
Defines functions lr_ci_p unidim tetram tetra zero_tetra int_tetra Q3 ch_th prob_ij pfs ability wle_ab bme_ab mle_ab eap_ab Pj backward pvtol cooksD drop1.rasch constrainer lincon pev hess sandwich opg sstars proflik pbootr anova.rasch predict.rcs rcs gradient hessian BIC.rasch AIC.rasch logLik.rasch update.rasch confint.rasch vcov.rasch summary.rasch coef.rasch print.rasch

Documented in ability AIC.rasch backward BIC.rasch coef.rasch confint.rasch cooksD drop1.rasch gradient hessian lincon logLik.rasch pfs predict.rcs print.rasch rcs summary.rasch update.rasch vcov.rasch

# print
print.rasch <- function(x, ...){
  stopifnot(inherits(x, 'rasch'))
  pnames  <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(rownames(x$coef), '_'),
  pvnames <- rownames(x$coef)
  if ('alpha' %in% pnames){
    those  <- which(pnames == 'alpha')
    disc   <- x$coef[ those, ]
    x$coef <- x$coef[-those, ]
    cat('\n', 'Discrimination parameters', '\n')
    alpha  <-round(disc[, 1], 3)
    attr(alpha, 'names') <- pvnames[those]
  if ('gamma' %in% pnames){
    those  <- which(pnames == 'gamma')
    guess  <- x$coef[ those,]
    x$coef <- x$coef[-those,]
    cat('\n', 'Pseudo-guessing parameters', '\n')
    gamma  <- round(guess[, 1], 3)
    attr(gamma, 'names') <- pvnames[those]
  cat('\n', 'Difficulty parameters', '\n')
  est <- round(x$coef[, 1], 3)
  attr(est, 'names') <- pvnames[pnames == 'delta']
  if('beta' %in% names(x)){
    cat('\n', 'Regression parameters', '\n')
    est<-round(x$beta[, 1], 3)
    attr(est,'names') <- rownames(x$beta)

# coef
coef.rasch <- function(object, ...){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))
  out     <- vector('list')
  pnames  <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(rownames(object$coef), '_'), function(x) x[1]))
  pvnames <- rownames(object$coef)
  if ('alpha'%in%pnames){
    those  <- which(pnames == 'alpha')
    est.a  <- object$coef[those, 1]
    object$coef <- object$coef[-those,]
    attr(est.a,'names') <- pvnames[those]
    out$est.a <- est.a
  if ('gamma'%in%pnames){
    those  <- which(pnames == 'gamma')
    est.g  <- object$coef[those, 1]
    object$coef <- object$coef[-those, ]
    attr(est.g,'names') <- pvnames[those]
    out$est.g <- est.g
  est.d <- object$coef[,1]
  attr(est.d, 'names') <- rownames(object$coef)
  out$est.d <- est.d
  if ('beta'%in%names(object)){
    est.b <- object$beta[, 1]
    attr(est.b,'names') <- rownames(object$beta)
    out$est.b <- est.b

# summary
summary.rasch <- function(object, cov_type = 'hessian', correlation = FALSE, signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))
  if(! cov_type %in% c('hessian', 'opg', 'sandwich')) stop("cov_type must be one of 'wald', 'opg' or 'sandwich'")
  out <- list()
  cat(paste('n',      nrow(object$items),     sep='      '), '\n')
  cat(paste('logLik', round(object$loglik,3), sep=' ')     , '\n') 
  cat(paste('AIC',    round(AIC(object), 3), sep='    ')   , '\n')
  cat(paste('BIC',    round(BIC(object), 3), sep='    ')   , '\n')
  out$AIC    <- AIC(object)
  out$BIC    <- BIC(object)
  out$logLik <- object$loglik

  # coefficient estimates
  est <- object$coef
  if ('beta' %in% names(object)) est <- rbind(est, object$beta) 

  # coefficient names
  pvnames <- rownames(est)
  pnames  <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(pvnames, '_'),function(x) x[1]))
  # covariance matrix estiamtion (if necessary)
  if (cov_type != 'hessian'){
    V       <- vcov(object, type = cov_type)
    std_err <- sqrt(diag(V))
    est[,2] <- std_err[1:length(pnames)]
    h0      <- ifelse(pnames == 'alpha', 1, 0)
    est[,3] <- (est[,1] - h0)/est[,2]
    dof     <- nrow(object$items) - length(pnames)
    est[,4] <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(est[,3]),df = dof))

  if ('alpha' %in% pnames){
    cat('Discrimination parameters','\n')
    a      <- round(est[which(pnames == 'alpha'),],3)
    a[, 4] <- pvtol(a[, 4], 0.001)
    ss <- sstars(a[,4])
    names(a) <- c('Estimate',
                  'Std. Error',
                  't value',
    if (signif.stars) {
      a <- data.frame(a, ss, check.names = FALSE)
      names(a)[ncol(a)] <- ''
    out$alpha   <- a
  cat('Difficulty parameters','\n')
  d  <- round(est[which(pnames == 'delta'),],3)
  d[, 4] <- pvtol(d[, 4], 0.001)
  ss <- sstars(d[, 4])
  names(d) <- c('Estimate',
                'Std. Error',
                't value',
  if (signif.stars) {
    d <- data.frame(d, ss, check.names=FALSE)
    names(d)[ncol(d)] <- ''
  cat('___', '\n')
  print("Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1")
  out$difficulty <- d
  if ('beta'%in%names(object)){
    cat('___', '\n')
    cat('Regression parameters', '\n')
    b <- round(est[which(pnames == 'beta'),],3)
    b[, 4] <- pvtol(b[, 4], 0.001)
    ss <- sstars(b[, 4])
                 'Std. Error',
                 't value',
    if (signif.stars) {
      b <- data.frame(b, ss, check.names = FALSE)
      names(b)[ncol(b)] <- ''
    print("Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1")
    out$beta <- b
  if (correlation == TRUE){
    corr <- cov2cor(vcov(object, type = cov_type))
    cat('___', '\n')
    print(corr, 2)
    out$correlation <- corr

# vcov
vcov.rasch <- function(object, type = 'hessian', ...){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))
  V <- switch(type,
              'hessian'  = hess(object),
              'opg'      = opg(object),
              'sandwich' = sandwich(object))

# confint
confint.rasch <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, type = 'wald', B = 99, ...){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))
  ocf    <- object$coef
  cf     <- ocf[, 1]
  dnames <- rownames(ocf)
  a      <- (1 - level)/2
  if (type == 'wald'){
    a      <- c(a, 1 - a)
    dof    <- nrow(object$items) - length(unlist(coef(object)))
    tval   <- qt(a, dof)
    se     <- ocf[,2]
    ci     <- cf + se %o% tval
    rownames(ci) <- dnames
    colnames(ci) <- paste(round(a*100, 1), '%')
    if ('beta' %in% names(object)){
      cf.b   <- object$beta[, 1]
      bnames <- rownames(object$beta)
      se.b   <- object$beta[, 2]
      ci.b   <- cf.b + se.b %o% tval
      rownames(ci.b) <- bnames
      ci     <- rbind(ci,ci.b)
  if (type == 'profile'){
    ci <- proflik(object, level = 1 - level)
  if (type == 'boot'){
    boots <- pbootr(object, B = B)
    reps  <- lapply(boots, function(x) x$coef[, 1])
    reps  <- matrix(unlist(reps), nrow = B, byrow = TRUE)
    ci    <- t(apply(reps, 2, quantile, probs = c(a, 1-a)))
    rownames(ci) <- rownames(object$coef)
    colnames(ci) <- paste(round(c(a, 1 - a)*100, 1), '%')
    rows <- which(rownames(ci) %in% parm)
  } else rows <- 1:nrow(ci)
  return(ci[rows, ])

# update
update.rasch <- function(object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))
  call   <- getCall(object)
  if ('linpred' %in% names(object)) {
    f_reg   <- eval(call[[3]])
  } else f_reg <- NULL
  extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
  if (is.null(call)) 
    stop("Need an object with a 'call' component")
  if (!missing(formula.)){
    f_upd <- update.formula(f_reg, formula.)
    call  <- call_modify(call, f_reg = f_upd)
  if(length(extras)>=1) {
	  existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
	  ## do these individually to allow NULL to remove entries.
	  for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
	  if(any(!existing)) {
	    call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
	    call <- as.call(call)
  if (evaluate) 
    eval(call, parent.frame())
  else call

# loglik
logLik.rasch <- function(object, ...){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))

AIC.rasch <- function(object, ..., k = 2){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))
    models  <- list(object, ...)
    # log-likelihood
    ll      <- as.numeric(lapply(models, logLik))
    # number of parameters
    num_par <- function(mod) nrow(mod$coef)
    npar    <- sapply(models, num_par)
    # output
    aic     <- data.frame(df = npar, AIC = -2*ll + k*npar)
    Call    <- match.call()
    rownames(aic) <- as.character(Call[-1])
  } else {
    return(k*nrow(object$coef) - 2*object$loglik)

BIC.rasch <-function(object, ...){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))
    models  <- list(object, ...)
    # log-likelihoods
    ll      <- as.numeric(lapply(models,logLik))
    # numer of parameters
    num_par <- function(mod) nrow(mod$coef)
    npar    <- sapply(models, num_par)
    # number of observations
    nobs    <- function(mod) nrow(mod$items)
    n       <- sapply(models, nobs)
    # output
    bic     <- data.frame(df = npar,BIC = -2*ll + log(n)*npar)
    Call    <-match.call()
    rownames(bic) <- as.character(Call[-1])
  } else {
    return(log(nrow(object$items))*nrow(object$coef) - 2*object$loglik)

# hessian
hessian<-function(fun, param, ..., fun0 = NULL){
  h <- (.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)
  p <- length(param)
  e <- diag(h*(1 + abs(param)), p)
  if (is.null(fun0)) fun0 <- fun(param, ...)
  deriva2 <- function(i, j, ...) (fun(param + e[, i] + e[, j],...) -
                                    get(paste('fun', i, sep = '')) -
                                    get(paste('fun', j, sep = '')) + fun0)/(e[i, i]*e[j, j])
  hess    <- matrix(0, p, p)
  for (i in 1:p) {
    assign(paste('fun', i, sep = ''),fun(param + e[, i], ...))
    hess[i, i] <- deriva2(i, i, ...)
    if (i<p) {
      for (j in (i + 1):p) {
        assign(paste('fun', j, sep = ''), fun(param + e[, j], ...))
        hess[i, j] <- hess[j, i] <- deriva2(i, j, ...)

# gradient
gradient <- function(fun, param, ..., fun0 = NULL){
  h <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
  p <- length(param)
  e <- diag(h*(1 + abs(param)), p)
  if (is.null(fun0)) fun0 <- fun(param, ...)
  deriva1 <- function(i, ...) (fun(param + e[, i], ...) - fun0)/(e[i, i])
  grad    <- matrix(0, 1, p)
  for (i in 1:p) {
    assign(paste('fun', i, sep = ''),fun(param + e[, i], ...))
    grad[1, i] <- deriva1(i, ...)

# restricted cubic splines
rcs<-function(x, m = NULL, knots = NULL, scale = TRUE){
	if(is.null(knots)) {
		fr    <- 1/(m +1)
		knots <- quantile(x, probs = seq(fr, 1 - fr, fr))
	if(is.null(m)) m <- length(knots)
	Cs  <- matrix(NA,
	              nrow = length(x),
	              ncol = m - 2)
	for (i in 1:(m-2)) Cs[,i] <- apply(cbind(0, (x - knots[i])^3), 1, max) - apply(cbind(0, (x - knots[m - 1])^3), 1, max) * (knots[m] - knots[i])/(knots[m] - knots[m - 1]) + apply(cbind(0,(x - knots[m])^3), 1, max)*(knots[m - 1] - knots[i])/(knots[m] - knots[m - 1])
	Cs  <- cbind(x, Cs)
	colnames(Cs) <-paste('C', 0:(m-2), sep = '')
	if(scale) {
		sds <- apply(Cs, 2, sd)
		Cs  <- scale(Cs, center = FALSE, scale = sds)
	attr(Cs,'class')         <- c('rcs', 'basis', 'matrix')
	attr(Cs,'intercept')     <- FALSE
	attr(Cs,'Boundary.knots')<- range(x)
	attr(Cs,'knots')         <- knots

# predict restricted cubic splines
predict.rcs<-function(object, new_x, ...){
	knots   <- attr(object, 'knots')
	b_knots <- attr(object, 'Boundary.knots')
	m       <- length(knots)
	sds     <- attr(object, 'scale')

	pCs <- matrix(NA,
	              nrow = length(new_x),
	              ncol = m - 2)
	for (i in 1:(m-2)) pCs[, i] <- apply(cbind(0, (new_x - knots[i])^3), 1, max) - apply(cbind(0, (new_x - knots[m - 1])^3), 1, max)*(knots[m] - knots[i])/(knots[m] - knots[m - 1]) + apply(cbind(0, (new_x - knots[m])^3), 1, max)*(knots[m - 1] - knots[i])/(knots[m] - knots[m - 1])
	pCs <- cbind(new_x,pCs)
	colnames(pCs) <- colnames(object)
	if(!is.null(sds)) {
		pCs <- scale(pCs, center = FALSE, scale = sds)
	attr(pCs,'class')          <- c('rcs', 'object', 'matrix')
	attr(pCs,'intercept')      <- FALSE
	attr(pCs,'Boundary.knots') <- range(new_x)
	attr(pCs,'knots')          <- knots


# anova
anova.rasch<-function(object, ..., ref = 1){
  models  <- list(object, ...)
  israsch <- lapply(models,
                    function(x) inherits(x,'rasch'))
  israsch <- unlist(israsch)
  if (any(!israsch)) stop("Some of the models are not 'rasch' objects")
  coefs <- lapply(models,
                  function(x) rbind(x$coef,x$beta))
  # number of free parameters
  nfp   <- function(x) sum(!is.na(x))
  npars <- unlist(lapply(coefs,
                         function(x) nfp(x[,2])))
  lliks <- unlist(lapply(models,
                         function(x) logLik(x)))
  # Likelihood ratio test
  LRT  <- c(NA, 2*(lliks[-ref] - lliks[ref]))
  df   <- c(NA,  npars[-ref] - npars[ref])
  if (any(df[-1]<0)) warning('Check that the reference model is the more restricted')
  pv   <- c(1 - pchisq(LRT, df))
  test <- data.frame(logLik  = lliks,
                     AIC     = AIC(object, ...)[, 2],
                     BIC     = BIC(object, ...)[, 2],
                     LRT     = LRT,
                     df      = df,
                     p.value = pvtol(pv, 0.001))
  alcall  <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots=TRUE))
  rn      <- as.character(lapply(alcall,function(x)x))[-1] 
  rownames(test) <- rn
  test1   <- format(test, digits = 5)
  test1[is.na(test)] <- ''
  cat('Likelihood Ratio Test', '\n')


# parametric bootstrap
pbootr <- function(mod, B = 99, trace = TRUE){
  J    <- ncol(mod$items)
  n    <- nrow(mod$items)
  call <- mod$call
  # parameter extraction
  delta <- coef(mod)$est.d
  alpha <- coef(mod)$est.a
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha<-rep(1, J)
  if (length(alpha) == 1 ) alpha <- rep(alpha, J)
  if ('beta' %in% names(mod)){
    reg  <- mod$linpred
    beta <- coef(mod)$est.b
  } else {
    reg  <- NULL
    beta <- NULL
  # list for models
  mods <- vector('list',B)
  for (i in 1:B){
    X_i        <- sim_rasch(n, delta = delta, alpha = alpha, reg = reg, beta = beta)
    if (trace) cat('Fitting model ',i,'\n')
    call$items <- as.name('X_i')
    mods[[i]]  <- eval(call)
  names(mods)  <- paste('mod', 1:B, sep='_')

# profile likelihood CIs
proflik <- function(mod, level = 0.05){
  est  <- coef(mod)
  init <- unlist(est$est.d)
  if('est.a' %in% names(est)) init <- c(init, log(est$est.a))
  if('est.b' %in% names(est)) {
    init <- c(init, est$est.b)
    Z    <- mod$linpred
  } else Z <- NULL
  qch2 <- qchisq(1 - level, 1)/2
  L0   <- mod$loglik - qch2
  items <- mod$items
  npar  <- length(init)
  CI    <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = npar)
  #log-likelihood function
  flik <- as.character(mod$call[[1]])
  flik <- paste(flik, 'likLA', sep = '')

  fzero <- function(h){
    initL   <- init
    fixL    <- rep(NA, npar)
    fixL[i] <- initL[i] <- initL[i] + h
    if(is.null(Z)) prof <- nlminb(start = initL, objective = get(flik), X = items, control = list(rel.tol = 1e-7, x.tol = 1e-7), fixed = fixL)
    else           prof <- nlminb(start = initL, objective = get(flik), X = items, Z = Z, control = list(rel.tol = 1e-7, x.tol = 1e-7), fixed = fixL)               
    -prof$objective - L0
  # free parameters
  free <- 1:npar
  if (any(is.na(mod$coef[,2]))){
    free <- free[-which(is.na(mod$coef[,2]))]

  cat('Profiling the likelihood ...','\n')
  for (i in free){
    # extremes of intervals 
    xl <- -2 ; fxl <- fzero(-2)
    xr <-  2 ; fxr <- fzero(2)
    while(fxl > 0){
      xl <- xl*2
      fxl <- fzero(xl)
    while(fxr > 0){
      xr <- xr*2
      fxr <- fzero(xr)
    CI[i,1] <- init[i] + uniroot(fzero, interval = c(xl, 0), f.lower = fxl, f.upper = qch2, tol = 1e-3)$root
    CI[i,2] <- init[i] + uniroot(fzero, interval = c(0, xr), f.lower = qch2, f.upper = fxr, tol = 1e-3)$root
  # exponentiate discrimination parameters
  if ('est.a' %in% names(est)){
    k <- length(est$est.a)
    J <- ncol(items)
    CI[(J + 1):(J + k),] <- exp(CI[(J + 1):(J + k),])
  rownames(CI) <- rownames(mod$coef)
  colnames(CI) <- paste(round(c(level/2, 1 - level/2)*100, 1), '%',sep = '')

# signification stars
sstars <- function(pv){
  ss <- ifelse(pv > 0.1, '',
               ifelse(pv > 0.05, '.',
                      ifelse(pv > 0.01, '*',
                             ifelse(pv > 0.001, '**','***'))))
  if(any(is.na(ss))) ss[which(is.na(ss))]<-''

# cross product gradient covariance estimation
opg <- function(mod){
  # log-likelihood function
  flik  <- as.character(mod$call[[1]])
  flik  <- paste(flik, 'likLA', sep = '')
  # model parameters
  cmod  <- coef(mod)
  pars  <- cmod$est.d
  if ('est.a' %in% names(cmod)) pars <- c(pars, log(cmod$est.a))
  if ('est.b' %in% names(cmod)) {
    pars <- c(pars, cmod$est.b)
    Z    <- mod$linpred
  } else Z <- NULL
  X     <- mod$items
  n     <- nrow(X)
  J     <- ncol(X)
  grads <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = length(pars))

  if(is.null(Z)) for (i in 1:n) grads[i, ] <- gradient(fun = get(flik), param = pars, X = X[i,,drop=FALSE])
  else           for (i in 1:n) grads[i, ] <- gradient(fun = get(flik), param = pars, X = X[i,,drop=FALSE], Z = Z[i,,drop=FALSE])

  Vpars <- solve(t(grads) %*% grads)
  # delta method covariances (back-transform log(discrimination))
  if('est.a' %in% names(cmod)){
    h      <- rep(1, length(pars))
  	a_p    <- seq(from = J + 1, length = length(cmod$est.a))
   	h[a_p] <- exp(pars[a_p])
  	Vpars  <- outer(h, h)*Vpars
  colnames(Vpars) <- rownames(Vpars) <- names(pars)

# sandwich covariance matrix estimation
sandwich <- function(mod){
  ihess    <- solve(hess(mod)) # extracts hessian^{-1}
  c_opg    <- opg(mod)  # extracts outer_product_gradients^{-1}
  c_sand   <- ihess %*% c_opg %*% ihess

# hessian covariance matrix estimation
hess <- function(mod){
  # log-likelihood function
  flik  <- as.character(mod$call[[1]])
  flik  <- paste(flik, 'likLA', sep = '')

  # model parameters
  cmod  <- coef(mod)
  pars  <- cmod$est.d
  if ('est.a' %in% names(cmod)) pars <- c(pars, log(cmod$est.a))
  if ('est.b' %in% names(cmod)) {
    pars <- c(pars, cmod$est.b)
    Z    <- mod$linpred
  } else Z <- NULL
  X     <- mod$items
  n     <- nrow(X)
  J     <- ncol(X)
  if (!is.null(Z)) {
    Vpars <- hessian(fun = get(flik), param = pars, X = X, Z = Z, fun0 = -mod$loglik, fixed = NULL)
  } else {
    Vpars <- hessian(fun = get(flik), param = pars, X = X, fun0 = -mod$loglik, fixed = NULL)
  Vpars <- solve(Vpars)
  # delta method covariances (back-transform log(discrimination))
  if('est.a' %in% names(cmod)){
    h      <- rep(1, length(pars))
  	a_p    <- seq(from = J + 1, length = length(cmod$est.a))
   	h[a_p] <- exp(pars[a_p])
  	Vpars  <- outer(h, h)*Vpars

  colnames(Vpars) <- rownames(Vpars) <- names(pars)

# prepare explanatory variables 
pev <- function(z, f){
  # variable clases
  cl <- unlist(lapply(z,class))
  # center numeric and integer variables
  if (any(cl %in% c('numeric', 'integer'))){
    numint <- which(cl %in% c('numeric', 'integer'))
    k1     <- length(numint)
    for (j in 1:k1) z[,numint[j]] <- scale(z[,numint[j]], scale = FALSE)
  # character variables as factors
  if (any(cl == 'character')){
    char <- which(cl == 'character')
    k2   <- length(char)
    for (j in 1:k2) z[,char[j]] <- as.factor(z[,char[j]])
  # factor variables coding
  if (any(cl %in% c('character','factor'))){
    fctr <- which(cl %in% c('character','factor'))
    k3   <- length(fctr)
    for (j in 1:k3) {
      n_cat <- length(levels(z[,fctr[j]]))
      contrasts(z[,fctr[j]]) <- contr.sum(n_cat)
  # extract variables from formula
  mm    <- model.matrix.lm(f, z, na.action = 'na.pass')
  oldnm <- colnames(mm)
  # extracts factor names
  ctr <- attr(mm,'contrasts')
  # redocify factors (if any)
  if (length(ctr)>0) {
  	fctr_nm <- names(ctr)
  	# recode 'name(category)'
  	ncat <- names(ctr)
  	k <- length(ncat)
  	for (i in 1:k){
  		ncol    <- grep(ncat[i],colnames(mm))
  		catnum  <- gsub(ncat[i], '', colnames(mm)[ncol])
  		catname <- names(which(apply(ctr[[i]]==1,1,sum)==1))
  		# finally
  		colnames(mm)[ncol]<- paste(ncat[i],'(',catname,')',sep='')
  # check for interactions
  ints <- grepl(':',colnames(mm))
  if (any(ints)){
  	ints_i <- which(ints)
  	for (i in ints_i){
  		splt <- unlist(strsplit(colnames(mm)[i],':'))
  		# substitution
  		splt   <- sapply(splt, function(x)colnames(mm)[oldnm==x])
  		# recode 'name(category):name(category)'
  		colnames(mm)[i] <- paste(splt, collapse=':')
  # remove intercept
  if('(Intercept)' %in% colnames(mm)) {
    icpt <- which(colnames(mm) == '(Intercept)')
    mm <- mm[,-icpt,drop=FALSE]

# tests linear constraints of the form 'R*pars = b'
lincon <- function(mod, R, b, cov_type = 'hessian'){
  if(class(b) == 'numeric') b <- matrix(b, ncol=1)
  # extract model parameters
  est <- mod$coef
  if ('beta' %in% names(mod)) est <- rbind(est, mod$beta) 

  # coefficient names
  pvnames <- rownames(est)
  est <- est[,1]
  # covariance matrix
  V <- vcov(mod, type = cov_type)
  # check R, b dimensions
  if (! 'matrix' %in% class(R)) stop('R must be an Q*p matrix')
  if (ncol(R) != length(est)) stop('Wrong number of columns in R')
  if (nrow(R) != nrow(b)) stop('R and/or b incorrectly specified')
  # Wald statistic
  Rpb <- R%*%est - b
  W   <- t(Rpb) %*% solve(R %*% V %*%t(R), Rpb)
  # degrees of freedom
  n  <- nrow(mod$items)
  p  <- length(est)
  Q  <- nrow(R)
  out <-data.frame(statistic = W,
                   dfn = Q,
                   dfd = n - p,
                   pv = 1 - pf(W, Q, n - p))
  colnames(out) <- c('W statistic','df','res.df','Pr(>F)')
  # q imprima el nombre del test y los contrastes de R y b
  cat('Wald statistic for constraints R*par_vec = b','\n')

  f1 <- function(x){
    if(x == 1){
    } else {
      if(x == -1) {
      } else return(as.character(x))
  for (i in 1:nrow(R)){
    ri    <- R[i,]
    those <- pvnames[which(ri != 0)]
    coefs <- sapply(ri[ri != 0], f1)
    eq    <- paste(paste(paste(coefs, those, sep = ''), collapse = ''),b[i],sep=' = ')
    cat(eq, '\n')

# enfore linear constraints on parameter vector
constrainer <- function(pars, R, b){
	first <-apply(R,1,function(x)min(which(x!=0)))
	# set a 'one'
	ind <- cbind(seq(nrow(R)),first)
	R1  <- diag(1/R[ind]) %*% R
	b1  <- diag(1/R[ind]) %*% b
	# por ultimo habria que obligar a 'pars' a cumplir las restricciones
	for (i in 1:nrow(R1)){
		ri1 <- ri <- R1[i,]
		bi  <- b1[i,]
		ri1[first[i]]  <- 0
		pars[first[i]] <- bi - sum(ri1*pars) 

# drop all possible single terms to a model
drop1.rasch <- function(object, scope = NULL, test = 'LRT', cov_type = 'hessian', scale = 0, k = 2, ...){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, 'rasch'))
  if (!'beta' %in% names(object)) stop("'object' must have explanatory variables")
  # extract model formula
  if (is.null(scope)) {
    f <- eval(object$call[[3]])
  } else {
    f <- scope
  xj <- all.vars(f)
  if (test == 'LRT'){
    mods <- vector('list')
    for (j in 1:length(xj)){
      fj        <- as.formula(paste('~.-', xj[j], ':.', sep = ''))
      mods[[j]] <- update(object, formula. = fj)
    # extraction
    ll   <- lapply(mods, function(x) x$loglik)
    npar <- lapply(mods, function(x) ncol(x$linpred))
    aic  <- lapply(mods, function(x) AIC(x))
    bic  <- lapply(mods, function(x) BIC(x))
    # full model
    npar0 <- ncol(object$linpred)
    ll0   <- object$loglik
    out <- data.frame(df = npar0 - unlist(npar),
                      AIC  = unlist(aic),
                      BIC  = unlist(bic),
                      LRT  = -2*(unlist(ll) - ll0))
    out$'Pr(>Chi)' <- pvtol(1 - pchisq(out$LRT, out$df), 0.001)
    rownames(out) <- xj
  } else {
    # extract model matrix names
    mm <- colnames(object$linpred)
    r  <- matrix(0, ncol = length(mm)) 
    # number of irt parameters
    np <- nrow(object$coef)
    # covariance matrix (regression effects)
    V  <- vcov(object, type = cov_type)
    V1 <- solve(V[-seq(np),-seq(np)])
    # regression parameters
    beta <- object$beta[,1]
    Q   <- length(xj)
    wk  <- pk <- dfn <- rep(0, Q)
    dfd <- nrow(object$items) - (np + length(mm))
    for (k in 1:Q) {
      r[1, grep(xj[k], mm)] <- 1
      dfn[k] <- sum(r)
      rb     <- r%*%beta
      wk[k]  <- t(rb) %*% (r %*% V1 %*% t(r)) %*% rb
      pk[k]  <- 1 - pf(wk[k], 1, dfd)
      # reset r
      r  <- matrix(0, ncol = length(mm))
    out <- data.frame(dfn = as.integer(dfn),
                      dfd = as.integer(dfd),
                      W   = wk)
    out$'Pr(>F)'  <- pvtol(pk, 0.001)
    rownames(out) <- xj

# Cook's distance
cooksD <- function(mod, cov_type = 'hessian', trace = TRUE){
  stopifnot(inherits(mod, 'rasch'))
  # extract parametes
  b <- mod$coef[,1]
  if ('beta' %in% names(mod)) {
    b  <- c(b, mod$beta[,1])
    Z  <- mod$linpred
    pz <- ncol(Z)
  } else {
    Z  <- NULL
    pz <- 0
  # extract covariance matrix
  Vb <- vcov(mod, type = cov_type)
  # extract items
  its <- mod$items
  n   <- nrow(its)
  p   <- ncol(its) + pz
  cd  <- rep(0, n)

  # calculate distances
  for (i in 1:n){
    if (is.null(Z)){
      mod_i  <- update(mod, items = its[-i, ], init = b)
    } else {
      mod_i  <- update(mod, items = its[-i, ], z_reg = Z[-i, ], init = b)
    b_i <- mod_i$coef[,1]
    if ('beta' %in% names(mod_i)) b_i <- c(b_i, mod_i$beta[,1])
    cd[i] <- t(b - b_i)%*%qr.solve(Vb, b - b_i)/p
    if(trace == TRUE) cat(paste('deleting observation:',i, sep=' '),'\n')
  id <- seq(n)
  D <- ggplot(data.frame(id, cd),
             aes(x = id, y = cd)) +
        geom_point() +
        geom_segment(x = id, xend = id, y = 0, yend = cd) +
        xlab('id') + ylab("Cook's distance") +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 4/n, color = 'tomato') +
        geom_text(aes(label = ifelse(cd > 4/n, id,'')),
                  hjust = 0, vjust = 0) +

# formting small p-values
pvtol <- function(pv, tol = 0.01, digits = 3){
  pv <- round(pv, digits)
  if(any(pv <= tol, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    pv[pv < tol] <- paste('<', tol, sep = '')

# backward variable selection
backward <- function(mod, level = 0.05, test = 'LRT', cov_type = 'hessian'){
  stopifnot(inherits(mod, 'rasch'))
  fmod  <- eval(mod$call[[3]])
  xj    <- all.vars(fmod)
  k     <- length(xj)
  for (j in 1:k){
    cat('----------------', '\n')
    cat(paste('step', j, sep = ':'), '\n')
    cat('----------------', '\n')
    d_i <- drop1(object   = mod,
                 test     = test,
                 cov_type = cov_type)
    pv  <- 1 - ifelse (test == rep('LRT', nrow(d_i)),
                       pchisq(d_i$LRT, d_i$df),
                       pf(d_i$W, d_i$dfn, d_i$dfd))
    if (all(pv < level)) break else {
      pvmax <- which.max(pv)
      x_out <- rownames(d_i)[pvmax]
      f_out <- as.formula(paste('~.-', x_out))
      fmod  <- update(fmod, f_out)
      mod   <- eval(call_modify(mod$call, f_reg = fmod),
      text1 <- paste('Variable exiting the model : ', x_out, sep = '')
      text2 <- paste(text1,' (p-value: ',pvtol(pv[pvmax], 0.001),')', sep = '')
      cat(text2, '\n')

# P(Y=y|theta)
Pj <- function(theta, a_j, d_j){
  eta_j <- a_j*(theta - d_j)
  exp(eta_j)/(1 + exp(eta_j))
eap_ab <- function(mod, R = 100){
  cmod <- coef(mod)
  dif  <- cmod$est.d
  J    <- length(dif)
  alpha <- cmod$est.a
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- rep(1, J) else {
    if(length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, J)

  PYy <- function(theta, y, d, a = NULL){
    if (is.null(a)) a<-rep(1, J)
    eta_j <- a*(theta - d)
    exp(sum(y*eta_j) - sum(log(1 + exp(eta_j))))

  X <- mod$items
  n <- nrow(X)
  if ('beta' %in% names(mod)){
    mu <- mod$linpred%*%mod$beta[,1]
  } else mu  <- rep(0, n)

  abs <- rnorm(R, mean = mu)
  ab_hat <- rep(NA, n)
  for (i in 1:n){
    den <- mean(sapply(abs, function(tita)PYy(tita,X[i,],dif,alpha)))
    num <- mean(sapply(abs, function(tita)tita*PYy(tita,X[i,],dif,alpha)))
    ab_hat[i] <- num/den

mle_ab <- function(mod){
  cmod <- coef(mod)
  dif  <- cmod$est.d
  J    <- length(dif)
  alpha <- cmod$est.a
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- rep(1, J) else {
    if(length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, J)
  X <- mod$items
  n <- nrow(X)
  ab_hat <- rep(NA, n)
  zero <- function(theta, dif, alpha, x){
    sum(alpha*(x - Pj(theta, alpha, dif)))
  for (i in 1:n){
    if (sum(X[i,]) %in% c(0, J)) next
    ab_hat[i] <- uniroot(zero, interval = c(-5, 5),
                         x = X[i,], alpha = alpha, dif = dif)$root

bme_ab <- function(mod){
  cmod <- coef(mod)
  dif  <- cmod$est.d
  J    <- length(dif)
  alpha <- cmod$est.a

  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- rep(1, J) else {
    if(length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, J)

  X <- mod$items
  n <- nrow(X)
  if ('beta' %in% names(mod)){
    mu <- mod$linpred%*%mod$beta[,1]
  } else mu  <- rep(0, n)

  ab_hat <- rep(NA, n)

  zero <- function(theta, dif, alpha, x, mu_i){
    sum(alpha*(x - Pj(theta, alpha, dif))) - (theta - mu_i)
  for (i in 1:n){
    ab_hat[i] <- uniroot(zero, interval = c(-5, 5),
                         x = X[i, ], alpha = alpha, dif = dif, mu_i = mu[i])$root

wle_ab <- function(mod){
  cmod <- coef(mod)
  dif  <- cmod$est.d
  J    <- length(dif)
  alpha <- cmod$est.a

  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- rep(1, J) else {
    if(length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, J)
  if('linpred' %in% names(mod)){
    reg <- TRUE
    Zb <- mod$linpred %*% cmod$est.b
  } else reg <- FALSE

  X <- mod$items
  n <- nrow(X)
  ab_hat <- rep(NA, n)

  zero <- function(theta, dif, alpha, x){
    pj <- Pj(theta, alpha, dif)
    I  <- sum((alpha^2)*pj*(1 - pj))
    j  <- sum((alpha^2)*pj*(1 - pj)*(1 - 2*pj))
    sum(alpha*(x - pj)) + 0.5*j/I
  for (i in 1:n){
    if (reg) zbi <- Zb[i] else zbi <- 0
    ab_hat[i] <- uniroot(zero, interval = c(-5 + zbi, 5 + zbi),
                         x = X[i, ], alpha = alpha, dif = dif)$root
    if (reg) ab_hat[i] <- ab_hat[i] - zbi

# ability estimation
ability <- function(mod, type = 'wle', R = 100){
  stopifnot(inherits(mod, 'rasch'))
  ab <- switch(type,
               'mle' = mle_ab(mod),
               'bme' = bme_ab(mod),
               'wle' = wle_ab(mod),
               'eap' = eap_ab(mod))

# person fit statistic
pfs <- function(mod, level = 0.05, ab_type = 'wle'){
  stopifnot(inherits(mod, 'rasch'))
  cmod  <- coef(mod)
  delta <- cmod$est.d
  J     <- length(delta)
  alpha <- cmod$est.a
  X     <- mod$items
  n     <- nrow(X)
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- rep(1, J) else {
    if(length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, J)
  # ability estimation
  theta_hat <- ability(mod, type = ab_type)
  #P(theta) calculation
  Pt <- t(sapply(theta_hat, function(x)Pj(x, alpha, delta)))
  # weights calculation
  wts <- log(Pt/(1-Pt))
  # weights correction
  rj  <- matrix(alpha, nrow = n, ncol = J, byrow = TRUE)
  pt1 <- Pt*(1-Pt)*rj
  num <- pt1*wts
  den <- pt1*rj
  cn  <- apply(num, 1, sum)/apply(den, 1, sum)
  wts <- wts - cn*rj

  # statistics
  Wn  <- apply((X - Pt)*wts, 1, sum)
  tau <- apply(Pt*(1 - Pt)*wts^2, 1, sum)
  l_z <- Wn/sqrt(tau) # falta restar la media...
  pv  <- pnorm(l_z)
  out <- data.frame(theta = theta_hat,
                    statistic = l_z,
                    p.value = pv)
  ggplot(out, aes(x = theta_hat, y = l_z)) +
    geom_point() +
    xlab(expression(hat(theta))) +
    ylab(expression(l[z])) +
    ggtitle('Person Fit Statistics') +
    geom_hline(yintercept = qnorm(level),
               linetype   = 'dashed',
               color      = 'tomato')

# LD
# estadistico de chan thiessen
prob_ij<-function(tita, deltas, alphas){
  eta_i <- alphas[1]*(tita - deltas[1])
  eta_j <- alphas[2]*(tita - deltas[2])
  p00 <- ( 1/(1+exp(eta_i)) )*( 1/(1+exp(eta_j)) )
  p01 <- ( 1/(1+exp(eta_i)) )*( exp(eta_j)/(1+exp(eta_j)) )
  p10 <- ( exp(eta_i)/(1+exp(eta_i)) )*( 1/(1+exp(eta_j)) )
  p11 <- ( exp(eta_i)/(1+exp(eta_i)) )*( exp(eta_j)/(1+exp(eta_j)) )
ch_th <- function(mod, nsim = 1e4){
  items <- mod$items
  J <- ncol(items)
  n <- nrow(items)
  cmod <- coef(mod)
  dif <- cmod$est.d
  if ('est.a' %in% names(cmod)) alphas <- cmod$est.a else alphas <- rep(1,J)
  if (length(alphas) == 1) alphas <- rep(alphas, J)
  X2 <- G2 <-matrix(NA, J, J)
  colnames(X2) <- rownames(X2) <- colnames(items)
  colnames(G2) <- rownames(G2) <- colnames(items)
  titas <- rnorm(nsim)
  for (i in 1:(J-1)){
    for (j in (i+1):J){
      tab_ij <- table(items[,i],items[,j])
      pij <- as.numeric(t(tab_ij/n))
      Pij <- apply(sapply(titas, prob_ij, dif[c(i,j)], alphas[c(i,j)]), 1, mean)
      X2[i,j] <-   n*sum(((pij-Pij)^2)/Pij)
      G2[i,j] <- 2*n*sum(pij*log(pij/Pij))  # se rompo cuando algun pij=0
      X2[j,i] <- 1 - pchisq(X2[i,j], 1)
      G2[j,i] <- 1 - pchisq(G2[i,j], 1)

Q3 <- function(mod, ab_type = 'wle'){
  items <- mod$items
  J     <- ncol(items)
  theta <- ability(mod, type = ab_type)
  cmod  <- coef(mod)
  dif   <- cmod$est.d
  if ('est.a' %in% names(cmod)) alphas <- cmod$est.a else alphas <- rep(1,J)
  if (length(alphas) == 1) alphas <- rep(alphas, J)
  eta  <- outer(theta, dif, '-') %*% diag(alphas)
  res  <- items - exp(eta)/(1+ exp(eta))
  q3 <- cor(res)
  q3[lower.tri(q3, diag = TRUE)] <- NA
  z <- 0.5*(log(1 + q3) - log(1 - q3))
  z <- t(2*(1-pnorm(abs(z))))
  q3[lower.tri(q3)] <- z[lower.tri(z)]

int_tetra <- function(w, z1, z2){
  exp(-0.5*(z1^2 + z2^2 - 2*z1*z2*cos(w))/(sin(w)^2))
zero_tetra <- function(r, tab){
  tab <- tab/sum(tab)
  a <- tab[1,1]
  p1 <- a + tab[1,2]
  p2 <- a + tab[2,1]
  z1 <- qnorm(p1)
  z2 <- qnorm(p2)
  integrate(int_tetra, lower = acos(r), upper = pi, z1 = z1, z2 = z2)$value/(2*pi)-a
tetra <- function(tab, l=-0.99, u=0.99) uniroot(zero_tetra, c(l,u), tab = tab)$root
# https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/14378486.pdf
  J  <- ncol(items)
  tt <- diag(J)
  for (i in 1:(J-1)) {
    for (j in (i+1):J){
      tab_ij  <- table(items[,i], items[,j])
      if(any(tab_ij==0)) tab_ij <- tab_ij+1/2
      tl <- zero_tetra(-0.99, tab_ij)
      tu <- zero_tetra( 0.99, tab_ij)
      if(tl*tu > 0) tab_ij <- tab_ij[c(2,1),c(2,1)]
      tt[i,j] <- tetra(tab_ij)
      tt[j,i] <- tetra(tab_ij)

# unidimensionality test
unidim <- function(mod, B = 99, trace = TRUE){
  extract2 <- function(mod){
    items <- mod$items
    snd <- eigen(tetram(items))$values[2]
  stat <- extract2(mod)
  mods <- pbootr(mod, B = B, trace = trace)
  statb <- unlist(lapply(mods, extract2))
  pval  <- (1 + sum(statb > stat))/(B + 1)
  cat('Bootstrap based unidimensionality test','\n')
  print(data.frame(statistic = stat,
                   p.value = pval))
  invisible(list(statistic = stat, p.value = pval))
# Drasgow, F. and Lissak, R. (1983) Modified parallel analysis: a procedure for examining the latent dimensionality of dichotomously scored item responses. Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, 363-373.

# Likelihoood Ratio based Confidenc Interval for proportions
lr_ci_p <- function(x, n, level = 0.95){
  # Exact likelihood ratio and score confidence intervals for the binomial proportion
  z    <- qchisq(level, 1)
  den  <- 2*(n + z^2)
  A <- (2*x + z^2)/den
  B <- z*sqrt(z^2 + 4*x*(1 - x/n))/den
  linf <- A - B
  lsup <- A + B
  return(c(linf, lsup))
nando11235813/raschreg documentation built on Oct. 2, 2021, 3:11 p.m.