of the plot area. Default NULL (automatically configured)
#' @param containLabel Logical, whether grid area contains axis label. Default FALSE.
#' Set if TRUE when the chart is too small to show the axis label.
#' @param bgColor Background color of plot area. Default transparent ('rgba(0,0,0,0)').
#' @param borderColor Border color of the plot area. Default '#ccc'.
#' @param borderWidth Border width of the plot area. Default 0px (not shown).
#' @param shadowBlur Numeric, size of shadow blur. Only effective when \code{show} is TRUE.
#' @param shadowColor Color of the shadow. Only effective when \code{show} is TRUE.
#' @param shadowOffsetX Numeric, horizontal offset of the shadow. Only effective
#' when \code{show} is TRUE.
#' @param shadowOffsetY Numeric, vertical offset of the shadow. Only effective
#' when \code{show} is TRUE.
#' @param show Logical, if grid is shown. Default FALSE.
#' @param z Layer index of the widget. It does not create new canvas. Default 2.
#' @param zlevel Layer index of the canvas. Default 0.
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to echarts object.
#' @return A modified echarts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{relocWidget}}
#' @references \url{http://echarts.baidu.com/echarts2/doc/option.html#title~grid}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' g = iris %>% echartR(x=Sepal.Width, y=Petal.Width, series=Species)
#' g %>% setGrid(x=40, y=40, x2=70, y2=30, bgColor='gray90')
#' }
setGrid = function(chart, index=1, left=NULL, top=60, right='10%', bottom=60,
width=NULL, height=NULL, containLabel=FALSE,
bgColor=NULL, borderColor=NULL, borderWidth=1,
shadowBlur=NULL, shadowColor=NULL, shadowOffsetX=0,
shadowOffsetY=0, show=TRUE, z=2, zlevel=0,
widget=c('pane', 'timeline', 'legend', 'title', 'dataZoom',
'dataRange', 'toolbox'), ...){
if (!inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
stop('chart is not an Echarts object. ',
'Check if you have missed a %>% in your pipe chain.')
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
types = getSeriesPart(chart, 'type')
widget = match.arg(widget)
if (widget == 'pane') widget = 'grid'
lstGrid = list(left = left, top = top, right = right, bottom = bottom)
if (widget == 'grid') lstGrid = append(lstGrid, list(
width = width, height = height, borderWidth = borderWidth,
borderColor = borderColor, backgroundColor = getColors(bgColor)[1],
shadowBlur = shadowBlur, shadowColor = shadowColor,
shadowOffsetX = shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY = shadowOffsetY,
show = show, z = z, zlevel = zlevel
lstGrid = lstGrid[intersect(as.list(match.call())[-1], names(lstGrid))]
## wrap up
if (hasT){
if (widget == 'timeline'){
chart$x$timeline = mergeList(chart$x$timeline, lstGrid)
}else if((widget == 'grid') || widget %in% names(chart$x$baseOption)){
if (is.null(chart$x$baseOption[[widget]])){
chart$x$baseOption[[widget]] = list(lstGrid)
index = intersect(index, seq_along(chart$x$baseOption[[widget]]))
for (i in index){
chart$x$baseOption[[widget]][[i]] =
mergeList(chart$x$baseOption[[widget]][[i]], lstGrid)
if ((widget == 'grid') || widget %in% names(chart$x))
if (is.null(chart$x[[widget]])){
chart$x[[widget]] = list(lstGrid)
index = intersect(index, seq_along(chart$x[[widget]]))
for (i in index){
chart$x[[widget]][[i]] =
mergeList(chart$x[[widget]][[i]], lstGrid)
#' @export
#' @rdname setGrid
relocTitle = function(chart, ...){
setGrid(chart, widget='title', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setGrid
relocLegend = function(chart, ...){
setGrid(chart, widget='legend', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setGrid
relocDataZoom = function(chart, ...){
setGrid(chart, widget='dataZoom', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setGrid
relocDataRange = function(chart, ...){
setGrid(chart, widget='dataRange', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setGrid
relocTimeline = function(chart, ...){
setGrid(chart, widget='timeline', ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname setGrid
relocToolbox = function(chart, ...){
setGrid(chart, widget='toolbox', ...)
#' Re-locate Echarts Widgets (Position of Upper-left/Lower-right Point)
#' @param chart Echarts object
#' @param widgets Vector or list, could be \code{'title', 'timeline', 'legend', 'toolbox',
#' 'dataRange', 'dataZoom'}
#' @param x Vector, x-coordinates of the widgets' upper-left point
#' @param y Vector, y-coordinates of the widgets' upper-left point
#' @param x2 Vector, x-coordinates of the widgets' lower-right point
#' @param y2 Vector, y-coordinates of the widgets' lower-right point
#' @note If \code{x, y, x2, y2} are shorter in length than the list \code{widgets},
#' the last element of \code{x, y, x2, y2} will be applied to cover the rest.
#' If \code{x, y, x2, y2} are longer in length than the list \code{widgets},
#' the redundent elements will be dropped.
#' @return A modified Echarts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{setGrid}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' g = echartR(iris, Sepal.Width, Petal.Width) %>% setDataZoom()
#' g %>% relocWidgets('dataZoom', x=150)
#' }
relocWidget = function(chart, widgets, x=NULL, y=NULL, x2=NULL, y2=NULL){
if (!inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
stop('chart is not an Echarts object. ',
'Check if you have missed a %>% in your pipe chain.')
stopifnot(all(widgets %in% c('title', 'timeline', 'legend', 'toolbox',
'dataRange', 'dataZoom', 'roamController')))
if (!missing(x)) if (!is.null(x)) x = if (length(x) < length(widgets))
c(x, rep(x[length(x)], length(widgets) - length(x))) else x[length(widgets)]
if (!missing(y)) if (!is.null(y)) y = if (length(y) < length(widgets))
c(y, rep(y[length(y)], length(widgets) - length(y))) else x[length(widgets)]
if (!missing(x2)) if (!is.null(x2)) x = if (length(x2) < length(widgets))
c(x2, rep(x2[length(x2)], length(widgets) - length(x2))) else x[length(widgets)]
if (!missing(y2)) if (!is.null(y2)) x = if (length(y2) < length(widgets))
c(y2, rep(y2[length(y2)], length(widgets) - length(y2))) else x[length(widgets)]
for (i in 1:length(widgets)){
chart = chart %>% setGrid(x[i], y[i], x2[i], y2[i], widget=widgets[i])
.getGridParam = function(chart, control, pos, size, horizontal=TRUE){
stopifnot(length(pos) == 4) ## x, y, x2, y2
stopifnot(length(size) == 2) ## height, width
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
if (hasT){
if (control == 'timeline') obj = chart$x$timeline
else obj = chart$x$baseOption[[control]]
obj = chart$x[[control]]
lst = lapply(c('x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2', 'orient', 'height', 'width'),
lstDefault = c(as.list(pos), ifelse(horizontal, 'horizontal', 'vertical'),
names(lst) = names(lstDefault) = c('x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2', 'orient',
'height', 'width')
if (!is.null(obj))
lst = unlist(mergeList(lstDefault, lst, keep.null=TRUE,
# x, y , orient
else return(rep(NA, 8))
# x, y, x2, y2, width, height
x = ifelse(lst['x'] %in% c('left', 'center', 'right'), lst['x'],
ifelse(grepl("document\\.getElementById", lst['x']), 'right',
if (is.numeric(x)) x = if (ifna(x, 0) < 80) 'left' else
if (ifna(x, 0) < 400) 'center' else 'right'
y = ifelse(lst['y'] %in% c('top', 'center', 'bottom'), lst['y'],
ifelse(grepl("document\\.getElementById", lst['y']), 'bottom',
if (is.numeric(y)) y = if (ifna(y, 0) < 60) 'top' else
if (ifna(y, 0) < 400) 'center' else 'bottom'
x2 = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(lst['x2']))
y2 = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(lst['y2']))
height = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(lst['height']))
width = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(lst['width']))
pos = ifelse(length(clockPos(x, y, lst['orient'])) == 0, 12,
clockPos(x, y, lst['orient']))
x = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(lst['x']))
y = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(lst['y']))
if (is.na(x)) x = ifnull(switch(lst['x'], left=0, center=0, right=NA), 0)
if (is.na(x2)) x2 = ifnull(switch(lst['x'], left=NA, center=0, right=0), 0)
if (is.na(y)) y = ifnull(switch(lst['y'], top=0, center=0, bottom=NA), 0)
if (is.na(y2)) y2 = ifnull(switch(lst['y'], top=NA, center=0, bottom=0), 0)
return(c(pos, x, y, x2, y2, height, width, unname(lst['orient']=='horizontal')))
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table dcast
tuneGrid = function(chart, ...){
# tune the grid of pane and widgets
if (!inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
stop('chart is not an Echarts object. ',
'Check if you have missed a %>% in your pipe chain.')
types = getSeriesPart(chart, 'type')
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
# if not Cartesian Coord chart, skip out
controls = c('title', 'timeline', 'legend', 'toolbox', 'dataRange',
'dataZoom', 'roamController')
gridParam = c('pos', 'x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2', 'height', 'width', 'orient')
dfGrid = data.frame(matrix(ncol=length(gridParam), nrow=length(controls)))
colnames(dfGrid) = gridParam
rownames(dfGrid) = controls
#---------- get x, y, x1, y1 of each control --------------
dfGrid['title',] = .getGridParam(
chart, 'title', c('center', 'bottom', NA, NA), c(50, 50))
dfGrid['legend',] = .getGridParam(
chart, 'legend', c('left', 'top', NA, NA), c(50, 50))
dfGrid['dataRange',] = .getGridParam(
chart, 'dataRange', c('left', 'bottom', NA, NA), c(50, 120), FALSE)
dfGrid['dataZoom',] = .getGridParam(
chart, 'dataZoom', c('center', 'bottom', NA, NA), c(30, 30))
dfGrid['toolbox',] = .getGridParam(
chart, 'toolbox', c('right', 'top', NA, NA), c(50, 50))
dfGrid['timeline',] = .getGridParam(
chart, 'timeline', c('center', 'bottom', 80, 0), c(50, 50))
dfGrid['roamController',] = .getGridParam(
chart, 'roamController', c('right', 'top', NA, NA), c(80, 150), FALSE)
# remove all NA rows
dfGrid = dfGrid[!(apply(dfGrid, 1, function(row) all(is.na(row)))),]
#dfGrid <<- dfGrid
# browser()
sumGrid = dcast(data.table(dfGrid), orient + pos ~ ., fun=sum,
value.var=c("x", "y", "x2", "y2", "height", "width"))
uniqueGrid = dfGrid[!duplicated(paste(dfGrid$orient, dfGrid$pos)),]
uniqueGrid = uniqueGrid[order(uniqueGrid$orient, uniqueGrid$pos),]
sumGrid[,c('x_sum_.', 'y_sum_.', 'x2_sum_.', 'y2_sum_.')] =
uniqueGrid[, c('x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2')]
sumGrid$x = ifblank(
rowSums(sumGrid[,list(x_sum_., width_sum_.)], na.rm=TRUE), NA)
sumGrid$y = ifblank(
rowSums(sumGrid[,list(y_sum_., height_sum_.)], na.rm=TRUE), NA)
sumGrid$x2 = ifblank(
rowSums(sumGrid[, list(x2_sum_., width_sum_.)], na.rm=TRUE), NA)
sumGrid$y2 = ifblank(
rowSums(sumGrid[, list(y2_sum_., height_sum_.)], na.rm=TRUE), NA)
#uniqueGrid <<- uniqueGrid
#sumGrid <<- sumGrid
lstGrid = list()
if (length(sumGrid[pos %in% c(8, 9, 10), x]) > 0)
if (max(sumGrid[pos %in% c(8, 9, 10), x]) > 70)
lstGrid$x = unname(max(ifblank(sumGrid[pos == 9, x], 70)) + 20)
if (length(sumGrid[pos %in% c(11, 12, 1), y]) > 0)
if (max(sumGrid[pos %in% c(11, 12, 1), y]) > 50)
lstGrid$y = unname(max(ifblank(sumGrid[pos == 12, y], 50)) + 30)
if (length(sumGrid[pos %in% c(2, 3, 4), x2]) > 0)
if (max(sumGrid[pos %in% c(2, 3, 4), x2]) > 70)
lstGrid$x2 = unname(max(ifblank(sumGrid[pos == 3, x2], 70)) + 20)
if (length(sumGrid[pos %in% c(5, 6, 7), y2]) > 0)
if (max(sumGrid[pos %in% c(5, 6, 7), y2]) > 50)
lstGrid$y2 = unname(max(ifblank(sumGrid[pos == 6, y2], 50)) + 30)
## tune grid if there are duplicated pos
if (any(duplicated(dfGrid$pos))){
dupPos = table(dfGrid$pos)
dupPos = as.numeric(names(dupPos[dupPos > 1]))
for (i in dupPos){
dfDupGrid = dfGrid[dfGrid$pos == i,]
len = nrow(dfDupGrid)
widgets = row.names(dfDupGrid)[2:len]
widgetsNotTL = widgets[!widgets %in% 'timeline']
dfDupGrid$cumHeight = cumsum(dfDupGrid$height)
dfDupGrid$cumWidth = cumsum(dfDupGrid$width)
sizeParam = ifelse(i %in% c(1, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12), 'height', 'width')
if (i %in% c(11, 12, 1)){
cumSize = ifna(dfDupGrid[1, 'y'],0) +
dfDupGrid[1: (len - 1), c("cumHeight")]
w = 'y'
w2 = 'y2'
}else if (i %in% c(2, 3, 4)){
cumSize = ifna(dfDupGrid[1, 'x2'],0) +
dfDupGrid[1: (len - 1), c("cumWidth")]
w = 'x2'
w2 = 'x'
}else if (i %in% c(5, 6, 7)){
cumSize = ifna(dfDupGrid[1, 'y2'],0) +
dfDupGrid[1: (len - 1), c("cumHeight")]
w = 'y2'
w2 = 'y'
}else if (i %in% c(8, 9, 10)){
cumSize = ifna(dfDupGrid[1, 'x'],0) +
dfDupGrid[1: (len - 1), c("cumWidth")]
w = 'x'
w2 = 'x2'
names(cumSize) = widgets
if (hasT){
for (j in widgets){
if (j == 'timeline') chart$x[[j]][[w]] = unname(cumSize[j])
else {
chart$x$baseOption[[j]][[w]] = unname(cumSize[j])
#if (w %in% c('x2', 'y2'))
# chart$x$baseOption[[j]][[w2]] = JS(
# paste0(getJSElementSize(
# chart, ifelse(w == 'x2', 'width', "height")),
# " - ", dfGrid[j, sizeParam] +
# chart$x$baseOption[[j]][[w]]))
for (j in widgets) {
chart$x[[j]][[w]] = unname(cumSize[j])
#if (w %in% c('x2', 'y2'))
# chart$x[[j]][[w2]] = JS(
# paste0(getJSElementSize(
# chart, ifelse(w == 'x2', 'width', "height")),
# " - ", dfGrid[j, sizeParam] +
# chart$x[[j]][[w]]))
## additional tuning
if ('dataZoom' %in% row.names(dfGrid))
if (dfGrid['dataZoom', 'orient'] == 1){
if (hasT) chart$x$baseOption$dataZoom$x = ifnull(lstGrid$x, 80)
else chart$x$dataZoom$x = ifnull(lstGrid$x, 80)
if (hasT) chart$x$baseOption$dataZoom$y = ifnull(lstGrid$y, 60)
else chart$x$dataZoom$y = ifnull(lstGrid$y, 60)
if ('timeline' %in% row.names(dfGrid)){
chart$x$timeline$x = ifnull(lstGrid$x, 80)
chart$x$timeline$x2 = ifnull(lstGrid$x2, 80)
## wrap up
# collect all grid features
if (all(types %in% c('scatter', 'line', 'bar', 'k', 'eventRiver')))
if (length(lstGrid) > 0){
if (hasT)
chart$x$baseOption[['grid']] = lstGrid
chart$x[['grid']] = lstGrid
autoPolar = function(chart, type){
if (!inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
stop('chart is not an Echarts object. ',
'Check if you have missed a %>% in your pipe chain.')
chartTypes = getSeriesPart(chart, 'type')
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
if (!all(chartTypes %in% c('radar'))) return(chart)
# get chart meta data
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
if (hasT){
data = lapply(chart$x$options, function(l) getMeta(l))
list.names = names(data[[1]])
data = lapply(list.names, function(v) {
do.call('rbind', lapply(data, function(l) l[[v]]))
names(data) = list.names
}else data = getMeta(chart)
dt = data.frame(x=data$x[,1], y=data$y[,1])
dt$idx = if (is.null(data$series)) 1 else data$series[,1]
index = as.character(unique(dt$idx))
dt$series = if (ncol(data$x) == 1) names(data$y)[1] else data$x[,2]
if (!is.null(data$t)) {
dt$t = data$t[,1]
dt = data.table::dcast(dt, idx + x + series + t ~., sum, value.var='y')
names(dt) = c('idx', 'x', 'series', 't', 'y')
dt = data.table::dcast(dt, idx + x + series ~., sum, value.var='y')
names(dt) = c('idx', 'x', 'series', 'y')
# layout
layouts = autoMultiPolarChartLayout(length(index), gap=1.5)
rows = layouts$rows
cols = layouts$cols
centers = layouts$centers
rownames(centers) = index
radius = layouts$radius
# build polar lists
obj = lapply(index, function(i){
dat = dt[dt$idx == i,]
o = list(center=paste0(centers[i, 1:2], '%'), radius=paste0(radius, '%'))
indicator = lapply(as.character(unique(dat$x)), function(x){
list(text=x, max=ifna(max(unname(dt[dt$x==x, 'y'])), 0) * 1.2)
o[['indicator']] = indicator
if (grepl('circle', type[which(index == i), 'misc']))
o[['type']] = 'circle'
if (hasT){
chart$x$baseOption[['polar']] = obj
chart$x[['polar']] = obj
#' Set \code{polar} of Echarts (For Radar Charts)
#' Set the \code{polar} coordinates of Echarts for radar charts. \cr
#' When an echart object is generated, you can modify it by setting aesthetics using
#' \code{\link{\%>\%}}.
#' @param chart \code{echarts} object generated by \code{\link{echart}} or \code{
#' \link{echartR}}
#' @param polarIndex Integer vector. The index of the polar systems you want to set.
#' Default NULL.
#' @param center Vector of the x, y position of the polar center. Could be numeric
#' or character (percent form) vectors of length 2. Default c('50\%', '50\%').
#' @param radius The radius of the polar system, could be numeric or character (percent form).
#' Default '75\%'.
#' @param startAngle Numeric (-180 ~ 180). The start angle. Default 90.
#' @param splitNumber Numeric. The number of sections to divide. Default 5.
#' @param boundaryGap Numeric vector of length 2. The gapping policy of the axis.
#' Default c(0, 0).
#' @param scale Logical. Whether to ignore zero and zoom toward the range of _min and _max.
#' @param axisLine List. Axis line styles. You can set its \code{show, onZero, lineStyle}
#' features. Default \code{list(show=TRUE)}.
#' @param axisLabel List. Axis label styles. You can set its \code{show, rotate, margin,
#' clickable, formatter, textStyle} features. Default \code{list(show=FALSE)}.
#' @param splitLine List. Split line styles. You can set its \code{show, lineStyle}
#' features. Default \code{list(show=TRUE)}.
#' @param splitArea List. Split area styles. You can set its \code{show, onGap, areaStyle}
#' features. Default \code{list(show=TRUE)}.
#' @param type Character, 'polygon' or 'circle'. The type of the polar shape.
#' Default 'polygon'.
#' @param indicator List. The radar indicator and labels. The basic structure is \code{
#' list(list(text='...', min=..., max=..., axisLabel=list(...)), list(text='...', min=..., max=...),
#' list(...), ...)}. Default is empty.
#' @param axisName List. The name of the axis. You can set its \code{show, formatter,
#' textStyle} features. Default \code{list(show=TRUE, formatter=NULL, textStyle=
#' list(color='#333'))}.
#' @param ... Elipsis
#' @return A modified echarts object
#' @export
#' @references \url{http://echarts.baidu.com/echarts2/doc/option.html#title~polar}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cars = mtcars[c('Merc 450SE','Merc 450SL','Merc 450SLC'),
#' c('mpg','disp','hp','qsec','wt','drat')]
#' cars$model = rownames(cars)
#' cars = data.table::melt(cars, id.vars='model')
#' names(cars) = c('model', 'indicator', 'Parameter')
#' g = echartr(cars, indicator, Parameter, model, type='radar') %>%
#' setTitle('Merc 450SE vs 450SL vs 450SLC')
#' g %>% setPolar(c(1,3), type='circle') %>%
#' setPolar(2, splitArea=list(show=FALSE)) %>%
#' setPolar(3, axisName=list(textStyle=textStyle(color='red')))
#' }
setPolar = function(chart, polarIndex=NULL, center=c('50%', '50%'), radius='75%',
startAngle=90, splitNumber=5, boundaryGap=c(0, 0),
scale=FALSE, axisLine=NULL, axisLabel=NULL, splitLine=NULL,
splitArea=NULL, type=c('polygon', 'circle'),
indicator=NULL, axisName=NULL,
if (!inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
stop('chart is not an Echarts object. ',
'Check if you have missed a %>% in your pipe chain.')
chartTypes = getSeriesPart(chart, 'type')
if (!all(chartTypes=='radar')) return(chart)
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
if (hasT){
nIndex = length(chart$x$baseOption$series)
nIndex = length(chart$x$series)
if (is.null(polarIndex)) polarIndex = 1:nIndex else
if (!all(data.table::between(polarIndex, 1, nIndex)))
stop(paste('polarIndex is not valid. It should all be between 1 and', nIndex))
lstPolar = list()
if (!missing(center)) lstPolar[['center']] = center
if (!missing(radius)) lstPolar[['radius']] = radius
if (!missing(startAngle)) lstPolar[['startAngle']] = startAngle
if (!missing(splitNumber)) lstPolar[['splitNumber']] = splitNumber
if (!missing(boundaryGap)) lstPolar[['boundaryGap']] = boundaryGap
if (!missing(scale)) lstPolar[['scale']] = scale
if (!missing(axisLine)) lstPolar[['axisLine']] = axisLine
if (!missing(axisLabel)) lstPolar[['axisLabel']] = axisLabel
if (!missing(splitLine)) lstPolar[['splitLine']] = splitLine
if (!missing(splitArea)) lstPolar[['splitArea']] = splitArea
type = match.arg(type)
if (type != 'polygon') lstPolar[['type']] = type
if (!missing(indicator)) lstPolar[['indicator']] = indicator
if (!missing(axisName)) lstPolar[['name']] = axisName
for (i in polarIndex){
if (hasT){
chart$x$baseOption$polar[[i]] = mergeList(
chart$x$baseOption$polar[[i]], lstPolar)
chart$x$polar[[i]] = mergeList(
chart$x$polar[[i]], lstPolar)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.