
Defines functions sample_tree coalsim_thin coalsim_tt hazard_uniroot_stepfun coalsim

Documented in coalsim sample_tree

#' Simulate from inhomogeneous, heterochronous coalescent
#' @param samp_times numeric vector of sampling times.
#' @param n_sampled numeric vector of samples taken per sampling time.
#' @param traj function that returns effective population size at time t.
#' @param method which sampling method to use. "tt" invoke time-transformation
#'   method, "thin" invokes thinning method.
#' @param val_upper numeric used by time-transformation method to set a starting
#'   point for its dynamic numerical integration upper bound.
#' @param lower_bound numeric lower limit of \code{traj} function on its
#'   support.  Used only by thinning method.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{traj} function.
#' @return A list containing vectors of coalescent times \code{coal_times}, 
#'   intercoalescent times \code{intercoal_times}, and number of active lineages
#'   \code{lineages}, as well as passing along \code{samp_times} and
#'   \code{n_sampled}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' coalsim(0:2, 3:1, unif_traj, lower_bound=10)
coalsim <- function(samp_times, n_sampled, traj, method="tt", val_upper=10, lower_bound=1, ...)
  if (method == "tt")
    result = coalsim_tt(samp_times, n_sampled, traj, val_upper, ...)
  else if (method == "thin")
    result = coalsim_thin(samp_times, n_sampled, traj, lower_bound, ...)
    stop("Argument method not recognized.")

hazard_uniroot_stepfun <- function(traj_inv_stepfun, lineages, start, target)
  knots = knots(traj_inv_stepfun)
  lin_factor = 0.5 * lineages * (lineages - 1)
  t = start
  while (target > 0 && sum(knots > t) > 0)
    next_knot = min(knots[knots > t])
    if ((next_knot - t) * lin_factor * traj_inv_stepfun(mean(c(t, next_knot))) > target)
      result = t + target / (lin_factor * traj_inv_stepfun(mean(c(t, next_knot))))
      target = 0
      target = target - (next_knot - t) * lin_factor * traj_inv_stepfun(mean(c(t, next_knot)))
      t = next_knot
  if (sum(knots > t) < 1)
    result = t + target / (lin_factor * traj_inv_stepfun(t + 1))
  return(result - start)

coalsim_tt <- function(samp_times, n_sampled, traj, val_upper=10, ...)
  if (stats::is.stepfun(traj))
    knots = knots(traj)
    midpts = c(min(knots) - 1, knots[-1] - diff(knots)/2, max(knots) + 1)
    traj_inv <- stats::stepfun(x = knots, y = 1/traj(midpts))
    hazard <- function(t, lins, start, target) .5*lins*(lins-1)*integrate_step_fun(traj_inv, start, start+t) - target
    is_stepfun = TRUE
    traj_inv <- function(t) 1/traj(t, ...)
    hazard <- function(t, lins, start, target) .5*lins*(lins-1)*stats::integrate(traj_inv, start, start+t, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value - target
    is_stepfun = FALSE
  coal_times = NULL
  lineages = NULL
  curr = 1
  active_lineages = n_sampled[curr]
  time = samp_times[curr]
  while (time <= max(samp_times) || active_lineages > 1)
    if (active_lineages == 1)
      curr <- curr + 1
      active_lineages <- active_lineages + n_sampled[curr]
      time <- samp_times[curr]
    #time = time + stats::rexp(1, 0.5*active_lineages*(active_lineages-1)/lower_bound)
    target <- stats::rexp(1)
    if (is_stepfun)
      y <- hazard_uniroot_stepfun(traj_inv_stepfun = traj_inv,
                                  lineages = active_lineages,
                                  start = time, target = target)
      y <- stats::uniroot(hazard, lins=active_lineages, start=time, target=target,
                          lower=0, upper=val_upper, extendInt = "upX")$root
    # print(paste("Diff = ", round(y - hazard_uniroot_stepfun(traj_inv_stepfun = traj_inv,
    #                              lineages = active_lineages,
    #                              start = time, target = target), digits = 5)))
    while(curr < length(samp_times) && time + y >= samp_times[curr+1])
      target <- -hazard(t = samp_times[curr+1] - time, lins = active_lineages,
                        start = time, target = target)
      curr <- curr + 1
      active_lineages <- active_lineages + n_sampled[curr]
      time <- samp_times[curr]
      if (is_stepfun)
        y <- hazard_uniroot_stepfun(traj_inv_stepfun = traj_inv,
                                    lineages = active_lineages,
                                    start = time, target = target)
        y <- stats::uniroot(hazard, lins=active_lineages, start=time, target=target,
                            lower=0, upper=val_upper, extendInt = "upX")$root
      # y <- stats::uniroot(hazard, lins=active_lineages, start=time, target=target,
      #              lower=0, upper=val_upper, extendInt = "upX")$root
      # print(paste("Diff = ", round(y - hazard_uniroot_stepfun(traj_inv_stepfun = traj_inv,
      #                              lineages = active_lineages,
      #                              start = time, target = target), digits = 5)))
    time <- time + y
    coal_times = c(coal_times, time)
    lineages = c(lineages, active_lineages)
    active_lineages = active_lineages - 1
  return(list(coal_times = coal_times, lineages = lineages,
              intercoal_times = c(coal_times[1], diff(coal_times)),
              samp_times = samp_times, n_sampled = n_sampled))

coalsim_thin <- function(samp_times, n_sampled, traj, lower_bound, ...)
  coal_times = NULL
  lineages = NULL
  curr = 1
  active_lineages = n_sampled[curr]
  time = samp_times[curr]
  while (time <= max(samp_times) || active_lineages > 1)
    if (active_lineages == 1)
      curr = curr + 1
      active_lineages = active_lineages + n_sampled[curr]
      time = samp_times[curr]
    time = time + stats::rexp(1, 0.5*active_lineages*(active_lineages-1)/lower_bound)
    if (curr < length(samp_times) && time >= samp_times[curr + 1])
      curr = curr + 1
      active_lineages = active_lineages + n_sampled[curr]
      time = samp_times[curr]
    else if (stats::runif(1) <= lower_bound/traj(time, ...))
      coal_times = c(coal_times, time)
      lineages = c(lineages, active_lineages)
      active_lineages = active_lineages - 1
  return(list(coal_times = coal_times, lineages = lineages,
         intercoal_times = c(coal_times[1], diff(coal_times)),
         samp_times = samp_times, n_sampled = n_sampled))

#' Sample a phylo tree
#' @param gene a list containing 
#' @return a phylo tree consisent with `gene`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gene = coalsim(samp_times = c(0,1,2), n_sampled = c(2,1,1), traj = unif_traj)
#' tree = sample_tree(gene)
#' plot(tree)
sample_tree <- function(gene) 
  n <- sum(gene$n_sampled)
  labels <- paste0(rep("t",n), seq(1,n,1))
  Nnode <- n - 1
  tb <- gene$n_sampled[1] #Total branches (initial)
  s <- 0 #time for branch lengths
  temp_labels <- labels[1:tb]
  temp_times <- rep(gene$samp_times[1], gene$n_sampled[1])
  initial.row <- 2
  args2 <- gen_INLA_args(gene$samp_times, gene$n_sampled, gene$coal_times)
  for (j in 2:length(args2$event)) 
    if (args2$event[j] == 1) 
      s <- args2$s[j]; 
      ra <- sort(sample.int(tb, 2))
      new_label <- paste0("(",temp_labels[ra[1]],":",s-temp_times[ra[1]],",",
      temp_labels[ra[1]] <- new_label
      temp_labels <- temp_labels[-ra[2]]
      temp_times[ra[1]] <- s
      temp_times <- temp_times[-ra[2]]
      tb <- tb - 1
    { #I will be adding samples at 
      s <- args2$s[j]; 
      if (gene$n_sample[initial.row] == 1) 
        temp_labels <- c(temp_labels, labels[cumsum(gene$n_sampled)[initial.row]])
        initial.row <- initial.row + 1
        tb <- tb + 1
        temp_times <- c(temp_times, s)        
        end <- cumsum(gene$n_sampled)[initial.row]
        ini <- cumsum(gene$n_sampled)[initial.row - 1] + 1
        for (k in ini:end) 
          temp_labels <- c(temp_labels, labels[k])
          tb <- tb + 1
          temp_times <- c(temp_times, s)      
        initial.row <- initial.row + 1
  out.tree <- ape::read.tree(text=paste0(temp_labels, ";"))
mdkarcher/phylodyn documentation built on Nov. 24, 2021, 12:20 a.m.