
Defines functions emptyList evalFormula evalVar evalVarArg mergeList legacyMergeList autoArgLabel getSeriesPart analyzeSeries filterSeriesParts getYFromEChart setCoordIndex getColFromPal getColors isDate isTime isLatin isFormula iif ifnull ifna ifnan ifblank ifzero asEchartData reElementId convTimestamp rgba checkColorDiff invertColor autoMultiPolarChartLayout autoMultiChartLayout parseTreeNodes matchSubtype getJSElementSize vecPos clockPos exchange

Documented in clockPos getColFromPal getColors ifblank ifna ifnan ifnull ifzero iif invertColor rgba vecPos

# make sure htmlwidgets:::toJSON() turns list() to {} in JSON, instead of []
.emptyList = setNames(list(), character())
emptyList = function() .emptyList

# evaluate a formula using `data` as the environment, e.g. evalFormula(~ z + 1,
# data = data.frame(z = 1:10))
evalFormula = function(x, data) {
  if (!inherits(x, 'formula')) return(x)
  if (length(x) != 2) stop('The formula must be one-sided: ', deparse(x))
  eval(x[[2]], data, environment(x))

evalVar = function(var, data){
    if (! inherits(var, 'formula')){
        if (is.character(var)) data[,var]
        if (var != ~NULL) evalFormula(var, data=data)

evalVarArg = function(x, data, simplify=FALSE, eval=TRUE){
    # eval var list to a data.frame
    # E.g.
    ## evalVarArg(Species, iris)
    ## evalVarArg(~Species, iris)
    ## evalVarArg("Species", iris)
    ## evalVarArg(as.numeric(Species), iris)
    ## evalVarArg(~as.numeric(Species), iris)
    ## evalVarArg("as.numeric(Species)", iris)
    ## evalVarArg(c(Species, Sepal.Width), iris)
    ## evalVarArg(c(as.numeric(Species), Sepal.Width), iris)
    ## evalVarArg(c(as.numeric(Species)+1, Sepal.Width), iris)
    ## evalVarArg(factor(am, labels=c('A', 'M')), mtcars)
    # character, don't coerce; otherwise, coerce to formula

    # coerce x to formula if is symbol
    if (length(substitute(x)) > 1){
        if (as.character(substitute(x)[[1]]) %in% c(
            'c', 'list', 'data.frame', 'vector', 'matrix')){
            x = arg1 = as.list(substitute(x))
        }else if (as.character(substitute(x)[[1]] == '~')){
            if (grepl('^c|list|data\\.frame|vector|matrix\\(',
                x = arg1 = as.list(substitute(x)[[2]])
                x = arg1 = x[2:length(x)]
                x = arg1 = as.list(substitute(x))
            x = arg1 = list(substitute(x))
        x = arg1 = list(substitute(x))

    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        if (is.character(x[[i]]))
            x[[i]] = sub('^\\"(.*)\\"$' , '\\1', x[[i]])
        else {
            if (is.symbol(x[[i]]) || is.language(x[[i]])){
                if (as.character(x[[i]] != '~'))
                    x[[i]] = as.formula(paste('~', deparse(x[[i]])))
    arg1 = arg1[! (x %in% c(~c, ~list, ~data.frame) | as.character(x) == '`~`')]
    x = x[! (x %in% c(~c, ~list, ~data.frame) | as.character(x) == '`~`')]

    # loop evalVar() and filter valid data.frame
    out = sapply(x, evalVar, data=data, simplify=FALSE)
    nrows = sapply(out, length)
    out = out[nrows==nrow(data)]
    names = as.character(arg1)
    names = names[nrows==nrow(data)]
    names = gsub("^ *~ *(.*)$|^c\\((.*)\\)$", "\\1", names)
    out = as.data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    names(out) = names
    if (length(out) == 0){
        warning(paste("You yielded nothing by requiring", deparse(substitute(arg1)),
                      "out of", deparse(substitute(data))))
        if (eval){
            if (simplify) if (ncol(out) == 1) return(out[,1])

# merge two lists by names,
# e.g. x = list(a = 1, b = 2), mergeList(x, list(b = 3)) => list(a = 1, b = 3)
# mergeList(list(a=1, b=2), list(a=NULL, b=3), keep.null=TRUE) ==>
# list(a=NULL, b=3)
mergeList = function(x, y, merge.exclude=NULL, skip.merge.na=FALSE,
                     skip.merge.null=FALSE, keep.null=FALSE) {
    if (!is.list(y) || length(y) == 0) return(x)
    yn = names(y)
    if (length(yn) == 0 || any(yn == '')) {
      warning('The second list to be merged into the first must be named')
    for (i in yn) {
      xi = if (length(x[[i]]) == 0) NULL else x[[i]]
      yi = if (length(y[[i]]) == 0) NULL else y[[i]]
      if (is.list(xi)) {
          if (is.list(yi)) x[[i]] = mergeList(xi, yi)
      } else {
          if (all(is.null(yi))){
              if (! skip.merge.null){
                  if (keep.null) x[i] = list(NULL)
                  else x[[i]] = NULL
          }else if (all(is.na(yi))){
              if (! skip.merge.na) x[[i]] = yi
              yiMerge = sapply(merge.exclude, function(s) {
                  identical(yi, s) })
              if (!any(yiMerge)) x[[i]] = yi

# merge two lists by names, e.g. x = list(a = 1, b = 2), mergeList(x, list(b =
# 3)) => list(a = 1, b = 3)
legacyMergeList = function(x, y) {
    if (!is.list(y) || length(y) == 0) return(x)
    yn = names(y)
    if (length(yn) == 0 || any(yn == '')) {
        warning('The second list to be merged into the first must be named')
    for (i in yn) {
        xi = x[[i]]
        yi = y[[i]]
        if (is.list(xi)) {
            if (is.list(yi)) x[[i]] = mergeList(xi, yi)
        } else x[[i]] = yi

# automatic labels from function arguments
autoArgLabel = function(arg, auto) {
    if (inherits(try(arg, TRUE), 'try-error')) arg = deparse(substitute(arg))
    if (! inherits(arg, 'formula') && ! is.null(arg)) {
        if (! grepl("^~", arg, ''))  arg = as.formula(paste('~', arg))
    if (is.null(arg)) return('')
    if (inherits(arg, 'formula')) return(deparse(arg[[2]]))

getSeriesPart = function(chart, element=c(
    'name', 'category', 'type', 'data', 'large', 'mapType'),
    drop=TRUE, fetch.all=FALSE,
    ## get all the element names vector from an echarts object's series
    ## 'category' is special, it returns data series based on different chart types
    stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
    element = match.arg(element)
    hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
    if (hasT){
        data = try(sapply(seq_len(length(chart$x$options)), function(i) {
            sapply(chart$x$options[[i]]$series, function(lst) {
                if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[['data']], NA)
                else lst[['data']]})
        }, simplify=!drop), TRUE)

        ## natural elements
        if (element %in% c('name', 'type', 'data', 'large', 'mapType')){
            ## generic situations
            obj = try(sapply(seq_len(length(chart$x$options)), function(i) {
                sapply(chart$x$options[[i]]$series, function(lst) {
                    if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[[element]], NA)
                    else lst[[element]]})
            }, simplify=!drop), TRUE)

            ## special situations
            if (chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$type %in%
                c('funnel', 'pie', 'radar')){
                if (element == 'data')
                    obj = unlist(data)[names(unlist(data))=='value']
            }else if (chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$type %in%
                      c('force', 'chord')){
                if (element == 'data')
                    obj = data[names(data) %in% c('nodes', 'links')]
        ## special elements
        }else if (element %in% c('category')){
            if (chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$type %in%
                c('funnel', 'pie', 'radar')){
                obj = unlist(data)[names(unlist(data))=='name']
            }else if (chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$type %in%
                      c('force', 'chord')){
                if ('categories' %in% names(chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]])){
                    obj = unlist(chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$categories)
                }else if ('data' %in% names(chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]])){
                    obj = unlist(chart$x$options[[1]]$series[[1]]$data)
                    obj = unlist(lapply(
                        1:length(chart$x$options),function(opt) {
                        z = chart$x$options[[opt]]
                        o = lapply(1:length(z$series), function(s){
                            source = unlist(z$series[[s]]$links)
                obj = try(sapply(seq_len(length(chart$x$options)), function(i) {
                    sapply(chart$x$options[[i]]$series, function(lst) {
                        if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[['name']], NA)
                        else lst[['name']]})
                }, simplify=!drop), TRUE)

        data = try(sapply(chart$x$series, function(lst) {
            if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[['data']], NA)
            else lst[['data']]
        }, simplify=!drop), TRUE)

        ## natural elements
        if (element %in% c('name', 'type', 'data', 'large', 'mapType')){
            ## generic situation
            obj = try(sapply(chart$x$series, function(lst) {
                if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[[element]], NA)
                else lst[[element]]
                }, simplify=!drop), TRUE)
            ## special situation
            if (chart$x$series[[1]]$type %in% c('funnel', 'pie', 'radar')){
                if (element == 'data')
                    obj = unlist(data)[names(unlist(data))=='value']
            }else if (chart$x$series[[1]]$type %in% c('force', 'chord')){
                if (element == 'data')
                    obj = data[names(data) %in% c('nodes', 'links')]
        ## special elements
        }else if (element %in% c('category')){
            if (chart$x$series[[1]]$type %in% c('funnel', 'pie', 'radar')){
                obj = unlist(data)[names(unlist(data))=='name']
            }else if (chart$x$series[[1]]$type %in% c('force', 'chord')){
                if ('categories' %in% names(chart$x$series[[1]])){
                    obj = unlist(chart$x$series[[1]]$categories)
                }else if ('data' %in% names(chart$x$series[[1]])){
                    obj = unlist(chart$x$series[[1]]$data)
                    obj = unlist(lapply(1:length(chart$x$series),function(s) {
                        o = unlist(chart$x$series[[s]]$links)

                obj = try(sapply(chart$x$series, function(lst) {
                    if (fetch.all) ifnull(lst[['name']], NA)
                    else lst[['name']]
                }, simplify=!drop), TRUE)
    if (hasT && !drop && element %in% c(
        'name', 'type', 'category', 'large', 'mapType'))
        obj = matrix(obj, ncol=length(chart$x$options))
    if (drop) obj = unlist(obj)

analyzeSeries = function(chart, series){
    stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
    hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
    newSeries = NULL
    # note: do not extract 'category'
    lvlSeries = getSeriesPart(chart, 'name', drop=FALSE, fetch.all=TRUE)
    allSeries = if (hasT) apply(lvlSeries, 2, function(col) {
        seq_len(length(col))}) else seq_along(lvlSeries)  # index series
    dim(allSeries) = dim(lvlSeries)
    lvlSeries = if (hasT) lapply(1:ncol(lvlSeries), function(c) lvlSeries[,c]) else
    allSeries = if (hasT) lapply(1:ncol(allSeries), function(c) allSeries[,c]) else

    if (is.null(series)){  # null, then apply to all series
        lvlseries = lvlSeries
        series = allSeries
        if (is.numeric(series)){
            if (hasT){
                series = lapply(allSeries, function(col) {
                    intersect(series, col)
                lvlseries = lapply(seq_len(length(series)), function(j) {
                series = intersect(series, allSeries[[1]])
                lvlseries = lvlSeries[[1]][series]
            newSeries = unlist(series)[! unlist(series) %in% getSeriesPart(
                chart, 'name', fetch.all=TRUE)]
            if (hasT){
                lvlseries = lapply(lvlSeries, function(col) {
                    intersect(series, col)
                series = lapply(seq_len(length(lvlseries)), function(j){
                    allSeries[[j]][which(lvlSeries[[j]] %in% lvlseries[[j]])]
                lvlseries = intersect(series, lvlSeries[[1]])
                series = allSeries[[1]][which(lvlSeries[[1]] %in% lvlseries)]
    return(list(numSeries=series, strSeries=lvlseries, allNumSeries=allSeries,
                allStrSeries=lvlSeries, strNewSeries=newSeries))

filterSeriesParts = function(lst, type){
    stopifnot(type %in% c('line', 'bar', 'scatter', 'pie', 'radar', 'chord',
                          'force', 'map', 'gauge', 'funnel',
                          'treemap', 'wordCloud', 'heatmap'))
    fixedParts = c('type', 'name', 'tooltip', 'data', 'itemStyle', 'markPoint',
                    'markLine', 'clickable', 'z', 'zlevel')
    validParts = switch(
        line=c('stack', 'xAxisIndex', 'yAxisIndex', 'symbol', 'symbolSize',
               'symbolRotate', 'showAllSymbol', 'smooth', 'dataFilter',
        bar=c('stack', 'xAxisIndex', 'yAxisIndex', 'barGap', 'barCategoryGap',
              'barMinHeight', 'barWidth', 'barMaxWidth', 'legendHoverLink'),
        scatter=c('xAxisIndex', 'yAxisInde, x', 'symbol', 'symbolSize',
                  'symbolRotate', 'large', 'largeThreshold', 'legendHoverLink'),
        pie=c('legendHoverLink', 'center', 'radius', 'startAngle', 'minAngle',
              'clockWise', 'roseType', 'selectedOffset', 'selectedMode'),
        radar=c('symbol', 'symbolSize', 'symbolRotate', 'legendHoverLink',
        chord=c('symbol', 'symbolSize', 'clockWise', 'categories', 'links',
                'matrix', 'minRadius', 'maxRadius', 'ribbonType', 'showScale',
                'showScaleText', 'padding', 'sort', 'sortSub', 'nodes'),
        force=c('symbol', 'symbolSize', 'large', 'center', 'roam', 'categories',
                'links', 'matrix', 'size', 'minRadius', 'maxRadius', 'linkSymbol',
                'linkSymbolSize', 'scaling', 'gravity', 'draggable', 'useWorker',
                'steps', 'nodes'),
        map=c('selectedMode', 'mapType', 'hoverable', 'dataRangeHoverLink',
              'mapLocation', 'mapValueCalculation', 'mapValuePrecision',
              'showLegendSymbol', 'roam', 'scaleLimit', 'nameMap', 'textFixed',
              'geoCoord', 'heatmap'),
        gauge=c('legendHoverLink', 'center', 'radius', 'startAngle', 'endAngle',
                'min', 'max', 'splitNumber', 'axisLine', 'axisTick', 'axisLabel',
                'splitLine', 'pointer', 'title', 'detail'),
        funnel=c('legendHoverLink', 'sort', 'min', 'max', 'x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2',
                 'width', 'height', 'funnelAlign', 'minSize', 'maxSize', 'gap'),
        eventRiver=c('xAxisIndex', 'legendHoverLink', 'weight'),
        treemap=c('center', 'size', 'root'),
        tree=c('symbol', 'symbolSize', 'roam', 'rootLocation', 'layerPadding',
               'nodePadding', 'orient', 'direction'),
        wordCloud=c('center', 'size', 'textRotation', 'autoSize'),
        heatmap=c('blurSize', 'gradientColors', 'minAlpha', 'valueScale',
    validParts = c(fixedParts, validParts)
    lst = lst[intersect(names(lst), validParts)]

getYFromEChart = function(chart, ...){
    ## get y series data and extract the unique values vector
    stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
    hasT = 'baseOption' %in% names(chart$x)
    .getY = function(seriesData){
        if (! is.null(dim(seriesData))){
            if (dim(seriesData)[2] > 1){
    if (hasT){
        y = sapply(chart$x$options, function(lst){
            Ys = sapply(lst$series, function(l) {
        y = sapply(chart$x$series, function(lst) {
    uniY = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(unique(unlist(y))))

setCoordIndex = function(lst, coordName, coordIdx){
    if (coordName == 'cartesian2d') {
        lst$xAxisIndex = coordIdx
        lst$yAxisIndex = coordIdx
    }else if (coordName == 'polar'){
        lst$polarIndex = coordIdx
    }else if (coordName == 'geo'){
        lst$geoIndex = coordIdx
    }else if (coordName == 'singleAxis'){
        lst$singleAxisIndex = coordIdx
    if (coordName == '') lst$coordinateSystem = as.character(coordName)

#-----Palettes and others---------
#' Get The Colors Vector From A Named Palette
#' Get hex color vector of a named palette from \code{\link{RColorBrewer}}, \code{\link{ggthemes}}
#' or \code{\link{grDevices}}. You can \code{\link{show_col}} the vector to
#' see the effects.
#' @param palname name of the palette. Default NULL to get echarts default. Could be:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \link{RColorBrewer} palettes: Including \code{'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu',
#'  'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1',
#'  'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3', 'Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens',
#'  'Greys', 'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds',
#'  'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd'} \cr
#'  \item \link{ggthemes} palettes: \code{'calc', 'economist', 'economist_white', 'economist_stata',
#'  'excel', 'exel_fill', 'excel_line', 'excel_new', 'few', 'fivethirtyeight', '538', 'manyeyes',
#'  'gdocs', 'pander', 'tableau', 'stata', 'stata1', 'stata1r', 'statamono', 'ptol',
#'  'tableau20', 'tableau10medium', 'tableaugray', 'tableauprgy', 'tableaublrd',
#'  'tableaugnor', 'tableaucyclic', 'tableau10light', 'tableaublrd12', 'tableauprgy12',
#'  'tableaugnor12', 'hc', 'darkunica', 'solarized', 'solarized_red', 'solarized_yellow',
#'  'solarized_orange', 'solarized_magenta', 'solarized_violet', 'solarized_blue',
#'  'solarized_cyan', 'solarized_green', 'wsj', 'wsj_rgby', 'wsj_red_green',
#'  'wsj_black_green', 'wsj_dem_rep', 'colorblind', 'trafficlight'} \cr
#'  \item Aetna official palettes: Including \code{'aetnagreen', 'aetnablue', 'aetnaviolet',
#'  'aetnaorange', 'aetnateal', 'aetnacranberry'} \cr
#'  \item Other palettes: \code{'rainbow', 'terrain', 'topo', 'heat', 'cm'}
#' }
#' @param n length of the color vector when the palette is continuous (\code{rain, cm,
#' terrain, topo, heat, ...}). Default 6.
#' @import RColorBrewer scales ggthemes
#' @export
#' @return color vectors
#' @seealso \code{\link{RColorBrewer}}, \code{\link{scales}}, \code{\link{ggthemes}},
#' \code{\link{show_col}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(scales)
#' show_col(getColFromPal('tableau20'))
#' show_col(getColFromPal('hc'))
#' }
getColFromPal = function(palname=NULL, n=6){
    brewer = c(
        'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn',
        'Spectral', 'Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1',
        'Set2', 'Set3', 'Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys',
        'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds',
        'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd')
    themePal = list(
            '#ff7f50', '#87cefa', '#da70d6', '#32cd32', '#6495ed', '#ff69b4',
            '#ba55d3', '#cd5c5c', '#ffa500', '#40e0d0', '#1e90ff', '#ff6347',
            '#7b68ee', '#00fa9a', '#ffd700', '#6b8e23', '#ff00ff', '#3cb371',
            '#b8860b', '#30e0e0' ),
            "#2ec7c9", "#b6a2de", "#5ab1ef", "#ffb980", "#d87a80", "#8d98b3",
            "#e5cf0d", "#97b552", "#95706d", "#dc69aa", "#07a2a4", "#9a7fd1",
            "#588dd5", "#f5994e", "#c05050", "#59678c", "#c9ab00", "#7eb00a",
            "#6f5553", "#c14089"),
            "#C1232B", "#B5C334", "#FCCE10", "#E87C25", "#27727B", "#FE8463",
            "#9BCA63", "#FAD860", "#F3A43B", "#60C0DD", "#D7504B", "#C6E579",
            "#F4E001", "#F0805A", "#26C0C0"))
    echartJS = paste(readLines(
        system.file('htmlwidgets/echarts.js', package='recharts'),
        encoding='UTF-8'), collapse='')
    lapply(c("blue", "dark", "gray", "green", "helianthus", "macarons2", "mint",
             "red", "roma", "sakura", "shine", "vintage"), function(theme) {
                 themePal[[theme]] <<- eval(parse(text=paste0('c(', gsub(paste0(
                     "^.*var ", theme, "Theme =.+?color:\\[(.+?)\\].*$"),
                     "\\1", echartJS), ')')))
    tableau = data.frame(
        nick=c('tableau20', 'tableau10medium', 'tableaugray', 'tableauprgy',
               'tableaublrd', 'tableaugnor', 'tableaucyclic', 'tableau10light',
               'tableaublrd12', 'tableauprgy12', 'tableaugnor12', 'tableau',
               'tableaucolorblind', 'trafficlight'),
        pal=c('tableau20', 'tableau10medium', 'gray5', 'purplegray6',
              'bluered6', 'greenorange6', 'cyclic', 'tableau10light',
              'bluered12', 'purplegray12', 'greenorange12', 'tableau10',
              'colorblind10', 'trafficlight'))
    ## echarts default
    colObj = themePal$default
    if (! is.null(palname)) palname = tolower(palname)
    if (! is.null(palname)){
        if (palname %in% paste0(
            "aetna", c('green','blue','teal','cranberry','orange','violet'))){
            colObj = switch(
                aetnagreen=c("#7AC143", "#7D3F98", "#F47721", "#D20962",
                             "#00A78E", "#00BCE4", "#B8D936", "#EE3D94",
                             "#FDB933", "#F58F9F", "#60C3AE", "#5F78BB",
                             "#5E9732", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
                aetnablue=c("#00BCE4", "#D20962", "#7AC143", "#F47721",
                            "#7D3F98", "#00A78E", "#F58F9F", "#B8D936",
                            "#60C3AE", "#FDB933", "#EE3D94", "#5E9732",
                            "#5F78BB", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
                aetnateal=c("#00A78E", "#F47721", "#7AC143", "#00BCE4",
                            "#D20962", "#7D3F98", "#60C3AE", "#FDB933",
                            "#B8D936", "#5F78BB", "#F58F9F", "#EE3D94",
                            "#5E9732", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
                aetnacranberry=c("#D20962", "#00BCE4", "#7D3F98", "#7AC143",
                                 "#F47721", "#00A78E", "#F58F9F", "#60C3AE",
                                 "#EE3D94", "#B8D936", "#FDB933", "#5E9732",
                                 "#5F78BB", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
                aetnaorange=c("#F47721", "#7AC143", "#00A78E", "#D20962",
                              "#00BCE4", "#7D3F98", "#FDB933", "#B8D936",
                              "#60C3AE", "#F58F9F", "#5F78BB", "#EE3D94",
                              "#5E9732", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5"),
                aetnaviolet=c("#7D3F98", "#7AC143", "#F47721", "#00A78E",
                              "#00BCE4", "#D20962", "#F58F9F", "#B8D936",
                              "#FDB933", "#60C3AE", "#5F78BB", "#EE3D94",
                              "#5E9732", "#CEA979", "#EF4135", "#7090A5")
        }else if (palname %in% tolower(brewer)){
            Palname = brewer[which(tolower(brewer)==palname)]
            maxcolors = brewer.pal.info[row.names(brewer.pal.info)==Palname,
            colObj = brewer.pal(ifelse((maxcolors>n && n>2), n, maxcolors),
        }else if (palname %in% tolower(paste0('_', c(
            "blue", "dark", "gray", "green", "helianthus", "macarons2", "mint",
            "red", "roma", "sakura", "shine", "vintage", "default", "macarons",
            colObj = themePal[[sub("^_(.+)$", "\\1", palname)]]
            if (palname %in% c('rainbow', 'terrain', 'topo', 'heat', 'cm')){
                colObj = switch(palname,
                                 rainbow=substr(rainbow(n), 1, 7),
                                 terrain=substr(terrain.colors(n), 1, 7),
                                 heat=substr(heat.colors(n), 1, 7),
                                 topo=substr(topo.colors(n), 1, 7),
                                 cm=substr(cm.colors(n), 1, 7)
                if (palname %in% c('pander')){
                    colObj = palette_pander(n)
                }else if (palname %in% c('calc')){
                    colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$calc$colors
                }else if (palname %in% c('ptol')) {
                    colObj = ptol_pal()(ifelse(n > 12, 12, n))
                }else if (palname %in% c('excel', "excel_fill", "excel_line",
                    palname = unlist(strsplit(palname, "excel_"))[2]
                    if (is.na(palname)) palname = 'new'
                    colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$excel[[palname]]
                }else if (palname %in% c('economist', 'economist_white',
                    palname = unlist(strsplit(palname,"economist_"))[2]
                    if (is.na(palname) || palname=='white') {
                        colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$economist$fg
                    } else {
                        colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$economist$stata$fg
                }else if (palname %in% c('darkunica', 'hc')){
                    palname = ifelse(palname == 'hc', 'default', palname)
                    colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$hc$palettes[[palname]]
                }else if (palname %in% c('wsj', 'wsj_rgby', 'wsj_red_green',
                                         'wsj_black_green', 'wsj_dem_rep')){
                    palname = unlist(strsplit(palname,"wsj_"))[2]
                    if (is.na(palname)) palname = 'colors6'
                    colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$wsj$palettes[[palname]]
                }else if (palname %in% c('stata', 'stata1', 'stata1r', 'statamono')){
                    palname = switch(palname, stata='stata', stata1='s1color',
                                      stata1r='s1rcolor', statamono='mono')
                    if (palname == 'stata'){
                        colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$stata$colors
                        colObj = try(eval(parse(text=paste0(
                            "stata_pal('", palname, "')(15)"))), TRUE)
                }else if (palname %in% c('few', 'few_dark', 'few_light')){
                    palname = unlist(strsplit(palname,"few_"))[2]
                    if (is.na(palname)) palname = "medium"
                    colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data$few[[palname]]
                }else if (palname %in%
                          c('fivethirtyeight','gdocs', 'colorblind', 'manyeyes',
                    if (palname == '538') palname = 'fivethirtyeight'
                    colObj = ggthemes:::ggthemes_data[[palname]]
                }else if (palname %in%
                          c('tableau20', 'tableau10medium', 'tableaugray', 'tableauprgy',
                            'tableaublrd', 'tableaugnor', 'tableaucyclic', 'tableau10light',
                            'tableaublrd12', 'tableauprgy12', 'tableaugnor12', 'tableau',
                            'tableaucolorblind', 'trafficlight')){
                    palname = tableau[tableau$nick==palname,"pal"]
                    colObj = try(eval(parse(text=paste0("tableau_color_pal(palette='",
                                                         palname,"')(20)"))), TRUE)
                }else if (palname %in%
                          c('solarized', 'solarized_red', 'solarized_yellow',
                            'solarized_orange', 'solarized_magenta', 'solarized_violet',
                            'solarized_blue', 'solarized_cyan', 'solarized_green')){
                    palname = unlist(strsplit(palname,"solarized_"))[2]
                    colObj = try(eval(parse(text=paste0(
                        "solarized_pal('", ifnull(palname, 'blue'), "')(20)"))), TRUE)

#' Get Hex Color Vector (Not Exported)
#' Get color vector from a palette/color name. It is wider than \code{\link{getColFromPal}}.
#' @param palette Palette, default NULL. Could be
#' \itemize{
#'  \item palette name, e.g, "Blues". The palette will be proceeded by \code{\link{getColFromPal}}.
#'  \item a hex color, e.g., "#FFFFFF", "0xFFFFFFFF"
#'  \item a vector or color names, hex colors
#'  \item NULL
#' }
#' @param ... Elipsis
#' @return A vector of hex colors
#' @seealso \code{\link{getColFromPal}} \code{\link{RColorBrewer}} \code{\link{ggthemes}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(scales)
#' show_col(getColors(NULL))
#' show_col(getColors("terrain"))
#' show_col(getColors(c('red', 'gold', 'skyblue')))
#' }
getColors = function(palette, ...){
    # build a function to extract palette info
    # used for echartR
    if ("n" %in% names(list(...))) n = list(...)[['n']] else n = 6
    if (length(palette)==1) {
        if (substr(palette, 1, 1)=="#"){
            if (nchar(palette) == 7 || nchar(palette) == 4) {
                palette = paste0('0x', substring(palette, seq(2,8,2), seq(3,9,2)))
                palette = strtoi(palette)
        }else if (palette %in% colors()){
            return(substr(col2hcl(palette), 1, 7))
        }else if (grepl('^rgba\\(', palette)){
            palettes = unlist(strsplit(palette, "[\\(\\)]", perl=TRUE))
            if (length(palettes)==1){
                return(getColFromPal(palettes[1], n))
                aetPal = getColFromPal(palettes[1], as.numeric(palettes[2]))
                if (as.numeric(palettes[2]) < length(aetPal)){
                    return(sample(aetPal, as.numeric(palettes[2])))
    }else if(length(palette)>1){
        .convCol = function(iPal){
            if (!is(try(col2rgb(iPal), TRUE), "try-error")){
                if (substr(iPal, 1, 1) == "#"){
                    vecCol = as.vector(col2rgb(iPal))
        aetPal = unlist(lapply(palette, .convCol))

# -------------Lazy functions to judge class-------------------
isDate = function(x, format=NULL){
    if (!is.null(format)){
        if (!is(try(as.Date(x),TRUE),"try-error")) TRUE else FALSE
        if (!is(try(as.Date(x,format=format),TRUE),"try-error")) TRUE else FALSE
isTime = function(x, origin=NULL, tz='CST'){
    if (is.null(origin)){
        if (!is(try(as.POSIXct,T),"try-error")) TRUE else FALSE

isLatin = function(x){
    if (is.factor(x)) x = as.character(x)
    return(all(grepl("^[[:alnum:][:space:][:punct:]]+$", x, perl=TRUE)))
isFormula = function(x){
    return(inherits(x, 'formula'))

#' If-else Replacement Function For Vectors
#' @param x A vector/list to replace
#' @param y The vector to be replaced with
#' @param cond Condition string, could be 'is.null', 'is.na', 'is.nan', 'is.blank',
#' or 'is.zero'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ifna(c(NA, 1, 4, NA), 0)
#' # get c(0, 1, 4, 0)
#' }
iif = function(x, y, cond=c(
    'is.null', 'is.na', 'is.nan', 'is.blank', 'is.zero')){
    is.blank = function(x)  length(x) == 0
    is.zero = function(x) x == 0
    cond = match.arg(cond)
    o = x
    fun = eval(parse(text=cond))
    if (is.list(o)){
        o = lapply(o, function(l) {
            l[fun(l)] = y
        if (length(o) == 0) o = y
        else if (length(o[fun(o)]) > 0) o[fun(o)] = y


#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifnull = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.null')

#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifna = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.na')

#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifnan = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.nan')

#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifblank = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.blank')

#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifempty = ifblank

#' @export
#' @rdname iif
ifzero = function(x, y) iif(x, y, 'is.zero')

#--------------------data struc changes---------------------------
asEchartData = function(x, na.string = '-', named = FALSE, names=colnames(x)){
    # convert matrix/data.frame or vector to JSON-list lists
    # and convert NA to '-'

    if (!is.null(dim(x))){
        col.factors = if (is.data.frame(x)) sapply(x, is.factor) else
            if (is.matrix(x)) sapply(1:ncol(x), function(col) is.factor(x[,col]))
        x[, col.factors] = as.character(x[, col.factors])
        o = lapply(1:nrow(x), function(i){
            row = as.list(unname(I(x[i,])))
            row = lapply(row, function(e) {
                e = ifna(e, na.string)
            if (named && !is.null(names))
                if (length(row) == length(names)) names(row) = names
        # if (nrow(x) == 1 && ncol(x) > 1)
        #     o = list(unname(o))
        o = as.list(unname(x))
        o = lapply(o, function(e) e = if (is.na(e)) na.string else e)


#' @importFrom digest sha1
reElementId = function(chart, seed=NULL){
    # generate random elemendId for the echarts object
    stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
    if (!is.null(seed)) if (is.numeric(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    elementId = paste0('echarts-', sha1(
        paste0(convTimestamp(Sys.time()), Sys.info()[['nodename']],
               sample(10000000000, 1))))
    txt = paste(deparse(chart, backtick=TRUE, control='all'), collapse='')
    txt = gsub("(document\\.getElementById\\()([^\\)]+?)\\)",
                paste0("\\1'", elementId, "'\\)"), txt)
    chart = eval(parse(text=txt))
    chart$elementId = elementId
    class(chart) = c('echarts','htmlwidget')

convTimestamp = function(time, from='R', to='JS'){
    stopifnot(inherits(time, c("numeric", "Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt")))
    if (from=='R' && to=='JS'){
        time = as.POSIXlt(time, orig="1970-01-01")
        gmtoff = ifnull(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), orig='1970-01-01')$gmtoff, 0)
        time = as.numeric(time) - gmtoff
        return(time * 1000)
    if (from=='JS' && to=='R')
        return(as.POSIXct(time/1000, orig="1970-01-01"))
#--------Other functions for position, color, HTML table conversion------------

#' Get A String Containing 'rgba' Function
#' Echarts uses rgba function heavily. You can convert color vectors into rgba function
#' in string form to pass to an echarts object.
#' @param vecrgb A vector of RGB elements, or simply red int.
#' @param ... If vecrgb is simply red int, you can pass green, blue, alpha int here.
#' @return A character string. E.g, 'rgba(125, 125, 125, 0.6)' or '#FFFFFF'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rgba(c(123, 123, 124, 125))  # return 'rgba(123,123,124,0.490196078431373)'
#' rgba(123, 123, 124, 0.5) # return 'rgba(123,123,124,0.5)'
#' rgba(123, 123, 124)  # return '#7B7B7C'
#' }
rgba = function(vecrgb, ...){
    if (is.matrix(vecrgb) && dim(vecrgb) == c(3,1)) vecrgb = vecrgb[,1]
    ## vecrgb is yielded from col2rgb()

    if (is.list(vecrgb)) rgb = as.vector(unlist(vecrgb))
    if (length(vecrgb) == 1) vecrgb = c(vecrgb, unlist(list(...)))
    if (min(vecrgb, na.rm=TRUE)<0 || max(vecrgb, na.rm=TRUE)>255) {
        stop("All elements should be numeric 0-255!")
    if (length(vecrgb[!is.na(vecrgb)]) == 3){
        return(rgb(red=vecrgb[1], green=vecrgb[2], blue=vecrgb[3], max=255))
    }else if (length(vecrgb[!is.na(vecrgb)])==4){
        #           max=255))
                      as.numeric(ifelse(vecrgb[4]<=1, vecrgb[4],
                                        round(vecrgb[4]/255, 4))),
        stop("Must be of length 3 or 4!")

checkColorDiff = function(col1, col2, ...){
    stopifnot((col1 %in% colors() || grepl("#[[:xdigit:]]{6}", col1) ||
                   grepl("^rgba\\(", col1)) &&
              (col2 %in% colors() || grepl("#[[:xdigit:]]{6}", col2) ||
                   grepl("^rgba\\(", col2)))
    if (grepl("^rgba\\(", col1)){
        col1 = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(col1, "[\\(,\\)]")[[1]][2:5]))
        col1 = rgb(col1[1], col1[2], col1[3], col1[4]*255, max=255)
        col1 = getColors(col1)
    if (grepl("^rgba\\(", col2)){
        col2 = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(col2, "[\\(,\\)]")[[1]][2:5]))
        col2 = rgb(col2[1], col2[2], col2[3], col2[4]*255, max=255)
        col2 = getColors(col2)

    bright1 = sum(c(299, 587, 114) * col2rgb(col1))/1000
    bright2 = sum(c(299, 587, 114) * col2rgb(col2))/1000
    brightDiff = abs(bright1 - bright2)
    hueDiff = sum(abs(col2rgb(col1, TRUE) - col2rgb(col2, TRUE)))
    return(data.frame('Diff' = c(brightDiff, hueDiff),
                      'Suffiecient'=c(brightDiff >= 125, hueDiff >= 500),
                      row.names=c('Bright', 'Hue')))

#' Invert A Color to Its Conplementary Color
#' @param color A hex or named color, or color in 'rgba(R, G, B, A)' string.
#' @param mode One or a vector of modes combined. You can only input the first letter.
#' Default 'bw', which is most useful in textStyles.
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{bw}}{black and white invertion}
#'  \item{\code{opposite}}{complete invertion to get an opposite color}
#'  \item{\code{hue}}{only invert hue in terms of \code{\link{hsv}}}
#'  \item{\code{saturation}}{only invert saturation in terms of \code{\link{hsv}}}
#'  \item{\code{lumination}}{only invert lumination in terms of \code{\link{hsv}}}
#' }
#' @param ... Elipsis
#' @return Inverted hex color
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{hsv}}, \code{\link{rgb2hsv}}, \code{\link{rgb}},
#' @examples
#' col = sapply(list('o', 'h', 'l', 's', 'b', c('h', 'l'), c('h', 's'),
#'               c('l', 's'), c('h', 's', 'l')), function(mode) {
#'               return(invertColor('darkred', mode))
#'         })
#' library(scales)
#' show_col(c('darkred', unlist(col)))
invertColor = function(color, mode=c('bw', 'opposite', 'hue', 'saturation',
                                      'lumination', ''),
    if (! grepl("^rgba\\(", color)) col = color = getColors(color)
    if (grepl("^rgba\\(", color)){
        col = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(col, "[\\(,\\)]")[[1]][2:5]))
        col = rgb(col[1], col[2], col[3], col[4]*255, max=255)
    modeAbbrev = tolower(substr(mode, 1, 1))
    rgb = col2rgb(col)
    hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb)

    if ('b' %in% modeAbbrev){  # black and white invert
        bright = sum(c(299, 587, 114) * rgb) / 1000
        if (bright >= 128) return("#000000")
        else return("#FFFFFF")
    }else if ('o' %in% modeAbbrev) {
        rgb_neg = rep(255, 3) - rgb
        return(rgb(rgb_neg[1], rgb_neg[2], rgb_neg[3], max=255))
        if ('h' %in% modeAbbrev)
            hsv[1] = ifelse(hsv[1] > 0.5, hsv[1] - 0.5, hsv[1] + 0.5)
        if ('s' %in% modeAbbrev)
            hsv[2] = 1 - hsv[2]
        if ('l' %in% modeAbbrev)
            hsv[3] = 1 - hsv[3]
        return(hsv(hsv[1], hsv[2], hsv[3]))

autoMultiPolarChartLayout = function(n, col.max=5, gap=5, top=5, bottom=5,
                                      left=5, right=5){
    layouts = data.frame(row=ceiling(n/(1:col.max)), col=1:col.max)
    layouts$empty = abs(layouts$row * layouts$col - n)
    layouts$diff = abs(layouts$row - layouts$col)
    layouts$defects = layouts$empty + layouts$diff
    layouts = layouts[order(layouts$defects, layouts$diff, layouts$empty,
                             layouts$row), ]
    rows = layouts[1, 'row']
    cols = layouts[1, 'col']

    ## calculate the sizing params
    centers = expand.grid(left + ((1:cols)*2 - 1) * ((100-left-right)/2) /cols,
                           top + ((1:rows)*2 - 1) * ((100-top-bottom)/2) /rows)
    centers = centers[1:n,]
    radius = (min(100-left-right, 100-top-bottom) -
                   gap * (max(rows, cols) -1)) / max(rows, cols)
    return(list(rows=rows, cols=cols, centers=centers, radius=radius))

autoMultiChartLayout = function(
    n, row=NULL, col=NULL, col.max=5, vgap=5, hgap=4, top=8, bottom=8,
    left=6, right=6, width=100, height=100, mode=c('percent', 'value'),
    out=c('asis', 'pixel')
    mode = match.arg(mode)  # if mode is 'percent', all params should be 0-100
    out = match.arg(out)
    if (mode == 'percent'){
            hgap, vgap, top, bottom, left, right, width, height
            ), data.table::between, lower=0, upper=100))
    if (is.numeric(row) && is.numeric(col)){
        rows = row
        cols = col
        layouts = data.frame(row=ceiling(n/(1:col.max)), col=1:col.max)
        layouts$empty = abs(layouts$row * layouts$col - n)
        layouts$diff = abs(layouts$row - layouts$col)
        layouts$defects = layouts$empty + layouts$diff
        layouts = layouts[order(layouts$defects, layouts$diff, layouts$empty,
                                layouts$row), ]
        if (n <= 3) layouts = layouts[layouts$empty == 0,]
        rows = layouts[1, 'row']
        cols = layouts[1, 'col']
    ## calculate the sizing params
    centers = expand.grid(left + ((1:cols)*2 - 1) * ((width-left-right)/2) /cols,
                          top + ((1:rows)*2 - 1) * ((height-top-bottom)/2) /rows)
    names(centers) = c('x', 'y')
    centers = centers[1:n,]
    radius = (min(width-left-right, height-top-bottom) -
                  max(vgap, hgap) * (max(rows, cols) -1)) / max(rows, cols)
    widths = (width-left-right-hgap*(cols-1)) / cols
    heights = (height-top-bottom-vgap*(rows-1)) / rows
    grids = expand.grid(left + ((1:cols)-1) * (widths+hgap),
                        top + ((1:rows)-1) * (heights+vgap))
    names(grids) = c('left', 'top')
    grids$right = grids$left + widths
    grids$bottom = grids$top + heights
    grids = grids[1:n, ]
    ## return params
    if (out=='asis'){
        centers = sapply(centers, paste0, '%')
        radius = paste0(radius, '%')
        widths = paste0(widths, '%')
        heights = paste0(heights, '%')
        grids = sapply(grids, paste0, '%')
        return(structure(list(rows=rows, cols=cols, centers=centers, radius=radius,
                              width=widths, height=heights, grids=grids),
        return(structure(list(rows=rows, cols=cols, centers=centers, radius=radius,
                              width=widths, height=heights, grids=grids),

parseTreeNodes = function(data, name = 'name', parent = 'parent'){
    name = as.character(substitute(name))
    parent = as.character(substitute(parent))
    name = name[length(name)]
    parent = parent[length(parent)]

    names(data)[which(names(data) == name)] = 'name'
    names(data)[which(names(data) == parent)] = 'parent'
    validColNames = c('name', 'value', 'itemStyle', 'symbol', 'symbolSize')
    if (!all(names(data) %in% c('parent', validColNames)))
        stop("treeNode data only accepts column names of ",
             paste(c('parent', validColNames), ', '),
             " ('name' and 'parent' could be named differently) .")

    if (!any(is.na(data$parent)))
        stop('parent columns must contain at least one NA to be the root.')

    colnames = names(data)
    data = data.frame(lapply(names(data), function(col){
        col = if (grepl('value|Size', col)) as.numeric(data[,col]) else
    }), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    names(data) = colnames

    orderBase = data[which(data$name == data$parent),]

    .getRecursiveNodes = function(nodeName){
        if (is.na(nodeName)) dt = data[which(is.na(data$parent)),]
        else dt = data[which(data$parent %in% nodeName),]

        children = unique(as.character(dt$name))

        out = unname(apply(dt, 1, function(row){
            if (nrow(dt) > 0){
                o = lapply(intersect(names(dt), validColNames), function(col){
                    if (grepl('value|Size', col))
                names(o) = intersect(names(dt), validColNames)
                if (nrow(data[which(data$parent %in% row['name']),]) > 0)
                    o$children = .getRecursiveNodes(as.character(row['name']))


matchSubtype = function(subtype, lstSubtype, mode=c('any', 'all', 'detail',
    mode = match.arg(mode)
    if (mode=='any'){
        any(sapply(lstSubtype, function(x) subtype %in% x))
    }else if (mode == 'all'){
        all(sapply(lstSubtype, function(x) subtype %in% x))
    }else if (mode=='detail'){
        sapply(lstSubtype, function(x) subtype %in% x)
    }else if (mode=='which'){
        which(sapply(lstSubtype, function(x) subtype %in% x))

getJSElementSize = function(chart, element=c('width', 'height')){
    stopifnot(inherits(chart, 'echarts'))
    element = match.arg(element)
    if (is.null(chart$elementId))
        stop("The echarts object has not been assigned a fixed elementId!")
    return(paste0("document.getElementById('", chart$elementId,"').",
                  switch(element, width='offsetWidth', height='offsetHeight')))

#' Text Position and Direction
#' Converts text postion from clock digits to c(x, y, direction) vector, or vice versa.
#' @param pos 1-12, clock digits.
#' @return A vector of x-alignment, y-alignment and direction.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vecPos(2) ## returns c("right", "top", "vertical")
#' }
#' @note
#' # Postion of Clock Numbers 1-12 \cr
#' \tabular{lllll}{
#'  10(l, t, v) \tab 11(l, t, h) \tab 12(c, t, h) \tab 1(r, t, h) \tab 2(r, t, v) \cr
#'  9(l, c, v) \tab \tab \tab \tab 3(r, c, v) \cr
#'  8(l, b, v) \tab 7(l, b, h) \tab 6(c, b, h) \tab 5(r, b, h) \tab 4(r, b, v)
#' }
#' @rdname position.orient
vecPos = function(pos){
    TblPos=as.data.frame(rbind(c("right",  "top",    "horizontal"),
                               c("right",  "top",    "vertical"),
                               c("right",  "middle", "vertical"),
                               c("right",  "bottom", "vertical"),
                               c("right",  "bottom", "horizontal"),
                               c("center", "bottom", "horizontal"),
                               c("left",   "bottom", "horizontal"),
                               c("left",   "bottom", "vertical"),
                               c("left",   "middle", "vertical"),
                               c("left",   "top",    "vertical"),
                               c("left",   "top",    "horizontal"),
                               c("center", "top",    "horizontal")
    names(TblPos) = c("x","y","z")

#' @param x String, 'left', 'right' or 'center'
#' @param y String, 'top', 'middle' or 'vertical'
#' @param orient String, 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
#' @return A clock digit number
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' clockPos("right", "top", "vertical") ## returns 2
#' }
#' @rdname position.orient
clockPos = function(x, y, orient){
    TblPos=as.data.frame(rbind(c("right",  "top",    "horizontal"),
                               c("right",  "top",    "vertical"),
                               c("right",  "middle", "vertical"),
                               c("right",  "bottom", "vertical"),
                               c("right",  "bottom", "horizontal"),
                               c("center", "bottom", "horizontal"),
                               c("left",   "bottom", "horizontal"),
                               c("left",   "bottom", "vertical"),
                               c("left",   "middle", "vertical"),
                               c("left",   "top",    "vertical"),
                               c("left",   "top",    "horizontal"),
                               c("center", "top",    "horizontal")
    names(TblPos) = c("x","y","z")
    return(which(TblPos$x==x & TblPos$y==y & TblPos$z==orient))

exchange = function(x, y){
    a = x
    x = y
    y = a
    return(list(x, y))
madlogos/recharts2 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:03 a.m.