
Defines functions .validProcessHistory .getProcessHistory .getProcessErrors filtfft defineColAndTy panel.cor pval na.flatfill retexp xcmsBoxPlot .write.metaboanalyst plotSpecWindow getSpecWindow patternVsRowScore phenoDataFromPaths split.xcmsSet c.xcmsSet xcmsSet

Documented in c.xcmsSet filtfft na.flatfill panel.cor phenoDataFromPaths pval retexp split.xcmsSet xcmsSet

## Functions for xcmsSet objects.
#' @include DataClasses.R do_findChromPeaks-functions.R

## The "constructor"
## The "new" xcmsSet method using BiocParallel.
xcmsSet <- function(files = NULL, snames = NULL, sclass = NULL,
                    phenoData = NULL, profmethod = "bin",
                    profparam = list(), polarity = NULL,
                    lockMassFreq=FALSE, mslevel=NULL, nSlaves=0,
                    progressCallback=NULL, scanrange=NULL,
                    BPPARAM=bpparam(), stopOnError = TRUE, ...) {

    if (nSlaves != 0) {
        message("Use of argument 'nSlaves' is deprecated,",
                " please use 'BPPARAM' instead.")
        options(mc.cores = nSlaves)
    if (!is.logical(stopOnError))
        stop("'stopOnError' has to be a logical.")
    ## Overwriting the stop.on.error in BPPARAM:
    ## bpstopOnError(BPPARAM) <- stopOnError
    orig <- bpstopOnError(BPPARAM)
    on.exit(BPPARAM@.xData$stop.on.error <- orig)
    BPPARAM@.xData$stop.on.error <- stopOnError

    object <- new("xcmsSet")

    ## initialise progress information
    xcms.options <- getOption("BioC")$xcms
    xcms.methods <- c(paste("group", xcms.options$group.methods,sep="."),
                      paste("findPeaks", xcms.options$findPeaks.methods,sep="."),
                      paste("retcor", xcms.options$retcor.methods,sep="."),
                      paste("fillPeaks", xcms.options$fillPeaks.methods,sep="."))
    eval(parse(text=paste("object@progressInfo <- list(",paste(xcms.methods,"=0",
                                                               sep="",collapse=","),")") ))

    if (is.function(progressCallback))
        object@progressCallback <- progressCallback

    filepattern <- c("[Cc][Dd][Ff]", "[Nn][Cc]", "([Mm][Zz])?[Xx][Mm][Ll]",
                     "[Mm][Zz][Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]", "[Mm][Zz][Mm][Ll]")
    filepattern <- paste(paste("\\.", filepattern, "$", sep = ""), collapse = "|")
    if (is.null(files))
        files <- getwd()
    info <- file.info(files)
    if (any(info$isdir)) {
        message("Scanning files in directory ", files[info$isdir], " ... ",
                appendLF = FALSE)
        listed <- list.files(files[info$isdir], pattern = filepattern,
                             recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
        message("found ", length(listed), " files")
        files <- c(files[!info$isdir], listed)
    ## try making paths absolute
    files_abs <- file.path(getwd(), files)
    exists <- file.exists(files_abs)
    files[exists] <- files_abs[exists]
    if (length(files) == 0 | all(is.na(files)))
        stop("No NetCDF/mzXML/mzML files were found.\n")

        ## remove the 02 files if there here
        lockMass.files<-grep("02.CDF", files)
        if(length(lockMass.files) > 0){
    filepaths(object) <- files

    ## determine experimental design
    fromPaths <- phenoDataFromPaths(files)
    if (is.null(snames)) {
        snames <- rownames(fromPaths)
    } else {
        rownames(fromPaths) <- snames
    pdata <- phenoData
    if (is.null(pdata)) {
        pdata <- sclass
        if (is.null(pdata))
            pdata <- fromPaths
            pdata <- as(pdata, "data.frame")
            stop("phenoData has to be a data.frame or AnnotatedDataFrame!")
    phenoData(object) <- pdata
    if (is.null(phenoData))
        rownames(phenoData(object)) <- snames
    rtlist <- list(raw = vector("list", length(snames)),
                   corrected = vector("list", length(snames)))

    if ("step" %in% names(profparam)) {
        if ("step" %in% names(list(...)) && profparam$step != list(...)$step) {
            stop("different step values defined in profparam and step arguments")
        profstep <- profparam$step
        profparam <- profparam[names(profparam) != "step"]
    } else if ("step" %in% names(list(...))) {
        profstep <- list(...)$step
    } else {
        profstep <- 0.1

    if ("method" %in% names(profparam)) {
        if (profparam$method != profmethod) {
            stop("different method values defined in profparam and profmethod arguments")
        profmethod <- profparam$method
        profparam <- profparam[names(profparam) != "method"]

    profinfo(object) <- c(list(method = profmethod, step = profstep), profparam)

    object@polarity <- as.character(polarity)

    ## implicitely TRUE if selecting MSn
    includeMSn <- !is.null(mslevel) &&  mslevel>1

    ## implicitely TRUE if MS1 parent peak picking
    xcmsSetArgs <- as.list(match.call())
    if (!is.null(xcmsSetArgs$method)) {
        if (xcmsSetArgs$method=="MS1") {

    params <- list(...)
    params$profmethod <- profmethod
    params$profparam <- profparam
    params$includeMSn <- includeMSn
    params$scanrange <- scanrange

    params$mslevel <- mslevel ## Actually, this is
    params$lockMassFreq <- lockMassFreq

    ft <- cbind(file = files,id = 1:length(files))
    argList <- apply(ft ,1 ,function(x) list(file = x["file"],
                                           id = as.numeric(x["id"]),
                                           params = params))
    ## Use BiocParallel: bplapply along with bptry
    res <- bptry(bplapply(argList, findPeaksPar, BPPARAM = BPPARAM))
    ## Catch the error.
    if (stopOnError) {
        if (inherits(res, "bperror"))

    ## Processing the results
    ## Feature detection in <file>: xy peaks. -> info
    ## Error identifying features in <>: Error:... -> info + error
    isOK <- bpok(res)
    if (all(!isOK))
        stop("Chromatographic peak detection failed for all files!",
             " The first error was: ", res[[1]])
    if (any(!isOK)) {
        ## Use scantime from a working file one of the failing ones.
        scnt <- res[[which(isOK)[1]]]$scantime
    nres <- length(res)
    peaklist <- vector("list", length = nres)
    proclist <- vector("list", length = nres)
    scntlist <- vector("list", length = nres)
    ## Loop trough the results and gather information.
    for (i in 1:nres) {
        if (isOK[i]) {
            scntlist[[i]] <- res[[i]]$scantime
            pks <- res[[i]]$peaks
            peaklist[[i]] <- pks
            if (is.null(pks))
                warning("No peaks found in sample ", snames[i], ".")
            else if (nrow(pks) == 0)
                warning("No peaks found in sample ", snames[i], ".")
            else if (nrow(pks) == 1)
                warning("Only 1 peak found in sample ", snames[i], ".")
            else if (nrow(pks) < 5)
                warning("Only ", nrow(pks), " found in sample ", snames[i], ".")
            proclist[[i]] <- ProcessHistory(info. = paste0("Peak detection in '",
                                                          "': ", nrow(pks),
                                                          " peaks identified."),
                                            date. = res[[i]]$date,
                                            type. = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.DETECTION,
                                            fileIndex. = i)
        } else {
            scntlist[[i]] <- scnt
            peaklist[[i]] <- NULL
            proclist[[i]] <- ProcessHistory(info. = paste0("Error identifying",
                                                          " peaks in '",
                                                          "': ", res[[i]]),
                                            error. = res[[i]],
                                            type. = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.DETECTION,
                                            fileIndex. = i)
            warning("Peak detection failed in '", files[i], "':", res[[i]])
    ## peaklist <- lapply(res, function(x) x$peaks)
    ## rtlist$raw <-  rtlist$corrected <- lapply(res, function(x) x$scantime)
        object@dataCorrection[1:length(files)] <- 1

    rtlist$raw <- rtlist$corrected <- scntlist
    peaks(object) <- do.call(rbind, peaklist)
    object@rt <- rtlist
    object@.processHistory <- proclist

    mslevel(object) <- as.numeric(mslevel)
    scanrange(object) <- as.numeric(scanrange)
    OK <- .validProcessHistory(object)
    if (!is.logical(OK))

## c
c.xcmsSet <- function(...) {
    lcsets <- list(...)
    object <- new("xcmsSet")

    peaklist <- vector("list", length(lcsets))
    namelist <- vector("list", length(lcsets))
    if (any(duplicated(unlist(namelist)))) {
        stop("Duplicated sample names\n")

    classlist <- vector("list", length(lcsets))
    cdflist <- vector("list", length(lcsets))
    rtraw <- vector("list", 0)
    rtcor <- vector("list", 0)
    procHist <- vector("list", 0)
    startIdx <- 1
    nsamp <- 0
    for (i in seq(along = lcsets)) {
        peaklist[[i]] <- peaks(lcsets[[i]])
        namelist[[i]] <- sampnames(lcsets[[i]])
        classlist[[i]] <- sampclass(lcsets[[i]])
        classlist[[i]] <- levels(classlist[[i]])[classlist[[i]]]
        cdflist[[i]] <- filepaths(lcsets[[i]])
        rtraw <- c(rtraw, lcsets[[i]]@rt$raw)
        rtcor <- c(rtcor, lcsets[[i]]@rt$corrected)

        ## Update samples only if we've got any peaks. Issue #133
        if (nrow(peaks(lcsets[[i]]))) {
            sampidx <- seq(along = namelist[[i]]) + nsamp
            peaklist[[i]][,"sample"] <- sampidx[peaklist[[i]][,"sample"]]
            ## Don't increment if we don't have any peaks
            nsamp <- nsamp + length(namelist[[i]])
        if (.hasSlot(lcsets[[i]], ".processHistory")) {
            ph <- .getProcessHistory(lcsets[[i]])
            if (length(ph) > 0) {
                num_files <- length(namelist[[i]])
                ph <- lapply(ph, updateFileIndex, old = 1:num_files,
                             new = startIdx:(startIdx+num_files-1))
            } else {
                ph <- list()
            procHist <- c(procHist, ph)
        } else {
            procHist <- c(procHist, list())
        startIdx <- startIdx + length(namelist[[i]])

    peaks(object) <- do.call(rbind, peaklist)
    sampnames(object) <- unlist(namelist)
    classlist <- unlist(classlist)
    sampclass(object) <- factor(classlist, unique(classlist))
    filepaths(object) <- unlist(cdflist)
    profinfo(object) <- profinfo(lcsets[[1]])
    object@rt <- list(raw = rtraw, corrected = rtcor)

    object@.processHistory <- procHist
    OK <- .validProcessHistory(object)
    if (!is.logical(OK))

## split
split.xcmsSet <- function(x, f, drop = TRUE, ...) {
    ## Update the object
    x <- updateObject(x)
    if (!is.factor(f))
        f <- factor(f)
    sampidx <- unclass(f)
    peakmat <- peaks(x)
    samples <- sampnames(x)
    classlabel <- sampclass(x)
    cdffiles <- filepaths(x)
    prof <- profinfo(x)
    rtraw <- x@rt$raw
    rtcor <- x@rt$corrected

    lcsets <- vector("list", length(levels(f)))
    names(lcsets) <- levels(f)

    ## get the phenoData and all other parameters we want to pass
    ## down to the splitted objects
    pd <- phenoData(x)
    dataCor <- x@dataCorrection
        msL <- mslevel(x)
        scanR <- scanrange(x)
    pol <- x@polarity
    procHist <- x@.processHistory
    for (i in unique(sampidx)) {
        samptrans = which(sampidx == i)
        samptrans = samptrans[samptrans <= nrow(x@phenoData)]

        if (length(samptrans) < 1) next

        lcsets[[i]] <- new("xcmsSet")

        cpeaks = peakmat[peakmat[,"sample"] %in% samptrans, ,drop=F]
        cpeaks[,"sample"] <- as.numeric(factor(cpeaks[,"sample"]))
        peaks(lcsets[[i]]) <- cpeaks

        ## don't need these, since I'm going to use the phenoData instead.
        ## sampnames(lcsets[[i]]) <- samples[samptrans]
        ## sampclass(lcsets[[i]]) <- classlabel[samptrans, drop = TRUE]
        phenoData(lcsets[[i]]) <- droplevels(pd[samptrans, , drop=FALSE])
        ## set also all other settings.
        if(length(dataCor) > 1){
            lcsets[[i]]@dataCorrection <- dataCor[samptrans]
        ## suppressWarnings, as "old" xcmsSet objects don't have these
        ## slots.
            mslevel(lcsets[[i]]) <- as.numeric(msL)
            scanrange(lcsets[[i]]) <- as.numeric(scanR)
        lcsets[[i]]@polarity <- pol
        filepaths(lcsets[[i]]) <- cdffiles[samptrans]
        profinfo(lcsets[[i]]) <- prof
        lcsets[[i]]@rt$raw <- rtraw[samptrans]
        lcsets[[i]]@rt$corrected <- rtcor[samptrans]
        ## .processHistory
        procHist <- .getProcessHistory(x, fileIndex = samptrans)
        procHist <- lapply(procHist, updateFileIndex, old = samptrans,
                           new = 1:length(samptrans))
        lcsets[[i]]@.processHistory <- procHist
        OK <- .validProcessHistory(lcsets[[i]])
        if (!is.logical(OK))

    if (drop)
        lcsets <- lcsets[!sapply(lcsets, is.null)]


## phenoDataFromPaths
## derive experimental design from set of file paths
#' @title Derive experimental design from file paths
#' @description The `phenoDataFromPaths` function builds a `data.frame`
#'     representing the experimental design from the folder structure in which
#'     the files of the experiment are located.
#' @note This function is used by the *old* `xcmsSet` function to guess
#'     the experimental design (i.e. group assignment of the files) from the
#'     folders in which the files of the experiment can be found.
#' @param paths `character` representing the file names (including the full
#'     path) of the experiment's files.
#' @md
#' @examples
#' ## List the files available in the faahKO package
#' base_dir <- system.file("cdf", package = "faahKO")
#' cdf_files <- list.files(base_dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
phenoDataFromPaths <- function(paths) {
    ## create factors from filesystem hierarchy
    sclass <- gsub("^\\.$", "sample", dirname(paths))
    lev <- strsplit(sclass, "/")
    levlen <- sapply(lev, length)
    if(length(lev) > 1 && !all(levlen[1] == levlen))
        stop("Directory tree must be level")
    pdata <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(lev), nrow=length(lev), byrow=TRUE))
    redundant <- apply(pdata, 2, function(col) length(unique(col)) == 1)
    if (!any(!redundant)) {
        redundant[length(redundant)] <- FALSE
    pdata <- pdata[,!redundant,drop=FALSE]
    if (ncol(pdata) == 1) { ## if not multiple factors, behave as before
        ## Make the default group names less redundant
        scomp <- strsplit(substr(sclass, 1, min(nchar(sclass))), "")
        scomp <- matrix(c(scomp, recursive = TRUE), ncol = length(scomp))
        i <- 1
        while(all(scomp[i,1] == scomp[i,-1]) && i < nrow(scomp))
            i <- i + 1
        i <- min(i, tail(c(0, which(scomp[1:i,1] == .Platform$file.sep)), n = 1) + 1)
        if (i > 1 && i <= nrow(scomp))
            sclass <- substr(sclass, i, max(nchar(sclass)))
        pdata <- data.frame(factor(sclass))
        colnames(pdata) <- "class"
    rownames(pdata) <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(paths))

## patternVsRowScore
patternVsRowScore <- function(currPeak, parameters, mplenv)
    if (!requireNamespace("RANN", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("The use of 'patternVsRowScore' requires package 'RANN'. Please ",
             "install with 'BiocInstaller::install(\"RANN\")'")
    mplistmeanCurr <- mplenv$mplistmean[, c("mz", "rt")]
    mplistmeanCurr[, "mz"] <- mplistmeanCurr[, "mz"] * parameters$mzVsRTBalance
    peakmatCurr <- mplenv$peakmat[currPeak, c("mz", "rt"), drop = FALSE]
    peakmatCurr[, "mz"] <- peakmatCurr[, "mz"] * parameters$mzVsRTBalance

    nnDist <- RANN::nn2(mplistmeanCurr, peakmatCurr[, c("mz", "rt"), drop = FALSE],
                  k = min(length(mplistmeanCurr[, 1]), parameters$knn))

    scoreListcurr <- data.frame(score = numeric(0),
                                peak = integer(0),
                                mpListRow = integer(0),
                                isJoinedPeak = logical(0),
                                isJoinedRow = logical(0))

    rtTolerance = parameters$rtcheck

    for (mplRow in 1:length(nnDist$nn.idx)) {
        mplistMZ <- mplenv$mplistmean[nnDist$nn.idx[mplRow], "mz"]
        mplistRT <- mplenv$mplistmean[nnDist$nn.idx[mplRow], "rt"]

        ## Calculate differences between M/Z and RT values of current peak and
        ## median of the row
        diffMZ = abs(mplistMZ - mplenv$peakmat[[currPeak, "mz"]])
        diffRT = abs(mplistRT - mplenv$peakmat[[currPeak, "rt"]])

        ## Calculate if differences within tolerancdiffRT < rtTolerance)es
        if ( (diffMZ < parameters$mzcheck) & (diffRT < rtTolerance) ) {
            scoreListcurr <- rbind(scoreListcurr,
                                   data.frame(score = nnDist$nn.dists[mplRow],
                                              peak = currPeak,
                                              mpListRow = nnDist$nn.idx[mplRow],
                                              isJoinedPeak = FALSE,
                                              isJoinedRow = FALSE))
            ## goodEnough = true

    return(scoreListcurr) ## empty

## getSpecWindow
getSpecWindow <- function(xs, gidxs, borderwidth=1){
    groupidx <- groupidx(xs)
    if (length(groupidx)==0) {
        stop("no groups found in xcmsSet object.")
    minmaxs <- matrix(ncol=2, nrow=length(gidxs))
    cat("Processing data from sample: ")
    for (a in 1:length(gidxs)){
        ## 1st step: getting boundaries
        mzmin <- min(peaks(xs)[groupidx[[gidxs[a]]],"mzmin"]) ## lower bound
        mzmax <- max(peaks(xs)[groupidx[[gidxs[a]]],"mzmax"]) ## upper bound
        mzw <- mzmax-mzmin
        minmaxs[a,1] <- mzmin - borderwidth*mzw
        minmaxs[a,2] <- mzmax + borderwidth*mzw ## a peakwidth left and right
    for (s in 1:length(gidxs)) mzlistlist[[s]] <- list()
    mzlistlist$minmax <- minmaxs
    for (s in 1:length(sampnames(xs))){
        ## 2nd Step: getting each sample
        cat(" ",s)
        xr <- xcmsRaw(xs@filepaths[s])
        for (a in 1:length(gidxs)){
            pmin <- min(which(abs(xr@env$mz - minmaxs[a,1]) == min(abs(xr@env$mz - minmaxs[a,1]))))
            pmax <- min(which(abs(xr@env$mz - minmaxs[a,2]) == min(abs(xr@env$mz - minmaxs[a,2]))))
            mzlistlist[[a]][[s]] <- matrix(ncol=2, nrow=(pmax-pmin+1),

## plotSpecWindow
plotSpecWindow <- function(xs, gidxs, borderwidth=1){
    if (length(groupidx(xs))==0) {
        stop("no groups found in xcmsSet object.")

    mzll <- getSpecWindow(xs, gidxs, borderwidth)
    minmax <- mzll$minmax
    groupidx <- groupidx(xs)
    pcolors <- c("black","darkred", "green","blue")
    ecolors <- c("grey","red","lightgreen","lightblue")

    cat("\ngroup: ")
    for (a in 1:length(gidxs)){
        cat(" ",gidxs[a])
        nsa <- length(levels(sampclass(xs)))
        pcol <- pcolors[which(levels(sampclass(xs)) == sampclass(xs)[1])]
        ecol <- ecolors[which(levels(sampclass(xs)) == sampclass(xs)[1])]
        mzmin <- minmax[a,1]
        mzmax <- minmax[a,2]
        maxints <- NA

        for (s in 1:length(mzll[[a]])) {
            maxints[s] <- max(mzll[[a]][[s]][,2])

        maxo <- max(maxints)
        for (n in 1:length(mzll[[a]])){
            pcol <- pcolors[which(levels(sampclass(xs)) == sampclass(xs)[n])]
            ecol <- ecolors[which(levels(sampclass(xs)) == sampclass(xs)[n])]
            if(n==1) {
                     xlim=c(mzmin,mzmax), ylim=c(0,(maxo+10000)),
                     type='l', col=ecol, xlab="", ylab="") ## complete raw-range
            } else {
                      xlim=c(mzmin,mzmax), ylim=c(0,(maxo+10000)),
                      type='l', col=ecol, xlab="", ylab="") ## complete raw-range}
            if (length(which(peaks(xs)[groupidx[[gidxs[a]]],"sample"] == n))>0){
                ## peak entry of the first sample
                apeak <- groupidx[[gidxs[a]]][min(which(peaks(xs)[groupidx[[gidxs[a]]],"sample"] == n))]
                if (apeak %in% xs@filled) {
                ppmin <- min(which(abs(mzll[[a]][[n]][,1] - peaks(xs)[apeak,"mzmin"]) ==
                                   min(      abs(mzll[[a]][[n]][,1] - peaks(xs)[apeak,"mzmin"]))))
                ppmax <- min(which(abs(mzll[[a]][[n]][,1] - peaks(xs)[apeak,"mzmax"]) ==
                                   min(      abs(mzll[[a]][[n]][,1] - peaks(xs)[apeak,"mzmax"]))))
                      xlim=c(mzmin,mzmax), col=pcol, type='l')

        title(main=paste("m/z vs. intensity for group",gidxs[a]), xlab="m/z", ylab="intensity")
        legend("topright", as.vector(levels(sampclass(xs))),col=pcolors[1:nsa],lty=rep(1,nsa))

## before starting conversion to metaboAnalyst format:
## grouping, opt. retcoring (+grouping) and peak filling the xcmsObject
.write.metaboanalyst <- function(object, filename, phenoDataColumn=NULL, value="into", ...) {

    if (! "value" %in% names(list(...))) {
        p <-groupval(object, value="into", ... )
    } else {
        p <-groupval(object, value=value, ... )

    if (missing(phenoDataColumn)) {
        labels <- as.character(sampclass(object))
    } else {
        labels <- as.character(phenoData(object)[, phenoDataColumn])

        stop(paste("The classes", paste(names(which(table(labels)<3)), collapse=", "), "have less than 3 samples"))

    p <- rbind(Sample=sampnames(object),

    write.table(p, file = filename,
                dec=".", sep=",", qmethod="double",
                col.names=F, row.names = T)


## xcmsBoxPlot
xcmsBoxPlot<-function(values, className, dirpath, pic, width=640, height=480){

    if (pic == "png"){
        png(filename = file.path(dirpath, "%003d.png"), width = width,
            height = height, units = "px")
    } else{
        pdf(file.path(dirpath, "%003d.pdf"), width = width/72, height = height/72, onefile = FALSE)

    ind<-which(colnames(values) != "metlin")
    for (i in 1:nrow(values)){
        boxplot(as.numeric(values[i,ind]) ~ className, col="blue",
                outline=FALSE, main=paste("Feature ", row.names(values)[i] ))
    if (length(values) > 0) {

## retexp
retexp <- function(peakrange, width = 200) {

    retmean <- rowMeans(peakrange[,c("rtmin", "rtmax"),drop=FALSE])
    peakrange[,"rtmin"] <- retmean-width/2
    peakrange[,"rtmax"] <- retmean+width/2


## na.flatfill
## Fill in NA values with the minimum and maximum value
na.flatfill <- function(x) {

    realloc <- which(!is.na(x))
    if (realloc[1] > 1)
        x[1:(realloc[1]-1)] <- x[realloc[1]]
    if (realloc[length(realloc)] < length(x))
        x[(realloc[length(realloc)]+1):length(x)] <- x[realloc[length(realloc)]]

## pval
pval <- function(X, classlabel, teststat) {

    n1 <- rowSums(!is.na(X[,classlabel == 0]))
    n2 <- rowSums(!is.na(X[,classlabel == 1]))
    A <- apply(X[,classlabel == 0], 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)^2/n1 ## sd(t(X[,classlabel == 0]), na.rm = TRUE)^2/n1
    B <- apply(X[,classlabel == 1], 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)^2/n2 ## sd(t(X[,classlabel == 1]), na.rm = TRUE)^2/n2
    df <- (A+B)^2/(A^2/(n1-1)+B^2/(n2-1))

    pvalue <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(teststat), df))

## panel.cor
panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="", cex.cor)
    usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
    par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
    r <- abs(cor(x, y, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
    txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=digits)[1]
    txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep="")
    if(missing(cex.cor)) cex <- 0.8/strwidth(txt)
    text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex)

## defineColAndTy
## defines the colors and ltys to be used in the plot functions...
## the code combines original code taken from the plot functions and
## adds the possibility to sumbmit colors.
## col: colors to be used for the samples
## ty: lty to be used for the samples
## classlabels: factor with class labels (group definitions), length
##              being equal to the number of samples.
defineColAndTy <- function(col=NULL, ty=NULL, classlabel){
        stop("classlabel is required")
    n <- length(classlabel)
        classlabel <- factor(classlabel)
    ## want to transform the class labels to integer values, i.e. skip the levels
    classlabel <- as.numeric(classlabel)
    if(is.null(col)) {
        col <- integer(n)
        for (i in 1:max(classlabel))
            col[classlabel == i] <- 1:sum(classlabel == i)
        ## check if we do have the same number of colors than samples
        if(length(col) != n){
            warning("Less colors than samples! Using the first color for all samples.")
            col <- rep(col[1], n)
    if(is.null(ty)) {
        ## allow col being not just integers...
        col.int <- as.numeric(factor(col))
        ty <- integer(n)
        for (i in 1:max(col.int))
            ty[col.int == i] <- 1:sum(col.int == i)
        if(length(ty) != n){
            warning("Less line types than samples! Using the first type for all samples.")
            ty <- rep(ty[1], n)
    ## if col is a character vector (e.g. colors defined by RColorBrewer)
        ## define the mypal... that's the color vector as used below.
        mypal <- col
        ## col is now a numeric vector
        col <- 1:length(mypal)
        if (length(palette()) < max(col))
            mypal <- rainbow(max(col), end = 0.85)
            mypal <- palette()[1:max(col)]
    return(list(col=col, ty=ty, mypal=mypal ))

## filtfft
filtfft <- function(y, filt) {

    yfilt <- numeric(length(filt))
    yfilt[1:length(y)] <- y
    yfilt <- fft(fft(yfilt, inverse = TRUE) * filt)


## getProcessErrors
## get ProcessHistory objects with an error.
.getProcessErrors <- function(x, PROCSTEP = .PROCSTEPS) {
    if (!missing(PROCSTEP)) {
        if (length(PROCSTEP) == 0)
            stop("PROCSTEP not OK.")
    if (.hasSlot(x, ".processHistory")) {
        errs <- lapply(x@.processHistory, function(z) {
            if (!is.null(z@error)) {
        errs <- errs[lengths(errs) > 0]

## .getProcessHistory
## Get ProcessHistory objects allowing to retrieve either ProcessHistory
## objects for selected fileIndex, or for a specific PROCSTEP
.getProcessHistory <- function(x, fileIndex, PROCSTEP = .PROCSTEPS) {
    if (!missing(PROCSTEP)) {
        if (length(PROCSTEP) == 0)
            stop("PROCSTEP not OK.")
    if (missing(fileIndex)) {
        fileIndex <- 1:length(filepaths(x))
    } else {
        if (!all(fileIndex %in% 1:length(filepaths(x))))
            stop("'fileIndex' does not match the number of files.")
    if (.hasSlot(x, ".processHistory")) {
        phs <- lapply(x@.processHistory, function(z) {
            if (any(z@fileIndex %in% fileIndex) & z@type %in% PROCSTEP) {
        phs <- phs[lengths(phs) > 0]

## .validProcessHistory
## Check the validity of the .processHistory slot.
.validProcessHistory <- function(x) {
    msg <- character()
    if (.hasSlot(x, ".processHistory")) {
        if (length(x@.processHistory) > 0) {
            ## All elements have to inherit from ProcessHistory
            if (!all(unlist(lapply(x@.processHistory, function(z) {
                return(inherits(z, "ProcessHistory"))
                msg <- c(msg, paste0("All objects in slot .processHistory",
                                     " have to be 'ProcessHistory' objects!"))
            ## Each element has to be valid
            vals <- lapply(x@.processHistory, validObject)
            for (i in seq_along(vals)) {
                if (!is.logical(vals[[i]]))
                    msg <- c(msg, vals[[i]])
            ## The fileIndex has to be within 1:length(filepaths(x))
            fidx <- 1:length(filepaths(x))
            for (z in x@.processHistory) {
                if (length(z@fileIndex) == 0 |
                    !(all(z@fileIndex %in% fidx)))
                    msg <- c(msg, paste0("Value of 'fileIndex' slot of some",
                                         " ProcessHistory objects does not",
                                         " match the number of available",
                                         " files!"))
    if (length(msg)) msg
    else TRUE
sneumann/xcms documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 12:42 a.m.