#################### WRITE/CREATE ####################
#' Create H5 from 10X Outputs
#' Creates HDF5 formatted output analogous to the outputs created by Cell Ranger and can be read into
#' Seurat, LIGER, or SCE class object. Requires DropletUtils package from Bioconductor.
#' @param raw_data_file_path file path to raw data file(s).
#' @param source_type type of source data (Default is "10X"). Alternatively can provide "Matrix" or "data.frame".
#' @param save_file_path file path to directory to save file.
#' @param save_name name prefix for output H5 file.
#' @import cli
#' @importFrom Matrix readMM
# #' @importFrom DropletUtils write10xCounts
#' @importFrom rlang is_installed
#' @importFrom Seurat Read10X
#' @return A HDF5 format file that will be recognized as 10X Cell Ranger formatted file by Seurat or LIGER.
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Create_10X_H5(raw_data_file_path = "file_path", save_file_path = "file_path2", save_name = "NAME")
#' }
Create_10X_H5 <- function(
source_type = "10X",
) {
DropletUtils_check <- is_installed(pkg = "DropletUtils")
if (isFALSE(DropletUtils_check)) {
cli_abort(message = c(
"Please install the {.val DropletUtils} package to use {.code Create_10X_H5}",
"i" = "This can be accomplished with the following commands: ",
"{.field `install.packages({symbol$dquote_left}BiocManager{symbol$dquote_right})`}",
"{.field `BiocManager::install({symbol$dquote_left}DropletUtils{symbol$dquote_right})`}",
valid_source_types <- list(
source_10X = c("10X", "10x"),
source_matrix = c("Matrix", "matrix"),
source_dataframe = c("Dataframe", "dataframe", "DataFrame", "data.frame", "Data.Frame", "Data.frame", "data.Frame")
if (source_type %in% valid_source_types[["source_10X"]]) {
count_matrix <- Read10X(data.dir = raw_data_file_path)
if (source_type %in% valid_source_types[["source_matrix"]]) {
count_matrix <- readMM(file = raw_data_file_path)
if (source_type %in% valid_source_types[["source_dataframe"]]) {
count_matrix <- read.delim(file = raw_data_file_path,
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cli_inform(message = "{.field Import complete. Start write to H5}")
temp_file <- tempfile(pattern = paste(save_name, "_", sep = ""),
tmpdir = save_file_path,
DropletUtils::write10xCounts(path = temp_file,
x = count_matrix,
barcodes = colnames(x = count_matrix),
gene.symbol = rownames(x = count_matrix),
gene.type = "Gene Expression",
type = "HDF5",
version = "3")
#' Create Seurat Object with Cell Bender and Raw data
#' Enables easy creation of Seurat object which contains both cell bender data and raw count data as
#' separate assays within the object.
#' @param raw_cell_bender_matrix matrix file containing the cell bender correct counts.
#' @param raw_counts_matrix matrix file contain the uncorrected Cell Ranger (or other) counts.
#' @param raw_assay_name a key value to use specifying the name of assay. Default is "RAW".
#' @param min_cells value to supply to min.cells parameter of \code{\link[SeuratObject]{CreateSeuratObject}}.
#' Default is 5.
#' @param min_features value to supply to min.features parameter of \code{\link[SeuratObject]{CreateSeuratObject}}.
#' Default is 200.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link[SeuratObject]{CreateSeuratObject}}.
#' @import cli
#' @import Seurat
#' @importFrom dplyr intersect
#' @return A Seurat Object contain both the Cell Bender corrected counts ("RNA" assay) and uncorrected
#' counts ("RAW" assay; or other name specified to `raw_assay_name`).
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' seurat_obj <- Create_CellBender_Merged_Seurat(raw_cell_bender_matrix = cb_matrix,
#' raw_counts_matrix = cr_matrix)
#' }
Create_CellBender_Merged_Seurat <- function(
raw_cell_bender_matrix = NULL,
raw_counts_matrix = NULL,
raw_assay_name = "RAW",
min_cells = 5,
min_features = 200,
) {
# Filter Cell Bender matrix for Cell Ranger cells
cell_intersect <- intersect(x = colnames(x = raw_counts_matrix), y = colnames(x = raw_cell_bender_matrix))
cli_inform(message = "{.field Filtering Cell Bender matrix for cells present in raw counts matrix.}")
raw_cell_bender_matrix <- raw_cell_bender_matrix[, cell_intersect]
# Create Seurat Object
cli_inform(message = "{.field Creating Seurat Object from Cell Bender matrix.}")
cell_bender_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = raw_cell_bender_matrix, min.cells = min_cells, min.features = min_features, ...)
# Pull cell and gene names
cell_names_seurat <- colnames(x = cell_bender_seurat)
gene_names_seurat <- rownames(x = cell_bender_seurat)
# Create raw counts assay object
cli_inform(message = "{.field Creating raw counts Seurat Assay Object.}")
counts <- CreateAssayObject(counts = raw_counts_matrix, min.cells = 0, min.features = 0)
# Filter raw counts by created Seurat parameters
cli_inform(message = "{.field Filtering raw counts Assay Object to match Seurat Object.}")
counts <- subset(x = counts, cells = Cells(x = cell_bender_seurat), features = rownames(x = cell_bender_seurat))
# Add counts assay to Seurat Object
cli_inform(message = "{.field Adding assay to Seurat Object.}")
cell_bender_seurat[[raw_assay_name]] <- counts
#################### READ 10X DATA ####################
#' Load in NCBI GEO data from 10X
#' Enables easy loading of sparse data matrices provided by 10X genomics. That have file prefixes
#' added to them by NCBI GEO or other repos.
#' @param data_dir Directory containing the matrix.mtx, genes.tsv (or features.tsv), and barcodes.tsv
#' files provided by 10X.
#' @param sample_list A vector of file prefixes/names if specific samples are desired. Default is `NULL` and
#' will load all samples in given directory.
#' @param sample_names a set of sample names to use for each sample entry in returned list. If `NULL` will
#' set names to the file name of each sample.
#' @param gene.column Specify which column of genes.tsv or features.tsv to use for gene names; default is 2.
#' @param cell.column Specify which column of barcodes.tsv to use for cell names; default is 1.
#' @param unique.features Make feature names unique (default TRUE).
#' @param strip.suffix Remove trailing "-1" if present in all cell barcodes.
#' @param parallel logical (default FALSE). Whether to use multiple cores when reading in data.
#' Only possible on Linux based systems.
#' @param num_cores if `parallel = TRUE` indicates the number of cores to use for multicore processing.
#' @param merge logical (default FALSE) whether or not to merge samples into a single matrix or return
#' list of matrices. If TRUE each sample entry in list will have cell barcode prefix added. The prefix
#' will be taken from `sample_names`.
#' @return If features.csv indicates the data has multiple data types, a list
#' containing a sparse matrix of the data from each type will be returned.
#' Otherwise a sparse matrix containing the expression data will be returned.
#' @references Code used in function has been slightly modified from `Seurat::Read10X` function of
#' Seurat package \url{https://github.com/satijalab/seurat} (License: GPL-3). Function was modified to
#' support file prefixes and altered loop by Samuel Marsh for scCustomize (also previously posted as
#' potential PR to Seurat GitHub).
#' @import cli
#' @import parallel
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom Matrix readMM
#' @importFrom utils read.delim txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar read.table
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_dir <- 'path/to/data/directory'
#' expression_matrices <- Read10X_GEO(data_dir = data_dir)
#' # To create object from single file
#' seurat_object = CreateSeuratObject(counts = expression_matrices[[1]])
#' }
Read10X_GEO <- function(
data_dir = NULL,
sample_list = NULL,
sample_names = NULL,
gene.column = 2,
cell.column = 1,
unique.features = TRUE,
strip.suffix = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
num_cores = NULL,
merge = FALSE
) {
if (!dir.exists(paths = data_dir)) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory provided does not exist")
if (length(x = data_dir) > 1) {
cli_abort(message = "{.code Read10X_GEO} only supports reading from single data directory at a time.")
# Confirm num_cores specified
if (isTRUE(x = parallel) && is.null(x = num_cores)) {
cli_abort("If {.code parallel = TRUE} then {.code num_cores} must be specified.")
if (is.null(x = sample_list)) {
# pull all file names from directory
file.list <- list.files(path = data_dir, pattern = "barcodes.tsv", full.names = FALSE)
# Remove "barcodes.tsv.gz" file suffix
sample_list <- gsub(pattern = "barcodes.tsv.gz", x = file.list, replacement = "")
if (!is.null(x = sample_names)) {
if (length(x = sample_names) != length(x = sample_list)) {
cli_abort(message = "Length of {.code sample_names} provided {.field {length(x = sample_names)}} does not equal length of {.code sample_list} {.field {length(x = sample_list)}}.")
cli_inform(message = "{.field Reading 10X files from directory}")
pboptions(char = "=")
if (isTRUE(x = parallel)) {
cli_inform(message = c("NOTE: Progress bars not currently supported for parallel processing.",
"NOTE: Parallel processing will not report informative error messages.", "
If function fails set {.code parallel = FALSE} and re-run for informative error reporting.\n"))
raw_data_list <- mclapply(mc.cores = num_cores, 1:length(sample_list), function(i) {
barcode.loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], 'barcodes.tsv.gz'))
gene.loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], 'genes.tsv.gz'))
features.loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], 'features.tsv.gz'))
matrix.loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], 'matrix.mtx.gz'))
# Flag to indicate if this data is from CellRanger >= 3.0
pre_ver_3 <- file.exists(gene.loc)
if (!file.exists(barcode.loc)) {
cli_abort(message = "Barcode file missing. Expecting {val {basename(path = barcode.loc)}}")
if (isFALSE(x = pre_ver_3) && !file.exists(features.loc) ) {
cli_abort(message = "Gene name or features file missing. Expecting {val {basename(path = features.loc)}}")
if (!file.exists(matrix.loc)) {
cli_abort(message = "Expression matrix file missing. Expecting {val {basename(path = matrix.loc)}}")
data <- readMM(file = matrix.loc)
cell.barcodes <- read.table(file = barcode.loc, header = FALSE, sep = '\t', row.names = NULL)
if (ncol(x = cell.barcodes) > 1) {
cell.names <- cell.barcodes[, cell.column]
} else {
cell.names <- readLines(con = barcode.loc)
if (all(grepl(pattern = "\\-1$", x = cell.names)) & strip.suffix) {
cell.names <- as.vector(x = as.character(x = sapply(
X = cell.names,
FUN = ExtractField,
field = 1,
delim = "-"
if (is.null(x = names(x = data_dir))) {
if (i < 2) {
colnames(x = data) <- cell.names
} else {
colnames(x = data) <- paste0(i, "_", cell.names)
} else {
colnames(x = data) <- paste0(names(x = data_dir)[i], "_", cell.names)
feature.names <- read.delim(
file = ifelse(test = pre_ver_3, yes = gene.loc, no = features.loc),
header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (any(is.na(x = feature.names[, gene.column]))) {
'Some features names are NA. Replacing NA names with ID from the opposite column requested',
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
na.features <- which(x = is.na(x = feature.names[, gene.column]))
replacement.column <- ifelse(test = gene.column == 2, yes = 1, no = 2)
feature.names[na.features, gene.column] <- feature.names[na.features, replacement.column]
if (isTRUE(x = unique.features)) {
fcols = ncol(x = feature.names)
if (fcols < gene.column) {
cli_abort(message = c("{.code gene.column} was set to {.val {gene.column}}, but feature.tsv.gz (or genes.tsv) only has {.field {cols}} columns.",
"i" = "Try setting the {.code gene.column} argument to a value <= to {.field {cols}}."))
rownames(x = data) <- make.unique(names = feature.names[, gene.column])
# In cell ranger 3.0, a third column specifying the type of data was added
# and we will return each type of data as a separate matrix
if (ncol(x = feature.names) > 2) {
data_types <- factor(x = feature.names$V3)
lvls <- levels(x = data_types)
# if (length(x = lvls) > 1 && length(x = full.data) == 0) {
# message("10X data contains more than one type and is being returned as a list containing matrices of each type.")
# }
expr_name <- "Gene Expression"
if (expr_name %in% lvls) { # Return Gene Expression first
lvls <- c(expr_name, lvls[-which(x = lvls == expr_name)])
data <- lapply(
X = lvls,
FUN = function(l) {
return(data[data_types == l, , drop = FALSE])
names(x = data) <- lvls
} else{
data <- list(data)
if (length(x = data) == 1) {
} else {
} else {
raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(sample_list), function(i) {
barcode.loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], 'barcodes.tsv.gz'))
gene.loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], 'genes.tsv.gz'))
features.loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], 'features.tsv.gz'))
matrix.loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], 'matrix.mtx.gz'))
# Flag to indicate if this data is from CellRanger >= 3.0
pre_ver_3 <- file.exists(gene.loc)
if (!file.exists(barcode.loc)) {
cli_abort(message = "Barcode file missing. Expecting {.val {basename(path = barcode.loc)}}")
if (isFALSE(x = pre_ver_3) && !file.exists(features.loc) ) {
cli_abort(message = "Gene name or features file missing. Expecting {.val {basename(path = features.loc)}}")
if (!file.exists(matrix.loc)) {
cli_abort(message = "Expression matrix file missing. Expecting {.val {basename(path = matrix.loc)}}")
data <- readMM(file = matrix.loc)
cell.barcodes <- read.table(file = barcode.loc, header = FALSE, sep = '\t', row.names = NULL)
if (ncol(x = cell.barcodes) > 1) {
cell.names <- cell.barcodes[, cell.column]
} else {
cell.names <- readLines(con = barcode.loc)
if (all(grepl(pattern = "\\-1$", x = cell.names)) & strip.suffix) {
cell.names <- as.vector(x = as.character(x = sapply(
X = cell.names,
FUN = ExtractField,
field = 1,
delim = "-"
if (is.null(x = names(x = data_dir))) {
if (i < 2) {
colnames(x = data) <- cell.names
} else {
colnames(x = data) <- paste0(i, "_", cell.names)
} else {
colnames(x = data) <- paste0(names(x = data_dir)[i], "_", cell.names)
feature.names <- read.delim(
file = ifelse(test = pre_ver_3, yes = gene.loc, no = features.loc),
header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (any(is.na(x = feature.names[, gene.column]))) {
'Some features names are NA. Replacing NA names with ID from the opposite column requested',
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
na.features <- which(x = is.na(x = feature.names[, gene.column]))
replacement.column <- ifelse(test = gene.column == 2, yes = 1, no = 2)
feature.names[na.features, gene.column] <- feature.names[na.features, replacement.column]
if (isTRUE(x = unique.features)) {
fcols = ncol(x = feature.names)
if (fcols < gene.column) {
cli_abort(message = c("{.code gene.column} was set to {.val {gene.column}}, but feature.tsv.gz (or genes.tsv) only has {.field {cols}} columns.",
"i" = "Try setting the {.code gene.column} argument to a value <= to {.field {cols}}."))
rownames(x = data) <- make.unique(names = feature.names[, gene.column])
# In cell ranger 3.0, a third column specifying the type of data was added
# and we will return each type of data as a separate matrix
if (ncol(x = feature.names) > 2) {
data_types <- factor(x = feature.names$V3)
lvls <- levels(x = data_types)
# if (length(x = lvls) > 1 && length(x = full.data) == 0) {
# message("10X data contains more than one type and is being returned as a list containing matrices of each type.")
# }
expr_name <- "Gene Expression"
if (expr_name %in% lvls) { # Return Gene Expression first
lvls <- c(expr_name, lvls[-which(x = lvls == expr_name)])
data <- lapply(
X = lvls,
FUN = function(l) {
return(data[data_types == l, , drop = FALSE])
names(x = data) <- lvls
} else{
data <- list(data)
if (length(x = data) == 1) {
} else {
# # Combine all the data from different directories into one big matrix, note this
# # assumes that all data directories essentially have the same features files
# if (single.matrix) {
# message("Creating combined matrix output")
# list_of_data <- list()
# pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(x = full.data[[1]]), style = 3, file = stderr())
# for (j in 1:length(x = full.data[[1]])) {
# list_of_data[[j]] <- do.call(cbind, lapply(X = full.data, FUN = `[[`, j))
# # Fix for Issue #913
# list_of_data[[j]] <- as(object = list_of_data[[j]], Class = "dgCMatrix")
# setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = j)
# }
# close(con = pb)
# names(x = list_of_data) <- names(x = full.data[[1]])
# # If multiple features, will return a list, otherwise
# # a matrix.
# if (length(x = list_of_data) == 1) {
# return(list_of_data[[1]])
# } else {
# return(list_of_data)
# }
# }
# Name the list
if (!is.null(x = sample_names)) {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_names
} else {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_list
# Merge data
if (merge) {
raw_data_merged <- Merge_Sparse_Data_All(matrix_list = raw_data_list, add_cell_ids = names(x = raw_data_list))
# return list
#' Load in NCBI GEO data from 10X in HDF5 file format
#' Enables easy loading of HDF5 data matrices provided by 10X genomics. That have file prefixes added to
#' them by NCBI GEO or other repos or programs (i.e. Cell Bender)
#' @param data_dir Directory containing the .h5 files provided by 10X.
#' @param sample_list A vector of file prefixes/names if specific samples are desired. Default is `NULL` and
#' will load all samples in given directory.
#' @param sample_names a set of sample names to use for each sample entry in returned list. If `NULL`
#' will set names to the file name of each sample.
#' @param shared_suffix a suffix and file extension shared by all samples.
#' @param parallel logical (default FALSE). Whether to use multiple cores when reading in data.
#' Only possible on Linux based systems.
#' @param num_cores if `parallel = TRUE` indicates the number of cores to use for multicore processing.
#' @param merge logical (default FALSE) whether or not to merge samples into a single matrix or return
#' list of matrices. If TRUE each sample entry in list will have cell barcode prefix added. The prefix
#' will be taken from `sample_names`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[Seurat]{Read10X_h5}}
#' @return If the data has multiple data types, a list
#' containing a sparse matrix of the data from each type will be returned.
#' Otherwise a sparse matrix containing the expression data will be returned.
#' @import cli
#' @import parallel
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom Matrix readMM
#' @importFrom utils read.delim txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_dir <- 'path/to/data/directory'
#' expression_matrices <- Read10X_h5_GEO(data_dir = data_dir)
#' # To create object from single file
#' seurat_object = CreateSeuratObject(counts = expression_matrices[[1]])
#' }
Read10X_h5_GEO <- function(
data_dir = NULL,
sample_list = NULL,
sample_names = NULL,
shared_suffix = NULL,
parallel = FALSE,
num_cores = NULL,
merge = FALSE,
) {
if (!dir.exists(paths = data_dir)) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory provided does not exist")
if (length(x = data_dir) > 1) {
cli_abort(message = "{.code Read10X_h5_GEO} only supports reading from single data directory at a time.")
# Confirm num_cores specified
if (isTRUE(x = parallel) && is.null(x = num_cores)) {
cli_abort("If {.code parallel = TRUE} then {.code num_cores} must be specified.")
file.list <- list.files(path = data_dir, pattern = ".h5", full.names = FALSE)
# Remove file suffix if provided
if (!is.null(x = shared_suffix)) {
shared_suffix <- gsub(pattern = ".h5", replacement = "", x = shared_suffix)
if (is.null(x = sample_list)) {
if (is.null(x = shared_suffix)) {
sample_list <- gsub(pattern = ".h5", x = file.list, replacement = "")
} else {
sample_list <- gsub(pattern = paste0(shared_suffix, ".h5"), x = file.list, replacement = "")
# Check sample_names length is ok
if (!is.null(x = sample_names) && length(x = sample_names) != length(x = sample_list)) {
cli_abort(message = "Length of {.code sample_names} {.field {length(x = sample_names)}} must be equal to number of samples {.field {length(x = sample_list)}}.")
cli_inform(message = "{.field Reading 10X H5 files from directory}")
pboptions(char = "=")
if (isTRUE(x = parallel)) {
cli_inform(message = c("NOTE: Progress bars not currently supported for parallel processing.",
"NOTE: Parallel processing will not report informative error messages.", "
If function fails set {.code parallel = FALSE} and re-run for informative error reporting.\n"))
raw_data_list <- mclapply(mc.cores = num_cores, 1:length(sample_list), function(i) {
h5_loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], shared_suffix, ".h5"))
data <- Read10X_h5(filename = h5_loc, ...)
} else {
raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = sample_list), function(i) {
h5_loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], shared_suffix, ".h5"))
data <- Read10X_h5(filename = h5_loc, ...)
# Name the matrices
if (is.null(x = sample_names)) {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_list
} else {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_names
# Merge data
if (isTRUE(x = merge)) {
raw_data_merged <- Merge_Sparse_Data_All(matrix_list = raw_data_list, add_cell_ids = names(x = raw_data_list))
# return object
#' Load 10X count matrices from multiple directories
#' Enables easy loading of sparse data matrices provided by 10X genomics that are present in multiple
#' subdirectories. Can function with either default output directory structure of Cell Ranger or
#' custom directory structure.
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest.
#' @param secondary_path path from the parent directory to count matrix files for each sample.
#' @param default_10X_path logical (default TRUE) sets the secondary path variable to the default 10X
#' directory structure.
#' @param cellranger_multi logical, whether samples were processed with Cell Ranger `multi`, default is FALSE.
#' @param sample_list a vector of sample directory names if only specific samples are desired. If `NULL` will
#' read in subdirectories in parent directory.
#' @param sample_names a set of sample names to use for each sample entry in returned list. If `NULL` will
#' set names to the subdirectory name of each sample.
#' @param parallel logical (default FALSE) whether or not to use multi core processing to read in matrices.
#' @param num_cores how many cores to use for parallel processing.
#' @param merge logical (default FALSE) whether or not to merge samples into a single matrix or return
#' list of matrices. If TRUE each sample entry in list will have cell barcode prefix added. The prefix
#' will be taken from `sample_names`.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link[Seurat]{Read10X}}.
#' @return a list of sparse matrices (merge = FALSE) or a single sparse matrix (merge = TRUE).
#' @import cli
#' @import parallel
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom Seurat Read10X
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' base_path <- 'path/to/data/directory'
#' expression_matrices <- Read10X_Multi_Directory(base_path = base_path)
#' }
Read10X_Multi_Directory <- function(
secondary_path = NULL,
default_10X_path = TRUE,
cellranger_multi = FALSE,
sample_list = NULL,
sample_names = NULL,
parallel = FALSE,
num_cores = NULL,
merge = FALSE,
) {
# Confirm num_cores specified
if (parallel && is.null(x = num_cores)) {
cli_abort("If {.code parallel = TRUE} then {.code num_cores} must be specified.")
# Confirm directory exists
if (dir.exists(paths = base_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory: {.val {base_path}} specified by {.code base_path} does not exist.")
# Detect libraries if sample_list is NULL
if (is.null(x = sample_list)) {
sample_list <- Pull_Directory_List(base_path = base_path)
# Add file path for 10X default directories
if (isTRUE(x = default_10X_path) && !is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
cli_abort(message = "If {.code default_10X_path = TRUE} then {.code secondary_path} must be NULL.")
if (isFALSE(x = default_10X_path) && !is.null(x = secondary_path) && isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
cli_abort(message = "If {.code cellranger_multi = TRUE} then {.code default_10X_path} must be TRUE")
if (isTRUE(x = default_10X_path)) {
if (isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
secondary_path <- "/outs/per_sample_outs/"
multi_extra_path <- "count/sample_filtered_feature_bc_matrix"
} else {
secondary_path <- "outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/"
if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
secondary_path <- ""
# Check if full directory path exists
for (i in 1:length(x = sample_list)) {
full_directory_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[i], secondary_path)
if (dir.exists(paths = full_directory_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Full Directory does not exist {.val {full_directory_path}} was not found.")
# read data
cli_inform(message = "{.field Reading gene expression files.}")
if (isTRUE(x = parallel)) {
cli_inform(message = c("NOTE: Progress bars not currently supported for parallel processing.",
"NOTE: Parallel processing will not report informative error messages.", "
If function fails set {.code parallel = FALSE} and re-run for informative error reporting.\n"))
# *** Here is where the swap of mclapply or pbmclapply is occuring ***
raw_data_list <- mclapply(mc.cores = num_cores, 1:length(x = sample_list), function(x) {
if (isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path, sample_list[x], multi_extra_path)
} else {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path)
raw_data <- Read10X(data.dir = file_path, ...)
} else {
raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = sample_list), function(x) {
if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x])
} else {
if (isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path, sample_list[x], multi_extra_path)
} else {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path)
raw_data <- Read10X(data.dir = file_path, ...)
# Name the list items
if (is.null(x = sample_names)) {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_list
} else {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_names
# Merge data
if (isTRUE(x = merge)) {
raw_data_merged <- Merge_Sparse_Data_All(matrix_list = raw_data_list, add_cell_ids = names(x = raw_data_list))
#' Load 10X h5 count matrices from multiple directories
#' Enables easy loading of sparse data matrices provided by 10X genomics that are present in multiple
#' subdirectories. Can function with either default output directory structure of Cell Ranger or
#' custom directory structure.
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest.
#' @param secondary_path path from the parent directory to count matrix files for each sample.
#' @param default_10X_path logical (default TRUE) sets the secondary path variable to the default 10X
#' directory structure.
#' @param cellranger_multi logical, whether samples were processed with Cell Ranger `multi`, default is FALSE.
#' @param h5_filename name of h5 file (including .h5 suffix). If all h5 files have same name (i.e. Cell Ranger output)
#' then use full file name. By default function uses Cell Ranger name: "filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5".
#' If h5 files have sample specific prefixes (i.e. from Cell Bender) then use only the shared part of file
#' name (e.g., "_filtered_out.h5").
#' @param sample_list a vector of sample directory names if only specific samples are desired. If `NULL` will
#' read in subdirectories in parent directory.
#' @param sample_names a set of sample names to use for each sample entry in returned list. If `NULL` will
#' set names to the subdirectory name of each sample.
#' @param replace_suffix logical (default FALSE). Whether or not to replace the barcode suffixes of matrices
#' using \code{\link{Replace_Suffix}}.
#' @param new_suffix_list a vector of new suffixes to replace existing suffixes if `replace_suffix = TRUE`.
#' See \code{\link{Replace_Suffix}} for more information. To remove all suffixes set `new_suffix_list = ""`.
#' @param parallel logical (default FALSE) whether or not to use multi core processing to read in matrices.
#' @param num_cores how many cores to use for parallel processing.
#' @param merge logical (default FALSE) whether or not to merge samples into a single matrix or return
#' list of matrices. If TRUE each sample entry in list will have cell barcode prefix added. The prefix
#' will be taken from `sample_names`.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link[Seurat]{Read10X_h5}}.
#' @return a list of sparse matrices (merge = FALSE) or a single sparse matrix (merge = TRUE).
#' @import cli
#' @import parallel
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom Seurat Read10X_h5
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' base_path <- 'path/to/data/directory'
#' expression_matrices <- Read10X_h5_Multi_Directory(base_path = base_path)
#' }
Read10X_h5_Multi_Directory <- function(
secondary_path = NULL,
default_10X_path = TRUE,
cellranger_multi = FALSE,
h5_filename = "filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5",
sample_list = NULL,
sample_names = NULL,
replace_suffix = FALSE,
new_suffix_list = NULL,
parallel = FALSE,
num_cores = NULL,
merge = FALSE,
) {
# Confirm num_cores specified
if (isTRUE(x = parallel) && is.null(x = num_cores)) {
cli_abort("If {.code parallel = TRUE} then {.code num_cores} must be specified.")
# Confirm directory exists
if (dir.exists(paths = base_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory: {.val {base_path}} specified by {.code base_path} does not exist.")
# Detect libraries if sample_list is NULL
if (is.null(x = sample_list)) {
sample_list <- Pull_Directory_List(base_path = base_path)
# Add file path for 10X default directories
if (isTRUE(x = default_10X_path) && !is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
cli_abort(message = "If {.code default_10X_path = TRUE} then {.code secondary_path} must be NULL.")
if (isFALSE(x = default_10X_path) && !is.null(x = secondary_path) && isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
cli_abort(message = "If {.code cellranger_multi = TRUE} then {.code default_10X_path} must be TRUE")
if (isTRUE(x = default_10X_path)) {
if (isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
secondary_path <- "/outs/per_sample_outs/"
multi_extra_path <- "count/"
} else {
secondary_path <- "outs/"
if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
secondary_path <- ""
# Check if full directory path exists
for (i in 1:length(x = sample_list)) {
full_directory_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[i], secondary_path)
if (dir.exists(paths = full_directory_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Full Directory does not exist {.val {full_directory_path}} was not found.")
# read data
cli_inform(message = "{.field Reading gene expression files.}")
if (isTRUE(x = parallel)) {
cli_inform(message = c("NOTE: Progress bars not currently supported for parallel processing.",
"NOTE: Parallel processing will not report informative error messages.", "
If function fails set {.code parallel = FALSE} and re-run for informative error reporting.\n"))
# *** Here is where the swap of mclapply or pbmclapply is occuring ***
raw_data_list <- mclapply(mc.cores = num_cores, 1:length(x = sample_list), function(x) {
if (isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path, sample_list[x], multi_extra_path, h5_filename)
} else {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path, h5_filename)
raw_data <- Read10X_h5(filename = file_path, ...)
} else {
raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = sample_list), function(x) {
if (isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path, sample_list[x], multi_extra_path, h5_filename)
} else {
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path, h5_filename)
raw_data <- Read10X_h5(filename = file_path, ...)
# Name the list items
if (is.null(x = sample_names)) {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_list
} else {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_names
# Replace Suffixes
if (isTRUE(x = replace_suffix)) {
if (is.null(x = new_suffix_list)) {
cli_abort(message = "No values provided to {.code new_suffix_list} but {.code replace_suffix = TRUE}.")
current_suffix_list <- sapply(1:length(x = raw_data_list), function(x) {
unique(str_extract(string = colnames(x = raw_data_list[[x]]), pattern = "-.$"))
if (length(x = new_suffix_list) != 1 & length(x = new_suffix_list) != length(x = current_suffix_list)) {
cli_abort(message = c("`new_suffix_list` must be either single value or list of values equal to the number of samples.",
"i" = "Number of samples is: {.field {length(current_suffix_list)}} and number of new_suffixes provided is: {.field {length(x = new_suffix_list)}}."))
raw_data_list <- Replace_Suffix(data = raw_data_list, current_suffix = current_suffix_list, new_suffix = new_suffix_list)
# Merge data
if (isTRUE(x = merge)) {
raw_data_merged <- Merge_Sparse_Data_All(matrix_list = raw_data_list, add_cell_ids = names(x = raw_data_list))
#################### READ DELIM DATA ####################
#' Load in NCBI GEO data formatted as single file per sample
#' Can read delimited file types (i.e. csv, tsv, txt)
#' @param data_dir Directory containing the files.
#' @param file_suffix The file suffix of the individual files. Must be the same across all files being
#' imported. This is used to detect files to import and their GEO IDs.
#' @param move_genes_rownames logical. Whether gene IDs are present in first column or in row names of
#' delimited file. If TRUE will move the first column to row names before creating final matrix.
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @param sample_list a vector of samples within directory to read in (can be either with or
#' without `file_suffix` see `full_names`). If NULL will read in all subdirectories.
#' @param full_names logical (default FALSE). Whether or not the `sample_list` vector includes the file suffix.
#' If `FALSE` the function will add suffix based on `file_suffix` parameter.
#' @param sample_names a set of sample names to use for each sample entry in returned list.
#' If `NULL` will set names to the directory name of each sample.
#' @param barcode_suffix_period Is the barcode suffix a period and should it be changed to "-". Default (FALSE;
#' barcodes will be left identical to their format in input files.). If TRUE "." in barcode suffix will
#' be changed to "-".
#' @param parallel logical (default FALSE). Whether to use multiple cores when reading in data.
#' Only possible on Linux based systems.
#' @param num_cores if `parallel = TRUE` indicates the number of cores to use for multicore processing.
#' @param merge logical (default FALSE) whether or not to merge samples into a single matrix or return
#' list of matrices. If TRUE each sample entry in list will have cell barcode prefix added. The prefix
#' will be taken from `sample_names`.
#' @return List of gene x cell matrices in list format named by sample name.
#' @import cli
#' @import Matrix
#' @import parallel
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_dir <- 'path/to/data/directory'
#' expression_matrices <- Read_GEO_Delim(data_dir = data_dir)
#' }
Read_GEO_Delim <- function(
move_genes_rownames = TRUE,
sample_list = NULL,
full_names = FALSE,
sample_names = NULL,
barcode_suffix_period = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
num_cores = NULL,
merge = FALSE
) {
# Create list of all files in directory
possible_file_list <- list.files(path = data_dir, pattern = file_suffix, full.names = FALSE)
# Check files found
if (is.null(x = possible_file_list)) {
cli_abort(message = "No files found. Check that {.code data_dir} and {.code file_suffix} are correct.")
# Set all files to be used if sample_list is NULL
if (is.null(sample_list)) {
file_list <- possible_file_list
# Confirm num_cores specified
if (isTRUE(x = parallel) && is.null(x = num_cores)) {
cli_abort("If {.code parallel = TRUE} then {.code num_cores} must be specified.")
# Read in subset of files
if (!is.null(x = sample_list)) {
# Add suffix
if (isTRUE(x = full_names)) {
file_list <- sample_list
} else {
file_list <- paste0(sample_list, file_suffix)
file_list <- file_list
if (any(!file_list %in% possible_file_list)) {
bad_file_list <- file_list[!file_list %in% possible_file_list]
file_list <- file_list[file_list %in% possible_file_list]
if (length(x = file_list) == 0) {
cli_abort(message = c("No requested files found.",
"i" = "Check that {.code data_dir} and {.code file_suffix} are correct and {.code full_names} parameter is accurate."))
cli_warn(message = c("The following files were not imported as they were not found in specified directory:",
"i" = "{.field {glue_collapse_scCustom(input_string = bad_file_list, and = TRUE)}}"))
# Get sample names
if (is.null(x = sample_names)) {
sample_names <- gsub(pattern = file_suffix, x = file_list, replacement = "")
} else {
sample_names <- sample_names
# Read in files
cli_inform(message = "{.field Reading gene expression files from directory}")
pboptions(char = "=")
if (isTRUE(x = parallel)) {
cli_inform(message = c("NOTE: Progress bars not currently supported for parallel processing.",
"NOTE: Parallel processing will not report informative error messages.", "
If function fails set {.code parallel = FALSE} and re-run for informative error reporting.\n"))
raw_data_list <- mclapply(mc.cores = num_cores, 1:length(x = file_list), function(i) {
dge_loc <- file.path(data_dir, file_list[i])
data <- fread(file = dge_loc, data.table = F)
if (isTRUE(x = move_genes_rownames)) {
first_col_name <- colnames(x = data[1])
data <- data %>%
if (isTRUE(x = barcode_suffix_period)) {
colnames(x = data) <- gsub("\\.", "-", colnames(x = data))
data_sparse <- as(data, "Matrix")
} else {
raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = file_list), function(i) {
dge_loc <- file.path(data_dir, file_list[i])
data <- fread(file = dge_loc, data.table = F)
if (isTRUE(x = move_genes_rownames)) {
first_col_name <- colnames(x = data[1])
data <- data %>%
# Check all columns numeric
col_data_numeric <- sapply(data, is.numeric)
if (!all(col_data_numeric)) {
cli_abort(message = c("One or more columns in the file: {.val {dge_loc}} contains non-numeric data.",
"i" = "Please check original file and/or that parameter {.code move_genes_rownames} is set appropriately."))
if (isTRUE(x = barcode_suffix_period)) {
colnames(x = data) <- gsub("\\.", "-", colnames(x = data))
data_sparse <- as(data, "Matrix")
# Name the items in list
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_names
# Check matrices
for (i in 1:length(x = raw_data_list)) {
CheckMatrix_scCustom(object = raw_data_list[[i]])
# Merge data
if (isTRUE(x = merge)) {
raw_data_merged <- Merge_Sparse_Data_All(matrix_list = raw_data_list, add_cell_ids = names(x = raw_data_list))
# return list
#################### READ CellBender DATA ####################
#' Load CellBender h5 matrices (corrected)
#' Extract sparse matrix with corrected counts from CellBender h5 output file.
#' @param file_name Path to h5 file.
#' @param use.names Label row names with feature names rather than ID numbers (default TRUE).
#' @param unique.features Make feature names unique (default TRUE).
#' @param h5_group_name Name of the group within H5 file that contains count data. This is only
#' required if H5 file contains multiple subgroups and non-default names. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param feature_slot_name Name of the slot contain feature names/ids. Must be one of:
#' "features"(Cell Ranger v3+) or "genes" (Cell Ranger v1/v2 or STARsolo). Default is "features".
#' @return sparse matrix
#' @references Code used in function has been modified from `Seurat::Read10X_h5` function of
#' Seurat package \url{https://github.com/satijalab/seurat} (License: GPL-3).
#' @import cli
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom rlang is_installed
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mat <- Read_CellBender_h5_Mat(file_name = "/SampleA_out_filtered.h5")
#' }
Read_CellBender_h5_Mat <- function(
use.names = TRUE,
unique.features = TRUE,
h5_group_name = NULL,
feature_slot_name = "features"
) {
# Check hdf5r installed
hdf5r_check <- is_installed(pkg = "hdf5r")
if (isFALSE(x = hdf5r_check)) {
cli_abort(message = c(
"Please install the {.val hdf5r} package to use {.code Read_CellBender_h5_Mat} and read HDF5 files.",
"i" = "This can be accomplished with the following commands: ",
"{.field `install.packages({symbol$dquote_left}hdf5r{symbol$dquote_right})`}",
# Check file
if (!file.exists(file_name)) {
cli_abort(message = "File: {.val {file_name}} not found.")
# Check feature_slot_name is acceptable
if (!feature_slot_name %in% c("features", "genes")) {
cli_abort(message = c("{.code feature_slot_name} must be one of {.val features} or {.val genes}.",
"i" = "If unsure, check contents of H5 file {.code rhdf5::h5ls('{file_name}')}."))
# Read file
infile <- hdf5r::H5File$new(filename = file_name, mode = "r")
# Get list of H5 contents
h5_dataset_list <- hdf5r::list.datasets(infile)
# Check feature_slot_name is correct
if (!length(x = grep(pattern = feature_slot_name, x = h5_dataset_list, value = TRUE)) > 0) {
cli_abort(message = c("{.code feature_slot_name}: {.val {feature_slot_name}} not found in H5 file.",
"i" = "Check contents of H5 file {.code rhdf5::h5ls('{file_name}')} to confirm correct {.code feature_slot_name}."))
# Assign feature slot name
if (feature_slot_name == "features") {
if (isTRUE(x = use.names)) {
feature_slot <- 'features/name'
else {
feature_slot <- 'features/id'
if (feature_slot_name == "genes") {
if (isTRUE(x = use.names)) {
feature_slot <- 'gene_names'
else {
feature_slot <- 'genes'
# add name check
group_names <- names(x = infile)
if (!is.null(x = h5_group_name) && !h5_group_name %in% group_names) {
cli_abort(message = c("{.code h5_group_name} {.val {h5_group_name}} not found.",
"i" = "Check H5 file group names {.code rhdf5::h5ls('{file_name}')}."))
# Read in data
if ("matrix" %in% group_names) {
counts <- infile[["matrix/data"]]
indices <- infile[["matrix/indices"]]
indptr <- infile[["matrix/indptr"]]
shp <- infile[["matrix/shape"]]
features <- infile[[paste0("matrix/", feature_slot)]][]
barcodes <- infile[["matrix/barcodes"]]
} else {
if (length(x = group_names) == 1) {
counts <- infile[[paste0(group_names, '/data')]]
indices <- infile[[paste0(group_names, '/indices')]]
indptr <- infile[[paste0(group_names, '/indptr')]]
shp <- infile[[paste0(group_names, '/shape')]]
features <- infile[[paste0(group_names, '/', feature_slot)]][]
barcodes <- infile[[paste0(group_names, '/barcodes')]]
} else {
# check subgroups
if (is.null(x = h5_group_name)) {
cli_abort(message = c("H5 file contains multiple sub-groups.",
"i" = "Please provide {.code h5_group_name} specifying which subgroup contains count data."))
} else {
counts <- infile[[paste0(h5_group_name, '/data')]]
indices <- infile[[paste0(h5_group_name, '/indices')]]
indptr <- infile[[paste0(h5_group_name, '/indptr')]]
shp <- infile[[paste0(h5_group_name, '/shape')]]
features <- infile[[paste0(h5_group_name, '/', feature_slot)]][]
barcodes <- infile[[paste0(h5_group_name, '/barcodes')]]
# Create sparse matrix
sparse.mat <- sparseMatrix(
i = indices[] + 1,
p = indptr[],
x = as.numeric(x = counts[]),
dims = shp[],
repr = "T"
if (isTRUE(x = unique.features)) {
features <- make.unique(names = features)
rownames(x = sparse.mat) <- features
colnames(x = sparse.mat) <- barcodes[]
sparse.mat <- as.sparse(x = sparse.mat)
#' Load CellBender h5 matrices (corrected) from multiple directories
#' Extract sparse matrix with corrected counts from CellBender h5 output file across multiple sample
#' subdirectories.
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest.
#' @param secondary_path path from the parent directory to count matrix files for each sample.
#' @param filtered_h5 logical (default TRUE). Will set the shared file name suffix `custom_name` is NULL.
#' @param custom_name if file name was customized in CellBender then this parameter should contain the portion
#' of file name that is shared across all samples. Must included the ".h5" extension as well.
#' @param sample_list a vector of sample directory names if only specific samples are desired. If `NULL` will
#' read in subdirectories in parent directory.
#' @param sample_names a set of sample names to use for each sample entry in returned list. If `NULL` will
#' set names to the subdirectory name of each sample. NOTE: unless `sample_list` is specified this will
#' rename files in the order they are read which will be alphabetical.
#' @param h5_group_name Name of the group within H5 file that contains count data. This is only
#' required if H5 file contains multiple subgroups and non-default names. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param feature_slot_name Name of the slot contain feature names/ids. Must be one of:
#' "features"(Cell Ranger v3+) or "genes" (Cell Ranger v1/v2 or STARsolo). Default is "features".
#' @param replace_suffix logical (default FALSE). Whether or not to replace the barcode suffixes of matrices
#' using \code{\link{Replace_Suffix}}.
#' @param new_suffix_list a vector of new suffixes to replace existing suffixes if `replace_suffix = TRUE`.
#' See \code{\link{Replace_Suffix}} for more information. To remove all suffixes set `new_suffix_list = ""`.
#' @param parallel logical (default FALSE) whether or not to use multi core processing to read in matrices.
#' @param num_cores how many cores to use for parallel processing.
#' @param merge logical (default FALSE) whether or not to merge samples into a single matrix or return
#' list of matrices. If TRUE each sample entry in list will have cell barcode prefix added. The prefix
#' will be taken from `sample_names`.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link[scCustomize]{Read_CellBender_h5_Mat}}.
#' @return list of sparse matrices
#' @import cli
#' @import parallel
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' base_path <- 'path/to/data/directory'
#' mat_list <- Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_Directory(base_path = base_path)
#' }
Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_Directory <- function(
secondary_path = NULL,
filtered_h5 = TRUE,
custom_name = NULL,
sample_list = NULL,
sample_names = NULL,
h5_group_name = NULL,
feature_slot_name = "features",
replace_suffix = FALSE,
new_suffix_list = NULL,
parallel = FALSE,
num_cores = NULL,
merge = FALSE,
) {
# Confirm num_cores specified
if (isTRUE(x = parallel) && is.null(x = num_cores)) {
cli_abort("If {.code parallel = TRUE} then {.code num_cores} must be specified.")
# Confirm directory exists
if (dir.exists(paths = base_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory: {.val {base_path}} specified by {.code base_path} does not exist.")
# Detect libraries if sample_list is NULL
if (is.null(x = sample_list)) {
sample_list <- Pull_Directory_List(base_path = base_path)
# Add file suffix
if (!is.null(x = custom_name)) {
file_suffix <- custom_name
# check suffix
file_ext <- grep(x = file_suffix, pattern = ".h5$")
if (length(x = file_ext) == 0) {
cli_abort(message = "'custom_name' must end with file extension '.h5'.")
} else if (isTRUE(x = filtered_h5)) {
file_suffix <- "_out_filtered.h5"
} else {
file_suffix <- "_out.h5"
# Edit secondary path if NULL
if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
secondary_path <- ""
# Check if full directory path exists
for (i in 1:length(x = sample_list)) {
full_directory_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[i], secondary_path)
if (dir.exists(paths = full_directory_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Full Directory does not exist {.val {full_directory_path}} was not found.")
# read data
cli_inform(message = "{.field Reading gene expression files.}")
if (isTRUE(x = parallel)) {
cli_inform(message = c("NOTE: Progress bars not currently supported for parallel processing.",
"NOTE: Parallel processing will not report informative error messages.", "
If function fails set {.code parallel = FALSE} and re-run for informative error reporting.\n"))
# *** Here is where the swap of mclapply or pbmclapply is occuring ***
raw_data_list <- mclapply(mc.cores = num_cores, 1:length(x = sample_list), function(x) {
# Create file path
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path, paste0(sample_list[x], file_suffix))
# read and return data
raw_data <- Read_CellBender_h5_Mat(file_name = file_path, h5_group_name = h5_group_name, feature_slot_name = feature_slot_name, ...)
} else {
raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = sample_list), function(x) {
# Create file path
file_path <- file.path(base_path, sample_list[x], secondary_path, paste0(sample_list[x], file_suffix))
# read and return data
raw_data <- Read_CellBender_h5_Mat(file_name = file_path, h5_group_name = h5_group_name, feature_slot_name = feature_slot_name, ...)
# Name the list items
if (is.null(x = sample_names)) {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_list
} else {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_names
# Replace Suffixes
if (isTRUE(x = replace_suffix)) {
if (is.null(x = new_suffix_list)) {
cli_abort(message = "No values provided to {.code new_suffix_list} but {.code replace_suffix = TRUE}.")
current_suffix_list <- sapply(1:length(raw_data_list), function(x) {
unique(str_extract(string = colnames(x = raw_data_list[[x]]), pattern = "-.$"))
if (length(x = new_suffix_list) != 1 & length(x = new_suffix_list) != length(x = current_suffix_list)) {
cli_abort(message = c("`new_suffix_list` must be either single value or list of values equal to the number of samples.",
"i" = "Number of samples is: {.field {length(current_suffix_list)}} and number of new_suffixes provided is: {.field {length(x = new_suffix_list)}}."))
raw_data_list <- Replace_Suffix(data = raw_data_list, current_suffix = current_suffix_list, new_suffix = new_suffix_list)
# Merge data
if (isTRUE(x = merge)) {
raw_data_merged <- Merge_Sparse_Data_All(matrix_list = raw_data_list, add_cell_ids = names(x = raw_data_list))
#' Load CellBender h5 matrices (corrected) from multiple files
#' Extract sparse matrix with corrected counts from CellBender h5 output file across multiple samples
#' within the same directory.
#' @param data_dir Directory containing the .h5 files output by CellBender.
#' @param filtered_h5 logical (default TRUE). Will set the shared file name suffix if `custom_name` is NULL.
#' @param custom_name if file name was customized in CellBender then this parameter should contain the portion
#' of file name that is shared across all samples. Must included the ".h5" extension as well.
#' @param sample_list a vector of sample names if only specific samples are desired. If `NULL` will
#' read in all files within `data_dir` directory.
#' @param sample_names a set of sample names to use for each sample entry in returned list. If `NULL` will
#' set names to the subdirectory name of each sample.
#' @param h5_group_name Name of the group within H5 file that contains count data. This is only
#' required if H5 file contains multiple subgroups and non-default names. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param feature_slot_name Name of the slot contain feature names/ids. Must be one of:
#' "features"(Cell Ranger v3+) or "genes" (Cell Ranger v1/v2 or STARsolo). Default is "features".
#' @param parallel logical (default FALSE) whether or not to use multi core processing to read in matrices
#' @param num_cores how many cores to use for parallel processing.
#' @param merge logical (default FALSE) whether or not to merge samples into a single matrix or return
#' list of matrices. If TRUE each sample entry in list will have cell barcode prefix added. The prefix
#' will be taken from `sample_names`.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link[scCustomize]{Read_CellBender_h5_Mat}}.
#' @return list of sparse matrices
#' @import cli
#' @import parallel
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' base_path <- 'path/to/data/directory'
#' mat_list <- Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_File(data_dir = base_path)
#' }
Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_File <- function(
data_dir = NULL,
filtered_h5 = TRUE,
custom_name = NULL,
sample_list = NULL,
sample_names = NULL,
h5_group_name = NULL,
feature_slot_name = "features",
parallel = FALSE,
num_cores = NULL,
merge = FALSE,
) {
if (!dir.exists(paths = data_dir)) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory provided does not exist")
if (length(x = data_dir) > 1) {
cli_abort(message = "{.code Read_CellBender_h5_Multi_File} only supports reading from single data directory at a time.")
# Confirm num_cores specified
if (isTRUE(x = parallel) && is.null(x = num_cores)) {
cli_abort("If {.code parallel = TRUE} then {.code num_cores} must be specified.")
# Add file suffix
if (!is.null(x = custom_name)) {
file_suffix <- custom_name
# check suffix
file_ext <- grep(x = file_suffix, pattern = ".h5$")
if (length(x = file_ext) == 0) {
cli_abort(message = "'custom_name' must end with file extension '.h5'.")
} else if (isTRUE(x = filtered_h5)) {
file_suffix <- "_out_filtered.h5"
} else {
file_suffix <- "_out.h5"
file.list <- list.files(path = data_dir, pattern = file_suffix, full.names = FALSE)
# Remove "barcodes.tsv.gz" file suffix
if (is.null(x = sample_list)) {
sample_list <- gsub(pattern = file_suffix, x = file.list, replacement = "")
# Check sample_names length is ok
if (!is.null(x = sample_names) && length(x = sample_names) != length(x = sample_list)) {
cli_abort(message = "Length of {.code sample_names} {.field {length(x = sample_names)}} must be equal to number of samples {.field {length(x = sample_list)}}.")
cli_inform(message = "{.field Reading Cell Bender H5 files from directory}")
pboptions(char = "=")
if (isTRUE(x = parallel)) {
cli_inform(message = c("NOTE: Progress bars not currently supported for parallel processing.",
"NOTE: Parallel processing will not report informative error messages.", "
If function fails set {.code parallel = FALSE} and re-run for informative error reporting.\n"))
raw_data_list <- mclapply(mc.cores = num_cores, 1:length(sample_list), function(i) {
h5_loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], file_suffix))
data <- Read_CellBender_h5_Mat(file_name = h5_loc, h5_group_name = h5_group_name, feature_slot_name = feature_slot_name, ...)
} else {
raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = sample_list), function(i) {
h5_loc <- file.path(data_dir, paste0(sample_list[i], file_suffix))
data <- Read_CellBender_h5_Mat(file_name = h5_loc, h5_group_name = h5_group_name, feature_slot_name = feature_slot_name, ...)
# Name the matrices
if (is.null(x = sample_names)) {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_list
} else {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- sample_names
# Merge data
if (isTRUE(x = merge)) {
raw_data_merged <- Merge_Sparse_Data_All(matrix_list = raw_data_list, add_cell_ids = names(x = raw_data_list))
# return object
#################### READ OTHER DATA ####################
#' Read Overall Statistics from 10X Cell Ranger Count
#' Get data.frame with all metrics from the Cell Ranger count analysis (present in web_summary.html)
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest or
#' alternatively can provide single csv file to read and format identically to reading multiple files.
#' @param secondary_path path from the parent directory to count "outs/" folder which contains the
#' "metrics_summary.csv" file.
#' @param default_10X logical (default TRUE) sets the secondary path variable to the default 10X directory structure.
#' @param cellranger_multi logical, whether or not metrics come from Cell Ranger `count` or from Cell Ranger `multi`. Default is FALSE.
#' @param lib_list a list of sample names (matching directory names) to import. If `NULL` will read
#' in all samples in parent directory.
#' @param lib_names a set of sample names to use for each sample. If `NULL` will set names to the
#' directory name of each sample.
#' @return A data frame or list of data.frames with sample metrics from cell ranger.
#' @import cli
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar read.csv
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' metrics <- Read_Metrics_10X(base_path = "/path/to/directories", default_10X = TRUE)
#' }
Read_Metrics_10X <- function(
secondary_path = NULL,
default_10X = TRUE,
cellranger_multi = FALSE,
lib_list = NULL,
lib_names = NULL
) {
# Check if single file
file_ending <- grep(pattern = ".csv$", x = base_path, value = TRUE)
if (length(x = file_ending) == 1) {
temp_csv <- read.csv(file = base_path)
if (ncol(x = temp_csv) > nrow(x = temp_csv)) {
metrics_data <- Metrics_Single_File(base_path = base_path, cellranger_multi = cellranger_multi)
} else {
metrics_data <- Metrics_Single_File_v9plus(base_path = base_path, cellranger_multi = cellranger_multi)
# Confirm directory exists
if (dir.exists(paths = base_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory: {.val {base_path}} specified by {.code base_path} does not exist.")
# Detect libraries if lib_list is NULL
if (is.null(x = lib_list)) {
lib_list <- list.dirs(path = base_path, full.names = F, recursive = F)
# Add file path for 10X default directories
if (isTRUE(x = default_10X) && !is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
cli_abort(message = "If {.code default_10X_path = TRUE} then {.code secondary_path} must be NULL.")
if (isTRUE(x = default_10X)) {
if (isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
secondary_path <- "outs/per_sample_outs/"
} else {
secondary_path <- "outs/"
if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
secondary_path <- ""
# Check if full directory path exists
for (i in 1:length(x = lib_list)) {
full_directory_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[i], secondary_path)
if (dir.exists(paths = full_directory_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Full Directory does not exist {.val {full_directory_path}} was not found.")
if (isTRUE(x = cellranger_multi)) {
if (is.null(x = secondary_path)) {
s1_file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[1])
} else {
s1_file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[1], secondary_path, lib_list[1])
modalities <- read.csv(file = file.path(s1_file_path, "metrics_summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = F)$Library.Type %>%
if ("Gene Expression" %in% modalities) {
multi_gex_metrics <- Metrics_Multi_GEX(lib_list = lib_list, base_path = base_path, secondary_path = secondary_path, lib_names = lib_names)
if ("VDJ T" %in% modalities) {
multi_vdjt_metrics <- Metrics_Multi_VDJT(lib_list = lib_list, base_path = base_path, secondary_path = secondary_path, lib_names = lib_names)
# Return data
data_list <- list(
multi_gex_metrics = multi_gex_metrics,
multi_vdjt_metrics = multi_vdjt_metrics
} else {
temp_csv <- read.csv(file = file.path(base_path, lib_list[1], secondary_path))
if (ncol(x = temp_csv) > nrow(x = temp_csv)) {
count_gex_metrics <- Metrics_Count_GEX(lib_list = lib_list, base_path = base_path, secondary_path = secondary_path, lib_names = lib_names)
} else {
count_gex_metrics <- Metrics_Count_GEX_v9plus(lib_list = lib_list, base_path = base_path, secondary_path = secondary_path, lib_names = lib_names)
#' Read Overall Statistics from CellBender
#' Get data.frame with all metrics from the CellBender `remove-background` analysis.
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the sub-directories of interest or
#' path to single metrics csv file.
#' @param lib_list a list of sample names (matching directory names) to import. If `NULL` will read
#' in all samples in parent directory.
#' @param lib_names a set of sample names to use for each sample. If `NULL` will set names to the
#' directory name of each sample.
#' @return A data frame with sample metrics from CellBender.
#' @import cli
#' @import pbapply
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CB_metrics <- Read_Metrics_CellBender(base_path = "/path/to/directories")
#' }
Read_Metrics_CellBender <- function(
lib_list = NULL,
lib_names = NULL
) {
# single file vs. multi-sample
if (length(x = grep(pattern = "\\.csv", x = base_path, value = TRUE)) > 0) {
if (file.exists(base_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Metrics file: {.val {base_path}} specified by {.code base_path} does not exist.")
} else {
# read in metrics file
raw_data_single <- read.csv(file = base_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
# Move statistic names to rownames and transpose
raw_data_single <- raw_data_single %>%
column_to_rownames("V1") %>%
t() %>%
# Add sample name
file_name <- basename(path = base_path)
sample_name <- gsub(pattern = "_out_metrics.csv", replacement = "", x = file_name)
rownames(raw_data_single) <- sample_name
raw_data_single <- cbind(sample_id = sample_name, raw_data_single)
# return the new raw_data data.frame
# Confirm directory exists
if (dir.exists(paths = base_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory: {.val {base_path}} specified by {.code base_path} does not exist.")
# Detect libraries if lib_list is NULL
if (is.null(x = lib_list)) {
lib_list <- list.dirs(path = base_path, full.names = F, recursive = F)
# Check if full directory path exists
for (i in 1:length(x = lib_list)) {
full_directory_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[i])
if (dir.exists(paths = full_directory_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Full Directory does not exist {.val {full_directory_path}} was not found.")
cli_inform(message = "Reading {.field CellBender} Metrics for {.field {length(lib_list)} samples}.")
raw_data_list <- pblapply(1:length(x = lib_list), function(x) {
# get directory path
file_path <- file.path(base_path, lib_list[x])
# full path with file name
full_path <- file.path(file_path, paste0(lib_list[x], "_out_metrics.csv"))
# read in metrics file
raw_data <- read.csv(file = full_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
# Move statistic names to rownames and transpose
raw_data <- raw_data %>%
column_to_rownames("V1") %>%
t() %>%
# return the new raw_data data.frame
# Name the list items
if (is.null(x = lib_names)) {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_list
} else {
names(x = raw_data_list) <- lib_names
# Combine the list and add sample_id column
full_data <- bind_rows(raw_data_list, .id = "sample_id")
# replace nonsense with sample_id as well
rownames(x = full_data) <- full_data$sample_id
#################### READ Utilities ####################
#' Pull Directory List
#' Enables easy listing of all sub-directories for use as input library lists in Read10X multi functions.
#' @param base_path path to the parent directory which contains all of the subdirectories of interest.
#' @return A vector of sub-directories within `base_path`.
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @concept read_&_write
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_dir <- 'path/to/data/directory'
#' library_list <- Pull_Directory_List(base_path = data_dir)
#' }
Pull_Directory_List <- function(
) {
# Confirm directory exists
if (dir.exists(paths = base_path) == FALSE) {
cli_abort(message = "Directory: {.val base_path} specified by {.code base_path} does not exist.")
# Pull sub-directory list
dir_list <- list.dirs(path = base_path, full.names = F, recursive = F)
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