
test_that("listRaMPVersions works", {
    res <- listRaMPVersions(local = TRUE)
    if (length(res))
        expect_true(is(res, "character"))
    res <- listRaMPVersions()
    expect_true(is(res, "character"))
    expect_true(length(res) > 0)

test_that(".version_from_db_file works", {
    ch <- "RaMP-SQLite_v4.5.2.sqlite.gz"
    res <- .version_from_db_file(ch)
    expect_equal(res, "4.5.2")

    ch <- "some_other_string"
    res <- .version_from_db_file(ch)
    expect_equal(res, "")

test_that(".valid_ramp_database works", {
    expect_error(.valid_ramp_database("error", TRUE), "database connection")
    dbc <- dbConnect(SQLite(), tempfile())
    expect_error(.valid_ramp_database(dbc, TRUE), "lacks required database")

test_that(".get_ramp_db works", {
    ## skip for now as it needs 1) an internet connection and 2) downloading
    ## of a quite large resource

test_that("RaMP works", {
    ## skip too, unless we can maybe add a stripped down version of the database
    ## into the package.

test_that(".RaMP and accessors work", {
    res <- .RaMP(dbname = dbf)
    expect_s4_class(res, "RaMP")
    expect_identical(.host(res), NULL)
    expect_identical(.username(res), NULL)
    expect_identical(.port(res), NULL)
    expect_identical(.conpass(res), NULL)

    expect_identical(.dbname(res), dbf)

    expect_output(show(res), "RaMP")

    con <- .dbcon(res)
    expect_s4_class(con, "SQLiteConnection")

test_that(".get_local_db_version_list works", {
  vList <- .get_local_db_version_list()
  testthat::expect_true(length(vList) > 0)

test_that(".get_remote_db_version_list works", {
  vList <- .get_remote_db_version_list()
  testthat::expect_true(length(vList) > 0)
ncats/RaMP-DB documentation built on June 1, 2024, 9:34 p.m.