
Defines functions plotSignificantRegions getSignificantRegions getPValueCutoff getRunStatistics getRunStatisticsDist getRunAndLopsidednessStatistics getLopsidedness .getRunsAndTotals getRunTotals generatePermutation rebinToMultiple binSummarizedExperiment getOverlapWeights getDeltaSE getMeanNormalizedCountsSE getNormalizedCountsSE getSizeFactorsSE getSizeFactorsDF downshiftDFtoMatrix

Documented in binSummarizedExperiment downshiftDFtoMatrix generatePermutation getDeltaSE getLopsidedness getMeanNormalizedCountsSE getNormalizedCountsSE getOverlapWeights getPValueCutoff getRunAndLopsidednessStatistics .getRunsAndTotals getRunStatistics getRunStatisticsDist getRunTotals getSignificantRegions getSizeFactorsDF getSizeFactorsSE plotSignificantRegions rebinToMultiple

## ##########################################################################
#' Downshift from DF to matrix
#' This function takes a data.frame with chr, start, end and numerical data and turns
#' it into a matrix with row names chr:start-end
#' @param df This is a data frame whose first three columns are chr, start and end and
#' whose remaining columns are numerical data
#' @return A matrix of numerical data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m = downshiftDFtoMatrix(miniSEDF)
downshiftDFtoMatrix = function(df)
    tags = sprintf('%s:%d-%d',df$chr,df$start,df$end)
    m = data.matrix(df[,4:ncol(df)])
    rownames(m) = tags

## ##########################################################################
#' Get the size factors for count normalization
#' This function takes a data frame giving chr, start, end and count for experimental
#' replicates and returns the size factors for each of the replicates for use in
#' normalization
#' @param countsDF A data frame whose first three columns are chr, start and end, and
#' whose remaining columns are count data for experimental replicates
#' @return The size factors for the columns of countsDF
#' @export
#' @importFrom DESeq2 estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData<-
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment colData assays assay rowRanges
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment ranges seqnames start end
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays<- rowRanges<- mcols<-
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_col ggtitle scale_discrete_manual
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text theme xlab
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges seqnames isDisjoint findOverlaps
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width intersect mcols
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges from to width findOverlaps ranges
#' @examples
#' sf = getSizeFactorsDF(miniSEDF)
getSizeFactorsDF = function(countsDF)
    m = downshiftDFtoMatrix(countsDF)
    sizeFactors = estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(m)

## ##########################################################################
#' Get the size factors for SummarizedExperiment
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment with an assay counts and returns
#' this object with a column sizeFactors added to its colData
#' @param se A SummarizedExperiment with an assay counts
#' @return The same SummarizedExperiment with an additional column in its colData
#' giving the size factors for counts
#' @export
#' @examples
#' miniSEWithSizeFactors = getSizeFactorsSE(miniSE)
getSizeFactorsSE = function(se)
    colData(se)$sizeFactors = estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(assays(se)[['counts']])

## ##########################################################################
#' Get normalized counts
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment giving the the counts
#' for each replicate of the two treatments and computes and affixes
#' an assay giving the normalized version of these counts.
#' @param se A SummarizedExperiment with an assay called counts giving
#'     the raw counts for each replicate of the two treatments.
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment including a an assay of the
#'     normalized counts called normalizedCounts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' miniSENormalized = getNormalizedCountsSE(miniSE)
getNormalizedCountsSE = function(se)
    if(!'sizeFactors' %in% names(colData(se)))
        se = getSizeFactorsSE(se)
    assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']] = assays(se)[['counts']]
    for(i in seq_len(ncol(assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']])))
        assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']][,i] =
            assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']][,i] / colData(se)$sizeFactors[i]

## ##########################################################################
#' Make mean treatment summarized experiment:
#' Get the mean normalized counts for each treatment
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment. It looks for an assay called
#' normalizedCounts.  If this assay is missing, it creates it by normalizing
#' using the size factors. By default, it takes the mean for each value of
#' colData$treatment
#' @param countsSE A SummarizedExperiment containing an assay 'counts' and
#' optionally an assay 'normalizedCounts'
#' @param byTreatment = 'treatment' This gives the column of colData to use for
#' taking averages
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment giving mean normalized counts for each value of
#' byTreatment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' meanNormalizedCountSE = getMeanNormalizedCountsSE(miniSE)
getMeanNormalizedCountsSE = function(countsSE,byTreatment='treatment')
    if(! 'normalizedCounts' %in% names(assays(countsSE)))
        countsSE = getNormalizedCountsSE(countsSE)
    treatments = unique(colData(countsSE)[,byTreatment])
    rho = length(treatments)
    assay = assays(countsSE)[['normalizedCounts']]
    m = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(assay),ncol=rho)
    rownames(m) = rownames(assay)
    colnames(m) = treatments
    for(tr in treatments)
        idx = colData(countsSE)[,byTreatment] == tr
        ## ######################################
        ## If there's only one column, it's the answer:
        if(sum(idx) == 1)
            m[,tr] = assay[,idx]
        } else { 
            m[,tr] = rowMeans(assay[,idx])
    colData = data.frame(treatment=treatments,
    meanNormalizedCountsSE = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(mean=m),

## ##########################################################################
#' Make delta summarized experiment:
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment with count data and produces
#' a SummarizedExperiment of the delta track.  There should exactly two values
#' for treatment, i.e., byTreatment
#' @param countsSE A summarized experiment with assay counts and optionally assay normalized
#' counts
#' @param byTreatment = 'treatment' Allows for specifying some other condition than 'treatment'
#' @return A summarized experiment with a single assay consisting of a single column, the
#' delta mean normalized counts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' aSmallDeltaSE = getDeltaSE(miniSE)
getDeltaSE = function(countsSE,byTreatment='treatment')
    numTreatments = length(unique(colData(countsSE)[,byTreatment]))
    if(numTreatments != 2)
        msg = paste('There should be 2 treatments. This SummarizedExperiment has',
    meanNormalizedCountsSE = getMeanNormalizedCountsSE(countsSE,byTreatment)
    meanCounts = assay(meanNormalizedCountsSE)
    delta = matrix(meanCounts[,1] - meanCounts[,2],ncol=1)
    colData = data.frame(delta=sprintf('%s - %s',
    deltaSE = SummarizedExperiment(assay=list(delta=delta),
    rowRanges(deltaSE) = rowRanges(meanNormalizedCountsSE)

## ##########################################################################
#' Get the binning factors for one set of GRanges into another
#' This function takes two GRanges, one representing a set of bins and the other representing
#' data to be pro-rated over those bins and returns a data frame giving the overlaps, various widths
#' and the fractions for pro-rating scores
#' @param bins a set of GRanges to be used for binning data.  
#' @param gr the GRanges of the data to be binned
#' @param checkDisjoint = FALSE if this is TRUE it will check to see that the ranges in each of
#' bins and gr are disjoint
#' @return A data frame giving index pairs for the intersections, widths of the intersections
#' and the fraction of each gr range meeting each bin
#' @export
#' @examples
#' overlapWeights = getOverlapWeights(weightsExampleBins,weightsExampleGr)
getOverlapWeights = function(bins,gr,checkDisjoint=FALSE)
        if(! isDisjoint(bins))
            stop('Attempting to bin data into overlapping bins.')
    meets = findOverlaps(bins,gr)
    L = length(meets)
    meetsDF = data.frame(from=numeric(L),
    meetsDF$from = from(meets)
    meetsDF$to = to(meets)
    meetsDF$fromWidth = width(bins[from(meets)])
    meetsDF$toWidth = width(gr[to(meets)])
    for(i in seq_len(L))
        meetsDF$overlap[i] = width(intersect(bins[meetsDF$from[i]],gr[meetsDF$to[i]]))
    meetsDF$fraction = meetsDF$overlap / meetsDF$toWidth
    meetsDF = meetsDF[,c('from','to','overlap','fraction')]

## ##########################################################################
#' Bin a Summarized experiment into a set of bins given by a GRanges object
#' This function takes a set of bins given by a GRanges object and a
#' RangedSummarizedExperiment and produces a new RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' with the bins as its rowRanges
#' @param bins a GRanges object whose ranges should be disjoint
#' @param se a RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' @param checkDisjoint = FALSE if set to true will check that the bins
#'     are disjoint
#' @return a RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' binnedSummarizedExperiment = binSummarizedExperiment(smallSetOfSmallBins,smallerDeltaSE)
binSummarizedExperiment = function(bins,se,checkDisjoint=FALSE)
        if(! isDisjoint(bins))
            stop('Attempting to bin data into overlapping bins.') 
    overlapsDF = getOverlapWeights(bins,rowRanges(se))
    binnedAssays = list()
    rows = length(bins)
    cols = ncol(assays(se)[[1]])
    for(n in names(assays(se)))
        m = matrix(0,nrow=rows,ncol=cols)
        val = nrow(overlapsDF)
        for(i in seq_len(val))
            whichRow = overlapsDF$from[i]
            m[whichRow,] = m[whichRow,] +
                overlapsDF$fraction[i] * assays(se)[[n]][overlapsDF$to[i],]
        binnedAssays[[n]] = m
    binnedSE = SummarizedExperiment(assays=binnedAssays,

## ##########################################################################
#' Rebin a SummarizedExperiment to a multiple of its bin width
#' This is a faster way of rebinning when the old bins are consecutive
#' and constant width and the new bins are to be a multiple of that width
#' @param se a RangedSummarizedExperiment to be rebinned
#' @param multiple the factor by which to fatten the bins
#' @param deleteShort = FALSE when set to true if the final bin is short
#'     it will be deleted
#' @return a RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rebinnedSummarizedExperiment = rebinToMultiple(binnedSummarizedExperiment,10)
rebinToMultiple = function(se,multiple,deleteShort=FALSE)
    ## ######################################
    ## Bins should be constant width:
    W = width(ranges(se))
    if(length(unique(W)) != 1)
        stop('Bins should be of equal length.')
    W = W[1]
    ## ######################################
    ## Bins should be on one chromosome:
    if(length(unique(seqnames(se))) != 1)
        stop('Data should be binned into bins on a single chromosome.')
    ## ######################################
    ## Bins should be consecutive:
    n = length(se)
    theJumps = start(se)[2:n] - end(se)[seq_len(n-1)]
    theJumps = unique(theJumps)
    if(length(theJumps) !=1 |
       theJumps != 1)
        stop('Data should be binned into bins which are consecutive.')

        n = multiple * floor(length(se) / multiple)
        se = se[seq_len(n)]
    startRangeIdx = seq(1,length(se),by=multiple)
    endRangeIdx = startRangeIdx + multiple - 1
    N = length(startRangeIdx)
    endRangeIdx[N] = min(endRangeIdx[N],length(se))
    gr = GRanges(seqnames=seqnames(se)[1],
    binnedAssays = list()
    rows = N
    cols = ncol(assay(se))
    for(n in names(assays(se)))
        m = matrix(0,nrow=rows,ncol=cols)
        for(i in seq_len(N))
            m[i,] = sum(assays(se)[[n]][(startRangeIdx[i]:endRangeIdx[i]),])
        binnedAssays[[n]] = m
    binnedSE = SummarizedExperiment(assays=binnedAssays,

## ##########################################################################
#' Generate permutation for permutation testing
#' This function takes a set of row ranges and an inner region and
#' generates a permutation which is symmetric on the inner region and
#' arbitrary on the remainder
#' @param gr a GRanges object which should be ordered
#' @param innerRegion a GRanges object which should be a single interval
#' @return a permutation of 1:length(gr)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' permutations = generatePermutation(smallBins,viewpointRegion)
generatePermutation = function(gr,innerRegion)
    ## ######################################    
    meets = findOverlaps(gr,innerRegion)
    meetsIdx = meets@from
    bigIdx = seq_len(length(gr))
    m = min(bigIdx[meetsIdx])
    n = max(bigIdx[meetsIdx])
    permutation = bigIdx
    ## ######################################
    ## Permute the inner region:
    val = ceiling(n-m) / 2
    for(i in seq_len(val))
        if(stats::runif(1) < .5)
            I = m + i
            J = n - i
            permutation[I] = J
            permutation[J] = I
    ## ######################################
    ## Permute the remainder:
    a = seq_len(m-1)
    b = (n+1):length(permutation)
    outer = c(a,b)
    outer = sample(outer,length(outer),replace=FALSE)
    permutation[a] = outer[a]
    permutation[b] = outer[m:length(outer)]

## ##########################################################################
#' Get the runs and their values
#' This function finds the runs of consecutive ranges in which the
#' sign of the data does not change.  It returns a GRanges object
#' containing the contiguous ranges and the weighted sum of  data in
#' each.
#' @param se a SummarizedExperiment whose first assay has a column named
#'     colName. Typically this will be a one-column matrix with delta.
#' @param innerRegion a Granges object defining the region surrounding
#'     the viewpoint to be excluded from run total calculations
#' @param colName defaults to 'delta'
#' @return a GRanges object giving the contiguous regions and their
#'     respective sums
#' @export
#' @examples
#' runTotals = getRunTotals(binnedDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
getRunTotals = function(se,innerRegion,colName='delta')
    ## ######################################
    ## We turn the SummarizedExperiment into a GRanges object:
    gr = rowRanges(se)
    mcols(gr)[,colName] = assay(se)[,1]
    ## ######################################
    ## Subset to miss the inner region:
    idx = end(gr) < min(start(innerRegion))
    firstHalf = gr[idx]
    idx = max(end(innerRegion)) < start(gr)
    secondHalf = gr[idx]


## ##########################################################################
#' A helper function for getRunTotals
#' This takes a GRanges object for binneed data and a column name
#' designating where to find the relevant data in the mcols and
#' returns a GRanges giving the consecutive runs of constant sign and
#' their run totals.  It is not exported.
#' @param gr a GRanges object whose mcols gives the relevant binned
#' data
#' @param colName This designates the column in mcols with the relevant
#' data
#' @return a GRanges object giving the contiguous regions and their
#' respective sums.
.getRunsAndTotals = function(gr,colName)
    ## ######################################
    ## Pick up the first value, first sign, first total:
    runTotals = c()
    start = c()
    end = c()
    finger = 1
    values = mcols(gr)[,colName]
    currentValue = values[finger]
    start = c(start,start(gr)[finger])
    currentTotal = currentValue
    if(currentValue >= 0)
        currentSign = 1
        currentSign = -1
    ## ######################################
    ## Iterate through.  At each step we either update
    ## the total or save the total, change the sign, and
    ## start a new total:
    while(finger < length(gr))
        finger = finger + 1
        currentValue = values[finger]
        if(currentValue * currentSign >= 0)
            currentTotal = currentTotal + currentValue
            runTotals = c(runTotals,currentTotal)
            end = c(end,end(gr)[finger-1])
            start = c(start,start(gr)[finger])
            currentSign = - currentSign
            currentValue = values[finger]
            currentTotal = currentValue
    ## ######################################
    ## Pick up the last running total:
    runTotals = c(runTotals,currentTotal)
    end = c(end,end(gr)[finger])
    chr = rep(unique(seqnames(gr)),length(start))
    runTotals = GRanges(seqnames=chr,

## ##########################################################################
#' Get the lopsidedness statistic
#' This function looks at the sidedness around the viewpoint and
#'  returns the absolute value of the difference between the sum of
#'  the values before and after the viewpoint inside the viewpoint
#'  region.
#' @param se a SummerizedExperiment giving the delta or permuted delta
#' @param viewpointRegion the region around the viewpoint in which to
#' investigate lopsidedness
#' @param colName defaults to 'delta'
#' @return the lopsidedness around the viewpointMid in the
#'     viewpointRegion
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lopsidedness = getLopsidedness(binnedDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
getLopsidedness = function(se,viewpointRegion,colName='delta')
    ## ######################################
    ## We'll want the midpoint of the viewpointRegion:
    viewpointMid = floor((start(viewpointRegion) +
                          end(viewpointRegion)) / 2)
    ## ######################################
    ## We turn the SummarizedExperiment into a GRanges object:
    gr = rowRanges(se)
    mcols(gr)[,colName] = assay(se)[,1]
    ## ######################################
    ## We want to restrict to the viewpointRegion:
    window = findOverlaps(viewpointRegion,gr)
    windowBins = to(window)
    gr = gr[windowBins]
    ## ######################################
    ## We want to split this below and above the midpoint:
    belowIdx = end(gr) < viewpointMid
    aboveIdx = viewpointMid < start(gr)
    below = gr[belowIdx]
    above = gr[aboveIdx]
    ## ######################################
    ## We want the same number of bins below and above and
    ## if we need to discard bins, we want to do this furthest
    ## from the midpoint:
    b = length(below)
    a = length(above)
    use = min(b,a)
    below = below[(b-use+1):b]
    above = above[seq_len(use)]
    lopsidedness = abs(sum(mcols(below)[,colName]) -

## ##########################################################################
#' Get the distribution of run and lopsidedness statistics
#' @param scrambledDeltas a list of rebinned (i.e., to large bin size)
#'     of scrambled deltas
#' @param viewpointRegion a GRanges object giving the region that is
#'     reserved for lopsidedness
#' @param colName = 'delta' 
#' @return a Nx4 matrix giving the min, max, max(abs(min),abs(max))
#'     and lopsidedness for the run totals in the list of scrambled
#'     deltas. 
#' @export
getRunAndLopsidednessStatistics =
    ## ######################################
    ## We'll want the midpoint of the viewpointRegion:
    viewpointMid = floor((start(viewpointRegion) +
                          end(viewpointRegion)) / 2)
    scrambledRuns = lapply(scrambledDeltas,function(x)
    m = getRunStatisticsDist(scrambledRuns)
    lopsidedness = unlist(lapply(scrambledDeltas,function(x)
    m = cbind(m,lopsidedness)
    colnames(m)[4] = 'lopsidedness'

## ##########################################################################
#' This takes a list of (scrambled) runs and returns their run statistics
#' This function takes a list of (scrambled) runs and extracts their
#' run totals as a matrix with colnames 'min','max' and 'abs', the
#' latter being the max of the absolute values of the previous two
#' @param runTotalsList this is a list whose members are GRanges
#'     objects giving the consecutive runs and their totals
#' @return a Nx3 matrix giving the min, max and max(abs(min),abs(max))
#'     run totals
#' @export
getRunStatisticsDist = function(runTotalsList)
    m = matrix(0,ncol=3,nrow=length(runTotalsList))
    colnames(m) = c('min','max','abs')
    val = length(runTotalsList)
    for(i in seq_len(val))
        m[i,] = getRunStatistics(runTotalsList[[i]])

## ##########################################################################
#' This function is called by getRunsStatisticsDist on the individual elements
#' of a list of scrambled runs.
#' This is a helper function.  Currently not exported.
#' @param runTotals is a GRanges object giving the consecutive runs
#'     and their totals. 
#' @return a vector of the min, max and absolute value of the min and
#'     max for the run totals. 
getRunStatistics = function(runTotals)
    totals = mcols(runTotals)[,'runTotals']

## ##########################################################################
#' This function returns the significance levels for min, max, "abs"
#' and lopsidedness.
#' Given an Nx4 matrix with columns 'min','max','abs' and
#' 'lopsidededness', this function returns the cutoff levels for a given
#' pValue.
#' @param runStats a matrix with columns 'min','max','abs' and
#' 'lopsidededness'
#' @param p =.05 the desired p-value
#' @return a vector with cutoff values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dimnames = list(c(),c('min','max','abs','lopsidedness'))
#' m = 10 * (matrix(runif(400),ncol=4,dimnames=dimnames) - 0.5)
#' cutoffs = getPValueCutoff(m,.05)
getPValueCutoff = function(runStats,p=.05)
    N = nrow(runStats)
    cutAt = ceiling((1-p) * N)
    mins = runStats[,'min']
    mins = mins[order(-mins)]
    minCutoff = mins[cutAt]
    maxs = runStats[,'max']
    maxs = maxs[order(maxs)]
    maxCutoff = maxs[cutAt]
    abss = runStats[,'abs']
    abss = abss[order(abss)]
    absCutoff = abss[cutAt]
    lops = runStats[,'lopsidedness']
    lops = lops[order(lops)]
    lopsCutoff = lops[cutAt]

## ##########################################################################
#' Get ths significant regions from delta data
#' This function takes delta data as a SummarizedExperiment and
#' required ancillary data and returns a GenomicRanges object whose
#' mcols indicate the significant regions.
#' @param deltaSE a ranged summarized experiment with a one-column
#'     assay giving the delta mean count
#' @param regionOfInterest a GenomicRanges object specifying the
#'     region  of interest
#' @param viewpointRegion the region withheld from arbitrary
#'     permutation
#' @param smallBinSize size to bin original data to for permutation
#' @param bigBinSize size to bin data to for significance testing.  Must be a multiple of smallBinSize
#' @param numPermutations = 1000 the number of permutations to be used for
#'     permutation testing
#' @param pValue the desired significance level
#' @return a GRanges object giving the bigBin binning of region of
#'     interest whose mcols gives the values of delta and logicals
#'     telling whether the bin is in the viewpoint regsion and whether
#'     it rises to statistical significance
#' @export
getSignificantRegions = function(deltaSE,
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## Trim to region of interest:
    chr = as.character(seqnames(regionOfInterest)[1])
    fromHere = min(start(regionOfInterest))
    toHere = max(end(regionOfInterest))
    idx = (as.character(seqnames(deltaSE)) == chr &
           fromHere <= start(deltaSE) &
           end(deltaSE) <= toHere)
    deltaSE = deltaSE[idx,]
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## Bin to small bin size.  These give the start and end of each bin:
    start = seq(from=fromHere,to=toHere,by=smallBinSize)
    end = start - 1 + smallBinSize
    gr = GRanges(seqnames=chr,
    binnedDeltaSE = binSummarizedExperiment(gr,deltaSE)
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## Bin to big bin size:
    lambda = bigBinSize / smallBinSize
    bigBinDeltaSE = rebinToMultiple(binnedDeltaSE,lambda)
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## Get real runs:
    realRunTotals = getRunTotals(bigBinDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
    realLopsidedness = getLopsidedness(bigBinDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
    scrambledDeltas = list()
    scrambledRuns = list()
    for(j in seq_len(numPermutations))
        permutation = generatePermutation(binnedDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
        m = matrix(assay(binnedDeltaSE)[permutation,],ncol=1)
        scrambledDeltaSE = SummarizedExperiment(colData=colData,
        ## ##########################################################################
        scrambledDeltas[[j]] = rebinToMultiple(scrambledDeltaSE,lambda)
        scrambledRuns[[j]] = getRunTotals(scrambledDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## Get run stats:
    stats = getRunAndLopsidednessStatistics(scrambledDeltas,viewpointRegion)
    runStats = getRunStatisticsDist(scrambledRuns)
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## Determine significant levels:
    cutoffs = getPValueCutoff(stats,pValue)
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## Extract the results:
    answers = rowRanges(bigBinDeltaSE)
    mcols = data.frame(delta=assay(bigBinDeltaSE),
    meets = findOverlaps(answers,viewpointRegion)
    mcols$isViewpoint[from(meets)] = TRUE
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## Is lopsidedness significant?
    if(realLopsidedness > cutoffs['lopsidedness'])
        mcols$lopsidednessIsSignificant[mcols$isViewpoint] = TRUE
    ## ##########################################################################
    ## What about runs?
    val = length(realRunTotals)
    for(i in seq_len(val))
        if(realRunTotals$runTotals[i] < cutoffs['min'])
            meets = findOverlaps(answers,realRunTotals[i])
            mcols$isSignificantByMin[from(meets)] = TRUE
        if(realRunTotals$runTotals[i] > cutoffs['max'])
            meets = findOverlaps(answers,realRunTotals[i])
            mcols$isSignificantByMax[from(meets)] = TRUE
        if(abs(realRunTotals$runTotals[i]) > cutoffs['abs'])
            meets = findOverlaps(answers,realRunTotals[i])
            mcols$isSignificantByAbs[from(meets)] = TRUE
    mcols(answers) = mcols

## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
#' This produces a plot of the region of interest showing regions of significance.
#' This function takes a input the GRanges object produced by
#' getSignificant regions and produces a ggplot of significant features
#' @param significantRegions a GRanges object as produced by
#'     getSignificantRegions
#' @param significanceType = 'abs' a variable indicating whether to plot
#'     significance according to min, max or abs.
#' @param title a title for the plot
#' @param xLabel = 'viewpoint' supplies an xlabel
#' @param legend = TRUE whether or not to show the legend
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotOfSignificantRegions = plotSignificantRegions(significantRegions)
    plotSignificantRegions =
    function(significantRegions,significanceType='abs',title='Significant Regions',xLabel='viewpoint',legend=TRUE)
    sigNames = c(min="isSignificantByMin",
    df = data.frame(significantRegions,
    df$significance = 'not significant'
    df$significance[df$lopsidednessIsSignificant] =
        'lopsidedness is significant'
    df$significance[df[,sigNames[significanceType]]] = 'significant'
    df$ctr = (df$start + df$end) / 2
    breaks = c('not significant','lopsidedness is significant','significant')
    values = c('#F97465','#01BB34','#6998FF')
    names(values) = breaks
    g = ggplot(df,aes(x=ctr,y=delta,fill=significance)) +
        geom_col() +
        ggtitle(title) +
                              aesthetics=c('color','fill')) +
              axis.title=element_text(size=16,face="bold")) +
    if(! legend)
        g = g + theme(legend.position='none')
michaeldshapiro/deltaCaptureC documentation built on April 21, 2023, 8:18 a.m.