initialize-tgCellGraph-method: This constructs graph object from a data frame on columns...

initialize,tgCellGraph-methodR Documentation

This constructs graph object from a data frame on columns col1,col2, weight, (the format returened by tgs_cor_graph). Note this is not intended to serve natively complex graph algs etc, but is just a container for use by scdb and operaitons on scmats (creating a graph) and mcell (using the graph to compute graph covers)


This constructs graph object from a data frame on columns col1,col2, weight, (the format returened by tgs_cor_graph). Note this is not intended to serve natively complex graph algs etc, but is just a container for use by scdb and operaitons on scmats (creating a graph) and mcell (using the graph to compute graph covers)


## S4 method for signature 'tgCellGraph'
initialize(.Object, gr, cnames)



data frame with columns col1 (first node), col2 (second node), weight - float between 0 and 1.

tanaylab/metacell documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 1:34 a.m.