
Defines functions fileDef requirements docker output input .is_required getFields

Documented in docker fileDef input output requirements

# 01 - CWL Generics ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Class CWL
#' Define CWL class and generic methods, no fields defeind.
#' @aliases CWL-class
#' @export CWL
#' @exportClass CWL
#' @rdname CWL
#' @examples
#' # no fields, only to provide methods to be extended
#' x <- CWL()
CWL <- setRefClass(
  methods = list(
    getFields = function(values) {
      "Return fields as a list, used for following conversion, does not assume the value is a primitive type."
      # from Martin's code
      flds <- names(getRefClass()$fields())
      if (!missing(values)) {
        flds <- flds[flds %in% values]
      result <- setNames(vector("list", length(flds)), flds)
      for (fld in flds)
        result[[fld]] <- .self[[fld]]

    toList = function(...) {
      "Convert object to a list of simple data types"
      # simple assumption here
      # need to be override to make sure everything is list
      res <- .self$getFields(...)
      res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
        asList(x) # until it's not s4 or cwl or SimpleLi
      # mark unbox
      # recurseively jsonlite::unbox single string for JSON
      # need to test YAML
      res <- rapply(res, function(x) {
        if (!is(x, "scalar") &&
          (is.character(x) ||
            is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x))) {
          if (length(x) == 1) {
            if (!inherits(x, "DSCList") && !is(x, "box")) {
            } else {
          } else if (is.character(x) && length(x) == 0) {
            # need to avoid type in cwl
          } else {
        } else if (is(x, "SingleEnum")) {
        } else {
      }, how = "replace")


    toYAML = function(...) {
      "Covert object to YAML"
      l <- .self$toList()
      yaml::as.yaml(l, ...)

    toJSON = function(...) {
      "Covert object to JSON"
      l <- .self$toList()
      jsonlite::toJSON(l, ...)

    show = function(format = c("YAML", "JSON"), ...) {
      "pretty print YAML (default) or JSON format of an object"
      format <- match.arg(format)
        YAML = {
          err <- try(writeLines(toYAML(...)),
            silent = TRUE
          if (inherits(err, "try-error")) {
        JSON = {
          err <- try(print(prettify(
          )), silent = TRUE)
          if (inherits(err, "try-error")) {

#' Convert a object slots/fields to a list, json, or yaml file
#' Doesn't like \code{as.list}, only fields and slots are converted,
#' prepare a object to be conveted to YAML/JSON.
#' @param object object, could be S4/R5 object.
#' For example, class CWL, SimpleList.
#' @param ... other parameters passed to \code{as.yaml} or \code{toJSON}.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname as-methods
#' @return a list object or json or yaml file.
#' @examples
#' # define a S4 object
#' A <- setClass("A", slots = list(a = "character", b = "numeric"))
#' # define a reference object which extends 'CWL' class
#' B <- setRefClass("B", fields = list(x = "character", y = "A"), contains = "CWL")
#' # new instances
#' a <- A(a = "hello", b = 123)
#' b <- B(x = "world", y = a)
#' # show
#' b
#' b$show("JSON")
#' b$show("YAML")
#' # You can convert slots/fields into a list
#' asList(a)
#' asList(b)
#' b$toList()
#' b$toYAML()
#' b$toJSON()
setGeneric("asList", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("asList"))

#' @rdname as-methods
#' @aliases asList,ANY-method
setMethod("asList", "ANY", function(object, ...) {
  if (is(object, "envRefClass")) {
    res <- .getFields(object)
    res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
  } else if (isS4(object)) {
    # get slots as list
    res <- getFields(object)
    res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
  } else {
    res <- object

getFields <- function(x, values) {
  .nms <- slotNames(x)
  if (!missing(values)) {
    .nms <- .nms[.nms %in% values]
  res <- setNames(vector("list", length(.nms)), .nms)
  for (nm in .nms)
    res[[nm]] <- slot(x, nm)

#' @rdname as-methods
#' @aliases asList,CWL-method
setMethod("asList", "CWL", function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname as-methods
#' @aliases asList,SingleEnum-method
setMethod("asList", "SingleEnum", function(object, ...) {
  # sorry object, I have to make you a character ...

#' @rdname as-methods
#' @aliases asList,SimpleList-method
setMethod("asList", "SimpleList", function(object, ...) {
  if (length(object)) {
    res <- lapply(object, asList)
  } else {
    res <- list()

#' DSC list
#' Contains DataypeSingleEnum, Schema, character
#' @param \dots element or list of the element.
#' @export DSCList
#' @exportClass DSCList
#' @return a DSCList
#' @aliases DSCList DSCList-class
#' @examples
#' DSCList("test", DatatypeEnum(), Schema())
DSCList <- setListClass("DSC")

#' @rdname as-methods
#' @aliases asList,DSCList-method
setMethod("asList", "DSCList", function(object, ...) {
  if (length(object) == 1 && is.character(object[[1]])) {
    if (length(object[[1]]) == 1) {
    } else {
  if (length(object)) {
    res <- lapply(object, function(x) {
      if (is.character(x)) {
        if (length(x) == 1) {
          # double check, do not unbox it.
          r <- unbox(x)
        } else {
          r <- x
      } else if (is(x, "ItemArray")) {
        if (is(x$items, "enum")) {
          r <- list(
            type = as.character(x$type),
            items = x$items$toList()
        } else {
          r <- list(
            items = as.character(x$items),
            type = as.character(x$type)
      } else if (is(x, "enum")) {
        r <- list(
          name = as.character(x$name),
          symbols = as.character(x$symbols),
          type = as.character(x$type)
      } else {
        r <- x
  } else {
    res <- list()

# 02 - Schema ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' SchemaList
#' @aliases SchemaList-class
#' @param \dots element or list of the element.
#' @export SchemaList
#' @exportClass SchemaList
#' @rdname Schema
#' @aliases ScehmaList
SchemaList <- setListClass("Schema")

#' Schema Class
#' A schema defines a parameter type.
#' @field type (ANY) The data type of this parameter.
#' @field fields [SchemaList] When type is record, defines the fields of the
#' record.
#' @field symbols [character] When type is enum, defines the set of valid symbols.
#' @field items [ANY] When type is array, defines the type of the array
#' elements.
#' @field values [ANY] When type is map, defines the value type for the
#' key/value pairs.
#' @export Schema
#' @exportClass Schema
#' @rdname Schema
#' @aliases Schema
#' @examples
#' Schema(fields = SchemaList(SchemaDef(name = "schema")))
Schema <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  fields = list(
    type = "DSCList",
    fields = "SchemaList",
    symbols = "characterORNULL",
    items = "ANY",
    values = "ANY"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(type = "", ...) {
      if (is(type, "DSCList")) {
        type <<- type
      } else {
        if (is.character(type)) {
          .type <- deType(type)
        } else {
          .type <- type
        type <<- DSCList(.type)

#' SchemaDef Class
#' @export SchemaDef
#' @exportClass SchemaDef
#' @rdname Schema
#' @aliases SchemaDef
SchemaDef <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Schema",
  fields = list(name = "characterORNULL")

# 03 - Datatype ----------------------------------------------------------------

.CWL.Primitive <- c(
  "null", # no value
  "boolean", # a binary value
  "int", # 32-bit signed integer
  "long", # 64-bit signed integer
  "float", # single precision (32-bit)
  "double", # double precision (64-bit)
  "bytes", # sequence of uninterpreted 8-bit unsigned bytes
  "string" # unicode character sequence

.CWL.Complex <- c(
  "record", # An object with one or more fields defined by name and type
  "enum", # A value from a finite set of symbolic values
  "array", # An ordered sequence of values
  "map" # An unordered collection of key/value pairs

#' Pre-defiend enums
#' Please check \code{cwl:::.CWL.Pritimive}, \code{cwl:::.CWL.Complex}.
#' @rdname Enum
#' @export PrimitiveEnum
#' @exportClass PrimitiveSingleEnum
#' @examples
#' PrimitiveEnum()
#' PrimitiveEnum("boolean")
#' ComplexEnum("record")
#' DatatypeEnum("map")
PrimitiveEnum <- setSingleEnum("Primitive", levels = .CWL.Primitive)

#' @rdname Enum
#' @aliases ComplexEnum
#' @export ComplexEnum
#' @exportClass ComplexSingleEnum
ComplexEnum <- setSingleEnum("Complex", levels = .CWL.Complex)

#' @rdname Enum
#' @aliases DatatypeEnum
#' @export DatatypeEnum
#' @exportClass DatatypeSingleEnum
DatatypeEnum <- setSingleEnum(
  levels = c(.CWL.Primitive, .CWL.Complex, "File")

#' @rdname Enum
#' @aliases enum
#' @export enum
#' @exportClass enum
enum <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  fields = list(
    name = "character",
    symbols = "character",
    type = "character"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(
                              name = NULL,
                              symbols = NULL,
                              type = "enum") {
      if (is.list(symbols)) {
        .self$symbols <<- as.character(symbols)
      } else {
        .self$symbols <<- symbols
      name <<- name
      type <<- type

setClassUnion("DatatypeSingleEnumORenum", c("DatatypeSingleEnum", "enum"))

#' @rdname Enum
#' @aliases ItemArray
#' @export ItemArray
#' @exportClass ItemArray
ItemArray <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  fields = list(
    items = "DatatypeSingleEnumORenum",
    name = "characterORNULL",
    type = "character"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(
                              items = "",
                              name = NULL,
                              type = "array") {
      type <<- type
      name <<- name

      if ("type" %in% names(items) && items$type == "enum") {
        items <<- do.call(enum, items)
      } else {
        items <<- DatatypeEnum(deType(items))

# TODO: singleEnum <> Enum
setClassUnion("DSC", c("DatatypeSingleEnum", "Schema", "character", "ItemArray", "enum"))

# 04 - File --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' FileList Class
#' @rdname File-class
#' @aliases FileList-class
#' @param \dots element or list of the element.
#' @export FileList
#' @exportClass FileList
FileList <- setListClass("File")

#' File Class
#' @field class (character) Must be File to indicate this object
#' describes a file.
#' @field path (character) The path to the file.
#' @field checksum [character] Optional hash code for validating file
#' integrity. Currently must be in the form "sha1$ + hexidecimal
#' string" using the SHA-1 algorithm.
#' @field size [numeric] Optional file size.
#' @field secondaryFile [FileList] A list of additional files that are
#' associated with the primary file and must be transferred alongside
#' the primary file. Examples include indexes of the primary file, or
#' external references which must be included when loading primary
#' document. A file object listed in secondaryFiles may itself include
#' secondaryFiles for which the same rules apply.
#' @return File class generator
#' @export File
#' @exportClass File
#' @rdname File-class
#' @examples
#' library(jsonlite)
#' library(yaml)
#' f1 <- File()
#' f2 <- File(path = "./out.bam", checksum = "test",
#'            size = 3L, secondaryFile = FileList(File(path = "./out.bai")))
#' fl <- FileList(f1, f2)
#' asList(fl)
#' f1
#' f2
#' fl
File <- setRefClass(

  contains = "CWL",

  fields = list(
    class = "characterORNULL",
    path = "characterORNULL",
    checksum = "characterORNULL",
    size = "numericORNULL", # integer has small limit
    secondaryFile = "FileList"

  methods = list(
    initialize = function(class = "File", ...) {
      class <<- class

# 05 - Expression --------------------------------------------------------------

setClass("JsonPointer", contains = "VIRTUAL")
setClassUnion("JsonPointerORcharacter", c("JsonPointer", "character"))

#' Expression Class
#' Define an expression that will be evaluated and used to modify the
#' behavior of a tool or workflow. See Expressions for more
#' information about expressions and ExpressionEngineRequirement for
#' information on how to define a expression engine.
#' @field engine (JsonPointerORcharacter) Either cwl:JsonPointer or a
#' reference to an ExpressionEngineRequirement defining which engine
#' to use.
#' @field script (character) The code to be executed by the expression
#' engine.
#' @export Expression
#' @exportClass Expression
#' @examples
#' Expression(engine = "#cwl-js-engine", script = "$job.inputs['threads']")
Expression <- setRefClass(

  contains = "CWL",

  fields = list(
    engine = "JsonPointerORcharacter",
    script = "characterORNULL",
    class = "characterORNULL"

  methods = list(
    initialize = function(
                              script = NULL,
                              engine = "#cwl-js-engine",
                              class = "Expression") {
      script <<- script
      engine <<- engine
      class <<- class

setClassUnion("ExpressionORNULL", c("Expression", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("characterORExpression", c("character", "Expression"))
setClassUnion("integerORExpression", c("integer", "Expression"))
setClassUnion("characterORExpressionORNULL", c("character", "Expression", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("characterORExpressionORlistORNULL", c("character", "Expression", "list", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("integerORcharacterORExpressionORNULL", c("integer", "character", "Expression", "NULL")) # for CWL v1.0 - coresMin, ramMin

# 06 - ProcessRequirement ------------------------------------------------------

#' ProcessRequirement Class
#' @section ProcessRequirement:
#' \describe{ A process requirement
#' modifies the semantics or runtime environment of a process. If an
#' implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is
#' listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal
#' error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process,
#' unless overridden at user option.
#' \item{\code{class}}{(character) The specific requirement type.}
#' }
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @export ProcessRequirement
#' @exportClass ProcessRequirement
#' @return a ProcessRequirement object or subclass object.
#' @examples
#' dkr <- DockerRequirement(dockerImageId = "testid")
#' cfr <- CreateFileRequirement(fileDef = FileDefList(FileDef(filename = "hello.txt")))
#' sfr <- SubworkflowFeatureRequirement()
#' evr <- EnvVarRequirement(envDef = EnvironmentDefList(
#'   EnvironmentDef(envName = "path", envValue = "testpath")
#' ))
#' safr <- ScatterFeatureRequirement()
#' eer <- ExpressionEngineRequirement(id = "hello")
#' ProcessRequirementList(dkr, cfr, sfr, evr, safr, eer)
ProcessRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = c("VIRTUAL", "CWL"),
  field = list(class = "character")

#' DockerRequirement Class
#' @section DockerRequirement Class:
#' \describe{
#' Indicates that a workflow component should be run in a Docker
#' container, and specifies how to fetch or build the image.
#' If a CommandLineTool lists DockerRequirement under hints or
#' requirements, it may (or must) be run in the specified Docker
#' container. The platform must first acquire or install the correct
#' Docker image, as described by DockerRequirement. The platform must
#' execute the tool in the container using docker run with the
#' appropriate Docker image and the tool command line. The workflow
#' platform may provide input files and the designated output
#' directory through the use of volume bind mounts. The platform may
#' rewrite file paths in the input object to correspond to the Docker
#' bind mounted locations. When running a tool contained in Docker,
#' the workflow platform must not assume anything about the contents
#' of the Docker container,such as the presence or absence of specific
#' software, except to assume that the generated command line
#' represents a valid command within the runtime environment of the
#' container.
#' \item{\code{dockerPull}}{(character) Get a Docker image using
#' docker pull}
#' \item{\code{dockerLoad}}{(character) Specify a HTTP URL from which
#' to download a Docker image using docker load.}
#' \item{\code{dockerFile}}{(character) Supply the contents of a
#' Dockerfile which will be build using docker build.}
#' \item{\code{dockerImageId}}{(character) The image id that will be
#' used for docker run. May be a human-readable image name or the
#' image identifier hash. May be skipped if dockerPull is specified,
#' in which case the dockerPull image id will be used.}
#' \item{\code{dockerOutputDirectory}}{(character) Set the designated
#' output directory to a specific location inside the Docker
#' container.}
#' }
#' @export DockerRequirement
#' @exportClass DockerRequirement
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases DockerRequirement
DockerRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(
    dockerPull = "characterORNULL",
    dockerLoad = "characterORNULL",
    dockerFile = "characterORNULL",
    dockerImageId = "characterORNULL",
    dockerOutputDirectory = "characterORNULL"
  method = list(
    initialize = function(
                              class = "DockerRequirement",
                              ...) {
      class <<- class

#' @section SubworkflowFeatureRequirement Class:
#' Indicates that the workflow platform must support nested workflows
#' in the run field of (WorkflowStep)(#workflowstep).
#' @export SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
#' @exportClass SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
SubworkflowFeatureRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  method = list(
    initialize = function(
                              class = "SubworkflowFeatureRequirement",
                              ...) {
      class <<- class

#' @section FileDef Class:
#' \describe{
#' Define a file that must be placed by in the designated output
#' directory prior to executing the command line tool. May be the
#' result of executing an expression, such as building a configuration
#' file from a template.
#' \item{\code{filename}}{(characterORExpression) The name of the file
#' to create in the output directory.}
#' \item{\code{fileContent}}{(characterORExpression) If the value is a
#' string literal or an expression which evalutes to a string, a new
#' file must be created with the string as the file contents. If the
#' value is an expression that evaluates to a File object, this
#' indicates the referenced file should be added to the designated
#' output directory prior to executing the tool. Files added in this
#' way may be read-only, and may be implemented through bind mounts or
#' file system links in such a way as to avoid unecessary copying of
#' the input file.}
#' }
#' @export FileDef
#' @exportClass FileDef
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
FileDef <- setRefClass(
  fields = list(
    filename = "characterORExpressionORNULL",
    fileContent = "characterORExpressionORNULL"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(filename = NULL, fileContent = NULL) {
      if (is.list(filename)) {
        filename <<- do.call(Expression, filename)
      } else {
        filename <<- filename
      if (is.list(fileContent)) {
        fileContent <<- do.call(Expression, fileContent)
      } else {
        fileContent <<- fileContent

#' @export FileDefList
#' @exportClass FileDefList
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases FileDefList FileDefList-class
FileDefList <- setListClass("FileDef")

#' @section CreateFileRequirement Class:
#' \describe{
#' Define a list of files that must be created and placed by the
#' workflow platform in the designated output directory prior to
#' executing the command line tool. See FileDef for details.
#' \item{\code{fileDef}}{(FileDefList) The list of files.}
#' }
#' @export CreateFileRequirement
#' @exportClass CreateFileRequirement
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases CreateFileRequirement
CreateFileRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(
    fileDef = "FileDefList"
  method = list(
    initialize = function(
                              class = "CreateFileRequirement",
                              ...) {
      class <<- class

#' @section EnvironmentDef Class:
#' \describe{
#' Define an environment variable that will be set in the runtime
#' environment by the workflow platform when executing the command
#' line tool. May be the result of executing an expression, such as
#' getting a parameter from input.
#' \item{\code{envName}}{(character) The environment variable name. }
#' \item{\code{envValue}}{(characterORExpression) The environment
#' variable value.}
#' }
#' @export EnvironmentDef
#' @exportClass EnvironmentDef
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases EnvironmentDef
EnvironmentDef <- setRefClass(
  fields = list(
    envName = "characterORNULL",
    envValue = "characterORExpression"

#' @param \dots element or list of the element.
#' @export EnvironmentDefList
#' @exportClass EnvironmentDefList
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases EnvironmentDefList EnvironmentDefList-class
EnvironmentDefList <- setListClass("EnvironmentDef")

#' @section EnvVarRequirement Class:
#' \describe{
#' Define a list of environment variables which will be set in the
#' execution environment of the tool. See EnvironmentDef for details.
#' \item{\code{envDef}}{(EnvironmentDefList) The list of environment
#' variables.}
#' }
#' @export EnvVarRequirement
#' @exportClass EnvVarRequirement
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases EnvVarRequirement
EnvVarRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(envDef = "EnvironmentDefList"),
  method = list(
    initialize = function(
                              class = "EnvVarRequirement",
                              ...) {
      class <<- class

#' @section ScatterFeatureRequirement Class:
#' Indicates that the workflow platform must support the scatter and
#' scatterMethod fields of (WorkflowStep)(#workflowstep).
#' @export ScatterFeatureRequirement
#' @exportClass ScatterFeatureRequirement
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases ScatterFeatureRequirement
ScatterFeatureRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  method = list(
    initialize = function(
                              class = "ScatterFeatureRequirement",
                              ...) {
      class <<- class

#' ProcessRequirementList
#' @aliases ProcessRequirementList-class
#' @export ProcessRequirementList
#' @exportClass ProcessRequirementList
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
ProcessRequirementList <- setListClass("ProcessRequirement")

#' @section ExpressionEngineRequirement Class:
#' \describe{
#' Define an expression engine, as described in Expressions.
#' \item{\code{id}}{(character) Used to identify the expression engine in the
#' engine field of Expressions.}
#' \item{\code{requirements}}{[ProcessRequirement]Requirements to run this
#' expression engine, such as DockerRequirement for specifying a
#' container with the engine.}
#' \item{\code{engineCommand}}{ [character] The command line to invoke the
#' expression engine.}
#' \item{\code{engineConfig}}{ [character] Additional configuration or code
#' fragments that will also be passed to the expression engine. The
#' semantics of this field are defined by the underlying expression
#' engine. Intended for uses such as providing function definitions
#' that will be called from CWL expressions.}
#' }
#' @export  ExpressionEngineRequirement
#' @exportClass ExpressionEngineRequirement
#' @rdname ProcessRequirement
#' @aliases ExpressionEngineRequirement
ExpressionEngineRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(
    id = "characterORNULL",
    requirements = "ProcessRequirementList",
    engineCommand = "characterORNULL",
    engineConfig = "characterORNULL"
  method = list(
    initialize = function(
                              class = "ExpressionEngineRequirement",
                              ...) {
      class <<- class

# 07 - Process -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' SchemaDefList
#' @aliases SchemaDefList-class
#' @export SchemaDefList
#' @exportClass SchemaDefList
#' @rdname Schema
#' @aliases SchemaDefList
SchemaDefList <- setListClass("SchemaDef")

  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(types = "SchemaDefList")

# 08 - Binding -----------------------------------------------------------------

# setListClass("characterORExpression")

#' Binding
#' @field loadContents [logical] Only applies when type is File. Read
#' up to the first 64 KiB of text from the file and place it in the
#' "contents" field of the file object for manipulation by
#' expressions.
#' @field secondaryFiles [] Only applies when type is File. Describes
#' files that must be included alongside the primary file. If the
#' value is Expression, the context of the expression is the input or
#' output File parameter to which this binding applies. Where the
#' value is a string, it specifies that the following pattern should
#' be applied to the primary file: If string begins with one or more
#' caret characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension
#' from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If
#' there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.  Append the
#' remainder of the string to the end of the file path.
#' @export Binding
#' @exportClass Binding
#' @rdname Binding
#' @examples
#' Binding(loadContents = TRUE, secondaryFiles = "./test.txt")
Binding <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  method = list(
    initialize = function(loadContents = NULL,
                              secondaryFiles = NULL, ...) {
      if (is.character(secondaryFiles)) {
        secondaryFiles <<- set_box(secondaryFiles)
      } else {
        secondaryFiles <<- secondaryFiles
      loadContents <<- loadContents
  fields = list(
    loadContents = "logicalORlistORNULL",
    secondaryFiles = "characterORExpressionORlistORNULL" # FIXME: should be a list

setClassUnion("BindingORNULL", c("Binding", "NULL"))

# 09 - Parameter ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Paramter class (reference class)
#' Define an input or output parameter to a process.
#' @field type [ANY] Specify valid types of data that may be assigned
#' to this parameter.
#' @field label [character] A short, human-readable label of this
#' parameter object.
#' @field description [character] A long, human-readable description
#' of this parameter object.
#' @field streamable [logical] Currently only applies if type is
#' File. A value of true indicates that the file is read or written
#' sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag
#' to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a
#' named pipe. Default: false.
#' @field default [ANY] The default value for this parameter if not
#' provided in the input object.
#' @export Parameter
#' @exportClass Parameter
#' @rdname Parameter
#' @return Parameter object
#' @examples
#' Parameter(
#'   type = "integer", label = "thread",
#'   description = "Specify the thread #",
#'   default = 0
#' )
#' ipl <- InputParameterList(
#'   InputParameter(
#'     id = "BAM", type = "File",
#'     label = "input bam",
#'     description = "input bam",
#'     inputBinding = CommandLineBinding(
#'       position = 1L
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   InputParameter(
#'     id = "level", type = "Integer",
#'     label = "Compression level",
#'     description = "Compression level",
#'     inputBinding = CommandLineBinding(
#'       position = 2L,
#'       prefix = "-l"
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' ipl
Parameter <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  fields = list(
    type = "DSCList",
    label = "characterORNULL",
    description = "characterORNULL",
    streamable = "logical",
    default = "ANY"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(..., type = "",
                              streamable = FALSE,
                              default = NULL) {
      if (is(type, "DSCList")) {
        type <<- type
      } else {
        .type <- type
        type <<- DSCList(.type)
      streamable <<- streamable
      default <<- default

#' InputParameterList
#' @aliases InputParameterList InputParameterList-class
#' @param \dots element or list of the element.
#' @export InputParameterList
#' @exportClass InputParameterList
#' @rdname Parameter
InputParameterList <- setListClass("InputParameter")

#' OutputParameterList
#' @aliases OutputParameterList OutputParameterList-class
#' @export OutputParameterList
#' @exportClass OutputParameterList
#' @rdname Parameter
OutputParameterList <- setListClass("OutputParameter")

#' Process Class
#' The base executable type in CWL is the Process object defined by
#' the document. Note that the Process object is abstract and cannot
#' be directly executed.
#' @field id [character] The unique identifier for this process
#' object.
#' @field inputs (InputParameterList) Defines the input parameters of
#' the process. The process is ready to run when all required input
#' parameters are associated with concrete values. Input parameters
#' include a schema for each parameter and is used to validate the
#' input object, it may also be used build a user interface for
#' constructing the input object.
#' @field outputs (OutputParameterList) Defines the parameters
#' representing the output of the process. May be used to generate
#' and/or validate the output object.
#' @field requirements [ProcessRequirementList] Declares requirements
#' that apply to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine
#' that must be met in order to execute this process. If an
#' implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is
#' listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal
#' error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process,
#' unless overridden at user option.
#' @field hints [ANY] Declares hints applying to either the runtime
#' environment or the workflow engine that may be helpful in executing
#' this process. It is not an error if an implementation cannot
#' satisfy all hints, however the implementation may report a warning.
#' @field label [character] A short, human-readable label of this
#' process object.
#' @field description [character] A long, human-readable description
#' of this process object.
#' @export Process
#' @exportClass Process
#' @rdname Process
#' @examples
#' ipl <- InputParameterList(
#'   InputParameter(
#'     id = "BAM", type = "File",
#'     label = "input bam",
#'     description = "input bam",
#'     inputBinding = CommandLineBinding(
#'       position = 1L
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   InputParameter(
#'     id = "level", type = "Integer",
#'     label = "Compression level",
#'     description = "Compression level",
#'     inputBinding = CommandLineBinding(
#'       position = 2L,
#'       prefix = "-l"
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' ipl
#' p <- Process(id = "process", inputs = ipl)
#' p
Process <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  fields = list(
    id = "characterORNULL",
    inputs = "InputParameterList",
    outputs = "OutputParameterList",
    requirements = "ProcessRequirementList",
    hints = "ProcessRequirementList",
    label = "characterORNULL",
    description = "characterORNULL"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(id = "", ...) {
      id <<- addIdNum(id)

#' InputSchema Class
#' @field inputBinding [Binding] Describes how to handle a value in
#' the input object convert it into a concrete form for execution,
#' such as command line parameters.
#' @export InputSchema
#' @exportClass InputSchema
#' @rdname Schema
#' @aliases InputSchema
#' @return a Schema object or sbuclass object.
InputSchema <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Schema",
  fields = list(inputBinding = "Binding")

#' OutputSchema Class
#' @export OutputSchema
#' @exportClass OutputSchema
#' @rdname Schema
#' @aliases OutputSchema
OutputSchema <- setRefClass("OutputSchema", contains = "Schema")

#' InputParameter Class
#' @field id (character) The unique identifier for this parameter object.
#' @field inputBinding [Binding] Describes how to handle the inputs of
#' a process and convert them into a concrete form for execution, such
#' as command line parameters.
#' @export InputParameter
#' @exportClass InputParameter
#' @rdname Parameter
#' @aliases InputParameter InputParameter-class
InputParameter <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Parameter",
  fields = list(
    id = "characterORNULL",
    inputBinding = "BindingORNULL"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(id = "", ...) {
      id <<- addIdNum(id)

#' OutputParameter Class
#' @field id (character) The unique identifier for this parameter object.
#' @export OutputParameter
#' @exportClass OutputParameter
#' @rdname Parameter
#' @aliases OutputParameter OutputParameter-class
OutputParameter <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Parameter",
  fields = list(id = "characterORNULL"),
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(id = "", ...) {
      id <<- addIdNum(id)

# 10 - ExpressionTool (FIXME) --------------------------------------------------

#' ExpressionTool Class
#' Execute an expression as a process step.
#' @field expression (Expression) The expression to execute. The
#' expression must return a JSON object which matches the output
#' parameters of the ExpressionTool.
#' @export ExpressionTool
#' @exportClass ExpressionTool
#' @examples
#' ExpressionTool(
#'   expression =
#'     Expression(
#'       engine = "cwl:JsonPointer",
#'       script = "$job.inputs['threads']"
#'     )
#' )

ExpressionTool <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Process",
  fields = list(
    class = "character",
    expression = "Expression"
  method = list(
    initialize = function(class = "ExpressionTool", ...) {
      class <<- class

# 11 - CommandLineTool ---------------------------------------------------------

#' CommandLineBinding Class
#' When listed under inputBinding in the input schema, the term
#' "value" refers to the the corresponding value in the input
#' object. For binding objects listed in CommandLineTool.arguments,
#' the term "value" refers to the effective value after evaluating
#' valueFrom.
#' @details The binding behavior when building the command line
#' depends on the data type of the value. If there is a mismatch
#' between the type described by the input schema and the effective
#' value, such as resulting from an expression evaluation, an
#' implementation must use the data type of the effective value.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{character}{Add prefix and the string to the command line.}
#'   \item{numeric}{Add prefix and decimal representation to command line.}
#'   \item{logical}{If true, add prefix to the command line. If false,
#' add nothing.}
#'   \item{File}{Add prefix and the value of File.path to the command line.}
#'   \item{*Array}{If itemSeparator is specified, add prefix and the join the
#'   array into a single string with itemSeparator separating the items.
#'   Otherwise add prefix and recursively add individual elements.}
#' \item{*object}{Add prefix only, and recursively add object fields for
#' which inputBinding is specified.}
#'  \item{null}{Add nothing.}
#' }
#' @field position [integer] The sorting key. Default position is 0.
#' @field prefix [character] Command line prefix to add before the value.
#' @field separate [logical] If true (default) then the prefix and
#' value must be added as separate command line arguments; if false,
#' prefix and value must be concatenated into a single command line
#' argument.
#' @field itemSeparator [character] Join the array elements into a
#' single string with the elements separated by by itemSeparator.
#' @field valueFrom [characterOrExpression] If valueFrom is a constant
#' string value, use this as the value and apply the binding rules
#' above. If valueFrom is an expression, evaluate the expression to
#' yield the actual value to use to build the command line and apply
#' the binding rules above. If the inputBinding is associated with an
#' input parameter, the "context" of the expression will be the value
#' of the input parameter. When a binding is part of the
#' CommandLineTool.arguments field, the valueFrom field is required.
#' @export CommandLineBinding
#' @exportClass CommandLineBinding
#' @examples
#' CommandLineBinding(position = 1L, prefix = "-l")
CommandLineBinding <- setRefClass(
  contains = c("Binding", "CWL"),
  fields = list(
    position = "integerORNULL",
    # order       = "integerORNULL",  # not exist in CWL specification
    prefix = "characterORNULL",
    separate = "logical",
    itemSeparator = "characterORNULL",
    valueFrom = "characterORExpressionORNULL",
    shellQuote = "logicalORNULL" # added in CWL v1.0
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(
                              position = 0L,
                              separate = TRUE,
                              valueFrom = NULL,
                              order = NULL, # hack to pass order
                              inputBinding = NULL, # hack to pass inputBinding
                              ...) {
      if (is.list(valueFrom)) {
        valueFrom <<- do.call(Expression, valueFrom)
      } else {
        valueFrom <<- valueFrom
      position <<- as.integer(position)
      separate <<- separate
      # order  <<- order

  c("character", "CommandLineBinding")

#' characterORCommandLineBindingList Class
#' @param \dots element or list of the element.
#' @export CCBList
#' @exportClass characterORCommandLineBindingList
#' @aliases CCBList characterORCommandLineBindingList-class
#' @return CCBList
#' @examples
#' CCBList("-o output.bam")
CCBList <- setListClass("characterORCommandLineBinding")

#' CommandLineTool Class
#' A CommandLineTool process is a process implementation for executing
#' a non-interactive application in a POSIX environment. To help
#' accomodate of the enormous variety in syntax and semantics for
#' input, runtime environment, invocation, and output of arbitrary
#' programs, CommandLineTool provides the concept of "input binding"
#' to describe how to translate input parameters to an actual program
#' invocation, and "output binding" to describe how generate output
#' parameters from program output.
#' @section Input binding:
#' The tool command line is built by applying command line bindings to
#' the input object. Bindings are listed either as part of an input
#' parameter using the inputBinding field, or separately using the
#' arguments field of the CommandLineTool.
#' The algorithm to build the command line is as follows. In this
#' algorithm, the sort key is a list consisting of one or more numeric
#' and string elements. Strings are sorted lexicographically based on
#' UTF-8 encoding.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{}{Collect CommandLineBinding objects from arguments. Assign a
#' sorting key [position, i] where position is
#' CommandLineBinding.position and the i is the index in the arguments
#' list.}
#' \item{}{Collect CommandLineBinding objects from the inputs schema
#' and associate them with values from the input object. Where the
#' input type is a record, array, or map, recursively walk the schema
#' and input object, collecting nested CommandLineBinding objects and
#' associating them with values from the input object.  }
#' \item{}{Assign a sorting key for each leaf binding object by appending
#' nested position fields together with the array index, or map key of
#' the data at each nesting level. If two bindings have the same
#' position, the tie must be broken using the lexographic ordering of
#' the field or parameter name immediately containing the binding.}
#' \item{}{Sort elements using the assigned sorting keys. Numeric
#' entries sort before strings.}
#' \item{}{In the sorted order, apply the rules defined in
#' CommandLineBinding to convert bindings to actual command line
#' elements.}
#' \item{}{Insert elements from baseCommand at the beginning of the
#' command line.}
#' }
#' @section Runtime environment:
#' All files listed in the input object must be made available in the
#' runtime environment. The implementation may use a shared or
#' distributed file system or transfer files via explicit
#' download. Implementations may choose not to provide access to files
#' not explicitly specified by the input object or process
#' requirements.
#' Output files produced by tool execution must be written to the
#' designated output directory.
#' The initial current working directory when executing the tool must
#' be the designated output directory.
#' The TMPDIR environment variable must be set in the runtime
#' environment to the designated temporary directory. Any files
#' written to the designated temporary directory may be deleted by the
#' workflow platform when the tool invocation is complete.
#' An implementation may forbid the tool from writing to any location
#' in the runtime environment file system other than the designated
#' temporary directory and designated output directory. An
#' implementation may provide read-only input files, and disallow
#' in-place update of input files.
#' The standard input stream and standard output stream may be
#' redirected as described in the stdin and stdout fields.
#' @section Extensions:
#' DockerRequirement, CreateFileRequirement, and EnvVarRequirement,
#' are available as standard extensions to core command line tool
#' semantics for defining the runtime environment.
#' @section Execution:
#' Once the command line is built and the runtime environment is
#' created, the actual tool is executed.
#' The standard error stream and standard output stream (unless
#' redirected by setting stdout) may be captured by platform logging
#' facilities for storage and reporting.
#' Tools may be multithreaded or spawn child processes; however, when
#' the parent process exits, the tool is considered finished
#' regardless of whether any detached child processes are still
#' running. Tools must not require any kind of console, GUI, or web
#' based user interaction in order to start and run to completion.
#' The exit code of the process indicates if the process completed
#' successfully. By convention, an exit code of zero is treated as
#' success and non-zero exit codes are treated as failure. This may be
#' customized by providing the fields successCodes,
#' temporaryFailCodes, and permanentFailCodes. An implementation may
#' choose to default unspecified non-zero exit codes to either
#' temporaryFailure or permanentFailure.
#' @section Output binding:
#' If the output directory contains a file called "cwl.output.json",
#' that file must be loaded and used as the output object. Otherwise,
#' the output object must be generated by walking the parameters
#' listed in outputs and applying output bindings to the tool
#' output. Output bindings are associated with output parameters using
#' the outputBinding field. See CommandOutputBinding for details.
#' @field baseCommand (character) Specifies the program to execute. If
#' the value is an array, the first element is the program to execute,
#' and subsequent elements are placed at the beginning of the command
#' line in prior to any command line bindings. If the program includes
#' a path separator character it must be an absolute path, otherwise
#' it is an error. If the program does not include a path separator,
#' search the $PATH variable in the runtime environment find the
#' absolute path of the executable.
#' @field arguments [characterORCommandLineBinding] Command line
#' bindings which are not directly associated with input parameters.
#' @field stdin [characterORExpression] A path to a file whose
#' contents must be piped into the command's standard input stream.
#' @field stdout [characterORExpression] Capture the command's
#' standard output stream to a file written to the designated output
#' directory. If stdout is a string, it specifies the file name to
#' use.If stdout is an expression, the expression is evaluated and
#' must return a string with the file name to use to capture
#' stdout. If the return value is not a string, or the resulting path
#' contains illegal characters (such as the path separator /) it is an
#' error.
#' @field successCodes [integer] Exit codes that indicate the process
#' completed successfully.
#' @field temporaryFailCodes [integer] Exit codes that indicate the
#' process failed due to a possibly temporary condition, where
#' excuting the process with the same runtime environment and inputs
#' may produce different results.
#' @field permanentFailCodes [integer] Exit codes that indicate the
#' process failed due to a permanent logic error, where excuting the
#' process with the same runtime environment and same inputs is
#' expected to always fail.
#' @export CommandLineTool
#' @exportClass CommandLineTool
#' @rdname CommandLineTool
#' @examples
#' ipl <- InputParameterList(
#'   InputParameter(
#'     id = "BAM", type = "File",
#'     label = "input bam",
#'     description = "input bam",
#'     inputBinding = CommandLineBinding(
#'       position = 1L
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   InputParameter(
#'     id = "level", type = "Integer",
#'     label = "Compression level",
#'     description = "Compression level",
#'     inputBinding = CommandLineBinding(
#'       position = 2L,
#'       prefix = "-l"
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' clt <- CommandLineTool(inputs = ipl, baseCommand = "samtools sort")
CommandLineTool <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Process",
  fields = list(
    class = "character",
    baseCommand = "characterORlistORNULL",
    arguments = "characterORCommandLineBindingList",
    stdin = "characterORExpressionORNULL",
    stdout = "characterORExpressionORNULL",
    successCodes = "listORNULL",
    temporaryFailCodes = "listORNULL",
    permanentFailCodes = "listORNULL"
  method = list(
    initialize = function(
                              class = "CommandLineTool",
                              arguments = "",
                              baseCommand = NULL, ...) {

      # if (is.null(baseCommand)) {
      #     stop("baseCommand has to be provided")
      # }
      if (!is.list(baseCommand)) {
        if (is.character(baseCommand)) {
          baseCommand <<- list(baseCommand)
      } else {
        # TODO: seems like it support expression now
        baseCommand <<- baseCommand
      if (is.character(arguments)) {
        if (nchar(arguments)) {
          arguments <<- CCBList(
              valueFrom = arguments
      } else if (is(arguments, "CommandLineBinding")) {
        arguments <<- CCBList(arguments)
      } else if (is.list(arguments)) {
        # need to construct CLB list
        arguments <<- do.call(CCBList, lapply(arguments, function(x) {
          do.call(CLB, x)
      } else {
        arguments <<- arguments

      class <<- class

#' CommandInputParameter Class
#' An input parameter for a CommandLineTool.
#' @export CommandInputParameter
#' @exportClass CommandInputParameter
#' @examples
#' ipl <- InputParameterList(
#'   CommandInputParameter(
#'     id = "BAM", type = "File",
#'     label = "input bam",
#'     description = "input bam",
#'     inputBinding = CommandLineBinding(
#'       position = 1L
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   CommandInputParameter(
#'     id = "level", type = "Integer",
#'     label = "Compression level",
#'     description = "Compression level",
#'     inputBinding = CommandLineBinding(
#'       position = 2L,
#'       prefix = "-l"
#'     )
#'   )
#' )

CommandInputParameter <-
  setRefClass("CommandInputParameter", contains = "InputParameter")

#' CommandInputSchema Class
#' @export CommandInputSchema
#' @exportClass CommandInputSchema
#' @examples
#' CommandInputSchema()
CommandInputSchema <-
  setRefClass("CommandInputSchema", contains = "InputSchema")

#' CommandOutputBinding Class
#' Describes how to generate an output parameter based on the files
#' produced by a CommandLineTool. The output parameter is generated
#' by applying these operations in the following order:
#' glob, loadContents, outputEval.
#' @field glob [characterORExpression] Find files relative to the
#' output directory, using POSIX glob(3) pathname matching. If
#' provided an array, match all patterns in the array. If provided an
#' expression, the expression must return a string or an array of
#' strings, which will then be evaluated as a glob pattern. Only files
#' which actually exist will be matched and returned.
#' @field outputEval [Expression] Evaluate an expression to generate
#' the output value. If glob was specified, the script context will be
#' an array containing any files that were matched. Additionally, if
#' loadContents is true, the file objects will include up to the first
#' 64 KiB of file contents in the contents field.
#' @export CommandOutputBinding
#' @exportClass CommandOutputBinding
#' @examples
#' CommandOutputBinding(glob = "*.bam")
CommandOutputBinding <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Binding",
  fields = list(
    glob = "characterORExpressionORNULL",
    outputEval = "characterORExpressionORNULL"

#' CommandOutputSchema
#' @field outputBinding [CommandOutputBinding] Describes how to handle
#' the concrete outputs of a process step (such as files created by a
#' program) and describe them in the process output parameter.
#' @export CommandOutputSchema
#' @exportClass CommandOutputSchema
#' @examples
#' CommandOutputSchema()
CommandOutputSchema <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Schema",
  fields = list(outputBinding = "CommandOutputBinding")

#' CommandOutputParameter Class
#' @field outputBinding [CommandOutputBinding] Describes how to handle
#' the concrete outputs of a process step (such as files created by a
#' program) and describe them in the process output parameter.
#' @export CommandOutputParameter
#' @exportClass CommandOutputParameter
#' @examples
#' CommandOutputParameter(outputBinding = CommandOutputBinding(glob = "*.bam"))
CommandOutputParameter <- setRefClass(
  contains = "OutputParameter",
  fields = list(outputBinding = "CommandOutputBinding")

# 12 - Workflow ----------------------------------------------------------------

setClass("LinkMergeMethod", contains = "VIRTUAL")

#' @section WorkflowStepInput Class:
#' \describe{
#' The input of a workflow step connects an upstream parameter (from
#' the workflow inputs, or the outputs of other workflows steps) with
#' the input parameters of the underlying process.
#' If the sink parameter is an array, or named in a workflow scatter
#' operation, there may be multiple inbound data links listed in the
#' connect field. The values from the input links are merged depending
#' on the method specified in the linkMerge field. If not specified,
#' the default method is merge_nested:
#' \item{merge_nested}{ The input shall be an array consisting of
#' exactly one entry for each input link. If merge_nested is specified
#' with a single link, the value from the link is wrapped in a
#' single-item list.  }
#' \item{merge_flattened}{ 1) The source and sink parameters must be
#' compatible types, or the source type must be compatible with single
#' element from the "items" type of the destination array
#' parameter. 2) Source parameters which are arrays are concatenated;
#' source parameters which are single element types are appended as
#' single elements.  }
#' Fields:
#' \item{\code{id}}{ (character) A unique identifier for this workflow input
#' parameter.}
#' \item{\code{source}}{[character] Specifies one or more workflow parameters
#' that will provide input to the underlying process parameter.}
#' \item{\code{linkMerge}}{[LineMergeMethod] The method to use to merge
#' multiple inbound links into a single array. If not specified, the
#' default method is merge_nested:}
#' \item{\code{default}}{ [ANY] The default value for this parameter if there
#' is no source field.}
#' }
#' @export WorkflowStepInput
#' @exportClass WorkflowStepInput
#' @rdname WorkflowStep
#' @aliases WorkflowStepInput WorkflowStepInput-class
#' @return a WorkflowStep object or subclass object.
WorkflowStepInput <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  fields = list(
    id = "characterORNULL",
    source = "characterORNULL", # fixme
    linkMerge = "LinkMergeMethod",
    default = "ANY"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(id = "", source = NULL, default = NULL, ...) {
      id <<- addIdNum(id)
      default <<- default
      if (is.character(source)) {
        .self$source <<- set_box(source)
      } else if (is.list(source) && is.character(source[[1]])) {
        .self$source <<- set_box(source[[1]])
      } else {
        .self$source <<- source

#' @section WorkflowStepOutput Class:
#' \describe{
#' Associate an output parameter of the underlying process with a
#' workflow parameter. The workflow parameter (given in the id field)
#' be may be used as a source to connect with input parameters of
#' other workflow steps, or with an output parameter of the process.
#' \item{\code{id}}{ (character) A unique identifier for this workflow output
#' parameter. This is the identifier to use in the source field of
#' WorkflowStepInput to connect the output value to downstream
#' parameters.}
#' }
#' @export WorkflowStepOutput
#' @exportClass WorkflowStepOutput
#' @rdname WorkflowStep
#' @aliases WorkflowStepOutput WorkflowStepOutput-class
WorkflowStepOutput <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  fields = list(
    id = "characterORNULL"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(id = "", ...) {
      id <<- addIdNum(id)

#' WorkflowStepInputList
#' @rdname WorkflowStep
#' @aliases WorkflowStepInputList WorkflowStepInputList-class
#' @export WorkflowStepInputList
#' @exportClass WorkflowStepInputList
WorkflowStepInputList <- setListClass("WorkflowStepInput")

#' WorkflowStepOutputList
#' @rdname WorkflowStep
#' @aliases WorkflowStepOutputList WorkflowStepOutputList-class
#' @param \dots element or list of the element.
#' @export WorkflowStepOutputList
#' @exportClass WorkflowStepOutputList
WorkflowStepOutputList <- setListClass("WorkflowStepOutput")

#' WorkflowStepList
#' @rdname WorkflowStep
#' @aliases WorkflowStepList-class WorkflowStepList
#' @export WorkflowStepList
#' @exportClass WorkflowStepList
WorkflowStepList <- setListClass("WorkflowStep")

#' @section WorkflowOutputParameter Class:
#' \describe{
#' Describe an output parameter of a workflow. The parameter must be
#' connected to one or more parameters defined in the workflow that
#' will provide the value of the output parameter.
#' \item{\code{source}}{ [character] Specifies one or more workflow parameters
#' that will provide this output value.}
#' \item{\code{linkMerge}}{ [LinkMergeMethod] The method to use to merge
#' multiple inbound links into a single array. If not specified, the
#' default method is merge_nested:}
#' }
#' @export WorkflowOutputParameter
#' @exportClass WorkflowOutputParameter
#' @return a Workflow object.
#' @rdname Workflow
#' @aliases WorkflowOutputParameter WorkflowOutputParameter-class
WorkflowOutputParameter <- setRefClass(
  contains = "OutputParameter",
  fields = list(
    source = "characterORNULL",
    linkMerge = "LinkMergeMethod"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(source = NULL, ...) {
      if (is.character(source)) {
        .self$source <<- set_box(source)
      } else if (is.list(source) && is.character(source[[1]])) {
        .self$source <<- set_box(source[[1]])
      } else {
        .self$source <<- source

#' @aliases WorkflowOutputParameterList-class
#' @param \dots element or list of the element.
#' @export WorkflowOutputParameterList
#' @exportClass WorkflowOutputParameterList
#' @rdname Workflow
WorkflowOutputParameterList <- setListClass("WorkflowOutputParameter", contains = "OutputParameterList")

SBGWorkflowOutputParameter <- setRefClass(
  contains = "WorkflowOutputParameter",
  fields = list(
    "sbg:x" = "numericORNULL",
    "sbg:y" = "numericORNULL",
    "sbg:includeInPorts" = "logicalORNULL",
    "required" = "logicalORNULL",
    "sbg:fileTypes" = "characterORNULL",
    "outputSource" = "listORNULL" # added in CWL v1.0
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(
                              x = NULL, y = NULL,
                              includeInPorts = TRUE,
                              required = FALSE,
                              fileTypes = NULL, ...) {
      args <- mget(
      nms <- c("x", "y", "includeInPorts")
      for (nm in nms) {
        .self$field(paste0("sbg:", nm), args[[nm]])
      .self$required <<- required

SBGWorkflowOutputParameterList <- setListClass("SBGWorkflowOutputParameter",
  contains = "OutputParameterList"

# setClassUnion("WorkflowOutputParameterListORSBGWorkflowOutputParameterList",
#               c("WorkflowOutputParameterList", "SBGWorkflowOutputParameterList"))

#' Workflow
#' A workflow is a process consisting of one or more steps. Each step
#' has input and output parameters defined by the inputs and outputs
#' fields. A workflow executes as described in execution model.
#' @section Dependencies:
#' Dependencies between parameters are expressed using the source
#' field on workflow step input parameters and workflow output
#' parameters.
#' The source field expresses the dependency of one parameter on
#' another such that when a value is associated with the parameter
#' specified by source, that value is propagated to the destination
#' parameter. When all data links inbound to a given step are
#' fufilled, the step is ready to execute.
#' @section Extensions:
#' ScatterFeatureRequirement and SubworkflowFeatureRequirement are
#' available as standard extensions to core workflow semantics.
#' @field outputs (WorkflowOutputParameterList) Defines the parameters
#' representing the output of the process. May be used to generate
#' and/or validate the output object. Inherited from Process
#' @field steps (WorkflowStepList) The individual steps that make up the
#' workflow. Steps are executed when all input data links are
#' fufilled. An implementation may choose to execute the steps in a
#' different order than listed and/or execute steps concurrently,
#' provided that dependencies between steps are met.
#' @export Workflow
#' @exportClass Workflow
#' @rdname Workflow
#' @examples
#' # need better examples here
#' ws <- WorkflowStepList(
#'     WorkflowStep(
#'         id = "step1", label = "align-and-sort",
#'         description = "align and sort",
#'         inputs = WorkflowStepInputList(
#'             WorkflowStepInput(id = "id1"),
#'             WorkflowStepInput(id = "id2")
#'         )
#'     )
#' )
#' Workflow(steps = ws)
Workflow <- setRefClass(
  contains = "Process",
  fields = list(
    class = "character",
    outputs = "OutputParameterList",
    # outputs = "WorkflowOutputParameterListORSBGWorkflowOutputParameterList",
    steps = "WorkflowStepList"
  method = list(
    initialize = function(class = "Workflow", ...) {
      class <<- class


  c("CommandLineTool", "ExpressionTool", "Workflow")

#' WorkflowStep Class
#' A workflow step is an executable element of a workflow.
#' It specifies the underlying process implementation (such as
#' CommandLineTool) in the run field and connects the input and output
#' parameters of the underlying process to workflow parameters.
#' @section Scatter/gather:
#' To use scatter/gather, ScatterFeatureRequirement must be specified
#' in the workflow or workflow step requirements.
#' A "scatter" operation specifies that the associated workflow step
#' or subworkflow should execute separately over a list of input
#' elements. Each job making up a scatter operaution is independent
#' and may be executed concurrently.
#' The scatter field specifies one or more input parameters which will
#' be scattered. An input parameter may be listed more than once. The
#' declared type of each input parameter is implicitly wrapped in an
#' array for each time it appears in the scatter field. As a result,
#' upstream parameters which are connected to scattered parameters may
#' be arrays.
#' All output parameters types are also implicitly wrapped in arrays;
#' each job in the scatter results in an entry in the output array.
#' If scatter declares more than one input parameter, scatterMethod
#' describes how to decompose the input into a discrete set of jobs.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{dotproduct}{ specifies that each the input arrays are aligned
#' and one element taken from each array to construct each job. It is
#' an error if all input arrays are not the same length.}
#' \item{nested_crossproduct}{specifies the cartesian product of the
#' inputs, producing a job for every combination of the scattered
#' inputs. The output must be nested arrays for each level of
#' scattering, in the order that the input arrays are listed in the
#' scatter field.}
#' \item{flat_crossproduct}{specifies the cartesian product of the
#' inputs, producing a job for every combination of the scattered
#' inputs. The output arrays must be flattened to a single level, but
#' otherwise listed in the order that the input arrays are listed in
#' the scatter field.}
#' }
#' @section Subworkflows:
#' To specify a nested workflow as part of a workflow step,
#' SubworkflowFeatureRequirement must be specified in the workflow or
#' workflow step requirements.
#' @field id [character] The unique identifier for this workflow step.
#' @field inputs (WorkflowStepInputList) Defines the input parameters
#' of the workflow step. The process is ready to run when all required
#' input parameters are associated with concrete values. Input
#' parameters include a schema for each parameter and is used to
#' validate the input object, it may also be used build a user
#' interface for constructing the input object.
#' @field outputs (WorkflowStepOutputList) Defines the parameters
#' representing the output of the process. May be used to generate
#' and/or validate the output object.
#' @field requirements [ProcessRequirement] Declares requirements that
#' apply to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine that
#' must be met in order to execute this workflow step. If an
#' implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is
#' listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal
#' error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process,
#' unless overridden at user option.
#' @field hints [ANY] Declares hints applying to either the runtime
#' environment or the workflow engine that may be helpful in executing
#' this workflow step. It is not an error if an implementation cannot
#' satisfy all hints, however the implementation may report a warning.
#' @field label [character] A short, human-readable label of this
#' process object.
#' @field description [character] A long, human-readable description
#' of this process object.
#' @field run (CommandLineToolORExpressionToolORWorkflow) Specifies
#' the process to run.
#' @field scatter [character]
#' @field scatterMethod [ScatterMethod] Required if scatter is an array of more
#' than one element.
#' @export WorkflowStep
#' @exportClass WorkflowStep
#' @rdname WorkflowStep
#' @aliases WorkflowStep WorkflowStep-class
#' @examples
#' ws <- WorkflowStepList(WorkflowStep(
#'   id = "step1", label = "align-and-sort",
#'   description = "align and sort",
#'   inputs = WorkflowStepInputList(
#'     WorkflowStepInput(id = "id1"),
#'     WorkflowStepInput(id = "id2")
#'   )
#' ))

WorkflowStep <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CWL",
  fields = list(
    id = "characterORNULL",
    inputs = "WorkflowStepInputList",
    outputs = "WorkflowStepOutputList",
    requirements = "ProcessRequirement",
    hints = "ProcessRequirementList",
    label = "characterORNULL",
    description = "characterORNULL",
    run = "CommandLineToolORExpressionToolORWorkflow",
    scatter = "characterORNULL",
    scatterMethod = "ScatterMethod"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(id = "", scatter = NULL, ...) {
      id <<- addIdNum(id)
      scatter <<- scatter

# SBG only

#' Shorthand functions for cwl packages constructors
#' Shorthand functions for cwl packages constructors
#' @param type [ANY] Specify valid types of data that may be assigned
#' to this parameter.
#' @param label [character] A short, human-readable label of this
#' parameter object.
#' @param description [character] A long, human-readable description
#' of this parameter object.
#' @param streamable [logical] Currently only applies if type is
#' File. A value of true indicates that the file is read or written
#' sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag
#' to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a
#' named pipe. Default: false.
#' @param default [ANY] The default value for this parameter if not
#' provided in the input object.
#' @param \dots For \code{InputParameter}, it will be
#' passed to [CommandLineBinding], which could be created by command
#' \code{CLB}. For parameters that accepted please check
#' \code{CommandLineBiding} in cwl package. For your convenience, this
#' manual also contain a section for \code{CommandLineBinding}. For
#' \code{OutPar} or \code{OutputParameter}, it will be passed to
#' \code{CommandOutputParameter}. Please check the following section
#' as well.
#' @section Shorthand:
#' CLB <- CommandLineBinding
#' argslist <- CLBList <- CommandLineBindingList
#' COB <- CommandOutputBinding
#' IPList <- InputParameterList
#' OPList <- OutputParameterList
#' InPar <- InputParameter
#' OutPar <- OutputParameter
#' @section CommandLineBinding:
#' \describe{
#' \item{position}{[integer] The sorting key. Default position is 0.}
#' \item{prefix}{[character] Command line prefix to add before the
#' value.}
#' \item{separate}{[logical] If true (default) then the prefix and
#' value must be added as separate command line arguments; if false,
#' prefix and value must be concatenated into a single command line
#' argument.}
#' \item{itemSeparator}{[character] Join the array elements into a
#' single string with the elements separated by by itemSeparator.}
#' \item{valueFrom}{[characterOrExpression] If valueFrom is a constant
#' string value, use this as the value and apply the binding rules
#' above. If valueFrom is an expression, evaluate the expression to
#' yield the actual value to use to build the command line and apply
#' the binding rules above. If the inputBinding is associated with an
#' input parameter, the "context" of the expression will be the value
#' of the input parameter. When a binding is part of the
#' CommandLineTool.arguments field, the valueFrom field is required.
#' }
#' }
#' @section CommandOutputParameter:
#' \describe{
#' \item{glob}{[characterORExpression] Find files relative to the
#' output directory, using POSIX glob(3) pathname matching. If
#' provided an array, match all patterns in the array. If provided an
#' expression, the expression must return a string or an array of
#' strings, which will then be evaluated as a glob pattern. Only files
#' which actually exist will be matched and returned.}
#' \item{outputEval}{[Expression] Evaluate an expression to generate
#' the output value. If glob was specified, the script context will be
#' an array containing any files that were matched. Additionally, if
#' loadContents is true, the file objects will include up to the first
#' 64 KiB of file contents in the contents field.}
#' Following fields inherited from \code{Binding}
#' \item{loadContents}{ [logical] Only applies when type is File. Read
#' up to the first 64 KiB of text from the file and place it in the
#' "contents" field of the file object for manipulation by
#' expressions.}
#' \item{secondaryFiles}{Only applies when type is File. Describes
#' files that must be included alongside the primary file. If the
#' value is Expression, the context of the expression is the input or
#' output File parameter to which this binding applies. Where the
#' value is a string, it specifies that the following pattern should
#' be applied to the primary file: If string begins with one or more
#' caret characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension
#' from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If
#' there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.  Append the
#' remainder of the string to the end of the file path.}
#' }
#' @rdname shorthand-cwl
#' @name CLB
#' @aliases CLB argslist COB IPList OPList input output InPar OutPar
#' @export CLB argslist COB IPList OPList input output InPar OutPar
#' @examples
#' ipl <- IPList(
#'   input(
#'     id = "bam",
#'     type = "File",
#'     label = "Bam file",
#'     description = "Input bam file",
#'     position = 1L,
#'     separate = TRUE
#'   ),
#'   input(
#'     id = "level",
#'     type = "Integer",
#'     label = "Compression Level",
#'     description = "Set compression level, from 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (best)",
#'     position = 2L
#'   ),
#'   input(
#'     id = "prefix",
#'     type = "String",
#'     label = "Prefix",
#'     description = "Write temporary files to PREFIX.nnnn.bam",
#'     position = 3L
#'   )
#' )

CLB <- CommandLineBinding
argslist <- CCBList
COB <- CommandOutputBinding
IPList <- InputParameterList
OPList <- OutputParameterList
InPar <- InputParameter
OutPar <- OutputParameter

SCLB <- SBGCommandLineBinding <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CommandLineBinding",

  fields = list(
    "sbg:cmdInclude" = "logicalORNULL",
    "shellQuote" = "logicalORNULL",
    "streamable" = "logicalORNULL",
    "separator" = "characterORNULL"

  methods = list(
    initialize = function(
                              cmdInclude = FALSE, shellQuote = FALSE, streamable = FALSE, separator = " ", ...) {
      .self$field("sbg:cmdInclude", cmdInclude)
      .self$field("shellQuote", shellQuote)
      .self$field("streamable", streamable)
      .self$field("separator", separator)

SBGInputParameter <- setRefClass(
  contains = "InputParameter",

  fields = list(
    "sbg:category" = "characterORlistORNULL",
    "sbg:fileTypes" = "characterORNULL",
    "sbg:stageInput" = "characterORNULL",
    "sbg:x" = "numericORNULL",
    "sbg:y" = "numericORNULL",
    "sbg:includeInPorts" = "logicalORNULL",
    "sbg:toolDefaultValue" = "characterORNULL",
    "sbg:altPrefix" = "characterORNULL",
    "sbg:suggestedValue" = "integerORcharacterORlogicalORlistORNULL",
    "required" = "logicalORNULL",
    "batchType" = "characterORNULL",
    "format" = "characterORNULL", # added in CWL v1.0
    "doc" = "characterORNULL", # added in CWL v1.0
    "schema" = "listORNULL"

  methods = list(
    initialize = function(category = NULL,
                              fileTypes = NULL,
                              stageInput = NULL,
                              x = NULL,
                              y = NULL,
                              includeInPorts = NULL,
                              toolDefaultValue = NULL,
                              altPrefix = NULL,
                              suggestedValue = NULL,
                              required = FALSE,
                              batchType = NULL,
                              format = NULL,
                              doc = NULL,
                              schema = NULL,
                              ...) {
      if (!is.null(stageInput)) {
        if (!stageInput %in% c("copy", "link")) {
          stop("stageInput has to be NULL, copy or link")

      .self$field("sbg:stageInput", stageInput)
      .self$field("sbg:category", category)
      .self$field("sbg:fileTypes", fileTypes)
      .self$field("sbg:x", x)
      .self$field("sbg:y", y)
      .self$field("sbg:includeInPorts", includeInPorts)
      .self$field("sbg:toolDefaultValue", toolDefaultValue)
      .self$field("sbg:altPrefix", altPrefix)
      .self$field("sbg:suggestedValue", suggestedValue)
      .self$field("required", required)
      .self$field("batchType", batchType)
      .self$field("format", format)
      .self$field("doc", doc)
      .self$field("schema", schema)

.is_required <- function(x) {
  # x is input item
  !(is.character(x$type[[1]]) && x$type[[1]] == "null")

input <- function(id = NULL, type = NULL, label = "",
                  description = "", streamable = FALSE,
                  default = "", required = FALSE,
                  category = NULL, fileTypes = NULL,
                  stageInput = NULL,
                  cmdInclude = FALSE, ...) {

  # if (is.null(id)) {
  #     stop("id has to be provided")
  # }

  if (!length(label)) {
    label <- id

  if (is.list(id)) {

    # convert a list to input
    in.lst <- lapply(id, function(o) {
      o.b <- o$inputBinding
      if (is.null(o.b)) {
        ib <- NULL
      } else {
        ib <- do.call(SCLB, o.b)

      o <- c(
        o[!names(o) %in% c(
          inputBinding = ib,
          required = .is_required(o),
          type = format_type(o$type),
          category = o[["sbg:category"]],
          fileTypes = o[["sbg:fileTypes"]],
          stageInput = o[["sbg:stageInput"]]

      do.call(SBGInputParameter, o)

    res.in <- do.call("IPList", in.lst)

  if (is.null(type)) {
    stop("type has to be provided: file, enum, string, int, float, boolean, array, record, map")

  type <- deType(type)

  if (length(type) == 1) {
    if (!required) {
      type <- c("null", type)
    } else {
      type <- list(type)

  lstData <- .dotargsAsList(...)
  if (length(lstData)) cmdInclude <- TRUE

  if (cmdInclude) {
      id = id, type = type, label = label,
      description = description,
      streamable = streamable,
      default = default, category = category, fileTypes = fileTypes,
      stageInput = stageInput,
      inputBinding = SCLB(cmdInclude = cmdInclude, ...)
  } else {
      id = id, type = type, label = label,
      description = description,
      streamable = streamable,
      stageInput = stageInput,
      default = default, category = category, fileTypes = fileTypes,
      inputBinding = NULL

SBGCommandOutputBinding <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CommandOutputBinding",
  field = list(
    "sbg:inheritMetadataFrom" = "characterORNULL",
    "sbg:metadata" = "listORNULL"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(inheritMetadataFrom = NULL,
                              metadata = NULL, ...) {

      # args <- mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
      # nms  <- c("metadata", "inheritMetadataFrom")
      .self$field("sbg:metadata", metadata)
      .self$field("sbg:inheritMetadataFrom", addIdNum(inheritMetadataFrom))


SBGCOB <- SBGCommandOutputBinding

SBGCommandOutputParameter <- setRefClass(
  contains = "CommandOutputParameter",
  fields = list(
    "sbg:fileTypes" = "characterORNULL",
    "format" = "characterORNULL", # added in CWL v1.0
    "doc" = "characterORNULL", # added in CWL v1.0
    "secondaryFiles" = "listORNULL" # added in CWL v1.0
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(
                              fileTypes = NULL, format = NULL, doc = NULL, secondaryFiles = NULL, ...) {
      nm <- "fileTypes"
      .self$field(paste0("sbg:", nm), fileTypes)
      .self$field("format", format)
      .self$field("doc", doc)
      .self$field("secondaryFiles", secondaryFiles)

output <- function(id = NULL, type = "file", label = "",
                   description = "",
                   required = FALSE,
                   streamable = FALSE, default = "",
                   fileTypes = NULL, ...) {

  # if (is.null(id)) {
  #     stop("id has to be provided")
  # }

  if (!length(label)) label <- id

  if (is.list(id)) {
    out.lst <- lapply(id, function(o) {
      o.b <- o$outputBinding
      # glob
      if (length(o.b$glob)) {
        if (length(o.b$glob) == 1 && is.character(o.b$glob)) {
          res.glob <- o.b$glob
        } else {
          res.glob <- do.call("Expression", o.b$glob)
      } else {
        res.glob <- NULL

      # load Contents
      if (length(o.b$loadContents)) {
        res.load <- o.b$loadContetns
      } else {
        res.load <- NULL
      if (length(o.b$outputEval)) {
        if (length(o.b$outputEval) == 1 &&
          is.character(o.b$outputEval)) {
          res.eval <- o.b$outputEval
        } else {
          res.eval <- do.call("Expression", o.b$outputEval)
      } else {
        res.eval <- NULL

      ob <- SBGCOB(
        glob = res.glob,
        loadContents = res.load,
        outputEval = res.eval,
        inheritMetadataFrom = o$`sbg:inheritMetadataFrom`,
        metadata = o$`sbg:metadata`,
        secondaryFiles = o$seconaryFiles

      o <- c(
        o[!names(o) %in%
          type = format_type(o$type),
          outputBinding = ob,
          fileTypes = o[["sbg:fileTypes"]]

      do.call(SBGCommandOutputParameter, o)

    res.out <- do.call("OPList", out.lst)

  # if (is.null(type)) {
  #     stop("type has to be provided: file, enum, string, int, float, boolean, array, record, map")
  # }

  type <- deType(type)

  if (length(type) == 1) {
    if (!required) {
      type <- c("null", type)
    } else {
      type <- list(type)

    id = id, type = type, label = label,
    description = description,
    streamable = streamable,
    default = default,
    fileTypes = fileTypes,
    outputBinding = SBGCOB(...)

#' Rabix specifc Requirements
#' Extends ProcessRequirements. CPURequirement and MemRequirement to
#' setup CPU and Memory requiremnts.
#' @field value [Integer] for CPU default is 1L, if 0L, use all
#' CPU. For mem, default is 1000L. Note: for CPU, 0L means
#' multi-tread, and non-zero value will be converted to 1L, which
#' means single thread.
#' @rdname requirements
#' @export CPURequirement cpu
#' @exportClass CPURequirement
#' @aliases CPURequirement CPURequirement-class cpu
#' @examples
#' cpu(1)
#' CPURequirement(value = 1L)
CPURequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(
    value = "integerORExpression"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(value = 1L,
                              class = "sbg:CPURequirement", ...) {
      class <<- class
      if (is.numeric(value)) {
        .v <- as.integer(value)
      } else {
        .v <- do.call(Expression, value)

      # # comment out this, conform to server requirements
      # if (!.v %in% c(1L, 0L)) {
      #     warning("For now, CPU value must be 0L (multi-treads) or 1L (single-thread)")
      #     if (.v > 0) {
      #         message("Convert CPU value ", .v, " to ", 1L)
      #         .v <- 1L
      #     }
      # }
      value <<- .v

cpu <- CPURequirement

#' @rdname requirements
#' @aliases docker
#' @param pull [short form argument] Docker Repository[:Tag] like rocker/r-base
#' @param imageId [short form argument] The image id that will be used for
#' docker run, imageId Optionally set the id of image you get from SDK.
#' @param load [short form argument] Specify a HTTP URL from which to download
#' a Docker image using docker load.
#' @param file [short form argument] Supply the contents of a Dockerfile
#' which will be built using docker build.
#' @param output [short form argument] Set the designated output directory
#' to a specific location inside the Docker container.
#' @param dockerPull Docker Repository[:Tag] like rocker/r-base
#' @param dockerImageId The image id that will be used for docker run,
#' imageId Optionally set the id of image you get from SDK.
#' @param dockerLoad Specify a HTTP URL from which to download a Docker
#' image using docker load.
#' @param dockerFile Supply the contents of a Dockerfile which will be
#' built using docker build.
#' @param dockerOutputDirectory Set the designated output directory to
#' a specific location inside the Docker container.
#' @param ... extra aguments passed
#' @return A Requirement subclass.
#' @export docker
#' @examples
#' docker("rocker/r-base")
docker <- function(pull = NULL, imageId = NULL, load = NULL,
                   file = NULL, output = NULL,
                   dockerPull = pull,
                   dockerImageId = imageId,
                   dockerLoad = load,
                   dockerFile = file,
                   dockerOutputDirectory = output, ...) {
    dockerImageId = dockerImageId,
    dockerPull = dockerPull,
    dockerLoad = dockerLoad,
    dockerFile = dockerFile,
    dockerOutputDirectory = dockerOutputDirectory, ...

#' requirements and hints
#' requirements and hints
#' It constructs ProesssRequirementList object, or from a returned raw list contains or requirements.
#' @rdname requirements
#' @export requirements
#' @examples
#' requirements(docker("rocker/r-base"), cpu(1), mem(1024))
requirements <- function(...) {
  listData <- .dotargsAsList(...)
  idx.fd <- sapply(listData, is, "FileDef")
  if (all(idx.fd)) {
    return(ProcessRequirementList(CreateFileRequirement(fileDef = FileDefList(listData))))
  } else if (sum(idx.fd)) {
    fdef <- listData[idx.fd]
    fdef <- CreateFileRequirement(fileDef = FileDefList(fdef))
  } else {
    fdef <- NULL

  # process
  processListData <- function(x) {
    # check to see if it's a convertable class
    if ("class" %in% names(x)) {
      cls <- x$class
        "DockerRequirement" = {
              pull = x$dockerPull,
              imageId = x$dockerImageId,
              load = x$dockerLoad,
              file = x$dockerFile,
              output = x$dockerOutputDirectory
        "sbg:CPURequirement" = {
        "sbg:MemRequirement" = {
        "SubworkflowFeatureRequirement" = {
          return(do.call("SubworkflowFeatureRequirement", x))
        "CreateFileRequirement" = {
          lst <- lapply(x$fileDef, function(f) {
            do.call(FileDef, f)
          return(CreateFileRequirement(fileDef = FileDefList(lst)))
        "EnvVarRequirement" = {
          lst <- lapply(x$envDef, function(f) {
            do.call(EnvironmentDef, f)
          return(EnvVarRequirement(envDef = EnvironmentDefList(lst)))
        "ScatterFeatureRequirement" = {
          return(do.call("ScatterFeatureRequirement", x))
        "ExpressionEngineRequirement" = {
          req <- requirements(x$requirements)
          res <- ExpressionEngineRequirement(
            id = x$id,
            requirements = req,
            engineCommand = x$engineCommand,
            engineConfig = x$engineConfig
        "sbg:AWSInstanceTypeRequirement" = {
        }, {
          return(do.call(anyReq, x))
    # work with file def
    if (is.list(x)) {
      if (all(sapply(x, is, "FileDef"))) {
        return(CreateFileRequirement(fileDef = FileDefList(x)))
      } else {
        stop("not all FileDefList are FileDef object")
    } else {

  listData <- lapply(listData[!idx.fd], processListData)

  # validation
  idx <- sapply(listData, function(x) {
    is(x, "ProcessRequirement")
  if (!all(idx)) {
    stop("Has to be ProcessRequirement class, use docker(), cpu(), mem(), fileDef(), function to help")
  listData <- c(fdef, listData)

#' @param name file name
#' @param content file content, could be script
#' @rdname requirements
#' @aliases fileDef
#' @export fileDef
fileDef <- function(name = NULL, content = NULL) {
  stopifnot(!is.null(name) && !is.null(content))
  FileDef(filename = name, fileContent = content)

#' @rdname requirements
#' @aliases MemRequirement MemRequirement-class mem
#' @export MemRequirement mem
#' @exportClass MemRequirement
#' @examples
#' mem(2000)
#' MemRequirement(value = 2000L)
MemRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(
    value = "integerORExpression"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(value = 1000L,
                              class = "sbg:MemRequirement", ...) {
      if (is.numeric(value)) {
        .v <- as.integer(value)
      } else {
        .v <- do.call(Expression, value)
      value <<- .v
      class <<- class

mem <- MemRequirement

#' @rdname requirements
#' @aliases AWSInstanceTypeRequirement AWSInstanceTypeRequirement-class aws
#' @export AWSInstanceTypeRequirement aws
#' @exportClass AWSInstanceTypeRequirement
#' @examples
#' aws("c3.8xlarge")
AWSInstanceTypeRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(
    value = "characterORNULL"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(value = NULL,
                              class = "sbg:AWSInstanceType", ...) {
      value <<- value
      class <<- class

aws <- AWSInstanceTypeRequirement

#' @rdname requirements
#' @aliases AnyRequirement AnyRequirement-class anyReq
#' @export AnyRequirement anyReq
#' @exportClass AnyRequirement
#' @examples
#' anyReq("any")
AnyRequirement <- setRefClass(
  contains = "ProcessRequirement",
  fields = list(
    value = "ANY",
    coresMin = "integerORcharacterORExpressionORNULL", # added in CWL v1.0
    ramMin = "integerORcharacterORExpressionORNULL", # added in CWL v1.0
    listing = "listORNULL", # added in CWL v1.0
    expressionLib = "listORNULL" # added in CWL v1.0
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(
                              value = NULL, coresMin = NULL, ramMin = NULL,
                              listing = NULL, expressionLib = NULL, class = "", ...) {
      value <<- value
      class <<- class
      coresMin <<- coresMin
      ramMin <<- ramMin
      listing <<- listing
      expressionLib <<- expressionLib

anyReq <- AnyRequirement

SBGStep <- setRefClass(
  contains = "WorkflowStep",
  fields = list(
    "sbg:x" = "numericORNULL",
    "sbg:y" = "numericORNULL"
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(x = NULL, y = NULL, ...) {
      args <- mget(
      nms <- c("x", "y")
      for (nm in nms) {
        .self$field(paste0("sbg:", nm), args[[nm]])

SBGStepList <- setListClass("SBGStep", contains = "WorkflowStepList")

setAs("SBGInputParameter", "data.frame", function(from) {
  lst <- from$toList()
  ib <- lst$inputBinding
  res <- c(
    lst[!names(lst) %in% c(
      "type", "fileTypes",
      # inputBinding = ib,
      required = .is_required(lst),
      type = .make_type(lst$type),
      category = lst[["sbg:category"]],
      fileTypes = lst[["sbg:fileTypes"]],
      stageInput = lst[["sbg:stageInput"]]

  res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    if (is.null(x)) {
    } else {

  res <- do.call(data.frame, res)
  .fullnames <- names(res)

  .names.sbg <- sort(.fullnames[grep("^sbg", .fullnames)])
  .names.other <- sort(setdiff(.fullnames, .names.sbg))
  .names.priority <- c("id", "type", "required", "fileTypes", "label")
  .names.p2 <- sort(setdiff(.names.other, .names.priority))
  new.order <- c(.names.priority, .names.p2, .names.sbg)

  res[, new.order]

setAs("InputParameterList", "data.frame", function(from) {
  lst <- lapply(from, function(x) {
    as(x, "data.frame")

  # remove all sbg.suggestedValue fields (if any) from parameters
  # since its definition is too flexible and caused conversion issues
  lst <- lapply(lst, function(x) {
    x[, which(substr(colnames(x), 1L, 18L) != "sbg.suggestedValue")]

  # remove scalar class from [S3: scalar, character]
  # to prevent class mismatch when binding lists - since R 4.0.0
  for (i in 1:length(lst)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(lst[[i]])) {
      if ("scalar" %in% class(lst[[i]][, j])) class(lst[[i]][, j]) <- setdiff(class(lst[[i]][, j]), "scalar")

  res <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lst, fill = TRUE))
  # reorder for File File...
  idx <- res$type %in% c("File", "File...")
  res1 <- res[idx, ]
  res2 <- res[!idx, ]
  rbind(res1, res2)

setAs("SBGCommandOutputParameter", "data.frame", function(from) {
  lst <- from$toList()

  o.b <- lst$outputBinding
  # glob
  if (length(o.b$glob) == 1 && is.character(o.b$glob)) {
    res.glob <- o.b$glob
  } else {
    res.glob <- o.b$glob$script
  # load Contents
  if (length(o.b$loadContents)) {
    res.load <- o.b$loadContetns
  } else {
    res.load <- NULL
  if (length(o.b$outputEval)) {
    if (length(o.b$outputEval) == 1 &&
      is.character(o.b$outputEval)) {
      res.eval <- o.b$outputEval
    } else {
      res.eval <- o.b$outputEval$script
  } else {
    res.eval <- NULL
  ob <- list(
    glob = res.glob,
    loadContents = res.load,
    outputEval = res.eval,
    inheritMetadataFrom = lst$`sbg:inheritMetadataFrom`,
    metadata = lst$`sbg:metadata`,
    secondaryFiles = lst$seconaryFiles

  res <- c(
    lst[!names(lst) %in% c(
      type = .make_type(lst$type),

      fileTypes = lst[["sbg:fileTypes"]]
    ), ob

  res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    if (is.null(x)) {
    } else {

  res <- do.call(data.frame, res)
  .fullnames <- names(res)

  .names.sbg <- sort(.fullnames[grep("^sbg", .fullnames)])
  .names.other <- sort(setdiff(.fullnames, .names.sbg))
  .names.priority <- c("id", "label", "type")
  .names.p2 <- sort(setdiff(.names.other, .names.priority))
  new.order <- c(.names.priority, .names.p2, .names.sbg)

  res[, new.order]

setAs("OutputParameterList", "data.frame", function(from) {
  lst <- lapply(from, function(x) {
    as(x, "data.frame")

  # remove all sbg.suggestedValue fields (if any) from parameters
  # since its definition is too flexible and caused conversion issues
  lst <- lapply(lst, function(x) {
    x[, which(substr(colnames(x), 1L, 18L) != "sbg.suggestedValue")]

  # remove scalar class from [S3: scalar, character]
  # to prevent class mismatch when binding lists - since R 4.0.0
  for (i in 1:length(lst)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(lst[[i]])) {
      if ("scalar" %in% class(lst[[i]][, j])) class(lst[[i]][, j]) <- setdiff(class(lst[[i]][, j]), "scalar")

  res <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lst, fill = TRUE))
  # reorder for File File...
  idx <- res$type %in% c("File", "File...")
  res1 <- res[idx, ]
  res2 <- res[!idx, ]
  rbind(res1, res2)

setAs("SBGWorkflowOutputParameter", "data.frame", function(from) {
  lst <- from$toList()

  res <- c(
    lst[!names(lst) %in% c(
      type = .make_type(lst$type),

      fileTypes = lst[["sbg:fileTypes"]]

  res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    if (is.null(x)) {
    } else {

  res <- do.call(data.frame, res)
  .fullnames <- names(res)

  .names.sbg <- sort(.fullnames[grep("^sbg", .fullnames)])
  .names.other <- sort(setdiff(.fullnames, .names.sbg))
  .names.priority <- c("id", "label", "type")
  .names.p2 <- sort(setdiff(.names.other, .names.priority))
  new.order <- c(.names.priority, .names.p2, .names.sbg)

  res[, new.order]

setAs("SBGWorkflowOutputParameterList", "data.frame", function(from) {
  lst <- lapply(from, function(x) {
    as(x, "data.frame")

  # remove all sbg.suggestedValue fields (if any) from input parameters
  # since its definition is too flexible and caused conversion issues
  lst <- lapply(lst, function(x) {
    x[, which(substr(colnames(x), 1L, 18L) != "sbg.suggestedValue")]

  # remove scalar class from [S3: scalar, character]
  # to prevent class mismatch when binding lists - since R 4.0.0
  for (i in 1:length(lst)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(lst[[i]])) {
      if ("scalar" %in% class(lst[[i]][, j])) class(lst[[i]][, j]) <- setdiff(class(lst[[i]][, j]), "scalar")

  res <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lst, fill = TRUE))
  # reorder for File File...
  idx <- res$type %in% c("File", "File...")
  res1 <- res[idx, ]
  res2 <- res[!idx, ]
  rbind(res1, res2)
sbg/sevenbridges-r documentation built on March 26, 2021, 3:33 p.m.