
Defines functions micro_aust

Documented in micro_aust

#' Australian implementation of the microclimate model.
#' An implementation of the NicheMapR microclimate model that uses the AWAP daily weather database
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @param loc Longitude and latitude (decimal degrees)
#' @param ystart First year to run
#' @param yfinish Last year to run
#' @param REFL Soil solar reflectance, decimal \%
#' @param elev Elevation, if to be user specified (m)
#' @param slope Slope in degrees
#' @param aspect Aspect in degrees (0 = north)
#' @param DEP Soil depths at which calculations are to be made (cm), must be 10 values starting from 0, and more closely spaced near the surface
#' @param minshade Minimum shade level to use (\%) (can be a single value or a vector of daily values)
#' @param maxshade Maximum shade level to us (\%) (can be a single value or a vector of daily values)
#' @param Usrhyt Local height (m) at which air temperature, wind speed and humidity are to be computed for organism of interest
#' @param ... Additional arguments, see Details
#' @return metout The above ground micrometeorological conditions under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadmet The above ground micrometeorological conditions under the maximum specified shade
#' @return soil Hourly predictions of the soil temperatures under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadsoil Hourly predictions of the soil temperatures under the maximum specified shade
#' @return soilmoist Hourly predictions of the soil moisture under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadmoist Hourly predictions of the soil moisture under the maximum specified shade
#' @return soilpot Hourly predictions of the soil water potential under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadpot Hourly predictions of the soil water potential under the maximum specified shade
#' @return humid Hourly predictions of the soil humidity under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadhumid Hourly predictions of the soil humidity under the maximum specified shade
#' @return plant Hourly predictions of plant transpiration, leaf water potential and root water potential under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadplant Hourly predictions of plant transpiration, leaf water potential and root water potential under the maximum specified shade
#' @return sunsnow Hourly predictions of snow temperature under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadsnow Hourly predictions snow temperature under the maximum specified shade
#' @return tcond Hourly predictions of the soil thermal conductivity under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadtcond Hourly predictions of the soil thermal conductivity under the maximum specified shade
#' @return specheat Hourly predictions of the soil specific heat capacity under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shadspecheat Hourly predictions of soil specific heat capacity under the maximum specified shade
#' @return densit Hourly predictions of the soil density under the minimum specified shade
#' @return shaddensit Hourly predictions of the soil density under the maximum specified shade
#' @usage micro_aust(loc = c(130.5686, -22.6523), ystart = 1990, yfinish = 1990,
#' REFL = 0.15, slope = 0, aspect = 0, DEP = c(0, 2.5,  5,  10,  15,  20,  30,  50,  100,  200), minshade = 0, maxshade = 90,
#' Usrhyt = 0.01, ...)
#' @export
#' @details
#' \strong{ Parameters controlling how the model runs:}\cr\cr
#' \code{runshade}{ = 1, Run the microclimate model twice, once for each shade level (1) or just once for the minimum shade (0)?}\cr\cr
#' \code{clearsky}{ = 0, Run for clear skies (1) or with observed cloud cover (0)}\cr\cr
#' \code{run.gads}{ = 1, Use the Global Aerosol Database? 1=yes (Fortran version), 2=yes (R version), 0=no}\cr\cr
#' \code{IR}{ = 0, Clear-sky longwave radiation computed using Campbell and Norman (1998) eq. 10.10 (includes humidity) (0) or Swinbank formula (1)}\cr\cr
#' \code{solonly}{ = 0, Only run SOLRAD to get solar radiation? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \code{lamb}{ = 0, Return wavelength-specific solar radiation output?}\cr\cr
#' \code{IUV}{ = 0, Use gamma function for scattered solar radiation? (computationally intensive)}\cr\cr
#' \code{Soil_Init}{ = NA, initial soil temperature at each soil node, °C (if NA, will use the mean air temperature to initialise)}\cr\cr
#' \code{microclima}{ = 0, Use microclima and elevatr package to adjust solar radiation for terrain? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \code{writecsv}{ = 0, Make Fortran code write output as csv files? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \code{manualshade}{ = 1, Use CSIRO Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \code{soildata}{ = 0, Extract emissivities from gridded data? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \code{terrain}{ = 0, Use 250m resolution terrain data? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \code{dailywind}{ = 1, use McVicar grids for wind speed (does not work for opendap = 1)? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \code{windfac}{ = 1, factor to multiply wind speed by e.g. to simulate forest}\cr\cr
#' \code{adiab_cor}{ = 1, use adiabatic lapse rate correction? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \code{warm}{ = 0, warming offset vector, °C (negative values mean cooling). Can supply a single value or a vector the length of the number of days to be simulated.}\cr\cr
#' \code{spatial}{ = "c:/Australian Environment/", choose location of terrain data}\cr\cr
#' \code{opendap}{ = 1, query met grids via opendap}\cr\cr
#' \code{soilgrids}{ = 0, query soilgrids.org database for soil hydraulic properties?}\cr\cr
#' \code{message}{ = 0, allow the Fortran integrator to output warnings? (1) or not (0)}\cr\cr
#' \code{fail}{ = nyears x 24 x 365, how many restarts of the integrator before the Fortran program quits (avoids endless loops when solutions can't be found)}\cr\cr
#' \strong{ General additional parameters:}\cr\cr
#' \code{ERR}{ = 1.5, Integrator error tolerance for soil temperature calculations}\cr\cr
#' \code{Refhyt}{ = 1.2, Reference height (m), reference height at which air temperature, wind speed and relative humidity input data are measured}\cr\cr
#' \code{RUF}{ = 0.004, Roughness height (m), e.g. smooth desert is 0.0003, closely mowed grass may be 0.001, bare tilled soil 0.002-0.006, current allowed range: 0.00001 (snow) - 0.02 m.}\cr\cr
#' \code{ZH}{ = 0, heat transfer roughness height (m) for Campbell and Norman air temperature/wind speed profile (invoked if greater than 0, 0.02 * canopy height in m if unknown)}\cr\cr
#' \code{D0}{ = 0, zero plane displacement correction factor (m) for Campbell and Norman air temperature/wind speed profile (0.6 * canopy height in m if unknown)}\cr\cr
#' \code{Z01}{ = 0, Top (1st) segment roughness height(m) - IF NO EXPERIMENTAL WIND PROFILE DATA SET THIS TO ZERO! (then RUF and Refhyt used)}\cr\cr
#' \code{Z02}{ = 0, 2nd segment roughness height(m) - IF NO EXPERIMENTAL WIND PROFILE DATA SET THIS TO ZERO! (then RUF and Refhyt used).}\cr\cr
#' \code{ZH1}{ = 0, Top of (1st) segment, height above surface(m) - IF NO EXPERIMENTAL WIND PROFILE DATA SET THIS TO ZERO! (then RUF and Refhyt used).}\cr\cr
#' \code{ZH2}{ = 0, 2nd segment, height above surface(m) - IF NO EXPERIMENTAL WIND PROFILE DATA SET THIS TO ZERO! (then RUF and Refhyt used).}\cr\cr
#' \code{EC}{ = 0.0167238, Eccenricity of the earth's orbit (current value 0.0167238, ranges between 0.0034 to 0.058)}\cr\cr
#' \code{SLE}{ = 0.95, Substrate longwave IR emissivity (decimal \%), typically close to 1}\cr\cr
#' \code{Thcond}{ = 2.5, Soil minerals thermal conductivity, single value or vector of 10 specific to each depth (W/mK)}\cr\cr
#' \code{Density}{ = 2.56, Soil minerals density, single value or vector of 10 specific to each depth (Mg/m3)}\cr\cr
#' \code{SpecHeat}{ = 870, Soil minerals specific heat, single value or vector of 10 specific to each depth (J/kg-K)}\cr\cr
#' \code{BulkDensity}{ = 1.3, Soil bulk density (Mg/m3), single value or vector of 10 specific to each depth}\cr\cr
#' \code{PCTWET}{ = 0, \% of ground surface area acting as a free water surface (overridden if soil moisture model is running)}\cr\cr
#' \code{rainwet}{ = 1.5, mm of rainfall causing the ground to be 90\% wet for the day}\cr\cr
#' \code{cap}{ = 1, organic cap present on soil surface? (cap has lower conductivity - 0.2 W/mC - and higher specific heat 1920 J/kg-K)}\cr\cr
#' \code{CMH2O}{ = 1, Precipitable cm H2O in air column, 0.1 = very dry; 1.0 = moist air conditions; 2.0 = humid, tropical conditions (note this is for the whole atmospheric profile, not just near the ground)}\cr\cr
#' \code{hori}{ = rep(0, 24), Horizon angles (degrees), from 0 degrees azimuth (north) clockwise in 15 degree intervals}\cr\cr
#' \code{lapse_min}{ = 0.0039 Lapse rate for minimum air temperature (degrees C/m)}\cr\cr
#' \code{lapse_max}{ = 0.0077 Lapse rate for maximum air temperature (degrees C/m)}\cr\cr
#' \code{TIMAXS}{ = c(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), Time of Maximums for Air Wind RelHum Cloud (h), air & Wind max's relative to solar noon, humidity and cloud cover max's relative to sunrise}\cr\cr
#' \code{TIMINS}{ = c(0, 0, 1, 1), Time of Minimums for Air Wind RelHum Cloud (h), air & Wind min's relative to sunrise, humidity and cloud cover min's relative to solar noon}\cr\cr
#' \code{timezone}{ = 0, Use GNtimezone function in package geonames to correct to local time zone (excluding daylight saving correction)? 1 = yes, 0 = no}\cr\cr
#' \strong{ Soil moisture mode parameters:}
#' \code{runmoist}{ = 1, Run soil moisture model? 1 = yes, 0 = no  1 = yes, 0 = no (note that this may cause slower runs)}\cr\cr
#' \code{PE}{ = rep(1.1, 19), Air entry potential (J/kg) (19 values descending through soil for specified soil nodes in parameter}
#' \code{DEP}
#' { and points half way between)}\cr\cr
#' \code{KS}{ = rep(0.0037, 19), Saturated conductivity, (kg s/m3) (19 values descending through soil for specified soil nodes in parameter}
#' \code{DEP}
#' { and points half way between)}\cr\cr
#' \code{BB}{ = rep(4.5, 19), Campbell's soil 'b' parameter (-) (19 values descending through soil for specified soil nodes in parameter}
#' \code{DEP}
#' { and points half way between)}\cr\cr
#' \code{BD}{ = rep(1.3, 19), Soil bulk density (Mg/m3)  (19 values descending through soil for specified soil nodes in parameter}
#' \code{DEP}
#' { and points half way between)}\cr\cr
#' \code{DD}{ = rep(2.56, 19), Soil density (Mg/m3)  (19 values descending through soil for specified soil nodes in parameter DEP and points half way between)}\cr\cr
#' \code{DEP}
#' { and points half way between)}\cr\cr
#' \code{maxpool}{ = 10000, Max depth for water pooling on the surface (mm), to account for runoff}\cr\cr
#' \code{rainmult}{ = 1, Rain multiplier for surface soil moisture (-), used to induce runon}\cr\cr
#' \code{evenrain}{ = 0, Spread daily rainfall evenly across 24hrs (1) or one event at midnight (0)}\cr\cr
#' \code{SoilMoist_Init}{ = c(0.1, 0.12, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3), initial soil water content at each soil node, m3/m3}\cr\cr
#' \code{L}{ = c(0, 0, 8.2, 8.0, 7.8, 7.4, 7.1, 6.4, 5.8, 4.8, 4.0, 1.8, 0.9, 0.6, 0.8, 0.4, 0.4, 0, 0)*10000, root density (m/m3), (19 values descending through soil for specified soil nodes in parameter}\cr\cr
#' \code{R1}{ = 0.001, root radius, m}\cr\cr
#' \code{RW}{ = 2.5e+10, resistance per unit length of root, m3 kg-1 s-1}\cr\cr
#' \code{RL}{ = 2e+6, resistance per unit length of leaf, m3 kg-1 s-1}\cr\cr
#' \code{PC}{ = -1500, critical leaf water potential for stomatal closure, J kg-1}\cr\cr
#' \code{SP}{ = 10, stability parameter for stomatal closure equation, -}\cr\cr
#' \code{IM}{ = 1e-06, maximum allowable mass balance error, kg}\cr\cr
#' \code{MAXCOUNT}{ = 500, maximum iterations for mass balance, -}\cr\cr
#' \code{LAI}{ = 0.1, leaf area index (can be a single value or a vector of daily values), used to partition traspiration/evaporation from PET}\cr\cr
#' \code{microclima.LAI}{ = 0, leaf area index, used by package microclima for radiation calcs}\cr\cr
#' \code{microclima.LOR}{ = 1, leaf orientation for package microclima radiation calcs}\cr\cr
#' \strong{ Snow mode parameters:}
#' \code{snowmodel}{ = 0, run the snow model 1 = yes, 0 = no (note that this may cause slower runs)}\cr\cr
#' \code{snowtemp}{ = 1.5, Temperature (°C) at which precipitation falls as snow}\cr\cr
#' \code{snowdens}{ = 0.375, snow density (mg/m3), overridden by densfun}\cr\cr
#' \code{densfun}{ = c(0, 0, 0, 0), slope and intercept of model of snow density as a linear function of snowpack age if first two values are nonzero, and following the exponential function of Sturm et al. 2010 J. of Hydromet. 11:1380-1394 if all values are non-zero; if it is c(0, 0, 0, 0) then fixed density used}\cr\cr
#' \code{snowmelt}{ = 1, proportion of calculated snowmelt that doesn't refreeze}\cr\cr
#' \code{undercatch}{ = 1, undercatch multipier for converting rainfall to snow}\cr\cr
#' \code{rainmelt}{ = 0.0125, paramter in equation that melts snow with rainfall as a function of air temp}\cr\cr
#' \code{snowcond}{ = 0, effective snow thermal conductivity W/mC (if zero, uses inbuilt function of density)}\cr\cr
#' \code{intercept}{ = max(maxshade) / 100 * 0.3, snow interception fraction for when there's shade (0-1)}\cr\cr
#' \code{grasshade}{ = 0, if 1, means shade is removed when snow is present, because shade is cast by grass/low shrubs}\cr\cr
#' \strong{ Intertidal mode parameters:}
#' \code{shore}{ Include tide effects? If 1, the matrix}
#' \code{tides}
#' { is used to specify tide presence, sea water temperature and presence of wavesplash}\cr\cr
#' \code{tides}{ = matrix(data = 0, nrow = 24 \* 365 \* nyears, ncol = 3), matrix of 1. tide state (0 = out, 1 = in), 2. Water temperature (°C) and 3. Wave splash (0 = yes, 1 = no)}\cr\cr
#' \strong{Outputs:}
#' \code{ndays}{ - number of days for which predictions are made}\cr\cr
#' \code{longlat}{ - longitude and latitude for which simulation was run (decimal degrees)}\cr\cr
#' \code{dates}{ - vector of dates (hourly, POSIXct, timezone = GMT+10)}\cr\cr
#' \code{dates2}{ - vector of dates (daily, POSIXct, timezone = GMT+10)}\cr\cr
#' \code{nyears}{ - number of years for which predictions are made}\cr\cr
#' \code{RAINFALL}{ - vector of daily rainfall (mm)}\cr\cr
#' \code{elev}{ - elevation at point of simulation (m)}\cr\cr
#' \code{minshade}{ - minimum shade for each day of simulation (\%)}\cr\cr
#' \code{maxshade}{ - maximum shade for each day of simulation (\%)}\cr\cr
#' \code{DEP}{ - vector of depths used (cm)}\cr\cr
#' \code{diffuse_frac}{ - vector of hourly values of the fraction of total solar radiation that is diffuse (-), computed by microclima if microclima > 0}\cr\cr
#' metout/shadmet variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item 2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item 3 TALOC - air temperature (°C) at local height (specified by 'Usrhyt' variable)
#' \item 4 TAREF - air temperature (°C) at reference height (specified by 'Refhyt', 1.2m default)
#' \item 5 RHLOC - relative humidity (\%) at local height (specified by 'Usrhyt' variable)
#' \item 6 RH  - relative humidity (\%) at reference height (specified by 'Refhyt', 1.2m default)
#' \item 7 VLOC - wind speed (m/s) at local height (specified by 'Usrhyt' variable)
#' \item 8 VREF - wind speed (m/s) at reference height (specified by 'Refhyt', 1.2m default)
#' \item 9 SNOWMELT - snowmelt (mm)
#' \item 10 POOLDEP - water pooling on surface (mm)
#' \item 11 PCTWET - soil surface wetness (\%)
#' \item 12 ZEN - zenith angle of sun (degrees - 90 = below the horizon)
#' \item 13 SOLR - solar radiation (W/m2) (unshaded, horizontal plane)
#' \item 14 TSKYC - sky radiant temperature (°C)
#' \item 15 DEW - dew fall (mm / h)
#' \item 16 FROST - frost (mm / h)
#' \item 17 SNOWFALL - snow predicted to have fallen (cm)
#' \item 18 SNOWDEP - predicted snow depth (cm)
#' \item 19 SNOWDENS - snow density (g/cm3)
#' soil and shadsoil variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item 2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item 3-12 D0cm ... - soil temperature (°C) at each of the 10 specified depths
#' }
#' if soil moisture model is run i.e. parameter runmoist = 1\cr
#' soilmoist and shadmoist variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item 2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item 3-12 WC0cm ... - soil moisture (m3/m3) at each of the 10 specified depths
#' }
#' soilpot and shadpot variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item 2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item 3-12 PT0cm ... - soil water potential (J/kg = kPa = bar/100) at each of the 10 specified depths
#' }
#' humid and shadhumid variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item  1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item  2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item  3-12 RH0cm ... - soil relative humidity (decimal \%), at each of the 10 specified depths
#' }
#' plant and shadplant variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item  1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item  2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item  3 TRANS - plant transpiration rate (g/m2/h)
#' \item  4 LEAFPOT - leaf water potential (J/kg = kPa = bar/100)
#' \item  5-14 RPOT0cm ... - root water potential (J/kg = kPa = bar/100), at each of the 10 specified depths
#' }
#' tcond and shadtcond variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item  1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item  2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item  3-12 TC0cm ... - soil thermal conductivity (W/m-K), at each of the 10 specified depths
#' }
#' specheat and shadspecheat variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item  1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item  2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item  3-12 SP0cm ... - soil specific heat capacity (J/kg-K), at each of the 10 specified depths
#' }
#' densit and shaddensit variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item  1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item  2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item  3-12 DE0cm ... - soil density (Mg/m3), at each of the 10 specified depths
#' }
#' if snow model is run i.e. parameter snowmodel = 1\cr
#' sunsnow and shdsnow variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item  1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item  2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item  3-10 SN1 ... - snow temperature (°C), at each of the potential 8 snow layers (layer 8 is always the bottom - need metout$SNOWDEP to interpret which depth in the snow a given layer represents)
#' }
#' if wavelength-specific solar output is selected i.e. parameter lamb = 1\cr
#' solar output variables
#' drlam (direct solar), drrlam (direct Rayleigh solar) and srlam (scattered solar) variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item  1 DOY - day-of-year
#' \item  2 TIME - time of day (mins)
#' \item  3-113 290, ..., 4000 - irradiance (W/(m2 nm)) at each of 111 wavelengths from 290 to 4000 nm
#' }
#' @examples
#'ystart <- 2014
#'yfinish <- 2015
#'nyears <- yfinish - ystart + 1
#'loc <- c(130.5686, -22.6523) # Nyrripi, Northern Territory, Australia
#'micro <- micro_aust(loc = loc, ystart = ystart, yfinish = yfinish, opendap = 1, elev = 0, runshade = 0) # run the model for the middle of the desert in Australia, using opendap
#' metout <- as.data.frame(micro$metout) # above ground microclimatic conditions, min shade
#' soil <- as.data.frame(micro$soil) # soil temperatures, minimum shade
#' soilmoist <- as.data.frame(micro$soilmoist) # soil temperatures, minimum shade
#' # append dates
#' dates <- micro$dates
#' metout <- cbind(dates, metout)
#' soil <- cbind(dates, soil)
#' soilmoist <- cbind(dates, soilmoist)
#' minshade <- micro$minshade[1]
#' # plotting above-ground conditions in minimum shade
#' with(metout, {plot(TALOC ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Temperature (°C)"
#' , type = "l" ,main = paste("air and sky temperature, ", minshade, "% shade", sep = ""), ylim = c(-20, 60))})
#' with(metout, {points(TAREF ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Temperature (°C)"
#' , type = "l", lty = 2, col = 'blue')})
#' with(metout,{points(TSKYC ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Temperature (°C)"
#' ,  type = "l", col = 'light blue', main = paste("sky temperature, ", minshade, "% shade", sep = ""))})
#' with(metout, {plot(RHLOC ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Relative Humidity (%)"
#' , type = "l", ylim = c(0, 100), main = paste("humidity, ", minshade, "% shade", sep = ""))})
#' with(metout, {points(RH ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Relative Humidity (%)"
#' , type = "l", col = 'blue', lty = 2, ylim = c(0, 100))})
#' with(metout, {plot(VREF ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Wind Speed (m/s)"
#' ,  type = "l", main = "wind speed", ylim = c(0, 15))})
#' with(metout, {points(VLOC ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Wind Speed (m/s)"
#' ,  type = "l", lty = 2, col = 'blue')})
#' with(metout, {plot(SOLR ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Solar Radiation (W/m2)"
#' ,  type = "l", main="solar radiation")})
#' with(metout, {plot(SNOWDEP ~ dates, xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Snow Depth (cm)"
#' ,  type = "l", main = "snow depth")})
#' # plotting soil temperature
#' for(i in 1:10){
#'  if(i == 1){
#'    plot(soil[, i + 3] ~ soil[, 1], xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Soil Temperature (°C)"
#'    , col = i, type = "l", main = paste("soil temperature ", minshade, "% shade",sep=""))
#'  }else{
#'    points(soil[, i + 3] ~ soil[, 1], xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Soil Temperature
#'     (°C)", col = i, type = "l")
#'  }
#' }
#' # plotting soil moisture
#' for(i in 1:10){
#'  if(i == 1){
#'    plot(soilmoist[, i + 3] * 100 ~ soilmoist[, 1], xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Soil Moisture (% volumetric)"
#'    ,col = i, type = "l", main = paste("soil moisture ", minshade, "% shade", sep = ""))
#'  }else{
#'    points(soilmoist[, i + 3] * 100 ~ soilmoist[, 1], xlab = "Date and Time", ylab = "Soil Moisture
#'     (%)", col = i, type = "l")
#'  }
#' }
micro_aust <- function(
  loc = c(130.5686, -22.6523),
  ystart = 1990,
  yfinish = 1990,
  nyears = 1,
  REFL = 0.15,
  elev = NA,
  slope = 0,
  aspect = 0,
  lapse_max = 0.0077,
  lapse_min = 0.0039,
  DEP = c(0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200),
  minshade = 0,
  maxshade = 90,
  Refhyt = 1.2,
  Usrhyt = 0.01,
  Z01 = 0,
  Z02 = 0,
  ZH1 = 0,
  ZH2 = 0,
  runshade = 1,
  solonly = 0,
  clearsky = 0,
  run.gads = 1,
  Soil_Init = NA,
  write_input = 0,
  writecsv = 0,
  manualshade = 1,
  soildata = 0,
  terrain = 0,
  dailywind = 1,
  windfac = 1,
  adiab_cor = 1,
  warm = 0,
  spatial = "L:/",
  ERR = 1.5,
  RUF = 0.004,
  ZH = 0,
  D0 = 0,
  EC = 0.0167238,
  SLE = 0.95,
  Thcond = 2.5,
  Density = 2.56,
  SpecHeat = 870,
  BulkDensity = 1.3,
  PCTWET = 0,
  rainwet = 1.5,
  cap = 1,
  CMH2O = 1,
  hori = rep(0, 24),
  TIMAXS = c(1, 1, 0, 0),
  TIMINS = c(0, 0, 1, 1),
  timezone = 0,
  runmoist = 1,
  PE = rep(1.1, 19),
  KS = rep(0.0037, 19),
  BB = rep(4.5, 19),
  BD = rep(BulkDensity, 19),
  DD = rep(Density, 19),
  maxpool = 10000,
  rainmult = 1,
  evenrain = 0,
  SoilMoist_Init = c(0.1, 0.12, 0.15, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
  L = c(0, 0, 8.2, 8.0, 7.8, 7.4, 7.1, 6.4, 5.8, 4.8, 4.0, 1.8, 0.9, 0.6, 0.8, 0.4 ,0.4, 0, 0) * 10000,
  R1 = 0.001,
  RW = 2.5e+10,
  RL = 2e+6,
  PC = -1500,
  SP = 10,
  IM = 1e-06,
  MAXCOUNT = 500,
  LAI = 0.1,
  microclima.LAI = 0,
  microclima.LOR = 1,
  snowmodel = 0,
  snowtemp = 1.5,
  snowdens = 0.375,
  densfun = c(0.5979, 0.2178, 0.001, 0.0038),
  snowmelt = 1,
  undercatch = 1,
  rainmelt = 0.0125,
  shore = 0,
  tides = 0,
  scenario = "",
  year = "",
  rainhourly = 0,
  rainhour = 0,
  uid = "",
  pwd = "",
  host = "",
  lamb = 0,
  IUV = 0,
  microclima = 0,
  soilgrids = 0,
  IR = 0,
  opendap = 1,
  message = 0,
  fail = nyears * 24 * 365,
  snowcond = 0,
  intercept = max(maxshade) / 100 * 0.3,
  grasshade = 0,
  maxsurf = 95
) {

  if(opendap == 0){
  if(opendap == 1){
      cat('downloading DEM via package elevatr \n')
      dem <- microclima::get_dem(lat = loc[2], long = loc[1]) # mercator equal area projection
      dem_terra <- terra::rast(dem)
      xy = data.frame(lon = loc[1], lat = loc[2]) |>
        sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"))
      xy <- sf::st_set_crs(xy, "EPSG:4326")
      xy <- sf::st_transform(xy, sf::st_crs(dem_terra))
      elev <- as.numeric(terra::extract(dem_terra, xy)[,2])
      #xy <- data.frame(x = loc[1], y = loc[2])
      #coordinates(xy) = ~x + y
      #proj4string(xy) = "+init=epsg:4326"
      #xy <- as.data.frame(spTransform(xy, crs(dem)))
    ALTITUDES <- elev
    dbrow <- 1
  errors <- 0

  # error trapping - originally inside the Fortran code, but now checking before executing Fortran
  if(opendap == 1 & (ystart < 1990 | ystart > 2017)){
    message("might not be data on the NCI for this time window \n")
  if(DEP[2] - DEP[1] > 3 | DEP[3] - DEP[2] > 3){
    message("warning, nodes might be too far apart near the surface, try a different spacing if the program is crashing \n")
  if(DEP[2] - DEP[1] < 2){
    cat("warning, nodes might be too close near the surface, try a different spacing if the program is crashing \n")
  if(DEP[10] != 200){
    cat("warning, last depth in soil should not be changed from 200 without good reason \n")
    if(loc[1] > 180 | loc[2] > 90){
      message("ERROR: Latitude or longitude (longlat) is out of bounds.
        Please enter a correct value.", '\n')
      errors <- 1
  if(timezone %in% c(0, 1) == FALSE){
    message("ERROR: the variable 'timezone' be either 0 or 1.
      Please correct.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(run.gads == 1){
    message("If program is crashing, try run.gads = 2.", '\n')
  if(run.gads %in% c(0, 1, 2) == FALSE){
    message("ERROR: the variable 'run.gads' be either 0, 1 or 2.
      Please correct.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(write_input %in% c(0, 1) == FALSE){
    message("ERROR: the variable 'write_input' be either 0 or 1.
      Please correct.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(EC < 0.0034 | EC > 0.058){
    message("ERROR: the eccentricity variable (EC) is out of bounds.
        Please enter a correct value (0.0034 - 0.058).", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(RUF < 0.0001){
    message("ERROR: The roughness height (RUF) is too small ( < 0.0001).
        Please enter a larger value.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(RUF > 2){
    message("ERROR: The roughness height (RUF) is too large ( > 2).
        Please enter a smaller value.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(D0 > 0 & D0 < Usrhyt){
    cat("ERROR: The zero plane displacement height (D0) must be lower than the local height (Usrhyt).
        Please enter a smaller value.", '\n')
  if(DEP[1] != 0){
    message("ERROR: First soil node (DEP[1]) must = 0 cm.
        Please correct", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(length(DEP) != 10){
    message("ERROR: You must enter 10 different soil depths.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  for(i in 1:9){
      message("ERROR: Soil depth (DEP array) is not in ascending size", '\n')
      errors <- 1
  if(DEP[10] > 500){
    message("ERROR: Deepest soil depth (DEP array) is too large (<=500 cm)", '\n')
    errors <- 1
    cat("ERROR: Thermal variable conductivity (THCOND) is negative.
        Please input a positive value.", '\n')
    cat("ERROR: Density variable (Density) is negative.
        Please input a positive value.", '\n')
    cat("ERROR: Specific heat variable (SpecHeat) is negative.
        Please input a positive value.", '\n')
  if(min(BulkDensity) < 0){
    message("ERROR: Bulk density value (BulkDensity) is negative.
        Please input a positive value.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(REFL < 0 | REFL > 1){
    message("ERROR: Soil reflectivity value (REFL) is out of bounds.
        Please input a value between 0 and 1.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(is.na(slope) == FALSE & (slope < 0 | slope > 90)){
    message("ERROR: Slope value (slope) is out of bounds.
        Please input a value between 0 and 90.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(is.na(aspect) == FALSE & (aspect < 0 | aspect > 365)){
    message("ERROR: Aspect value (aspect) is out of bounds.
        Please input a value between 0 and 365.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(is.na(hori[1]) == FALSE & (max(hori) > 90 | min(hori) < 0)){
    message("ERROR: At least one of your horizon angles (hori) is out of bounds.
        Please input a value between 0 and 90", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(length(hori) != 24){
    message("ERROR: You must enter 24 horizon angle values.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(SLE < 0.05 | SLE > 1){
    message("ERROR: Emissivity (SLE) is out of bounds.
        Please enter a correct value (0.05 - 1.00).", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(ERR < 0){
    message("ERROR: Error bound (ERR) is too small.
        Please enter a correct value (> 0.00).", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(Usrhyt < RUF){
    message("ERROR: Reference height (Usrhyt) smaller than roughness height (RUF).
        Please use a larger height above the surface.", '\n')
    errors <- 1
    message("ERROR: Reference height is less than local height (Usrhyt) \n")
  if(CMH2O < 0.5 | CMH2O > 2){
    message("ERROR: Preciptable water in air column (CMH2O) is out of bounds.
        Please enter a correct value (0.1 - 2cm).", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(max(TIMAXS) > 24 | min(TIMAXS) < 0){
    message("ERROR: At least one of your times of weather maxima (TIMAXS) is out of bounds.
        Please input a value between 0 and 24", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(max(TIMINS) > 24 | min(TIMINS) < 0){
    message("ERROR: At least one of your times of weather minima (TIMINS) is out of bounds.
        Please input a value between 0 and 24", '\n')
    errors <- 1
  if(max(minshade-maxshade) >= 0){
    cat("ERROR: Your value(s) for minimum shade (minshade) is greater than or equal to the maximum shade (maxshade).
        Please correct this.", '\n')
  if(max(minshade)>100 | min(minshade)<0){
    cat("ERROR: Your value(s) for minimum shade (minshade) is out of bounds.
        Please input a value between 0 and 100.", '\n')
  if(max(maxshade)>100 | min(maxshade)<0){
    cat("ERROR: Your value(s) for maximum shade (maxshade) is out of bounds.
        Please input a value between 0 and 100.", '\n')
  # end error trapping

  if(errors == 0){ # continue

    ################## time related variables #################################
    nyears <- yfinish - ystart + 1
    yearlist <- seq(ystart, (ystart + (nyears - 1)), 1)
    tzone <- paste("Etc/GMT+", 10, sep = "")
    dates <- seq(ISOdate(ystart, 1, 1, tz = tzone) - 3600 * 12, ISOdate((ystart + nyears), 1, 1, tz = tzone) - 3600 * 13, by = "days")
    if(yfinish == as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y"))){ # cut days down if doing current year (incomplete)
      dates <- dates[dates < Sys.time()]
      dailywind <- 0 # no daily wind for current year
    ndays <- length(dates)
    doys12 <- c(15, 46, 74, 105, 135, 166, 196, 227, 258, 288, 319, 349) # middle day of each month
    microdaily <- 1 # run microclimate model where one iteration of each day occurs and last day gives initial conditions for present day with an initial 3 day burn in
    daystart <- 1
    if(length(minshade) != ndays){
      MINSHADES <- rep(0, ndays) + minshade[1] # daily min shade (%)
      MINSHADES <- rep(0, ndays) + minshade # daily min shade (%)
    if(length(maxshade) != ndays){
      MAXSHADES <- rep(0, ndays) + maxshade[1] # daily max shade (%)
      MAXSHADES <- rep(0, ndays) + maxshade # daily max shade (%)
    leapyears <- seq(1900, 2060, 4)
    for(mm in 1:nyears){
      if(mm == 1){
        currenty <- ystart
        currenty <- ystart + mm - 1
      if(currenty %in% leapyears){
        dayoy <- seq(1, 366)
        dayoy <- seq(1, 365)
      if(mm == 1){
        doy <- dayoy
        doy <- c(doy, dayoy)
    idayst <- 1 # start day
    ida <- ndays # end day
    curdate <- Sys.time() - 60 * 60 * 24
    curyear <- as.numeric(format(curdate, "%Y"))
    # location and terrain
    f1 <- paste0(spatial, "ausclim_rowids.nc")
    f2 <- paste0(spatial, "ausdem_shift1.tif")
    f3 <- paste0(spatial, "agg_9secdem.nc")
    f4 <- paste0(spatial, "Aust9secDEM.tif")

    longlat <- loc
    x <- t(as.matrix(as.numeric(c(loc[1], loc[2]))))

    cat("running micro_global to get clear sky solar \n")
    if(run.gads == 0){
      TAI <- c(0.0670358341290886, 0.0662612704779235, 0.065497075238002, 0.0647431301168489, 0.0639993178022531, 0.0632655219571553, 0.0625416272145492, 0.0611230843885423, 0.0597427855962549, 0.0583998423063099, 0.0570933810229656, 0.0558225431259535, 0.0545864847111214, 0.0533843764318805, 0.0522154033414562, 0.0499736739981675, 0.047855059159556, 0.0458535417401334, 0.0439633201842001, 0.0421788036108921, 0.0404946070106968, 0.0389055464934382, 0.0374066345877315, 0.0359930755919066, 0.0346602609764008, 0.0334037648376212, 0.0322193394032758, 0.0311029105891739, 0.0300505736074963, 0.0290585886265337, 0.0281233764818952, 0.0272415144391857, 0.0264097320081524, 0.0256249068083005, 0.0248840604859789, 0.0241843546829336, 0.0235230870563317, 0.0228976873502544, 0.0223057135186581, 0.0217448478998064, 0.0212128934421699, 0.0207077699817964, 0.0202275105711489, 0.0197702578594144, 0.0193342605242809, 0.0189178697551836, 0.0177713140039894, 0.0174187914242432, 0.0170790495503944, 0.0167509836728154, 0.0164335684174899, 0.0161258546410128, 0.0158269663770596, 0.0155360978343254, 0.0152525104459325, 0.0149755299703076, 0.0147045436435285, 0.0144389973831391, 0.0141783930434343, 0.0134220329447663, 0.0131772403830191, 0.0129356456025128, 0.0126970313213065, 0.0124612184223418, 0.0122280636204822, 0.01199745718102, 0.0115436048739351, 0.0110993711778668, 0.0108808815754663, 0.0106648652077878, 0.0104513876347606, 0.0102405315676965, 0.00982708969547694, 0.00962473896278535, 0.00903679230300494, 0.00884767454432418, 0.0083031278398166, 0.00796072474935954, 0.00755817587626185, 0.00718610751850881, 0.00704629977586921, 0.00684663903049612, 0.00654155580333479, 0.00642947339729728, 0.00627223096874308, 0.00603955966866779, 0.00580920937536261, 0.00568506186880564, 0.00563167068287251, 0.00556222005081865, 0.00550522989971023, 0.00547395763028062, 0.0054478983436216, 0.00541823364504573, 0.00539532163908382, 0.00539239864119488, 0.00541690124712384, 0.00551525885358836, 0.00564825853509463, 0.00577220185074264, 0.00584222986640171, 0.00581645238345584, 0.00566088137411449, 0.00535516862329704, 0.00489914757707667, 0.00432017939770409, 0.0036813032251836, 0.00309019064543606, 0.00270890436501562, 0.00276446109239711, 0.00356019862584603)
      TAI <- 0
    micro_clearsky <- micro_global(loc = c(x[1], x[2]), clearsky = 1, TAI = TAI, timeinterval = 365, solonly = 1)
    clearskyrad <- micro_clearsky$metout[, c(1, 13)]
    clearskysum <- aggregate(clearskyrad[, 2], by = list(clearskyrad[, 1]), FUN = sum)[, 2]

    # get the local timezone reference longitude
    if(timezone == 1){ # this now requires registration
      if(!require(geonames, quietly = TRUE)){
        stop('package "geonames" is required to do a specific time zone (timezone = 1). Please install it.')
      ALREF <- (geonames::GNtimezone(longlat[2], longlat[1])[4]) * -15
    }else{  # just use local solar noon
      ALREF <- abs(trunc(x[1]))
    HEMIS <- ifelse(x[2] < 0, 2, 1) # 1 is northern hemisphere
    # break decimal degree lat/lon into deg and min
    ALAT <- abs(trunc(x[2]))
    AMINUT <- (abs(x[2]) - ALAT) * 60
    ALONG <- abs(trunc(x[1]))
    ALMINT <- (abs(x[1]) - ALONG) * 60
    azmuth <- aspect

    if(soildata == 0){
      soilprop <- cbind(0, 0)

    if(soildata == 1){
      cat('extracting soil emissivities \n')
      static_soil <- paste0(spatial, "static_soil.nc")
      emissivities <- paste0(spatial, "aus_emissivities.nc")
      # read data in from netcdf file
      static_soil_data <- terra::rast(static_soil)
      static_soil_vars <- as.numeric(terra::extract(static_soil_data, x))
      labels <- c('albedo', 'FAPAR1', 'FAPAR2', 'FAPAR3', 'FAPAR4', 'FAPAR5', 'FAPAR6', 'FAPAR7', 'FAPAR8', 'FAPAR9', 'FAPAR10', 'FAPAR11', 'FAPAR12', 'volwater_Upper', 'volwater_lower', 'thick_upper', 'thick_lower', 'code')
      colnames(static_soil_vars) <- labels
      emissivities_data <- terra::rast(emissivities)
      SLES2 <- as.numeric(terra::extract(emissivities_data, x))

      # read in other soil related files for working out lumped soil type and properties
      # such as clay % for getting water potential
      filename <- paste0(spatial, "ppfInterpAll.txt")
      ppf <- as.data.frame(read.table(file = filename, sep = ",", header = TRUE))
      filename <- paste0(spatial,"Lumped soil types.txt")
      lumped.soil <- as.data.frame(read.table(file = filename, sep = ","))
      filename <- paste0(spatial, "SoilTypeLUT_725_AWAP.csv")
      soiltype <- as.data.frame(read.table(file = filename, sep = ","))
      soilcode <- subset(soiltype, soiltype[1] == static_soil_vars[18])
      lumped <- subset(lumped.soil, V4 == as.character(soilcode[1, 2]))
      soiltype <- lumped[1, 6]
      soilprop <- subset(ppf, ppf == soilcode[1, 2])
      SLES2 <- rep(SLE, ndays)
      if(manualshade == 0){
        message("extracting shade data \n")
        static_soil <- paste0(spatial, "static_soil.nc")
        emissivities <- paste0(spatial, "aus_emissivities.nc")
        # read data in from netcdf file
        static_soil_data <- terra::rast(static_soil)
        static_soil_vars <- as.numeric(terra::extract(static_soil_data, x))
        labels <- c('albedo', 'FAPAR1', 'FAPAR2', 'FAPAR3', 'FAPAR4', 'FAPAR5', 'FAPAR6', 'FAPAR7', 'FAPAR8', 'FAPAR9', 'FAPAR10', 'FAPAR11', 'FAPAR12', 'volwater_Upper', 'volwater_lower', 'thick_upper', 'thick_lower', 'code')
        colnames(static_soil_vars) <- labels
    if(terrain == 1){
      message("extracting terrain data \n")
      e <- extent(x[1] - 0.05, x[1] + 0.05, x[2] - 0.05, x[2] + 0.05)
      for(i in 1:24){
        horifile <- paste0(spatial,'horizon', i, '.tif')
        horiz <- terra::crop(terra::rast(horifile), e)
        if(i == 1){
          horizons_data <- horiz
          horizons_data <- terra::rast(horizons_data, horiz)
      HORIZONS <- as.numeric(t(terra::extract(horizons_data, x)))
      elev1 <- crop(terra::rast(paste0(spatial,'elev.tif')), e)
      slope1 <- crop(terra::rast(paste0(spatial,'slope.tif')), e)
      aspect1 <- crop(terra::rast(paste0(spatial,'aspect.tif')), e)
      elevslpasp <- terra::rast(elev1, slope1, aspect1)
      ELEVSLPASP <- as.numeric(terra::extract(elevslpasp, x))
      ELEVSLPASP <- as.matrix((ifelse(is.na(ELEVSLPASP), 0, ELEVSLPASP)))
      # the horizons have been arranged so that they go from 0 degrees azimuth (north) clockwise - r.horizon starts
      # in the east and goes counter clockwise!
      HORIZONS <- (ifelse(is.na(HORIZONS), 0, HORIZONS)) / 10 # get rid of na and get back to floating point
      HORIZONS <- data.frame(HORIZONS)
      VIEWF_all <- 1 - rowSums(sin(t(HORIZONS) * pi / 180)) / length(t(HORIZONS)) # convert horizon angles to radians and calc view factor(s)
      r1 <- terra::rast(f1)
      r2 <- terra::rast(f2)
      r3 <- terra::rast(f3)
      dbrow <- as.numeric(terra::extract(r1, x))
      AUSDEM <- as.numeric(terra::extract(r2, x))
      AGG <- as.numeric(terra::extract(r3, x))
      if(opendap == 0){
        r1 <- terra::rast(f1)
        r2 <- terra::rast(f2)
        r3 <- terra::rast(f3)
        r4 <- terra::rast(f4)
        dbrow <- as.numeric(terra::extract(r1, x))
        AUSDEM <- as.numeric(terra::extract(r2, x))
        AGG <- as.numeric(terra::extract(r3, x))
        if(is.na(elev) == FALSE){ # check if user-specified elevation
          ALTITUDES <- elev # use user-specified elevation
          ALTITUDES <- as.numeric(terra::extract(r4, x)) # get elevation from fine res DEM
      HORIZONS <- hori
      HORIZONS <- data.frame(HORIZONS)
      VIEWF_all <- 1 - sum(sin(as.data.frame(hori) * pi / 180)) / length(hori) # convert horizon angles to radians and calc view factor(s)
      SLOPES <- rep(slope, length(x[, 1]))
      AZMUTHS <- rep(aspect, length(x[, 1]))
    hori <- HORIZONS
    row.names(hori) <- NULL
    hori <- as.numeric(as.matrix(hori))

    if(soildata == 1){
      VIEWF <- VIEWF_all
      SLES <- SLES2
      VIEWF <- VIEWF_all

    if(soilgrids == 1){
      cat('extracting data from SoilGrids \n')
      if (!requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("package 'jsonlite' is needed to extract data from SoilGrids, please install it.",
             call. = FALSE)
      #ov <- fromJSON(paste0('https://rest.isric.org/query?lon=',x[1],'&lat=',x[2],',&attributes=BLDFIE,SLTPPT,SNDPPT,CLYPPT'), flatten = TRUE)
      ov <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0('https://rest.isric.org/soilgrids/v2.0/properties/query?lon=',x[1],'&lat=',x[2],'&property=bdod&property=silt&property=clay&property=sand'), flatten = TRUE)
      if(length(ov) > 3){
        soilpro <- cbind(c(0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100), unlist(ov$properties$layers$depths[[1]]$values.mean) / 100, unlist(ov$properties$layers$depths[[2]]$values.mean) / 10, unlist(ov$properties$layers$depths[[4]]$values.mean) / 10, unlist(ov$properties$layers$depths[[3]]$values.mean) / 10)
        soilpro <- rbind(soilpro, soilpro[6, ])
        soilpro[7, 1] <- 200
        #soilpro <- cbind(c(0,5,15,30,60,100,200), unlist(ov$properties$BLDFIE$M)/1000, unlist(ov$properties$CLYPPT$M), unlist(ov$properties$SLTPPT$M), unlist(ov$properties$SNDPPT$M) )
        colnames(soilpro) <- c('depth', 'blkdens', 'clay', 'silt', 'sand')
        #Now get hydraulic properties for this soil using Cosby et al. 1984 pedotransfer functions.
        soil.hydro <- pedotransfer(soilpro = as.data.frame(soilpro), DEP = DEP)
        PE <- soil.hydro$PE
        BB <- soil.hydro$BB
        BD <- soil.hydro$BD
        KS <- soil.hydro$KS
        BulkDensity <- BD[seq(1, 19, 2)] #soil bulk density, Mg/m3
        cat('no SoilGrids data for this site, using user-input soil properties \n')
    # setting up for temperature correction using lapse rate given difference between 9sec DEM value and 0.05 deg value
    if(opendap == 0){
      if(AUSDEM == -9999 | is.na(AUSDEM) == 'TRUE'){
        delta_elev = AGG - ALTITUDES
        delta_elev = AUSDEM - ALTITUDES
      adiab_corr_max <- delta_elev * lapse_max
      adiab_corr_min <- delta_elev * lapse_min
      adiab_corr_max <- 0
      adiab_corr_min <- 0
      message("generate climate change scenario", '\n')
      # diff spline function
      getdiff <- function(diffs, grid){
        diff1 <- (unlist(diffs[1]) + unlist(diffs[12])) / 2

        # generate list of days
        for(ys in 1:nyears){
          if(yearstodo[ys] %in% leapyears){
            day<-c(1, 15.5, 45, 74.5, 105, 135.5, 166, 196.5, 227.5, 258, 288.5, 319, 349.5, 366)
            day<-c(1, 15.5, 45, 74.5, 105, 135.5, 166, 196.5, 227.5, 258, 288.5, 319, 349.5, 365)
          if(ys == 1){
            days2 <- day
            days <- day
            if(yearstodo[ys] %in% leapyears){
              days2 <- c(days2, (day + 366 * (ys - 1)))
              days2 <- c(days2, (day +365 * (ys - 1)))
            days <- c(days, day)

        if(is.na(diffs[1]) == TRUE){
          # find the nearest cell with data
          NArem <- grid[[1]]
          NArem <- Which(!is.na(NArem), cells = TRUE)
          dist <- distanceFromPoints(maxTst05[[1]], x)
          distNA <- as.numeric(terra::extract(dist, NArem))
          cellsR <- cbind(distNA, NArem)
          distmin <- which.min(distNA)
          cellrep <- cellsR[distmin, 2]
          diffs <- as.numeric(terra::extract(maxTst05, cellrep))
          diff1 <- (unlist(diffs[1]) + unlist(diffs[12])) / 2
        diffs3 <- rep(c(diff1, diffs, diff1), nyears)
        days_diffs <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nyears * 14, ncol = 3))
        days_diffs[, 1] <- days
        days_diffs[, 3] <- days2
        days_diffs[, 2] <- diffs3
        colnames(days_diffs) <- c("days", "diffs", "new_day")

        # interpolate monthly differences
        f <- approxfun(x = days_diffs$new_day, y = days_diffs$diffs)
        xx <- seq(1, max(days2), 1)
        sp_diff <- f(xx)
      # Max and Min Air Temps
      ccdir <- "/vlsci/VR0212/mrke"
      load(file = paste0(ccdir, "/Australia Climate Change/", scenario, "/", "maxTst05_", scenario, "_", year, ".Rda")) #maxTst05
      diffs <- as.numeric(terra::extract(maxTst05,  x))
      TMAXX_diff <- getdiff(diffs, maxTst05)
      load(file = paste0(ccdir, "/Australia Climate Change/", scenario, "/", "minTst05_", scenario, "_", year, ".Rda")) #minTst05
      diffs <- as.numeric(terra::extract(minTst05, x))
      TMINN_diff <- getdiff(diffs, minTst05)
      # RH
      load(file = paste0(ccdir,  "/Australia Climate Change/", scenario, "/", "RHst05_", scenario, "_", year, ".Rda")) #maxTst05
      diffs <- as.numeric(terra::extract(RHst05, x))
      RH_diff <- getdiff(diffs, RHst05)
      # wind
      load(file = paste0(ccdir, "/Australia Climate Change/", scenario, "/", "PT_VELst05_", scenario, "_", year, ".Rda"))
      diffs <- as.numeric(terra::extract(PT_VELst05, x))
      WIND_diff <- getdiff(diffs, PT_VELst05)
      load(file = paste0("c:/Spatial_Data/Australia Climate Change/", scenario, "/", "SOLCst05_", scenario, "_", year, ".Rda"))
      diffs <- as.numeric(terra::extract(SOLCst05, x))
      SOLAR_diff <- getdiff(diffs, SOLCst05)

    if(opendap == 1){

      # nc <- RNetCDF::open.nc("https://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/zv2/agcd/v1/precip/calib/r005/01day/agcd_v1_precip_calib_r005_daily_1900.nc")
      # lon <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc, "lon", unpack = TRUE)
      # lat <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc, "lat", unpack = TRUE)
      # flat <- match(abs(lat-x[2]) < 1 / 40, 1)
      # latindex <- which(flat %in% 1)[1]
      # flon <- match(abs(lon-x[1]) < 1 / 40, 1)
      # lonindex <- which(flon %in% 1)[1]
      # start <- c(lonindex, latindex, 1)
      # count <- c(1, 1, NA)
      # var <- 'precip'
      # nc1 <- RNetCDF::open.nc("https://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/zv2/agcd/v1/precip/calib/r005/01day/agcd_v1_precip_calib_r005_daily_1990.nc")
      # data_1 <- as.numeric(RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc1, variable = var, start = start, count, unpack = TRUE))

      message("extracting climate data via opendap - note that there is no wind speed data, so the daily range is assumed to be from 0.5 to 2 m/s \n")
      monstart <- c("0101", "0201", "0301", "0401", "0501", "0601", "0701", "0801", "0901", "1001", "1101", "1201")
      monfinish <- c("0131.nc","0228.nc","0331.nc","0430.nc","0531.nc","0630.nc","0731.nc","0831.nc","0930.nc","1031.nc","1130.nc","1231.nc")
      monfinish2 <- c("0131.nc","0229.nc","0331.nc","0430.nc","0531.nc","0630.nc","0731.nc","0831.nc","0930.nc","1031.nc","1130.nc","1231.nc")
      message("extracting climate data", '\n')
      baseurl<- "http://rs-data1-mel.csiro.au/thredds/dodsC/bawap/"
      get_AWAP <- function(year, var){
        for(i in 1:length(years)){
          year <- years[i]
          cat(paste0("reading weather input for variable ", var," for year ", year, " \n"))
          for(mm in 1:12){
            mstart <- monstart[mm]
            if(year %in% leapyears){
              mfinish <- monfinish2[mm]
              mfinish <- monfinish[mm]
            nc <- RNetCDF::open.nc(paste0(baseurl, var, "/day/", year, "/bom-", var, "_day-", year, mstart, "-", year, mfinish))
            lon <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc, "longitude", unpack = TRUE)
            lat <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc, "latitude", unpack = TRUE)
            flat <- match(abs(lat-x[2]) < 1 / 40, 1)
            latindex <- which(flat %in% 1)[1]
            flon <- match(abs(lon-x[1]) < 1 / 40, 1)
            lonindex <- which(flon %in% 1)[1]
            start <- c(lonindex, latindex, 1)
            count <- c(1, 1, NA)
            data_1 <- as.numeric(RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc, variable = paste0(var, "_day"),
                                                     start = start, count, unpack = TRUE))
            if(mm == 1 & i == 1){
              data <- data_1
              data <- c(data, data_1)
      years <- yearlist
      sol <- zoo::na.approx(get_AWAP(yearlist, "rad"))
      tmax <- get_AWAP(yearlist, "tmax")
      tmin <- get_AWAP(yearlist, "tmin")
      vph09 <- get_AWAP(yearlist, "vph09")
      vph15 <- get_AWAP(yearlist, "vph15")
      Rain <- get_AWAP(yearlist, "rain")

      allclearsky <- leapfix(clearskysum, yearlist)
      allclearsky <- allclearsky[1:ndays]
      # convert from W/d to MJ/d
      allclearsky <- allclearsky * 3600 / 1e6
      cloud <- (1 - sol / allclearsky) * 100
      cloud[cloud < 0] <- 0
      cloud[cloud > 100] <- 100
      CCMAXX <- as.numeric(cloud)
      CCMINN <- CCMINN * 0.5
      CCMAXX <- CCMAXX * 2
      CCMINN[CCMINN > 100] <- 100
      CCMAXX[CCMAXX > 100] <- 100
      TMAXX <- tmax
      TMINN <- tmin
      VAPRES_max <- apply(cbind(vph09, vph15), FUN = max, MARGIN = 1) * 100 # convert from hectopascals to pascals
      VAPRES_min <- apply(cbind(vph09, vph15), FUN = min, MARGIN = 1) * 100 # convert from hectopascals to pascals
      es <- WETAIR(db = TMAXX, rh = 100)$esat
      RHMINN <- (VAPRES_min / es) * 100
      RHMINN[RHMINN > 100] <- 100
      RHMINN[RHMINN < 0] <- 0.01
      es <- WETAIR(db = TMINN, rh = 100)$esat
      RHMAXX <- (VAPRES_max / es) * 100
      RHMAXX[RHMAXX > 100] <- 100
      RHMAXX[RHMAXX < 0] <- 0.01
      WNMAXX <- rep(2, ndays)
      WNMINN <- rep(0.5, ndays)
      RAINFALL <- Rain

    # connect to server
    if(opendap == 0){
      #channel2 <- RODBC::odbcConnect("ausclim_predecol", uid = uid, pwd = pwd)
      #channel <- RODBC::odbcConnect("AWAPDaily", uid = uid, pwd = pwd)
      lat1 <- x[2] - 0.024
      lat2 <- x[2] + 0.025
      lon1 <- x[1] - 0.024
      lon2 <- x[1] + 0.025
      channel <- RMySQL::dbConnect(MySQL(), user = uid, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = "AWAPDaily", port = 3306)
      # preliminary test for incomplete year, if simulation includes the present year
      for(j in 1:nyears){ # start loop through years
        yeartodo <- yearlist[j]
        query <- paste("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                       , AWAPDaily.", yeartodo," as b where (a.id = b.id) and
                       (a.latitude between ", lat1, " and ",lat2,") and (a.longitude between ", lon1, " and ", lon2, ")
                       order by b.day", sep = "")
        output<- dbGetQuery(channel, query)
        if(yearlist[j] < 1971){
          output$vpr <- output$tmin/output$tmin-1
        if(yearlist[j] > 1989){
          output$sol <- as.numeric(as.character(output$sol))
          output$sol <- output$tmin / output$tmin - 1
        if(j == 1){
          results <- output
          results <- rbind(results, output)
    doys<-seq(daystart, ndays, 1)
    leapyears <- seq(1900, 2060, 4)
    for(mm in 1:nyears){
      if(mm == 1){
        currenty <- ystart
        currenty <- ystart + mm
      if(currenty %in% leapyears){
        dayoy <- seq(1, 366)
        dayoy <- seq(1, 365)
      if(mm == 1){
        doy <- dayoy
        doy <- c(doy, dayoy)
    doy <- leapfix(doy, yearlist)
    doy <- doy[1:ndays]
    ida <- ndays
    idayst <- 1 # start month
    # end preliminary test for incomplete year, if simulation includes the present year

    if((soildata == 1 & nrow(soilprop) > 0) | soildata == 0){
      if(soildata == 1){
        # get static soil data into arrays
        REFL <- static_soil_vars[, 1]  # albedo/reflectances
        maxshades <- static_soil_vars[, 2:13] # assuming FAPAR represents shade
        shademax <- maxshades
        if(manualshade == 0){
          maxshades <- static_soil_vars[, 2:13] # assuming FAPAR represents shade
        shademax <- maxshade
      if((is.na(dbrow) != TRUE & is.na(ALTITUDES) != TRUE) | opendap == 1){
        if(run.gads > 0){
          ####### get solar attenuation due to aerosols with program GADS #####################
          relhum <- 1
          if(run.gads == 1){ # fortran version
            optdep.summer <- as.data.frame(rungads(longlat[2], longlat[1], relhum, 0))
            optdep.winter <- as.data.frame(rungads(longlat[2], longlat[1], relhum, 1))
          }else{ # r version
            optdep.summer <- as.data.frame(gads.r(longlat[2], longlat[1], relhum, 0))
            optdep.winter <- as.data.frame(gads.r(longlat[2], longlat[1], relhum, 1))
          optdep <- cbind(optdep.winter[, 1], rowMeans(cbind(optdep.summer[, 2], optdep.winter[, 2])))
          optdep <- as.data.frame(optdep)
          colnames(optdep) <- c("LAMBDA", "OPTDEPTH")
          a <- lm(OPTDEPTH~poly(LAMBDA, 6, raw = TRUE),data = optdep)
          LAMBDA <- c(290, 295, 300, 305, 310, 315, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 380, 390, 400, 420, 440, 460, 480, 500, 520, 540, 560, 580, 600, 620, 640, 660, 680, 700, 720, 740, 760, 780, 800, 820, 840, 860, 880, 900, 920, 940, 960, 980, 1000, 1020, 1080, 1100, 1120, 1140, 1160, 1180, 1200, 1220, 1240, 1260, 1280, 1300, 1320, 1380, 1400, 1420, 1440, 1460, 1480, 1500, 1540, 1580, 1600, 1620, 1640, 1660, 1700, 1720, 1780, 1800, 1860, 1900, 1950, 2000, 2020, 2050, 2100, 2120, 2150, 2200, 2260, 2300, 2320, 2350, 2380, 2400, 2420, 2450, 2490, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000)
          TAI <- predict(a, data.frame(LAMBDA))
          ################ end GADS ##################################################
        }else{ # use a suitable one for Australia (same as around Adelaide/Melbourne)
          TAI<-c(0.0670358341290886, 0.0662612704779235, 0.065497075238002, 0.0647431301168489, 0.0639993178022531, 0.0632655219571553, 0.0625416272145492, 0.0611230843885423, 0.0597427855962549, 0.0583998423063099, 0.0570933810229656, 0.0558225431259535, 0.0545864847111214, 0.0533843764318805, 0.0522154033414562, 0.0499736739981675, 0.047855059159556, 0.0458535417401334, 0.0439633201842001, 0.0421788036108921, 0.0404946070106968, 0.0389055464934382, 0.0374066345877315, 0.0359930755919066, 0.0346602609764008, 0.0334037648376212, 0.0322193394032758, 0.0311029105891739, 0.0300505736074963, 0.0290585886265337, 0.0281233764818952, 0.0272415144391857, 0.0264097320081524, 0.0256249068083005, 0.0248840604859789, 0.0241843546829336, 0.0235230870563317, 0.0228976873502544, 0.0223057135186581, 0.0217448478998064, 0.0212128934421699, 0.0207077699817964, 0.0202275105711489, 0.0197702578594144, 0.0193342605242809, 0.0189178697551836, 0.0177713140039894, 0.0174187914242432, 0.0170790495503944, 0.0167509836728154, 0.0164335684174899, 0.0161258546410128, 0.0158269663770596, 0.0155360978343254, 0.0152525104459325, 0.0149755299703076, 0.0147045436435285, 0.0144389973831391, 0.0141783930434343, 0.0134220329447663, 0.0131772403830191, 0.0129356456025128, 0.0126970313213065, 0.0124612184223418, 0.0122280636204822, 0.01199745718102, 0.0115436048739351, 0.0110993711778668, 0.0108808815754663, 0.0106648652077878, 0.0104513876347606, 0.0102405315676965, 0.00982708969547694, 0.00962473896278535, 0.00903679230300494, 0.00884767454432418, 0.0083031278398166, 0.00796072474935954, 0.00755817587626185, 0.00718610751850881, 0.00704629977586921, 0.00684663903049612, 0.00654155580333479, 0.00642947339729728, 0.00627223096874308, 0.00603955966866779, 0.00580920937536261, 0.00568506186880564, 0.00563167068287251, 0.00556222005081865, 0.00550522989971023, 0.00547395763028062, 0.0054478983436216, 0.00541823364504573, 0.00539532163908382, 0.00539239864119488, 0.00541690124712384, 0.00551525885358836, 0.00564825853509463, 0.00577220185074264, 0.00584222986640171, 0.00581645238345584, 0.00566088137411449, 0.00535516862329704, 0.00489914757707667, 0.00432017939770409, 0.0036813032251836, 0.00309019064543606, 0.00270890436501562, 0.00276446109239711, 0.00356019862584603)
        } #end check if running gads

        if(opendap == 0){
          channel <- RMySQL::dbConnect(MySQL(), user = uid, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = "AWAPDaily", port = 3306)
          for(j in 1:nyears){ # start loop through years
            lat1 <- x[2] - 0.024
            lat2 <- x[2] + 0.025
            lon1 <- x[1] - 0.024
            lon2 <- x[1] + 0.025
            query<-paste("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.*
                       FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                       , AWAPDaily.", yeartodo, " as b
                       where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ", lat1, " and ", lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ",lon1," and ",lon2,")
                       order by b.day", sep = "")
            output<- dbGetQuery(channel, query)
            if(yearlist[j] < 1971){
              output$vpr <- output$tmin / output$tmin - 1
            if(yearlist[j] > 1989){
              output$sol <- as.numeric(as.character(output$sol))
              output$sol <- output$tmin / output$tmin - 1
              results <- output
              results <- rbind(results, output)
          if(dailywind == 1){
            channel3 <- RMySQL::dbConnect(MySQL(), user = uid, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = "dailywind", port = 3306)
            if(min(yearlist) < 1975){
              # get mean of 1975-1984
              for(j in 1:10){ # start loop through years
                yeartodo <- 1974 + j
                lat1 <- x[2] - 0.024
                lat2 <- x[2] + 0.025
                lon1 <- x[1] - 0.024
                lon2 <- x[1] + 0.025
                query<-paste("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.*
                         FROM dailywind.latlon as a
                         , dailywind.", yeartodo, " as b
                         where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ",lat1," and ",lat2,") and (a.longitude between ",lon1," and ",lon2,")
                         order by b.day", sep = "")
                output <- dbGetQuery(channel3, query)
                if(j == 1){
                  dwindmean <- output
                  dwindmean <- cbind(dwindmean, output[, 5])
              dwindmean<-cbind(dwindmean[, 1:4], rowMeans(dwindmean[, 5:14]))
              colnames(dwindmean)[5] <- 'wind'
            for(j in 1:nyears){ # start loop through years
              yeartodo <- yearlist[j]
              if(yeartodo < 1975){
                output <- dwindmean
                lat1 <- x[2] - 0.024
                lat2 <- x[2] + 0.025
                lon1 <- x[1] - 0.024
                lon2 <- x[1] + 0.025
                query <- paste("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.*
                         FROM dailywind.latlon as a
                             , dailywind.", yeartodo, " as b
                             where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ", lat1, " and ", lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1, " and ", lon2, ")
                             order by b.day", sep = "")
                output <- dbGetQuery(channel3, query)
              if(j == 1){
                dwind <- output
                dwind <- rbind(dwind, output)
            dwind <- dwind$wind / 15.875 # conversion byte (i.e., an 8-bit unsigned integer ranging in value from 0 to 255) to m/s
        if(opendap == 0){
            TMAXX.orig <- results$tmax
            TMINN.orig <- results$tmin
            TMAXX <- as.matrix(results$tmax + as.numeric(adiab_corr_max))
            TMINN <- as.matrix(results$tmin + as.numeric(adiab_corr_min))

            TMAXX <- as.matrix(results$tmax)
            TMINN <- as.matrix(results$tmin)
            TMAXX <- TMAXX + TMAXX_diff
            TMINN <- TMINN + TMINN_diff
          RAINFALL <- results$rr
          output_AWAPDaily <- results
          if(adiab_cor == 1){
            TMAXX.orig <- TMAXX
            TMINN.orig <- TMINN
            TMAXX<-as.matrix(TMAXX + adiab_corr_max)
            TMINN<-as.matrix(TMINN + adiab_corr_min)
        if(scenario != ""){
          # first work out for each site the new predicted rainfall amount for each month - use this to adjust for fact that will underestimate chcange
          # using proportion because 0 x % is still 0
          # add columns with days, months and years
          RAIN_current <- as.data.frame(RAINFALL)
          dates <- seq(ISOdate(ystart, 1, 1, tz = paste("Etc/GMT+", 10, sep="")) - 3600 * 12, ISOdate((ystart+nyears),1, 1, tz = paste("Etc/GMT+",10, sep=""))-3600*13, by="days")
          dates <- subset(dates, format(dates, "%m/%d") != "02/29") # remove leap years
          RAINFALL_sum <- aggregate(RAIN_current, by = list(format(dates, "%m-%Y")), FUN = sum)
          dates2 <- RAINFALL_sum$Group.1
          RAINFALL_sum <- RAINFALL_sum[order(as.Date(paste0("01-",RAINFALL_sum$Group.1), "%m-%Y")), 2]

          load(file = paste0("c:/Spatial_Data/Australia Climate Change/", scenario, "/", "RAINst05_", scenario, "_", year, ".Rda"))
          diffs <- rep(as.numeric(terra::extract(RAINst05, x)), nyears)

          if(is.na(diffs[1]) == TRUE){
            print("no data")
            # find the nearest cell with data
            NArem <-RAINst05[[1]] # don't need to re-do this within bioregion loop
            NArem <- Which(!is.na(NArem), cells = TRUE)
            dist <- distanceFromPoints(RAINst05[[1]], y)
            distNA <- as.numeric(terra::extract(dist, NArem))
            cellsR <- cbind(distNA, NArem)
            distmin <- which.min(distNA)
            cellrep <- cellsR[distmin, 2]
            diffs <- rep(as.numeric(terra::extract(RAINst05, cellrep)), nyears)

          rainfall_new <- (RAINFALL_sum * diffs)

          rainfall_new[rainfall_new < 0 ] <- 0 # get rid of any negative rainfall values

          ## Now extract predicted change in mm
          load(file = paste0("c:/Spatial_Data/Australia Climate Change/", scenario, "/" ,"RAINst05_mm_", scenario, "_", year, ".Rda"))
          rainfall_change_mm <- rep(as.numeric(terra::extract(RAINst05_mm, x)), nyears)

          #########Now get predicted change in rainfall (could also get this from OzClim or ClimSim layer)#############
          Diff_prop <- rainfall_new/RAINFALL_sum # proportion change
          Diff_prop[Diff_prop == 'NaN'] <- 0
          Diff_prop[Diff_prop == 'Inf'] <- 0 ## If was previously no rainfall and now is rainfall need to alter code so this is simply added

          newRAINFALL <- rep(NA, length(RAINFALL))
          for (k in 1:length(RAINFALL)){ # loop through each sites applying monthly % changes
            month <- which(dates2 == format(dates[k], "%m-%Y"))
            # Test if predicted rainfall matches up - use rainfall_change_mm layer
            Rain_adj <- rainfall_change_mm[month]

            # test for if proportional change is 0 (because current rainfall is 0)
            #but rainfall predicted to increase
            if(Diff_prop[month] == 0 & Rain_adj > 1){ # couldn't get proportion as no current rain days but need to add rain
              print('new rain days needed')
              # previously no rain, randomly select a day and put all rain on it
              listD<-seq(1, length(newRAINFALL), 1)
              altD<-sample(listD, 1)
              newRAINFALL[altD] <- Rain_adj / 30
              newRAINFALL[k] <- RAINFALL[k] * Diff_prop[month]
          } # end of loop through each day
          newRAINFALL[newRAINFALL < 0.1] <- 0
          newRAINFALL[is.na(newRAINFALL)] <- 0
          RAINFALL <- newRAINFALL
        # cloud cover
        if(opendap == 0){
          if(ystart > 1989 & sum(results[, 9], na.rm = TRUE) > 0){ # solar radiation data available
            allclearsky <- leapfix(clearskysum, yearlist)
            allclearsky <- allclearsky[1:ndays]
            # convert from W/d to MJ/d
            allclearsky <- allclearsky * 3600 / 1e6
            if(is.na(output_AWAPDaily[1, 9]) == TRUE){
              output_AWAPDaily[1, 9] = mean(output_AWAPDaily[, 9], na.rm = TRUE)
            if(is.na(output_AWAPDaily[ndays, 9]) == TRUE){
              output_AWAPDaily[nrow(output_AWAPDaily), 9]=mean(output_AWAPDaily[, 9], na.rm = TRUE)
            solar <- zoo::na.approx(output_AWAPDaily[, 9])
            if(scenario != ""){
              solar <- solar*SOLAR_diff
            cloud <- (1 - solar / allclearsky) * 100
            cloud[cloud < 0] <- 0
            cloud[cloud > 100] <- 100
            CCMAXX <- as.numeric(cloud)
            CCMINN <- CCMAXX
            datestart1 <- "01/01/1990" # day, month, year
            datefinish1 <- "31/12/2014" # day, month, year
            datestart1 <- strptime(datestart1, "%d/%m/%Y") # convert to date format
            datefinish1 <- strptime(datefinish1, "%d/%m/%Y") # convert to date format
            yearstart1 <- as.numeric(format(datestart1, "%Y")) # yet year start
            yearfinish1 <- as.numeric(format(datefinish1, "%Y")) # yet year finish
            years1 <- seq(yearstart1, yearfinish1, 1) # get sequence of years to d0
            doystart <- datestart1$yday + 1 # get day-of-year at start
            doyfinish <- datefinish1$yday + 1 # get day-of-year at finish
            years1 <- seq(yearstart1, yearfinish1, 1) # get sequence of years to do
            channel <- RMySQL::dbConnect(MySQL(), user = uid, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = "AWAPDaily", port = 3306)
            for(i in 1:length(years1)){ # start loop through years
              # syntax for query
              if(length(years1) == 1){ # doing a period within a year
                query<-paste0("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                    , AWAPDaily.", years1[i], " as b where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ", lat1, " and ",lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1, " and ",lon2, ") and (b.day between ",doystart, " and ",doyfinish, ")
                              order by b.day")
                if(i==1){ # doing first year, start at day requested
                  query<-paste0("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                     , AWAPDaily.", years1[i], " as b where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ", lat1, " and ",lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1, " and ", lon2, ") and (b.day >= ", doystart,")
                     order by b.day")
                  if(i==length(years1)){ # doing last year, only go up to last day requested
                    query<-paste0("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                       , AWAPDaily.", years1[i], " as b where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ", lat1, " and ",lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1," and ", lon2, ") and (b.day <= ", doyfinish,")
                       order by b.day")
                  }else{ # doing in between years, so get all data for this year
                    query<-paste0("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                       , AWAPDaily.", years1[i], " as b where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ", lat1, " and ", lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1," and ", lon2, ")
                      order by b.day")
                output1 <- dbGetQuery(channel, query)
                output1 <- rbind(output1, dbGetQuery(channel, query))
            } # end loop through years
            output1$sol <- as.numeric(output1$sol)
            output1$clearsky <- leapfix(clearskysum, seq(1990, 2014)) * 3600 / 1e6
            glm_sol <- coefficients(with(output1, glm(sol ~ rr + tmax + tmin + day + clearsky)))
            output_AWAPDaily$clearsky <- leapfix(clearskysum, yearlist) * 3600 / 1e6
            output_AWAPDaily[, 9] <- glm_sol[1] + glm_sol[2] * output_AWAPDaily$rr + glm_sol[3] * output_AWAPDaily$tmax + glm_sol[4] * output_AWAPDaily$tmin + glm_sol[5] * output_AWAPDaily$day + glm_sol[6] * output_AWAPDaily$clearsky
            if(scenario != ""){
              output_AWAPDaily[, 9] <- output_AWAPDaily[, 9] * SOLAR_diff
            cloud <- (1 - as.data.frame(output_AWAPDaily$sol) / as.data.frame(output_AWAPDaily$clearsky)) * 100
            cloud[cloud < 0] <- 0
            cloud[cloud > 100] <- 100
            cloud <- as.matrix(cbind(output_AWAPDaily[, 4], cloud))
            CCMAXX <- cloud[, 2]
            CCMINN <- CCMAXX
          }# end check for year 1990 or later
          if(ystart > 1970){ #vapour pressure data available
            if(is.na(output_AWAPDaily[1, 8]) == TRUE){
              output_AWAPDaily[1, 8] = mean(output_AWAPDaily[, 8], na.rm = TRUE)
            VAPRES <- zoo::na.approx(output_AWAPDaily[, 8])
            VAPRES <- VAPRES * 100 # convert from hectopascals to pascals
            es <- WETAIR(db = TMAXX, rh = 100)$esat
            RHMINN <- (VAPRES / es) * 100
            RHMINN[RHMINN > 100] <- 100
            RHMINN[RHMINN < 0] <- 0.01
            es <- WETAIR(db = TMINN, rh = 100)$esat
            RHMAXX <- (VAPRES / es) * 100
            RHMAXX[RHMAXX > 100] <- 100
            RHMAXX[RHMAXX < 0] <- 0.01
            if(scenario != "" ){
              RHMINN <- RHMINN + RH_diff
            if(scenario != ""){
              RHMAXX <- RHMAXX + RH_diff
            if(exists("output1") == FALSE){
              datestart1 <- "01/01/1990" # day, month, year
              datefinish1 <- "31/12/2014" # day, month, year
              datestart1 <- strptime(datestart1, "%d/%m/%Y") # convert to date format
              datefinish1 <- strptime(datefinish1, "%d/%m/%Y") # convert to date format
              yearstart1 <- as.numeric(format(datestart1, "%Y")) # yet year start
              yearfinish1 <- as.numeric(format(datefinish1, "%Y")) # yet year finish
              years1 <- seq(yearstart1, yearfinish1, 1) # get sequence of years to d0
              doystart <- datestart1$yday + 1 # get day-of-year at start
              doyfinish <- datefinish1$yday + 1 # get day-of-year at finish
              years1 <- seq(yearstart1, yearfinish1, 1) # get sequence of years to do
              channel <- RMySQL::dbConnect(MySQL(), user = uid, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = "AWAPDaily", port = 3306)
              for(i in 1:length(years1)){ # start loop through years
                 if(length(years1) == 1){ # doing a period within a year
                  query <- paste0("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                    , AWAPDaily.", years1[i], " as b where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ",
                                lat1, " and ", lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1, " and ", lon2, ") and (b.day between
                    ", doystart, " and ", doyfinish, ") order by b.day")
                  if(i == 1){ # doing first year, start at day requested
                    query <- paste0("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                       , AWAPDaily.", years1[i]," as b where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between ",
                                  lat1, " and ", lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1, " and ", lon2, ") and (b.day >= ",
                                  doystart, ") order by b.day")
                    if(i == length(years1)){ # doing last year, only go up to last day requested
                      query <- paste0("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                        , AWAPDaily.", years1[i]," as b where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between "
                                    , lat1, " and ", lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1, " and ", lon2, ") and (b.day <= ",
                                    doyfinish, ") order by b.day")
                    }else{ # doing in between years, so get all data for this year
                      query <- paste0("SELECT a.latitude, a.longitude, b.* FROM AWAPDaily.latlon as a
                        , AWAPDaily.", years1[i], " as b where (a.id = b.id) and (a.latitude between
                        ", lat1, " and ", lat2, ") and (a.longitude between ", lon1, " and ", lon2, ") order by b.day")
                  output1 <- dbGetQuery(channel, query)
                  output1 <- rbind(output1, dbGetQuery(channel, query))
              } # end loop through years
            glm_vpr <- coefficients(with(output1, glm(vpr ~ rr + tmax + tmin + day)))
            output_AWAPDaily[, 8]<- glm_vpr[1] + glm_vpr[2] * output_AWAPDaily$rr + glm_vpr[3] * output_AWAPDaily$tmax + glm_vpr[4] * output_AWAPDaily$tmin + glm_vpr[5] * output_AWAPDaily$day
            VAPRES <- zoo::na.approx(output_AWAPDaily[, 8])
            VAPRES<-VAPRES * 100 # convert from hectopascals to pascals
            # correct for potential change in RH with elevation-corrected Tair
            es <- WETAIR(db = TMAXX, rh = 100)$esat
            RHMINN <- (VAPRES / es) * 100
            RHMINN[RHMINN > 100] <- 100
            RHMINN[RHMINN < 0] <- 0.01
            es <- WETAIR(db = TMINN, rh = 100)$esat
            RHMAXX <- (VAPRES / es) * 100
            RHMAXX[RHMAXX > 100] <- 100
            RHMAXX[RHMAXX < 0] <- 0.01
            if(scenario != ""){
              RHMINN <- RHMINN + RH_diff
            if(scenario != ""){
              RHMAXX <- RHMAXX + RH_diff
          }#end check for year is 1971 or later
        if(adiab_cor == 1){
          RHMAXX.orig <- RHMAXX
          RHMINN.orig <- RHMINN
          # correct for potential change in RH with elevation-corrected Tair
          es <- WETAIR(db = TMAXX, rh = 100)$esat
          e <- WETAIR(db = TMAXX.orig, rh = RHMINN.orig)$e
          RHMINN <- (e / es) * 100
          RHMINN[RHMINN > 100] <- 100
          RHMINN[RHMINN < 0] <- 0.01
          es <- WETAIR(db = TMINN, rh = 100)$esat
          e <- WETAIR(db = TMINN.orig, rh = RHMAXX.orig)$e
          RHMAXX <- (e / es) * 100
          RHMAXX[RHMAXX > 100] <- 100
          RHMAXX[RHMAXX < 0] <- 0.01
        # AUSCLIM query statements
        clouds <- paste("select cloud1,cloud2,cloud3,cloud4,cloud5,cloud6,cloud7,cloud8,cloud9,cloud10,cloud11,cloud12 FROM cloudcover WHERE i = ",dbrow,sep="")
        maxwinds <- paste("select maxwind1,maxwind2,maxwind3,maxwind4,maxwind5,maxwind6,maxwind7,maxwind8,maxwind9,maxwind10,maxwind11,maxwind12 FROM maxwind WHERE i = ",dbrow,sep="")
        minwinds <- paste("select minwind1,minwind2,minwind3,minwind4,minwind5,minwind6,minwind7,minwind8,minwind9,minwind10,minwind11,minwind12 FROM minwind WHERE i = ",dbrow,sep="")
        maxhumidities <- paste("select maxhum1,maxhum2,maxhum3,maxhum4,maxhum5,maxhum6,maxhum7,maxhum8,maxhum9,maxhum10,maxhum11,maxhum12 FROM maxhum WHERE i = ",dbrow,sep="")
        minhumidities <- paste("select minhum1,minhum2,minhum3,minhum4,minhum5,minhum6,minhum7,minhum8,minhum9,minhum10,minhum11,minhum12 FROM minhum WHERE i = ",dbrow,sep="")
        rainfall <- paste("select rainfall1,rainfall2,rainfall3,rainfall4,rainfall5,rainfall6,rainfall7,rainfall8,rainfall9,rainfall10,rainfall11,rainfall12 FROM rainfall WHERE i = ",dbrow,sep="")
        rainydays <- paste("select rainy1,rainy2,rainy3,rainy4,rainy5,rainy6,rainy7,rainy8,rainy9,rainy10,rainy11,rainy12 FROM rainydays WHERE i = ",dbrow,sep="")
        if(opendap == 0){
          channel2 <- RMySQL::dbConnect(MySQL(), user = uid, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = "ausclim", port = 3306)
          WNMAXX <- dbGetQuery(channel2, maxwinds)
          WNMINN <- dbGetQuery(channel2, minwinds)
          if(dailywind != 1 ){
            WNMAXX1 <- suppressWarnings(spline(doys12, WNMAXX, n = 365, xmin = 1, xmax = 365, method = "periodic"))
            WNMAXX <- leapfix(WNMAXX1$y, yearlist)
            WNMINN1 <- suppressWarnings(spline(doys12, WNMINN, n = 365, xmin = 1, xmax = 365, method = "periodic"))
            WNMINN <- leapfix(WNMINN1$y, yearlist)
            if(scenario != ""){
              WNMAXX <- WNMAXX * WIND_diff
              WNMINN <- WNMINN * WIND_diff
        if(soildata == 1){
          SLES <- suppressWarnings(spline(doys12, SLES, n = 365, xmin = 1, xmax = 365, method = "periodic"))$y
          SLES <- leapfix(SLES, yearlist)
          maxshades1 <- suppressWarnings(spline(doys12, shademax, n = 365, xmin = 1, xmax = 365, method = "periodic"))
          MAXSHADES <- leapfix(maxshades1$y * 100, yearlist)
          MAXSHADES <- MAXSHADES[1:ndays]
          if(manualshade == 0){
            maxshades1 <-suppressWarnings(spline(doys12, shademax, n = 365, xmin = 1, xmax = 365, method = "periodic"))
            MAXSHADES <- leapfix(maxshades1$y * 100, yearlist)
        REFLS <- rep(REFL, ndays)
        if((soildata == 1) & (length(RAINFALL) > 0)){
          soilwet <- RAINFALL
          soilwet[soilwet <= rainwet] <- 0
          soilwet[soilwet > 0] <- 90
          PCTWET <- pmax(soilwet, PCTWET)
          REFLS <- rep(REFL, ndays)
          PCTWET <- rep(PCTWET, ndays)
          soilwet <- RAINFALL
          soilwet[soilwet <= rainwet] <- 0
          soilwet[soilwet > 0] <- 90
          PCTWET <- pmax(soilwet, PCTWET)
        Numtyps <- 10 # number of substrate types
        Nodes <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 10, ncol = ndays) # deepest nodes for each substrate type
        Nodes[1:10, ] <- c(1:10) # deepest nodes for each substrate type
        if(timezone == 1){
            stop('package "geonames" is required.')
          ALREF <- abs(trunc(x[1]))
        HEMIS <- ifelse(x[2]<0, 2, 1)
        ALAT <- abs(trunc(x[2]))
        AMINUT <- (abs(x[2]) - ALAT) * 60
        ALONG <- abs(trunc(x[1]))
        ALMINT <- (abs(x[1]) - ALONG) * 60
        SLOPE <- SLOPES

        avetemp <- (sum(TMAXX) + sum(TMINN)) / (length(TMAXX) * 2)
          soilinit <- rep(avetemp, 20)
          spinup <- 1
          if(snowmodel == 0){
            soilinit <- c(Soil_Init, rep(avetemp, 10))
            soilinit <- c(rep(avetemp, 8), Soil_Init[1:10], rep(avetemp, 2))
          spinup <- 0
        tannul <- mean(unlist(ALLTEMPS))

        if(nyears == 1){
          avetemp<-(sum(TMAXX)+sum(TMINN)) / (length(TMAXX) * 2)
          if(ystart %in% leapyears){
            tannulrun <- rep(avetemp, 366)
            tannulrun <- rep(avetemp, 365)
          if(nrow(TMAXX) == 1){
            avetemp <- rowMeans(t(rbind(TMAXX, TMINN)), na.rm = TRUE)
            avetemp <- rowMeans(cbind(TMAXX, TMINN), na.rm = TRUE)
          if(length(TMAXX) < 365){
            tannulrun <- rep((sum(TMAXX) + sum(TMINN)) / (length(TMAXX) * 2), length(TMAXX))
            tannulrun <- terra::roll(avetemp, n = 365, fun = mean, type = 'to')
            yearone <- rep((sum(TMAXX[1:365]) + sum(TMINN[1:365])) / (365 * 2), 365)
            tannulrun[1:365] <- yearone
            # SST
        hourly <- 0
        if(microclima == 1){
          hourly <- 2
          cat('using microclima and elevatr to adjust solar for topographic and vegetation effects \n')
          if (!require("microclima", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("package 'microclima' is needed. Please install it.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          if (!require("zoo", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("package 'zoo' is needed. Please install it.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          cat("Downloading digital elevation data \n")
          lat <- x[2]
          long <- x[1]
          tt <- seq(as.POSIXct(paste0('01/01/',ystart), format = "%d/%m/%Y", tz = 'UTC'), as.POSIXct(paste0('31/12/',yfinish), format = "%d/%m/%Y", tz = 'UTC')+23*3600, by = 'hours')
          timediff <- x[1] / 15
          hour.microclima <- as.numeric(format(tt, "%H")) + timediff-floor(timediff)
          jd <- julday(as.numeric(format(tt, "%Y")), as.numeric(format(tt, "%m")), as.numeric(format(tt, "%d")))
          dem <- microclima::get_dem(r = NA, lat = lat, long = long, resolution = 100, zmin = -20)
          dem_terra <- terra::rast(dem)
          xy = data.frame(lon = loc[1], lat = loc[2]) |>
            sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"))
          xy <- sf::st_set_crs(xy, "EPSG:4326")
          xy <- sf::st_transform(xy, sf::st_crs(dem_terra))
          #xy <- data.frame(x = long, y = lat)
          #coordinates(xy) = ~x + y
          #proj4string(xy) = "+init=epsg:4326"
          #xy <- as.data.frame(spTransform(xy, crs(dem)))
          if (class(slope) == "logical") {
            slope <- terra::terrain(dem, v = "slope", unit = "degrees")
            slope <- as.numeric(terra::extract(slope, xy))
          if (class(aspect) == "logical") {
            aspect <- terrain(dem, v = "aspect", unit = "degrees")
            aspect <- as.numeric(terra::extract(aspect, xy))
          ha <- 0
          if(is.na(hori[1]) == "TRUE"){
            ha36 <- 0
            for (i in 0:35) {
              har <- horizonangle(dem, i * 10, res(dem)[1])
              ha36[i + 1] <- atan(as.numeric(terra::extract(har, xy))) * (180/pi)
            ha36 <- spline(x = hori, n = 36, method =  'periodic')$y
            ha36[ha36 < 0] <- 0
            ha36[ha36 > 90] <- 90
          for (i in 1:length(hour.microclima)) {
            saz <- solazi(hour.microclima[i], lat, long, jd[i], merid = long)
            saz <- round(saz/10, 0) + 1
            saz <- ifelse(saz > 36, 1, saz)
            ha[i] <- ha36[saz]
          #demmeso <- dem
          #info <- .eleveffects(hourlydata, demmeso, lat, long, windthresh = 4.5, emthresh = 0.78)
          #elev <- info$tout
          cloudhr <- cbind(rep(seq(1, length(cloud)),24), rep(cloud, 24))
          cloudhr <- cloudhr[order(cloudhr[,1]),]
          cloudhr <- cloudhr[,2]
          cloudhr <- leapfix(cloudhr, yearlist, 24)
          dsw2 <- leapfix(clearskyrad[,2], yearlist, 24) *(0.36+0.64*(1-cloudhr/100)) # Angstrom formula (formula 5.33 on P. 177 of "Climate Data and Resources" by Edward Linacre 1992
          # partition total solar into diffuse and direct using code from microclima::hourlyNCEP
          si <- microclima::siflat(hour.microclima, lat, long, jd, merid = long)
          am <- microclima::airmasscoef(hour.microclima, lat, long, jd, merid = long)
          dp <- vector(length = length(jd))
          for (i in 1:length(jd)) {
            dp[i] <- microclima:::difprop(dsw2[i], jd[i], hour.microclima[i], lat, long, watts = TRUE, hourly = TRUE, merid = long)
          dp[dsw2 == 0] <- NA
          dnir <- (dsw2 * (1 - dp))/si
          dnir[si == 0] <- NA
          difr <- (dsw2 * dp)
          edni <- dnir/((4.87/0.0036) * (1 - dp))
          edif <- difr/((4.87/0.0036) * dp)
          bound <- function(x, mn = 0, mx = 1) {
            x[x > mx] <- mx
            x[x < mn] <- mn
          odni <- bound((log(edni)/-am), mn = 0.001, mx = 1.7)
          odif <- bound((log(edif)/-am), mn = 0.001, mx = 1.7)
          nd <- length(odni)
          sel <- which(is.na(am * dp * odni * odif) == F)
          dp[1] <- dp[min(sel)]
          odni[1] <- odni[min(sel)]
          odif[1] <- odif[min(sel)]
          dp[nd] <- dp[max(sel)]
          odni[nd] <- odni[max(sel)]
          odif[nd] <- odif[max(sel)]
          dp[nd] <- dp[max(sel)]
          odni[nd] <- odni[max(sel)]
          odif[nd] <- odif[max(sel)]
          if (!require("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("package 'terra' is needed. Please install it.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          dp <- na.approx(dp, na.rm = F)
          odni <- na.approx(odni, na.rm = F)
          odif <- na.approx(odif, na.rm = F)
          h_dp <- bound(dp)
          h_oi <- bound(odni, mn = 0.24, mx = 1.7)
          h_od <- bound(odif, mn = 0.24, mx = 1.7)
          afi <- exp(-am * h_oi)
          afd <- exp(-am * h_od)
          h_dni <- (1 - h_dp) * afi * 4.87/0.0036
          h_dif <- h_dp * afd * 4.87/0.0036
          h_dni[si == 0] <- 0
          h_dif[is.na(h_dif)] <- 0
          diffuse_frac_all <- h_dif / (h_dni + h_dif) # calculated diffuse fraction
          diffuse_frac_all[is.na(diffuse_frac_all)] <- 1
          diffuse_frac <- diffuse_frac_all
          radwind2 <- .shortwave.ts(h_dni * 0.0036, h_dif * 0.0036, jd, hour.microclima, lat, long, slope, aspect, ha = ha, svv = 1, x = microclima.LOR, l = mean(microclima.LAI), albr = 0, merid = long, dst = 0, difani = FALSE)
          #microclima.out$hourlyradwind <- radwind2
          SOLRhr <- radwind2$swrad / 0.0036
          VIEWF <- 1 # accounted for already in microclima cals
          hori <- rep(0, 24) # accounted for already in microclima calcs
          diffuse_frac <- NA

        if(opendap == 0){
          # correct for fact that wind is measured at 2 m height
          # wind shear equation v / vo = (h / ho)^a
          #v = the velocity at height h (m/s)
          #vo = the velocity at height ho (m/s)
          #a = the wind shear exponent
          #Terrain   Wind Shear Exponent
          #- a -
          #  Open water   0.1
          #Smooth, level, grass-covered   0.15
          #Row crops   0.2
          #Low bushes with a few trees 	0.2
          #Heavy trees 	0.25
          #Several buildings 	0.25
          #Hilly, mountainous terrain 	0.25
          if(dailywind != 1){
            WNMINN <- WNMINN * (1.2 / 10) ^ 0.15 * 0.1 # reduce min wind further because have only 9am/3pm values to get max/min
            WNMAXX <- WNMAXX * (1.2 / 10) ^ 0.15
            message('min wind * 0.1 \n')
            WNMAXX<-dwind * (1.2 / 2) ^ 0.15
            WNMAXX<-WNMAXX * 2
            WNMINN<-WNMINN * 0.5
            WNMINN[WNMINN < 0.1] <- 0.1
            message('min wind * 0.5 \n')
            message('max wind * 2 \n')
          CCMINN <- CCMINN * 0.5
          CCMAXX <- CCMAXX * 2
          CCMINN[CCMINN > 100] <- 100
          CCMAXX[CCMAXX > 100] <- 100
          if(clearsky == 1){
            CCMINN <- CCMINN * 0
            CCMAXX <- CCMAXX * 0
            message('running for clear sky conditions')
            message('min cloud * 0.5 \n')
            message('max cloud * 2 \n')
          if(clearsky == 1){
            CCMINN <- CCMINN * 0
            CCMAXX <- CCMAXX * 0
            message('running for clear sky conditions')
        # impose uniform warming
        TMAXX <- TMAXX + warm
        TMINN <- TMINN + warm
        # impose wind multiplication factor
        WNMAXX <- WNMAXX * windfac
        WNMINN <- WNMINN * windfac
        if(soildata != 1){
          SLES <- matrix(nrow = ndays, data = 0)
          SLES <- SLES + SLE
        #quick fix to make it so that MINSHADES is at the user-specified value and MAXSHADES is from the FAPAR database
        if(soildata == 1 & manualshade == 0){
          MINSHADES[1:length(MINSHADES)] <- minshade
          MINSHADES <- MAXSHADES # this is to make one shade level effectively, as dictated by FAPAR
          MAXSHADES <- MINSHADES + 0.1

        moists2 <- matrix(nrow = 10, ncol = ndays, data = 0)
        moists2[1, ndays] <- 0.2
        moists <- moists2

        if(runmoist == 1){
          moists2 <- matrix(nrow = 10, ncol = ndays, data = 0) # set up an empty vector for soil moisture values through time
          moists2[1:10,] <- SoilMoist_Init
          moists <- moists2
        soilprops<-matrix(data = 0, nrow = 10, ncol = 5)

        soilprops[, 1] <- BulkDensity
        soilprops[,2] <- 1 - BulkDensity / Density # not used if soil moisture computed
        soilprops[soilprops[,2] < 0.26, 2] <- 0.26
        soilprops[, 3] <- Thcond
        soilprops[, 4] <- SpecHeat
        soilprops[, 5] <- Density

        if(cap == 1){
          soilprops[1:2, 3] <- 0.2
          soilprops[1:2, 4] <- 1920

        if(cap == 2){
          soilprops[1:2, 3] <- 0.1
          soilprops[3:4, 3] <- 0.25
          soilprops[1:4, 4] <- 1920
          soilprops[1:4, 5] <- 1.3
          soilprops[1:4, 1] <- 0.7

        # microclimate input parameters list ALTT, ALREF, ALMINT, ALONG, AMINUT, ALAT
        ALTT <- as.numeric(ALTT)
        ALREF <- as.numeric(ALREF)
        ALMINT <- as.numeric(ALMINT)
        ALONG <- as.numeric(ALONG)
        AMINUT <- as.numeric(AMINUT)
        ALAT <- as.numeric(ALAT)

        # microclimate input parameters list
        microinput <- c(ndays, RUF, ERR, Usrhyt, Refhyt, Numtyps, Z01, Z02, ZH1, ZH2, idayst, ida, HEMIS, ALAT, AMINUT, ALONG, ALMINT, ALREF, slope, azmuth, ALTT, CMH2O, microdaily, tannul, EC, VIEWF, snowtemp, snowdens, snowmelt, undercatch, rainmult, runshade, runmoist, maxpool, evenrain, snowmodel, rainmelt, writecsv, densfun, hourly, rainhourly, lamb, IUV, RW, PC, RL, SP, R1, IM, MAXCOUNT, IR, message, fail, snowcond, intercept, grasshade, solonly, ZH, D0, TIMAXS, TIMINS, spinup, 0, 360, maxsurf)

        # hourly option set to 0, so make empty vectors
        if(hourly != 1){
          TAIRhr <- rep(0, 24 * ndays)
          RHhr <- rep(0, 24 * ndays)
          WNhr <- rep(0, 24 * ndays)
          CLDhr <- rep(0, 24 * ndays)
          ZENhr <- rep(-1, 24 * ndays)
          IRDhr <- rep(-1, 24 * ndays)
        if(hourly == 0){
          SOLRhr <- rep(0, 24 * ndays)
        if(rainhourly == 0){
          RAINhr <- rep(0, 24 * ndays)
          RAINhr <- rainhour

        if(length(LAI) <ndays){
          LAI <- rep(LAI[1], ndays)
        if(shore == 0){
          tides <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 24 * ndays, ncol = 3) # make an empty matrix
        # all microclimate data input list - all these variables are expected by the input argument of the fortran micro2014 subroutine
        micro <- list(tides = tides, microinput = microinput, doy = doy, SLES = SLES, DEP = DEP, Nodes = Nodes, MAXSHADES = MAXSHADES, MINSHADES = MINSHADES, TMAXX = TMAXX, TMINN = TMINN, RHMAXX = RHMAXX, RHMINN = RHMINN, CCMAXX = CCMAXX, CCMINN = CCMINN, WNMAXX = WNMAXX, WNMINN = WNMINN, TAIRhr = TAIRhr, RHhr = RHhr, WNhr = WNhr, CLDhr = CLDhr, SOLRhr = SOLRhr, RAINhr = RAINhr, ZENhr = ZENhr, IRDhr = IRDhr, REFLS = REFLS, PCTWET = PCTWET, soilinit = soilinit, hori = hori, TAI = TAI, soilprops = soilprops, moists = moists, RAINFALL = RAINFALL, tannulrun = tannulrun, PE = PE, KS = KS, BB = BB, BD = BD, DD = DD, L = L, LAI = LAI)
        # write all input to csv files in their own folder
          if(dir.exists("micro csv input") == FALSE){
            dir.create("micro csv input")
          write.table(as.matrix(microinput), file = "micro csv input/microinput.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(doy, file = "micro csv input/doy.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(SLES, file = "micro csv input/SLES.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(DEP, file = "micro csv input/DEP.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(Nodes, file = "micro csv input/Nodes.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(MAXSHADES, file = "micro csv input/Maxshades.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(MINSHADES, file = "micro csv input/Minshades.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(TIMAXS, file = "micro csv input/TIMAXS.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(TIMINS, file = "micro csv input/TIMINS.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(TMAXX, file = "micro csv input/TMAXX.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(TMINN, file = "micro csv input/TMINN.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(RHMAXX, file = "micro csv input/RHMAXX.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(RHMINN, file = "micro csv input/RHMINN.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(CCMAXX, file = "micro csv input/CCMAXX.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(CCMINN, file = "micro csv input/CCMINN.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(WNMAXX, file = "micro csv input/WNMAXX.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(WNMINN, file = "micro csv input/WNMINN.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(REFLS, file = "micro csv input/REFLS.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(PCTWET, file = "micro csv input/PCTWET.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(soilinit, file = "micro csv input/soilinit.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(hori, file = "micro csv input/hori.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(TAI, file = "micro csv input/TAI.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(soilprops, file="micro csv input/soilprop.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(moists, file="micro csv input/moists.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(RAINFALL, file="micro csv input/rain.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(tannulrun, file="micro csv input/tannulrun.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(PE, file="micro csv input/PE.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(BD, file="micro csv input/BD.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(DD, file="micro csv input/DD.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(BB, file="micro csv input/BB.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(KS, file="micro csv input/KS.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(L, file="micro csv input/L.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(LAI, file="micro csv input/LAI.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(tides, file="micro csv input/tides.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(TAIRhr, file="micro csv input/TAIRhr.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(RHhr, file="micro csv input/RHhr.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(WNhr, file="micro csv input/WNhr.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(CLDhr, file="micro csv input/CLDhr.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(SOLRhr, file="micro csv input/SOLRhr.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(RAINhr, file="micro csv input/RAINhr.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(ZENhr, file="micro csv input/ZENhr.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          write.table(IRDhr, file="micro csv input/IRDhr.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
          location <- paste("long", loc[1], "lat", loc[2])
          location <- loc
        if(opendap == 0){
         all_cons <- dbListConnections(MySQL())
         for(con in all_cons) +  dbDisconnect(con)

        message(paste('running microclimate model for', ndays, 'days from ', ystart, ' to ', yfinish, ' at site', location, '\n'))
        message('Note: the output column `SOLR` in metout and shadmet is for unshaded horizontal plane solar radiation \n')
        ptm <- proc.time() # Start timing
        microut <- microclimate(micro)
        message(paste0('runtime ', (proc.time() - ptm)[3], ' seconds')) # Stop the clock

        metout <- microut$metout # retrieve above ground microclimatic conditions, min shade
        shadmet <- microut$shadmet # retrieve above ground microclimatic conditions, max shade
        soil <- microut$soil # retrieve soil temperatures, minimum shade
        shadsoil <- microut$shadsoil # retrieve soil temperatures, maximum shade
        tcond <- microut$tcond
        shadtcond <- microut$shadtcond
        specheat <- microut$specheat
        shadspecheat <- microut$shadspecheat
        densit <- microut$densit
        shaddensit <- microut$shaddensit
        if(runmoist == 1){
          soilmoist <- microut$soilmoist # retrieve soil moisture, minimum shade
          shadmoist <- microut$shadmoist # retrieve soil moisture, maximum shade
          humid <- microut$humid # retrieve soil humidity, minimum shade
          shadhumid <- microut$shadhumid # retrieve soil humidity, maximum shade
          soilpot <- microut$soilpot # retrieve soil water potential, minimum shade
          shadpot <- microut$shadpot # retrieve soil water potential, maximum shade
          plant <- microut$plant # retrieve plant , minimum shade
          shadplant <- microut$shadplant # retrieve plant output, maximum shade
          soilpot <- soil
          soilmoist <- soil
          shadpot <- soil
          shadmoist <- soil
          humid <- soil
          shadhumid <- soil
          plant <- cbind(soil, soil[, 3:4])
          shadplant <- cbind(soil, soil[, 3:4])
          soilpot[, 3:12] <- 0
          soilmoist[, 3:12] <- 0.5
          shadpot[, 3:12] <- 0
          shadmoist[, 3:12] <- 0.5
          humid[, 3:12] <- 0.99
          shadhumid[, 3:12] <- 0.99
          plant[, 3:14] <- 0
          shadplant[, 3:14] <- 0
        if(snowmodel == 1){
          sunsnow <- microut$sunsnow
          shdsnow <- microut$shdsnow
        if(max(metout[,1] == 0)){
          cat("ERROR: the model crashed - try a different error tolerance (ERR) or a different spacing in DEP", '\n')
        dates <- seq(as.POSIXct(paste0("01/01/", ystart), format = "%d/%m/%Y", tz = 'Etc/GMT+10'), as.POSIXct(paste0("01/01/", yfinish + 1), format = "%d/%m/%Y ", tz = 'Etc/GMT+10'), by = 'hours')[1:(length(TMAXX) * 24)]
        dates2 <- seq(as.POSIXct(paste0("01/01/", ystart), format = "%d/%m/%Y", tz = 'Etc/GMT+10'), as.POSIXct(paste0("01/01/", yfinish + 1), format = "%d/%m/%Y", tz = 'Etc/GMT+10'), by = 'days')[1:length(TMAXX)]
        if(lamb == 1){
          drlam <- as.data.frame(microut$drlam) # retrieve direct solar irradiance
          drrlam <- as.data.frame(microut$drrlam) # retrieve direct Rayleigh component solar irradiance
          srlam <- as.data.frame(microut$srlam) # retrieve scattered solar irradiance
          if(snowmodel == 1){
            return(list(soil = soil, shadsoil = shadsoil, metout = metout, shadmet = shadmet, soilmoist = soilmoist, shadmoist = shadmoist, humid = humid, shadhumid = shadhumid, soilpot = soilpot, shadpot = shadpot, sunsnow = sunsnow, shdsnow = shdsnow, plant = plant, shadplant = shadplant, tcond = tcond, shadtcond = shadtcond, specheat = specheat, shadspecheat = shadspecheat, densit = densit, shaddensit = shaddensit, RAINFALL = RAINFALL, ndays = ndays, elev = ALTT, REFL = REFL[1], longlat = c(x[1],x[2]),nyears = nyears, minshade = MINSHADES, maxshade = MAXSHADES, DEP = DEP, drlam = drlam, drrlam = drrlam, srlam = srlam, dates = dates, dates2 = dates2,PE=PE,BD=BD,DD=DD,BB=BB,KS=KS, diffuse_frac = diffuse_frac))
            return(list(soil = soil, shadsoil = shadsoil, metout = metout, shadmet = shadmet, soilmoist = soilmoist, shadmoist = shadmoist, humid = humid, shadhumid = shadhumid, soilpot = soilpot, shadpot = shadpot, plant = plant, shadplant = shadplant, tcond = tcond, shadtcond = shadtcond, specheat = specheat, shadspecheat = shadspecheat, densit = densit, shaddensit = shaddensit, RAINFALL = RAINFALL, ndays = ndays, elev = ALTT, REFL = REFL[1], longlat = c(x[1],x[2]),nyears = nyears, minshade = MINSHADES, maxshade = MAXSHADES, DEP = DEP, drlam = drlam, drrlam = drrlam, srlam = srlam, dates = dates, dates2 = dates2,PE=PE,BD=BD,DD=DD,BB=BB,KS=KS, diffuse_frac = diffuse_frac))
          if(snowmodel == 1){
            return(list(soil = soil, shadsoil = shadsoil, metout = metout, shadmet = shadmet, soilmoist = soilmoist, shadmoist = shadmoist, humid = humid, shadhumid = shadhumid, soilpot = soilpot, shadpot = shadpot, sunsnow = sunsnow, shdsnow = shdsnow, plant = plant, shadplant = shadplant, tcond = tcond, shadtcond = shadtcond, specheat = specheat, shadspecheat = shadspecheat, densit = densit, shaddensit = shaddensit, RAINFALL = RAINFALL, ndays = ndays, elev = ALTT, REFL = REFL[1], longlat = c(x[1],x[2]),nyears = nyears, minshade = MINSHADES, maxshade = MAXSHADES, DEP = DEP, dates = dates, dates2 = dates2,PE=PE,BD=BD,DD=DD,BB=BB,KS=KS, diffuse_frac = diffuse_frac))
            return(list(soil = soil, shadsoil = shadsoil, metout = metout, shadmet = shadmet, soilmoist = soilmoist, shadmoist = shadmoist, humid = humid, shadhumid = shadhumid, soilpot = soilpot, shadpot = shadpot, plant = plant, shadplant = shadplant, tcond = tcond, shadtcond = shadtcond, specheat = specheat, shadspecheat = shadspecheat, densit = densit, shaddensit = shaddensit, RAINFALL = RAINFALL, ndays = ndays, elev = ALTT, REFL = REFL[1], longlat = c(x[1],x[2]),nyears = nyears, minshade = MINSHADES, maxshade = MAXSHADES, DEP = DEP, dates = dates, dates2 = dates2,PE=PE,BD=BD,DD=DD,BB=BB,KS=KS))
      } # end of check for na sites
    } # end of check if soil data is being used but no soil data returned
  } # end error trapping
} # end of micro_aust function
mrke/NicheMapR documentation built on June 9, 2024, 12:38 p.m.