Defines functions FTscramble WG.pca.day.t2m.precip test.WG.fwmu.day.precip WG.fwmu.day.precip WG.FT.day.t2m WG.station WG

Documented in FTscramble test.WG.fwmu.day.precip WG WG.FT.day.t2m WG.fwmu.day.precip WG.pca.day.t2m.precip WG.station

# This script provides a demonstration of how a weather generator can be designed:
# ESD is used to predict thanges in the pdfs for temperature and precipitation.
# Temperature: mean, stdv.
# Precipitation: mu, fw (assume similar spell statistics as in present time).
# (more advanced method may perhaps predict changes to the spell-statistics).
# Rasmus Benestad

#' Weather generators for conditioned on simulated climate aggregated
#' statistics.
#' Weather generators for conditional simulation of daily temperature and/or
#' precipitation, given mean and/or standard deviation. The family of WG
#' functions produce stochastic time series with similar characteristics as the
#' station series provided (if none if provided, it will use either ferder or
#' bjornholt provided by the esd-package). Here characteristics means similar
#' mean value, standard deviation, (frequency and wet-day mean precipitation for 
#' precipitation), and spectral properties. \code{FTscramble}
#' takes the Fourier components (doing a Fourier Transform - FT) of a series 
#' and reassigns random phase to each frequency and then returns a new series 
#' through an inverse FT. The FT scrambling is used for temperature, but not for 
#' daily precipitation that is non-Gaussian and involves sporadic events with rain. 
#' Instead, \code{FTscramble} is used for randomly scrambling annual wet-day frequency 
#' and wet-day mean precipitation, however, and for precipitation, the annual wet-day
#' frequency and the annual wet-day mean precipitation are used to randomly generate
#' exponentially distributed numbers to provide similar aggregated annual
#' statistics as the station or predicted though downscaling. The precipitation
#' WG can also take into account the number of consecutive number-of-wet-days
#' statistics using a geometric distribution.
#' The weather generator produces a series with similar length as the provided
#' sample data, but with shifted dates according to specified scenarios for
#' annual mean mean/standard deviation/wet-day mean/wet-day frequency.
#' \code{WG.FT.day.t2m} generates daily temperature from seasonal means and
#' standard deviations. It is given a sample station series, and uses
#' \code{FTscramble} is based on a Fourier Transform which generates a new series 
#' with random phase but nevertheless similar (or predicted - in the future) spectral 
#' characteristics as the original series. It then uses a quantile
#' transform to prescribe predicted mean and standard deviation, assuming the
#' distributions are normal, which usually is OK for seasonall/annually aggregated statistics 
#' (e.g. annual mean, annual wet-day frequency, or annual wet-day mean precipitation). 
#' The temporal structure (power spectrum) of the random series is therefore similar 
#' as the sample provided.
#' \code{WG.fwmu.day.precip} has been designed to be used with downscaled results for 
#' annual wet-day frequency and annual wet-day mean precipitation. It also tries to
#' simulate the wet-spell duration statistics (number of consecutive wet days) based on
#' provided sample data (argument x). The process can take annual wet-day mean precipitation 
#' and the wet-day frequency as input when used to make projections for the future, together 
#' with a sample station of daily values, to simulate stochastic numbers of consecutive 
#' wet days, based on its annual mean number of consecutive wet days. It also uses 
#' the mean annual cycle of wet-day frequency as well as the wet-day mean precipitation 
#' to guide the seasonal timing of wet days and amounts, and hence tries to mimic rain seasons. 
#' If not specified, it is taken from the sample data after being phase scrambled/shuffled 
#' (\code{FTscramble} - a bit like a deck of cards). If not specified, the annual wet-day 
#' frequency is a phase-scrambled version of annual aggregates from the sample data. The daily 
#' amount is taken from stochastic values generated with \code{\link{rexp}} scaled 
#' for the tail according to alpha in (described in DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab2bb2) 
#' as in \code{\link{day2IDF}}. The number of consecutive wet days is approximated 
#' by a geometric distribution (\code{\link{rgeom}}), and the annual number of wet days 
#' is either given as input or estimated from the sample series. 
#' \code{test.WG.fwmu.day.precip} presents diagnostics of tests of \code{WG.fwmu.day.precip}.
#' @aliases WG WG.station WG.fwmu.day.precip WG.FT.day.t2m
#' WG.pca.day.t2m.precip FTscramble
#' @importFrom stats start end approx pnorm qnorm qqnorm sd dgeom rgeom rexp qexp pexp dpois
#' fft runif
#' @importFrom graphics hist
#' @param x station object
#' @param option Define the type of WG
#' @param amean annual mean values. If NULL, use those estimated from x; if NA,
#' estimate using \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}, or if provided, assume a
#' 'dsensemble' object.
#' @param asd annual standard deviation. If NULL, use those estimated from x;
#' if NA, estimate using \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}, or if provided, assume a
#' 'dsensemble' object.
#' @param t Time axis. If null, use the same as x or the last interval of same
#' length as x from downscaled results.
#' @param ip passed on to \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}
#' @param select passed on to \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}
#' @param lon passed on to \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}
#' @param lat passed on to \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}
#' @param plot if TRUE, plot results
#' @param biascorrect passed on to \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}
#' @param verbose passed on to \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}
#' @param mu annual wet-mean values. If NULL, use those estimated from x; if
#' NA, estimate using \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}, or if provided, assume a
#' 'dsensemble' object.
#' @param fw annual wet-day frequency. If NULL, use those estimated from x; if
#' NA, estimate using \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}, or if provided, assume a
#' 'dsensemble' object.
#' @param ndd annual mean dry spell length. If NULL, use those estimated from
#' x; if NA, estimate using \code{\link{DSensemble.t2m}}, or if provided,
#' assume a 'dsensemble' object.
#' @param threshold Definition of a rainy day.
#' @param method Assume a gemoetric or a poisson distribution. Can also define
#' ownth methods.
#' @param t2m station object with temperature
#' @param precip station object with precipitation.
#' @param ndbr Number of 
#' @param n.spells.year = c('fw','spell') if 'fw' then estimate number of spells according to 365.25 else estimate number of events from \code{\link{spell}}.
#' @param alpha.scaling TRUE scale the low-probability events according to alpha in DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ab2bb2
#' @param alpha values for alpha-scaling 
#' @param ensure.fw TRUE then WG tries to ensure that fw of simulations match those of observations or prescribed by adding or subtracting wet days.
#' @param w.fw.ac weighting to balance how the wet day occurrences follows seasonal cycle or randomness. 0 - no seasonal cycle; 1000 - mainly determined by climatology (default=30).
#' @param w.mu.ac same as above, but for wet-day mean precipitation (default=10).
#' @param \dots additional arguments
#' @author R.E. Benestad
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' ## Temperature
#' data(ferder)
#' x <- WG(ferder)
#' ## Plot the results
#' plot(merge(ferder,x), xlab='', ylab=c('Obs T2m','WG T2m'), col='blue', main=paste(loc(x),' Obs/WG'))
#' ## Daily precipitation
#' data(bjornholt)
#' z <- WG(bjornholt)
#' ## Plot the results
#' plot(merge(bjornholt,z), xlab='', ylab=c('Obs precip','WG precip'), col='blue', main=paste(loc(z),' Obs/WG'))
#' sz <- sort(coredata(z)[index(z) %in% index(bjornholt)])
#' sy <- sort(coredata(bjornholt)[index(bjornholt) %in% index(z)])
#' ## Use WG to 'simulate' climate change
#' z2 <- WG(bjornholt, mu=annual(bjornholt, FUN='wetmean') + 2)
#' sz2 <- sort(coredata(z2)[index(z2) %in% index(bjornholt)])
#' ## Plot the comparison of quantiles
#' plot(sy, sz, pch=19, cex=0.7, main='QQ-plot', xlab='Observations', ylab='WG')
#' grid()
#' lines(c(0, max(sy,sz,na.rm=TRUE)), c(0,max(sy,sz,na.rm=TRUE)), lty=2, col='red')
#' points(sy, sz2, col='blue', cex=0.7)
#' ## Simple simulation of contnued trends in wet-day mean precipitation and frequency
#' mu <- annual(bjornholt,FUN='wetmean',nmin=270) # Avoid missing values (NA)
#' fw <- annual(bjornholt,FUN='wetfreq',nmin=270) # Avoid missing values (NA)
#' mu.trend <- trend(mu)
#' fw.trend <- trend(fw)
#' ## Construct precipitation statistics for input to WG
#' mu2 <- c(mu,zoo(coredata(mu)+coredata(max(mu.trend)-min(mu.trend)),order.by=max(index(mu))+1:length(mu)))
#' fw2 <- c(fw,zoo(coredata(fw)+coredata(max(fw.trend)-min(fw.trend)),order.by=max(index(fw))+1:length(fw)))
#' z <- WG(bjornholt,mu=mu2,fw=fw2,verbose=TRUE)
#' plot(z)
#' #' ## Test the WG
#' z2 <- WG(bjornholt,w.mu.ac=1000,plot=TRUE,verbose=TRUE)
#' plot(aggregate(z2,by=month,FUN='wetmean')); lines(aggregate(bjornholt,by=month,FUN='wetmean'))
#' z3 <- WG(bjornholt,w.fw.ac=1000,plot=TRUE,verbose=TRUE)
#' plot(aggregate(z3,by=month,FUN='wetfreq')); lines(aggregate(bjornholt,by=month,FUN='wetfreq'))
#' ## Test-routine for WG
#' test.WG.fwmu.day.precip()
#' @export WG
WG <- function(x,...) UseMethod("WG")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export WG.station
WG.station <- function(x,...,option='default') {
  if (inherits(x,'day')) {
    if (length(varid(x))==1) {
      if (varid(x)=='t2m') y <- WG.FT.day.t2m(x,...) else
        if (varid(x)=='precip') y <- WG.fwmu.day.precip(x,...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export WG.FT.day.t2m
WG.FT.day.t2m <- function(x=NULL,...,amean=NULL,asd=NULL,t=NULL,ip=1:4,
                          plot=FALSE,biascorrect=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('WG.FT.day.t2m')
  ## Single function for just temperature.
  ## The arguments mean and sd are time series predicted through ESD or
  ## adopted from a zoo or station object (x). 
  if (is.null(x)) {
    ## If no stations objects is given, use default 
    if (verbose) print("use default: Ferder, Norway")
    ferder <- NULL
    x <- ferder
  ## Get the daily anomalies and the climatology
  xa <- anomaly(x); clim <- x - xa
  ## KMP 2024-05-31: If amean or asd are NULL, the function fails! Is amean and asd supposed to be the
  ## annual mean and standard deviation of x? Adding a check to see if amean and asd exist and if not calculate them based on x.
  if(is.null(amean)) amean <- as.annual(x, FUN="mean", na.rm=TRUE)
  if(is.null(asd)) asd <- as.annual(x, FUN="sd", na.rm=TRUE)
  ## Define time axis for projection based on the annual mean data either from station or
  ## downscaled projections
  if (is.null(t)) {
    if (verbose) print("set the time index")
    ly <- max(year(amean)); ny <- length(rownames(table(year(amean)))) 
    interval <- c(ly-ny+1,ly)
    if(verbose) print(interval)
    t <- seq.Date(as.Date(paste(interval[1],substr(start(x),5,10),sep='')),
    #str(t); print(paste(interval[1],month(x)[1],day(x)[1],sep='-'))
    #t <- t - julian(t[1]) +
    #  julian(as.Date(paste(interval[1],month(x)[1],day(x)[1],sep='-')))
  ## Estimate a smooth curve for the annual mean and standard deviation that has a daily resolution
  if (verbose) print("Estimate smooth day-by-day changes in mean and sd:")
  ym <- approx(julian(as.Date(index(amean))),coredata(amean),xout=julian(as.Date(t)),rule=2)$y
  ys <- approx(julian(as.Date(index(asd))),coredata(asd),xout=julian(as.Date(t)),rule=2)$y
  ## New object y that contains random variable as original data but with same spectral 
  ## characteristics and same climatology
  if (verbose) print("Construct a station object with random timing but original time structure:")
  y <- zoo(FTscramble(xa,t),order.by=t)
  if (verbose) print("add climatology")
  y <- y + matchdate(clim,y)
  if (plot) {
  ## qq-transform to transform the temperature distribution from present shape to future shape
  ## assuming a normal distribution: ~N(m1,s1) -> ~N(m2,s2). Estimate probabilities based on the 
  ## scrambeled series y and use these probabilities to derive new quantiles based on the shifted 
  ## pdf.
  cdf <- pnorm(q=y,mean=mean(y,na.rm=TRUE),sd=sd(y,na.rm=TRUE))
  q2 <- qnorm(cdf,mean=ym,sd=ys)
  #print(summary(cdf)); print(summary(q2))
  #hist(cdf); browser()
  z <- zoo(q2,order.by=t)
  if (verbose) print("Attach attributes")
  z <- attrcp(x,z)
  attr(z,'mean') <- ym
  attr(z,'sd') <- ys
  attr(z,'aspect') <- paste(attr(z,'aspect'),'weather_generator',sep=', ')
  attr(z,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

## Future considerations -also allow for estimating the AR(1) coefficient of the Hurst coefficient?
## Fractional Gaussian noise...?
## N wet days from fw and amounts from mu
## Distribution of wet days according to climatology
## --- Precipitation  
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export WG.fwmu.day.precip
WG.fwmu.day.precip <- function(x=NULL,...) {
  ## Argument x is a station object with daily data
  ## Collect the arguments passed on with ...
  args <- list(...)
  plot <- args$plot; if (is.null(plot)) plot <- FALSE
  verbose <- args$verbose;  if (is.null(verbose)) verbose <- FALSE
  threshold <- args$threshold; if (is.null(threshold)) threshold <- 1
  alpha.scaling <-args$alpha.scaling
  if (is.null(alpha.scaling)) alpha.scaling <- TRUE
  ## Use alpha scaling estimates from DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/abd4ab - same as in ERL::IDF()
  alpha <-args$alpha; if (is.null(alpha)) alpha=c(1.256,0.064)
  ## Weighting function to determine the degree which the mean seasonal cycle determines the results 
  w.fw.ac <- args$w.fw.ac; if (is.null(w.fw.ac)) w.fw.ac <- 30
  w.mu.ac <- args$w.mu.ac; if (is.null(w.mu.ac)) w.mu.ac <- 10
  if (verbose) print('WG.fwmu.day.precip')
  # Single function for just precipitation
  if (is.null(x)) {
    if (verbose) print('Use sample data from esd')
    bjornholt <- NULL
    x <- bjornholt
  } else if (verbose) print(paste('Use data provided:',loc(x)))
  ## Estimate climatology for mean seasonal cycle in total precipitation. Use this information
  ## as a guide for which months to add wet days to ensure correct wet-day frequency fw - 
  ## this is important for locations with a rainy season
  if (verbose) print('Get the seasonal cycle')
  fw.ac <- aggregate(x,month,FUN='wetfreq',threshold=1,na.rm=TRUE)
  fw.ac <- w.fw.ac * fw.ac/sum(coredata(fw.ac))  ## Normal distr.: N(1,1) ~[-3,3]
  fw.ac <- approx(1:12,fw.ac,xout = seq(1,12,length=366))$y

  ## Also find the climatology for the wet-day mean precipitation mu
  mu.ac <- aggregate(x,month,FUN='wetmean',threshold=1,na.rm=TRUE)
  mu.ac <- w.mu.ac * mu.ac/sum(coredata(mu.ac))  ## Normal distr.: N(1,1) ~[-3,3]
  mu.ac[is.na(mu.ac)] <- 0
  mu.ac <- approx(1:12,mu.ac,xout = seq(1,12,length=366))$y
  # use fw to estimate the number of rainy days per year:
  x.fw <-  annual(x,'wetfreq',threshold=threshold,nmin=30)
  # Use predicted mu to generate exponentially distributed data:
  x.mu <- annual(x,'wetmean',threshold=threshold,nmin=30)
  # Number of consecutive wet/dry days
  if (verbose) print('Get the spell duration statistics')
  ncd <- subset(spell(x,threshold=threshold),is=1)
  good <- !is.na(index(ncd))
  ncd <- ncd[good]
  ncd[ncd > 30] <- NA
  ## Annual mean number of consecutive wet days
  amncwd <- subset(annual(ncd, nmin=1), is=1)
  if (sum(is.finite(amncwd))==0) browser()
  ismissing <- !is.finite(amncwd)
  ## If there are missing data, use the mean value
  if (sum(ismissing)>0) amncwd[ismissing] <- mean(amncwd,na.rm=TRUE)
  # extract the time interval between the start of each dry spell
  dt1 <- diff(julian(as.Date(index(ncd[is.finite(ncd[,1]),1]))))
  if (plot) {
    ## Timing between each precipitation event
    f.k <- dgeom(0:max(dt1), prob=1/(mean(dt1)+1))
         main="The time between the start of each precipitation event",
         sub="Test: Red curve is the fitted geometric distribution")
  # Wet-day mean: from DS or from observations
  if (verbose) print('wet-day mean')
  if (is.null(mu))
    mu <- zoo(FTscramble(x.mu),order.by=index(x.mu)) else
      ## mu is introduced as a change factor
      if (length(mu)==1) {
        mu <- mu + zoo(FTscramble(x.mu),order.by=index(x.mu))
  coredata(mu)[mu<=0] <- NA
  coredata(mu)[!is.finite(coredata(mu))] <- mean(mu,na.rm=TRUE)
  # Wet-day frequency: from DS or from observations
  if (verbose) print('wet-day frequency')
  if (is.null(fw)) 
    fw <- zoo(FTscramble(x.fw),order.by=index(x.fw)) else
    ## fw is introduced as a change factor
    if (length(fw)==1) {
      fw <- fw + zoo(FTscramble(x.mu),order.by=index(x.mu))
  coredata(fw)[fw==0] <- mean(fw,na.rm=TRUE)
  if (plot) {
    ## Number of events per year
         main="Duration of wet spells",xlab="days",
         sub="Test: Red curve is the fitted geometric distribution")
  ## Time axis for projection:
  if (verbose) print('Time axis for projection')
  if (is.null(t)) {
    nxy <- range(year(mu))
    t <- seq(as.Date(paste0(nxy[1],'-01-01')),as.Date(paste0(nxy[2],'-12-31')),by=1)
    ## Number of years
    ny <- length(rownames(table(year(mu)))) 
    if (verbose) print(range(t))
  ## Number of days
  nd <- length(t)
  yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(table(year(t))))
  # Estimate the annual number of rainy days:
  if (verbose) print('Number of wet days each year:')
  anwd <- round( ( julian(as.Date(paste(year(fw),'12-31',sep='-'))) -
                     julian(as.Date(paste(year(fw),'01-01',sep='-'))) + 1) *
                   coredata(fw) )
  # Error bars for mu: var = mu**2 for exponential distribution:
  mu.err <- mu/sqrt(anwd - 1)
  # set up a record with no rain:
  z <- zoo(rep(0,nd),order.by=t)
  # add rain events:
  if (verbose) print(paste('loop over year:',1,'-',ny,'number of days=',nd,length(z),
  for ( i in 1:ny ) {
    ## Duration of wet events
    if (i <= length(amncwd)) ncwd <- rgeom(366,prob=1/amncwd[i]) + 1 else
      ncwd <- rgeom(366,prob=1/mean(amncwd,na.rm=TRUE)) + 1
    ## White noise to introduce stochastic weather
    wn <- rnorm(366)
    ## Find most suitable times of the year with stochastic influence
    fw.ac.wn <- fw.ac + wn
    ## Use ij as index for timing wet events
    ij <- order(fw.ac.wn,decreasing=TRUE)
    ## Repeat for the procedure using climatology and stochastic weather for mu,
    ## but with 1/3 less weight on climatology and more on random order
    ## kl is the julian day ordered by seasonal mean intensity of rainfall plus random noise
    ## The first indices tend to represent higher intensities
    mu.ac.wn <- mu.ac + rnorm(366)
    ## Use kl as index for timing amounts
    kl <- order(mu.ac.wn,decreasing=TRUE)
    if ( (plot) & (i==1) ) {
      plot(ij,main='fw/mu sorting',xlab='index',ylab='day',type='b')
    ## Go through each event and place according to climatology and stochastic weather
    dry <- c(); wet <- c(); nes <- 1
    while ( (length(wet) < anwd[i]) & (nes <= 366) ) {
      ## Check whether the selected days are available: start with the first julian day in the year
      idy1 <- 1
      ## TRUE if found available sequence of wet days
      d.available <- FALSE
      ## We search the days in the year for sequences that include the wet spell duration 
      ## padded by dry days
      while( (!d.available) & (idy1 <= 366) ) { 
        ## sequence of days: wet spell padded by dry days
        if (is.finite(ncwd[1])) iseq <- ij[idy1] + seq(-1,ncwd[1]+1,by=1) else
          iseq <- ij[idy1] + seq(-1,2,by=1)
        if (length(intersect(iseq,ij))==length(iseq)) d.available <- TRUE else
          idy1 <- idy1 + 1
      ## If no available sequence of days was found, then pick just random individual days available 
      ## from the pool of remaining days
      if (!d.available) {
        iseq <- ij[seq(1,length(ncwd[1])+2,by=1)]
      ## Check that dry and wet contain valid julian days from ij also, if there are elements
      ## out of sample, then add new random elements from ij
      nseq <- length(iseq)
      iseq <- intersect(iseq,ij)
      dseq <- setdiff(iseq,ij)
      diffseq <- nseq - length(iseq)
      if (diffseq > 0) iseq <- c(iseq,dseq[sort(rnorm(length(dseq)))][1:diffseq])
      ## Once a suitable sequence of days have been located, use it to define wet spell padded
      ## with dry days

      dry <- c( dry, iseq[c(1,length(iseq))] )
      wet <- c( wet, iseq[2:(length(iseq)-1)] )
      ## Remove duplicates - for some reason, there are some of them...
      ndupl <- sum(duplicated(c(dry,wet)))
      wet <- wet[!duplicated(wet)]
      dry <- dry[!duplicated(dry)]
      ## Remove used indices and used wet-spell duration
      ij <- ij[!is.element(ij,intersect(c(dry,wet),ij))]; ncwd <- ncwd[-1]
      ## Increment number of events
      nes <- nes + 1
    ## Finish dividing all the 366 days into wet and dry  
    dry <- sort(c(dry,ij)); wet <- sort(wet)
    ## This should not happen, but ...
    dry <- dry[!duplicated(dry)]; wet <- wet[!duplicated(wet)]
    ## deal with cases where days are classified as both dry and wet
    inboth <- intersect(wet,dry)
    dry <- dry[!is.element(dry,inboth)]
    ## Quality control: If there are too few or too many wet days, add random wet days to
    nwdd <- length(wet) - anwd[i]
    if (nwdd < 0) {
      swap <- order(rnorm(length(dry)))[1:abs(nwdd)]
      wet <- sort(c(wet,dry[swap])); dry <- sort(dry[-swap]) 
    } else if (nwdd > 0) {
      swap <- order(rnorm(length(wet)))[1:nwdd]
      dry <- sort(c(dry,wet[swap])); wet <- sort(wet[-swap]) 
    if (i > length(mu)) browser()
    ## The wet-day mean precipitation amount
    if (!is.finite(mu[i])) mu[i] <- mean(mu,na.rm=TRUE)

    ## The daily amounts for wet days - first sort the data according to magnitude
    ## then shuffle them according to a mix of chance and mu climatology
    y <- sort(round(rexp(366,rate=1/coredata(mu[i])),1),decreasing = TRUE) 
    ## amounts less then thresholds have been set to dry days - reset these by repeat throwing the dice
    iybt <- y < threshold
    while (sum(iybt)>0) {
      y[iybt] <- sort(round(rexp(sum(iybt),rate=1/coredata(mu[i])),1),decreasing = TRUE) 
      iybt <- y < threshold
    if (alpha.scaling) {
      ## REB 2024-05-13
      ## Scale the amounts according to return-period according to 
      ## DOI:https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab2bb2 see day2IDF
      ## tau - return-interval in years 
      if (verbose & (i==1)) print('Scale by alpha according to return-interval')
      if (is.finite(mu[i])) tau <- 1/( 1- pexp(y,rate=1/coredata(mu[i])) ) else
               tau <- 1/( 1- pexp(y,rate=1/coredata(mean(mu,na.rm=TRUE))) )
      ## Take into account the fraction of wet days and express return interval in years
      if (fw[i] > 0) tau <- tau/(365.25*coredata(fw[i])) else
                     tau <- tau/(365.25*coredata(mean(fw,na.rm=TRUE)))
      alphas <- alpha[1] + alpha[2]*log(tau)
      alphas[alphas < 1] <- 1
      y <- y* alphas
      #if (verbose) {print(summary(tau)); print(summary(alphas))}

    if (plot & (i==1)) {
      z <- coredata(subset(x,it=rep(year(x)[1],2)))
      z <- z[z >= 1]
      plot(sort(z),sort(y[1:length(z)]),main=paste('Wet-day amounts (mm) for',year(x)[1]),
      maxzy <- max(z,y,na.rm=TRUE)
    # add rain to the appropriate year:
    ii <- is.element(year(t),yrs[i])
    rain <- rep(0,sum(ii))
    ## the amounts in y are sorted from high to low values - make sure y has a seasonality that
    ## reflects climatology. Insert the wet days of y into rain
    if (length(kl)==length(y)) rain[kl] <- y else browser()
    rain[dry] <- 0
    ## ensure that wet-day mean mu in rain matches mu[i]
    mu.scale <- coredata(mu)[i]/mean(rain[wet])
    rain <- mu.scale*rain
    if (verbose) print(paste(yrs[i],i,'tot rain',round(sum(rain,na.rm=TRUE)),
                             'mm/year, #wet days=',length(wet),'=',sum(rain >= 1),'n*fw[i]=',anwd[i],
                             'mu[i]=',round(mu[i],1),'=',round(mean(rain[wet]),1),' #events=',nes,'ii:',sum(ii),length(rain),
                             ' [',min((1:nd)[ii]),',',max((1:nd)[ii]),']'))
    z[ii] <- rain[1:sum(ii)]
  z <- zoo(z,order.by=t)
  class(z) <- class(x)
  z <- attrcp(x,z)
  attr(z,'original_fw') <- fw
  attr(z,'original_mu') <- mu
  attr(z,'alpha_scaling') <- alpha.scaling
  attr(z,'mu_error') <- mu.err
  attr(z,'aspect') <- paste(attr(z,'aspect'),'weather_generator',sep=', ')
  attr(z,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' This function tests the WG for precipitation:
#' Quantile-quantile plots of wet-day amounts
#' Number of wet days
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export test.WG.fwmu.day.precip
test.WG.fwmu.day.precip <- function(x=NULL) {
  if (is.null(x)) {data('bjornholt'); x <- bjornholt; rm('bjornholt')}
  print(paste('test.WG.fwmu.day.precip for',loc(x)))
  z <- WG(x,verbose=TRUE)
  z0 <- WG(x,alpha.scaling=FALSE)
  ## sort magnitudes to plot quantile-quantile plots
  xw <- sort(coredata(x)[x > 1])
  zw <- sort(coredata(z)[z > 1])
  zw0 <- sort(coredata(z0)[z0 > 1])
  ## There may be different number of wet days - pad the shortest series with 0s
  nx <- length(xw)
  nz <- length(zw)
  nz0 <- length(zw0)
  print(paste(nx,'observed wet days and',nz,'simulated wet days - without scaling, there were ',nz0,'days'))
  print('Obs:');print(summary(x)); print('WG:');print(summary(z))
  if (nx > nz) zw <- c(rep(0,nx-nz),zw) else 
    if (nz > nx) xw <- c(rep(0,nz-nx),xw)
  nx <- length(xw); nz <- length(zw)
  if (nx > nz0) zw0 <- c(rep(0,nx-nz0),zw0) else 
    if (nz0 > nx) zw0 <- zw0[1:nx] 
  nz0 <- length(zw0)
  xylim <- c(0,max(c(xw,zw)))
  plot(xw,zw,ylim=xylim,xlim=xylim,xlab='Observed amount (mm/day)',
       ylab='WG amount (mm/day)',main=paste(loc(x),'wet-day amounts'))
  ## compare the number of wet days
  xnw <- zoo(annual(x,FUN='count',1))
  znw <- zoo(annual(z,FUN='count',1))
       main='Number of annual wet days',ylab='days',xlab='')
  ## Compare the spell duration statistics
  sx <- spell(x,1)
  sz <- spell(z,1)
  dryx <- sort(coredata(sx[,1]))
  dryz <- sort(coredata(sz[,1]))
  wetx <- sort(coredata(sx[,2]))
  wetz <- sort(coredata(sz[,2]))
  if (length(dryx) < length(dryz)) dryx <- c(rep(0,length(dryz)-length(dryx)),dryx) else 
    if (length(dryx) > length(dryz)) dryz <- c(rep(0,length(dryx)-length(dryz)),dryz)
  xylim <- c(1,max(c(dryx,dryz),na.rm=TRUE))
  ## Very long spells are few and more influenced by randomness
  dryx[dryx>30] <- NA; dryz[dryz>30] <- NA
  plot(dryx,dryz,main='Dry spell durations',xlab='obs',ylab='WG',
  if (length(wetx) < length(wetz)) wetx <- c(rep(0,length(wetz)-length(wetx)),wetx) else 
    if (length(wetx) > length(wetz)) wetz <- c(rep(0,length(wetx)-length(wetz)),wetz)
  xylim <- c(1,max(c(wetx,wetz),na.rm=TRUE))
  ## Very long spells are few and more influenced by randomness
  wetx[wetx>30] <- NA; wetz[wetz>30] <- NA
  plot(wetx,wetz,main='wet spell durations',xlab='obs',ylab='WG',
  ## Compare the mean annual cycle of observations and simulations
  zx <- combine.stations(x,z)
  col <- c('black','red')
  ## Compare annual statistics
  plot(zoo(annual(zx,FUN='sum')),main='Annual total precipitation',col=col,
  ## Compare mean seasonal 
  plot(zoo(aggregate(zx,by=month,FUN='sum')),main='Seasonal total precipitation',
       ylab=expression(sum(x)*phantom(0)*(mm/day)),col=col,plot.type='single',lty=c(1,2)); grid()
  plot(zoo(aggregate(zx,by=month,FUN='wetfreq')),main='Seasonal wet-day frequency',
       ylab=expression(f[w]),col=col,plot.type='single',lty=c(1,2)); grid()
  plot(zoo(aggregate(zx,by=month,FUN='wetmean')),main='Seasonal wet-day mean',
       ylab=expression(mu*phantom(0)*(mm/day)),col=col,plot.type='single',lty=c(1,2)); grid()

# This weather generator assumes that the past covariate structure between
# temperature and precipitation is constant and doesn't change in the future.
# Moreover, the method also assumes that the spell-statistics will stay the same.
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export WG.pca.day.t2m.precip
WG.pca.day.t2m.precip <- function(x=NULL,...,precip=NULL,threshold=1,select=NULL,
                                  verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("WG.pca.day.t2m.precip")			
  t2m <- x
  if (is.null(t2m)) {
    ferder <- NULL
    t2m <- ferder
  if (is.null(precip)) {
    bjornholt <- NULL
    pr <- bjornholt
  lon <- lon(t2m) + c(-10,10)
  lat <- lat(t2m) + c(-10,10)
  SLP <- retrieve('~/data/ERAINT/ERAINT_slp_mon.nc',lon=lon,lat=lat)
  coredata(SLP) <- 100*coredata(SLP)  # The CMIP5 units are in Pa!
  T2M <- retrieve('~/data/ERAINT/ERAINT_t2m_mon.nc',lon=lon,lat=lat)
  PRE <- retrieve('~/data/ERAINT/ERAINT_pr_mon.nc',lon=lon,lat=lat)
  ztm = DSensemble.t2m(t2m,predictor=T2M,biascorrect=TRUE,plot=FALSE,
  zts = DSensemble.t2m(t2m,FUN='sd',predictor=SLP,biascorrect=TRUE,plot=FALSE,
  zpm = DSensemble.precip(pr,FUN='wetmean',predictor=PRE,biascorrect=TRUE,
  if (wetfreq.pred) {
    zpf = DSensemble.precip(pr,FUN='wetfreq',predictor=SLP,biascorrect=TRUE,plot=FALSE,
  # select an equal number of years at the end of the downscaled results if none is specified
  if (is.null(interval)) {
    interval <- c(max(year(ztm))-ny+1,max(year(ztm)))
  ztm  <- subset(ztm,it=interval)
  zts  <- subset(zts,it=interval)
  zpm  <- subset(zpm,it=interval)
  # Generate the daily variability from the observations:
  t2ma <- anomaly(t2m); t2mc <- t2m - t2ma
  xy <- merge(zoo(t2m),zoo(pr),zoo(t2mc),all=FALSE)
  years <- as.numeric(rownames(table(year(xy))))
  ny <- length(years)
  wet <- (xy[,2] > threshold) & (is.finite(xy[,1])) & (is.finite(xy[,2]))
  dry <- (xy[,2] <= threshold) & (is.finite(xy[,1])) & (is.finite(xy[,2]))
  if (spell.stats) L <- spell(pr,threshold=threshold)
  # Rainy days:
  # Find the co-variate structures in daily temperature and precipitation
  X <- coredata(xy[wet,1:2])
  X[,2] <- log(X[,2])
  pca <- svd(X)
  # scramble the principal components:
  z1 <- FTscramble(pca$u[,1])
  z2 <- FTscramble(pca$u[,2])
  pca$u <- cbind(z1,z2)
  X <- pca$u %*% diag(pca$d) %*% t(pca$v)
  X[,2] <- exp(X[,2])
  # All days: set up date string
  t <- julian(as.Date(paste(year(xy)-year(xy)[1]+interval[1],
  x <- zoo(coredata(xy[,1]),order.by=t)
  attributes(x) <- NULL
  # initialise temperature and precip - for t2m, add observed daily climatology
  n <- length(x)
  pr.x <- rep(0,n) 
  # shoehorn the rainy day temperature and precipitation into series
  t2m.x[wet] <-  X[,1]
  # generate time series for predicted mean and sd with same length as the scrambled
  # daily series: use the seasonal estimates
  tensm <- rowMeans(ztm,na.rm=TRUE) - mean(ztm,na.rm=TRUE)
  tenss <- rowMeans(zts,na.rm=TRUE) - mean(zts,na.rm=TRUE)
  penss <- rowMeans(zpm,na.rm=TRUE) - mean(zpm,na.rm=TRUE)
  ytm <- approx(julian(as.Date(index(ztm))),tensm,xout=julian(as.Date(t)),rule=2)$y
  yts <- approx(julian(as.Date(index(zts))),tensm,xout=julian(as.Date(t)),rule=2)$y
  ypm <- approx(julian(as.Date(index(ztm))),tensm,xout=julian(as.Date(t)),rule=2)$y
  #qq-transform: temp(N1 -> N2) - year by year or for a given interval?
  t2m.x <- qnorm(pnorm(q=t2m.x,mean=mean(t2m.x,na.rm=TRUE),sd=sd(t2m.x,na.rm=TRUE)),
  #qq-transform: precip(exp1 -> exp2)
  pr.x.wet <- qexp(pexp(q=X[,2],rate=1/mean(xy[,2],na.rm=TRUE)),
  #empirical adjustment to precipitation?
  # shoehorn the rainy day temperature and precipitation into series
  pr.x[wet] <- pr.x.wet 
  t2m.x <- zoo(t2m.x,order.by=t)
  t2m.x <- attrcp(t2m)
  attr(t2m.x,'method') <- 'DShydro'
  attr(t2m.x,'type') <- 'result: ESD + WG'
  attr(t2m.x,'activity') <- 'CMIP5'
  attr(t2m.x,'experiment') <- 'RCP 4.5'
  pr.x <- zoo(pr.x,order.by=t)
  pr.x <- attrcp(pr)
  attr(pr.x,'method') <- 'DShydro'
  attr(pr.x,'type') <- 'result: ESD + WG'
  attr(pr.x,'activity') <- 'CMIP5'
  attr(pr.x,'experiment') <- 'RCP 4.5'
  y <- list(t2m=t2m.x,pr=pr.x)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(t2m)
  class(y) <- class(t2m)

#' @export
FTscramble <- function(x,t=NULL,interval=NULL,spell.stats=FALSE,
                       wetfreq.pred=FALSE) {
  attributes(x) <- NULL
  n <- length(x)
  # This function scrambles the phase information of the FT components of a
  # time series, maintaining the same spectral and time structure
  if (sum(is.na(x))>0) {
    ## If there are some missing data, fill in with interpolated values
    ok <- is.finite(x)
    if (sum(ok)>2) y <- approx((1:n)[ok],x[ok],xout=1:n,rule=2)$y else {
      stop(paste('FTscramble - only',sum(ok),'valid data points'))
    x <- y
  # Fourier transform (FT) to obtain power and phase information
  X <- fft(x)
  #print(summary(Re(X))); print(summary(Im(X)))
  # Z contains the phase information
  Z <- Mod(X)
  ReX <- Re(X)
  ImX <- Im(X)
  phiX <- Arg(X)
  # Set new phase information to random
  phiY <- runif(n,min=-pi,max=pi)
  ReY <- Z*cos(phiY)
  ImY <- Z*sin(phiY)
  ReY[1] <- ReX[1]; ImY[1] <- ImX[1]
  #  ReY[n] <- ReX[n]; ImY[n] <- ImX[n]
  Y <- complex(real=ReY, imaginary=ImY)
  # Inverse FT to generate new time series:
  y <- Re(fft(Y,inverse=TRUE))/n
  # Make sure that the new scrambled series has the same mean and standard deviation
  # as the original data:
  y <- sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)*(y - mean(y,na.rm=TRUE))/sd(y,na.rm=TRUE) + mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(t)) {
    if (length(t) <= length(y)) y <- y[1:length(t)] else
      y <- c(y,rep(NA,length(t)-length(y)))
metno/esd documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:07 a.m.