
Defines functions .check_plot_args DrawGraph plot_scale_bar ggplotGraph PlotSpatField DrawfromVoronoi LinePlotTheme EmptyTheme makeKaye1 mymap DrawKaylePalette DrawBorderFromMask Plot_gridded_data Plotsigmafromkappa multiplot error.bar get_ellipse spy OverlayPlot RdGrPu medal_plot

Documented in EmptyTheme LinePlotTheme

.check_plot_args <- function(args,z=0) {
  if ("max" %in% names(args)) {
  } else {
    args$max <- max(z,na.rm=T) 
  if ("min" %in% names(args)) {
  } else {
    args$min <- min(z,na.rm=T)
  if("leg_title" %in% names(args)) {
  } else {
    args$leg_title <- ""
  if ("plot_dots" %in% names(args)) {
  } else {
    args$plot_dots <- T
  if ("g" %in% names(args)) {
  } else {
    args$g <- NULL
  if("pt_size" %in% names(args)) {
  } else {
    args$pt_size <- 1
  if("size" %in% names(args)) {
    args$pt_size <- args$size
  if(!("palette" %in% names(args))) {
    args$palette <- "RdYlBu"
  if(!("reverse" %in% names(args))) {
    args$reverse <- FALSE

#' @rdname plot_interp
#' @aliases plot_interp,FEBasis,character-method
setMethod("plot_interp",signature(x = "FEBasis",y="character"),  # GRBF basis with mean offset as last weight
          function(x,y,ds=40,...) {
            args <- list(...)
            Mesh <- x
            df <- getDf(Mesh)
            Mesh['to_plot'] <- df[y]
            args <- .check_plot_args(args,df[y])
            zhi <- args$max
            zlo <- args$min 
            leg_title <- args$leg_title
            palette <- args$palette
            reverse <- args$reverse
            mesh_grid <- interp(Mesh["x"],Mesh["y"],Mesh["to_plot"],
            expanded_grid <- cbind(expand.grid(mesh_grid$x,mesh_grid$y),as.vector(mesh_grid$z))
            names(expanded_grid) <- c("x","y","z")
            g <- OverlayPlot(expanded_grid,GGstd = NULL,leg_title=leg_title,zlo=zlo,zhi=zhi,palette=palette,reverse=reverse)

#' @rdname plot_interp
#' @aliases plot_interp,FEBasis-method
setMethod("plot",signature(x = "FEBasis"),  # GRBF basis with mean offset as last weight
          function(x,y,...) {
            args <- list(...)
            args <- .check_plot_args(args)
            plot_dots <- args$plot_dots
            g <- args$g            
            g <- ggplotGraph(as.matrix(x@pars$K - diag(diag(x@pars$K))),fixed=x@pars$p,point_size=0.5,g=g,plot_dots=plot_dots) 

#' @rdname plot
#' @aliases plot,FEBasis,character-method
setMethod("plot",signature(x = "FEBasis",y="character"),  # GRBF basis with mean offset as last weight
          function(x,y,...) {
            args <- list(...)
            xlocs <- x@pars$p[,1]
            ylocs <- x@pars$p[,2]
            if(!(y %in% names(x@pars$vars))) stop("Did not find label in mesh data frame")
            z <- x@pars$vars[[y]]
            df <- data.frame(x = xlocs, y=ylocs, z=z)
            args <- .check_plot_args(args,z)
            pt_size <- args$pt_size
            df$p1 <- args$max 
            df$p2 <- args$min 
            leg_title <- args$leg_title
            g <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_point(data=df,aes(x,y,colour=pmax(pmin(z,p1),p2)),size=pt_size) + 
              scale_colour_gradient2(low="red",mid="light yellow",high="blue",

#' @rdname plot
#' @aliases plot,Obs,character-method
setMethod("plot",signature(x = "Obs",y="character"),  # GRBF basis with mean offset as last weight
          function(x,y,...) {
            args <- list(...)
            if(!(y %in% names(x@df))) stop("Did not find label in mesh data frame")
            z <- x[y]
            args <- .check_plot_args(args,z)
            lab <- args$leg_title
            pt_size <- args$pt_size
            p1 <- args$max
            p2 <- args$min
            xlocs <- x["x"]
            ylocs <- x["y"]
            df <- data.frame(x = xlocs, y=ylocs, z=z)
            df$p1 <- p1
            df$p2 <- p2
            g <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_point(data=df,aes(x,y,colour=pmax(pmin(z,p1),p2)),size=pt_size) + 
              #scale_colour_gradient2(low=muted("red"),mid="light yellow",high=muted("blue"),guide=guide_legend(lab))

#' @rdname plot
#' @aliases plot,Obs_poly,character-method
setMethod("plot",signature(x = "Obs_poly",y="character"),  # GRBF basis with mean offset as last weight
          function(x,y,...) {
            args <- list(...)
            if(!(y %in% names(x@df2))) stop("Did not find label in mesh data frame")
            z <- x[y]
            args <- .check_plot_args(args,z)
            lab <- args$leg_title
            pt_size <- args$pt_size
            p1 <- args$max
            p2 <- args$min
            df <- x@df2
            df$p1 <- p1
            df$p2 <- p2
            df$to_plot <- df[y][,1]
            g <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_polygon(data=df,aes(x=x,y=y,fill=pmax(pmin(to_plot,p1),p2),group=id)) + 
              scale_fill_gradient2(low = muted("red"),mid="light yellow",high=muted("blue"),

## Draw a graph of the precision matrix
DrawGraph <- function(Q,fixed=NA)   {
  diag(Q) <- 0
  Q[which(Q!=0)] = 1 		# make symbolic
  mygraph <- graph.adjacency(Q,mode="undirected")
    layout =  layout.fruchterman.reingold(mygraph)
  } else {
    layout =  fixed
  if (dim(Q)[1] < 200) {
  } else {

plot_scale_bar <- function(g_orig,x=0,y=0,l=10)  {
  df1 <- data.frame(x = c(x, x = x + l/2,  x = x + l/2,  x = x), 
                    y = c(y + l/20,y + l/20, y - l/20, y - l/20))
  df2 <- data.frame(x = c(x, x = x - l/2,  x = x - l/2,  x = x), 
                    y = c(y + l/20,y + l/20, y - l/20, y - l/20))
  dftext <- data.frame(x = x, y = y - l/3, l= l)
  g <- g_orig + geom_polygon(data=df1,aes(x,y),colour="black",fill="white") +
    geom_polygon(data=df2,aes(x,y),colour="black",fill="black") + 
    geom_text(data=dftext,aes(x,y,label = paste(l,'km')))

ggplotGraph <- function(Q,fixed=NA,point_size=0.5,g = NULL,plot_dots=T) {
  net <- network(Q,directed = F,density=0.3)
  m <- as.matrix.network.adjacency(net) # get sociomatrix
  plotcord <- data.frame(X1=fixed[,1],X2=fixed[,2])
  edglist <- as.matrix.network.edgelist(net)
  edges <- data.frame(plotcord[edglist[,1],], plotcord[edglist[,2],])
  colnames(edges) <-  c("X1","Y1","X2","Y2")
  edges$midX  <- (edges$X1 + edges$X2) / 2
  edges$midY  <- (edges$Y1 + edges$Y2) / 2
  if (class(g)[1] == "NULL") {
    pnet <- ggplot()  +
      geom_segment(aes(x=X1, y=Y1, xend = X2, yend = Y2),
                   data=edges, size = 0.3, colour="dark grey") +
      scale_colour_brewer(palette="Set1") +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL) +
      # discard default grid + titles in ggplot2
      theme(panel.background = element_blank()) + theme(legend.position="none")+
      theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank()) +
      theme( legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA)) +
      theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA)) +
      theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) 
  } else {
    pnet <- g  +
      geom_segment(aes(x=X1, y=Y1, xend = X2, yend = Y2),
                   data=edges, size = 0.3, colour="dark grey") +
    #scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL) 
    # discard default grid + titles in ggplot2
    #theme(panel.background = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
    #      legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA), panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA),
    #      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) 
  if(plot_dots) pnet <- pnet + geom_point(aes(X1, X2),colour="red", data=plotcord,size=point_size)

## Plot a spatial field from vertices
PlotSpatField <- function(p,x,my_title = '',ylab="",zlim=c(0,0),palette=brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"),res=200)  {
  surf <- interp(x=p[,1],y=p[,2],z=x,xo=seq(min(p[,1]), max(p[,1]), length = res),yo=seq(min(p[,2]), max(p[,2]), length = res))
  if ((zlim[1] == 0) && (zlim[2] == 0)) zlim <- range(surf$z,na.rm=T)
  zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1]
  surf$z[which(surf$z < zlim[1])] = zlim[1]
  surf$z[which(surf$z > zlim[2])] = zlim[2]
  image(x=surf$x, y=surf$y, z=surf$z,col=palette, axes=F, zlim=zlim, xlab="", ylab=ylab)
  image.plot( zlim=zlim, col=palette, legend.only=TRUE, horizontal =TRUE)
  # filled.contour(surf$x, surf$y, surf$z,color.palette=terrain.colors,xlab='x',ylab='y')

## Plot from Voronoi tesselations
DrawfromVoronoi <- function(Voronoi,col,p) {
  n = length(col)
  for (i in 1:n)  {
    edges <- rbind(as.matrix(subset(Voronoi$dirsgs,ind1 ==i,select=c(x1,y1,bp1))),
                   as.matrix(subset(Voronoi$dirsgs,ind2 ==i,select=c(x1,y1,bp1))),
                   as.matrix(subset(Voronoi$dirsgs,ind1 ==i,select=c(x2,y2,bp2))),
                   as.matrix(subset(Voronoi$dirsgs,ind2 ==i,select=c(x2,y2,bp2))))
    X <- unique(edges)
    if(sum(X[,3])>0) {
      X <- rbind(X,c(p[i,],0))
    edges <- X[,(1:2)]
    edges <- edges[chull(edges), ]

#' @title Line-plot theme
#' @description Formats a ggplot object for neat plotting.
#' @return Object of class \code{ggplot}
#' @keywords ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' X <- data.frame(x=runif(100),y = runif(100), z = runif(100))
#' LinePlotTheme() + geom_point(data=X,aes(x,y,colour=z))
LinePlotTheme <- function() {
  g <- ggplot() + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill='white', colour='black'),text = element_text(size=20),
                        panel.grid.major =  element_line(colour = "light gray", size = 0.05),
                        panel.border  = element_rect(fill=NA, colour='black'),
  return (g)

#' @title Empty-plot theme
#' @description Formats a ggplot object for plotting with no annotations/grids.
#' @return Object of class \code{ggplot}
#' @keywords ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' X <- data.frame(x=runif(100),y = runif(100), z = runif(100))
#' EmptyTheme() + geom_point(data=X,aes(x,y,colour=z))
EmptyTheme <- function() {
  g <- ggplot() +  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill='white', colour='white'),panel.grid=element_blank(),axis.ticks=element_blank(),
  return (g)
## this temperature field suggested in Kaye et al (2011), Fig 3 in the
## response to my comment
makeKaye1 <- function(mbr = c(-15, 0, 10, 25), sdbr = c(0.3, 0.6, 1),rtb=F) {
  stopifnot(length(mbr) == 4, length(sdbr) == 3)
  if (rtb == F) {
    sat <- cbind(red = c(0, 100, 240, 230, 170),
                 green = c(0, 180, 210, 120, 0),
                 blue = c(170, 255, 0, 0, 0))
  } else {
    sat <- cbind(red = c(170,230,240,100,0),
                 green = c(0,120,210,180,0),
                 blue = c(0,0,0,255,170))
  pp <- c(0, 0.33, 0.66, 1)
  coltab <- sapply(pp, function(x) {
    y <- (1 - x) * sat + x * 255
    rgb(y[, "red"], y[, "green"], y[, "blue"], alpha = 255, maxColorValue = 255)
  rownames(coltab) <- c(paste("<", mbr[1]),
                        paste(mbr[-length(mbr)], mbr[-1], sep = " to "),
                        paste(">=", mbr[length(mbr)]))
  mbr <- c(-Inf, mbr, Inf) # for cut
  sdbr <- c(0, sdbr)
  colnames(coltab) <- c(paste(sdbr[-length(sdbr)], sdbr[-1], sep = " to "),
                        paste(">=", sdbr[length(sdbr)]))
  sdbr <- c(sdbr, Inf) # for cut
  function(m, sd = 0) {
    m <- cut(m, breaks = mbr, right = FALSE, labels = FALSE) # in 1:5 (small - large)
    sd <- cut(sd, breaks = sdbr, right = FALSE, labels = FALSE)  # in 1:4 (unc - certain)
    coltab[cbind(m, sd)]
mymap <- function(grid, col, Dx,
                  xlim = c(-180, 180), ylim = c(-85, 85),
                  add = FALSE,
                  coast = c("under", "over", "none"), colcoast = "darkgrey",
                  boxtype = c("ticks", "none", "box")) {
  ## simple checks
  stopifnot(is.data.frame(grid), c("lon", "lat") %in% names(grid),
            nrow(grid) == length(col))
  coast <- match.arg(coast)
  boxtype <- match.arg(boxtype)
  ## fill in gridcell widths
  if (missing(Dx)) {
    Dx <- sapply(grid[, c("lon", "lat")], function(x)
    #     cat(sprintf("** \'Dx\' inferred from grid, dlon = %.2f, dlat = %.2f\n",
    #                 Dx["lon"], Dx["lat"]))
  ## initialise plot and plot gridcells
  #if (!add)
  #  map(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", mar = par("mar"))
  #if (coast == "under")
  #  map(interior = FALSE, add = TRUE, col = colcoast, mar = par("mar"))
  rect(grid$lon, grid$lat, grid$lon + Dx["lon"], grid$lat + Dx["lat"],
       col = col, border = col, lwd = 0, ljoin = 1)
  #if (coast == "over")
  #  map(interior = FALSE, add = TRUE, col = colcoast, mar = par("mar"))
  if (boxtype == "box") box()
  else if (boxtype == "ticks") {
    axis(1, at = pretty(xlim, 10), tcl = 0.25, cex.axis = 0.7,
         mgp = c(2, 0.0, 0))
    axis(2, at = pretty(ylim, 7), tcl = 0.25, cex.axis = 0.7,
         mgp = c(2, 0.25, 0), las = 1)
DrawKaylePalette <- function(coltab)
  ## create legend as separate figure
  do.call(getOption("device"), list(width = 4, height = 3.5))
  coltab <- get("coltab", envir = environment(Kaye))
  par(mar = c(4, 5.5, 1, 1), mgp = c(1.25, 0.25, 0), las = 1, cex = 0.8)
  plot.window(xlim = c(0, 4), ylim = c(0, 5))
  xleft <- rep(0:3, 5); ybottom = rep(0:4, rep(4, 5))
  rect(xleft, ybottom, xleft + 1, ybottom + 1, col = t(coltab), border = "darkgrey")
  axis(1, at = 0:3 + 0.5, colnames(coltab), tick = FALSE)
  #title(xlab = "Standard deviation (m/a)", line = 2)
  axis(2, at = 0:4 + 0.5, rownames(coltab), tick = FALSE)
  #title(ylab = "Height change (m/a)", line = 3.75)
## Draw a border using countours from a mask of 1/0s
DrawBorderFromMask <- function(x,y,z)    {
  contour(unique(x),unique(y),z,axis=T,levels=seq(from=-3, to=3, by=1),drawlabels = F,add=T,lwd=1)
## Plot gridded data from N x 1 vectors
Plot_gridded_data <- function(x,y,z,palette=rainbow(128),zlim=c(-1,1),xlab="",ylab="")    {
  x <- unique(x)
  y <- unique(y)
  z <- reshape(matrix(z),length(y),length(x))
  image(x=x, y=y, z=t(z),col=palette, axes=F, zlim=zlim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
  image.plot( zlim=zlim, col=palette, legend.only=TRUE, horizontal =TRUE)
Plotsigmafromkappa <- function(sigma,a,b) {

# Multiple plot function
# ggplot objects can be passed in ..., or to plotlist (as a list of ggplot objects)
# - cols:   Number of columns in layout
# - layout: A matrix specifying the layout. If present, 'cols' is ignored.
# If the layout is something like matrix(c(1,2,3,3), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE),
# then plot 1 will go in the upper left, 2 will go in the upper right, and
# 3 will go all the way across the bottom.
multiplot <- function(..., plotlist=NULL, file, cols=1, layout=NULL) {
  # Make a list from the ... arguments and plotlist
  plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
  numPlots = length(plots)
  # If layout is NULL, then use 'cols' to determine layout
  if (is.null(layout)) {
    # Make the panel
    # ncol: Number of columns of plots
    # nrow: Number of rows needed, calculated from # of cols
    layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * ceiling(numPlots/cols)),
                     ncol = cols, nrow = ceiling(numPlots/cols))
  if (numPlots==1) {
  } else {
    # Set up the page
    pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout), ncol(layout))))
    # Make each plot, in the correct location
    for (i in 1:numPlots) {
      # Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain this subplot
      matchidx <- as.data.frame(which(layout == i, arr.ind = TRUE))
      print(plots[[i]], vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row,
                                      layout.pos.col = matchidx$col))
error.bar <- function(x, y, upper, lower=upper, length=0.1,...){
  if(length(x) != length(y) | length(y) !=length(lower) | length(lower) != length(upper))
    stop("vectors must be same length")
  arrows(x,y+upper, x, y-lower, angle=90, code=3, length=length, ...)
get_ellipse <- function(data, fill){
  edata <- as.matrix(data)
  ehull <- ellipsoidhull(edata)
  phull <- as.data.frame(predict(ehull))
    fill=rep(fill, nrow(phull))
spy <-function(X) {
  Y <- which(t(X)!=0,arr.ind=TRUE)

#' @title Overla Plot
#' @description Still to be documented
#' @export
OverlayPlot <- function(GG,GGstd = NULL,leg_title="",do_mesh=0,zlo = -0.6,zhi = 0.6,alphalo = 0.2, alphahi = 1,palette="RdYlBu",reverse=F) {
  GG$zlo = zlo
  GG$zhi = zhi
  if (!is.null(GGstd)) {
    GGstd$alphalo = alphalo
    GGstd$alphahi = alphahi
  g <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_tile(data=subset(GG,!(is.na(z))),aes(x=x,y=y,fill=pmin(pmax(z,zlo),zhi))) +
    #scale_fill_gradient2(low=(muted("red")),mid="light yellow",high=(muted("blue")),limits=c(zlo,zhi),
    #                     guide=guide_colourbar(title=leg_title)) + 
  if (!is.null(GGstd)) {
    g <- g + geom_tile(data=GGstd,aes(x=x,y=y, alpha=-pmax(pmin(z,alphahi),alphalo)),fill="white") +scale_alpha(guide = 'none')
  if (do_mesh) g <- ggplotGraph(as.matrix(K_ICE - diag(diag(K_ICE))),fixed=p_ICE,point_size=0.01,g=g,plot_dots=F) 
  g <- g + theme(legend.position="right") + 
    theme(legend.key.width=unit(4,"lines")) + theme(legend.key.height=unit(4,"lines")) +
    theme(text = element_text(size=40))

# colourful palette for detailed plots
RdGrPu <- function(int=3) {
  c(brewer_pal("seq", "Reds")(int), brewer_pal("seq", "Oranges")(int),
    brewer_pal("seq", "Greens")(int),brewer_pal("seq", "Greys")(int),
    brewer_pal("seq", "Purples")(int),brewer_pal("seq", "Blues")(int))

medal_plot <- function(obs,Qx,inc.matrix,g=ggplot(),print_middle=T,alpha=1,scale=0.004,Sigma_part=NULL,xsamp=NULL,clamp_below=F) {
  stopifnot(!(is.null(Sigma_part)) | !(is.null(xsamp)))
  C_full <- inc.matrix
  cholQx <- cholPermute(Qx)
  Qobs <- diag(1/(obs$std^2))
  PP <- t(cholsolve(Qx,t(C_full),perm=T,cholQp = cholQx$Qpermchol, P = cholQx$P))  # A backsolve is a transposed forward solve ...
  Prior_var <- rowSums(PP * C_full)
  PP <- t(cholsolve(Qx,t(C_full),perm=T,cholQp = cholQx$Qpermchol, P = cholQx$P))  # A backsolve is a transposed forward solve ...
  Prior_var_diag <- diag(diag((PP %*% t(C_full))))
  Obs_var <- 1/diag(Qobs)
  Var_tot2 <- diag(solve(solve(Prior_var_diag) + solve(diag(Obs_var))))
  if(!(is.null(Sigma_part))) {
    PP <- C_full %*% Sigma_part
    Var_tot <- rowSums(PP * C_full)
    #dev.new(); plot(Var_tot/Obs_var)
    #dev.new(); plot(Var_tot/Prior_var)
  }   else {
    Var_tot <- rep(0,nrow(C_full))
    for (i in 1:nrow(C_full)) {
    #Sigma <- (x_samp[,((burnin+1):m)] - x_des$mean) %*% t(x_samp[,((burnin+1):m)] - x_des$mean)/(m - burnin)
    ind <- which(!(C_full[i,] == 0))
    Cov <- (x_samp[ind,] - apply(x_samp[ind,],1,mean)) %*% t(x_samp[ind,] - apply(x_samp[ind,],1,mean))/(ncol(xsamp)-1)
    Var_tot[i] <- C_full[i,ind] %*% Cov %*% (C_full[i,ind])
  obs$PostVar <- Var_tot
  obs$PostVar2 <- Var_tot2
  obs$ObsVar <- Obs_var
  obs$PriorVar <- Prior_var
  obs$Outer_disk_val <- pmin(Obs_var,Prior_var)
  #obs$Outer_disk_val <- Prior_var
  obs$Outer_disk_col <- apply(cbind(Obs_var,Prior_var),1,function(x) {
    minbnd <- which.min(x)
    if(minbnd == 1) {
    } else {
  size_outer <-  scale*(sqrt(obs$Outer_disk_val))
  size_inner <- scale*(sqrt(obs$PostVar))
  size_middle <- scale*(sqrt(obs$PostVar2))
  size_middle <- pmin(size_middle,0.9*size_outer) # this is to show the rim colour
  size_inner <- pmin(size_inner,0.9*size_middle)
  ## If medals are too small scale them up
  if(clamp_below) {
    min_size <- min(diff(range(obs$x)),diff(range(obs$y)))/900
    ind_too_small <- which(size_outer < min_size)   # don't make medals too small
    scales <- min_size/size_outer
    size_outer[ind_too_small] <- min_size   # don't make medals too small
    size_inner[ind_too_small] <- (size_inner*scales)[ind_too_small]
    size_middle[ind_too_small] <- (size_middle*scales)[ind_too_small]
  mobs <- nrow(obs)
  for (i in 1:mobs) {
    g <- g + geom_polygon(data=circleFun(c(obs$x[i],obs$y[i]),15*size_outer[i],npoints = 100),aes(x,y),fill=obs$Outer_disk_col[i],alpha=alpha)
    for (i in 1:mobs) {
      g <- g + geom_polygon(data=circleFun(c(obs$x[i],obs$y[i]),15*size_middle[i],npoints = 100),aes(x,y),fill="white",alpha=alpha)
  for (i in 1:mobs) {
    g <- g + geom_polygon(data=circleFun(c(obs$x[i],obs$y[i]),15*size_inner[i],npoints = 100),aes(x,y),fill="#FFD700") #FF8800
shazhe/mvst0 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:20 p.m.