Man pages for mashranga/MolDia
Single cell In-Situ sequencing (ISS) data analysis

exportISSExport ISS data in different formated file.
ISS_barplotPlot barplot on ISS data bsed on different condition
ISS_clustCompareCompare among ISS clusters based on Random Forest algorithm
ISS_clusterCluster ISS data based on different methods.
ISS_cluster_seruat"ISS_cluster_seruat" Cluster ISS data by SEURAT.
ISS_cluster_spatialSpatial clustering for ISS by Markov random field model.
ISS_clustMarkerFind Cluster marker of ISS data.
ISS_clustSelectSelect cluster of interest after clustering.
ISS_compareCompare multiple ISS data based on gene
ISS_degFind differentially express (DE) gene by different methods
ISS_filterFilter ISS data based on poisson distibution
ISS_genesSummarySummary of specific gene of interest in ISS data
ISS_mapPlot function for MolDiaISS data.
ISS_pcaPrinciple component analyis on ISS data
ISS_pieplotVenn-pie chart on ISS data based on genes of interest
ISS_preprocessPreprocess ISS data based on different normalization method.
ISS_ratiocorCalculate and plot correlation and ratio of total reads...
ISS_readsSummarySummary of ISS data and expression
ISS_roiSelect grid/region of interest (ROI) from a tissue.
ISS_rotateRotate and flip ISS data
ISS_sumstatCalculate summary statstics of data
ISS_tsneDimentionality reduction to 2D by tSNE
marker_geneGene set for neuronal marker
MolDiaISSThe ISS data class for segmentated file
MolDiaISS_nonsegmentThe ISS data class for non-segmentated file
readISSRead ISS data
single_cellSingle cell RNA seq data
writeISSWrite ISS data in CSV formate
mashranga/MolDia documentation built on May 26, 2019, 9:36 a.m.