
Defines functions dput_classified_binned_folder read_classified_binned_file file_to_consensus randomize_list bin_file process_all_bins read_sequence_file get_test_settings process_file save_bin_report save_bin_results

Documented in bin_file dput_classified_binned_folder file_to_consensus get_test_settings process_file randomize_list read_classified_binned_file read_sequence_file save_bin_report save_bin_results

# Useful functions for applying functions to files or folders

#' @include align_sequences.R
#' @include bin_by_name.R
#' @include classification_checker.R
#' @include classify_mislabelling.R
#' @include consensus_string.R
#' @include datasets.R
#' @include extract_motifs.R
#' @include imports.R
#' @include process_bin.R

#' Given a report_dat data list, save the important results into the output
#' directory
#' @param output The directory where the binning results are to be saved
#' @param report_dat The binning results as produced by process_file
#' @param prefix_for_names Add this bit of text to the front of each
#' sequence in the resulting consensus sequences.
#' @export
save_bin_results <- function(output, report_dat, prefix_for_names){
  dir.create(file.path(output), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  named_matched_seq <- report_dat$em_dat$motif_dat$matched_seq
  names(named_matched_seq) <- paste(prefix_for_names, 
                                    names(named_matched_seq), sep = '_')
  named_unmatched_seq <- report_dat$em_dat$motif_dat$unmatched_seq
  names(named_unmatched_seq) <- paste(prefix_for_names, 
                                      names(named_unmatched_seq), sep = '_')
                  filepath = file.path(output, paste(prefix_for_names, 
                                                     'pid_found.fasta', sep = '_')))
                 filepath = file.path(output, paste(prefix_for_names, 
                                                    'pid_not_found.fasta', sep = '_')))
                 filepath = file.path(output, paste(prefix_for_names, 
                                                    'consensuses.fasta', sep = '_')))
  dir.create(file.path(output, 'bins'), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  for (i in seq_along(report_dat$pb_dat$pb_out)){
    c_bin <- report_dat$pb_dat$pb_out[[i]]
    src_seq <- c_bin$src
    if (length(src_seq)>0){
      names(src_seq) <- paste(names(src_seq), 'src', sep = '_')
    out_seq <- c_bin$out
    if (length(out_seq)>0){
      names(out_seq) <- paste(names(out_seq), 'out', sep = '_')
    if (length(c_bin$consensus) > 0){
      consen <- DNAStringSet(c_bin$consensus[[1]])
      names(consen) <- 'consensus'
    } else {
      consen <- DNAStringSet(c_bin$consensus)
    c_bin_name <- names(c_bin$consensus)
    writeXStringSet(c(src_seq, out_seq, consen), 
                    filepath = file.path(output, 'bins', 
                                         paste(c_bin_name, '.fasta', sep='')))

#' Given a report_dat data list, generate and save the reports/log files into
#' the output directory
#' @param output The directory where the binning results are to be saved
#' @param report_dat The binning results as produced by process_file
#' @param prefix_for_names Add this bit of text to the front of each
#' sequence in the resulting consensus sequences. currently deactivated
#' @export
save_bin_report <- function(output, report_dat, prefix_for_name=NULL){
#  new_report_name <- paste(prefix_for_names, 'bin_report.Rmd', sep = '_')
  knitr_file_location <- file.path(find.package('MotifBinner'),
  if (!file.exists(knitr_file_location)){
    knitr_file_location <- file.path(find.package('MotifBinner'),
                                     'inst', 'report_bin_file.Rmd')
#  output_knitr_file_location <- gsub('report_bin_file.Rmd', new_report_name, 
#                                     knitr_file_location)
  cwd <- getwd()
  #knit2html(knitr_file_location, output=output_knitr_file_location)

#' Processes a file into consensus bins
#' @param file_name The file name
#' @param output_dir The directory where the output must be stored
#' @param prefix The prefix that is used to identify the motif
#' @param suffix The suffix that is used to identify the motif
#' @param motif_length The length of the motif that forms the pid.
#' @param max.mismatch The maximum number of mismatches to allow when searching
#' for the pid
#' @param threshold Outlier sequences are removed from the bin until the
#' maximum distance between any two sequences drops below this threshold.
#' @param  start_threshold Only start the classification if the maximum
#' distance between and two sequences in the bin is greater than this.
#' @param max_sequences The maximum number of sequences to use for the
#' computation of the distance matrix. If more sequences than this is present,
#' then randomly select this many sequences and run the classification
#' algorithm on them. This is only to improve the computation speed.
#' @param remove_gaps If set to TRUE (the default, then gaps will be removed
#' from the consensus sequences)
#' @param strip_uids Remove the unique identifiers from the sequence. It is not
#' intelligent. The names will be split on '_' and the first and last pieces
#' will be kept.
#' @param n_bins_to_process The number of bins to process through the outlier
#' detection, alignment and consensus generation. If smaller than or equal to
#' 0, all bins will be processed.
#' @param verbose Progress information will be provided if set to TRUE
#' @param prefix_for_names Add this bit of text to the front of each
#' sequence in the resulting consensus sequences.
#' @export

process_file <- function(file_name,
                         prefix = "CCAGCTGGTTATGCGATTCTMARGTG",
                         suffix = "CTGAGCGTGTGGCAAGGCCC",
                         motif_length = 9,
                         max.mismatch_start = 0,
                         max.mismatch = 5,
                         threshold = 8/600, 
                         start_threshold = 8/600, 
                         max_sequences = 400,
                         remove_gaps = TRUE,
                         strip_uids = TRUE,
                         n_bins_to_process = 0,
                         verbose = TRUE,
                         prefix_for_names = ''){

  fixed <- FALSE
  add_uniq_id <- T
  classification_technique <- 'absolute'
  classification_params <- list(
                         threshold = threshold, 
                         start_threshold = start_threshold, 
                         max_sequences = max_sequences)
  alignment_technique <- 'muscle'
  alignment_params <- list()
  consensus_technique <- 'mostConsensusString'
  consensus_params <- list()

  report_dat <- list()
  rsf_dat <- list(file_name = file_name)
  seq_dat <- read_sequence_file(file_name)
  rsf_dat$seq_dat <- seq_dat
  report_dat$rsf_dat <- rsf_dat

  em_dat <- list(seq_data = seq_dat,
                 prefix = prefix,
                 suffix = suffix,
                 motif_length = motif_length,
                 max.mismatch_start = max.mismatch_start,
                 max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                 fixed = fixed,
                 verbose = TRUE)
  motif_dat <- do.call(extract_motifs_iterative, em_dat)
  em_dat$motif_dat <- motif_dat
  report_dat$em_dat <- em_dat

  bbn_dat <- list(seq_dat = motif_dat$matched_seq,
                  add_uniq_id = add_uniq_id)
  bin_seqs <- do.call(bin_by_name, bbn_dat)
  bin_seqs <- randomize_list(bin_seqs)
  bbn_dat$bin_seqs <- bin_seqs
  report_dat$bbn_dat <- bbn_dat

  pb_dat <- list()
  pb_dat$classification_technique <- classification_technique
  pb_dat$classification_params <- classification_params 
  pb_dat$alignment_technique <- alignment_technique 
  pb_dat$alignment_params <- alignment_params 
  pb_dat$consensus_technique <- consensus_technique
  pb_dat$consensus_params <- consensus_params
  pb_dat$remove_gaps <- remove_gaps 
  pb_dat$strip_uids <- strip_uids
  pb_out <- list()
  pb_dat$pb_out <- NULL
  start_time <- Sys.time()
#  for (bin_name in seq_along(bin_seqs)){
#    print(c(bin_name, 
#            length(bin_seqs), 
#            round(bin_name/length(bin_seqs), 3), 
#            round(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 3),
#            round(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins') / bin_name, 3)))
#    pb_dat$seqs <- bin_seqs[[bin_name]]
#    pb_out[[bin_name]] <- do.call(process_bin, pb_dat)
#  } 

  if (n_bins_to_process > 0){
    pb_seq <- 1:ceiling(n_bins_to_process)
  } else {
    pb_seq <- seq_along(bin_seqs)

  pb_out <- foreach(bin_name = pb_seq) %dopar% {
    if (verbose){
      random_file_name <- paste('process_bin_', bin_name, '_', length(pb_seq), '.txt', sep = '')
      tmpfile_name <- file.path(tempdir(), random_file_name)
    x <- pb_dat
    x$seqs <- bin_seqs[[bin_name]]
    y <- do.call(process_bin, x)

  #  Just process the ouput into a friendlier data structure
  consensuses <- DNAStringSet()
  for (i in seq_along(pb_out)){
    if (length(pb_out[[i]]$consensus) > 0){
      dss <- DNAStringSet(pb_out[[i]]$consensus[[1]])
      names(dss) <- names(pb_out[[i]]$consensus)
      consensuses <- c(consensuses, dss)
  names(consensuses) <- paste(prefix_for_names, names(consensuses), sep = '_')
  pb_dat$consensuses <- consensuses
  pb_dat$pb_out <- pb_out
  report_dat$pb_dat <- pb_dat

  save_bin_results(output, report_dat, prefix_for_names)
  save_bin_report(output, report_dat, prefix_for_names)
  save(report_dat, file = file.path(output, paste(prefix_for_names, 
                                                  'binning_dat.rda', sep = '_')))

#' Provides some settings useful for testing
get_test_settings <- function(){
  return(list(file_name = '~/projects/MotifBinner/data/CAP177_2040_v1merged.fastq',
              prefix = "CCAGCTGGTTATGCGATTCTMARGTG",
              suffix = "CTGAGCGTGTGGCAAGGCCC",
              motif_length = 9,
              max.mismatch = 5,
              fixed = FALSE,
              add_uniq_id = T))

#' Reads in a sequence file given a file name.
#' Detects if it is a FASTA or FASTQ file and reads it appropriately. Quality
#' data will be dropped.
#' @param file_name The file name
#' @export

read_sequence_file <- function(file_name){
  if (grepl('fastq', file_name, ignore.case = TRUE)){
    x <- readFastq(file_name)
    x <- x@sread
  } else {
    x <- readDNAStringSet(file_name)
  x <- gsub('\\+', 'N', x)
  x <- DNAStringSet(x)

process_all_bins <- function(bins){
  y <- randomize_list(bins)
#  sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = 6)
#  sfLibrary(MotifBinner)
#  pbins <- sfLapply(y, process_bin, consensus_technique = 'mostConsensusString')
#  sfStop()
  pbins <- list()
  for (bin_name in seq_along(y)){
    pbins[[bin_name]] <- process_bin(y[[bin_name]], consensus_technique = 'mostConsensusString')
  #  Just process the ouput into a friendlier data structure
  consensuses <- DNAStringSet()
  for (i in seq_along(pbins)){
    if (length(pbins[[i]]) > 0){
      dss <- DNAStringSet(pbins[[i]][[1]])
      names(dss) <- names(pbins[[i]])
      consensuses <- c(consensuses, dss)
  if (is.null(names(consensuses))){
    names(consensuses) <- paste('seq', 1:length(consensuses), sep = '_')

#' Bins a given FASTA file and outputs each bin as a seperate file
#' @param file_name The file name
#' @param add_uniq_id If True, an integer will be appended to
#' the end of each sequence's name so that all identical sequences in a bin
#' gets the same number and sequences who are not identical will get different
#' numbers.
#' @param number_of_front_bases_to_discard The number of bases to remove from
#' the front of the sequence. The first few bases are part of the primer
#' sequence and needs to be trimmed off since they do not contain any extra
#' information. This varies between sequencing approaches, so the parameter
#' should be set with knowledge of the process. The primer can contain
#' degeneracies, so its better to chop it off earlier rather than later.
#' @param prefix See ?extract_motifs
#' @param suffix See ?extract_motifs
#' @param motif_length See ?extract_motifs
#' @param max.mismatch See ?extract_motifs
#' @param fixed See ?extract_motifs
#' @param write_files If this is a directory, the bins will be written to that
#' folder as FASTA files.
#' @export

bin_file <- function(file_name = "~/projects/MotifBinner/data/CAP177_2040_v1merged.fastq", 
                     add_uniq_id = TRUE,
                     number_of_front_bases_to_discard = 28,
                     prefix = "CCAGCTGGTTATGCGATTCTMARGTG",
                     suffix = "CTGAGCGTGTGGCAAGGCCC",
                     motif_length = 9,
                     max.mismatch = 5,
                     fixed = FALSE,
                     write_files = FALSE

  if (grepl('fastq', file_name)){
    x <- readFastq(file_name)
    x <- x@sread
  } else {
    x <- readDNAStringSet(file_name)
  x <- gsub('+', 'N', x)

  x <- padAndClip(x, IRanges(start = number_of_front_bases_to_discard, 
                  Lpadding.letter="+", Rpadding.letter="+")
  seq_data <- x
  y <- extract_motifs(seq_data, prefix, suffix, motif_length, max.mismatch, fixed)
  y <- y$matched_seq
  attr(y@ranges@NAMES, "names") <- NULL

  bin_seqs <- bin_by_name(y, add_uniq_id)

  if (write_files != FALSE){
    dir.create(write_files, showWarnings=FALSE)
    print('writing files')
    for (i in names(bin_seqs)){
      n_seqs <- sprintf("%05.0f", length(bin_seqs[[i]]))
                      file.path(write_files, paste0("Bin_", n_seqs, 
                                                    "_", i, ".FASTA")))

#' Randomizes the order of the items of a list
#' @param x The list to randomize
#' @export

randomize_list <- function(x){
  if (is.null(names(x))){
    names(x) <- 1:length(x)
  y <- list()
  for (i in sample(names(x), length(names(x)), replace = FALSE)){
    y <- c(y, x[[i]])

#' Bins and constructs consensus sequences for an entire fastq file
#' Running process_bin in parallel yields 3x improvement in execution speed on
#' my laptop (213 sec -> 64 sec)
#' @param file_name The file name
#' @export

file_to_consensus <- function(file_name = "~/projects/MotifBinner/data/CAP177_2040_v1merged.fastq",
  x <- bin_file(file_name, write_files = FALSE, ...)
  y <- randomize_list(x)
  sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = 6)
  z <- sfLapply(y, process_bin)
  # Just process the ouput into a friendlier data structure
  consensuses <- DNAStringSet()
  for (i in seq_along(z)){
    if (length(z[[i]]) > 0){
      dss <- DNAStringSet(z[[i]][[1]])
      names(dss) <- names(z[[i]])
      consensuses <- c(consensuses, dss)
  if (is.null(names(consensuses))){
    names(consensuses) <- paste('seq', 1:length(consensuses), sep = '_')

#' Reads a classified binned file and splits it into bins
#' @param file_name Name of the file to process
#' @param prefixes The prefixes that indicate the different bins
#' @export

read_classified_binned_file <- function(file_name, prefixes = c('src', 'out')){
  # file_name <- "/home/phillipl/projects/MotifBinner/data/sample_classified_bins/classified/Bin_00030_CTGGAACCT.FASTA"
  seq_dat <- readDNAStringSet(file_name)
  bins <- list()
  for (prefix in prefixes){
    bins[[prefix]] <- character(0)
    for (i in 1:length(seq_dat)){
      seq_name <- names(seq_dat)[i]
      if (length(grep(paste0('^', prefix), seq_name)) == 1){
        bins[[prefix]] <- c(bins[[prefix]], as.character(seq_dat[i]))
  stopifnot(length(seq_dat) == sum(unlist(lapply(bins, length))))

#' Reads in all files from a folder, assuming that they are classified binned
#' files
#' @param binned_folder The folder containing the binned classified files
#' @export

dput_classified_binned_folder <- function(binned_folder){
  # binned_folder <- "/home/phillipl/projects/MotifBinner/data/sample_classified_bins/binfiasco"
  files <- list.files(binned_folder)
  all_binned_files <- list()
  for (file_name in files){
    file_path <- file.path(binned_folder, file_name)
    bins <- read_classified_binned_file(file_path)
    all_binned_files[[file_name]] <- bins
philliplab/MotifBinner documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 11:41 a.m.