
Defines functions as.loom.Seurat as.loom.H5File as.loom.default SaveLoom.Seurat SaveLoom.default as.loom SaveLoom

Documented in as.loom as.loom.default as.loom.H5File as.loom.Seurat SaveLoom SaveLoom.default SaveLoom.Seurat

#' @importFrom Seurat Project

# Generics

#' Save a \code{\link[Seurat]{Seurat}} object to a loom file
#' @inheritParams SaveH5Seurat
#' @return \code{SaveLoom}: Invisibly returns \code{filename}
#' @name SaveLoom
#' @rdname SaveLoom
#' @export
SaveLoom <- function(object, filename, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SaveLoom', object = object)

#' @return \code{as.loom}: A \code{\link{loom}} object
#' @name SaveLoom
#' @rdname SaveLoom
#' @export
as.loom <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.loom', object = x)

  name = 'WriteMatrix',
  def = function(x, name, lfile, transpose = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (!inherits(x = lfile, what = 'loom')) {
      stop("'lfile' must be a loom object", call. = FALSE)
    standardGeneric(f = 'WriteMatrix')
  signature = c('x')

# Methods

#' @rdname SaveLoom
#' @method SaveLoom default
#' @export
SaveLoom.default <- function(
  overwrite = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
    expr = object <- as.Seurat(object = object, verbose = verbose, ...),
    error = function(...) {
        "Unable to coerce an object of class ",
        paste(class(x = object), collapse = ', '),
        " to a Seurat object",
        call. = FALSE
  if (missing(x = filename)) {
    filename <- paste0(Project(object = object), '.loom')
  return(invisible(x = SaveLoom(
    object = object,
    filename = filename,
    overwrite = overwrite,
    verbose = verbose,

#' @rdname SaveLoom
#' @method SaveLoom Seurat
#' @export
SaveLoom.Seurat <- function(
  filename = paste0(Project(object = object), '.loom'),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  loom <- as.loom(
    x = object,
    filename = filename,
    overwrite = overwrite,
    verbose = verbose,
  return(invisible(x = loom$filename))

#' @rdname SaveLoom
#' @method as.loom default
#' @export
as.loom.default <- function(x, filename, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
    expr = x <- as.Seurat(object = x, verbose = verbose, ...),
    error = function(...) {
        "Unable to coerce an object of class ",
        paste(class(x = x), collapse = ', '),
        " to a Seurat object",
        call. = FALSE
  if (missing(x = filename)) {
    filename <- paste0(Project(object = x), '.loom')
    object = x,
    filename = filename,
    overwrite = overwrite,
    verbose = verbose,

#' @rdname SaveLoom
#' @method as.loom H5File
#' @export
as.loom.H5File <- function(x, ...) {

#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @importFrom Seurat Assays
#' DefaultAssay
#' GetAssayData
#' @rdname SaveLoom
#' @method as.loom Seurat
#' @export
as.loom.Seurat <- function(
  filename = paste0(Project(object = x), '.loom'),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (!grepl(pattern = '^loom$', x = file_ext(x = filename))) {
    filename <- paste0(filename, '.loom')
  if (file.exists(filename)) {
    if (isTRUE(x = overwrite)) {
        "Overwriting previous file ",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Loom file at ", filename, " already exists", call. = FALSE)
  lfile <- loom$new(filename = filename, mode = 'w')
  AddSlots <- function(assay) {
    for (slot in c('counts', 'scale.data')) {
      mat <- GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot, assay = assay)
      if (identical(x = dim(x = mat), y = dim(x = x))) {
        if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
          message("Adding slot ", slot, " for assay ", assay)
        name <- ifelse(
          test = assay == DefaultAssay(object = x),
          yes = slot,
          no = paste(assay, slot, sep = '_')
          x = mat,
          name = ifelse(
            test = assay == DefaultAssay(object = x),
            yes = slot,
            no = paste(assay, slot, sep = '_')
          verbose = verbose
    return(invisible(x = NULL))
  # Add assays
  assays.write <- lapply(
    X = Assays(object = x),
    FUN = function(i) {
      return(if (identical(x = dim(x = x[[i]]), y = dim(x = x))) {
      } else {
  assays.write <- unlist(x = Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = assays.write))
  assays.write <- setdiff(x = DefaultAssay(object = x), assays.write)
  if (verbose) {
    message("Saving data from ", DefaultAssay(object = x), " as /matrix")
    x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'data'),
    name = 'matrix',
    lfile = lfile,
    verbose = verbose
  AddSlots(assay = DefaultAssay(object = x))
  for (assay in assays.write) {
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      message("Adding data for ", assay)
      x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = data, assay = assay),
      name = assay,
      verbose = verbose
    AddSlots(assay = assay)
  # TODO: add dimensional reduction information
  # Add graphs
  for (graph in Graphs(object = x)) {
    lfile$add_graph(x = x[[graph]], name = graph, type = 'col')
  # Add metadata
  lfile$add_attribute(x = colnames(x = x), name = 'CellID', type = 'col')
  for (md in names(x = x[[]])) {
    lfile$add_attribute(x = x[[md, drop = TRUE]], name = md, type = 'col')
  # TODO: Add feature-level metadata
  lfile$add_attribute(x = rownames(x = x), name = 'Gene', type = 'row')

#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom hdf5r H5S
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
  f = 'WriteMatrix',
  signature = c('x' = 'dgCMatrix'),
  definition = function(x, name, lfile, transpose = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (isTRUE(x = transpose)) {
      x <- Matrix::t(x = x)
      name = name,
      dtype = GuessDType(x = x[1, 1]),
      space = H5S$new(dims = dim(x = x))
    MARGIN <- GetMargin(dims = lfile[[name]]$dims)
    chunk.points <- ChunkPoints(
      dsize = lfile[[name]]$dims[MARGIN],
      csize = lfile[[name]]$chunk_dims[MARGIN]
    dims <- vector(mode = 'list', length = 2L)
    dims[[-MARGIN]] <- seq_len(length.out = lfile[[name]]$dims[-MARGIN])
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      pb <- PB()
    for (i in seq_len(length.out = nrow(x = chunk.points))) {
      dims[[MARGIN]] <- seq.default(
        from = chunk.points[i, 'start'],
        to = chunk.points[i, 'end']
        args = dims,
        value = as.matrix(x = x[dims[[1]], dims[[2]]])
      if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i / nrow(x = chunk.points))
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      close(con = pb)
    return(invisible(x = NULL))

  f = 'WriteMatrix',
  signature = c('x' = 'matrix'),
  definition = function(x, name, lfile, transpose = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (isTRUE(x = transpose)) {
      x <- t(x = x)
      name = name,
      robj = x,
      dtype = GuessDType(x = x[1, 1])
    return(invisible(x = NULL))
mojaveazure/seurat-disk documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 9:40 a.m.