
Defines functions augmentMars augmentMars.PlateData augmentMars.default

Documented in augmentMars

#' Augment PlateData with MARS residuals
#' Given a PlateData, normalize the selected features with a MARS model
#' consisting of terms for membership to image/well centered ellipses and
#' medpolish estimated row/column effects.
#' @param x         The PlateData object of interest.
#' @param bscore    Whether to include B-scores (logical).
#' @param model     A (list) of regular expressions, specifying the features
#'                  used for MARS modeling.
#' @param features  A (list) of regular expressions used for selecting the
#'                  features to include.
#' @param drop      A (list) of regular expressions used for removing features
#'                  from the previously compiled list.
#' @return An augmented version of the input object.
#' @examples
#' data <- PlateData(PlateLocation("J101-2C"))
#' data <- augmentImageLocation(data)
#' data <- augmentCordinateFeatures(data, 1, NULL, FALSE, FALSE)
#' data <- augmentBscore(data)
#' data <- augmentMars(data)
#' @export
augmentMars <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("augmentMars", x)

#' @export
augmentMars.PlateData <- function(x,
                                  features=c(".AreaShape_", ".Intensity_",
                                  drop=c("^Bacteria.", "^BlobBacteria.")) {

  progress.bar <- getOption("singleCellFeatures.progressBars")

  matched.feats <- unique(unlist(lapply(features, grep, getFeatureNames(x),
  drop.ext      <- c(drop, "_Bsco", "_Aggreg_", "MARSed")
  drop.ind      <- unique(unlist(lapply(drop.ext, grep, matched.feats)))
  if(length(drop.ind) > 0) matched.feats <- matched.feats[-drop.ind]

  if(length(matched.feats) == 0) stop("no features found.")

  mod.feats <- unique(unlist(lapply(model, function(feat, feats) {
    res <- grep(feat, feats, value=TRUE)
    if(length(res) < 1) stop(paste0("could not find feature ", feature))
  }, getFeatureNames(x))))
  if(!all(mod.feats %in% getFeatureNames(x))) {
    stop("could not find all needed location features. Please run\n",
         "augmentImageLocation/augmentCordinateFeatures first and or\n",
         "choose model features differently.")
  if(bscore) {
    aug.bsc <- c(paste0(matched.feats, "_BscoAll"),
                 paste0(matched.feats, "_BscoRow"),
                 paste0(matched.feats, "_BscoCol"))
    if(!all(aug.bsc %in% getFeatureNames(x))) {
      stop("could not find all needed bscore features. Please run\n",
           "augmentBscore first.")

  molten <- extractFeatures(x, features=c(matched.feats, mod.feats, aug.bsc))
  molten <- meltData(molten)

  if(bscore) {
    target.node <- lapply(names(molten$mat), function(grp, all, feat) {
      if(feat %in% names(all[[grp]])) return(grp)
      else return(NULL)
    }, molten$mat, mod.feats[1])
    target.node <- target.node[[which(!sapply(target.node, is.null))[1]]]
    if(!all(mod.feats %in% names(molten$mat[[target.node]]))) {
      stop("not all model features in same node.")
    if(!all(matched.feats %in% names(molten$mat[[target.node]]))) {
      missing <- matched.feats[
        !matched.feats %in% names(molten$mat[[target.node]])]
      missing <- c("_Bsco", paste0("^", missing, "$"))
    } else missing <- "_Bsco"
    molten <- moveFeatures(molten, from=missing, to=target.node)

  na.col <- plyr::alply(molten, 2, function(col) return(any(is.na(col))))
  na.col <- unlist(na.col)
  if(sum(na.col) > 0) {
    message("removing ", sum(na.col), " columns due to many NAs:")
    plyr::l_ply(names(molten)[na.col], function(name) message("  ", name))
    matched.feats <- matched.feats[-match(names(molten)[na.col],
                                          matched.feats, nomatch=0)]
    molten <- molten[, !na.col]

  zero.var <- sapply(matched.feats, function(feat, dat) {
    return(var(dat[[feat]]) != 0)
  }, molten)
  message("dropping ", sum(!zero.var), " features due to zero variance:")
  if(sum(!zero.var) > 0) {
    plyr::l_ply(matched.feats[!zero.var], function(x) message("  ", x))
    matched.feats <- matched.feats[zero.var]

  message("normalizing ", length(matched.feats), " features,")
  if(bscore) message("model terms include bscoring and:")
  else message("model terms include:")
  plyr::l_ply(mod.feats, function(x) message("  ", x))
  newdat <- plyr::llply(matched.feats, function(feat, data, do.bsc, model) {
    if(do.bsc) {
      bscore <- paste0(feat, c("_BscoRow", "_BscoCol", "_BscoAll"))
      form <- formula(paste0(feat, " ~ ", paste0(model, collapse=" + "),
                             " + ", paste0(bscore, collapse=" + ")))
    } else {
      form <- formula(paste0(feat, " ~ ", paste0(model, collapse=" + ")))
    model <- earth::earth(formula=form, data=data)
  }, molten, bscore, mod.feats, .progress=progress.bar)

  newdat <- do.call(cbind, newdat)
  newdat <- as.data.frame(newdat)

  if(nrow(newdat) != nrow(molten)) {
    stop("expecting MARSed features to be of same length as orig.")

  newdat  <- split(newdat, molten$Well.Name)
  img.ind <- split(molten$Image.Index, molten$Well.Name)

  for(well in sapply(x$data, getWellName)) {
    ncol <- length(matched.feats)
    if(!is.null(newdat[[well]])) {
      dat.well <- as.matrix(newdat[[well]])
      nrow <- length(dat.well) / ncol
    } else {
      dat.well <- numeric()
      nrow <- 0
    dim(dat.well) <- c(nrow, ncol)
    colnames(dat.well) <- paste0(matched.feats, "_MARSed")
    index <- img.ind[[well]]
    for(img in 1:length(x$data[[well]]$data)) {
      if(!is.null(index)) {
        x$data[[well]]$data[[img]]$data.mat$MARS <- dat.well[index == img,,
      } else {
        x$data[[well]]$data[[img]]$data.mat$MARS <- dat.well

#' @export
augmentMars.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("can only deal with PlateData objects.")
nbenn/singleCellFeatures documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:24 p.m.