
Defines functions XmlRoiSelectionDialog ImportWizardGui

#     rMSIproc - R package for MSI data processing
#     Copyright (C) 2014 Pere Rafols Soler
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

ImportWizardGui <- function()
  options(warn = -1)
  ## Get the environment for this
  ## instance of the function.
  this <- environment()
  ##Class data members 
  sInputDataTypes <- c("XMASS", "rMSI(.tar)", "imzML")
  procParamList <- NULL
  workdir <- path.expand("~/")
  ##Class methods
  DataInputTypeChanged <- function(...)
    sDataType <-  gWidgets2::svalue(this$ratio_inDataType)
    #XMASS format
    if( sDataType == this$sInputDataTypes[1])
      this$browseMSIFile$SetLabel("XML path:")
      gWidgets2::visible(this$box_pixelres) <- T
    #rMSI TAR format
    if( sDataType == this$sInputDataTypes[2] )
      this$browseMSIFile$SetLabel("rMSI image:")
      gWidgets2::visible(this$box_pixelres) <- F
    #imzML format
    if(sDataType == this$sInputDataTypes[3])
      this$browseMSIFile$SetLabel("imzML image:")
      gWidgets2::visible(this$box_pixelres) <- F
    stop("Error in ImportWizardGui::DataInputTypeChanged invalid datatype\n")
  SetWorkingDir <- function( sDir )
    this$workdir <- sDir
  GetWorkingDir <- function()
  RunClicked <- function(h, ...)
    #List tree
    this$procParamList <- list()
    this$procParamList$data <- list()
    this$procParamList$smoothing <- list()
    this$procParamList$alignment <- list()
    this$procParamList$calibration <- list()
    this$procParamList$spectraNormalization <- list()
    this$procParamList$peakpicking <- list()
    #Data source and output list
    this$procParamList$data$source <- list()
    sDataType <-  gWidgets2::svalue(this$ratio_inDataType)
    if( sDataType == this$sInputDataTypes[1] )
      this$procParamList$data$source$type <- "xmass"
    if( sDataType == this$sInputDataTypes[2] )
      this$procParamList$data$source$type <- "tar"
    if( sDataType == this$sInputDataTypes[3] )
      this$procParamList$data$source$type <- "imzml"
    if(this$procParamList$data$source$type == "xmass")
      this$procParamList$data$source$datapath <- this$browseXMASS$GetPath()
      this$procParamList$data$source$datapath <- this$browseMSIFile$GetPath()
    if( length(this$procParamList$data$source$datapath) == 0)
      #Error no file selected
      gWidgets2::gmessage("Error: No file selected.", icon = "error")
      this$procParamList <- NULL
    if( this$procParamList$data$source$type == "xmass" )
      if( !dir.exists(this$procParamList$data$source$datapath) )
        #Error dir does not exists
        gWidgets2::gmessage("Error: The selected XMASS directory does not exists.", icon = "error")
        this$procParamList <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(this$procParamList$data$source$datapath))
        if( !file.exists(this$procParamList$data$source$datapath[i]) )
          #Error file does not exists
          gWidgets2::gmessage(paste("Error: file", this$procParamList$data$source$datapath[i], "\nDoes not exists."), icon = "error")
          this$procParamList <- NULL

    if( this$procParamList$data$source$type == "xmass" )
      this$procParamList$data$source$xmlpath <- this$browseMSIFile$GetPath()
      if( length(this$procParamList$data$source$xmlpath) == 0)
        #Error no file selected
        gWidgets2::gmessage("Error: No XML file selected.", icon = "error")
        this$procParamList <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(this$procParamList$data$source$xmlpath))
        if( !file.exists(this$procParamList$data$source$xmlpath[i]) )
          #Error file does not exists
          gWidgets2::gmessage(paste("Error: file", this$procParamList$data$source$xmlpath[i], "\nDoes not exists."), icon = "error")
          this$procParamList <- NULL
    this$procParamList$data$source$spectrumpath <- this$browseMz$GetPath()
    if( this$procParamList$data$source$type == "xmass")
      if( is.null(this$procParamList$data$source$spectrumpath) )
        gWidgets2::gmessage("Error: No spectrum file selected.", icon = "error")
        this$procParamList <- NULL
      #Error file does not exists
        gWidgets2::gmessage(paste("Error: file", this$procParamList$data$source$spectrumpath, "\nDoes not exists."), icon = "error")
        this$procParamList <- NULL
      this$procParamList$data$pixelsize <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_pixelSize)
      if(this$procParamList$data$pixelsize == 0)
        gWidgets2::gmessage(paste("Error: Pixel resolution must be set for XMASS data."), icon = "error")
        this$procParamList <- NULL
    this$procParamList$data$outpath <- this$browseOut$GetPath()
    if( is.null(this$procParamList$data$outpath) )
      gWidgets2::gmessage("Error: No output directory selected.", icon = "error")
      this$procParamList <- NULL
    if( !dir.exists(this$procParamList$data$outpath))
      #Error file does not exists
      gWidgets2::gmessage("Error: output directory does not exists.", icon = "error")
      this$procParamList <- NULL

    #Smoothing list
    this$procParamList$smoothing$enabled <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_smoothing)
      this$procParamList$smoothing$sgkernsize <- as.integer(gWidgets2::svalue(this$ratio_SGkernSize))
    #Alignment list
    this$procParamList$alignment$enabled  <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_alignment) 
    if( this$procParamList$alignment$enabled )
      this$procParamList$alignment$iterations <- as.integer(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_AlignIterations))
      this$procParamList$alignment$maxshift <- as.double(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_AlignMaxDev))
      this$procParamList$alignment$bilinear <- as.logical(gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_AlignBilinear))
      this$procParamList$alignment$reflow <- as.double(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_AlignRefLow))
      this$procParamList$alignment$refmid <- as.double(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_AlignRefMid))
      this$procParamList$alignment$refhigh <- as.double(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_AlignRefHigh))
      this$procParamList$alignment$oversampling <- as.integer(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_AlignOverSampling))
    #Calibration list
    this$procParamList$calibration$enabled <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_calibration)
    if( this$procParamList$calibration$enabled )
        this$procParamList$calibration$winsize <- as.integer(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_peakWin))
        this$procParamList$calibration$winsize <- 20
    this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$enabled <- ( gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_TICnorm) | gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_RMSnorm) | gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_MAXnorm) | gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_TicACQnorm) )
      this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$TIC <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_TICnorm)
      this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$RMS <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_RMSnorm)
      this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$MAX <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_MAXnorm)
      this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$AcqTIC <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_TicACQnorm)
      this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$TIC <- F
      this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$RMS <- F
      this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$MAX <- F
      this$procParamList$spectraNormalization$AcqTIC <-F
    #Peak picking list
    this$procParamList$peakpicking$enabled <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_peakpicking)
      this$procParamList$peakpicking$snr <- as.double(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_SNR))
      this$procParamList$peakpicking$winsize <- as.integer(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_peakWin))
      this$procParamList$peakpicking$oversample <- as.integer(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_peakOversample))
      this$procParamList$peakpicking$bintolerance <- as.double(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_binTolerance))
      if(gWidgets2::svalue(this$ratio_binningUnits) == "[ppm]")
        this$procParamList$peakpicking$binUsingPPM <- T
        this$procParamList$peakpicking$binUsingPPM <- F
      this$procParamList$peakpicking$binfilter <- as.double(gWidgets2::svalue(this$spin_binFilter)/100)
      this$procParamList$peakpicking$exportPeakList <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_exportPeakList) & this$procParamList$peakpicking$enabled 
      this$procParamList$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$combo_imzMLNorm)
    #Number of threads
    this$procParamList$nthreads <- as.integer( gWidgets2::svalue( this$spin_nThreads ))
    #If datasets must be merged or not
    this$procParamList$mergedatasets <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_datamerge)
  #Checkboxes enabled status
  ChkBoxSmoothingChanged <- function(...)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$lblSg) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_smoothing)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$ratio_SGkernSize) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_smoothing)
  ChkBoxAlignmentChanged <- function(...)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_AlignIterations) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_alignment)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_AlignMaxDev) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_alignment)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$check_AlignBilinear) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_alignment)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_AlignRefLow) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_alignment)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_AlignRefMid) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_alignment)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_AlignRefHigh) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_alignment)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_AlignOverSampling) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_alignment)
  ChkBoxCalibrationChanged <- function(...)
    #Nothing here currently, keeping it for future features...
  ChkBoxPeakPickingChanged <- function(...)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_SNR) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_peakpicking)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_peakWin) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_peakpicking)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_peakOversample) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_peakpicking)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_binTolerance) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_peakpicking)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$spin_binFilter) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_peakpicking)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$frm_binUnits) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_peakpicking)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$check_exportPeakList) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_peakpicking)
    gWidgets2::enabled( this$box_imzMLNorm) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_peakpicking)
  NormalizationCheckBoxChanged <- function(...)
    current_value <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$combo_imzMLNorm)
    current_enabled_norms <- c("RAW")
    if( gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_TICnorm) )
      current_enabled_norms <- c(current_enabled_norms, "TIC")
    if( gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_RMSnorm) )
      current_enabled_norms <- c(current_enabled_norms, "RMS")
    if( gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_MAXnorm) )
      current_enabled_norms <- c(current_enabled_norms, "MAX")
    if( gWidgets2::svalue(this$check_TicACQnorm) )
      current_enabled_norms <- c(current_enabled_norms, "AcqTic")
    set_index <- grep(current_value, current_enabled_norms)
    if( length(set_index) == 0)
      set_index <- 1
    this$combo_imzMLNorm$set_index(min(set_index[1], length(current_enabled_norms)))
  SetNormComboEnable <- function(...)
    gWidgets2::enabled(this$box_imzMLNorm) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_exportPeakList)
  mainWin<-gWidgets2::gwindow(title = "MSI data import and process wizard", visible = F)
  box_mainH <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = mainWin, expand = T, fill = T)
  box_mainV <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = box_mainH, expand = T, fill = T)
  #Data Input box
  frm_dataInput <-  gWidgets2::gframe( "Data Source", container =  box_mainV, expand = T, fill = T)
  box_dataInput <- gWidgets2::ggroup( horizontal = F, container = frm_dataInput, expand = T, fill = T)
  ratio_inDataType <- gWidgets2::gradio(items = sInputDataTypes, horizontal = T, selected = 3, container = box_dataInput, handler = this$DataInputTypeChanged )
  browseMSIFile <- FileBrowseWidget( box_dataInput, setdir_fun = SetWorkingDir, getdir_fun = GetWorkingDir )
  browseXMASS <- FileBrowseWidget( box_dataInput, sLabel = "XMASS Dir:", dirSel = T, multiSel = F, setdir_fun = SetWorkingDir, getdir_fun = GetWorkingDir )
  browseMz <- FileBrowseWidget( box_dataInput, sLabel = "Spectrum:", dirSel = F, fFilter = "txt", multiSel = F, setdir_fun = SetWorkingDir, getdir_fun = GetWorkingDir )
  #The pixel size widget
  box_pixelres <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = box_dataInput)
  gWidgets2::glabel("Pixel resolution [um]:", container = box_pixelres )
  spin_pixelSize<-gWidgets2::gspinbutton(from = 0, to = 5000, by = 1, value = 0, container = box_pixelres, digits = 1)
  #Set initial state properly
  #Pre-processing box
  frm_preProcessing <- gWidgets2::gframe( "Pre-Processing parameters", container = box_mainH, expand = T, fill = T )
  box_procH <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = frm_preProcessing, expand = T, fill = T, spacing = 20)
  box_proc1 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = box_procH, expand = T, fill = T, spacing = 20)
  box_proc2 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = box_procH, expand = T, fill = T, spacing = 20)
  drawLabelSpin <- function( parent_widget, sText, minVal, maxVal, defaultVal, decPlaces = 0, increments = 1 )
    box_spin <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = parent_widget)
    gWidgets2::glabel(sText, container = box_spin )
    return (gWidgets2::gspinbutton(from = minVal, to = maxVal, by = increments, value = defaultVal, container = box_spin, digits = decPlaces)  )
  #Smoothing params
  frm_SGKernSize <- gWidgets2::gframe("Savitzky-Golay Smoothing:", container = box_proc1)
  box_smoothing <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = frm_SGKernSize)
  check_smoothing <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("Enable smoothing", checked = T, container = box_smoothing, handler = this$ChkBoxSmoothingChanged )
  lblSg <- gWidgets2::glabel("Savitzky-Golay kernel size:", container = box_smoothing)
  ratio_SGkernSize<- gWidgets2::gradio(c(5,7,9,11,13,15), selected = 2, horizontal = T, container = box_smoothing)
  #Alignment params
  frm_alignment <- gWidgets2::gframe("Alignment", container = box_proc1, spacing = 10)
  box_alignment <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = frm_alignment)
  check_alignment <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("Enable alignment", checked = T, container = box_alignment, handler = this$ChkBoxAlignmentChanged)
  check_AlignBilinear <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("Bilinear mode", checked = F, container = box_alignment )
  spin_AlignIterations <- drawLabelSpin(box_alignment, "Iterations:", 1, 5, 2)
  spin_AlignMaxDev <- drawLabelSpin(box_alignment, "Max Shift [ppm]:", 10, 1000, 400)
  spin_AlignRefLow <- drawLabelSpin(box_alignment, "Ref. Bottom:", 0, 1, 0, decPlaces = 2, increments = 0.05)
  spin_AlignRefMid <- drawLabelSpin(box_alignment, "Ref. Center:", 0, 1, 0.5, decPlaces = 2, increments = 0.05)
  spin_AlignRefHigh <- drawLabelSpin(box_alignment, "Ref. Top:", 0, 1, 1, decPlaces = 2, increments = 0.05)
  spin_AlignOverSampling <- drawLabelSpin(box_alignment, "Over-Sampling:", 1, 10, 2, decPlaces = 0)
  #Mass Calibration params
  frm_calibration <- gWidgets2::gframe("Mass Calibration", container = box_proc1, spacing = 10)
  box_calibration <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = frm_calibration)
  check_calibration <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("Enable calibration", checked = T, container = box_calibration, handler = this$ChkBoxCalibrationChanged)
  #Spectra Normalization params
  frm_spectraNorm <- gWidgets2::gframe("Spectra intensity normalization", container = box_proc2, spacing = 10)
  box_spectraNorm <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = frm_spectraNorm)
  box_spectraNormL <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = box_spectraNorm)
  box_spectraNormR <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = box_spectraNorm)
  check_TICnorm <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("TIC", checked = T, container = box_spectraNormL, handler = this$NormalizationCheckBoxChanged )
  check_RMSnorm <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("RMS", checked = T, container = box_spectraNormL, handler = this$NormalizationCheckBoxChanged )
  check_MAXnorm <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("MAX", checked = F, container = box_spectraNormR, handler = this$NormalizationCheckBoxChanged )
  check_TicACQnorm <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("TICAcq", checked = F, container = box_spectraNormR, handler = this$NormalizationCheckBoxChanged )
  #Peak picking and binning params
  frm_peakpick <- gWidgets2::gframe("Peak-Picking", container = box_proc2, spacing = 10)
  box_peakpick <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = frm_peakpick)
  check_peakpicking <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("Enable peak-picking", checked = T, container = box_peakpick, handler = this$ChkBoxPeakPickingChanged)
  spin_SNR <- drawLabelSpin(box_peakpick, "SNR Threshold:", 1, 100, 5)
  spin_peakWin <- drawLabelSpin(box_peakpick, "Detector window size:", 5, 200, 20)
  spin_peakOversample <- drawLabelSpin(box_peakpick, "Peak shape over-sampling:", 1, 50, 10)
  spin_binTolerance <- drawLabelSpin(box_peakpick, "Peak-Bin Tolerance:", 1, 1000, 6, decPlaces = 0)
  frm_binUnits <- gWidgets2::gframe("Binning Tolerance Units:", container = box_peakpick)
  ratio_binningUnits <- gWidgets2::gradio(c("[ppm]", "[scans]"), container = frm_binUnits, selected = 2, horizontal = T)
  spin_binFilter <- drawLabelSpin(box_peakpick, "Peak Filter [%]:", 1, 100, 5)
  check_exportPeakList <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("Export peaks in imzML", checked = F, container = box_peakpick, handler = this$SetNormComboEnable )
  box_imzMLNorm <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = box_peakpick,  expand = T, fill = T)
  lbl_imzMLNorm <- gWidgets2::glabel("imzML Normalization:", container = box_imzMLNorm)
  combo_imzMLNorm <- gWidgets2::gcombobox(items = "RAW" , container = box_imzMLNorm,  expand = T, fill = T)
  gWidgets2::enabled(this$box_imzMLNorm) <- gWidgets2::svalue(check_exportPeakList)
  #Number of processing threads
  frm_procThreads <- gWidgets2::gframe("Processing Threads", container = box_proc2, spacing = 10)
  spin_nThreads <- drawLabelSpin(frm_procThreads, "Max Threads:", 1, parallel::detectCores(), min(parallel::detectCores()/2, 6), decPlaces = 0)
  #Data output box
  frm_dataOutput <- gWidgets2::gframe( "Data Output", container = box_mainV, expand = T, fill = T)
  browseOut <- FileBrowseWidget( frm_dataOutput, sLabel = "Output directory:", dirSel = T, fFilter = "txt", setdir_fun = SetWorkingDir, getdir_fun = GetWorkingDir )
  #Data merge
  check_datamerge <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("Merged processing", checked = T, container = box_proc2)
  #Run button
  btn_run <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Process Data", handler = this$RunClicked, container = box_proc2)
  gWidgets2::visible(mainWin) <- T
  ## Set the name for the class
  class(this) <- append(class(this),"DataProcessWindow")
  #Do not return until this window is disposed...
  while(gWidgets2::isExtant(this$mainWin ))
  #Restore warnings level
  options(warn = oldWarning)
  #Return a structured list with all input data
  return( procParamList )

XmlRoiSelectionDialog <- function( img_names, init_dir = getwd(), is_imzML = T )
  options(warn = -1)
  this <- environment()
  initial_dir <- init_dir
  abort_process <- T
  summaryEnabled <- F
  summaryNorm <- ""
  xmlList_subimg <- rep("", length(img_names))
  xmlList_include <- rep("", length(img_names))
  xmlList_exclude <- rep("", length(img_names))
  bAllImgesHaveXMLRoi <-F
  browseButtonClicked <- function (evt, ...)
    mPath <- gWidgets2::gfile( text = "Select a ROI XML file",
                               type = "open", 
                               multi = F,
                               filter = list("XML file"  = list(patterns = c("*xml", "*XML"))), 
                               initial.dir = this$initial_dir)
    if( length( mPath) > 0)
      if(evt$action$source == "subimg")
        #Setting the subimg widget
        RGtk2::gtkEntrySetText(gWidgets2::getToolkitWidget(this$selFilesEntry_list[[evt$action$img]]$subImg), basename(mPath)) 
        this$xmlList_subimg[evt$action$img] <- mPath
      else if(evt$action$source == "include")
        #Setting the include widget
        RGtk2::gtkEntrySetText(gWidgets2::getToolkitWidget(this$selFilesEntry_list[[evt$action$img]]$include), basename(mPath)) 
        this$xmlList_include[evt$action$img] <- mPath
      else if(evt$action$source == "exclude")
        #Setting the exclude widget
        RGtk2::gtkEntrySetText(gWidgets2::getToolkitWidget(this$selFilesEntry_list[[evt$action$img]]$exclude), basename(mPath)) 
        this$xmlList_exclude[evt$action$img] <- mPath
        stop("Error: browseButtonClicked() in XmlRoiSelectionDialog(). Invaldi source field\n")
      this$initial_dir <- dirname(mPath)
  checkIfAllImagesHaveAROI <- function()
    this$bAllImgesHaveXMLRoi <- T
    for( i in 1:length(this$xmlList_include))
      this$bAllImgesHaveXMLRoi <- all(this$xmlList_include[i] != "", this$bAllImgesHaveXMLRoi)
    gWidgets2::enabled(this$frm_summary) <- this$bAllImgesHaveXMLRoi
  imgRoiBrowseWidget <- function( text, parent_widget, index )
    frm <- gWidgets2::gframe( container = parent_widget)
    vbox <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = frm)
    hboxSubImg <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = vbox, expand = T)
    lblSubImg <- gWidgets2::glabel(paste0(text, " ROI's sub-image:"), container = hboxSubImg)
    entrySubImg <- gWidgets2::gedit( container = hboxSubImg, width = 30 )
    btnSubImg <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Select", handler = this$browseButtonClicked, action = list(img = index, source = "subimg"), container = hboxSubImg)
      gWidgets2::visible(hboxSubImg) <- F
    hboxInc <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = vbox, expand = T)
    lblInc <- gWidgets2::glabel(paste0(text, " ROI's include:"), container = hboxInc)
    entryInc <- gWidgets2::gedit( container = hboxInc, width = 30 )
    btnInc <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Select", handler = this$browseButtonClicked, action = list(img = index, source = "include"), container = hboxInc)
    hboxExc <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = vbox, expand = T)
    lblExc <- gWidgets2::glabel(paste0(text, " ROI's exclude:"), container = hboxExc)
    entryExc <- gWidgets2::gedit( container = hboxExc, width = 30 )
    btnExc <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Select", handler = this$browseButtonClicked, action = list(img = index,  source = "exclude"), container = hboxExc)
    return(list(subImg = entrySubImg, include = entryInc, exclude = entryExc))
  OkButtonClicked <- function (h, ...)
    this$summaryEnabled <- gWidgets2::svalue(this$chk_sum)
    this$summaryNorm <- as.character(gWidgets2::svalue(this$combo_norm))
    if(this$summaryNorm == "TICAcq")
      this$summaryNorm <- "AcqTic"
    this$abort_process <- F
  AbortButtonClicked <- function (h, ...)
  dlgMain <- gWidgets2::gwindow("Select ROI's for each image (optional)")
  gWidgets2::size(dlgMain) <- c(800, 480)
  main_vBox <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = dlgMain)
  #An informative label
  lbl_info <- gWidgets2::glabel( "Add a Bruker ROI XML file for each image. Or just click Ok to proced without ROI filtering.", container = main_vBox)
  #Fill the list of image
  xml_vBox <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, use.scrollwindow = T, container = main_vBox, expand=T)
  selFilesEntry_list <- list()
  for( i in 1:length(img_names))
    selFilesEntry_list[[i]]<-imgRoiBrowseWidget(img_names[i], xml_vBox, i)
  #The summary
  frm_summary <- gWidgets2::gframe("ROI Summary", container = main_vBox)
  vBox_sum <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = F, container = frm_summary)
  chk_sum <- gWidgets2::gcheckbox("Enable ROI summary export", checked = F, container = vBox_sum)
  hBox_sum <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = vBox_sum)
  lbl_norm <- gWidgets2::glabel("Normalization:", container = hBox_sum)
  combo_norm <- gWidgets2::gcombobox(c("RAW","TIC", "RMS", "TICAcq", "MAX"), container = hBox_sum, expand = T, fill = T)
  gWidgets2::enabled(this$frm_summary) <- F
  #The buttons
  btn_hBox <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = T, container = main_vBox)
  btn_Ok <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Ok", handler = this$OkButtonClicked, container = btn_hBox)
  btn_Abort <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Abort", handler = this$AbortButtonClicked, container = btn_hBox)
  gWidgets2::visible(dlgMain) <- T
  ## Set the name for the class
  class(this) <- append(class(this),"RoiSelWindow")
  #Do not return until this window is disposed...
  while(gWidgets2::isExtant(this$dlgMain ))

  #Restore warnings level
  options(warn = oldWarning)
    #Process aborted by user
  return( list( xml_subimg = this$xmlList_subimg, xml_include=this$xmlList_include, xml_exclude=this$xmlList_exclude, summary_export = this$summaryEnabled & this$bAllImgesHaveXMLRoi, summary_norm = this$summaryNorm))
prafols/rMSIproc documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 7:31 p.m.