Man pages for samuel-marsh/scCustomize
Custom Visualizations & Functions for Streamlined Analyses of Single Cell Sequencing

Add_Alt_Feature_IDAdd Alternative Feature IDs
Add_CellBender_DiffCalculate and add differences post-cell bender analysis
Add_Cell_ComplexityAdd Cell Complexity
Add_Cell_QC_MetricsAdd Multiple Cell Quality Control Values with Single Function
Add_HemoAdd Hemoglobin percentages
Add_Mito_RiboAdd Mito and Ribo percentages
Add_Pct_DiffAdd percentage difference to DE results
Add_Sample_MetaAdd Sample Level Meta Data
Add_Top_Gene_PctAdd Percent of High Abundance Genes
as.anndataConvert objects to anndata objects
as.LIGERConvert objects to LIGER objects
as.SeuratConvert objects to 'Seurat' objects
Barcode_PlotCreate Barcode Rank Plot
Blank_ThemeBlank Theme
Case_CheckCheck for alternate case features
CellBender_Diff_PlotPlot Number of Cells/Nuclei per Sample
CellBender_Feature_DiffCellBender Feature Differences
Cell_Highlight_PlotMeta Highlight Plot
CellsExtract Cells from LIGER Object
Cells_by_Identities_LIGERExtract Cells by identity
Cells_per_SampleCells per Sample
Change_Delim_AllChange all delimiters in cell name
Change_Delim_PrefixChange barcode prefix delimiter
Change_Delim_SuffixChange barcode suffix delimiter
CheckMatrix_scCustomCheck Matrix Validity
Clustered_DotPlotClustered DotPlot
Cluster_Highlight_PlotCluster Highlight Plot
Cluster_Stats_All_SamplesCalculate Cluster Stats
ColorBlind_PalColor Universal Design Short Palette
Convert_AssayConvert between Seurat Assay types
Copy_From_GCPCopy folder from GCP bucket from R Console
Copy_To_GCPCopy folder to GCP bucket from R Console
Create_10X_H5Create H5 from 10X Outputs
Create_CellBender_Merged_SeuratCreate Seurat Object with Cell Bender and Raw data
Create_Cluster_Annotation_FileCreate cluster annotation csv file
Dark2_PalDark2 Palette
deprecatedDeprecated functions *[Deprecated]*
DimPlot_All_SamplesDimPlot by Meta Data Column
DimPlot_LIGERDimPlot LIGER Version
DimPlot_scCustomDimPlot with modified default settings
DiscretePalette_scCustomizeDiscrete color palettes
DotPlot_scCustomCustomized DotPlot
EmbeddingsExtract matrix of embeddings
ensembl_hemo_idEnsembl Hemo IDs
ensembl_ieg_listImmediate Early Gene (IEG) gene lists
ensembl_mito_idEnsembl Mito IDs
ensembl_ribo_idEnsembl Ribo IDs
Extract_ModalityExtract multi-modal data into list by modality
Extract_Sample_MetaExtract sample level
Extract_Top_MarkersExtract Top N Marker Genes
Factor_Cor_PlotFactor Correlation Plot
FeaturePlot_DualAssayCustomize FeaturePlot of two assays
FeaturePlot_scCustomCustomize FeaturePlot
Feature_PresentCheck if genes/features are present
FeaturesExtract Features from LIGER Object
FeatureScatter_scCustomModified version of FeatureScatter
Fetch_MetaGet meta data from object
Find_Factor_CorFind Factor Correlations
IdentsExtract or set default identities from object
ieg_gene_listImmediate Early Gene (IEG) gene lists
Iterate_Barcode_Rank_PlotIterative Barcode Rank Plots
Iterate_Cluster_Highlight_PlotIterate Cluster Highlight Plot
Iterate_DimPlot_bySampleIterate DimPlot By Sample
Iterate_FeaturePlot_scCustomIterative Plotting of Gene Lists using Custom FeaturePlots
Iterate_Meta_Highlight_PlotIterate Meta Highlight Plot
Iterate_PC_Loading_PlotsIterate PC Loading Plots
Iterate_Plot_Density_CustomIterative Plotting of Gene Lists using Custom Density Plots
Iterate_Plot_Density_JointIterative Plotting of Gene Lists using Custom Joint Density...
Iterate_VlnPlot_scCustomIterative Plotting of Gene Lists using VlnPlot_scCustom
JCO_FourFour Color Palette (JCO)
Liger_to_SeuratCreate a Seurat object containing the data from a liger...
MAD_StatsMedian Absolute Deviation Statistics
Median_StatsMedian Statistics
Merge_Seurat_ListMerge a list of Seurat Objects
Merge_Sparse_Data_AllMerge a list of Sparse Matrices
Merge_Sparse_Multimodal_AllMerge a list of Sparse Matrices contain multi-modal data.
Meta_Highlight_PlotMeta Highlight Plot
Meta_NumericCheck if meta data columns are numeric
Meta_PresentCheck if meta data are present
Meta_Remove_SeuratRemove meta data columns containing Seurat Defaults
Move_LegendMove Legend Position
msigdb_qc_ensembl_listQC Gene Lists
msigdb_qc_gene_listQC Gene Lists
NavyAndOrangeNavy and Orange Dual Color Palette
PalettePlotPlot color palette in viewer
PC_PlottingPC Plots
Percent_ExpressingCalculate percent of expressing cells
Plot_Cells_per_SamplePlot Number of Cells/Nuclei per Sample
Plot_Density_CustomNebulosa Density Plot
Plot_Density_Joint_OnlyNebulosa Joint Density Plot
plotFactors_scCustomCustomized version of plotFactors
Plot_Median_GenesPlot Median Genes per Cell per Sample
Plot_Median_MitoPlot Median Percent Mito per Cell per Sample
Plot_Median_OtherPlot Median other variable per Cell per Sample
Plot_Median_UMIsPlot Median UMIs per Cell per Sample
Proportion_PlotCell Proportion Plot
Pull_Cluster_AnnotationPull cluster information from annotation csv file.
Pull_Directory_ListPull Directory List
QC_HistogramQC Histogram Plots
QC_Plot_GenevsFeatureQC Plots Genes vs Misc
QC_Plots_Combined_VlnQC Plots Genes, UMIs, & % Mito
QC_Plots_ComplexityQC Plots Cell "Complexity"
QC_Plots_FeatureQC Plots Feature
QC_Plots_GenesQC Plots Genes
QC_Plots_MitoQC Plots Mito
QC_Plots_UMIsQC Plots UMIs
QC_Plot_UMIvsFeatureQC Plots UMI vs Misc
QC_Plot_UMIvsGeneQC Plots Genes vs UMIs
Random_Cells_DownsampleRandomly downsample by identity
Read10X_GEOLoad in NCBI GEO data from 10X
Read10X_h5_GEOLoad in NCBI GEO data from 10X in HDF5 file format
Read10X_h5_Multi_DirectoryLoad 10X h5 count matrices from multiple directories
Read10X_Multi_DirectoryLoad 10X count matrices from multiple directories
Read_CellBender_h5_MatLoad CellBender h5 matrices (corrected)
Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_DirectoryLoad CellBender h5 matrices (corrected) from multiple...
Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_FileLoad CellBender h5 matrices (corrected) from multiple files
Read_GEO_DelimLoad in NCBI GEO data formatted as single file per sample
Read_Metrics_10XRead Overall Statistics from 10X Cell Ranger Count
Read_Metrics_CellBenderRead Overall Statistics from CellBender
Reduction_Loading_PresentCheck if reduction loadings are present
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
Rename_ClustersRename Clusters
Replace_SuffixReplace barcode suffixes
scCustomize-packagescCustomize: Custom Visualizations & Functions for...
scCustomize_PaletteColor Palette Selection for scCustomize
Seq_QC_Plot_Alignment_CombinedQC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment) (Layout)
Seq_QC_Plot_AntisenseQC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment)
Seq_QC_Plot_Basic_CombinedQC Plots Sequencing metrics (Layout)
Seq_QC_Plot_ExonicQC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment)
Seq_QC_Plot_GenesQC Plots Sequencing metrics
Seq_QC_Plot_GenomeQC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment)
Seq_QC_Plot_IntergenicQC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment)
Seq_QC_Plot_IntronicQC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment)
Seq_QC_Plot_Number_CellsQC Plots Sequencing metrics
Seq_QC_Plot_Reads_in_CellsQC Plots Sequencing metrics
Seq_QC_Plot_Reads_per_CellQC Plots Sequencing metrics
Seq_QC_Plot_SaturationQC Plots Sequencing metrics
Seq_QC_Plot_Total_GenesQC Plots Sequencing metrics
Seq_QC_Plot_TranscriptomeQC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment)
Seq_QC_Plot_UMIsQC Plots Sequencing metrics
seq_zerosCreate sequence with zeros
Setup_scRNAseq_ProjectSetup project directory structure
Single_Color_PaletteSingle Color Palettes for Plotting
SpatialDimPlot_scCustomSpatialDimPlot with modified default settings
Split_LayersSplit Seurat object into layers
Split_VectorSplit vector into list
Stacked_VlnPlotStacked Violin Plot
Store_Misc_Info_SeuratStore misc data in Seurat object
Store_Palette_SeuratStore color palette in Seurat object
Subset_LIGERSubset LIGER object
theme_ggprism_modModified ggprism theme
Top_Genes_FactorExtract top loading genes for LIGER factor
UnRotate_XUnrotate x axis on VlnPlot
Updated_HGNC_SymbolsUpdate HGNC Gene Symbols
Updated_MGI_SymbolsUpdate MGI Gene Symbols
VariableFeaturePlot_scCustomCustom Labeled Variable Features Plot
Variable_Features_ALL_LIGERPerform variable gene selection over whole dataset
viridis_shortcutViridis Shortcuts
VlnPlot_scCustomVlnPlot with modified default settings
WhichCellsExtract Cells for particular identity
samuel-marsh/scCustomize documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 7:41 a.m.