#' Calculate unexpanded/raw length or marginal age compositions
#' @details
#' Creates a matrix of unexpanded (or raw) marginal length or age composition
#' data formatted for Stock Synthesis. The code will return composition data
#' for all sexes present in the data frame and no sex assignment is done for
#' unsexed fish. The function will create composition data for either
#' lengths or ages based on the comp_column_name. The function will return a
#' list of composition data based upon the sexes present in the data for a
#' two-sex model or all length/ages for single-sex model.
#' @inheritParams get_expanded_comps
#' @param data A data frame that includes columns of year, sex, and length/ages. The data
#' frame can be survey data pulled using pull_bio from the data warehouse or any data frame
#' that includes column names of sex, year, and the comp_column_name. The sex column is
#' expected to have sexes denoted by F, M, and U.
#' @param length_column_name The length column name to create conditional age-at-length
#' data for. The default is `length_cm`.
#' @param age_column_name The age column name to create conditional age-at-length
#' data for. The default is `age`.
#' @returns A data frame of conditiona age-at-length compositions for sexed and
#' unsexed fish formatted for Stock Synthesis.
#' @author Chantel Wetzel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bio <- pull_bio(
#' common_name = "lingcod",
#' survey = "NWFSC.Combo"
#' )
#' caal_data <- get_raw_caal(
#' data = bio,
#' len_bins = seq(20, 70, 4),
#' age_bins = 1:30,
#' )
#' }
get_raw_caal <- function(
length_column_name = "length_cm",
age_column_name = "age",
dir = NULL,
month = "Enter Month",
fleet = "Enter Fleet",
partition = 0,
ageerr = "Enter Numeric",
printfolder = "forSS3",
verbose = TRUE) {
plotdir <- file.path(dir, printfolder)
check_dir(dir = plotdir, verbose = verbose)
colnames(data) <- tolower(colnames(data))
length_column_name <- tolower(length_column_name)
age_column_name <- tolower(age_column_name)
vars <- c("year", "sex", length_column_name, age_column_name)
if (sum(vars %in% colnames(data)) != 4) {
"Data frame does not contain a column name {length_column_name}, {age_column_name}, year and/or sex.
The columns names can be either upper or lower case."
data[, "len_col"] <- data[, colnames(data) == length_column_name]
data[, "age_col"] <- data[, colnames(data) == age_column_name]
data <- data |>
dplyr::filter(!is.na(len_col), !is.na(age_col))
data[, "sex"] <- codify_sex(data[, "sex"])
ls <- c(-999, len_bins, Inf)
as <- c(-999, age_bins, Inf)
# Start matrix to save results
data[, "allLs"] <- ls[findInterval(data[, "len_col"], ls, all.inside = TRUE)]
data[, "allAs"] <- as[findInterval(data[, "age_col"], as, all.inside = TRUE)]
sex_loop <- unique(data[, "sex"])
year_loop <- unique(data[, "year"])
comps_df <- comps_row <- year <- sex <- input_n <- lbin_low <- NULL
# Loop across F then M
for (s in sex_loop) {
# Loop across years
year_loop <- sort(unique(data[, "year"][data[, "sex"] == s]))
for (y in year_loop) {
########## CONDITIONAL
# Loop across Length-bins
for (l in len_bins) {
# Identify relevant rows
if (l == min(len_bins)) {
find <- which(data[, "sex"] == s & data[, "year"] == y & data[, "allLs"] %in% c(-999, l))
if (l == max(len_bins)) {
find <- which(data[, "sex"] == s & data[, "year"] == y & data[, "allLs"] %in% c(Inf, l))
if (!l %in% c(min(len_bins), max(len_bins))) {
find <- which(data[, "sex"] == s & data[, "year"] == y & data[, "allLs"] == l)
# Skip this year unless there are rows
if (length(find) > 0) {
# Loop across age bins
comps_row <- NULL
for (a in age_bins) {
# Subset to relevant rows
if (a == min(age_bins)) {
find2 <- find[which(data[find, "allAs"] %in% c(-999, a))]
if (a == max(age_bins)) {
find2 <- find[which(data[find, "allAs"] %in% c(Inf, a))]
if (!a %in% c(min(age_bins), max(age_bins))) {
find2 <- which(data[find, "allAs"] == a)
comps_row <- c(comps_row, length(find2))
} # End Age loop
# Add to results matrix
input_n <- c(input_n, sum(comps_row))
sex <- c(sex, dplyr::case_when(s == "M" ~ 2, s == "F" ~ 1, .default = 0))
year <- c(year, y)
lbin_low <- c(lbin_low, l)
comps_df <- rbind(comps_df, comps_row)
} # length(Which)
} # End Length loop
} # End Year loop
} # End Sex loop
row_info <- data.frame(
"year" = year,
"month" = month,
"fleet" = fleet,
"sex" = sex,
"partition" = partition,
"ageerr" = ageerr,
"Lbin_lo" = lbin_low,
"Lbin_hi" = lbin_low,
"input_n" = input_n
rownames(comps_df) <- NULL
if (any(c("M", "F") %in% sex_loop)) {
caal <- cbind(row_info, comps_df, comps_df)
colnames(caal)[-c(1:9)] <- c(paste("f", age_bins, sep = ""), paste("m", age_bins, sep = ""))
# 0 out the needed location by sex
female_loc <- 10:(length(age_bins) + 9)
male_loc <- (1 + max(female_loc)):ncol(caal)
caal[which(caal[, "sex"] == 1), male_loc] <- caal[which(caal[, "sex"] == 1), male_loc] * 0
caal[which(caal[, "sex"] == 2), female_loc] <- caal[which(caal[, "sex"] == 2), female_loc] * 0
caal[which(caal[, "sex"] == 0), male_loc] <- caal[which(caal[, "sex"] == 0), male_loc] * 0
} else {
caal <- cbind(row_info, comps_df)
colnames(caal)[-c(1:9)] <- paste("u", age_bins, sep = "")
if (any(caal[, "input_n"] == 0)) {
# Remove any rows with no samples
remove <- which(caal[, "input_n"] == 0)
caal <- caal[-remove, ]
if (!is.null(dir)) {
project <- dplyr::if_else(
"project" %in% colnames(data),
true = gsub(" ", "_", tolower(unique(data[, "project"]))),
false = ""
bin_range <- paste0("a", min(age_bins), "-a", max(age_bins), "_l", min(len_bins), "-l", max(len_bins))
species <- gsub(" ", "_", tolower(unique(data[, "common_name"])))[1]
file = file.path(plotdir, paste0("survey_caal_bins_", bin_range, "_", species, "_", project, ".csv")),
row.names = FALSE
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