#' sortRows
#' @param x A numeric matrix or data.frame.
#' @param z Whether to scale rows for the purpose of calculating order.
#' @param toporder Optional verctor of categories (length=nrow(x)) on which to
#' supra-order when sorting rows.
#' @param na.rm Whether to remove missing values and invariant rows.
#' @param method Seriation method; 'MDS_angle' (default) or 'R2E' recommended.
#' @param toporder.meth Whether to perform higher-order sorting 'before'
#' (default) or 'after' the lower-order sorting.
#' @return A reordered matrix or data.frame.
#' @examples
#' # random data
#' m <- matrix( round(rnorm(100,mean=10, sd=2)), nrow=10,
#' dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:10], letters[11:20]) )
#' m
#' sortRows(m)
#' @importFrom seriation seriate get_order
#' @importFrom stats sd aggregate median dist
#' @export
sortRows <- function(x, z=FALSE, toporder=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, method="MDS_angle",
toporder.meth <- match.arg(toporder.meth, c("before","after"))
if(is.numeric(toporder)) toporder <- as.character(toporder)
w <- which( apply(x, 1, FUN = function(y){ !any(is.na(y)) }) |
!(apply(x, 1, na.rm=TRUE, FUN=sd) > 0) )
x <- x[w,]
if(!is.null(toporder)) toporder <- toporder[w]
if(is.factor(toporder)) toporder <- droplevels(toporder)
y <- x
if(z) y <- safescale(x, byRow=TRUE)
ag <- aggregate(y, by=list(toporder), na.rm=TRUE, FUN=median)
row.names(ag) <- ag[,1]
ag <- ag[,-1]
try( ag <- sortRows(ag, z=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE, method=method),
ll <- split(as.data.frame(y), toporder)
ll <- lapply(ll, FUN=function(x){
tryCatch(sortRows(x,method=method), error=function(e) return(x))
y <- unlist(lapply(ll[row.names(ag)], FUN=row.names))
o1 <- get_order(seriate(dist(y), method=method))
oa <- aggregate(o1,by=list(top=as.factor(toporder)),FUN=median)
oa <- oa[order(oa[,2]),1]
toporder <- factor(as.character(toporder), levels=as.character(oa))
ss <- seriate(dist(y), method=method)
.chooseAssay <- function(se, assayName=NULL, returnName=FALSE){
if(length(assays(se))==0) stop("The object has no assay!")
if(is.null(assayName) &&
!is.null(dan <- metadata(se)$default_view$assay) &&
length(dan <- intersect(dan,assayNames(se)))>0)
assayName <- dan[1]
assayGiven <- !is.null(assayName)
a <- .getDef("assayName")
if(!assayGiven && !is.null(assayNames(se))){
assayName <- intersect(a,assayNames(se))
if(is.null(assayName)) assayName <- assayNames(se)[1]
}else if(!assayGiven && is.null(assayNames(se))){
assayName <- 1L
message("Assay unspecified, and multiple assays present; ",
"will use the first one.")
if(assayGiven && !is.numeric(assayName) &&
!any(assayName %in% assayNames(se)))
stop("Assay '", assayName, "' not found!")
if(length(assayName)==0) assayName <- assayNames(se)
if(length(assayName)>1) message("Using assay '", assayName[1],"'")
assayName <- assayName[1]
if(returnName) return(assayName)
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
.getHMcols <- function(cols=NULL, n=101){
if(is.null(cols)) cols <- .getDef("hmcols")
if(is.function(cols)) return(cols)
if(length(cols) %in% 2:3) return(colorRampPalette(cols)(n))
.getBaseHMcols <- function(se, cols){
if(!is.null(cols)) return(cols)
if(!is.null(se) && !is.null(cols <- metadata(se)$hmcols)) return(cols)
#' getBreaks
#' Produces symmetrical breaks for a color scale, with the scale steps
#' increasing for large values, which is useful to avoid outliers influencing
#' too much the color scale.
#' @param x A matrix of log2FC (or any numerical values centered around 0)
#' @param n The desired number of breaks.
#' @param split.prop The proportion of the data points to plot on a linear
#' scale; the remaining will be plotted on a scale with regular frequency per
#' step (quantile).
#' @param symmetric Logical; whether breaks should be symmetric around 0
#' (default TRUE)
#' @return A vector of breaks of length = `n`
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @examples
#' dat <- rnorm(100,sd = 10)
#' getBreaks(dat, 10)
getBreaks <- function(x, n, split.prop=0.98, symmetric=TRUE){
if(is.logical(split.prop)) split.prop <- ifelse(split.prop,0.98,1)
if((n %% 2) == 0)
warning("For symmetrical colorscales, an uneven number of colors should",
" be provided.")
breaks <- getBreaks(as.numeric(c(0,abs(x))), n=ceiling((n+1)/2),
split.prop=split.prop, symmetric=FALSE)
minVal <- min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
if(split.prop<1) q <- as.numeric(quantile(x,split.prop,na.rm=TRUE))
if(split.prop==1 || !(q>minVal)){
q <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
split.prop <- 1
xr <- seq(from=minVal, to=q, length.out=floor(split.prop*n))
n <- n-length(xr)
q <- quantile(as.numeric(x)[which(x>q)],seq_len(n)/n, na.rm=TRUE)
xr <- c(xr,as.numeric(q))
## duplicated breaks, probably because we have too few datapoints;
## we fall back onto a linear scale
xr <- getBreaks(x, n, 1, symmetric=FALSE)
.getAnnoCols <- function(se, given=list(), do.assign=FALSE){
ll <- list( default=.getDef("anno_colors") )
ll$object <- metadata(se)$anno_colors
ll$given <- given
ac <- .mergelists(ll)
if(do.assign) ac <- .assignAnnoColors(se, ac)
lapply(ac, unlist)
#' @importFrom randomcoloR distinctColorPalette
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData rowData
.assignAnnoColors <- function(x, anno_colors){
fn <- function(x){
if(is.factor(x)) return(levels(x))
if(is.character(x)) return(unique(x))
if(is(x, "SummarizedExperiment")){
df <- c( lapply(colData(x), fn), lapply(rowData(x), fn) )
df <- lapply( x, fn)
for(f in names(df)){
if(!(f %in% names(anno_colors))) anno_colors[[f]] <- list()
x <- setdiff(df[[f]], names(anno_colors[[f]]))
if(length(x)>0) anno_colors[[f]][x] <- distinctColorPalette(length(x))
# non recursive, latest values win
.mergelists <- function(ll){
names(ll) <- NULL
names(nn) <- nn <- unique(unlist(lapply(ll,names)))
lapply(nn, FUN=function(x){
x <- lapply(ll, function(y) y[[x]])
x <- x[!unlist(lapply(x,is.null))]
if(length(x)==0) return(x)
if(length(x)==1 || is.function(x[[1]])) return(x[[1]])
x <- do.call(c,x)
.has_nan <- function(x){
return(any( unlist(lapply(assays(x), .has_nan)) ))
any(is.infinite(x) | is.na(x))
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Legend packLegend
.annoLegend <- function(anno_colors){
leg <- lapply(names(anno_colors), FUN=function(n){
x <- anno_colors[[n]]
Legend(labels=names(x), title=n, legend_gp=gpar(fill=as.character(x)))
.prepData <- function( se, genes=NULL, do.scale=FALSE,
assayName=.getDef("assayName"), includeMissing=FALSE ){
x <- as.matrix(.chooseAssay(se, assayName))
genes <- unique(genes)
x <- x[intersect(genes,row.names(x)),]
x <- safescale(x, byRow=TRUE)
if(includeMissing && length(missg <- setdiff(genes, row.names(x)))>0){
x2 <- matrix( NA_real_, ncol=ncol(x), nrow=length(missg),
dimnames=list(missg, colnames(x)) )
x <- rbind(x,x2)[genes,]
.parseToporder <- function(x, toporder=NULL){
if(is(x, "SummarizedExperiment")) x <- rowData(x)
if(is.null(toporder)) return(NULL)
if(length(toporder)==1 && is.character(toporder)){
if(toporder %in% colnames(x)){
toporder <- x[[toporder]]
names(toporder) <- row.names(x)
stop("Could not interpret `toporder`.")
toporder <- toporder[row.names(x)]
names(toporder) <- row.names(x)
.prepScale <- function(x, hmcols=NULL, breaks=.getDef("breaks")){
hmcols <- .getHMcols(cols=hmcols)
if(!is.null(breaks) && length(breaks)==1 && !is.na(breaks) &&
(!is.logical(breaks) || breaks)){
breaks <- getBreaks(x, length(hmcols), split.prop=breaks)
}else if(is.null(breaks) || all(is.na(breaks)) ||
(length(breaks)==1 && is.logical(breaks) && !breaks) ){
breaks <- getBreaks(x, length(hmcols), 1, FALSE)
if(abs(ld <- length(breaks)-length(hmcols))>0){
if(ld<0) stop("Too many breaks for the given colors!")
if(ld>1) warning("Too few breaks - only part of the colors will be used.")
hmcols <- hmcols[seq(from=1+floor(ld/2), to=length(breaks))]
list(breaks=breaks, hmcols=hmcols)
#' qualitativeColors
#' @param names The names to which the colors are to be assigned, or an integer
#' indicating the desired number of colors
#' @param ... passed to `randomcoloR::distinctColorPalette`
#' @return A vector (eventually named) of colors
#' @importFrom randomcoloR distinctColorPalette
qualitativeColors <- function(names, ...){
names <- unique(names)
if(length(names)==1 && is.integer(names))
cols <- distinctColorPalette(length(names), ...)
names(cols) <- names
#' safescale
#' Equivalent to `base::scale`, but handling missing values and null variance
#' a bit more elegantly.
#' @param x A matrix.
#' @param center Logical, whether to center values.
#' @param byRow Logical, whether to scale by rows instead of columns.
#' @return A scaled matrix.
#' @export
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowVars rowMaxs
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow=10)
#' m.scaled <- safescale(m)
safescale <- function(x, center=TRUE, byRow=FALSE){
if(!any(is.na(x)) && !byRow) return(base::scale(x, center=center))
if(is.null(dim(x))) x <- matrix(x)
if(!byRow) x <- t(x)
y <- x
if(center) y <- y - rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
rv <- sqrt(matrixStats::rowVars(y, na.rm=TRUE))
w <- which(rowSums(is.na(x))<ncol(y) & is.na(rv))
rv[w] <- matrixStats::rowMaxs(y[w,], na.rm=TRUE)
y <- y/rv
y[which(rowSums(is.na(y) | is.infinite(y))==ncol(y)),] <- 0
if(!byRow) y <- t(y)
.getGaps <- function(x, CD, silent=TRUE){
if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
if(is.factor(x) && length(x)>1){
if(!is.null(names(x))) x <- x[row.names(CD)]
if(length(x)==nrow(CD)) return(x)
if(!all(x %in% colnames(CD))){
if(!silent) warning("Gap field(s) not found in the object's data.")
x <- as.data.frame(CD)[,x,drop=FALSE]
if(ncol(x)==0) return(NULL)
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap HeatmapAnnotation
.prepareAnnoDF <- function(an, anno_colors, fields, whichComplex=NULL,
show_legend=TRUE, show_annotation_name=TRUE,
dropEmptyLevels=TRUE, anno_name_side=NULL,
whichComplex <- match.arg(whichComplex, c("row","column"))
an <- an[,intersect(fields, colnames(an)),drop=FALSE]
an <- as.data.frame(an)
an <- NULL
for(i in colnames(an)){
if(dropEmptyLevels) an[[i]] <- droplevels(an[[i]])
an[[i]] <- factor(as.character(an[[i]]),levels=c("FALSE","TRUE"))
if(!(i %in% names(anno_colors))){
anno_colors[[i]] <- c("FALSE"="white", "TRUE"="darkblue")
}else if(!is.null(anno_colors[[i]]) &&
if(i %in% names(anno_colors)){
w <- intersect(names(anno_colors[[i]]),unique(an[[i]]))
anno_colors[[i]] <- NULL
anno_colors[[i]] <- anno_colors[[i]][w]
if(is.null(whichComplex)) return(list(an=an, anno_colors=anno_colors))
if(is.null(an)) return(NULL)
anno_colors <- anno_colors[intersect(names(anno_colors),colnames(an))]
an <- HeatmapAnnotation(df=an, show_legend=show_legend, na_col="white",
highlight=highlight )
an <- HeatmapAnnotation(df=an, show_legend=show_legend, na_col="white",
which=whichComplex, col=anno_colors,
.defaultAnno <- function(se, type="left"){
if(!is.null(dv <- metadata(se)$default_view) &&
!is.null(dv <- dv[[paste0(type,"_annotation")]])) return(dv)
if(type=="top" && !is.null(dv <- metadata(se)$default_view) &&
sum(lengths(dv <- unique(c(dv$gridvar, dv$groupvar, dv$colvar))))>0)
if(!is.null(def <- .getDef(paste0(type,"_annotation")))) return(def)
# for compatibility with older versions:
if(type=="left") return(.getDef("anno_rows"))
if(type=="top") return(.getDef("anno_columns"))
#' getDEA
#' Extracts (standardized) DEA results from the rowData of an SE object.
#' @param se A \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{SummarizedExperiment-class}},
#' with DEAs each saved as a rowData column of `se`, with the column name
#' prefixed with "DEA."
#' @param dea The optional name of the DEA to extract
#' @param homogenize Logical; whether to homogenize the DEA
#' @param sort Logical; whether to return the table sorted by significance
#' @return The DEA data.frame if `dea` is given, otherwise a named list of
#' data.frames.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # loading example SE
#' data("Chen2017", package="sechm")
#' # this ones doesn't have saved DEAs in the standard format:
#' getDEA(Chen2017)
getDEA <- function(se, dea=NULL, homogenize=FALSE, sort=TRUE){
deas <- grep("^DEA\\.", colnames(rowData(se)), value=TRUE)
names(deas) <- gsub("^DEA\\.", "", deas)
deas <- lapply(deas, FUN=function(x){
x <- rowData(se)[[x]]
if(homogenize) x <- homogenizeDEA(x)
cn <- grep("PValue|P\\.Value|pvalue|p_value|pval", colnames(x), value=TRUE)
if(length(cn)>0) x <- x[order(x[,cn[1]]),]
dea <- gsub("^DEA\\.","",dea)
if(dea %in% names(deas)) return(deas[[dea]])
matches <- grep(dea, names(deas), value=TRUE)
message("No matching DEA found. Available DEAs:\n",
paste(names(deas), collapse=", "))
}else if(length(matches)==1){
message("Returning DEA '", matches,"'")
if(homogenize) return(homogenizeDEA(deas[[matches]]))
message("Multiple matches:\n",
paste(matches, collapse=", "))
message("No DEA found!")
if(length(deas)==0) return(list())
deas <- deas[!unlist(lapply(deas, is.null))]
lapply(deas, FUN=function(x){
#' Get DEGs from a SE or list of DEA results
#' @param x A `SummarizedExperiment` object with DEA results in rowData, or a
#' list of DEA result data.frames.
#' @param dea Which DEA(s) to use (default all). Used only if `x` is a
#' `SummarizedExperiment`.
#' @param lfc.th Absolute log-foldchange threshold.
#' @param fdr.th FDR threshold.
#' @param direction If !=0, specifies whether to fetch only upregulated or
#' downregulated features
#' @param merge Logical; whether to take the union of DEGs from the different
#' DEAs (when more than one).
#' @return A character vector with the significant features, or a list of such
#' vectors.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # loading example SE
#' data("Chen2017", package="sechm")
#' # this ones doesn't have saved DEAs in the standard format:
#' getDEGs(Chen2017)
getDEGs <- function(x, dea=NULL, lfc.th=log2(1.3), fdr.th=0.05, direction=0,
if(is(x,"SummarizedExperiment")) x <- getDEA(x, dea=dea)
stopifnot(is.list(x) || is(x,"DFrame"))
if(is.data.frame(x) || is(x,"DFrame")){
x <- x[which(abs(x$logFC)>=lfc.th & x$FDR<=fdr.th),]
if(direction != 0) x <- x[which(sign(x$logFC)==sign(direction)),]
x <- lapply(x, lfc.th=lfc.th, fdr.th=fdr.th, direction=direction, FUN=getDEGs)
if(length(x)==1) return(x[[1]])
if(merge) return(unique(unlist(x)))
#' homogenizeDEA
#' Standardizes the outputs of differential expression methods (to an
#' edgeR-like style)
#' @param x A data.frame containing the results of a differential expression
#' analysis
#' @return A standardized data.frame.
homogenizeDEA <- function(x){
if(is(x,"data.table") || is(x, "DFrame")) x <- as.data.frame(x)
if(!is.data.frame(x)) return(NULL)
colnames(x) <- gsub("log2FoldChange|log2Fold|log2FC|log2\\(fold_change\\)|log2\\.fold_change\\.",
"logFC", colnames(x))
if(!any(colnames(x)=="logFC") & (length(w <- grep("logFC",colnames(x)))>0)){
x$logFC <- rowMeans(as.matrix(x[,w,drop=FALSE]))
abf <- head(intersect(colnames(x),
c("logCPM", "meanExpr", "AveExpr", "baseMean")), 1)
if (length(abf)==1){
x$meanExpr <- x[, abf]
if(abf == "baseMean") x$meanExpr <- log1p(x$meanExpr)
}else if(all(c("value_1","value_2") %in% colnames(x))){ # cufflinks
x$meanExpr <- log(1+x$value_1+x$value_2)
colnames(x) <- gsub("P\\.Value|pvalue|p_value|pval|p_val", "PValue", colnames(x))
colnames(x) <- gsub("padj|adj\\.P\\.Val|q_value|qval|p_adj\\.loc", "FDR", colnames(x))
if (!("FDR" %in% colnames(x))) colnames(x) <- gsub("ihw", "FDR", colnames(x))
if (!("FDR" %in% colnames(x)))
x$FDR <- p.adjust(x$PValue, method = "fdr")
f <- grep("^logFC$",colnames(x),value=TRUE)
if(length(f)==0) f <- grep("logFC",colnames(x),value=TRUE)
if(length(f)==0) warning("No logFC found.")
message("Using ",f[1])
x[["logFC"]] <- x[[f[1]]]
x$F <- NULL
x$FDR[is.na(x$FDR)] <- 1
x <- x[!is.na(x$logFC),]
x <- x[!is.na(x$PValue),]
x <- x[order(x$PValue),]
x <- x[order(x$FDR),]
#' log2FC
#' Generates log2(foldchange) matrix/assay, eventually on a per-batch fashion.
#' @param x A numeric matrix, or a `SummarizedExperiment` object
#' @param fromAssay The assay to use if `x` is a `SummarizedExperiment`
#' @param controls A vector of which samples should be used as controls for
#' foldchange calculations.
#' @param by An optional vector indicating groups/batches by which the controls
#' will be averaged to calculate per-group foldchanges.
#' @param isLog Logical; whether the data is log-transformed. If NULL, will
#' attempt to figure it out from the data and/or assay name
#' @param agFun Aggregation function for the baseline (default rowMeans)
#' @param toAssay The name of the assay in which to save the output. If left to
#' the default value, both a log2FC assay as well as a scaled log2FC assay
#' (scaled by unit-variance, but not centered) will be saved in the object.
#' @param pseudocount If the origin assay is not log-transformed, `pseudocount`
#' will be added to the values before calculating a log-transformation. This
#' prevents infinite fold-changes and moderates them.
#' @param ndigits Number of digits after the decimal of the log2FC (and
#' scaledLFC).
#' @return An object of same class as `x`; if a `SummarizedExperiment`, will
#' have the additional assay named from `toAssay`.
#' @examples
#' log2FC( matrix(rnorm(40), ncol=4), controls=1:2 )
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
log2FC <- function(x, fromAssay=NULL, controls, by=NULL, isLog=NULL,
agFun=rowMeans, toAssay="log2FC", pseudocount=1L, ndigits=2){
if(is.null(colnames(x))) colnames(x) <- paste0("S",seq_len(ncol(x)))
if(is(x, "SummarizedExperiment")){
stop("If `x` is a SummarizedExperiment, specify the assay to use ",
"using `fromAssay`")
if(!(fromAssay %in% assayNames(x)))
stop("`fromAssay` '", fromAssay, "' not found.")
if(!is.null(by) && length(by)==1 && by %in% colnames(colData(x)))
by <- colData(x)[[by]]
a <- assays(x)[[fromAssay]]
stop("`x` should either be a SummarizedExperiment or a numeric matrix.")
a <- x
if(!is.null(fromAssay) && grepl("^log",fromAssay, ignore.case=TRUE)){
isLog <- TRUE
isLog <- any(a<0)
if(isLog) message("Assuming assay values to be on a log-scale")
if(!isLog) log2(a+pseudocount)
if(is.logical(controls)) controls <- which(controls)
if(!all(controls %in% seq_len(ncol(a))))
stop("Some control indexes are out of range.")
if(is.null(by)) by <- rep(1,ncol(a))
i <- split(1:ncol(a),by)
lfc <- do.call(cbind, lapply(i, FUN=function(x){
c2 <- intersect(x,controls)
if(length(c2)==0) stop("Some groups of `by` have no controls.")
lfc <- lfc[,colnames(x)]
if(!is.null(ndigits)) lfc <- round(lfc, ndigits)
if(is(x, "SummarizedExperiment")){
assays(x)[[toAssay]] <- lfc
slfc <- safescale(assays(x)$log2FC, center=FALSE, byRow=TRUE)
if(!is.null(ndigits)) slfc <- round(slfc, ndigits)
assays(x)$scaledLFC <- slfc
#' Set rowData attribute of given rows
#' @param se A `SummarizedExperiment` object
#' @param values A named vector of values, where the names correspond to rows of
#' `se`
#' @param name The name of the rowData column in which to store the attribute.
#' @param clear Logical; whether to clear out any pre-existing such column.
#' @param other The value for unspecified rows (default NA)
#' @return The modified `se` object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("Chen2017", package="sechm")
#' Chen2017 <- setRowAttr(Chen2017, c("Arc"=1,"Junb"=1,"Npas4"=2))
setRowAttr <- function(se, values, name="cluster", clear=TRUE, other=NA){
values <- lapply(values, FUN=function(x) setNames(x,row.names(values)))
for(v in names(values)){
se <- setRowAttr(se, values[[v]], name=v, clear=clear)
stopifnot(any(names(values) %in% row.names(se)))
if(clear || is.null(rowData(se)[[name]])) rowData(se)[[name]] <- other
rowData(se)[names(values),name] <- as.vector(values)
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