
Defines functions atn2 isOutOfChina transformLat transformLon getCoordArgs convWGS2GCJ .wgs2gcj convGCJ2WGS .gcj2wgs convGCJ2BD .gcj2bd convBD2GCJ .bd2gcj convWGS2BD convBD2WGS convCoord geocode NULLtoNA geohost ip.country revgeocode

Documented in convBD2GCJ convBD2WGS convCoord convGCJ2BD convGCJ2WGS convWGS2BD convWGS2GCJ geocode geohost revgeocode

## Constants
A <- 6378245.0
EE <- 0.00669342162296594323
XM_PI <- pi * 3000.0 / 180.0

atn2 <- function(y, x){
    ## UDF
    if (x > 0) {
        return(atan(y / x))
    }else if (x < 0) {
        return(sign(y) * (pi - atan(abs(y / x))))
    }else if (y == 0){
        return(sign(y) * pi / 2.0)

isOutOfChina <- function(Lat, Lon){
    # to check if the plase is out of China
    OutOfChina <- FALSE
    if (Lon < 72.004 | Lon > 137.8347) OutOfChina <- TRUE
    if (Lat < 0.8293 | Lat > 55.8271) OutOfChina <- TRUE

transformLat <- function(x, y){
    # China encrpytion of latitudes
    ret <- -100.0 + 2.0 * x + 3.0 * y + 0.2 * y * y + 0.1 * x * y + 0.2 * sqrt(abs(x))
    ret <- ret + (20.0 * sin(6.0 * x * pi) + 20.0 * sin(2.0 * x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0
    ret <- ret + (20.0 * sin(y * pi) + 40.0 * sin(y / 3.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0
    ret <- ret + (160.0 * sin(y / 12.0 * pi) + 320.0 * sin(y * pi / 30.0)) * 2.0 / 3.0

transformLon <- function(x, y){
    # China encryption of longitudes
    ret <- 300.0 + x + 2.0 * y + 0.1 * x * x + 0.1 * x * y + 0.1 * sqrt(abs(x))
    ret <- ret + (20.0 * sin(6.0 * x * pi) + 20.0 * sin(2.0 * x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0
    ret <- ret + (20.0 * sin(x * pi) + 40.0 * sin(x / 3.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0
    ret <- ret + (150.0 * sin(x / 12.0 * pi) + 300.0 * sin(x / 30.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0

getCoordArgs <- function(y, ...){
    ## Coarse params to a 2-col data.frame
    if (is.null(dim(y))){  ## vector or list
        if (is.list(y)) {
            y <- try(sapply(y, function(l) as.numeric(l[1:2])), silent=TRUE)
            if (! class(y) == 'try-error')
                out <- as.data.frame(y, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            y <- as.numeric(y)
            if (length(y) == 1){
                ## y refers to a coordinate
                ## return one point
                x <- list(...)
                if (! length(x) == 0) {
                    x <- as.numeric(x)[[1]][1]
                    x <- NA
                out <- data.frame(lat=y, lon=x)
            }else if (length(y) >= 2) {
                ## y refers to one point
                ## return all possible points
                x <- list(...)
                if (length(x) >= 1){
                    x <- t(sapply(x, function(l) as.numeric(l[1:2])))
                    out <- rbind(y[1:2], as.data.frame(x))
                    out <- as.data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                    out <- as.data.frame(t(y[1:2]))
    }else{  ## matrix or data.frame
        if (is.data.frame(y)){
            ## get the first two columns
            y <- y[,1:2]
            y <- as.data.frame(sapply(y, as.character, simplify=FALSE),
            y <- as.data.frame(sapply(y, as.numeric, simplify=FALSE))
            out <- y
        }else if (is.matrix(y)){
            if (ncol(y) == 1 || nrow(y) == 1){
                y <- as.vector(y)
                if (length(y) ==1) {
                    out <- data.frame(lat=NA, lon=NA)
                    out <- data.frame(lat=y[1], lon=y[2])
                stopifnot(all(abs(as.vector(y)) <= 180, na.rm=TRUE))
                colcat <- rowcat <- vector(length=2)
                colcat[1] <- ifelse(any(abs(y[, 1]) > 90, na.rm=TRUE), 'lon', 'lat')
                colcat[2] <- ifelse(any(abs(y[, 2]) > 90, na.rm=TRUE), 'lon', 'lat')
                rowcat[1] <- ifelse(any(abs(y[1, ]) > 90, na.rm=TRUE), 'lon', 'lat')
                rowcat[2] <- ifelse(any(abs(y[2, ]) > 90, na.rm=TRUE), 'lon', 'lat')
                if (colcat[1] == colcat[2] && rowcat[1] == rowcat[2])
                    stop("Cannot distinguish lat and lon in the matrix either col 1-2 or row 1-2.")

                if (colcat[1] != colcat[2]){
                    out <- data.frame(as.numeric(y[,1]), as.numeric(y[,2]))
                    names(out) <- colcat
                    out <- data.frame(as.numeric(y[1,]), as.numeric(y[2,]))
                    names(out) <- rowcat
                out <- out[,c("lat", "lon")]
    if (!is.null(out)){
        names(out) <- c('lat', 'lon')
        out[is.na(out$lat) | is.na(out$lon), ] <- c(NA, NA)
        if (any(abs(out['lat']) > 90 & abs(out['lon']) > 180, na.rm=TRUE))
            stop("Lat should be within [-90, 90], Lon should be within [-180, 180].")

#' Transform WGS-84 (Global) coordinates to GCJ-02 (Google CN/Amap)
#' WGS-84 coordinates are gloabal coordinates.
#' This function encrypts it into GCJ-02 that is mandated by Chinese Gov't.
#' @section GIS:
#' @note Latitude is the horizontal line serving as y-axis metric, longitude is
#' the vertical line serving as x-axis metric.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param y \itemize{
#' \item A vector \code{c(latitude, longitude)} \cr
#' \item simply latitude number \cr
#' \item a matrix (row 1-2 or col 1-2). The function will choose how to read the data \cr
#' \item a data.frame (col 1-2)
#' }
#' @param ... \itemize{
#' \item When \code{y} is only latitude, you can pass in \code{x} (longitude) here. \cr
#' \item when \code{y} is a vector of \code{c(lat, lon)}, you can pass in the rest vectors as well.
#' \item when \code{y} is a matrix or a data.frame, ... is omitted.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{convGCJ2WGS}}, \code{\link{convCoord}}.
#' @references
#' \url{https://on4wp7.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/21483#353936}
#' @return A 2-col data.frame ([lng, lat]) of transformed coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Tiananmen square's WGS-84 coordinate is c(39.90734, 116.39089)
#' # http://www.google.cn/maps/place/Tiananmen,+Dongcheng,+Beijing/@39.90874,116.39713,16z?hl=en
#' ## Single point
#' convWGS2GCJ(c(39.90734, 116.39089))  # or
#' convWGS2GCJ(39.90734, 116.39089)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' ## Multiple points
#' ### Vectors
#' convWGS2GCJ(c(39.90734, 116.39089), c(39.90734, 116.39089))  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' # [2,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' ### Matrix
#' m <- matrix(c(39.90734, 116.39089, 39.90734, 116.39089, 39.90734, 116.39089), nrow=2)
#' m
#' #           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
#' # [1,]  39.90734  39.90734  39.90734
#' # [2,] 116.39089 116.39089 116.39089
#' convWGS2GCJ(m)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' # [2,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' # [3,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' ### data.frame
#' df <- data.frame(lat=c(39.90734, 39.90734, 39.90734, NA),
#'                  lon=c(116.39089, 116.39089, 116.39089, 116.39089))
#' convWGS2GCJ(df)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' # [2,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' # [3,] 39.90874 116.3971
#' # [4,]       NA       NA
#' }
convWGS2GCJ <- function(y, ...){
    # Coord Global GeoSystem (WGS-84) -> Mars GeoSystem (GCJ-02)
    # coords must be a vector c(lat,lon)
    input <- getCoordArgs(y, ...)
    if (! all(abs(input['lat']) <= 90 & abs(input['lon'] <= 180), na.rm=TRUE)){
        stop(paste0("Latitude should be within [-90, 90] and longitude ",
                    "should be within [-180, 180]."))
    output <- as.data.frame(t(apply(input, MARGIN=1, .wgs2gcj)))
    names(output) <- c("lat", "lng")

.wgs2gcj <- function(coord, ...){
    if (length(coord) > 1){
        wgLat <- coord[1]
        wgLon <- coord[2]
        wgLat <- coord
        wgLon <- unlist(list(...))[1]

    if (is.na(wgLat) || is.na(wgLon)){
        return(c(NA, NA))
        outOfChina <- isOutOfChina(wgLat, wgLon)
        if (!outOfChina){
            dLat <- transformLat(wgLon - 105.0, wgLat - 35.0)
            dLon <- transformLon(wgLon - 105.0, wgLat - 35.0)
            radLat <- wgLat / 180.0 * pi
            magic <- sin(radLat)
            magic <- 1.0 - EE * magic ** 2
            sqrtMagic <- sqrt(magic)
            dLat <- (dLat * 180.0) / ((A * (1.0 - EE)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) * pi)
            dLon <- (dLon * 180.0) / (A / sqrtMagic * cos(radLat) * pi)
            WGS2GCJ <- c(lat = wgLat + dLat, lon = wgLon + dLon)
            WGS2GCJ <- c(lat = wgLat, lon = wgLon)

#' Transform GCJ-02 (Google CN/Amap) coordinates to WGS-84 (Global)
#' GCJ-02 is coordinate system mandated by Chinese Gov't.
#' This function decrypts it back to WGS-84 coordinates (gloabal coordinates).
#' @section GIS:
#' @note Latitude is the horizontal line serving as y-axis metric, longitude is
#' the vertical line serving as x-axis metric.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param y \itemize{
#' \item A vector \code{c(latitude, longitude)} \cr
#' \item simply latitude \cr
#' \item a matrix (row 1-2 or col 1-2). The function will choose how to read the data \cr
#' \item a data.frame (col 1-2)
#' }
#' @param ... \itemize{
#' \item When \code{y} is only latitude, you can pass in \code{x} (longitude) here. \cr
#' \item when \code{y} is a vector of \code{c(lat, lon)}, you can pass in the rest vectors as well.
#' \item when \code{y} is a matrix or a data.frame, ... is omitted.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{convWGS2GCJ}}, \code{\link{convCoord}}.
#' @references
#' \url{https://on4wp7.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/21483#353936}
#' @return A 2-col data.frame ([lng, lat]) of transformed coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Tiananmen square's GCJ-02 coordinate is c(39.908746, 116.397131)
#' # http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/39.90734/116.39089
#' ## Single point
#' convGCJ2WGS(c(39.908746, 116.397131))  # or
#' convGCJ2WGS(39.908746, 116.397131)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' ## Multiple points
#' ### Vectors
#' convGCJ2WGS(c(39.908746, 116.397131), c(39.908746, 116.397131))  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [2,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' ### Matrix
#' m <- matrix(c(39.908746, 116.397131, 39.908746, 116.397131, 39.908746, 116.397131), nrow=2)
#' m
#' #           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
#' # [1,]  39.90875  39.90875  39.90875
#' # [2,] 116.39713 116.39713 116.39713
#' convGCJ2WGS(m)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [2,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [3,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' ### data.frame
#' df <- data.frame(lat=c(39.908746, 39.908746, 39.908746, NA),
#'                  lon=c(116.397131, 116.397131, 116.397131, 116.397131))
#' convGCJ2WGS(df)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [2,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [3,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [4,]       NA       NA
#' }
convGCJ2WGS <- function(y, ...){
    # Coord  Mars GeoSystem (GCJ-02) -> Global GeoSystem (WGS-84)
    input <- getCoordArgs(y, ...)
    if (! all(abs(input['lat']) <= 90 & abs(input['lon'] <= 180), na.rm=TRUE)){
        stop(paste0("Latitude should be within [-90, 90] and longitude ",
                    "should be within [-180, 180]."))
    output <- as.data.frame(t(apply(input, MARGIN=1, .gcj2wgs)))
    colnames(output) <- c("lat", "lng")

.gcj2wgs <- function(coord, ...){
    if (length(coord) > 1){
        gcLat <- coord[1]
        gcLon <- coord[2]
        gcLat <- coord
        gcLon <- unlist(list(...))[1]

    if (is.na(gcLat) || is.na(gcLon)){
        return(c(NA, NA))
        if (! isOutOfChina(gcLat, gcLon)){
            Coords <- .wgs2gcj(c(gcLat, gcLon))
            dLat <- Coords[1]
            dLon <- Coords[2]
            GCJ2WGS <- c(2.0 * gcLat - dLat, 2.0 * gcLon - dLon)
            GCJ2WGS <- c(gcLat, gcLon)

#' Transform GCJ-02 (Google CN/Amap) coordinates to BD-09 (Baidu)
#' GCJ-02 is coordinate system mandated by Chinese Gov't. BD-09 is Baidu specific
#' coordinates that encrypts GCJ-02 further more.
#' This function encrypts GCJ-02 into BD-09 coordinates (Baidu coordinates).
#' @section GIS:
#' @note Latitude is the horizontal line serving as y-axis metric, longitude is
#' the vertical line serving as x-axis metric.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param y \itemize{
#' \item A vector \code{c(latitude, longitude)} \cr
#' \item simply latitude \cr
#' \item a matrix (row 1-2 or col 1-2). The function will choose how to read the data \cr
#' \item a data.frame (col 1-2)
#' }
#' @param ... \itemize{
#' \item When \code{y} is only latitude, you can pass in \code{x} (longitude) here. \cr
#' \item when \code{y} is a vector of \code{c(lat, lon)}, you can pass in the rest vectors as well.
#' \item when \code{y} is a matrix or a data.frame, ... is omitted.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{convBD2GCJ}}, \code{\link{convCoord}}
#' @references
#' \url{https://on4wp7.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/21483#353936}
#' @return A 2-col data.frame ([lng, lat]) of transformed coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Tiananmen square's GCJ-02 coordinate is c(39.908746, 116.397131)
#' #http://api.map.baidu.com/marker?location=39.91509,116.40350&title=Tiananmen&content=Tiananmen%20square&output=html
#' ## Single point
#' convGCJ2BD(c(39.908746, 116.397131))  # or
#' convGCJ2BD(39.908746, 116.397131)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' ## Multiple points
#' ### Vectors
#' convGCJ2BD(c(39.908746, 116.397131), c(39.908746, 116.397131))  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' # [2,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' ### Matrix
#' m <- matrix(c(39.908746, 116.397131, 39.908746, 116.397131, 39.908746, 116.397131), nrow=2)
#' m
#' #           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
#' # [1,]  39.90875  39.90875  39.90875
#' # [2,] 116.39713 116.39713 116.39713
#' convGCJ2BD(m)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' # [2,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' # [3,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' ### data.frame
#' df <- data.frame(lat=c(39.908746, 39.908746, 39.908746, NA),
#'                  lon=c(116.397131, 116.397131, 116.397131, 116.397131))
#' convGCJ2BD(df)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' # [2,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' # [3,] 39.91509 116.4035
#' # [4,]       NA       NA
#' }
convGCJ2BD <- function(y, ...){
    # Coord Mars GeoSystem (GCJ-02) -> Baidu GeoSystem (BD-09)
    input <- getCoordArgs(y, ...)
    if (! all(abs(input['lat']) <= 90 & abs(input['lon'] <= 180), na.rm=TRUE)){
        stop(paste0("Latitude should be within [-90, 90] and longitude ",
                    "should be within [-180, 180]."))
    output <- as.data.frame(t(apply(input, MARGIN=1, .gcj2bd)))
    colnames(output) <- c("lat", "lng")

.gcj2bd <- function(coord, ...){
    if (length(coord) > 1){
        gcLat <- coord[1]
        gcLon <- coord[2]
        gcLat <- coord
        gcLon <- unlist(list(...))[1]

    if (is.na(gcLat) || is.na(gcLon)){
        return(c(NA, NA))
        x <- gcLon
        y <- gcLat
        z <- sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) + 0.00002 * sin(y * XM_PI)
        theta <- atn2(y, x) + 0.000003 * cos(x * XM_PI)
        GCJ2BD <- c(z * sin(theta) + 0.006, z * cos(theta) + 0.0065)

#' Transform BD-09 (Baidu) coordinates to GCJ-02 (Google CN/Amap)
#' GCJ-02 is coordinate system mandated by Chinese Gov't. BD-09 is Baidu specific
#' coordinates that encrypts GCJ-02 further more.
#' This function decrypts BD-09 back to GCJ-02 coordinates (Chinese coordinates).
#' @section GIS:
#' @note Latitude is the horizontal line serving as y-axis metric, longitude is
#' the vertical line serving as x-axis metric.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param y \itemize{
#' \item A vector \code{c(latitude, longitude)} \cr
#' \item simply latitude \cr
#' \item a matrix (row 1-2 or col 1-2). The function will choose how to read the data \cr
#' \item a data.frame (col 1-2)
#' }
#' @param ... \itemize{
#' \item When \code{y} is only latitude, you can pass in \code{x} (longitude) here. \cr
#' \item when \code{y} is a vector of \code{c(lat, lon)}, you can pass in the rest vectors as well.
#' \item when \code{y} is a matrix or a data.frame, ... is omitted.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{convBD2GCJ}}, \code{\link{convCoord}}.
#' @references
#' \url{https://on4wp7.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/21483#353936}
#' @return A 2-col data.frame ([lng, lat]) of transformed coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Tiananmen square's BD-06 coordinate is c(39.91509, 116.40350)
#' # http://www.google.cn/maps/place/Tiananmen,+Dongcheng,+Beijing/@39.90875,116.39713,16z?hl=en
#' ## Single point
#' convBD2GCJ(c(39.91509, 116.40350))  # or
#' convBD2GCJ(39.91509, 116.40350)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' ## Multiple points
#' ### Vectors
#' convBD2GCJ(c(39.91509, 116.40350), c(39.91509, 116.40350))  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' # [2,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' ### Matrix
#' m <- matrix(c(39.91509, 116.40350, 39.91509, 116.40350, 39.91509, 116.40350), nrow=2)
#' m
#' #           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
#' # [1,]  39.91509  39.91509  39.91509
#' # [2,] 116.40350 116.40350 116.40350
#' convBD2GCJ(m)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' # [2,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' # [3,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' ### data.frame
#' df <- data.frame(lat=c(39.91509, 39.91509, 39.91509, NA),
#'                  lon=c(116.40350, 116.40350, 116.40350, 116.40350))
#' convBD2GCJ(df)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' # [2,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' # [3,] 39.90875 116.3971
#' # [4,]       NA       NA
#' }
convBD2GCJ <- function(y, ...){
    # Coord Baidu GeoSystem (BD-09) -> Mars GeoSystem (GCJ-02)
    input <- getCoordArgs(y, ...)
    if (! all(abs(input['lat']) <= 90 & abs(input['lon'] <= 180), na.rm=TRUE)){
        stop(paste0("Latitude should be within [-90, 90] and longitude ",
                    "should be within [-180, 180]."))
    output <- as.data.frame(t(apply(input, MARGIN=1, .bd2gcj)))
    colnames(output) <- c("lat", "lng")

.bd2gcj <- function(coord, ...){
    if (length(coord) >1){
        bdLat <- coord[1]
        bdLon <- coord[2]
        bdLat <- coord
        bdLon <- unlist(list(...))[1]
    if (is.na(bdLat) || is.na(bdLon)){
        return(c(NA, NA))
        x <- bdLon - 0.0065
        y <- bdLat - 0.006
        z <- sqrt(x * x + y * y) - 0.00002 * sin(y * XM_PI)
        theta <- atn2(y, x) - 0.000003 * cos(x * XM_PI)
        BD2GCJ <- c(z * sin(theta), z * cos(theta))

#' Transform WGS-84 (Global GeoSys) coordinates to BD-09 (Baidu)
#' BD-09 is Baidu specific coordinates that encrypts GCJ-02 further more.
#' This function encrypts WGS-84 (Global) into BD-09 coordinates (Baidu coordinates).
#' @section GIS:
#' @note Latitude is the horizontal line serving as y-axis metric, longitude is
#' the vertical line serving as x-axis metric.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param y \itemize{
#' \item A vector \code{c(latitude, longitude)} \cr
#' \item simply latitude \cr
#' \item a matrix (row 1-2 or col 1-2). The function will choose how to read the data \cr
#' \item a data.frame (col 1-2)
#' }
#' @param ... \itemize{
#' \item When \code{y} is only latitude, you can pass in \code{x} (longitude) here. \cr
#' \item when \code{y} is a vector of \code{c(lat, lon)}, you can pass in the rest vectors as well.
#' \item when \code{y} is a matrix or a data.frame, ... is omitted.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{convBD2WGS}}, \code{\link{convWGS2GCJ}}, \code{\link{convCoord}}
#' @references
#' \url{https://on4wp7.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/21483#353936}
#' @return A 2-col data.frame ([lng, lat]) of transformed coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Tiananmen square's WGS-84 coordinate is c(39.90734, 116.39089)
#' # http://api.map.baidu.com/marker?location=39.91509,116.40350&title=Tiananmen&content=Tiananmen%20square&output=html
#' ## Single point
#' convWGS2BD(c(39.90734, 116.39089))  # or
#' convWGS2BD(39.90734, 116.39089)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' ## Multiple points
#' ### Vectors
#' convWGS2BD(c(39.90734, 116.39089), c(39.90734, 116.39089))  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' # [2,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' ### Matrix
#' m <- matrix(c(39.90734, 116.39089, 39.90734, 116.39089, 39.90734, 116.39089), nrow=2)
#' m
#' #           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
#' # [1,]  39.90734  39.90734  39.90734
#' # [2,] 116.39089 116.39089 116.39089
#' convWGS2BD(m)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' # [2,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' # [3,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' ### data.frame
#' df <- data.frame(lat=c(39.90734, 39.90734, 39.90734, NA),
#'                  lon=c(116.39089, 116.39089, 116.39089, 116.39089))
#' convWGS2BD(df)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' # [2,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' # [3,] 39.91508 116.4035
#' # [4,]       NA       NA
#' }
convWGS2BD <- function(y, ...){
    # Global coord (WGS-84) -> Baidu GeoSystem (BD-09)
    intermediate <- convWGS2GCJ(y, ...)

#' Transform BD-09 (Baidu) coordinates to WGS-84 (Global Coord)
#' BD-09 is Baidu specific coordinates that encrypts GCJ-02 further more.
#' This function decrypts BD-09 back to WGS-84 coordinates (Global coordinates).
#' @section GIS:
#' @note Latitude is the horizontal line serving as y-axis metric, longitude is
#' the vertical line serving as x-axis metric.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param y \itemize{
#' \item A vector \code{c(latitude, longitude)} \cr
#' \item simply latitude \cr
#' \item a matrix (row 1-2 or col 1-2). The function will choose how to read the data \cr
#' \item a data.frame (col 1-2)
#' }
#' @param ... \itemize{
#' \item When \code{y} is only latitude, you can pass in \code{x} (longitude) here. \cr
#' \item when \code{y} is a vector of \code{c(lat, lon)}, you can pass in the rest vectors as well.
#' \item when \code{y} is a matrix or a data.frame, ... is omitted.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{convWGS2BD}}, \code{\link{convBD2GCJ}}, \code{\link{convCoord}}.
#' @references
#' \url{https://on4wp7.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/21483#353936}
#' @return A 2-col data.frame ([lng, lat]) of transformed coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Tiananmen square's BD-06 coordinate is c(39.91509, 116.40350)
#' # http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/39.90734/116.39089
#' ## Single point
#' convBD2WGS(c(39.91509, 116.40350))  # or
#' convBD2WGS(39.91509, 116.40350)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' ## Multiple points
#' ### Vectors
#' convBD2WGS(c(39.91509, 116.40350), c(39.91509, 116.40350))  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [2,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' ### Matrix
#' m <- matrix(c(39.91509, 116.40350, 39.91509, 116.40350, 39.91509, 116.40350), nrow=2)
#' m
#' #           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
#' # [1,]  39.90734  39.90734  39.90734
#' # [2,] 116.39089 116.39089 116.39089
#' convBD2WGS(m)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [2,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [3,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' ### data.frame
#' df <- data.frame(lat=c(39.91509, 39.91509, 39.91509, NA),
#'                  lon=c(116.40350, 116.40350, 116.40350, 116.40350))
#' convBD2WGS(df)  # get
#' #           lat      lng
#' # [1,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [2,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [3,] 39.90734 116.3909
#' # [4,]       NA       NA
#' }
convBD2WGS <- function(y, ...){
    # Coord Baidu GeoSystem (BD-09) -> Global GeoSystem (WGS-84)
    intermediate <- convBD2GCJ(y, ...)

#' Generic Function to Convert coordinates
#' the general function that converts lat/lon coordintes from one GCS to another
#' GCS including WGS-84, GCJ-02 and BD-09 either locally or by calling Baidu
#' Maps API.
#' @section GIS:
#' @param lat a numeric latitude
#' @param lon a numeric longitude
#' @param from the inputting GCS
#' @param to the outputting GCS
#' @param api use baidu maps api. Note that baidu maps api only supports the
#' transformations from WGS-84 or GCJ-02 to BD-09. Other coodinate conversions
#' must be done locally. As the conversion result is the same, it's recommended
#' to perform conversions locally.
#' @return a 2-col data.frame ([lng, lat]) of transformed coordinates.
#' @author Jun Cai (\email{cai-j12@@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn}), PhD student from
#' Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
#' @details Note that the baidu maps api limits to 20 lat/lon coordinates per query.
#' Since the coordinate conversion results of Baidu Maps API and local algorithms
#' are the same, it is recommended to use local algorithms.
#' @seealso \code{\link{convWGS2GCJ}}, \code{\link{convWGS2BD}}, \code{\link{convGCJ2WGS}},
#' \code{\link{convGCJ2BD}}, \code{\link{convBD2WGS}}, \code{\link{convBD2GCJ}}.
#' @export
#' @import curl jsonlite
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # latitude/longitude coordinates of Beijing railway station
#' # WGS-84: (39.90105, 116.42079)
#' # GCJ-02: (39.90245, 116.42703)
#' # BD-09:  (39.90851, 116.43351)
#' convCoord(39.90105, 116.42079, from = 'WGS-84', to = 'GCJ-02')
#' convCoord(39.90105, 116.42079, from = 'WGS-84', to = 'GCJ-02', api = TRUE)
#' convCoord(39.90105, 116.42079, from = 'WGS-84', to = 'BD-09')
#' convCoord(39.90105, 116.42079, from = 'WGS-84', to = 'BD-09', api = TRUE)
#' convCoord(39.90245, 116.42703, from = 'GCJ-02', to = 'WGS-84')
#' # not supported by baidu map api, return NAs
#' convCoord(39.90245, 116.42703, from = 'GCJ-02', to = 'WGS-84', api = TRUE)
#' convCoord(39.90245, 116.42703, from = 'GCJ-02', to = 'BD-09')
#' convCoord(39.90245, 116.42703, from = 'GCJ-02', to = 'BD-09', api = TRUE)
#' convCoord(39.90851, 116.43351, from = 'BD-09', to = 'GCJ-02')
#' # not supported by baidu map api, return NAs
#' convCoord(39.90851, 116.43351, from = 'BD-09', to = 'GCJ-02', api = TRUE)
#' convCoord(39.90851, 116.43351, from = 'BD-09', to = 'WGS-84')
#' # not supported by baidu map api, return NAs
#' convCoord(39.90851, 116.43351, from = 'BD-09', to = 'WGS-84', api = TRUE)
#' # convert multiple coordinates
#' lat = c(39.99837, 39.98565)
#' lng = c(116.3203, 116.2998)
#' convCoord(lat, lng, from = 'WGS-84', to = 'GCJ-02')
#' }
convCoord <- function(lat, lon, from = c('WGS-84', 'GCJ-02', 'BD-09'),
                 to = c('WGS-84', 'GCJ-02', 'BD-09'), api = FALSE){
    # check parameters
    from <- match.arg(from)
    to <- match.arg(to)

    # vectorize
    if(length(lat) > 1){
        return(ldply(seq_along(lat), function(i){
            convCoord(lat[i], lon[i], from = from, to = to, api = api) }))

    if(from == to){
        return(data.frame(lat = lat, lng = lon))
    } else{
            # coordinate system lookup table
            code <- c(0, 2, 4)
            names(code) <- c('WGS-84', 'GCJ-02', 'BD-09')
            f <- code[from]
            t <- code[to]

            # format url
            # http://api.map.baidu.com/ag/coord/convert?x=lon&y=lat&from=FROM&to=TO
            url_string <- paste('http://api.map.baidu.com/ag/coord/convert?x=', lon,
                                '&y=', lat, '&from=', f, '&to=', t, sep = '')
            message(paste('calling ', url_string, ' ... ', sep = ''), appendLF = F)

            # convert
            con <- curl(URLencode(url_string))
            cv <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste(readLines(con, warn = FALSE), collapse = ''), drop = FALSE)

            # did convert fail?
                if(cv$error == 0){
                    cvdf <- with(cv, {data.frame(lat = as.numeric(base64(y, FALSE)),
                                                 lng = as.numeric(base64(x, FALSE)),
                                                 row.names = NULL)})
            } else{
                warning(paste('convert failed with error ', cv['error'],
                              '. conversion is not supported by baidu map api.',
                              sep = ''),
                        call. = FALSE)
                return(data.frame(lat = NA, lng = NA))
        } else{
            if(from == 'WGS-84' & to == 'GCJ-02') return(convWGS2GCJ(lat, lon))
            if(from == 'WGS-84' & to == 'BD-09') return(convWGS2BD(lat, lon))
            if(from == 'GCJ-02' & to == 'WGS-84') return(convGCJ2WGS(lat, lon))
            if(from == 'GCJ-02' & to == 'BD-09') return(convGCJ2BD(lat, lon))
            if(from == 'BD-09' & to == 'WGS-84') return(convBD2WGS(lat, lon))
            if(from == 'BD-09' & to == 'GCJ-02') return(convBD2GCJ(lat, lon))

#' Geocode
#' geocodes an address using Google or Baidu Maps API. Note that in most cases by
#' using this function you are agreeing to the Google Maps API Terms of Service
#' at \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/terms} or the Baidu Maps API Terms
#' of Use at \url{http://developer.baidu.com/map/law.htm}.
#' @section GIS:
#' @param address a character vector specifying a location of interest (e.g.,
#' "Tsinghua Univeristy").
#' @param api use Google or Baidu Maps API. When using Baidu Maps API, the address must be in Chinese.
#' @param key an api key must be provided when calling baidu maps api.
#' While it's unnecessary for calling google maps api.
#' @param ocs output coordinate systems including WGS-84, GCJ-02 and BD-09, which
#' are the GCSs of Google Earth, Google Map in China and Baidu Map, respectively.
#' For address out of China, ocs is automatically set to 'WGS-84' and other values
#' are igored.
#' @param output lat/lng coordinates or lat/lng coordinates with location type (Goolge Map) | confidence
#' (Baidu Map) or lat/lng coordinates with formated address and address components (only available for #' Google Map API).
#' @param messaging turn messaging on/off. The default value is FALSE.
#' @param time the time interval to geocode, in seconds. Default value is zero.
#' When you geocode multiple addresses, set a proper time interval to avoid
#' exceeding usage limits. For details see
#' \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/business/articles/usage_limits}
#' @return a data.frame with variables lat/lng or lat/lng/conf
#' @author Jun Cai (\email{cai-j12@@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn}), PhD student from
#' Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
#' @details note that the google maps api limits to 2500 queries a day.
#' @seealso \code{\link{revgeocode}}, \code{\link{geohost}}.
#' Google Maps API at \url{http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/}
#' and Baidu Maps API at \url{http://developer.baidu.com/map/webservice-geocoding.htm}
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr ldply llply
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' geocode('Tsinghua University', api = 'google', ocs = 'GCJ-02')
#' geocode('Tsinghua University', api = 'google', ocs = 'WGS-84',
#'         messaging = TRUE)
#' geocode('Beijing railway station', api = 'google', ocs = 'WGS-84',
#'         output = 'latlngc')
#' geocode('Beijing railway station', api = 'google', ocs = 'WGS-84',
#'         output = 'latlnga')
#' geocode(c('Tsinghua University', 'Beijing railway station'), api = 'google',
#'         ocs = 'GCJ-02')
#' geocode(c('Tsinghua University', 'Beijing railway station'), api = 'google',
#'         ocs = 'WGS-84', output = 'latlngc', messaging = TRUE)
#' geocode(c('Tsinghua University', 'Beijing railway station'), api = 'google',
#'         ocs = 'WGS-84', output = 'latlnga', messaging = TRUE)
#' geocode(c('Tsinghua University', 'Beijing railway station'), api = 'google',
#'         ocs = 'WGS-84', output = 'latlngc', messaging = TRUE, time = 2)
#' geocode('Beijing railway station', api = 'baidu', key = 'your baidu maps api key',
#' ocs = 'BD-09')
#' geocode('Beijing railway station', api = 'baidu', key = 'your baidu maps api key',
#' ocs = 'GCJ-02', messaging = TRUE)
#' geocode('Beijing railway station', api = 'baidu', key = 'your baidu maps api key',
#' ocs = 'BD-09', output = 'latlngc')
#' geocode(c('Tsinghua University', 'Beijing railway station'), api = 'baidu',
#' key = 'your baidu maps api key', ocs = 'BD-09')
#' geocode(c('Tsinghua University', 'Beijing railway station'), api = 'baidu',
#' key = 'your baidu maps api key', ocs = 'WGS-84', output = 'latlngc')
#' }
geocode <- function(address, api = c('google', 'baidu'), key = '',
                    ocs = c('WGS-84', 'GCJ-02', 'BD-09'),
                    output = c('latlng', 'latlngc', 'latlnga'), messaging = FALSE,
                    time = 0){
    # check parameters
    api <- tolower(match.arg(api))
    output <- tolower(match.arg(output))
    ocs <- toupper(match.arg(ocs))

    # vectorize for many addresses
    if (length(address) > 1) {
        if (api == 'google') {
            s <- 'google restricts requests to 2500 requests a day.'
            if (length(address) > 2500) stop(s, call. = F)
            if (length(address) > 200 & messaging) message(paste('Reminder', s, sep = ' : '))

        return(ldply(address, function(add){
            geocode(add, api = api, key = key, ocs = ocs, output = output, messaging = messaging)

    # location encoding
    address <- enc2utf8(address)
    # different google maps api is used based user's location. If user is inside China,
    # ditu.google.cn is used; otherwise maps.google.com is used.
    if (api == 'google') {
        cname <- try(ip.country(), TRUE)
        if (cname == "CN") {
            api_url <- 'http://ditu.google.cn/maps/api/geocode/json'
        } else{
            api_url <- 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json'
    } else{
        api_url <- 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder/v2/'
    # format url
    # https is only supported on Windows, when R is started with the --internet2
    # command line option. without this option, or on Mac, you will get the error
    # "unsupported URL scheme".
    if (api == 'google') {
        # http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=ADDRESS&sensor
        # =false&key=API_KEY for outside China
        # http://ditu.google.cn/maps/api/geocode/json?address=ADDRESS&sensor
        # =false&key=API_KEY for outside China
        url_string <- paste(api_url, '?address=', address, '&sensor=false', sep = '')
        if (nchar(key) > 0) {
            url_string <- paste(url_string, '&key=', key, sep = '')
    if (api == 'baidu') {
        # http://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder/v2/?address=ADDRESS&output=json&ak=API_KEY
        url_string <- paste(api_url, '?address=', address, '&output=json&ak=', key, sep = '')

    if (messaging) message(paste('calling ', url_string, ' ... ', sep = ''),
                           appendLF = FALSE)

    # geocode
    # con <- curl(URLencode(url_string))
    con <- URLencode(url_string)
    gc <- fromJSON(paste(readLines(con, warn = FALSE), collapse = ''))
    if (messaging) message('done.')

    # geocoding results
    if (api == 'google') {
        # did geocode fail?
        if (gc$status != 'OK') {
            warning(paste('geocode failed with status ', gc$status, ', location = "',
                          address, '"', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
            return(data.frame(lat = NA, lng = NA))

        # more than one location found?
        if (length(gc$results) > 1 && messaging) {
            Encoding(gc$results[[1]]$formatted_address) <- "UTF-8"
            message(paste('more than one location found for "', address,
                          '", using address\n"',
                          '"', sep = ''), appendLF = TRUE)

        gcdf <- with(gc$results, {
            data.frame(lat = NULLtoNA(geometry$location['lat']),
                       lng = NULLtoNA(geometry$location['lng']),
                       loctype = tolower(NULLtoNA(geometry$location_type)),
                       address = tolower(NULLtoNA(formatted_address)),
                       row.names = NULL)})

        # address components
        # attrdf <- ldply(gc$results$address_components, function(l){
        #     l <- lapply(l, function(li) {
        #         if (length(li) == 0) li <- NA else li
        #     })
        #     as.data.frame(l, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[1, ]
        # })
        attrdf <- gc$results$address_components[[1]]
        attrdf <- attrdf[!is.na(attrdf$types), c('types', 'long_name')]
        gcdf <- within(gcdf, {
            poi <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'point_of_interest']))
            street_no <-
                as.numeric(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'street_number']))
            route <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'route']))
            subloc_l3 <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'sublocality_level_3'])) # village
            subloc_l2 <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'sublocality_level_2'])) # town
            subloc_l1 <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'sublocality_level_1'])) # distrcit/county
            locality <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'locality'])) # city
            admin_area_l2 <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'administrative_area_level_2'])) # US county
            admin_area_l1 <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'administrative_area_level_1'])) # prvince or US state
            country <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'country']))
            postal_code <-
                tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'postal_code']))

        # convert coordinates only in China
        if (!isOutOfChina(gcdf[, 'lat'], gcdf[, 'lng'])) {
            gcdf[c('lat', 'lng')] <- convCoord(gcdf[, 'lat'], gcdf[, 'lng'], from = 'GCJ-02', to = ocs)
        } else{
            if (ocs != 'WGS-84') {
                message('wrong usage: for address out of China, ocs can only be set to "WGS-84"',
                        appendLF = TRUE)
                ocs <- 'WGS-84'

        if (output == 'latlng') return(gcdf[c('lat', 'lng')])
        if (output == 'latlngc') return(gcdf[c('lat', 'lng', 'loctype')])
        if (output == 'latlnga') return(gcdf[!names(gcdf) %in% c('loctype')])
    if (api == 'baidu') {
        # did geocode fail?
        if (gc$status != 0) {
            warning(paste('geocode failed with status code ', gc$status, ', location = "',
                          address, '". see more details in the response code table of Baidu Geocoding API',
                          sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
            return(data.frame(lat = NA, lng = NA))

        gcdf <- with(gc$result, {data.frame(lat = NULLtoNA(location['lat']),
                                            lng = NULLtoNA(location['lng']),
                                            conf = NULLtoNA(confidence),
                                            row.names = NULL)})

        # convert coordinates
        gcdf[c('lat', 'lng')] <- convCoord(gcdf[, 'lat'], gcdf[, 'lng'], from = 'BD-09', to = ocs)

        if (output == 'latlnga') {
            message('Baidu map geocoder cannot return address, please try Goolge map geocoder.',
                    appendLF = TRUE)
            output <- 'latlng'
        if (output == 'latlng') return(gcdf[c('lat', 'lng')])
        if (output == 'latlngc') return(gcdf[c('lat', 'lng', 'conf')])

# fill NULL with NA
NULLtoNA <- function(x){
    if (is.null(x)) return(NA)
    if (is.character(x) & length(x) == 0) return(NA)

#' IP address lookup
#' geocodes an IP address using either freegeoip.net \url{http://freegeoip.net} or
#' ipinfo.io \url{http://ipinfo.io/developers} IP lookup API.
#' @section GIS:
#' @param ip a character vector specifying an IP (e.g., "").
#' The default value is no IP is specified and the host IP is used.
#' @param api use freegeoip.net or ipinfo.io IP lookup API. By default
#' freegeoip.net is used.
#' @return a vector with information of ip, country_code, country_name, region_code,
#' city, zip_code, time_zone, latitude, longitude and metro_code for freegeoip.net API,
#' of ip, hostname, city, region, country, loc, org, postal and phone for ipinfo.io
#' IP lookup API. If numerous IPs are inputted, a data.frame is returned.
#' @author Jun Cai (\email{cai-j12@@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn}), PhD student from
#' Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
#' @details note that freegeoip.net API is allowed up to 10,000 queries per hour
#' by default, ipinfo API is limited to 1,000 requests per day.
#' @seealso \code{\link{geocode}}, \code{\link{revgeocode}}.
#' @references
#' freegeoip.net IP lookup API at \url{http://freegeoip.net}#'
#' ipinfo.io IP lookup API at \url{http://ipinfo.io/developers}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # geocode host IP
#' geohost()
#' geohost(api = "ipinfo.io")
#' # specify an IP for geocoding
#' geohost(ip = "")
#' geohost(ip = "", api = "ipinfo.io")
#' # geocode multiple IPs
#' geohost(ip = c("", ""))
#' geohost(ip = c("", ""), api = "ipinfo.io")
#' }

geohost <- function(ip = '', api = c("freegeoip.net", "ipinfo.io")) {
    # check parameters
    api <- match.arg(api)

    # vectorize for many IPs
    if (length(ip) > 1) {
        return(ldply(ip, geohost, api = api))

    if (api == "freegeoip.net") {
        url_string <- "http://freegeoip.net/json/"
        if (nchar(ip) > 0) {
            url_string <- paste0(url_string, ip)
        con <- curl(url_string)
        x <- readLines(con, warn = FALSE)
    } else {
        url_string <- "http://ipinfo.io/json"
        if (nchar(ip) > 0) {
            url_string <- paste0("http://ipinfo.io/", ip, "/json")
        con <- curl(URLencode(url_string))
        x <- paste(readLines(con, warn = F), collapse = "")

# option ip.country to store IP country and avoid calling geohost() repeatedly
# when geocoding multiple addresses or revgeocoding multiple locations
ip.country <- function(){
    if (!"ip.country" %in% names(options())) {
        options(ip.country = geohost(api = "ipinfo.io")["country"])

#' Reverse geocode
#' reverse geocodes a lat/lng location using Google or Baidu Maps API.  Note that in
#' most cases by using this function you are agreeing to the Google Maps API Terms
#' of Service at \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/terms} or the Baidu Maps
#' API Terms of Use at \url{http://developer.baidu.com/map/law.htm}.
#' @section GIS:
#' @param latlng a location in latitude/longitude format
#' @param ics the coordinate system of inputing location, including WGS-84, GCJ-02
#' and BD-09, which are the GCSs of Google Earth, Google Map in China and Baidu
#' Map, respectively. For location out of China, ics is automatically set to 'WGS-84'
#' and other values are ignored.
#' @param api use google or baidu maps api
#' @param key an api key must be provided when calling baidu maps api.
#' While it's unnecessary for calling google maps api.
#' @param output formatted address or formmatted address with address components
#' @param messaging turn messaging on/off. The default value is FALSE.
#' @param time the time interval to revgeocode, in seconds. Default value is zero.
#' When you revgeocode multiple locations, set a proper time interval to avoid
#' exceeding usage limits. For details see
#' \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/business/articles/usage_limits}
#' @return a data.frame with variables address or detail address components
#' @author Jun Cai (\email{cai-j12@@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn}), PhD student from
#' Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
#' @details note that the google maps api limits to 2500 queries a day.
#' @seealso \code{\link{geocode}}, \code{\link{geohost}}.
#' Google Maps API at \url{http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/}
#' and Baidu Maps API at \url{http://developer.baidu.com/map/webservice-geocoding.htm}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # reverse geocode Beijing railway station
#' revgeocode(c(39.90105, 116.42079), ics = 'WGS-84', api = 'google',
#'            output = 'address')
#' revgeocode(c(39.90245, 116.42703), ics = 'GCJ-02', api = 'google',
#'            output = 'address', messaging = TRUE)
#' revgeocode(c(39.90851, 116.43351), ics = 'BD-09', api = 'google',
#'            output = 'addressc')
#' revgeocode(c(39.90851, 116.43351), ics = 'BD-09', api = 'baidu',
#'            key = 'your baidu maps api key', output = 'address')
#' revgeocode(c(39.90245, 116.42703), ics = 'GCJ-02', api = 'baidu',
#'            key = 'your baidu maps api key', output = 'address', messaging = TRUE)
#' revgeocode(c(39.90105, 116.42079), ics = 'WGS-84', api = 'baidu',
#'            key = 'your baidu maps api key', output = 'addressc')
#' # reverse geocode multiple locations
#' latlng = data.frame(lat = c(39.99837, 39.98565), lng = c(116.3203, 116.2998))
#' revgeocode(latlng, ics = 'WGS-84', api = 'google', output = 'address')
#' revgeocode(latlng, ics = 'WGS-84', api = 'google', output = 'address', time = 2)
#' }

revgeocode <- function(latlng, ics = c('WGS-84', 'GCJ-02', 'BD-09'),
                       api = c('google', 'baidu'), key = '',
                       output = c('address', 'addressc'), messaging = FALSE,
                       time = 0){
    # check parameters
    stopifnot(class(latlng) %in% c('numeric', 'data.frame'))
    ics <- toupper(match.arg(ics))
    api <- toupper(match.arg(api))
    output <- match.arg(output)

    # vectorize for many locations
        return(ldply(seq_along(latlng), function(i){
            revgeocode(as.numeric(latlng[i, ]), ics = ics, api = api, key = key,
                       output = output, messaging = messaging) }))

    # different google maps api is used based user's location. If user is inside China,
    # ditu.google.cn is used; otherwise maps.google.com is used.
    if(api == 'google'){
        cname <- try(ip.country(), TRUE)
        if(cname == "CN"){
            api_url <- 'http://ditu.google.cn/maps/api/geocode/json'
        } else{
            api_url <- 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json'
    } else{
        api_url <- 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder/v2/'

    # format url
    if(api == 'google'){
        # convert coordinates only in China
        if(!isOutOfChina(latlng[1], latlng[2])){
            latlng <- convCoord(latlng[1], latlng[2], from = ics, to = 'GCJ-02')
        } else{
            if(ics != 'WGS-84'){
                message('wrong usage: for location out of China, ics can only be set to "WGS-84"',
                        appendLF = TRUE)

        # http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=LAT,LNG
        # &sensor=FALSE&key=API_KEY for outside China
        # http://ditu.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=LAT,LNG
        # &sensor=FALSE&key=API_KEY for inside China
        url_string <- paste(api_url, '?latlng=', latlng[1], ',', latlng[2],
                            '&sensor=false', sep = '')
        if(nchar(key) > 0){
            url_string <- paste(url_string, '&key=', key, sep = '')
    if(api == 'baidu'){
        # coordinate type lookup table
        code <- c('wgs84ll', 'gcj02ll', 'bd09ll')
        names(code) <- c('WGS-84', 'GCJ-02', 'BD-09')
        coordtype <- code[ics]
        # http://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder/v2/?location=LAT,LNG&coordtype=COORDTYPE
        # &output=json&ak=API_KEY
        url_string <- paste(api_url, '?location=', latlng[1], ',', latlng[2],
                            '&coordtype=', coordtype, '&output=json&ak=', key, sep = '')

    if(messaging) message(paste('calling ', url_string, ' ... ', sep = ''),
                          appendLF = FALSE)

    # reverse gecode
    con <- curl(URLencode(url_string))
    rgc <- fromJSON(paste(readLines(con, warn = FALSE), collapse = ''))
    if(messaging) message('done.')

    # reverse geocoding results
    if(api == 'google'){
        # did reverse geocoding fail?
        if(rgc$status != 'OK'){
            warning(paste('reverse geocode failed with status ', gc$status, ',
                          location = "', latlng[1], ', ', latlng[2], '"', sep = ''),
                    call. = FALSE)
            return(data.frame(address = NA))

        # more than one address found?
        if(length(rgc$results) > 1 && messaging){
            message(paste('more than one address found for "', latlng[1], ', ',
                          latlng[2],  '", reverse geocoding first ... ', sep = ''),
                    apppendLF = TRUE)

        rgcdf <- with(rgc$results[[1]], {data.frame(address = formatted_address,
                                                    row.names = NULL)})
        for(i in seq_along(rgc$results[[1]]$address_components)){
            rgcdf <- cbind(rgcdf, rgc$results[[1]]$address_components[[i]]$long_name)
        names(rgcdf) <- c('address', sapply(rgc$results[[1]]$address_components,
                                            function(l) l$types[1]))
    if(api == 'baidu'){
        # did geocode fail?
        if(rgc$status != 0){
            warning(paste('geocode failed with status code ', rgc$status, ',
                          location = "', latlng[1], ', ', latlng[2],
                          '". see more details in the response code table of Baidu Geocoding API',
                          sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
            return(data.frame(address = NA))

        rgcdf <- with(rgc$result, {
            data.frame(address = formatted_address,
                       street_number = NULLtoNA(addressComponent['street_number']),
                       street = NULLtoNA(addressComponent['street']),
                       district = NULLtoNA(addressComponent['district']),
                       city = NULLtoNA(addressComponent['city']),
                       province = NULLtoNA(addressComponent['province']),
                       row.names = NULL)})

    if(output == 'address') return(rgcdf['address'])
    if(output == 'addressc') return(rgcdf)
madlogos/recharts2 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:03 a.m.