
Defines functions vecData HMM.enumerate agg glm.nb deriv.nb inv.par glm.nb2 HMM.chain check.prob HMM.mean HMM.LLmix2 HMM.prob HMM.mixprob2 Q HMM.mean_diffConstr HMM.LLmix2_diffConstr HMM.mixprob2_diffConstr glm.nb2_Constr deriv.nb2_Constr HMM.mean_Constr dzinb glm.zinb2_Constr deriv.zinb2_Constr HMM.LLmix2_Constr ZIHMM.LLmix2_Constr ZIHMM.mixprob2_Constr HMM.mixprob2_Constr getBIC Mode classify

vecData = function(data,M,N,B,ref,group,ngroup,pattern,rare){
    z = NULL

    melted <- data.table::melt(data[,unique(c(paste0('ChIP.',1:N),rep('Dsg.Int',N),paste0('offset.',1:N),rep('PostProb1',N),rep('PostProb2',N),rep('PostProb3',N),rep('z',N))),with=F],
                               measure = list(paste0('ChIP.',1:N),rep('Dsg.Int',N),paste0('offset.',1:N),rep('PostProb1',N),rep('PostProb2',N),rep('PostProb3',N),rep('z',N)),
                               value.name = c('ChIP','Dsg.Int','offset','PostProb1','PostProb2','PostProb3','z'))[,-1]

        model <- lapply(unlist(lapply(pattern,FUN = function(x){
            aux <- rep(F,ngroup);aux[x]<-T
            which(apply(as.matrix(ref[,1:ngroup])==1,1,FUN = function(x){all(x==aux)}))
        })),FUN = function(x){cbind(rep(t(ref[x,1:ngroup]),times=M*table(group)))})
    } else{
            model <- lapply(1+1:B,FUN = function(x) cbind(rep(t(ref[x,1:ngroup]),times=M*table(group))))
        } else if(pattern=='cluster'){
            propdiff <- which(data[,table(z)/.N]>rare)
            model <- lapply(as.numeric(names(propdiff[!names(propdiff)%in%range(data$z)])),
                            FUN = function(x) cbind(rep(t(ref[x,1:ngroup]),times=M*table(group))))

    return(melted[,paste0('Dsg.Mix',1:B) := model])

HMM.enumerate = function(chain){
    Window = NULL
    ref = NULL
    ref[paste0('ChIP',1:ncol(chain))] = list(NULL)
    for(i in names(ref)){ref[[i]] = c(0,1)}
    ref = as.data.table(expand.grid(ref))
    ref = ref[order(rowSums(ref)),]
    ref$Group = 1:nrow(ref)

    N = ncol(chain)
    #colnames(chain) = paste0('ChIP',1:N)
    chain[,Window := (1:nrow(chain))]

    chain = merge(chain,ref,by=paste0('ChIP',1:N),all.x=T)

agg = function(data,data.unique,rows,agg){
    # data <- data.table::copy(data)
    # setkey(data,Group)

    # data.unique <- data.table::copy(data.unique)

    # Filtering rows and aggregating
    # This will give me the sum of weights per each Group (possible combination of ChIP, Control, etc.)
    # data <- data[eval(parse(text=rows)),][,list(weights=sum(get(agg))),by=Group]

    # Bringing the variables from data.unique into the aggregated data
    # This will bring the variables back to the data
    # return(data.unique[data,on='Group'])
    Group = NULL

glm.nb = function(par,Y.vec,X.mat,offset.vec,weights.vec){
    l = stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=exp(X.mat%*%par[1:ncol(X.mat)]+offset.vec),size=1/par[length(par)],log=T);l[is.infinite(l)] = log(1e-300)

deriv.nb = function(par,Y.vec,X.mat,offset.vec,weights.vec){
    mu.vec = exp(X.mat%*%par[1:ncol(X.mat)]+offset.vec)
    phi = par[length(par)]

inv.par = function(par,model){
        n = length(par)

glm.nb2 = function(par,Y.vec,X.mat,offset.vec,weights.vec){
    # This function is the -loglikelihood of a NB model with group-specific dispersions
    l = stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=exp(X.mat%*%par[1:ncol(X.mat)]+offset.vec),size=1/exp(X.mat%*%par[(ncol(X.mat)+1):(2*ncol(X.mat))]),log=T);l[is.infinite(l)] = log(1e-300)

HMM.chain = function(z,K){
    MC = matrix(z,nrow = 1,ncol=length(z))
    MC = table(c(MC[,-ncol(MC)]),c(MC[,-1]))
    MC = as.matrix(MC/rowSums(MC))
    MC = matrix(MC,ncol=ncol(MC),nrow=nrow(MC),byrow=F)
    MC = check.prob(MC)

check.prob = function(P,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    P = pmax(pmin(P,1),0)
    if(sum(P==0)>0){P[P==0] = min.zero}

HMM.mean = function(X.mat,offset.vec,psi,N,M,idx,min.zero=min.zero){
    mu = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=N*K)
    for(k in 1:K){
        mu[,k+0:(N-1)*K] = matrix(exp(X.mat[[idx[k]]]%*%psi[[k]]+offset.vec),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F)
    if(sum(mu==0)>0){mu[mu==0] = min.zero}

HMM.LLmix2 = function(Y.vec,X.mat,mu,delta,disp,dispmix,N,M,zeroinfl=NULL,background='nb',min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
        # This function implements the HMM loglikelihood using a NB with group-specific dispersions
        LL = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=K)
        LLaux = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=B)
        #LL from Background
        LL[,1] = rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,1+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),size=rep(disp[1],N*M),log=T),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
        #LL from Enrichment
        LL[,K] = rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,Kmu+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),size=rep(disp[2],N*M),log=T),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
        #LL from Mixture
        for(b in 2:(Kmu-1)){
            LLaux[,(b-1)] = log(delta[(b-1)])+rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,b+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),
        LL[,2] = log(rowSums(exp(LLaux)))

        LL[is.infinite(LL)] = log(min.zero)
        # This function implements the HMM loglikelihood using a NB with group-specific dispersions and ZINB in background component
        Yvec0 = 1*(Y.vec==0)
        Zvec = c(zeroinfl)
        LL = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=K)
        LLaux = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=B)

        #LL from Background
        LogLik00 = stats::dnbinom(0,mu=c(mu[,1+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),size=rep(disp[1],N*M),log=T);LogLik00[is.infinite(LogLik00)] = log(1e-300)
        LogLik01 = stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,1+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),size=rep(disp[1],N*M),log=T);LogLik01[is.infinite(LogLik01)] = log(1e-300)
        LL[,1] = rowSums(matrix((Yvec0)*log(Zvec + exp(log(1-Zvec)+LogLik00)) + (1-Yvec0)*(log(1-Zvec) + LogLik01),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
        LL[is.infinite(LL[,1]),1] = log(1e-300)
        #LL from Enrichment
        LL[,K] = rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,Kmu+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),size=rep(disp[2],N*M),log=T),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
        #LL from Mixture
        for(b in 2:(Kmu-1)){
            LLaux[,(b-1)] = log(delta[(b-1)])+rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,b+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),
        LL[,2] = log(rowSums(exp(LLaux)))

        LL[is.infinite(LL)] = log(min.zero)

HMM.prob = function(dt){
    PostProb1 = PostProb2 = PostProb3 = NULL
    JoinProb11 = JoinProb12 = JoinProb13 = NULL
    JoinProb21 = JoinProb22 = JoinProb23 = NULL
    JoinProb31 = JoinProb32 = JoinProb33 = NULL

    pi <- dt[1,c(PostProb1,PostProb2,PostProb3)]
    gamma <- unname(check.prob(as.matrix(t(dt[,list(c(sum(JoinProb11,na.rm=T),sum(JoinProb12,na.rm=T),sum(JoinProb13,na.rm=T))/sum(JoinProb11+JoinProb12+JoinProb13,na.rm=T),

HMM.mixprob2 = function(Y.vec,X.mat,offset.vec,delta,psi,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function implements the mixture distrubutions using a NB with group-specific dispersions
    # it gives the posterior probabilities of the mixing probabilities for window j=1,...,M (row) and mixture b=1,...,B (column)
    B = length(delta);
    #rep = rep(1:N,each=M)
    eta = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=B)

    lf = list()
    for(b in 1:B){
        lf[[b]] = log(delta[b])+rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=exp(X.mat%*%matrix(psi[b,1:ncol(X.mat)],ncol=1)+offset.vec),
    for(b in 1:B){
        eta[,b] = exp(lf[[b]])/rowSums(do.call(cbind,lapply(lf,exp)))

    if(sum(eta==0)>0){eta[eta==0] = min.zero}

Q = function(P1,P2,loglik,pi,gamma){

# glm.nb2_diffConstr = function(par,dt){
#     # This function is the -loglikelihood of the differential component that implements a mixture model with NB distributions
#     # NB distributions from the mixture model share the same set of parameters for both mean and dispersion models.
#     # Each NB distribution represents one out of all possible combinations of differential patterns
#     # exp(Int) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with background counts in that particular NB distribution
#     # exp(Int + Slope) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with enrichment counts in that particular NB distribution
#     Dsg.Mix = weights = ChIP = Dsg.Int = offset = id = NULL
#     return(sum(unlist(lapply(seq_len(max(dt[,.id])),FUN = function(x){
#         subdt <- dt[(.id == x),]
#         subdt[,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',x)]
#         -sum(subdt[,weights*stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int+par[2]*Dsg.Mix+offset),size = exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int+par[4]*Dsg.Mix),log = T)])
#     }))))
# }

# deriv.nb2_diffConstr = function(par,dt){
#     # This function is the -loglikelihood of the differential component that implements a mixture model with NB distributions
#     # NB distributions from the mixture model share the same set of parameters for both mean and dispersion models.
#     # Each NB distribution represents one out of all possible combinations of differential patterns
#     # exp(Int) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with background counts in that particular NB distribution
#     # exp(Int + Slope) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with enrichment counts in that particular NB distribution
#     Dsg.Mix = Dsg.Int = offset = weights = ChIP = mu = phi = id = NULL
#     return(colSums(do.call(rbind,lapply(seq_len(max(dt[,.id])),FUN = function(x){
#         subdt <- dt[(.id == x),]
#         subdt[,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',x)]
#         subdt[,c('mu','phi') := list(exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int+par[2]*Dsg.Mix+offset),exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int+par[4]*Dsg.Mix))]
#         -colSums(cbind(subdt[,weights*(ChIP/mu-((ChIP+phi)/(mu+phi)))*mu*cbind(Dsg.Int,Dsg.Mix)],
#                        subdt[,weights*(digamma(ChIP+phi)-digamma(phi)+1+log(phi)-(ChIP+phi)/(mu+phi)-log(mu+phi))*phi*cbind(Dsg.Int,Dsg.Mix)]))
#     }))))
# }

HMM.mean_diffConstr = function(dsg,psi,idx,offset.vec,N,M,min.zero=min.zero){
    K = length(dsg)
    mu = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=N*K)

    for(k in 1:K){
        mu[,k+0:(N-1)*K] = matrix(exp(as.matrix(dsg[[k]])%*%psi[[idx[k]]]+offset.vec),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F)
    if(sum(mu==0)>0){mu[mu==0] = min.zero}

HMM.LLmix2_diffConstr = function(Y.vec,dsg,mu,delta,disp,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # (Y.vec,X.mat,mu,delta,disp,dispmix,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin)
    # This function implements the HMM loglikelihood using NB distributions in the mixture component
    # that share a unique set of parameters
    LL = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=K)
    LLaux = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=B)
    #LL from Background
    LL[,1] = rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,1+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),size=rep(disp[[1]],N*M),log=T),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
    #LL from Enrichment
    LL[,K] = rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,Kmu+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),size=rep(disp[[K]],N*M),log=T),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
    #LL from Mixture
    for(b in 2:(Kmu-1)){
        LLaux[,(b-1)] = log(delta[(b-1)])+rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=c(mu[,b+0:(N-1)*Kmu]),
    LL[,2] = log(rowSums(exp(LLaux)))

    LL[is.infinite(LL)] = log(min.zero)

HMM.mixprob2_diffConstr = function(Y.vec,dsg,offset.vec,delta,psi,disp,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function implements the mixture distrubutions using a NB with constrained parameters commong to all distributions
    # it gives the posterior probabilities of the mixing probabilities for window j=1,...,M (row) and mixture b=1,...,B (column)
    B = length(delta);

    lf = lapply(1:B,FUN = function(b){log(delta[b])+rowSums(matrix(stats::dnbinom(Y.vec,mu=exp(as.matrix(dsg[[(b+1)]])%*%psi+offset.vec),size=exp(as.matrix(dsg[[(b+1)]])%*%disp),log=T),ncol=N,byrow=F))})
    sumlf = Reduce(`+`,lapply(lf,exp))

    return(check.prob(sapply(1:B,FUN = function(b){exp(lf[[b]])/sumlf},simplify = T)))

glm.nb2_Constr = function(par,dt,maxid,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function is the -loglikelihood of the mixHMMConstr that implements a mixture model in the differential component with NB distributions
    # NB distributions from the mixture model share the same set of parameters for both mean and dispersion models.
    # Each NB distribution represents one out of all possible combinations of differential patterns
    # exp(Int) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with background counts in that particular NB distribution
    # exp(Int + Slope) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with enrichment counts in that particular NB distribution
    # Additionally, the mean (dispersion) for the first and third HMM components are, respectively, exp(Int) and exp(Int + Slope).
    # Hence, only 4 parameters drive the entire distributions of this HMM
    weights = ChIP = Dsg.Int = Dsg.Mix = offset = id = NULL

    return(sum(dt[(id==1),][,-weights*log(stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int),log = F)+min.zero)])+
               do.call(sum,lapply(2:(maxid-1),FUN = function(x){sum(dt[(id == x),][,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',(x-1))][,-weights*log(stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int+par[2]*Dsg.Mix+offset),size = exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int+par[4]*Dsg.Mix),log = F)+min.zero)])}))+
               sum(dt[(id==maxid),][,-weights*log(stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp((par[1]+par[2])*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp((par[3]+par[4])*Dsg.Int),log = F)+min.zero)]))

deriv.nb2_Constr = function(par,dt,maxid,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function is the -loglikelihood of the mixHMMConstr that implements a mixture model in the differential component with NB distributions
    # NB distributions from the mixture model share the same set of parameters for both mean and dispersion models.
    # Each NB distribution represents one out of all possible combinations of differential patterns
    # exp(Int) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with background counts in that particular NB distribution
    # exp(Int + Slope) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with enrichment counts in that particular NB distribution
    # Additionally, the mean (dispersion) for the first and third HMM components are, respectively, exp(Int) and exp(Int + Slope).
    # Hence, only 4 parameters drive the entire distributions of this HMM

    # This derivative was checked with numDeriv::grad and it is correct for glm.nb2_Constr (April 10th 2019)
    Dsg.Int = offset = weights = ChIP = mu = phi = Dsg.Mix = id = NULL

    return(colSums(do.call(rbind,c(lapply(1,FUN = function(x){
        subdt = dt[(id == x),][,c('mu','phi') := list(exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int))]
    lapply(2:(maxid-1),FUN = function(x){
        subdt = dt[(id == x),][,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',(x-1))][,c('mu','phi') := list(exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int+par[2]*Dsg.Mix+offset),exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int+par[4]*Dsg.Mix))]
    lapply(maxid,FUN = function(x){
        subdt = dt[(id == x),][,c('mu','phi') := list(exp((par[1]+par[2])*Dsg.Int+offset),exp((par[3]+par[4])*Dsg.Int))]

HMM.mean_Constr = function(dsg,psi,idx,offset.vec,N,M,min.zero=min.zero){
    K = length(dsg)
    mu = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=N*K)

    for(k in 1:K){
        mu[,k+0:(N-1)*K] = matrix(exp(as.matrix(dsg[[k]])%*%psi[[idx[k]]]+offset.vec),nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F)
    if(sum(mu==0)>0){mu[mu==0] = min.zero}

dzinb = function(x,size,mu,zip,log=T,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function calculates the log-transformed probability dist. of a ZINB model
    # It agrees with the function VGAM::dzinegbin, except that I add .Machine$double.xmin to
    # stats::dnbinom to avoid having -Inf when passing this function to optim-'L-BFGS-B'.
        return(log(zip*(x==0)+(1-zip)*(stats::dnbinom(x,mu = mu,size = size,log = F)+min.zero)))
    } else{
        return(zip*(x==0)+(1-zip)*(stats::dnbinom(x,mu = mu,size = size,log = F)+min.zero))

glm.zinb2_Constr = function(par,dt,maxid,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function is the -loglikelihood of the mixZIHMMConstr that implements a mixture model in the differential component with ZINB and NB distributions
    # ZINB and NB distributions from the mixture model share the same set of parameters for both mean and dispersion models.
    # Each NB distribution in the differential component represents the upward shift in the background counts from ZINB model
    # exp(Int) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with background counts in that particular ZINB distribution, which has zero-inflation probability exp(Int)/(1+exp(Int))
    # exp(Int + Slope) is the mean (dispersion) of the group with enrichment counts in that particular NB distribution
    # Additionally, the mean (dispersion) for the first and third HMM components are, respectively, exp(Int) and exp(Int + Slope).
    # Hence, only 5 parameters drive the entire distributions of this HMM
    Dsg.Mix = weights = ChIP = Dsg.Int = offset = id = NULL

    return(sum(dt[(id==1),][,-weights*dzinb(ChIP,mu = exp(par[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int),zip = exp(par[1])/(1+exp(par[1])))])+
               do.call(sum,lapply(2:(maxid-1),FUN = function(x){
                   sum(dt[(id == x),][,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',(x-1))][,-weights*((Dsg.Mix==1)*log(stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(par[4]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(par[5]*Dsg.Int),log = F)+min.zero) + (Dsg.Mix==0)*dzinb(ChIP,mu = exp(par[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int),zip = exp(par[1])/(1+exp(par[1]))))])
               sum(dt[(id==maxid),][,-weights*log(stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(par[4]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(par[5]*Dsg.Int),log = F)+min.zero)]))


deriv.zinb2_Constr = function(par,dt,maxid,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # Derivatives of glm.zinb2_Constr
    # This derivative was checked with numDeriv::grad and it is correct for glm.zinb2_Constr (April 20th 2019)
    Dsg.Int = offset = weights = ChIP = mu = phi = zip = Dsg.Mix = muzinb = phizinb = munb = phinb = id = NULL

    return(colSums(do.call(rbind,c(lapply(1,FUN = function(x){
        subdt = dt[(id == x),][,c('zip','mu','phi') := list(exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int)/(1+exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int)),exp(par[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int))]
        colSums(cbind(subdt[,-weights*((ChIP==0)*(((1-stats::dnbinom(x=0,mu=mu,size=phi,log=F))/dzinb(0,mu=mu,size=phi,zip=zip,log=F))*zip*(1-zip))+(!ChIP==0)*(-zip))*cbind(Dsg.Int)], #zip
                      subdt[,-weights*((ChIP==0)*((-(1-zip)*((phi/(mu+phi))^(phi+1))/dzinb(0,mu=mu,size=phi,zip=zip,log=F))*mu)+(!ChIP==0)*((ChIP/mu-(ChIP+phi)/(mu+phi))*mu))*cbind(Dsg.Int)], #int mean background
                      subdt[,-weights*((ChIP==0)*((1-zip)*((phi/(mu+phi))^phi)*(log(phi/(mu+phi))+mu/(mu+phi))*(1/dzinb(0,mu=mu,size=phi,zip=zip,log=F))*phi)+(!ChIP==0)*((digamma(ChIP+phi)-digamma(phi)+1+log(phi)-(ChIP+phi)/(mu+phi)-log(mu+phi))*phi))*cbind(Dsg.Int)],#int disp background
                      0, #int mean enrichment
                      0)) #int disp enrichment
    lapply(2:(maxid-1),FUN = function(x){
        subdt = dt[(id == x),][,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',(x-1))][,c('zip','muzinb','phizinb','munb','phinb') := list(exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int)/(1+exp(par[1]*Dsg.Int)),exp(par[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),exp(par[3]*Dsg.Int),exp(par[4]*Dsg.Int+offset),exp(par[5]*Dsg.Int))]
    lapply(maxid,FUN = function(x){
        subdt = dt[(id == x),][,c('mu','phi') := list(exp(par[4]*Dsg.Int+offset),exp(par[5]*Dsg.Int))]

HMM.LLmix2_Constr = function(dt,psi,delta,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # Y.vec,dsg,mu,delta,disp,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin
    # This function implements the HMM loglikelihood using NB distributions in the mixture component
    # that share a unique set of parameters
    ChIP = Dsg.Int = offset = Dsg.Mix = NULL

    LL = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=K)
    #LL from Background
    LL[,1] = rowSums(matrix(dt[,stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi[3]*Dsg.Int),log=T)],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
    #LL from Enrichment
    LL[,K] = rowSums(matrix(dt[,stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = exp((psi[1]+psi[2])*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp((psi[3]+psi[4])*Dsg.Int),log=T)],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
    #LL from Mixture
    LL[,2] = log(base::Reduce(`+`,lapply(2:(B+1),FUN = function(x){
        # exp(log(delta[(x-1)])+rowSums(matrix(dt[,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',(x-1))][,((Dsg.Mix==1)*stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(psi2[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi2[2]*Dsg.Int),log = T) + (Dsg.Mix==0)*dzinb(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi1[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi1[3]*Dsg.Int),zip = exp(psi1[1])/(1+exp(psi1[1]))))],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F)))
        exp(log(delta[(x-1)])+rowSums(matrix(dt[,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',(x-1))][,stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi[1]*Dsg.Int+psi[2]*Dsg.Mix+offset),size = exp(psi[3]*Dsg.Int+psi[4]*Dsg.Mix),log=T)],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F)))

    LL[is.infinite(LL)] = log(min.zero)

ZIHMM.LLmix2_Constr = function(dt,psi1,psi2,delta,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function implements the HMM loglikelihood using ZINB and NB distributions in the mixture component
    # that share a unique set of parameters
    # dt <- data.table::copy(dt)
    ChIP = Dsg.Int = offset = NULL

    LL = matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=K)
    #LL from Background
    LL[,1] = rowSums(matrix(dt[,dzinb(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi1[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi1[3]*Dsg.Int),zip = exp(psi1[1])/(1+exp(psi1[1])))],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
    #LL from Enrichment
    LL[,K] = rowSums(matrix(dt[,stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi2[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi2[2]*Dsg.Int),log = T)],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
    #LL from Mixture
    LL[,2] = log(base::Reduce(`+`,lapply(2:(B+1),FUN = function(x){
        # exp(log(delta[(x-1)])+rowSums(matrix(dt[,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',(x-1))][,((Dsg.Mix==1)*stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(psi2[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi2[2]*Dsg.Int),log = T) + (Dsg.Mix==0)*dzinb(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi1[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi1[3]*Dsg.Int),zip = exp(psi1[1])/(1+exp(psi1[1]))))],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F)))
        exp(log(delta[(x-1)])+rowSums(matrix(dt[,((.SD==1)*stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(psi2[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi2[2]*Dsg.Int),log = T) + (.SD==0)*dzinb(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi1[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi1[3]*Dsg.Int),zip = exp(psi1[1])/(1+exp(psi1[1])))),.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',(x-1))],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F)))

    LL[is.infinite(LL)] = log(min.zero)

ZIHMM.mixprob2_Constr = function(dt,delta,psi1,psi2,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function implements the mixture distrubutions using ZINB and NB with constrained parameters commong to all distributions
    # it gives the posterior probabilities of the mixing probabilities for window j=1,...,M (row) and mixture b=1,...,B (column)
    ChIP = Dsg.Int = offset = NULL

    B = length(delta);
    # dt <- data.table::copy(dt)

    lf = lapply(1:B,FUN = function(b){
        # log(delta[b])+rowSums(matrix(dt[,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',b)][,((Dsg.Mix==1)*stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(psi2[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi2[2]*Dsg.Int),log = T) + (Dsg.Mix==0)*dzinb(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi1[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi1[3]*Dsg.Int),zip = exp(psi1[1])/(1+exp(psi1[1]))))],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
        log(delta[b])+rowSums(matrix(dt[,((.SD==1)*stats::dnbinom(ChIP,mu = exp(psi2[1]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi2[2]*Dsg.Int),log = T) + (.SD==0)*dzinb(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi1[2]*Dsg.Int+offset),size = exp(psi1[3]*Dsg.Int),zip = exp(psi1[1])/(1+exp(psi1[1])))),.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',b)],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=F))
    lf <- rapply(lf,function(x){ifelse(exp(x)==0,log(min.zero),x)}, how = "replace")
    sumlf = Reduce(`+`,lapply(lf,exp))

    return(check.prob(sapply(1:B,FUN = function(b){exp(lf[[b]])/sumlf},simplify = T)))

HMM.mixprob2_Constr = function(dt,delta,psi,N,M,min.zero=.Machine$double.xmin){
    # This function implements the mixture distrubutions using a NB with constrained parameters commong to all distributions
    # it gives the posterior probabilities of the mixing probabilities for window j=1,...,M (row) and mixture b=1,...,B (column)
    ChIP = Dsg.Int = offset = Dsg.Mix = NULL

    B = length(delta);

    lf = lapply(1:B,FUN = function(b){log(delta[b])+rowSums(matrix(dt[,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',b)][,stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi[1]*Dsg.Int+psi[2]*Dsg.Mix+offset),size = exp(psi[3]*Dsg.Int+psi[4]*Dsg.Mix),log=T)],ncol=N,byrow=F))})
    lf <- rapply(lf,function(x){ifelse(exp(x)==0,log(min.zero),x)}, how = "replace")
    sumlf = Reduce(`+`,lapply(lf,exp))

    return(check.prob(sapply(1:B,FUN = function(b){exp(lf[[b]])/sumlf},simplify = T)))

getBIC = function(logF,nPar,group){
    # This function computes the BIC of the HMM
    m = nrow(logF)
    c = max(logF[m,])

Mode <- function(x) {
    # This function computes the model of a vector x
    # NOTE: it is only applicable if x is integer or categorical
    # NOTE: if multi model, it returns missing (uncomment for return everything)
    ux <- unique(x)
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    if(length(ux[tab == max(tab)])==1){
        return(as.character(ux[tab == max(tab)]))
    } else{
        # out = ux[tab == max(tab)]
        # return(paste0(out,collapse=','))

classify <- function(x,names.mixProb,names.Conditions){
        return(paste0(names.Conditions[gregexpr('1',names.mixProb[as.numeric(x)])[[1]][1]],collapse = ','))
    } else{
        return(do.call(paste,c(lapply(lapply(strsplit(x,',')[[1]],FUN = function(z){as.numeric(gregexpr('1',names.mixProb[as.numeric(z)])[[1]])}),FUN = function(w){paste0(names.Conditions[w],collapse = ',')}),sep='-')))
plbaldoni/mixNBHMM documentation built on Dec. 24, 2019, 1:31 p.m.