
Defines functions existOsmoseParameter F_msy .selectivity.equilibrium .selectivity.lnorm .selectivity.norm .selectivity.log .selectivity.edge calculateSelectivity getSelectivityParameters getSelectivity calculateSeasonalPattern .calculateDeviates .normalizeByFreq .writeFishingFile .getFishingFrequency getFishingDeviatesBySeason.nonPeriodic getFishingDeviatesBySeason.periodic getFishingDeviatesBySeason.default getFishingDeviatesBySeason getFishingDeviatesByYear getFishingBaseRate.byDt getFishingBaseRate.byYear getFishingBaseRate.linear getFishingBaseRate.byRegime getFishingBaseRate.constant writeFishingFiles getSizeSpectrum getOsmoseParameter getMortalityDeviation getMortality getFishingMortality getFishingBaseRate getAverageMortality

# OSMOSE (Object-oriented Simulator of Marine Ecosystems)
# http://www.osmose-model.org
# Copyright (C) IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) 2009-2020
# Osmose is a computer program whose purpose is to simulate fish
# populations and their interactions with their biotic and abiotic environment.
# OSMOSE is a spatial, multispecies and individual-based model which assumes
# size-based opportunistic predation based on spatio-temporal co-occurrence
# and size adequacy between a predator and its prey. It represents fish
# individuals grouped into schools, which are characterized by their size,
# weight, age, taxonomy and geographical location, and which undergo major
# processes of fish life cycle (growth, explicit predation, additional and
# starvation mortalities, reproduction and migration) and fishing mortalities
# (Shin and Cury 2001, 2004).
# Contributor(s):
# Yunne SHIN (yunne.shin@ird.fr),
# Morgane TRAVERS (morgane.travers@ifremer.fr)
# Ricardo OLIVEROS RAMOS (ricardo.oliveros@gmail.com)
# Philippe VERLEY (philippe.verley@ird.fr)
# Laure VELEZ (laure.velez@ird.fr)
# Nicolas Barrier (nicolas.barrier@ird.fr)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation (version 3 of the License). Full description
# is provided on the LICENSE file.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Computes the average mortality.
#' It computes the mean mortality, which
#' is multiplied by the frequency.
#' @param x Mortality dataframe
#' @param stage Stage ("adults", etc.)
#' @param freq Time frequency (months?)
#' @return An array
#' @examples{
#' outdir = cacheManager('outputs')
#' data = read_osmose(outdir)
#' mortality_df = data$mortality
#' mort = getAverageMortality(mortality_df, stage="juveniles", freq=12)
#' }
getAverageMortality = function(x, stage="adults", freq=12) {
  .getZ = function(x, stage) {
    x = x[[stage]]
    x = apply(x, 1:2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    x = freq*colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  out = sapply(x, .getZ, stage=stage)

#' Get fishing base rate.
#' @details It assumes that in the Osmose configuration, there is a "fishing" entry.
#' It first check for the "method" parameter for the current
#' specie (\emph{mortality.fishing.rate.method.spX}), whose value can be
#' \itemize{
#' \item{constant: use \emph{rate.spX}}
#' \item{byRegime: use \emph{rate.byRegime.file.spX}}
#' \item{linear  : use \emph{rate.slope.spX}}
#' \item{byYear  : use \emph{rate.byYear.spX}}
#' \item{byDt    : use \emph{rate.byDt.spX}}
#' }
#' @param sp Current specie (sp0, sp1, etc.)
#' @param fishing Fishing parameters
#' @param T Number of years
#' @param ndt  Time step
#' @examples
#' {
#' filename = system.file("extdata", "data_fishing.csv", package="osmose")
#' conf = readOsmoseConfiguration(filename)
#' ndt = getOsmoseParameter(conf, "simulation", "time", "ndtperyear")
#' nyear = getOsmoseParameter(conf, "simulation", "time", "nyear")
#' fishing = conf$mortality$fishing
#' fish0 = getFishingBaseRate("sp0", fishing, nyear, ndt)
#' }
getFishingBaseRate = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  method = fishing$rate$method[[sp]]
  useFiles = .getBoolean(fishing$useFiles, FALSE)
  base = switch(method,
                "constant" = getFishingBaseRate.constant(sp, fishing, T, ndt), 
                "byregime" = getFishingBaseRate.byRegime(sp, fishing, T, ndt), 
                "linear"   = getFishingBaseRate.linear(sp, fishing, T, ndt), 
                "byyear"   = getFishingBaseRate.byYear(sp, fishing, T, ndt), 
                "bydt"     = getFishingBaseRate.byDt(sp, fishing, T, ndt))
  # barrier.n: should not be done here.
  # base = rep(base, length=ndt*T) #???

#' Get fishing mortality rate.
#' @details \deqn{F = \frac{B \times \exp^{A+S}}{ndt}}
#' with \eqn{B}=mortality rate, \eqn{A}=deviates by year, \eqn{S}=deviates by seasons
#' @param sp Species index (sp0, sp1, sp2, etc.)
#' @param fishing List of fishing parameters
#' @param T Number of years
#' @param ndt  Time step
#' @return  Fishing mortality rate.
#' @examples{
#' filename = system.file("extdata", "data_fishing.csv", package="osmose")
#' conf = readOsmoseConfiguration(filename)
#' ndt = getOsmoseParameter(conf, "simulation", "time", "ndtperyear")
#' nyear = getOsmoseParameter(conf, "simulation", "time", "nyear")
#' fishing = conf$mortality$fishing
#' fish0 = getFishingMortality("sp0", fishing, nyear, ndt)
#' }
getFishingMortality = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  # validation?
  B = getFishingBaseRate(sp, fishing, T, ndt)
  A = getFishingDeviatesByYear(sp, fishing, T, ndt) 
  S = getFishingDeviatesBySeason(sp, fishing, T, ndt)
  cat(B, "\n")
  cat(A, "\n")
  cat(S, "\n")
  F = B*exp(A+S)/ndt # rate by dt!

#' Get the total mortality rate. 
#' @param x Mortality dataframe
#' @param stage Stage ("adults", etc.)
#' @param type Mortality type ("pred", "starv", "other", "out", "total"). 
#' The latter is computed as the sum of all mortality types
#' @return A mortality array
#' @examples{
#' outdir = cacheManager('outputs')
#' data = read_osmose(outdir)
#' mortality_df = data$mortality
#' mort = getMortality(mortality_df, stage="juveniles", type="total")
#' }
getMortality = function(x, stage="adults", type="total") {
  .calcMort = function(x) {
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    x$natural = x$pred + x$starv + x$other + x$out
    x$total = x$natural + x$fishing
  .getZ = function(x, stage, type) {
    x = x[[stage]]
    x = apply(x, 1:2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    x = .calcMort(x)
    x = x[, type]
  out = sapply(x, .getZ, stage=stage, type=type)

#' Computes the mortality deviation. The "proxy", which is removed,
#' can be provided by the user in the "pars" argument.
#' @param x Mortality dataframe
#' @param stage Stage ("adults", etc.)
#' @param type Mortality type
#' @param pars A list or data frame containing  
#' \emph{dt.save}, \emph{M.proxy}, \emph{dt} entries.
#' If NULL, then \code{proxy = colMeans(x)}
#' @return An array
#' @examples{
#' outdir = cacheManager('outdir')
#' data = read_osmose(outdir)
#' mortality_df = data$mortality
#' mortdev = getMortalityDeviation(mortality_df, stage="juveniles", type="total")
#' }
getMortalityDeviation = function(x, stage, type, pars=NULL) {
  x     = getMortality(x=x, stage=stage, type=type)
  if(!is.null(pars)) {
    proxy = pars$dt.save*pars$M.proxy/pars$dt    
  } else {
    proxy = colMeans(x)
  out   = t(apply(x, 1, "-", proxy))

#' Get a parameter from a name chain (error if not found).
#' @param par Output of the \code{link{readOsmoseConfiguration}} function
#' @param ... String arguments 
#' @param keep.att Whether parameter attributes should be kept
#' @examples{
#'    path = cacheManager('eec_4.3.0')
#'    filename = file.path(path, "osm_all-parameters.csv")
#'    par = readOsmoseConfiguration(filename)
#'    getOsmoseParameter(par, "population", "seeding", "year", "max", keep.att=FALSE)
#' }
getOsmoseParameter = function(par, ..., keep.att=FALSE) {
  chain = unlist(list(...))
  x = .getPar(par, ..., keep.att=TRUE)
  if(!isTRUE(keep.att)) attributes(x) = NULL
  if(is.null(x)) stop(sprintf("Parameter '%s' not found.", paste(chain, collapse=".")))

#' Get size spectrum
#' @param file File to read
#' @param sep File separator
#' @param ... Additional arguments of the \code{read.csv} function
#' @return A 3D array (time, length, species)
#' @examples{
#' dirin = cacheManager('outputs')
#' file = file.path(dirin, "SizeIndicators", "gogosm_yieldDistribBySize_Simu0.csv")
#' size = getSizeSpectrum(file)
#' }
getSizeSpectrum = function(file, sep=",", ...) {
  # sizeSpectrum = read.table(file, sep=sep, dec=".", skip=1,
  #                          header=TRUE)
  sizeSpectrum = .readOsmoseCsv(file=file, sep=sep, header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, ...)
  nsp = ncol(sizeSpectrum) - 2
  times = unique(sizeSpectrum$Time)
  lengths = unique(sizeSpectrum$Size)
  out = array(dim = c(length(times), length(lengths), nsp))
  for(t in seq_along(times)) {
    out[t,,]  = as.matrix(sizeSpectrum[sizeSpectrum$Time==times[t],-(1:2)])
  colnames(out) = lengths
  rownames(out) = round(times,3)
  dimnames(out)[[3]] = paste0("sp.", seq(nsp)-1)

#' Write fishing files from osmose configuration list.
#' @param L1 Osmose configuration (see \code{\link{readOsmoseConfiguration}})
#' @param outputPath Output path
writeFishingFiles = function(L1, outputPath) {
  nsp = getOsmoseParameter(L1, "simulation", "nspecies")
  T   = getOsmoseParameter(L1, "simulation", "time", "nyear")
  ndt = getOsmoseParameter(L1, "simulation", "time", "ndtPerYear")
  spp = .getSpecies(L1$fishing$rate$method)
  if(length(spp)==0) return(NULL)
  ofiles = unlist(sapply(spp, FUN=.writeFishingFile, 
                         species=L1$species, T=T, ndt=ndt,

# TO-DO: warnings for recycling time series, generic for extension of rate methods
# check deviates are deviates, update the -9999 or equivalent

# Base rate ---------------------------------------------------------------
# mortality.fishing.rate.method.sp0;"constant","byRegime","linear", "byYear", "byDt"
# # missing/default: nothing, by default hierarchy? error?
# # constant: use rate.sp0
# # byRegime: use rate.byRegime.file.sp0
# # linear  : use rate.slope.sp0
# # byYear  : use rate.byYear.sp0;
# # byDt    : use rate.byDt.sp;
# # mean
# mortality.fishing.rate.sp0;0.5
# mortality.fishing.rate.slope.sp0;0.03 # 3% per year
# mortality.fishing.rate.byRegime.file.sp0;path/to/file
# mortality.fishing.rate.byRegime.sp0;numeric_vector
# mortality.fishing.rate.byRegime.shift.sp0;240
# mortality.fishing.rate.byYear.file.sp0;path/to/file
# mortality.fishing.rate.byYear.sp0;numeric_vector
# mortality.fishing.rate.byDt.file.sp0;path/to/file

#' Get fishing base rate using constant rate
#' @details It assumes that in the Osmose configuration, there is a "fishing" entry. It reads
#' the \emph{rate.spX} parameter, which is repeated \eqn{T \times ndt} times.
#' @param sp Current specie (sp0, sp1, etc.)
#' @param fishing Fishing parameters
#' @param T Number of years
#' @param ndt  Time step
getFishingBaseRate.constant = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  rate = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", sp)
  if(is.null(rate)) stop(sprintf("No fishing rate provided for %s", sp))
  if(length(rate)>1) stop(sprintf("More than one fishing rate for %s provided.", sp))
  return(rep(rate, T*ndt))

getFishingBaseRate.byRegime = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  shifts   = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", "byregime", "shift", sp)
  nRegimes = length(shifts) + 1
  shifts   = shifts[shifts<T*ndt]
  useFiles = .getBoolean(fishing$useFiles, FALSE)
  if(useFiles) {
    rates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$rate$byRegime$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(rates)) rates = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", "byregime", "sp")    
  } else {
    rates = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", "byregime", sp)           
    if(is.null(rates)) rates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$rate$byRegime$file[[sp]])
  if(is.null(rates)) stop(sprintf("No fishing rates provided for %s", sp))
  if(length(rates)!=nRegimes) stop(sprintf("You must provide %d fishing rates.", nRegimes))
  nRegimes = length(shifts) + 1
  rates  = rates[1:nRegimes]
  le = diff(c(0, shifts, T*ndt))
  rates = rep.int(rates, le)

#' Get fishing base rate using a linear rate
#' @details It assumes that in the Osmose configuration, there is a "fishing" entry. It reads
#' the \emph{rate.spX} and \emph{rate.slope.spX} parameters. 
#' The slope is computed any time the fishing frequency changes (fishingperiod parameter)
#' For instance, if ndt=20, period=5, there are 4 time steps between two fishing time step. Therefore, 
#' the value will be (i0, i0, i0, i0, i1, i1, i1, i1, ...)
#' @param sp Current specie (sp0, sp1, etc.)
#' @param fishing Fishing parameters
#' @param T Number of years
#' @param ndt  Time step
getFishingBaseRate.linear = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  # mortality.fishing.rate.slope.sp0;0.03 # 3% per year
  rate  = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", sp)
  slope  = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", "slope", sp)
  #rate  = fishing$rate[[sp]]
  #slope = fishing$rate$slope[[sp]]
  freq = .getFishingFrequency(sp, fishing, ndt)
  if(is.null(rate)) stop(sprintf("No fishing rate provided for %s", sp))
  if(length(rate)>1) stop(sprintf("More than one fishing rate for %s provided.", sp))
  if(is.null(slope)) stop(sprintf("No fishing slope provided for %s", sp))
  if(length(slope)>1) stop(sprintf("More than one slope for %s provided.", sp))
  # time is a vector that goes from 0 to T by a step of period, all in time step unit.
  # ndt/freq is the fishing period period.
  time = seq(from=0, by=freq/ndt, length=T*ndt/freq)
  rates = rate + slope*rate*time
  rates = rep(rates, each=freq)    # repeats x0 x1 to x0 x0 x0 ... x1 x1 x1 with N repetitions, N=fishing freq.

#' Get fishing base rate using annual rates.
#' @description It reads the annual values either from an external file or from the configuration file.
#' It must contain a number of elements which is a multiple of the fishing period.
#' Warning: The number of rate elements must be a multiple of the fishing 
#' period since \strong{recycling} is performed!)
#' @param sp Current specie (sp0, sp1, etc.)
#' @param fishing Fishing parameters
#' @param T Number of years
#' @param ndt  Time step
getFishingBaseRate.byYear = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  useFiles = .getBoolean(fishing$useFiles, FALSE)
  if(useFiles) {
    rates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$rate$byyear$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(rates)) rates = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", "byyear", sp)
  } else {
    rates = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", "byyear", sp)
    if(is.null(rates)) rates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$rate$byyear$file[[sp]])
  # rates contains T values
  if(is.null(rates)) stop(sprintf("No fishing rates provided for %s", sp))
  freq = .getFishingFrequency(sp, fishing, ndt)
  nPeriods = ndt/freq   # number of fishing periods
    stop(sprintf("You must provide a multiple of %d rates for %s.", nPeriods, sp))
  rates = rep(rates, each=freq, length=T*ndt)

#' Get fishing base rate using time-step rates.
#' @description It reads the time-step values either from an external file or from the configuration file.
#' It must contain a number of elements which is a multiple of the fishing period.
#' Warning: The number of rate elements must be a multiple of the fishing 
#' period since \strong{recycling} is performed!)
#' @param sp Current specie (sp0, sp1, etc.)
#' @param fishing Fishing parameters
#' @param T Number of years
#' @param ndt  Time step
getFishingBaseRate.byDt = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  useFiles = .getBoolean(fishing$useFiles, FALSE)
  if(useFiles) {
    rates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$rate$bydt$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(rates)) rates = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", "bydt", sp)
  } else {
    rates = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "rate", "bydt", sp)
    if(is.null(rates)) rates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$rate$bydt$file[[sp]])
  if(is.null(rates)) stop(sprintf("No fishing rates provided for %s", sp))
  rates = rep(rates, length=T*ndt)

# Annual deviates ---------------------------------------------------------
# mortality.fishing.deviate.byYear.enabled.sp0;true
# # default: false
# # true: add interannual deviates to the mean rate 
# # false: don't add interannual deviates to the mean rate
# mortality.fishing.deviate.byYear.method.sp0;"multiplicative","random.walk"
# mortality.fishing.deviate.byYear.random.sp0;false
# # default: false
# # false: use interannual deviates as time series
# # true: add interannual deviates to the mean rate from distribution
# mortality.fishing.deviate.byYear.random.method.sp0;"distribution","resampling"
# if parameters of the distribution (and distribution) are not specified, used ts
# resampling just reshuffle.
# mortality.fishing.periodsPerYear.sp0;2
# mortality.fishing.deviate.byYear.file.sp0;path/to/file
# mortality.fishing.deviate.byYear.sp0;numeric_vector # length freq*T or freq*T-1 (first is zero)

getFishingDeviatesByYear = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  # rate method
  rateMethod = fishing$rate$method[[sp]]
  if(rateMethod %in% c("byyear", "bydt")) return(rep(0, T*ndt))
  isInterannual = .getBoolean(fishing$deviate$byyear$enabled[[sp]], FALSE)
  if(!isInterannual) return(rep(0, T*ndt))
  # deviate method
  deviateMethod = fishing$deviate$byyear$method[[sp]]
  if(is.null(deviateMethod)) deviateMethod = "multiplicative" 
  # frequency
  freq = .getFishingFrequency(sp, fishing, ndt)
  ndev = switch(deviateMethod, 
                multiplicative = T*ndt/freq,
                random.walk    = T*ndt/freq - 1)  
  useFiles = .getBoolean(fishing$useFiles, FALSE)
  if(useFiles) {
    deviates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$deviate$byyear$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(deviates)) deviates = fishing$deviate$byyear[[sp]]    
  } else {
    deviates = fishing$deviate$byyear[[sp]]        
    if(is.null(deviates)) deviates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$deviate$byyear$file[[sp]])
    stop(sprintf("Not enough annual deviates provided (%d), %d needed.", 
                 length(deviates), ndev))
  if(deviateMethod=="random.walk") {
    deviates = cumsum(c(0, deviates))
  deviates = rep(deviates, each=freq, length=T*ndt)

# Seasonal deviates -------------------------------------------------------

# mortality.fishing.season.method.sp0;"default", "periodic", "non-periodic"
# # missing: default.
# # default: look for non-periodic then periodic, then uniform
# # periodic: look for periodic, if not create a climatology from non-periodic, then error
# # non-periodic: look for non-periodic, then error
# mortality.fishing.deviate.season.file.sp0;path/to/file
#   mortality.fishing.deviate.season.sp0;numeric_vector # length ndt or >ndt*T
#   mortality.fishing.season.byDt.file.sp0;path/to/file # length ndt or >ndt*T 
#   mortality.fishing.season.distrib.file.sp0;

# getFishingDeviatesBySeason ----------------------------------------------

getFishingDeviatesBySeason = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt) {
  rateMethod = fishing$rate$method[[sp]]
  if(rateMethod == "bydt") return(rep(0, T*ndt))
  method = fishing$season$method[[sp]]
  if(is.null(method)) method = "default"
  useFiles = .getBoolean(fishing$useFiles, FALSE)
  deviates = switch(method,
                    "default"      = getFishingDeviatesBySeason.default(sp, fishing, T, ndt, useFiles),
                    "periodic"     = getFishingDeviatesBySeason.periodic(sp, fishing, T, ndt, useFiles),
                    "non-periodic" = getFishingDeviatesBySeason.nonPeriodic(sp, fishing, T, ndt, useFiles))
  deviates = rep(deviates, length=ndt*T)

# getFishingDeviatesBySeason.default
getFishingDeviatesBySeason.default = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt, useFiles=FALSE) {
  freq = .getFishingFrequency(sp, fishing, ndt)
  if(useFiles) {
    deviates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$deviate$season$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(deviates)) deviates = fishing$deviate$season[[sp]]    
  } else {
    deviates = fishing$deviate$season[[sp]]        
    if(is.null(deviates)) deviates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$deviate$season$file[[sp]])
  if(is.null(deviates)) {
    season = .getFileAsVector(fishing$season$byDt$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(season)) {
      season = .getFileAsVector(fishing$season$distrib$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(season)) season = rep(1, ndt)
    deviates = .calculateDeviates(x=season, freq, ndt)  

# getFishingDeviatesBySeason.periodic
getFishingDeviatesBySeason.periodic = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt, useFiles=FALSE) {
  freq = .getFishingFrequency(sp, fishing, ndt)
  if(useFiles) {
    deviates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$deviate$season$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(deviates)) deviates = fishing$deviate$season[[sp]]    
  } else {
    deviates = fishing$deviate$season[[sp]]        
    if(is.null(deviates)) deviates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$deviate$season$file[[sp]])
  if(is.null(deviates)) {
    season = .getFileAsVector(fishing$season$distrib$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(season)) {
      season = .getFileAsVector(fishing$season$byDt$file[[sp]]) 
      if(is.null(season)) stop(sprintf("No seasonality information for %s", sp))
    deviates = .calculateDeviates(x=season, freq, ndt)  
  deviates = calculateSeasonalPattern(x=deviates, ndt=ndt)

# getFishingDeviatesBySeason.nonPeriodic
getFishingDeviatesBySeason.nonPeriodic = function(sp, fishing, T, ndt, useFiles=FALSE) {
  freq = .getFishingFrequency(sp, fishing, ndt)
  if(useFiles) {
    deviates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$deviate$season$file[[sp]])
    if(is.null(deviates)) deviates = fishing$deviate$season[[sp]]    
  } else {
    deviates = fishing$deviate$season[[sp]]        
    if(is.null(deviates)) deviates = .getFileAsVector(fishing$deviate$season$file[[sp]])
  if(is.null(deviates)) {
    season = .getFileAsVector(fishing$season$byDt$file[[sp]]) 
    if(is.null(season)) stop(sprintf("No seasonality information for %s", sp))
    deviates = .calculateDeviates(x=season, freq, ndt)  
  if(length(deviates)<(ndt*T)) stop("Seasonal information is not appropiate.")

.getFishingFrequency = function(sp, fishing, ndt) {
  periods = getOsmoseParameter(fishing, "periodsperyear", sp)
  if(is.null(periods)) periods = 1L 
  if(periods%%1!=0) stop(sprintf("periodsPerYear.%s must be an integer.", sp))
  freq = ndt/periods
  if(freq%%1!=0) stop(sprintf("simulation.time.ndtPerYear must be a multiple of periodsPerYear.%s.", sp))

# Writes fishing files for individual species.
# @param sp Species number (sp0, sp1, etc)
# @param fishing Fishing parameters (method, etc.) 
# @param species Species parameters
# @param T Number of years
# @param ndt  Time step
# @param output Output path
.writeFishingFile = function(sp, fishing, species, T, ndt, output) {
  if(is.null(fishing$rate$method[[sp]])) return(NULL)
  fileCode = file.path(output, "fishing_%s_%s.csv")
  f = getFishingMortality(sp, fishing, T, ndt) 
  write.osmose(f, file=sprintf(fileCode, "byDt", species$name[sp]))
  selectivity = getSelectivity(sp, fishing, T, ndt)
  if(!is.null(selectivity)) {
    Fs = f %o% selectivity   # outer product. if dim(f)=N and dim(sel)=M, dim(Fs)=NxM
    #write.osmose(f, file=sprintf(fileCode, "byDt", species$name[sp]))
    write.osmose(Fs, file=file.path(output, paste0("F-", sp, ".csv")))
  # fishing = cbind(fishing, f)    ????
  # write.osmose(Fs, file=file.path(output, paste0("F-", isp, ".csv")))

.normalizeByFreq = function(x, freq) {
  if(any(is.na(x))) stop("x must not contain NA.")
  if(any(x<0)) stop("x must not contain negative values")
  .norm = function(x) if(sum(x)==0) return(x) else return(x/sum(x))
  ind = rep(seq_along(x), each=freq, length=length(x))
  xNorm = tapply(x, INDEX = ind, FUN=.norm)
  xNorm = setNames(unlist(xNorm), nm = names(x))

.calculateDeviates = function(x, freq, ndt) {
  x = .normalizeByFreq(x=x, freq=freq)
  deviates = log(x) + log(freq)

calculateSeasonalPattern = function(x, ndt) {
  rowMeans(matrix(x, nrow=ndt))

# Selectivity functions ---------------------------------------------------

getSelectivity = function(par, sp, n=1, tiny=1e-6) {
  out = calculateSelectivity(par=getSelectivityParameters(par=par, sp=sp), n=n, tiny=tiny)

getSelectivityParameters = function(par, sp) {
  output = list()
  output = within(output, {
    by        = par$selectivity.by[sp]
    type      = par$selectivity.type[sp]
    longevity = par$longevity[sp]
    Linf      = par$Linf[sp]
    L50       = par$L50[sp]
    L75       = par$L75[sp]

calculateSelectivity = function(par, n=1, tiny=1e-6) {
  x = switch(par$by, 
             size   = pretty(c(0, 1.1*par$Linf), n=60*n),
             age    = pretty(c(0, 1.1*par$longevity), n=50*n),
             stop("Invalid selectivity type: by must be 'age' or 'length' ")
  par$L75 = max(1.01*par$L50, par$L75)
  out = switch(par$type,
               log  = .selectivity.log(x=x, L50=par$L50, L75=par$L75, tiny=tiny),
               norm = .selectivity.norm(x=x, L50=par$L50, L75=par$L75, tiny=tiny),
               lnorm = .selectivity.lnorm(x=x, L50=par$L50, L75=par$L75, tiny=tiny),
               edge = .selectivity.edge(x=x, L50=par$L50),
               stop("Invalid selectivity 'type': currently implemented 'log' and 'edge'. See help.")

.selectivity.edge = function(x, L50) {
  selec = numeric(length(x))
  selec[x >= L50] = 1
  names(selec) = x

.selectivity.log = function(x, L50, L75, tiny=1e-6) {
  s1 = (L50*log(3))/(L75-L50)
  s2 = s1/L50
  selec = 1/(1+exp(s1-(s2*x)))
  selec[selec<tiny] = 0
  names(selec) = x

.selectivity.norm = function(x, L50, L75, tiny=1e-6) {
  sd = (L75-L50)/qnorm(0.75)
  mean = L50
  selec = dnorm(x, mean=mean, sd=sd)
  selec = selec/max(selec, na.rm=TRUE)
  selec[selec<tiny] = 0
  names(selec) = x

.selectivity.lnorm = function(x, L50, L75, tiny=1e-6) {
  sd = log(L75/L50)/qnorm(0.75)
  mean = log(L50)
  selec = dlnorm(x, meanlog = mean, sdlog = sd)
  selec = selec/max(selec, na.rm=TRUE)
  selec[selec<tiny] = 0
  names(selec) = x

.selectivity.equilibrium = function(x, M, tiny=1e-6) {
  selec = exp(-M*x)
  names(selec) = x

#' Finds the F_msy value for a given species
#' @param sp Index of the species from which F_msy is analysed
#' @param input.file Path of the configuration file
#' @param restart True if Fmsy should start from restart
#' @param Fmin Minimum value of the fishing mortality
#' @param Fmax Maximum value of the fishing mortality
#' @param StepF Fishing mortality step between Fmin and Fmax
#' @param Sub_StepF Fishing mortality step between Fmin and StepF
#' @param ...  Additionnal arguments of the run_osmose function

F_msy = function(sp, input.file, restart=FALSE,
                  Fmin=0, Fmax=2, StepF=0.1, Sub_StepF=0.01, ...) {
  # Initial values
  input.folder = normalizePath(dirname(input.file))
  Param = readOsmoseConfiguration(input.file)
    index = paste0("sp", sp)   # recovers "spX" string
    species = getOsmoseParameter(Param, "species", "name", index)   # recovers species name
  } else {
    species = sp   # recovers species name as argument
    all_species_names = Param$species$name   # recovers all the species names
    test = which(all_species_names == species)   # find the index that corresponds to the species name
    if(length(test) == 0) {
      stop("error on species indexation, invalid species name provided")
    pattern = "sp([0-9]+)"
    sp = as.numeric(sub(x=names(test), pattern=pattern, replacement="\\1"))
  index = paste0("sp", sp)   # recovers "spX" string
  IsSeasonal = FALSE
  if(existOsmoseParameter(Param, "mortality", "fishing", "rate", "byDt", "byAge", "file", index)){
    selectivity.by = "age"
    IsSeasonal = TRUE
  if(existOsmoseParameter(Param, "mortality", "fishing", "rate", "byDt", "bySize", "file", index)){
    selectivity.by = "size"
    IsSeasonal = TRUE
    fishing.file = getOsmoseParameter(Param, "mortality", "fishing", "rate", "byDt", paste0("by", selectivity.by), "file", index)
    F.rate = read.csv(fishing.file, sep=";")
    fishing.folder = normalizePath(dirname(fishing.file))
  } else {
    F.rate = getOsmoseParameter(Param, "mortality", "fishing", "rate", index)
  # Creation of a new parameters files in order to be modified
  # contains the path of the two new configuration files.
  # The FMSY file, which will have precedence on the main configuration file
  MsyFile = list()
  MsyFile[["osmose.configuration.Fmsy"]] = file.path(input.folder, paste0("Fmsy-parameters_sp", sp, ".csv"))
  MsyFile[["osmose.configuration.main"]] = file.path(input.folder, basename(input.file))
  writeOsmoseParameters(MsyFile, file.path(input.folder, paste0("configFmsy_sp", sp, ".csv")))
  # Temporary file
  # creates the FMSY configuration file if does not exist
  if (file.exists(paste0("FmsyTemp_sp", sp, ".csv"))){
    FmsyTemp = read.csv(paste0("FmsyTemp_sp", sp, ".csv"), header=T, sep=",", dec=".", row.names=1)
  } else {
    FmsyTemp = data.frame(iSteps=1, FcollapseUpper=NA, FmsyUpper=NA)
    write.csv(FmsyTemp, file=paste0("FmsyTemp_sp", sp, ".csv"))
  iSteps = FmsyTemp$iSteps
  FcollapseUpper = FmsyTemp$FcollapseUpper
  FmsyUpper = FmsyTemp$FmsyUpper
  # Creation of a vector of F that will contain Fishing mortality rates at each Step
  Fval = c(seq(Fmin, Fmin + StepF - Sub_StepF, Sub_StepF), seq(Fmin+StepF, Fmax, StepF))
  N_Fval = length(Fval)   # number of fishing values
  cat("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Fval: ", N_Fval, "\n")
  N_Fcollapse = length(seq(Fmin, Fmin+StepF, Sub_StepF))   # number of time steps from Fmin to StepF
  cat("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Collapse: ", N_Fcollapse, "\n")
  print(seq(Fmin, Fmin+StepF, Sub_StepF))
  N_Fmsy = length(seq(Fmin, Fmin+(2*StepF), Sub_StepF))
  cat("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ F_msy: ", N_Fmsy, "\n")
  print(seq(Fmin, Fmin+(2*StepF), Sub_StepF))
  # To create R output folder if is not
  if (!file.exists(file.path("output"))) {
  if (!file.exists(file.path("output", "Fmsy_R"))) {
    dir.create(file.path("output", "Fmsy_R"))
  # Creation of the Res file
  Res = list(B0=vector(), vect_F=vector(), Y_Fvect=list(), B_Fvect=list(),
             B_CI=list(), Y_CI=list(), MSY=vector(), Fcollapse=vector())
  # Do you want to restart?
  if(restart == TRUE){
    load(file.path("output", "Fmsy_R", paste0("Res", sp)))
  } else {
    iSteps = 1
    FcollapseUpper = NA
    FmsyUpper = NA
    FmsyTemp$iSteps = iSteps
    FmsyTemp$FcollapseUpper = FcollapseUpper
    FmsyTemp$FmsyUpper = FmsyUpper
    write.csv(FmsyTemp, file=paste0("FmsyTemp_sp", sp, ".csv"))
  update_upper = TRUE
  update_collapse = TRUE
  cpt = iSteps
  while(!is.na(Fval[cpt])) {
    i = cpt
    # To complete matrix F once FcollapseUpper is found
    #if (!is.na(FcollapseUpper)&is.na(F[(length(Fval)+1),NumEsp])){
    if (!is.na(FcollapseUpper) & update_collapse){
      if((FcollapseUpper >= Fmin) & (FcollapseUpper < (Fmin + StepF))) {
        FcollapseUpper = Fmin + StepF
      Fval  = c(Fval, seq(FcollapseUpper-StepF, FcollapseUpper, Sub_StepF))
      print("New Fval Collapse")
      update_collapse = FALSE
    # To complete matrix F once FmsyUpper is found
    if (!is.na(FmsyUpper) & update_upper){
      if((FmsyUpper >= Fmin) & (FmsyUpper < (Fmin + StepF))) {
        FmsyUpper = Fmin + StepF
      Fval = c(Fval,rev(seq(FmsyUpper-StepF,FmsyUpper+StepF,Sub_StepF)))
      print("New Fval Collapse")
      update_upper = FALSE
    ### To modify the fishing parameter
    ParamFmsy = list()
    ParamFmsy["output.file.prefix"] = paste("Sp", sp, "F", Fval[i], sep="")
    #writing F fishing.byYear.sp0 = F
      Time = F.rate[ , ]
      F_file = F.rate[ , -1]
      for (l in 1:(length(b) - 1)){
        F_file[(b[l]+ 1 ):b[l + 1], ] = F_file[(b[l]+1):b[l+1],]/rep(apply(F_file[(b[l]+1):b[l+1],],2,sum), 1, each=dtperYear)
      F_file[is.na(F_file)] = 0
      F_file = as.matrix(F_file)
      F_file = F_file*Fval[i]
      F_file = cbind(Time,F_file)
      colnames(F_file) = c("",substr(Names,2,length(Names)))
      ParamFmsy[paste0("mortality.fishing.rate.byDt.by",selectivity.by,".file.sp",sp)] = file.path(fishing.folder,paste0("F-",species,"_msy.csv"))
    } else {
      F_rate = Fval[i]
      ParamFmsy[paste0("mortality.fishing.rate.sp", sp)] = F_rate
      writeOsmoseParameters(ParamFmsy, file.path(input.folder, paste0("Fmsy-parameters_sp", sp, ".csv")))
    ### To run Osmose with R
    run_osmose(file.path(input.folder, paste0("configFmsy_sp", sp, ".csv")), output=file.path("output", paste("Sp", sp, "F", Fval[i], sep="")), ...)
    ### Load output files (Biomass and Yield)
    out = read_osmose(file.path("output", paste("Sp", sp, "F", Fval[i], sep="")))
    biomass = get_var(out, "biomass")
    yield = get_var(out, "yield")
    if (Fval[i]==0) {
      # B0 = average biomass over all time steps and replicates
      Res$B0 = mean(biomass[, species, ])   #  biomass when no fishing is applied on the current species
      cat("B0=", Res$B0, "\n")
    # biomass = (time, species, replicates)
    # biomass[, species,] = (time, replicates)
    # here, computation of time average (dim 2 is kept save)
    Res$B_Fvect[[i]] = apply(biomass[,species,], 2, mean)   # dimension N replicates
    Res$Y_Fvect[[i]] = apply(yield[,species,], 2, mean)   # dimension N replicates
    #Res$B_CI[[i]] = FilesBiomassCI[NumEsp,]
    #Res$Y_CI[[i]] = FilesYieldCI[NumEsp,]
    # To check if FcollapseUpper is reached
    # FcollapseUpper is the F value for which biomass is less than 10% of biomass without fishing
    if((sum((mean(biomass[, species, ])) <= (10 * Res$B0 / 100))> 0) & is.na(FcollapseUpper)){
      FcollapseUpper = Fval[i]
      FmsyTemp$FcollapseUpper = FcollapseUpper
    }	# end of if
    # To check if FmsyUpper is reached.
    # FmsyUpper assumed to be the value  where the next two values of yields are smaller
    if (i > 2){
      if(sum(((mean(Res$Y_Fvect[[i]])) < (mean(Res$Y_Fvect[[i-1]]))) & ((mean(Res$Y_Fvect[[i]])) < (mean(Res$Y_Fvect[[i-2]]))) & is.na(FmsyUpper)) > 0) {  # end of sunn
        FmsyUpper = Fval[i-2]
        FmsyTemp$FmsyUpper = FmsyUpper
      }	# end of if
    ### To save values for restart
    Res$vect_F[i] = Fval[i]
    save(Res, file=file.path("output", "Fmsy_R", paste0("Res", sp)))
    FmsyTemp$iSteps[1] = i + 1
    Restart = TRUE
    write.csv(FmsyTemp, file=paste0("FmsyTemp_sp",sp,".csv"))
    cpt = cpt + 1
    Res$B_Fvect[which(is.na(Res$vect_F))] = NULL
    Res$Y_Fvect[which(is.na(Res$vect_F))] = NULL
    Res$vect_F = Res$vect_F[-which(is.na(Res$vect_F))]
  # sort the biomass, yields values by increasing fishing mortality
  Res$B_Fvect = Res$B_Fvect[sort.list(Res$vect_F)]
  Res$Y_Fvect = Res$Y_Fvect[sort.list(Res$vect_F)]
  Res$vect_F = Res$vect_F[order(Res$vect_F)]
  save(Res, file=file.path("output", "Fmsy_R", paste0("Res", sp)))
  ### Yield data
  #Ymean = vector()
  #for (k in 1:length(Res$Y_Fvect)){
  # Ymean[k] = mean(Res$Y_Fvect[[k]])
  Ymean = lapply(Res$Y_Fvect, mean)
  Yvect = Res$Y_Fvect
  replicat = lapply(Yvect,length)
  for(i in 1:length(replicat)){
    vectF[[i]] = rep(Res$vect_F[i], each = unlist(replicat)[i])
  datY = cbind(unlist(vectF), unlist(Yvect))
  datY = as.data.frame(datY)
  names(datY) = c("F","Y")
  # create F vector for prediction
  Fs = seq(0, max(datY$F), by=0.01)
  # calculate weight for the fitting
  jY = jitter(datY$Y)
  dat.sdY = tapply(jY, INDEX=datY$F, sd)
  we0Y = rep(1/dat.sdY, table(datY[,1]))
  # fit the "gam" with cr spline
  xY = gam(Y~s(F, bs="cr"), data=datY, weigths=we0)
  # predict the model
  Ys = predict(xY, newdata=data.frame(F=Fs), type="response", se.fit=TRUE)
  Res$Fmsy = Fs[which.max(Ys$fit)]
  Res$MSY = max(Ys$fit,na.rm=TRUE)
  ### Biomass Data
  Bmean = lapply(Res$B_Fvect,mean)
  Bvect = Res$B_Fvect
  datB = cbind(unlist(vectF),unlist(Bvect))
  datB = as.data.frame(datB)
  names(datB) = c("F","B")
  # create F vector for prediction
  Fs = seq(0,max(datB$F),by=0.01)
  # calculate weight for the fitting
  jB = jitter(datB$B)
  dat.sdB = tapply(jB,INDEX=datB$F,sd)
  we0B = rep(1/dat.sdB,table(datB[,1]))
  # fit the "gam" with cr spline
  xB = gam(B~s(F,bs="cr"),data=datB,weigths=we0)
  # predict the model
  Bs = predict(xB,newdata=data.frame(F=Fs),type="response",se.fit=TRUE)
  Res$Fcollapse = Fs[which(Bs$fit<=((10*Res$B0)/100))[1]]
  save(Res, file=file.path("output", "Fmsy_R", paste0("Res",sp)))
  # To plot results
  #	plotAreaCI(Res$vect_F,do.call(rbind,Res$Y_CI))
  #	segments(Res$Fcollapse,-10000,Res$Fcollapse,Ys$fit[which(Fs==Res$Fcollapse)],col="red",lty=2)
  #	segments(Res$Fmsy,-10000,Res$Fmsy,Res$MSY,col="blue",lty=2)
  #	mtext(paste("Fcollapse",Res$Fcollapse,sep="\n"),side=1,at=Res$Fcollapse,col="red")
  #	mtext(paste("Fmsy",Res$Fmsy,sep="\n"),side=1,at=Res$Fmsy,col="blue")
  pdf(file.path("output", "Fmsy_R", paste0("Fmsy_sp", sp, ".pdf")))
  plot(datY$F, datY$Y, pch=19, col="gray", cex=0.5, main=paste("Sp", sp, sep=""))
  lines(Fs, Ys$fit, col="red", lwd=2)
  points(Res$vect_F, Ymean, pch=19, col="blue", cex=0.7)
    segments(Res$Fcollapse, -10000, Res$Fcollapse, Ys$fit[which(Fs==Res$Fcollapse)], col="red", lty=2)
    mtext(paste("Fcollapse", Res$Fcollapse,sep="\n"), side=1, at=Res$Fcollapse, col="red")
    segments(Res$Fmsy, -10000, Res$Fmsy, Res$MSY, col="blue", lty=2)
    mtext(paste("Fmsy", Res$Fmsy, sep="\n"), side=1, at=Res$Fmsy, col="blue")
  ##To remove temporary files
  file.remove(file.path(input.folder, paste0("configFmsy_sp", sp,".csv")))
  file.remove(file.path(input.folder, paste0("Fmsy-parameters_sp",sp,".csv")))
  if(IsSeasonal) {
    file.remove(file.path(fishing.folder, paste0("F-", species, "_msy.csv")))
} # end of Fmsy

#' Check if a parameter exists
#' @param par Output of the \code{link{read_osmose}} function
#' @param ... String arguments 
#' @param keep.att Whether parameter attributes should be kept
existOsmoseParameter = function(par, ..., keep.att=FALSE) {
  chain = unlist(list(...))
  x = .getPar(par, ..., keep.att=TRUE)
  if(is.null(x)) return(0) else return(1)

#' Returns the list of Osmose Java versions
#' @return List of Osmose Java versions
#list_osmose_versions = function() {
#  dirin = system.file(package = "osmose", "java")
#  output = list.files(path = dirin, pattern = ".jar")
#  return(output)
roliveros-ramos/osmose documentation built on Feb. 19, 2023, 8:19 a.m.