# make sure htmlwidgets:::toJSON() turns list() to {} in JSON, instead of []
.emptyList = setNames(list(), character())
emptyList = function() .emptyList
# evaluate a formula using `data` as the environment, e.g. evalFormula(~ z + 1,
# data = data.frame(z = 1:10))
evalFormula = function(x, data) {
if (!inherits(x, 'formula')) return(x)
if (length(x) != 2) stop('The formula must be one-sided: ', deparse(x))
eval(x[[2]], data, environment(x))
evalVar = function(var, data){
if (! inherits(var, 'formula')){
if (is.character(var)) data[,var]
if (var != ~NULL) evalFormula(var, data=data)
evalVarArg = function(x, data, simplify=FALSE, eval=TRUE){
# eval var list to a data.frame
# E.g.
## evalVarArg(Species, iris)
## evalVarArg(~Species, iris)
## evalVarArg("Species", iris)
## evalVarArg(as.numeric(Species), iris)
## evalVarArg(~as.numeric(Species), iris)
## evalVarArg("as.numeric(Species)", iris)
## evalVarArg(c(Species, Sepal.Width), iris)
## evalVarArg(c(as.numeric(Species), Sepal.Width), iris)
## evalVarArg(c(as.numeric(Species)+1, Sepal.Width), iris)
## evalVarArg(factor(am, labels=c('A', 'M')), mtcars)
# character, don't coerce; otherwise, coerce to formula
# coerce x to formula if is symbol
if (length(substitute(x)) > 1){
if (as.character(substitute(x)[[1]]) %in% c(
'c', 'list', 'data.frame', 'vector', 'matrix')){
x = arg1 = as.list(substitute(x))
}else if (as.character(substitute(x)[[1]] == '~')){
if (grepl('^c|list|data\\.frame|vector|matrix\\(',
x = arg1 = as.list(substitute(x)[[2]])
x = arg1 = x[2:length(x)]
x = arg1 = as.list(substitute(x))
x = arg1 = list(substitute(x))
x = arg1 = list(substitute(x))
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
if (is.character(x[[i]]))
x[[i]] = sub('^\\"(.*)\\"$' , '\\1', x[[i]])
else {
if (is.symbol(x[[i]]) || is.language(x[[i]])){
if (as.character(x[[i]] != '~'))
x[[i]] = as.formula(paste('~', deparse(x[[i]])))
arg1 = arg1[! (x %in% c(~c, ~list, ~data.frame) | as.character(x) == '`~`')]
x = x[! (x %in% c(~c, ~list, ~data.frame) | as.character(x) == '`~`')]
# loop evalVar() and filter valid data.frame
out = sapply(x, evalVar, data=data, simplify=FALSE)
nrows = sapply(out, length)
out = out[nrows==nrow(data)]
names = as.character(arg1)
names = names[nrows==nrow(data)]
names = gsub("^ *~ *(.*)$|^c\\((.*)\\)$", "\\1", names)
out = as.data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(out) = names
if (length(out) == 0){
warning(paste("You yielded nothing by requiring", deparse(substitute(arg1)),
"out of", deparse(substitute(data))))
if (eval){
if (simplify) if (ncol(out) == 1) return(out[,1])
# merge two lists by names,
# e.g. x = list(a = 1, b = 2), mergeList(x, list(b = 3)) => list(a = 1, b = 3)
# mergeList(list(a=1, b=2), list(a=NULL, b=3), keep.null=TRUE) ==>
# list(a=NULL, b=3)
mergeList = function(x, y, merge.exclude=NULL, skip.merge.na=FALSE,
skip.merge.null=FALSE, keep.null=FALSE) {
if (!is.list(y) || length(y) == 0) return(x)
yn = names(y)
if (length(yn) == 0 || any(yn == '')) {
warning('The second list to be merged into the first must be named')
for (i in yn) {
xi = if (length(x[[i]]) == 0) NULL else x[[i]]
yi = if (length(y[[i]]) == 0) NULL else y[[i]]
if (is.list(xi)) {
if (is.list(yi)) x[[i]] = mergeList(xi, yi)
} else {
if (all(is.null(yi))){
if (! skip.merge.null){
if (keep.null) x[i] = list(NULL)
else x[[i]] = NULL
}else if (all(is.na(yi))){
if (! skip.merge.na) x[[i]] = yi
yiMerge = sapply(merge.exclude, function(s) {
identical(yi, s) })
if (!any(yiMerge)) x[[i]] = yi
# merge two lists by names, e.g. x = list(a = 1, b = 2), mergeList(x, list(b =
# 3)) => list(a = 1, b = 3)
legacyMergeList = function(x, y) {
if (!is.list(y) || length(y) == 0) return(x)
yn = names(y)
if (length(yn) == 0 || any(yn == '')) {
warning('The second list to be merged into the first must be named')
for (i in yn) {
xi = x[[i]]
yi = y[[i]]
if (is.list(xi)) {
if (is.list(yi)) x[[i]] = mergeList(xi, yi)
} else x[[i]] = yi
# automatic labels from function arguments
autoArgLabel = function(arg, auto) {
if (inherits(try(arg, TRUE), 'try-error')) arg = deparse(substitute(arg))
if (! inherits(arg, 'formula') && ! is.null(arg)) {
if (! grepl("^~", arg, '')) arg = as.formula(paste('~', arg))
if (is.null(arg)) return('')
if (inherits(arg, 'formula')) return(deparse(arg[[2]]))
getSeriesPart = function(chart, element=c(
'name', 'category', 'type', 'data', 'large', 'mapType'),
drop=TRUE, fetch.all=FALSE,
## get all the element names vector from an echarts object's series
## 'category' is special, it returns data series based on different chart types
stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
element = match.arg(element)
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
if (hasT){
data = try(sapply(seq_len(length(chart$x$options)), function(i) {
sapply(chart$x$options[[i]]$series, function(lst) {
if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[['data']], NA)
else lst[['data']]})
}, simplify=!drop), TRUE)
## natural elements
if (element %in% c('name', 'type', 'data', 'large', 'mapType')){
## generic situations
obj = try(sapply(seq_len(length(chart$x$options)), function(i) {
sapply(chart$x$options[[i]]$series, function(lst) {
if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[[element]], NA)
else lst[[element]]})
}, simplify=!drop), TRUE)
## special situations
if (chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$type %in%
c('funnel', 'pie', 'radar')){
if (element == 'data')
obj = unlist(data)[names(unlist(data))=='value']
}else if (chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$type %in%
c('force', 'chord')){
if (element == 'data')
obj = data[names(data) %in% c('nodes', 'links')]
## special elements
}else if (element %in% c('category')){
if (chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$type %in%
c('funnel', 'pie', 'radar')){
obj = unlist(data)[names(unlist(data))=='name']
}else if (chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$type %in%
c('force', 'chord')){
if ('categories' %in% names(chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]])){
obj = unlist(chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$categories)
}else if ('data' %in% names(chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]])){
obj = unlist(chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$data)
obj = unlist(lapply(
1:length(chart$x$options),function(opt) {
z = chart$x$options[[opt]]
o = lapply(1:length(z$series), function(s){
source = unlist(z$series[[s]]$links)
obj = try(sapply(seq_len(length(chart$x$options)), function(i) {
sapply(chart$x$options[[i]]$series, function(lst) {
if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[['name']], NA)
else lst[['name']]})
}, simplify=!drop), TRUE)
data = try(sapply(chart$x$series, function(lst) {
if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[['data']], NA)
else lst[['data']]
}, simplify=!drop), TRUE)
## natural elements
if (element %in% c('name', 'type', 'data', 'large', 'mapType')){
## generic situation
obj = try(sapply(chart$x$series, function(lst) {
if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[[element]], NA)
else lst[[element]]
}, simplify=!drop), TRUE)
## special situation
if (chart$x$series[[1]]$type %in% c('funnel', 'pie', 'radar')){
if (element == 'data')
obj = unlist(data)[names(unlist(data))=='value']
}else if (chart$x$series[[1]]$type %in% c('force', 'chord')){
if (element == 'data')
obj = data[names(data) %in% c('nodes', 'links')]
## special elements
}else if (element %in% c('category')){
if (chart$x$series[[1]]$type %in% c('funnel', 'pie', 'radar')){
obj = unlist(data)[names(unlist(data))=='name']
}else if (chart$x$series[[1]]$type %in% c('force', 'chord')){
if ('categories' %in% names(chart$x$series[[1]])){
obj = unlist(chart$x$series[[1]]$categories)
}else if ('data' %in% names(chart$x$series[[1]])){
obj = unlist(chart$x$series[[1]]$data)
obj = unlist(lapply(1:length(chart$x$series),function(s) {
o = unlist(chart$x$series[[s]]$links)
obj = try(sapply(chart$x$series, function(lst) {
if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[['name']], NA)
else lst[['name']]
}, simplify=!drop), TRUE)
if (hasT && !drop && element %in% c(
'name', 'type', 'category', 'large', 'mapType'))
obj = matrix(obj, ncol=length(chart$x$options))
if (drop) obj = unlist(obj)
analyzeSeries = function(chart, series){
stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
newSeries = NULL
# note: do not extract 'category'
lvlSeries = getSeriesPart(chart, 'name', drop=FALSE, fetch.all=TRUE)
allSeries = if (hasT) apply(lvlSeries, 2, function(col) {
seq_len(length(col))}) else seq_along(lvlSeries) # index series
dim(allSeries) = dim(lvlSeries)
lvlSeries = if (hasT) lapply(1:ncol(lvlSeries), function(c) lvlSeries[,c]) else
allSeries = if (hasT) lapply(1:ncol(allSeries), function(c) allSeries[,c]) else
if (is.null(series)){ # null, then apply to all series
lvlseries = lvlSeries
series = allSeries
if (is.numeric(series)){
if (hasT){
series = lapply(allSeries, function(col) {
intersect(series, col)
lvlseries = lapply(seq_len(length(series)), function(j) {
series = intersect(series, allSeries[[1]])
lvlseries = lvlSeries[[1]][series]
newSeries = unlist(series)[! unlist(series) %in% getSeriesPart(
chart, 'name', fetch.all=TRUE)]
if (hasT){
lvlseries = lapply(lvlSeries, function(col) {
intersect(series, col)
series = lapply(seq_len(length(lvlseries)), function(j){
allSeries[[j]][which(lvlSeries[[j]] %in% lvlseries[[j]])]
lvlseries = intersect(series, lvlSeries[[1]])
series = allSeries[[1]][which(lvlSeries[[1]] %in% lvlseries)]
return(list(numSeries=series, strSeries=lvlseries, allNumSeries=allSeries,
allStrSeries=lvlSeries, strNewSeries=newSeries))
filterSeriesParts = function(lst, type){
stopifnot(type %in% c('line', 'bar', 'scatter', 'pie', 'radar', 'chord',
'force', 'map', 'gauge', 'funnel',
'treemap', 'wordCloud', 'heatmap'))
fixedParts = c('type', 'name', 'tooltip', 'data', 'itemStyle', 'markPoint',
'markLine', 'clickable', 'z', 'zlevel')
validParts = switch(
line=c('stack', 'xAxisIndex', 'yAxisIndex', 'symbol', 'symbolSize',
'symbolRotate', 'showAllSymbol', 'smooth', 'dataFilter',
bar=c('stack', 'xAxisIndex', 'yAxisIndex', 'barGap', 'barCategoryGap',
'barMinHeight', 'barWidth', 'barMaxWidth', 'legendHoverLink'),
scatter=c('xAxisIndex', 'yAxisInde, x', 'symbol', 'symbolSize',
'symbolRotate', 'large', 'largeThreshold', 'legendHoverLink'),
pie=c('legendHoverLink', 'center', 'radius', 'startAngle', 'minAngle',
'clockWise', 'roseType', 'selectedOffset', 'selectedMode'),
radar=c('symbol', 'symbolSize', 'symbolRotate', 'legendHoverLink',
chord=c('symbol', 'symbolSize', 'clockWise', 'categories', 'links',
'matrix', 'minRadius', 'maxRadius', 'ribbonType', 'showScale',
'showScaleText', 'padding', 'sort', 'sortSub', 'nodes'),
force=c('symbol', 'symbolSize', 'large', 'center', 'roam', 'categories',
'links', 'matrix', 'size', 'minRadius', 'maxRadius', 'linkSymbol',
'linkSymbolSize', 'scaling', 'gravity', 'draggable', 'useWorker',
'steps', 'nodes'),
map=c('selectedMode', 'mapType', 'hoverable', 'dataRangeHoverLink',
'mapLocation', 'mapValueCalculation', 'mapValuePrecision',
'showLegendSymbol', 'roam', 'scaleLimit', 'nameMap', 'textFixed',
'geoCoord', 'heatmap'),
gauge=c('legendHoverLink', 'center', 'radius', 'startAngle', 'endAngle',
'min', 'max', 'splitNumber', 'axisLine', 'axisTick', 'axisLabel',
'splitLine', 'pointer', 'title', 'detail'),
funnel=c('legendHoverLink', 'sort', 'min', 'max', 'x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2',
'width', 'height', 'funnelAlign', 'minSize', 'maxSize', 'gap'),
eventRiver=c('xAxisIndex', 'legendHoverLink', 'weight'),
treemap=c('center', 'size', 'root'),
tree=c('symbol', 'symbolSize', 'roam', 'rootLocation', 'layerPadding',
'nodePadding', 'orient', 'direction'),
wordCloud=c('center', 'size', 'textRotation', 'autoSize'),
heatmap=c('blurSize', 'gradientColors', 'minAlpha', 'valueScale',
validParts = c(fixedParts, validParts)
lst = lst[intersect(names(lst), validParts)]
getYFromEChart = function(chart, ...){
## get y series data and extract the unique values vector
stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
.getY = function(seriesData){
if (! is.null(dim(seriesData))){
if (dim(seriesData)[2] > 1){
if (hasT){
y = sapply(chart$x$options, function(lst){
Ys = sapply(lst$series, function(l) {
y = sapply(chart$x$series, function(lst) {
uniY = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(unique(unlist(y))))
setCoordIndex = function(lst, coordName, coordIdx){
if (coordName == 'cartesian2d') {
lst$xAxisIndex = coordIdx
lst$yAxisIndex = coordIdx
}else if (coordName == 'polar'){
lst$polarIndex = coordIdx
}else if (coordName == 'geo'){
lst$geoIndex = coordIdx
}else if (coordName == 'singleAxis'){
lst$singleAxisIndex = coordIdx
if (coordName == '') lst$coordinateSystem = as.character(coordName)
#-----Palettes and others---------
#' Get The Colors Vector From A Named Palette
#' Get hex color vector of a named palette from \code{\link{RColorBrewer}}, \code{\link{ggthemes}}
#' or \code{\link{grDevices}}. You can \code{\link{show_col}} the vector to
#' see the effects.
#' @param palname name of the palette. Default NULL to get echarts default. Could be:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{RColorBrewer} palettes: Including \code{'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu',
#' 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1',
#' 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3', 'Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens',
#' 'Greys', 'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds',
#' 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd'} \cr
#' \item \link{ggthemes} palettes: \code{'calc', 'economist', 'economist_white', 'economist_stata',
#' 'excel', 'exel_fill', 'excel_line', 'excel_new', 'few', 'fivethirtyeight', '538', 'manyeyes',
#' 'gdocs', 'pander', 'tableau', 'stata', 'stata1', 'stata1r', 'statamono', 'ptol',
#' 'tableau20', 'tableau10medium', 'tableaugray', 'tableauprgy', 'tableaublrd',
#' 'tableaugnor', 'tableaucyclic', 'tableau10light', 'tableaublrd12', 'tableauprgy12',
#' 'tableaugnor12', 'hc', 'darkunica', 'solarized', 'solarized_red', 'solarized_yellow',
#' 'solarized_orange', 'solarized_magenta', 'solarized_violet', 'solarized_blue',
#' 'solarized_cyan', 'solarized_green', 'wsj', 'wsj_rgby', 'wsj_red_green',
#' 'wsj_black_green', 'wsj_dem_rep', 'colorblind', 'trafficlight'} \cr
#' \item Aetna official palettes: Including \code{'aetnagreen', 'aetnablue', 'aetnaviolet',
#' 'aetnaorange', 'aetnateal', 'aetnacranberry'} \cr
#' \item Other palettes: \code{'rainbow', 'terrain', 'topo', 'heat', 'cm'}
#' }
#' @param n length of the color vector when the palette is continuous (\code{rain, cm,
#' terrain, topo, heat, ...}). Default 6.
#' @import RColorBrewer scales ggthemes
#' @export
#' @return color vectors
#' @seealso \code{\link{RColorBrewer}}, \code{\link{scales}}, \code{\link{ggthemes}},
#' \code{\link{show_col}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(scales)
#' show_col(getColFromPal('tableau20'))
#' show_col(getColFromPal('hc'))
#' }
getColFromPal = function(palname=NULL, n=6){
brewer = c(
'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn',
'Spectral', 'Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1',
'Set2', 'Set3', 'Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys',
'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds',
'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd')
themePal = list(
'#ff7f50', '#87cefa', '#da70d6', '#32cd32', '#6495ed', '#ff69b4',
'#ba55d3', '#cd5c5c', '#ffa500', '#40e0d0', '#1e90ff', '#ff6347',
'#7b68ee', '#00fa9a', '#ffd700', '#6b8e23', '#ff00ff', '#3cb371',
'#b8860b', '#30e0e0' ),
"#2ec7c9", "#b6a2de", "#5ab1ef", "#ffb980", "#d87a80", "#8d98b3",
"#e5cf0d", "#97b552", "#95706d", "#dc69aa", "#07a2a4", "#9a7fd1",
"#588dd5", "#f5994e", "#c05050", "#59678c", "#c9ab00", "#7eb00a",
"#6f5553", "#c14089"),
"#C1232B", "#B5C334", "#FCCE10", "#E87C25", "#27727B", "#FE8463",
"#9BCA63", "#FAD860", "#F3A43B", "#60C0DD", "#D7504B", "#C6E579",
"#F4E001", "#F0805A", "#26C0C0"))
echartJS = paste(readLines(
system.file('htmlwidgets/echarts.js', package='recharts'),
encoding='UTF-8'), collapse='')
lapply(c("blue", "dark", "gray", "green", "helianthus", "macarons2", "mint",
"red", "roma", "sakura", "shine", "vintage"), function(theme) {
themePal[[theme]] <<- eval(parse(text=paste0('c(', gsub(paste0(
"^.*var ", theme, "Theme =.+?color:\\[(.+?)\\].*$"),
"\\1", echartJS), ')')))
tableau = data.frame(
nick=c('tableau20', 'tableau10medium', 'tableaugray', 'tableauprgy',
'tableaublrd', 'tableaugnor', 'tableaucyclic', 'tableau10light',
'tableaublrd12', 'tableauprgy12', 'tableaugnor12', 'tableau',
'tableaucolorblind', 'trafficlight'),
pal=c('tableau20', 'tableau10medium', 'gray5', 'purplegray6',
'bluered6', 'greenorange6', 'cyclic', 'tableau10light',
'bluered12', 'purplegray12', 'greenorange12', 'tableau10',
'colorblind10', 'trafficlight'))
## echarts default
colObj = themePal$default
if (! is.null(palname)) palname = tolower(palname)
if (! is.null(palname)){
if (palname %in% paste0(
"aetna", c('green','blue','teal','cranberry','orange','violet'))){
colObj = switch(
aetnagreen=c("#7AC143", "#7D3F98", "#F47721", "#D20962",
"#00A78E", "#00BCE4", "#B8D936", "#EE3D94",
"#FDB933", "#F58F9F", "#60C3AE", "#5F78BB",
"#5E9732", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
aetnablue=c("#00BCE4", "#D20962", "#7AC143", "#F47721",
"#7D3F98", "#00A78E", "#F58F9F", "#B8D936",
"#60C3AE", "#FDB933", "#EE3D94", "#5E9732",
"#5F78BB", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
aetnateal=c("#00A78E", "#F47721", "#7AC143", "#00BCE4",
"#D20962", "#7D3F98", "#60C3AE", "#FDB933",
"#B8D936", "#5F78BB", "#F58F9F", "#EE3D94",
"#5E9732", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
aetnacranberry=c("#D20962", "#00BCE4", "#7D3F98", "#7AC143",
"#F47721", "#00A78E", "#F58F9F", "#60C3AE",
"#EE3D94", "#B8D936", "#FDB933", "#5E9732",
"#5F78BB", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
aetnaorange=c("#F47721", "#7AC143", "#00A78E", "#D20962",
"#00BCE4", "#7D3F98", "#FDB933", "#B8D936",
"#60C3AE", "#F58F9F", "#5F78BB", "#EE3D94",
"#5E9732", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
aetnaviolet=c("#7D3F98", "#7AC143", "#F47721", "#00A78E",
"#00BCE4", "#D20962", "#F58F9F", "#B8D936",
"#FDB933", "#60C3AE", "#5F78BB", "#EE3D94",
"#5E9732", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5")
}else if (palname %in% tolower(brewer)){
Palname = brewer[which(tolower(brewer)==palname)]
maxcolors = brewer.pal.info[row.names(brewer.pal.info)==Palname,
colObj = brewer.pal(ifelse((maxcolors>n && n>2), n, maxcolors),
}else if (palname %in% tolower(paste0('_', c(
"blue", "dark", "gray", "green", "helianthus", "macarons2", "mint",
"red", "roma", "sakura", "shine", "vintage", "default", "macarons",
colObj = themePal[[sub("^_(.+)$", "\\1", palname)]]
if (palname %in% c('rainbow', 'terrain', 'topo', 'heat', 'cm')){
colObj = switch(palname,
rainbow=substr(rainbow(n), 1, 7),
terrain=substr(terrain.colors(n), 1, 7),
heat=substr(heat.colors(n), 1, 7),
topo=substr(topo.colors(n), 1, 7),
cm=substr(cm.colors(n), 1, 7)
if (palname %in% c('pander')){
colObj = palette_pander(n)
}else if (palname %in% c('calc')){
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$calc$colors
}else if (palname %in% c('ptol')) {
colObj = ptol_pal()(ifelse(n > 12, 12, n))
}else if (palname %in% c('excel', "excel_fill", "excel_line",
palname = unlist(strsplit(palname, "excel_"))[2]
if (is.na(palname)) palname = 'new'
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$excel[[palname]]
}else if (palname %in% c('economist', 'economist_white',
palname = unlist(strsplit(palname,"economist_"))[2]
if (is.na(palname) || palname=='white') {
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$economist$fg
} else {
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$economist$stata$fg
}else if (palname %in% c('darkunica', 'hc')){
palname = ifelse(palname == 'hc', 'default', palname)
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$hc$palettes[[palname]]
}else if (palname %in% c('wsj', 'wsj_rgby', 'wsj_red_green',
'wsj_black_green', 'wsj_dem_rep')){
palname = unlist(strsplit(palname,"wsj_"))[2]
if (is.na(palname)) palname = 'colors6'
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$wsj$palettes[[palname]]
}else if (palname %in% c('stata', 'stata1', 'stata1r', 'statamono')){
palname = switch(palname, stata='stata', stata1='s1color',
stata1r='s1rcolor', statamono='mono')
if (palname == 'stata'){
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$stata$colors
colObj = try(eval(parse(text=paste0(
"stata_pal('", palname, "')(15)"))), TRUE)
}else if (palname %in% c('few', 'few_dark', 'few_light')){
palname = unlist(strsplit(palname,"few_"))[2]
if (is.na(palname)) palname = "medium"
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$few[[palname]]
}else if (palname %in%
c('fivethirtyeight','gdocs', 'colorblind', 'manyeyes',
if (palname == '538') palname = 'fivethirtyeight'
colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data[[palname]]
}else if (palname %in%
c('tableau20', 'tableau10medium', 'tableaugray', 'tableauprgy',
'tableaublrd', 'tableaugnor', 'tableaucyclic', 'tableau10light',
'tableaublrd12', 'tableauprgy12', 'tableaugnor12', 'tableau',
'tableaucolorblind', 'trafficlight')){
palname = tableau[tableau$nick==palname,"pal"]
colObj = try(eval(parse(text=paste0("tableau_color_pal(palette='",
palname,"')(20)"))), TRUE)
}else if (palname %in%
c('solarized', 'solarized_red', 'solarized_yellow',
'solarized_orange', 'solarized_magenta', 'solarized_violet',
'solarized_blue', 'solarized_cyan', 'solarized_green')){
palname = unlist(strsplit(palname,"solarized_"))[2]
colObj = try(eval(parse(text=paste0(
"solarized_pal('", ifnull(palname, 'blue'), "')(20)"))), TRUE)
#' Get Hex Color Vector (Not Exported)
#' Get color vector from a palette/color name. It is wider than \code{\link{getColFromPal}}.
#' @param palette Palette, default NULL. Could be
#' \itemize{
#' \item palette name, e.g, "Blues". The palette will be proceeded by \code{\link{getColFromPal}}.
#' \item a hex color, e.g., "#FFFFFF", "0xFFFFFFFF"
#' \item a vector or color names, hex colors
#' \item NULL
#' }
#' @param ... Elipsis
#' @return A vector of hex colors
#' @seealso \code{\link{getColFromPal}} \code{\link{RColorBrewer}} \code{\link{ggthemes}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(scales)
#' show_col(getColors(NULL))
#' show_col(getColors("terrain"))
#' show_col(getColors(c('red', 'gold', 'skyblue')))
#' }
getColors = function(palette, ...){
# build a function to extract palette info
# used for echartR
if ("n" %in% names(list(...))) n = list(...)[['n']] else n = 6
if (length(palette)==1) {
if (substr(palette, 1, 1)=="#"){
if (nchar(palette) == 7 || nchar(palette) == 4) {
palette = paste0('0x', substring(palette, seq(2,8,2), seq(3,9,2)))
palette = strtoi(palette)
}else if (palette %in% colors()){
return(substr(col2hcl(palette), 1, 7))
}else if (grepl('^rgba\\(', palette)){
palettes = unlist(strsplit(palette, "[\\(\\)]", perl=TRUE))
if (length(palettes)==1){
return(getColFromPal(palettes[1], n))
aetPal = getColFromPal(palettes[1], as.numeric(palettes[2]))
if (as.numeric(palettes[2]) < length(aetPal)){
return(sample(aetPal, as.numeric(palettes[2])))
}else if(length(palette)>1){
.convCol = function(iPal){
if (!is(try(col2rgb(iPal), TRUE), "try-error")){
if (substr(iPal, 1, 1) == "#"){
vecCol = as.vector(col2rgb(iPal))
aetPal = unlist(lapply(palette, .convCol))
# -------------Lazy functions to judge class-------------------
isDate = function(x, format=NULL){
if (!is.null(format)){
if (!is(try(as.Date(x),TRUE),"try-error")) TRUE else FALSE
if (!is(try(as.Date(x,format=format),TRUE),"try-error")) TRUE else FALSE
isTime = function(x, origin=NULL, tz='CST'){
if (is.null(origin)){
if (!is(try(as.POSIXct,T),"try-error")) TRUE else FALSE
isLatin = function(x){
if (is.factor(x)) x = as.character(x)
return(all(grepl("^[[:alnum:][:space:][:punct:]]+$", x, perl=TRUE)))
isFormula = function(x){
return(inherits(x, 'formula'))
#' If-else Replacement Function For Vectors
#' @param x A vector/list to replace
#' @param y The vector to be replaced with
#' @param cond Condition string, could be 'is.null', 'is.na', 'is.nan', 'is.blank',
#' or 'is.zero'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ifna(c(NA, 1, 4, NA), 0)
#' # get c(0, 1, 4, 0)
#' }
iif = function(x, y, cond=c(
'is.null', 'is.na', 'is.nan', 'is.blank', 'is.zero')){
is.blank = function(x) length(x) == 0
is.zero = function(x) x == 0
cond = match.arg(cond)
o = x
fun = eval(parse(text=cond))
if (is.list(o)){
o = lapply(o, function(l) {
l[fun(l)] = y
if (length(o) == 0) o = y
else if (length(o[fun(o)]) > 0) o[fun(o)] = y
#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifnull = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.null')
#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifna = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.na')
#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifnan = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.nan')
#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifblank = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.blank')
#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifempty = ifblank
#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifzero = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.zero')
#--------------------data struc changes---------------------------
asEchartData = function(x, na.string = '-', named = FALSE, names=colnames(x)){
# convert matrix/data.frame or vector to JSON-list lists
# and convert NA to '-'
if (!is.null(dim(x))){
col.factors = if (is.data.frame(x)) sapply(x, is.factor) else
if (is.matrix(x)) sapply(1:ncol(x), function(col) is.factor(x[,col]))
x[, col.factors] = as.character(x[, col.factors])
o = lapply(1:nrow(x), function(i){
row = as.list(unname(I(x[i,])))
row = lapply(row, function(e) {
e = ifna(e, na.string)
if (named && !is.null(names))
if (length(row) == length(names)) names(row) = names
# if (nrow(x) == 1 && ncol(x) > 1)
# o = list(unname(o))
o = as.list(unname(x))
o = lapply(o, function(e) e = if (is.na(e)) na.string else e)
#' @importFrom digest sha1
reElementId = function(chart, seed=NULL){
# generate random elemendId for the echarts object
stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
if (!is.null(seed)) if (is.numeric(seed)) set.seed(seed)
elementId = paste0('echarts-', sha1(
paste0(convTimestamp(Sys.time()), Sys.info()[['nodename']],
sample(10000000000, 1))))
txt = paste(deparse(chart, backtick=TRUE, control='all'), collapse='')
txt = gsub("(document\\.getElementById\\()([^\\)]+?)\\)",
paste0("\\1'", elementId, "'\\)"), txt)
chart = eval(parse(text=txt))
chart$elementId = elementId
class(chart) = c('echarts','htmlwidget')
convTimestamp = function(time, from='R', to='JS'){
stopifnot(inherits(time, c("numeric", "Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt")))
if (from=='R' && to=='JS'){
time = as.POSIXlt(time, orig="1970-01-01")
gmtoff = ifnull(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), orig='1970-01-01')$gmtoff, 0)
time = as.numeric(time) - gmtoff
return(time * 1000)
if (from=='JS' && to=='R')
return(as.POSIXct(time/1000, orig="1970-01-01"))
#--------Other functions for position, color, HTML table conversion------------
#' Get A String Containing 'rgba' Function
#' Echarts uses rgba function heavily. You can convert color vectors into rgba function
#' in string form to pass to an echarts object.
#' @param vecrgb A vector of RGB elements, or simply red int.
#' @param ... If vecrgb is simply red int, you can pass green, blue, alpha int here.
#' @return A character string. E.g, 'rgba(125, 125, 125, 0.6)' or '#FFFFFF'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rgba(c(123, 123, 124, 125)) # return 'rgba(123,123,124,0.490196078431373)'
#' rgba(123, 123, 124, 0.5) # return 'rgba(123,123,124,0.5)'
#' rgba(123, 123, 124) # return '#7B7B7C'
#' }
rgba = function(vecrgb, ...){
if (is.matrix(vecrgb) && dim(vecrgb) == c(3,1)) vecrgb = vecrgb[,1]
## vecrgb is yielded from col2rgb()
if (is.list(vecrgb)) rgb = as.vector(unlist(vecrgb))
if (length(vecrgb) == 1) vecrgb = c(vecrgb, unlist(list(...)))
if (min(vecrgb, na.rm=TRUE)<0 || max(vecrgb, na.rm=TRUE)>255) {
stop("All elements should be numeric 0-255!")
if (length(vecrgb[!is.na(vecrgb)]) == 3){
return(rgb(red=vecrgb[1], green=vecrgb[2], blue=vecrgb[3], max=255))
}else if (length(vecrgb[!is.na(vecrgb)])==4){
# max=255))
as.numeric(ifelse(vecrgb[4]<=1, vecrgb[4],
round(vecrgb[4]/255, 4))),
stop("Must be of length 3 or 4!")
checkColorDiff = function(col1, col2, ...){
stopifnot((col1 %in% colors() || grepl("#[[:xdigit:]]{6}", col1) ||
grepl("^rgba\\(", col1)) &&
(col2 %in% colors() || grepl("#[[:xdigit:]]{6}", col2) ||
grepl("^rgba\\(", col2)))
if (grepl("^rgba\\(", col1)){
col1 = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(col1, "[\\(,\\)]")[[1]][2:5]))
col1 = rgb(col1[1], col1[2], col1[3], col1[4]*255, max=255)
col1 = getColors(col1)
if (grepl("^rgba\\(", col2)){
col2 = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(col2, "[\\(,\\)]")[[1]][2:5]))
col2 = rgb(col2[1], col2[2], col2[3], col2[4]*255, max=255)
col2 = getColors(col2)
bright1 = sum(c(299, 587, 114) * col2rgb(col1))/1000
bright2 = sum(c(299, 587, 114) * col2rgb(col2))/1000
brightDiff = abs(bright1 - bright2)
hueDiff = sum(abs(col2rgb(col1, TRUE) - col2rgb(col2, TRUE)))
return(data.frame('Diff' = c(brightDiff, hueDiff),
'Suffiecient'=c(brightDiff >= 125, hueDiff >= 500),
row.names=c('Bright', 'Hue')))
#' Invert A Color to Its Conplementary Color
#' @param color A hex or named color, or color in 'rgba(R, G, B, A)' string.
#' @param mode One or a vector of modes combined. You can only input the first letter.
#' Default 'bw', which is most useful in textStyles.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{bw}}{black and white invertion}
#' \item{\code{opposite}}{complete invertion to get an opposite color}
#' \item{\code{hue}}{only invert hue in terms of \code{\link{hsv}}}
#' \item{\code{saturation}}{only invert saturation in terms of \code{\link{hsv}}}
#' \item{\code{lumination}}{only invert lumination in terms of \code{\link{hsv}}}
#' }
#' @param ... Elipsis
#' @return Inverted hex color
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{hsv}}, \code{\link{rgb2hsv}}, \code{\link{rgb}},
#' @examples
#' col = sapply(list('o', 'h', 'l', 's', 'b', c('h', 'l'), c('h', 's'),
#' c('l', 's'), c('h', 's', 'l')), function(mode) {
#' return(invertColor('darkred', mode))
#' })
#' library(scales)
#' show_col(c('darkred', unlist(col)))
invertColor = function(color, mode=c('bw', 'opposite', 'hue', 'saturation',
'lumination', ''),
if (! grepl("^rgba\\(", color)) col = color = getColors(color)
if (grepl("^rgba\\(", color)){
col = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(col, "[\\(,\\)]")[[1]][2:5]))
col = rgb(col[1], col[2], col[3], col[4]*255, max=255)
modeAbbrev = tolower(substr(mode, 1, 1))
rgb = col2rgb(col)
hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb)
if ('b' %in% modeAbbrev){ # black and white invert
bright = sum(c(299, 587, 114) * rgb) / 1000
if (bright >= 128) return("#000000")
else return("#FFFFFF")
}else if ('o' %in% modeAbbrev) {
rgb_neg = rep(255, 3) - rgb
return(rgb(rgb_neg[1], rgb_neg[2], rgb_neg[3], max=255))
if ('h' %in% modeAbbrev)
hsv[1] = ifelse(hsv[1] > 0.5, hsv[1] - 0.5, hsv[1] + 0.5)
if ('s' %in% modeAbbrev)
hsv[2] = 1 - hsv[2]
if ('l' %in% modeAbbrev)
hsv[3] = 1 - hsv[3]
return(hsv(hsv[1], hsv[2], hsv[3]))
autoMultiPolarChartLayout = function(n, col.max=5, gap=5, top=5, bottom=5,
left=5, right=5){
layouts = data.frame(row=ceiling(n/(1:col.max)), col=1:col.max)
layouts$empty = abs(layouts$row * layouts$col - n)
layouts$diff = abs(layouts$row - layouts$col)
layouts$defects = layouts$empty + layouts$diff
layouts = layouts[order(layouts$defects, layouts$diff, layouts$empty,
layouts$row), ]
rows = layouts[1, 'row']
cols = layouts[1, 'col']
## calculate the sizing params
centers = expand.grid(left + ((1:cols)*2 - 1) * ((100-left-right)/2) /cols,
top + ((1:rows)*2 - 1) * ((100-top-bottom)/2) /rows)
centers = centers[1:n,]
radius = (min(100-left-right, 100-top-bottom) -
gap * (max(rows, cols) -1)) / max(rows, cols)
return(list(rows=rows, cols=cols, centers=centers, radius=radius))
autoMultiChartLayout = function(
n, row=NULL, col=NULL, col.max=5, vgap=5, hgap=4, top=8, bottom=8,
left=6, right=6, width=100, height=100, mode=c('percent', 'value'),
out=c('asis', 'pixel')
mode = match.arg(mode) # if mode is 'percent', all params should be 0-100
out = match.arg(out)
if (mode == 'percent'){
hgap, vgap, top, bottom, left, right, width, height
), data.table::between, lower=0, upper=100))
if (is.numeric(row) && is.numeric(col)){
rows = row
cols = col
layouts = data.frame(row=ceiling(n/(1:col.max)), col=1:col.max)
layouts$empty = abs(layouts$row * layouts$col - n)
layouts$diff = abs(layouts$row - layouts$col)
layouts$defects = layouts$empty + layouts$diff
layouts = layouts[order(layouts$defects, layouts$diff, layouts$empty,
layouts$row), ]
if (n <= 3) layouts = layouts[layouts$empty == 0,]
rows = layouts[1, 'row']
cols = layouts[1, 'col']
## calculate the sizing params
centers = expand.grid(left + ((1:cols)*2 - 1) * ((width-left-right)/2) /cols,
top + ((1:rows)*2 - 1) * ((height-top-bottom)/2) /rows)
names(centers) = c('x', 'y')
centers = centers[1:n,]
radius = (min(width-left-right, height-top-bottom) -
max(vgap, hgap) * (max(rows, cols) -1)) / max(rows, cols)
widths = (width-left-right-hgap*(cols-1)) / cols
heights = (height-top-bottom-vgap*(rows-1)) / rows
grids = expand.grid(left + ((1:cols)-1) * (widths+hgap),
top + ((1:rows)-1) * (heights+vgap))
names(grids) = c('left', 'top')
grids$right = grids$left + widths
grids$bottom = grids$top + heights
grids = grids[1:n, ]
## return params
if (out=='asis'){
centers = sapply(centers, paste0, '%')
radius = paste0(radius, '%')
widths = paste0(widths, '%')
heights = paste0(heights, '%')
grids = sapply(grids, paste0, '%')
return(structure(list(rows=rows, cols=cols, centers=centers, radius=radius,
width=widths, height=heights, grids=grids),
return(structure(list(rows=rows, cols=cols, centers=centers, radius=radius,
width=widths, height=heights, grids=grids),
parseTreeNodes = function(data, name = 'name', parent = 'parent'){
name = as.character(substitute(name))
parent = as.character(substitute(parent))
name = name[length(name)]
parent = parent[length(parent)]
names(data)[which(names(data) == name)] = 'name'
names(data)[which(names(data) == parent)] = 'parent'
validColNames = c('name', 'value', 'itemStyle', 'symbol', 'symbolSize')
if (!all(names(data) %in% c('parent', validColNames)))
stop("treeNode data only accepts column names of ",
paste(c('parent', validColNames), ', '),
" ('name' and 'parent' could be named differently) .")
if (!any(is.na(data$parent)))
stop('parent columns must contain at least one NA to be the root.')
colnames = names(data)
data = data.frame(lapply(names(data), function(col){
col = if (grepl('value|Size', col)) as.numeric(data[,col]) else
}), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(data) = colnames
orderBase = data[which(data$name == data$parent),]
.getRecursiveNodes = function(nodeName){
if (is.na(nodeName)) dt = data[which(is.na(data$parent)),]
else dt = data[which(data$parent %in% nodeName),]
children = unique(as.character(dt$name))
out = unname(apply(dt, 1, function(row){
if (nrow(dt) > 0){
o = lapply(intersect(names(dt), validColNames), function(col){
if (grepl('value|Size', col))
names(o) = intersect(names(dt), validColNames)
if (nrow(data[which(data$parent %in% row['name']),]) > 0)
o$children = .getRecursiveNodes(as.character(row['name']))
matchSubtype = function(subtype, lstSubtype, mode=c('any', 'all', 'detail',
mode = match.arg(mode)
if (mode=='any'){
any(sapply(lstSubtype, function(x) subtype %in% x))
}else if (mode == 'all'){
all(sapply(lstSubtype, function(x) subtype %in% x))
}else if (mode=='detail'){
sapply(lstSubtype, function(x) subtype %in% x)
}else if (mode=='which'){
which(sapply(lstSubtype, function(x) subtype %in% x))
getJSElementSize = function(chart, element=c('width', 'height')){
stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
element = match.arg(element)
if (is.null(chart$elementId))
stop("The echarts object has not been assigned a fixed elementId!")
return(paste0("document.getElementById('", chart$elementId,"').",
switch(element, width='offsetWidth', height='offsetHeight')))
#' Text Position and Direction
#' Converts text postion from clock digits to c(x, y, direction) vector, or vice versa.
#' @param pos 1-12, clock digits.
#' @return A vector of x-alignment, y-alignment and direction.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vecPos(2) ## returns c("right", "top", "vertical")
#' }
#' @note
#' # Postion of Clock Numbers 1-12 \cr
#' \tabular{lllll}{
#' 10(l, t, v) \tab 11(l, t, h) \tab 12(c, t, h) \tab 1(r, t, h) \tab 2(r, t, v) \cr
#' 9(l, c, v) \tab \tab \tab \tab 3(r, c, v) \cr
#' 8(l, b, v) \tab 7(l, b, h) \tab 6(c, b, h) \tab 5(r, b, h) \tab 4(r, b, v)
#' }
#' @rdname position.orient
vecPos = function(pos){
TblPos=as.data.frame(rbind(c("right", "top", "horizontal"),
c("right", "top", "vertical"),
c("right", "middle", "vertical"),
c("right", "bottom", "vertical"),
c("right", "bottom", "horizontal"),
c("center", "bottom", "horizontal"),
c("left", "bottom", "horizontal"),
c("left", "bottom", "vertical"),
c("left", "middle", "vertical"),
c("left", "top", "vertical"),
c("left", "top", "horizontal"),
c("center", "top", "horizontal")
names(TblPos) = c("x","y","z")
#' @param x String, 'left', 'right' or 'center'
#' @param y String, 'top', 'middle' or 'vertical'
#' @param orient String, 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
#' @return A clock digit number
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' clockPos("right", "top", "vertical") ## returns 2
#' }
#' @rdname position.orient
clockPos = function(x, y, orient){
TblPos=as.data.frame(rbind(c("right", "top", "horizontal"),
c("right", "top", "vertical"),
c("right", "middle", "vertical"),
c("right", "bottom", "vertical"),
c("right", "bottom", "horizontal"),
c("center", "bottom", "horizontal"),
c("left", "bottom", "horizontal"),
c("left", "bottom", "vertical"),
c("left", "middle", "vertical"),
c("left", "top", "vertical"),
c("left", "top", "horizontal"),
c("center", "top", "horizontal")
names(TblPos) = c("x","y","z")
return(which(TblPos$x==x & TblPos$y==y & TblPos$z==orient))
exchange = function(x, y){
a = x
x = y
y = a
return(list(x, y))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.