
### THIS LIB is COPIED FROM http://labs.genetics.ucla.edu/horvath/RFclustering/RFclustering.htm


#install.path <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile)

if (exists("Rand") ) rm(Rand)
Rand <- function(tab,adjust=T) {
	# The function computes the (adjusted) Rand index between two partitions #
	# Copyright Steve Horvath and Luohua Jiang, UCLA, 2003                   #
	# helper function
	choosenew <- function(n,k) {
		n <- c(n); out1 <- rep(0,length(n));
		for (i in c(1:length(n)) ){
			if ( n[i]<k ) {out1[i] <- 0}
			else {out1[i] <- choose(n[i],k) }
	a <- 0; b <- 0; c <- 0; d <- 0; nn <- 0
	n <- nrow(tab)
	for (i in 1:n) {
		for(j in 1:n) {
			a <- a+choosenew(tab[i,j],2)
			nj <- sum(tab[,j])
			c <- c+choosenew(nj,2)
		ni <- sum(tab[i,])
		b <- b+choosenew(ni,2)
		nn <- nn+ni
	if(adjust==T) {
		d <- choosenew(nn,2)
		adrand <- (a-(b*c/n)/d)/(0.5*(b+c/n)-(b*c/n)/d)
	} else {
		b <- b-a
		c <- c/n-a
		d <- choosenew(nn,2)-a-b-c
		rand <- (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)

if (exists("pamNew") ) rm(pamNew)
pamNew <- function (x, k, diss1 = inherits(x, "dist"), metric1 = "euclidean")
	# A new pam clustering function which corrects the clustering membership based on the sillhouette strength. #
	# The clustering membership of an observation with a negative sillhouette strength is reassigned to its     #
	# neighboring cluster.                                                                                      #
	# The inputs of the function are similar to the original 'pam' function.                                    #
	# The function returns a vector of clustering labels.                                                       #
	# Copyright 2003 Tao Shi and Steve Horvath (last modified 10/31/03)                                         #
	if (diss1)
		if (!is.null(attr(x, "Labels"))) { original.row.names <- attr(x, "Labels")}
		names(x) <- as.character(c(1:attr(x, "Size")))
		if(!is.null(dimnames(x)[[1]])) { original.row.names <- dimnames(x)[[1]]}
		row.names(x) <- as.character(c(1:dim(x)[[1]]))
	pam1 <- pam(x,k,diss=diss1, metric=metric1)
	label2 <- pam1$clustering
	silinfo1 <- pam1$silinfo$widths
	index1 <- as.numeric(as.character(row.names(silinfo1)))
	silinfo2 <- silinfo1[order(index1),]
	labelnew <- ifelse(silinfo2[,3]<0, silinfo2[,2], silinfo2[,1])
	names(labelnew) <- original.row.names

if (exists("collect.garbage") ) rm(collect.garbage)
collect.garbage <- function(){
	## The following function collects garbage until the memory is clean.
	## Usage: 1. immediately call this function after you call a function or
	##        2. rm()
	while (gc()[2,4] != gc()[2,4]){}


if (exists("RFdist") ) rm(RFdist)
RFdist <- function(Rf.data, datRF, imp=T, no.tree, proxConver=F) {
# Unsupervised randomForest function                               #
# Return a list "distRF" containing some of the following 6 fields #
#  depending on the options specified:                             #
#  (1) cl1:  addcl1 distance (sqrt(1-RF.proxAddcl1))               #
#  (2) err1: error rate                                            #
#  (3) imp1: variable importance for addcl1                        #
#  (4) prox1Conver: a matrix containing two convergence meausres   #
#                   for addcl1 proximity                           #
#                   a). max( abs( c(aveprox(N))-c(aveprox(N-1))))  #
#                   b). mean((c(aveprox(N))-c(aveprox(N-1)))^2)    #
#                   where N is number of forests (no.rep).         #
#  (5) cl2, (6) err2, (7)imp2 and (8) prox2Conver for addcl2       #
# Copyright Steve Horvath and Tao Shi (2004)                       #
	cleandist <- function(x) { 
		x1 <- as.dist(x)
		x1[x1<=0] <- 0.0000000001
	no.rep <- length(Rf.data)
	nrow1 <- dim(datRF)[[1]]
	ncol1 <- dim(datRF)[[2]]
	RFproxAddcl1 <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow1,ncol=nrow1)
	RFprox1Conver <- cbind(1:no.rep,matrix(0,(no.rep),3))
	RFimportance1 <- matrix(0, nrow=ncol1, ncol=4)
	RFerrrate1 <- 0
	rep1 <- rep(666,2*nrow1) 
	for (i in 1:length(Rf.data) )  { 
			i = i -1
			index1 <-  Rf.data[[i+1]]$index1
			yy <- Rf.data[[i+1]]$yy
			importance <- Rf.data[[i+1]]$importance
			err.rate <- Rf.data[[i+1]]$err.rate
			RF1prox <- Rf.data[[i+1]]$RF1prox
			if (i > 0) { 
				if (i > 1){
					xx <- ((RFproxAddcl1 + (RF1prox[c(1:nrow1),c(1:nrow1)]))/i) - (RFproxAddcl1/(i-1))
					yy <- mean( c(as.dist((RFproxAddcl1 + (RF1prox[c(1:nrow1),c(1:nrow1)]))/i))) 
					RFprox1Conver[i,2] <- max(abs(c(as.dist(xx))))
					RFprox1Conver[i,3] <- mean((c(as.dist(xx)))^2)
					RFprox1Conver[i,4] <- yy
				RFproxAddcl1 <- RFproxAddcl1 + (RF1prox[c(1:nrow1),c(1:nrow1)]) 
				if(imp) { RFimportance1 <- RFimportance1+ 1/no.rep*(importance) }
				RFerrrate1 <- RFerrrate1+ 1/no.rep*(err.rate[no.tree])
	distRFAddcl1 <- cleandist(sqrt(1-RFproxAddcl1/no.rep))
	distRF <- list(cl1=NULL, err1=NULL, imp1=NULL, prox1Conver=NULL, 
			cl2=NULL, err2=NULL, imp2=NULL, prox2Conver=NULL)
	distRF$cl1 <- distRFAddcl1
	distRF$err1 <- RFerrrate1
	if(imp) distRF$imp1 <- RFimportance1 
	if(proxConver) distRF$prox1Conver <- RFprox1Conver

set_lock <- function ( filename ) {
	system ( paste('touch ',filename,'.lock', sep='') )
release_lock <- function ( filename ) {
	system ( paste('rm ',filename,'.lock', sep='') )
locked <- function ( filename ) {
	ret = TRUE
	if (file.exists( filename )){
		ret <- file.exists( paste(filename,'.lock', sep='') )

read_RF <- function ( files=c(''), max.wait = 20 ) {
	returnRF <- NULL
	waited = 0
	Sys.sleep(20) ## sleep 20 sec
	read <- 0
	while ( read < length(files) ){
		if (waited /3 >= max.wait ) {
			stop ( "Sorry the other processes did not finish in time" )
		if (locked( files[1]) ) {
			print ( paste ( "wating for files to unlock!  ( n =",waited,")"))
		else {
			for ( i in 1:length(files) ) {
				if ( ! locked( files[i]) ) {
					if ( i == 1 ){
						returnRF <- Rf.data
						read = read +1
					else {
						a <- 1 + length(returnRF)
						for ( z in 1:length(Rf.data)){
							returnRF[[a]] <- Rf.data[[z]]
							a = a +1
						read = read +1

save_RF <- function ( Rf.data , fname ) {
	save( Rf.data, file=fname )

calculate_RF <- function (datRF = NULL, mtry1=3, no.rep= 20, no.tree= 500, addcl1=TRUE, addcl2=FALSE,  imp=T, oob.prox1=T, max.syn=100, file) {
	synthetic1 <- function(dat, syn.n=NULL) {
		sample1 <- function(X)   { sample(X, replace=T) } 
		g1      <- function(dat) { apply(dat,2,sample1) }
		nrow1 <- dim(dat)[[1]]
		yy <- rep(c(1,2),c(nrow1,nrow1) )
	synthetic1.1 <- function(dat) {
		sample1 <- function(X)   { sample(X, replace=T) } 
		g1      <- function(dat) { apply(dat,2,sample1) }
		nrow1 <- dim(dat)[[1]]
		syn.n <- nrow1
		if ( syn.n > 50 ) {
			syn.n = 50
		yy <- rep(c(1,2),c(nrow1,syn.n) )
	synthetic2 <- function(dat) {
		sample2 <- function(X)   { runif(length(X), min=min(X), max =max(X)) }
		g2      <- function(dat) { apply(dat,2,sample2) }
		nrow1 <- dim(dat)[[1]];
		yy <- rep(c(1,2),c(nrow1,nrow1) );
	cleandist <- function(x) { 
		x1 <- as.dist(x)
		x1[x1<=0] <- 0.0000000001
	Rf.data <- vector('list', no.rep +1)
	syn.n <- nrow1 <- dim(datRF)[[1]]
	if ( syn.n > max.syn ) {
		syn.n = max.syn
	ncol1 <- dim(datRF)[[2]]
	rep1 <- rep(-1,nrow1+syn.n) 
	if ( addcl1 && addcl2 ){
		stop( "Sorry you can not get an addc1 AND add2 distribution on the same time!")
	if (addcl1) {
		for (i in c(0:no.rep))  {
			print ( paste( "forest", i) )
			index1 <- sample(c(1:(nrow1+syn.n))) 
			rep1[index1] <-  c(1:(nrow1+syn.n)) 
			datRFsyn <- synthetic1(datRF,syn.n)[index1,] 
			yy <- datRFsyn[,1]
			RF1 <- randomForest(factor(yy)~.,data=datRFsyn[,-1], ntree=no.tree, oob.prox=oob.prox1, proximity=TRUE,do.trace=F,mtry=mtry1,importance=imp)
			RF1prox <- RF1$proximity[rep1,rep1]
			Rf.data = list( A = list(index1=index1, yy=yy, RF1prox=RF1prox, importance =RF1$importance, err.rate=RF1$err.rate ) )
			save(Rf.data, file=paste(file,i,".Rdata", sep='' ) )
	if (addcl2) { 
		for (i in c(0:no.rep))  {
			print ( paste( "forest", i) )
			index1 <- sample(c(1:(2*nrow1))) 
			rep1[index1] <-  c(1:(2*nrow1)) 
			datRFsyn <- synthetic2(datRF)[index1,] 
			yy <- datRFsyn[,1] 
			RF1 <- randomForest(factor(yy)~.,data=datRFsyn[,-1], ntree=no.tree, oob.prox=oob.prox1, proximity=TRUE,do.trace=F,mtry=mtry1,importance=imp) 
			RF1prox <- RF1$proximity[rep1,rep1]
			Rf.data = list( A = list(index1=index1, yy=yy, RF1prox=RF1prox, importance =RF1$importance, err.rate=RF1$err.rate ) )
			save(Rf.data, file=paste(file,i,".Rdata", sep='' ) )

prepareRFcalc <- function( x, trees=433, forests=7, pocs=32, opath, debug=F ) {
	UseMethod('prepareRFcalc', x)
prepareRFcalc.StefansExpressionSet <- function( x, trees=433, forrests=7, pocs=32, opath, debug=F ) {
	print ( install.path )
	datRF <- x$data
	save( datRF, file=paste(opath,'datRF.RData',sep="/" ) )
	if ( debug) {
		debug = ' -debug '
	else {
		debug =''
	system ( paste( "perl ", install.path,"/../scripts/CreateRandomForestScripts.pl -infile ",
					paste(opath,'datRF.RData',sep="/" ), " -splits ",pocs, " -trees ", trees, 
					" -forests ",forests , " -outfile ", paste(opath,"RandomForestTransfereData.tar.gz", sep='/'), sep='' ) )
	paste( "Please copy the file",paste(opath,"RandomForestTransfereData.tar.gz", debug, sep='/'),
			"to the calculation server and run the script 'submit_RF_to_qsub.pl -files randomForest_worker_*.R'")
stela2502/StefansExpressionSet documentation built on April 24, 2023, 8:15 p.m.