mlr_learners_surv.cv_coxboost: Survival Cox Model with Cross-Validation Likelihood Based...

mlr_learners_surv.cv_coxboostR Documentation

Survival Cox Model with Cross-Validation Likelihood Based Boosting Learner


Fits a survival Cox model using likelihood based boosting and internal cross-validation for the number of steps. Calls CoxBoost::CoxBoost() or CoxBoost::cv.CoxBoost() from package 'CoxBoost'.


Use LearnerSurvCoxboost and LearnerSurvCVCoxboost for Cox boosting without and with internal cross-validation of boosting step number, respectively. Tuning using the internal optimizer in LearnerSurvCVCoxboost may be more efficient when tuning stepno only. However, for tuning multiple hyperparameters, mlr3tuning and LearnerSurvCoxboost will likely give better results.

If penalty == "optimCoxBoostPenalty" then CoxBoost::optimCoxBoostPenalty is used to determine the penalty value to be used in CoxBoost::cv.CoxBoost.


This Learner can be instantiated via lrn():


Meta Information


Id Type Default Levels Range
maxstepno integer 100 [0, \infty)
K integer 10 [2, \infty)
type character verweij verweij, naive -
folds untyped NULL -
minstepno integer 50 [0, \infty)
start.penalty numeric - (-\infty, \infty)
iter.max integer 10 [1, \infty)
upper.margin numeric 0.05 [0, 1]
unpen.index untyped - -
standardize logical TRUE TRUE, FALSE -
penalty numeric - (-\infty, \infty)
criterion character pscore pscore, score, hpscore, hscore -
stepsize.factor numeric 1 (-\infty, \infty)
sf.scheme character sigmoid sigmoid, linear -
pendistmat untyped - -
connected.index untyped - - logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
return.score logical TRUE TRUE, FALSE -
trace logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
at.step untyped - -


The package 'CoxBoost' is not on CRAN and has to be installed from GitHub using remotes::install_github("binderh/CoxBoost").

Prediction types

This learner returns three prediction types, using the internal predict.CoxBoost() function:

  1. lp: a vector containing the linear predictors (relative risk scores), where each score corresponds to a specific test observation.

  2. crank: same as lp.

  3. distr: a 2d survival matrix, with observations as rows and time points as columns. The internal transformation uses the Breslow estimator to compute the baseline hazard and compose the survival distributions from the lp predictions.

Super classes

mlr3::Learner -> mlr3proba::LearnerSurv -> LearnerSurvCVCoxboost


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

Creates a new instance of this R6 class.


Method selected_features()

Returns the set of selected features which have non-zero coefficients. Calls the internal coef.CoxBoost() function.

LearnerSurvCVCoxboost$selected_features(at_step = NULL)

Which boosting step to get the coefficients for. If no step is given (default), the final boosting step is used.


(character()) vector of feature names.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

LearnerSurvCVCoxboost$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.




Binder, Harald, Allignol, Arthur, Schumacher, Martin, Beyersmann, Jan (2009). “Boosting for high-dimensional time-to-event data with competing risks.” Bioinformatics, 25(7), 890–896.

See Also


task = tsk("rats")
task$col_roles$feature = c("litter", "rx")
learner = lrn("surv.cv_coxboost", maxstepno = 20)
splits = partition(task)
learner$train(task, splits$train)
pred = learner$predict(task, splits$test)

mlr-org/mlr3extralearners documentation built on Jan. 4, 2025, 5:02 p.m.