## Functions to construct SYSargsList objects and other utilities ##
## SPRproject function ##
## Detection and creation of the logs directory of the project
## This function detects an existing project or creates a project structure on the path provide
SPRproject <- function(projPath = getwd(), data = "data", param = "param", results = "results",
logs.dir = ".SPRproject", sys.file = "SYSargsList.yml",
envir = new.env(),
restart = FALSE, resume = FALSE,
load.envir = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE, silent = FALSE) {
if (!file.exists(projPath)) stop("Provide valid 'projPath' PATH.")
projPath <- normalizePath(projPath)
on.exit(options(projPath = projPath), add = TRUE)
## Main folder structure
dirProject <- .dirProject(projPath = projPath, data = data, param = param, results = results, silent = silent)
## sys.file full path
sys.file <- file.path(logs.dir, sys.file)
## log Folder
logs.dir <- file.path(logs.dir)
if (file.exists(file.path(projPath, logs.dir)) == FALSE) {
dir.create(file.path(projPath, logs.dir), recursive = TRUE)
if (silent != TRUE) cat("Creating directory '", file.path(projPath, logs.dir), "'", sep = "", "\n")
## Return SYSargsList obj - empty
yaml::write_yaml("", file = file.path(projPath, sys.file))
dirProject <- c(dirProject, logsDir = logs.dir, sysargslist = sys.file)
init <- as(SYScreate("SYSargsList"), "list")
init$projectInfo <- dirProject
init$runInfo <- list(env = envir)
init <- as(init, "SYSargsList")
## used in `importWF`
options(linewise_importing = FALSE)
} else if (file.exists(file.path(projPath, logs.dir)) == TRUE) {
## reload object from sysarglist
if (is.null(sys.file)) stop("Provide valid 'sys.file' PATH for restart/resume the project.")
if (!file.exists(file.path(projPath, sys.file))) stop("Provide valid 'sys.file' PATH for restart/resume the project.")
restart.sys.file <- normalizePath(file.path(projPath, sys.file))
## restart OR resume OR overwrite options...
if (all(resume == TRUE && restart == TRUE && overwrite == TRUE)) {
stop("Please select only one action:
'resume' OR 'restart' OR 'overwrite'")
} else if (all(resume == FALSE && restart == FALSE && overwrite == FALSE)) {
file.path(projPath, logs.dir),
" already exists.", "\n",
"The Workflow can be resume where it was stopped, using the argument 'resume=TRUE'",
"\n", "OR ", "restart using 'restart=TRUE'. The latter will recover the workflow object, however, it will delete all the existing logs."
} else if (all(overwrite == TRUE && resume == FALSE && restart == FALSE)) {
## Return SYSargsList obj - empty
unlink(logs.dir, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(file.path(projPath, logs.dir), recursive = TRUE)
if (silent != TRUE) cat("Recreating directory '", file.path(projPath, logs.dir), "'", sep = "", "\n")
yaml::write_yaml("", file = file.path(projPath, sys.file))
dirProject <- c(dirProject, logsDir = logs.dir, sysargslist = sys.file)
init <- as(SYScreate("SYSargsList"), "list")
init$projectInfo <- dirProject
init$runInfo <- list(env = envir)
init <- as(init, "SYSargsList")
} else if (all(overwrite == FALSE && any(resume, restart))) {
## read SYSargsList object
init <- read_SYSargsList(restart.sys.file)
init <- as(init, "list")
if (load.envir == TRUE) {
if (is.null(init$projectInfo$envir)) {
message("We could not find any environment saved...")
} else {
envir <- readRDS(init$projectInfo$envir)
init$runInfo <- append(init$runInfo, envir, after = 0)
names(init$runInfo)[[1]] <- c("env")
} else {
init$runInfo <- append(init$runInfo, envir, after = 0)
names(init$runInfo)[[1]] <- "env"
init$projectInfo$envir <- NULL
init$projectInfo$project <- projPath
init$projectInfo$logsDir <- logs.dir
init$projectInfo$sysargslist <- sys.file
init <- as(init, "SYSargsList")
if (all(resume == FALSE && restart == TRUE)) {
## remove old logs and create a empty folder
unlink(file.path(projPath, logs.dir), recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(file.path(projPath, logs.dir), recursive = TRUE)
if (silent != TRUE) cat("Creating directory '", file.path(projPath, logs.dir), "'", sep = "", "\n")
} else {
stop("Please select only one action:
'resume' OR 'restart' OR 'overwrite'")
write_SYSargsList(init, file.path(projPath, sys.file), silent = silent)
## Message about the paths
if (normalizePath(getwd()) != projPath) {
"Your current working directory is different from the directory chosen for the Project Workflow.",
"For accurate location of the files and running the Workflow, please set the working directory to ",
"'setwd('", projPath, "')'"
## Usage:
# sal <- SPRproject()
# sal <- SPRproject(projPath = tempdir())
# sal <- importWF(sal,
# file_path = system.file("extdata", "spr_simple_wf.Rmd", package = "systemPipeR"),
# verbose = FALSE)
# sal <- SPRproject(resume = TRUE)
# sal <- SPRproject(restart = TRUE)
# sal <- SPRproject(overwrite = TRUE)
## SYSargsList function ##
SYSargsList <- function(sysargs = NULL, step_name = "default",
targets = NULL, wf_file = NULL, input_file = NULL, dir_path = ".",
id = "SampleName",
inputvars = NULL,
rm_targets_col = NULL,
dir = TRUE,
dependency = NA,
run_step = "mandatory",
run_session = "management",
run_remote_resources = NULL,
silent = FALSE, projPath = getOption("projPath", getwd())) {
## step_name and dependency from importWF
options(replace_step = FALSE)
options(spr_importing = FALSE)
## check options
run_step <- match.arg(run_step, c("mandatory", "optional"))
run_session <- match.arg(run_session, c("management", "compute"))
if (!is.null(run_remote_resources)) {
if (!inherits(run_remote_resources, "list")) {
stop("Argument 'run_remote_resources' needs to be assigned an object of class 'list'")
## sal object
sal <- as(SYScreate("SYSargsList"), "list")
## Empty container
if (all(is.null(sysargs) && is.null(wf_file) && is.null(input_file))) {
sal <- sal ## This will not create a SPRproject.
message("Please consider to use 'SPRproject()' function first")
## sal container based on a SYSargs2 container ##
} else if (!is.null(sysargs)) {
if (inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) {
if (length(cmdlist(sysargs)) == 0) stop("Argument 'sysargs' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs2' after 'renderWF()'.")
if (step_name == "default") {
step_name <- "Step_x"
} else {
step_name <- step_name
sal$stepsWF <- list(sysargs)
## Targets
if (length(targets(sysargs)) == 0) {
sal$targetsWF <- list(NULL)
sal$SE <- list()
} else {
sal$targetsWF <- list(as(sysargs, "DataFrame"))
row.names(sal$targetsWF[[1]]) <- sal$targetsWF[[1]][, sysargs$files$id]
sal$SE <- list(SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
colData = sal$targetsWF,
metadata = sysargs$targetsheader
## Status
if (length(status(sysargs)) == 0) {
sal$statusWF <- list(.statusPending(sysargs))
} else {
sal$statusWF <- list(status(sysargs))
sal$dependency <- list(dependency)
sal$outfiles <- list(.outList2DF(sysargs))
sal$targets_connection <- list(NULL)
sal$runInfo <- list(runOption = list(list(
directory = dir,
run_step = run_step,
run_session = run_session
if (!is.null(run_remote_resources)) {
if (run_session == "management") {
message("Please note that the '", step_name, "' run_session option '", run_session, "' was replaced with 'compute' because run_remote_resources was available.")
run_session <- "compute"
names(sal$stepsWF) <- names(sal$targetsWF) <- names(sal$statusWF) <- names(sal$dependency) <- names(sal$outfiles) <- names(sal$targets_connection) <- names(sal$runInfo$runOption) <- names(sal$SE) <- step_name
} else {
stop("Argument 'sysargs' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs2'.")
## Build the instance from files ##
} else if (all(!is.null(wf_file) && !is.null(input_file))) {
## targets
if (is.null(targets)) {
targets <- targets
} else if (inherits(targets, "character")) {
if (all(is.fullPath(targets))) {
targets <- targets
} else if (all(all(file.exists(file.path(projPath, targets))) && length(targets) == 1)) {
targets <- file.path(projPath, targets)
} else { ## connection with previous steps
targets_step <- targets
targets <- NULL
} else if (inherits(targets, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
se <- targets
if (sum(dim(colData(targets))) == 0) {
targets <- NULL
} else {
targets <- targets
} else {
stop("Argument 'targets' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SummarizedExperiment', 'NULL' or 'character' PATH to tabular file.")
## check param path
if (is.fullPath(dir_path)) {
dir_path <- dir_path
} else {
dir_path <- file.path(projPath, dir_path)
WF <- loadWF(
targets = targets, wf_file = wf_file,
input_file = input_file,
dir_path = dir_path, id = id
## Relative Path for targets and dir_path when these files are in the project folder,
## otherwise, keep the full path
## targets_path to projPath
if (!is.null(WF$files$targets)) {
if (!grepl(projPath, WF$files$targets)) {
if (!is.na(WF$files$targets)) WF@files$targets <- gsub(projPath, "", WF$files$targets)
if (all(!is.fullPath(WF$files$targets) && grepl("^/", WF$files$targets))) WF@files$targets <- sub("^(/|[A-Za-z]:|\\\\|~)", "", WF$files$targets)
if (!grepl(projPath, WF$files$dir_path)) {
## dir_path
if (!is.na(WF$files$dir_path)) WF@files$dir_path <- gsub(projPath, "", WF$files$dir_path)
if (all(!is.fullPath(dir_path) && grepl("^/", WF$files$dir_path))) WF@files$dir_path <- sub("^(/|[A-Za-z]:|\\\\|~)", "", WF$files$dir_path)
WF <- renderWF(WF, inputvars = inputvars)
if (step_name == "default") {
step_name <- "Step_x"
} else {
step_name <- step_name
sal$stepsWF <- list(WF)
names(sal$stepsWF) <- step_name
## Connection to previous outfiles
if (exists("targets_step")) {
targets_step_list <- list(targets_step = targets_step)
new_targets_col <- names(inputvars)
if (is.null(new_targets_col)) {
stop("inputvars argument need to be assigned to the output column names from the previous step specified on the targets argument")
new_col <- list(new_targets_col = new_targets_col)
if (!is.null(rm_targets_col)) {
rm_col <- list(rm_targets_col = rm_targets_col)
} else {
rm_col <- list(rm_targets_col = NULL)
sal$targets_connection <- list(list(targets_step = targets_step_list, new_targets_col = new_col, rm_targets_col = rm_col))
names(sal$targets_connection) <- step_name
if (length(sal$targets_connection) == 0) {
sal$targets_connection <- list(NULL)
names(sal$targets_connection) <- step_name
sal$dependency <- list(dependency)
sal$statusWF <- list(.statusPending(WF))
sal$runInfo <- list(runOption = list(list(
directory = dir,
run_step = run_step,
run_session = run_session
if (!is.null(run_remote_resources)) {
if (run_session == "management") {
message("Please note that the '", step_name, "' run_session option '", run_session, "' was replaced with 'compute' because run_remote_resources was available.")
run_session <- "compute"
sal$runInfo <- list(runOption = list(list(
directory = dir,
run_step = run_step,
run_session = run_session,
run_remote_resources = run_remote_resources
## names
names(sal$statusWF) <- names(sal$dependency) <- names(sal$runInfo$runOption) <- step_name
## outfiles
if (length(sal$stepsWF) > 0) {
sal$outfiles <- .outList2DF(sal)
## targets
if (length(targets(sal$stepsWF[[1]])) > 0) {
sal$targetsWF <- list(as(sal$stepsWF[[1]], "DataFrame"))
rownames(sal$targetsWF[[1]]) <- sal$targetsWF[[1]][, sal$stepsWF[[1]]$files$id]
rownames(sal$outfiles[[1]]) <- sal$targetsWF[[1]][, sal$stepsWF[[1]]$files$id]
if (exists("se", inherits = FALSE)) {
colData(se) <- sal$targetsWF[[1]]
metadata(se) <- list(metadata = metadata(se), SPRversion = utils::packageVersion("systemPipeR"), targetsheader = sal$stepsWF[[1]]$targetsheader)
sal$SE <- list(se)
} else {
sal$SE <- list(SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
colData = sal$targetsWF[[1]],
metadata = list(SPRversion = utils::packageVersion("systemPipeR"), targetsheader = sal$stepsWF[[1]]$targetsheader)
} else {
sal$targetsWF <- list(S4Vectors::DataFrame())
if (exists("se", inherits = FALSE)) {
sal$SE <- list(se)
} else {
sal$SE <- list(SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment())
names(sal$targetsWF) <- names(sal$SE) <- step_name
sal <- as(sal, "SYSargsList")
## runWF function ##
.renderMsg <- function(){
warn_flag <- getOption("spr_render_msg")
if(isTRUE(warn_flag)) return()
crayon::green$bold("Done with workflow running, now consider rendering logs & reports\n"),
crayon::blue("To render logs, run: "), "renderLogs(sal)\n",
crayon::blue("From command-line: "), 'Rscript -e "sal=systemPipeR::SPRproject(resume=TRUE);systemPipeR::renderLogs(sal)"\n',
crayon::blue("To render reports, run: "), 'renderReport(sal)\n',
crayon::blue("From command-line: "), 'Rscript -e "sal=systemPipeR::SPRproject(resume=TRUE);systemPipeR::renderReport(sal)"\n',
crayon::make_style("white")$bold("This message is displayed once per R session\n"),
sep = ""
options(spr_render_msg = TRUE)
runWF <- function(sysargs, steps = NULL, targets = NULL,
force = FALSE, saveEnv = TRUE,
run_step = "ALL", ignore.dep = FALSE,
warning.stop = FALSE, error.stop = TRUE,
silent = FALSE, ...) {
# Validations
if (!inherits(sysargs, "SYSargsList")) stop("Argument 'sysargs' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargsList'")
if (length(sysargs) == 0) message("Workflow has no steps. Please add a step before trying to execute the workflow.")
if (is.null(projectInfo(sysargs)$project)) {
stop("'SYSargsList' instance was not initialized with the 'SPRproject' function
and therefore there is missing the 'projectInfo' slot information.
Please check 'SPRproject' help file.")
if (projectInfo(sysargs)$project != normalizePath(getwd())) {
"Your current working directory is different from the directory chosen for the Project Workflow.",
"For accurate location of the files and running the Workflow, please set the working directory to ",
"'setwd('", projectInfo(sysargs)$project, "')'"
if (!dir.exists(projectInfo(sysargs)$logsDir)) stop("Project logsDir doesn't exist. Something went wrong...
It is possible to restart the workflow saving the SYSargsList object with 'write_SYSargsList()' and restarting the project with 'SPRproject()'")
sysproj <- projectInfo(sysargs)$logsDir
## targets selection
targets_internal <- targets
## Check steps
if (inherits(steps, "numeric")) {
if (!all(steps %in% seq_along(sysargs))) {
"Please select the 'steps' number accordingly, options are: ", "\n",
" ", paste0(seq_along(sysargs), collapse = ", ")
} else if (inherits(steps, "character")) {
if (!all(steps %in% stepName(sysargs))) {
"Please select the 'steps' name accordingly, options are: ", "\n",
" ", paste0(stepName(sysargs), collapse = ", ")
steps <- which(stepName(sysargs) %in% steps)
## check dependency
for (i in seq_along(dependency(sysargs))) {
if (all(!is.na(dependency(sysargs)[[i]]))) {
dep_names <- unlist(dependency(sysargs)[[i]])
if (any(!dep_names %in% names(stepsWF(sysargs)))) {
if (length(dep_names) == 1) {
"'sysargs' has a dependency on the following step:", "\n",
paste0(" ", paste0(dep_names)), "\n",
"However, this step is not available in the workflow."
} else if (length(dep_names) > 1) {
"'sysargs' has dependencies on the following steps::", "\n",
paste0(" ", paste0(dep_names, collapse = " AND ")), "\n",
"However, these steps are not available in the workflow."
## Logs
file_log <- file.path(sysproj, paste0("_logWF_", format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%M"), "_", paste(sample(0:9, 4), collapse = "")))
sysargs[["projectInfo"]]$logsFile <- file_log
## Select steps for the loop based on the steps argument
args2 <- sysargs
if (is.null(steps)) steps <- 1:length(args2)
## Select steps for the loop based on the run_step
if (run_step != "ALL") {
run_step_wf <- sapply(sysargs$runInfo$runOption, function(x) x$run_step)[steps]
run_step_names <- names(run_step_wf[run_step_wf %in% run_step])
if (length(run_step_names) == 0) {
stop("No step was selected. Please check 'steps', 'run_step' arguments.")
} else {
steps <- which(stepName(sysargs) %in% run_step_names)
## Selecting
for (i in seq_along(stepsWF(args2))) {
if (i %in% steps) {
## check single dependency
if (!ignore.dep) {
if (all(!is.na(dependency(args2)[[i]]))) {
dep_single <- sapply(dependency(args2)[[i]], function(x) args2$statusWF[[x]]$status.summary)
if ("Pending" %in% dep_single) {
message("Previous steps:", "\n", paste0(names(dep_single), collapse = " AND "), "\n", "have been not executed yet.")
## Printing step name
single.step <- names(stepsWF(args2)[i])
cat(crayon::bgMagenta("Running Step: ", single.step), "\n")
## Printing single.step name at log files
cat("# ", names(stepsWF(args2)[i]), "\n", file = file_log, fill = TRUE, append = TRUE)
args.run <- stepsWF(args2)[[i]]
run_location <- args2$runInfo$runOption[[i]]$run_session
run_resorces <- args2$runInfo$runOption[[i]]$run_remote_resources
envir <- args2$runInfo$env
## SYSargs2 STEP
if (inherits(args.run, "SYSargs2")) {
## runC arguments
dir <- args2$runInfo$runOption[[i]]$directory
dir.name <- single.step
## check run_targets
run_targets <- targets_internal
## run_targets input
if (!is.null(run_targets)) {
if (inherits(run_targets, c("numeric", "integer"))) {
if (!all(run_targets %in% seq_along(cmdlist(args.run)))) {
"Please select the 'targets' number accordingly, options are: ", "\n",
" ", paste0(seq_along(cmdlist(args.run)), collapse = ", ")
} else if (inherits(run_targets, "character")) {
if (!all(run_targets %in% SampleName(args.run))) {
"Please select the 'targets' name accordingly, options are: ", "\n",
" ", paste0(SampleName(args.run), collapse = ", ")
run_targets <- which(SampleName(args.run) %in% run_targets)
run_targets <- run_targets
} else {
run_targets <- seq_along(cmdlist(args.run))
## assign to the envir
assign(x = as.character(as.list(match.call())$sysargs), args2, envir = envir)
if (run_location == "management") {
cat(crayon::bgMagenta("Running Session: Management"), "\n")
args.run <- runCommandline(args.run,
dir = dir, dir.name = dir.name,
runid = paste0("_", dir.name),
force = force, input_targets = run_targets, ...
} else if (run_location == "compute") {
cat(crayon::bgMagenta("Running Session: Compute Session"), "\n")
if (is.null(run_resorces)) stop("Resources are not available for this step.")
reg <- clusterRun(args.run[c(run_targets)],
FUN = runCommandline,
more.args = list(
args = args.run[c(run_targets)], dir = dir, dir.name = dir.name,
runid = paste0("_", dir.name),
force = force, ...
conffile = run_resorces$conffile,
template = run_resorces$template,
Njobs = run_resorces$Njobs, runid = paste0("_", dir.name),
resourceList = run_resorces
args.run <- .clusterRunResults(args.run, reg, nTargets = length(run_targets))
## time
args.run@status$status.time$time_start <- as.POSIXct(args.run@status$status.time$time_start, origin = "1970-01-01")
args.run@status$status.time$time_end <- as.POSIXct(args.run@status$status.time$time_end, origin = "1970-01-01")
# cat(readLines(args.run$files$log),
# file = file_log, sep = "\n",
# append = TRUE
# )
## moving file #reg$file.dir to new directory
output_path_args <- .getPath(args.run$output[[run_targets[1]]][[1]][1])
output_path_reg <- .getPath(reg$file.dir)
if (!identical(output_path_args, output_path_reg)) {
file.copy(reg$file.dir, file.path(output_path_args, "_logs"), recursive = TRUE)
message("\n", "Moving registry to '", file.path(output_path_args, "_logs"), "'.", "\n")
unlink(reg$file.dir, recursive = TRUE)
message("Jobs completed successfully!")
args.run@files[["log_cluster"]] <- file.path(output_path_args, "_logs", basename(reg$file.dir))
args.run@files[["log"]] <- file.path(output_path_args, "_logs", basename(reg$file.dir), basename(args.run@files$log))
## Printing
cat(crayon::blue("---- Summary ----"), "\n")
run_targets <- NULL
## update object
step.status.summary <- status(args.run)$status.summary
statusWF(args2, single.step) <- args.run$status
stepsWF(args2, single.step) <- args.run
args2[["outfiles"]][[single.step]] <- .outList2DF(args.run)
args2 <- .updateAfterRunC(args2, single.step)
## assign to the envir
assign(x = as.character(as.list(match.call())$sysargs), args2, envir = envir)
## Stop workflow
if (is.element("Warning", unlist(step.status.summary))) {
if (warning.stop == TRUE) {
stop("Caught an warning, stop workflow!")
} else if (is.element("Error", unlist(step.status.summary))) {
if (error.stop == TRUE) {
stop("Caught an error, stop workflow!")
## logs
file = file_log, sep = "\n",
append = TRUE
cat(status_color(step.status.summary)("Step Status: ", step.status.summary, "\n"))
## LineWise ##
} else if (inherits(args.run, "LineWise")) {
if (!is.null(targets_internal)) message("'targets' argument has been ignored since this step is 'LineWise' instance.")
## assign to the envir
assign(x = as.character(as.list(match.call())$sysargs), args2, envir = envir)
if (!dir.exists(file.path(sysproj, "Rsteps"))) {
dir.create(file.path(sysproj, "Rsteps"))
file_log_Rcode <- file.path(sysproj, "Rsteps", paste0("_logRstep_", single.step, "_", format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%M%S")))
if (run_location == "management") {
cat(crayon::bgMagenta("Running Session: Management"), "\n")
args.run <- runRcode(args.run,
step = single.step, file_log_Rcode = file_log_Rcode,
envir = envir, force = force
} else if (run_location == "compute") {
cat(crayon::bgMagenta("Running Session: Compute Session"), "\n")
loaded_pkgs <- .packages()
tempImage <- file.path(sysproj, "Rsteps", "step_envir.RData")
save(list = viewEnvir(args2, silent = TRUE), file = tempImage, envir = envir)
list_return <- clusterRCode(args.run,
step = single.step, sysproj = sysproj,
file_log_Rcode = file_log_Rcode, force = force,
tempImage = tempImage, loaded_pkgs = loaded_pkgs,
resources = run_resorces
lapply(list_return$loaded_pkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)
args.run <- list_return$args
time_start <- args.run$status$status.time$time_start[!is.na(args.run$status$status.time$time_start)][1]
time_end_length <- length(args.run$status$status.time$time_end[!is.na(args.run$status$status.time$time_end)])
time_end <- args.run$status$status.time$time_end[!is.na(args.run$status$status.time$time_end)][time_end_length]
args.run@status$total.time <- list(
time_start = as.POSIXct(time_start, origin = "1970-01-01"),
time_end = as.POSIXct(time_end, origin = "1970-01-01")
## time - double-check
if (is.numeric(args.run@status$total.time$time_start)) {
args.run@status$total.time$time_start <- as.POSIXct(args.run@status$total.time$time_start, origin = "1970-01-01")
if (is.numeric(args.run@status$total.time$time_end)) {
args.run@status$total.time$time_end <- as.POSIXct(args.run@status$total.time$time_start, origin = "1970-01-01")
## assign all the new object to the envir
"args2", get(as.character(as.list(match.call())$sysargs), envir),
## update object
statusWF(args2, single.step) <- args.run$status
stepsWF(args2, single.step) <- args.run
file = file_log, sep = "\n",
append = TRUE
x = as.character(as.list(match.call())$sysargs), args2,
envir = envir
## Stop workflow
if (is.element("Warning", unlist(args.run$status$status.summary))) {
if (warning.stop == TRUE) {
stop("Caught an warning, stop workflow!")
} else if (is.element("Error", unlist(args.run$status$status.summary))) {
if (error.stop == TRUE) {
stop("Caught an error, stop workflow!")
cat(status_color(args.run$status$status.summary)("Step Status: ", args.run$status$status.summary, "\n"))
run_targets <- NULL
} else {
## Printing step name
single.step <- names(stepsWF(args2)[i])
cat(status_color("Skipping")("Skipping Step: ", single.step), "\n")
run_targets <- NULL
## Each time the workflow is executed, a new logs report should be generated (HTML format), via sal <- renderLogs(sal)
args2@projectInfo$Report_Logs <- NA
x = as.character(as.list(match.call())$sysargs), args2,
envir = envir
if (saveEnv == TRUE) {
envPath <- file.path(sysproj, "sysargsEnv.rds")
if (any(as.character(as.list(match.call())$sysargs) %in% ls(sysargs@runInfo$env, all.names = TRUE))) {
rm(list = as.character(as.list(match.call())$sysargs), envir = sysargs@runInfo$env)
saveRDS(args2$runInfo$env, envPath)
args2[["projectInfo"]][["envir"]] <- envPath
if (!silent) .renderMsg()
args2 <- .check_write_SYSargsList(args2, TRUE)
## Usage:
## runWF(sal)
## clusterRCode function ##
clusterRCode <- function(args.run, step, sysproj, file_log_Rcode, force, tempImage, loaded_pkgs, resources) {
checkPkg("batchtools", quietly = FALSE)
if (!file.exists(tempImage)) stop("Something went wrong, temporary 'image' doesn't exist.", call. = FALSE)
if (all(args.run$status$status.summary == "Success" && !force)) {
## Print at the log_file
paste0("Time: ", paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%Ms%S"))), "\n",
"## Code: ",
"```{r, eval=FALSE} ",
"```", "\n",
"## Stdout: ",
"```{r, eval=FALSE}",
"The expected output file(s) already exist", "\n"
), file = file_log_Rcode, sep = "\n", fill = TRUE, append = TRUE)
## close R chunk
cat("```", file = file_log_Rcode, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
args.run@files$log <- file_log_Rcode
list_return <- list(args = args.run, loaded_pkgs = loaded_pkgs, tempImage = tempImage)
## Function definition
fct <- function(i, args.run, step, file_log_Rcode, force,
tempImage, loaded_pkgs, ...) {
ls_list1 <- ls()
lapply(loaded_pkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)
args <- runRcode(
args = args.run, step = step, file_log_Rcode = file_log_Rcode,
envir = environment(), force = force
loaded_pkgs <- .packages()
save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = tempImage, envir = environment())
ls_list2 <- ls(envir = environment())
return(list(args = args, loaded_pkgs = loaded_pkgs, tempImage = tempImage, ls1 = ls_list1, ls2 = ls_list2))
logdir1 <- paste0(sysproj, "/submitargs", 01, "_btdb_", paste(sample(0:9, 4), collapse = ""))
conffile <- resources$conffile
template <- resources$template
reg <- batchtools::makeRegistry(file.dir = logdir1, conf.file = conffile, packages = "systemPipeR")
ids <- batchtools::batchMap(fun = fct, 1, more.args = list(
args.run = args.run, step = step, file_log_Rcode = file_log_Rcode,
force = force, tempImage = tempImage,
loaded_pkgs = loaded_pkgs
), reg = reg)
chunk <- batchtools::chunk(ids$job.id, n.chunks = 1, shuffle = FALSE)
ids$chunk <- chunk
done <- batchtools::submitJobs(ids = ids, reg = reg, resources = resources)
list_return <- batchtools::loadResult(reg = reg, id = ids)
message("Jobs completed successfully!")
## status_color function ##
status_color <- function(x) {
"Pending" = crayon::bgBlue,
"Warning" = crayon::bgYellow,
"Error" = crayon::bgRed,
"Success" = crayon::bgGreen,
"Skipping" = crayon::bgCyan
# cat(status_color("Pending")("test"))
# cat(status_color("Warning")("test"))
# cat(status_color("Error")("test"))
# cat(status_color("Success")("test"))
# cat(status_color("Skipping")("test"))
## runRcode function ##
runRcode <- function(args, step = stepName(args), file_log_Rcode = NULL, envir = globalenv(), force = FALSE) {
## Validation for 'args'
if (!inherits(args, "LineWise")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'LineWise'")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(args), style = 3)
## log_file
if (is.null(file_log_Rcode)) {
file_log_Rcode <- paste0("_logRcode_", format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%M"))
## Print at the log_file
paste0("Time: ", paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%Ms%S"))), "\n",
"## Code: ",
"```{r, eval=FALSE} ",
"```", "\n",
"## Stdout: ",
"```{r, eval=FALSE}"
), file = file_log_Rcode, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
## Check status of step
if (all(args$status$status.summary == "Success" && force == FALSE)) {
args[["status"]]$status.time$time_start <- Sys.time()
cat("The step status is 'Success' and it was skipped.", file = file_log_Rcode, fill = TRUE, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
args[["status"]]$status.time$time_end <- Sys.time()
} else {
## Status and time register
step_status <- list()
time_status <- data.frame(Step = step, time_start = NA, time_end = NA)
time_status$time_start <- Sys.time()
## Running the code
stdout <- .tryRcode(args$codeLine, envir = envir)
## save stdout to file
utils::capture.output(stdout$stdout, file = file_log_Rcode, append = TRUE)
## save error and warning messages
if (!is.null(stdout$error)) {
cat("## Error", file = file_log_Rcode, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
cat(stdout$error, file = file_log_Rcode, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
step_status[["status.summary"]] <- "Error"
} else if (!is.null(stdout$warning)) {
cat("## Warning", file = file_log_Rcode, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
cat(stdout$warning, file = file_log_Rcode, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
step_status[["status.summary"]] <- "Warning"
} else if (all(is.null(stdout$error) && is.null(stdout$warning))) {
step_status[["status.summary"]] <- "Success"
## Saving the new status
step_status[["status.completed"]] <- data.frame(Step = step, Status = step_status[[1]])
time_status$time_end <- Sys.time()
step_status[["status.time"]] <- time_status
args[["status"]] <- step_status
args[["status"]]$total.time <- list(time_start = args$status$status.time$time_start, time_end = args$status$status.time$time_end)
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(args))
## close R chunk
cat("``` \n", file = file_log_Rcode, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
args[["files"]] <- list(log = file_log_Rcode)
## output.as.df function ##
output.as.df <- function(x) {
out_x <- output(x)
out_x <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(matrix(unlist(out_x), nrow = length(out_x), byrow = TRUE))
colnames(out_x) <- x$files$output_names
## write_SYSargsList function ##
write_SYSargsList <- function(sysargs, sys.file = ".SPRproject/SYSargsList.yml", silent = TRUE) {
## check logDir folder
logDir <- .getPath(sys.file, warning = FALSE, normalizePath = FALSE)
if (!file.exists(logDir)) stop("'logs.dir': No such file or directory. Check the file PATH.")
if (!inherits(sysargs, "SYSargsList")) stop("sysargs needs to be object of class 'SYSargsList'.")
args2 <- sysargslist(sysargs)
args_comp <- sapply(args2, function(x) list(NULL))
steps <- names(stepsWF(sysargs))
## special case for "runInfo" slot
yaml_slots <- c("runInfo")
for (i in yaml_slots) {
args_comp[[i]] <- yaml::as.yaml(args2[[i]]$runOption)
## Simple yaml slots
yaml_slots <- c("projectInfo")
for (i in yaml_slots) {
args_comp[[i]] <- yaml::as.yaml(args2[[i]])
## Yaml Slots + steps
yaml_slots_S <- c("statusWF", "dependency", "targets_connection")
for (i in yaml_slots_S) {
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
steps_comp[j] <- yaml::as.yaml(args2[[i]][j])
args_comp[[i]] <- steps_comp
## DataFrame Slots
df_slots <- c("targetsWF", "outfiles")
for (i in df_slots) {
# args_comp[[i]] <- yaml::as.yaml(as.data.frame(args2[[i]]$Mapping))
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
steps_comp[j] <- yaml::as.yaml(data.frame(args2[[i]][[j]], check.names = FALSE))
args_comp[[i]] <- steps_comp
## SYSargs2 and LineWise
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
if (inherits(args2[["stepsWF"]][[j]], "SYSargs2")) {
step_obj <- sysargs2(args2[["stepsWF"]][[j]])
steps_comp[[j]] <- yaml::as.yaml(step_obj)
} else if (inherits(args2[["stepsWF"]][[j]], "LineWise")) {
step_obj <- linewise(args2[["stepsWF"]][[j]])
step_obj$codeLine <- as.character(step_obj$codeLine)
steps_comp[[j]] <- yaml::as.yaml(step_obj)
args_comp[["stepsWF"]] <- steps_comp
## SE slot
path <- file.path(.getPath(sys.file, full_path = TRUE, normalizePath = FALSE, warning = FALSE), "SE")
if (!dir.exists(path)) {
dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
if (!is.null(args2[["SE"]][[j]])) {
writeSE(args2[["SE"]][[j]], dir.path = path, dir.name = j, overwrite = TRUE, silent = TRUE)
steps_comp[[j]] <- yaml::as.yaml(list(dir.path = path, dir.name = j))
} else {
steps_comp[j] <- yaml::as.yaml(args2[["SE"]][j])
args_comp[["SE"]] <- steps_comp
## Save file
yaml::write_yaml(args_comp, sys.file)
if (silent != TRUE) cat("Creating file '", file.path(sys.file), "'", sep = "", "\n")
# ## Usage:
# write_SYSargsList(sal, sys.file, silent=FALSE)
## read_SYSargsList function ##
read_SYSargsList <- function(sys.file) {
args_comp_yml <- yaml::read_yaml(sys.file)
args_comp <- sapply(args_comp_yml, function(x) list(NULL))
steps <- names(args_comp_yml$stepsWF)
## Simple yaml slots
yaml_slots <- c("projectInfo")
for (i in yaml_slots) {
args_comp[[i]] <- yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[i])
if (!is.null(args_comp[[i]]$rmd_lines)) {
args_comp[[i]]$rmd_lines <- data.frame(args_comp[[i]]$rmd_lines, check.names = FALSE)
## runInfo yaml slots
yaml_slots <- c("runInfo")
for (i in yaml_slots) {
args_comp[[i]] <- list(runOption = yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[i]))
## Yaml Slots + steps
yaml_slots_S <- c("dependency", "targets_connection")
for (i in yaml_slots_S) {
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
steps_comp[j] <- yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[[i]][j])
args_comp[[i]] <- steps_comp
## SYSargs2 and LineWise
if (length(args_comp_yml$stepsWF) >= 1) {
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
if ("codeLine" %in% names(yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[["stepsWF"]][[j]]))) {
args <- yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[["stepsWF"]][[j]])
if (length(args$codeLine) >= 1) {
args$codeLine <- parse(text = args$codeLine)
if (length(args$codeChunkStart) == 0) args$codeChunkStart <- integer()
if (length(args$files) == 0) args$files$rmdPath <- character()
if (length(args$dependency) == 0) args$dependency <- character()
args <- as(args, "LineWise")
steps_comp[[j]] <- args
} else {
args <- yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[["stepsWF"]][[j]])
args[["status"]][[2]] <- data.frame(args[["status"]][[2]], check.names = FALSE)
args[["status"]][[3]] <- data.frame(args[["status"]][[3]])
if (length(names(args$targets)) != 0) {
df_rownames <- names(args$targets)
} else {
df_rownames <- args[["status"]][[3]]$Targets
rownames(args[["status"]][[2]]) <- df_rownames
rownames(args[["status"]][[3]]) <- df_rownames
steps_comp[[j]] <- as(args, "SYSargs2")
args_comp[["stepsWF"]] <- steps_comp
} else if (length(args_comp_yml$stepsWF) >= 0) {
args_comp[["stepsWF"]] <- list()
## targetsWF Slots
df_slots <- c("targetsWF", "outfiles")
for (i in df_slots) {
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
steps_comp[[j]] <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[[i]][[j]]), check.names = FALSE)
args_comp[[i]] <- steps_comp
## status
yaml_slots_Status <- c("statusWF")
for (i in yaml_slots_Status) {
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
steps_comp[j] <- yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[[i]][j])
steps_comp[[j]]$status.completed <- data.frame(steps_comp[[j]]$status.completed, check.names = FALSE)
steps_comp[[j]]$status.time <- data.frame(steps_comp[[j]]$status.time)
if (length(steps_comp[[j]]$status.time) != 0) {
steps_comp[[j]]$status.time$time_start <- .POSIXct(steps_comp[[j]]$status.time$time_start)
steps_comp[[j]]$status.time$time_end <- .POSIXct(steps_comp[[j]]$status.time$time_end)
if (length(steps_comp[[j]]$total.time) != 0) {
steps_comp[[j]]$total.time$time_start <- .POSIXct(steps_comp[[j]]$total.time$time_start)
steps_comp[[j]]$total.time$time_end <- .POSIXct(steps_comp[[j]]$total.time$time_end)
args_comp[[i]] <- steps_comp
## rownames
for (j in steps) {
if (inherits(args_comp$stepsWF[[j]], "SYSargs2")) {
rownames(args_comp$targetsWF[[j]]) <- args_comp$targetsWF[[j]][[args_comp$stepsWF[[j]]$files$id]]
rownames(args_comp$outfiles[[j]]) <- args_comp$targetsWF[[j]][[args_comp$stepsWF[[j]]$files$id]]
rownames(args_comp$statusWF[[j]]$status.completed) <- args_comp$targetsWF[[j]][[args_comp$stepsWF[[j]]$files$id]]
rownames(args_comp$statusWF[[j]]$status.time) <- args_comp$targetsWF[[j]][[args_comp$stepsWF[[j]]$files$id]]
## SE slot
steps_comp <- sapply(steps, function(x) list(NULL))
for (j in steps) {
steps_comp[[j]] <- yaml::yaml.load(args_comp_yml[["SE"]][[j]])
if (!is.null(steps_comp[[j]][[1]])) {
dir.path <- steps_comp[[j]][[1]]
dir.name <- steps_comp[[j]][[2]]
SE <- readSE(dir.path = dir.path, dir.name = dir.name)
steps_comp[[j]] <- list(SE)
} else {
steps_comp[[j]] <- steps_comp[[j]]
args_comp[["SE"]] <- sapply(steps_comp, function(x) x[[1]])
return(as(args_comp, "SYSargsList"))
# ## Usage:
# sys.file=".SPRproject/SYSargsList.yml"
# sal3 <- read_SYSargsList(sys.file)
## writeSE function ##
writeSE <- function(SE, dir.path, dir.name, overwrite = FALSE, silent = FALSE) {
# Validations
if (!inherits(SE, "SummarizedExperiment")) stop("Argument 'SE' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SummarizedExperiment'")
if (!dir.exists(dir.path)) stop("'dir.path' doesn't exist.")
if (all(dir.exists(file.path(dir.path, dir.name)) & overwrite == FALSE)) stop("'dir.name' directory already exist. Please delete existing directory: ", dir.name, " or set 'overwrite=TRUE'")
if (!dir.exists(file.path(dir.path, dir.name))) {
dir.create(file.path(dir.path, dir.name))
path <- file.path(dir.path, dir.name)
## Counts
if (length(SummarizedExperiment::assays(SE)) > 0) {
for (i in length(SummarizedExperiment::assays(SE))) {
write.table(SummarizedExperiment::assays(SE)[[i]], file.path(path, paste0("counts_", i, ".csv")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE,
col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t"
## Metadata
yaml::write_yaml(S4Vectors::metadata(SE), file.path(path, paste0("metadata.yml")))
## colData
write.table(SummarizedExperiment::colData(SE), file.path(path, paste0("colData.csv")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE,
col.names = NA, sep = "\t"
## RowRanges
if (!is.null(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(SE))) {
file = file.path(path, paste0("rowRanges.csv")),
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
## Final message
if (silent != TRUE) cat("\t", "Written content of 'SE' to directory:", path, "\n")
# writeSE(rse, dir.path = getwd(), dir.name = "seobj")
# dir.path <- getwd()
# dir.name <- "seobj"
## readSE function ##
readSE <- function(dir.path, dir.name) {
path <- file.path(dir.path, dir.name)
if (!dir.exists(path)) stop("'dir.path' doesn't exist.")
## Counts
files_counts <- list.files(path, pattern = "counts")
if (length(files_counts) > 0) {
counts_ls <- S4Vectors::SimpleList()
for (i in files_counts) {
counts_ls1 <- S4Vectors::SimpleList(as.matrix(read.table(file.path(path, i), check.names = FALSE, header = TRUE)))
counts_ls <- append(counts_ls, counts_ls1)
} else {
counts_ls <- S4Vectors::SimpleList()
## Metadata
metadata <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(path, paste0("metadata.yml")))
## colData
colData <- tryCatch(read.table(file.path(path, paste0("colData.csv")), check.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", header = TRUE),
error = function(e) NULL
if (is.null(colData)) colData <- data.frame()
## rowRanges
files_counts <- list.files(path, pattern = "rowRanges")
if (length(files_counts) > 0) {
rowRanges_df <- read.table(file.path(path, paste0("rowRanges.csv")), check.names = FALSE, header = TRUE)
rowRanges <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rowRanges_df, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
} else {
rowRanges <- GRangesList()
if (length(rowRanges) == 0) {
SE <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = counts_ls,
# rowRanges = rowRanges,
colData = colData,
metadata = metadata
} else {
SE <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = counts_ls,
rowRanges = rowRanges,
colData = colData,
metadata = metadata
# nrows <- 200; ncols <- 6
# counts <- matrix(runif(nrows * ncols, 1, 1e4), nrows)
# rowRanges <- GRanges(rep(c("chr1", "chr2"), c(50, 150)),
# IRanges(floor(runif(200, 1e5, 1e6)), width=100),
# strand=sample(c("+", "-"), 200, TRUE),
# feature_id=sprintf("ID%03d", 1:200))
# colData <- DataFrame(Treatment=rep(c("ChIP", "Input"), 3),
# row.names=LETTERS[1:6])
# rse <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays=S4Vectors::SimpleList(counts=counts),
# rowRanges=rowRanges, colData=colData)
# rse
# writeSE(rse, dir.path = getwd(), dir.name = "seobj")
# SE <- readSE(dir.path = getwd(), dir.name = "seobj")
# library(diffobj)
# diffPrint(target=SE, current=rse)
# writeSE(sal$SE$gzip, dir.path = getwd(), dir.name = "seobj")
# SE <- readSE(dir.path = getwd(), dir.name = "seobj")
# library(diffobj)
# diffPrint(target=SE, current=rse)
## writeTargets function ##
writeTargets <- function(sysargs, step, file = "default", silent = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE) {
if (all(!inherits(sysargs, "SYSargsList"))) stop("Argument 'sysargs' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargsList")
if (!step %in% stepName(sysargs)) stop("It was not possible to find the 'step' name in the 'sysargs' object")
## Workflow and Step Name
if (file == "default") {
file <- paste("targets_", step, ".txt", sep = "")
} else {
file <- file
## SYSargsList class
if (file.exists(file) & overwrite == FALSE) stop("I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file: ", file, " or set 'overwrite=TRUE'")
targets <- targetsWF(sysargs)[[step]]
targetslines <- c(paste(colnames(targets), collapse = "\t"), apply(targets, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"))
headerlines <- sysargs$stepsWF[[step]][["targetsheader"]]
writeLines(c(headerlines$targetsheader, targetslines), file)
if (silent != TRUE) cat("\t", "Written content of 'targetsout(x)' to file:", file, "\n")
## ConfigWF function ##
configWF <- function(x, input_steps = "ALL", exclude_steps = NULL, silent = FALSE, ...) {
## Validations
if (!inherits(x, "SYSargsList")) stop("Argument 'x' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargsList'")
utils::capture.output(steps_all <- subsetRmd(Rmd = x$sysconfig$script$path), file = ".SYSproject/.NULL")
if ("ALL" %in% input_steps) {
input_steps <- paste0(steps_all$t_number[1], ":", steps_all$t_number[length(steps_all$t_number)])
save_rmd <- FALSE
Rmd_outfile <- NULL
Rmd_path <- x$sysconfig$script$path
} else {
input_steps <- input_steps
save_rmd <- TRUE
Rmd_outfile <- paste0(
.getPath(x$sysconfig$script$path), "/", paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y")),
"_", basename(x$sysconfig$script$path)
Rmd_path <- Rmd_outfile
utils::capture.output(steps_all <- subsetRmd(
Rmd = x$sysconfig$script$path, input_steps = input_steps,
exclude_steps = exclude_steps, save_Rmd = save_rmd, Rmd_outfile = Rmd_outfile
), file = ".NULL")
steps_number <- steps_all$t_number[steps_all$selected]
## Save input_steps in the SYSconfig.yml
if (!any(names(x$sysconfig) %in% c("input_steps", "exclude_steps"))) {
input_file <- x$sysconfig$SYSconfig
param <- list(input_steps = input_steps, exclude_steps = exclude_steps)
input <- config.param(input_file = input_file, param, file = "append", silent = TRUE)
x <- as(x, "list")
x$sysconfig <- input
x <- as(x, "SYSargsList")
if (is.null(x$sysconfig$script)) {
cat("empty list")
} else {
steps <- paste0(
strrep(" ", (as.numeric(steps_all$t_lvl[steps_all$selected]) - 1)), steps_all$t_number[steps_all$selected],
".", steps_all$t_text[steps_all$selected]
names(steps_number) <- steps
## CODESteps
code <- steps_all$code[steps_all$selected]
names(code) <- steps
x <- as(x, "list")
script_path <- x$sysconfig$script$path
x$sysconfig$script[["path"]] <- Rmd_path
x$sysconfig$script[["orginal"]] <- script_path
x$stepsWF <- steps_number
x$codeSteps <- code
x$dataWF <- steps_all
# x$sysconfig$script$path <- Rmd_outfile
return(as(x, "SYSargsList"))
## Usage:
# sysargslist <- configWF(x=sysargslist)
## renderReport function ##
## type: c("pdf_document", "html_document")
renderReport <- function(sysargs,
fileName = "SPR_Report",
rmd_title = "SPR workflow Template - Report",
rmd_author = "Author",
rmd_date = "Last update: `r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`",
type = c("html_document"),
desc = "This is a workflow template.",
quiet = FALSE,
open_file = TRUE) {
stopifnot(is.logical(quiet) && length(quiet) == 1)
stopifnot(is.logical(open_file) && length(open_file) == 1)
stopifnot(inherits(sysargs, "SYSargsList"))
if (is.null(sysargs$projectInfo$rmd_file)) return(
out_path = out_path_rmd,
rmd_title = rmd_title,
rmd_author = rmd_author,
rmd_date = rmd_date,
rmd_output = type,
desc = desc,
verbose = !quiet
ext <- sub("_.*", "", type)
out_path <- file.path(paste0(fileName, ".", ext))
out_path_rmd <- file.path(paste0(fileName, ".Rmd"))
file_path <- sysargs$projectInfo$rmd_file
lines <- readLines(file_path) ## original file
## get info from sysargs
step_names <- names(sysargs$stepsWF)
deps <- sysargs$dependency
t_connects <- sysargs$targets_connection
opts <- sysargs$runInfo$runOption
## get the first line
chunk_start <- lines %>% stringr::str_which("^```\\{.*\\}.*")
df <- parseRmd(file_path, verbose = FALSE)[, 1:3]
# check steps
df_in_sal <- df$step_name %in% step_names
if(!all(df_in_sal)) {
warning("Some steps exist in template but not in SYSargsList. ",
"Step code and text of these steps will be removed in report\n",
"Consider using `sal <- importWF(sal, 'xx.Rmd', update = TRUE)` ",
"to sync the template and SYSargsList before rendering report\n",
paste(df$step_name[!df_in_sal], collapse = " "), immediate. = TRUE)
# find text in between
text_start <- c(NA, df$end + 1)
df$text_start <- text_start[-length(text_start)]
df$text_end <- df$start - 1
df$text_end[1] <- NA
# get starter lines
rmd_text <- lines[seq(1, df$start[1] -1)]
for (i in seq_along(step_names)) {
appStep <- switch(class(sysargs$stepsWF[[i]]),
"LineWise" = .sal2rmd_rstep(
con = NULL, i = i, step_name = step_names[i],
dep = deps[[i]], req = opts[[i]]$run_step,
prepro = opts[[i]]$prepro_lines,
session = opts[[i]]$run_session, return = "object"
"SYSargs2" = .sal2rmd_sysstep(
con = NULL, i = i,
step_name = step_names[i],
dep = deps[[i]],
dir = opts[[i]]$directory,
req = opts[[i]]$run_step,
session = opts[[i]]$run_session,
prepro = opts[[i]]$prepro_lines,
t_con = t_connects[[i]], return = "object"
# find sal step matched steps from df lines
df_step <- df[df$step_name == step_names[i],]
if(nrow(df_step) == 0) {
"Step name ", step_names[i], " exist in SYSargsList but not in template.\n ",
"It will be added as a new step in report, consider add it to your template first, ",
"and then use `sal <- importWF(sal, 'xx.Rmd', update = TRUE)`",
"to update the template first before rendering report."
} else if (nrow(df_step) > 1){
stop(crayon::red$bold("Step name ", step_names[i], " has more than one match in template, something wrong?"))
} else {
# add text
if(!is.na(df_step$text_start[1])) rmd_text <- c(rmd_text, lines[seq(df_step$text_start[1], df_step$text_end[1])])
# add code
rmd_text <- c(rmd_text, if(nrow(df_step) == 0) appStep else appStep[-1])
# add tail
rmd_text <- c(rmd_text, lines[seq(df$end[nrow(df)] + 1, length(lines))])
writeLines(rmd_text, out_path_rmd)
rmarkdown::render(input = out_path_rmd, c(paste0("BiocStyle::", type)), quiet = quiet, envir = new.env())
detach("package:BiocStyle", unload = TRUE)
if (!quiet) message(crayon::green$bold("Success! Report created at", out_path))
sysargs <- as(sysargs, "list")
sysargs$projectInfo[["Report"]] <- normalizePath(file.path(out_path))
if (open_file) try(utils::browseURL(file.path(out_path)), TRUE)
sysargs <- as(sysargs, "SYSargsList")
write_SYSargsList(sysargs, silent = TRUE)
## Usage:
# sal <- SPRproject(overwrite = TRUE)
# file_path <- system.file("extdata", "spr_simple_wf.Rmd", package = "systemPipeR")
# sal <- importWF(sal, file_path = file_path, verbose = FALSE)
# targetspath <- system.file("extdata/cwl/example/targets_example.txt", package = "systemPipeR")
# appendStep(sal) <- SYSargsList(step_name = "echo",
# targets = targetspath, dir = TRUE,
# wf_file = "example/workflow_example.cwl", input_file = "example/example.yml",
# dir_path = system.file("extdata/cwl", package = "systemPipeR"),
# inputvars = c(Message = "_STRING_", SampleName = "_SAMPLE_"))
# sal <- renderReport(sal)
## renderLogs function ##
renderLogs <- function(sysargs,
type = c("html_document", "pdf_document"),
fileName = "default",
quiet = FALSE,
open_file = TRUE) {
if (!inherits(sysargs, "SYSargsList")) stop("`sysargs` must be a 'SYSargsList' object.")
type <- match.arg(type, c("html_document", "pdf_document"))
stopifnot(is.character(fileName) && length(fileName) == 1)
stopifnot(is.logical(quiet) && length(quiet) == 1)
stopifnot(is.logical(open_file) && length(open_file) == 1)
wd <- getwd()
if (wd != projectInfo(sysargs)$project) {
try(setwd(wd), TRUE)
dir_log <- projectInfo(sysargs)$logsDir
if (!file.exists(dir_log) == TRUE) stop("Provide valid 'SYSargsList' object. Check the initialization of the project.")
if (is.null(projectInfo(sysargs)$logsFile)) {
log <- ""
} else {
file <- projectInfo(sysargs)$logsFile
log <- readLines(file)
if (fileName == "default") {
fileName <- file.path(projectInfo(sysargs)$project, paste0("logs_", format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%M"), ".Rmd"))
} else {
fileName <- file.path(paste0(fileName, ".Rmd"))
if (type == "html_document") plot_path <- normalizePath(.prepareRmdPlot(sysargs, dir_log))
"title: SPR Workflow Technical Report",
paste0("date: 'Last update: ", format(Sys.time(), "%d %B, %Y"), "'"),
paste0(" BiocStyle::", type, ":"),
if (type == "html_document") paste0(" includes:\n before_body: ", plot_path),
" toc: true",
" toc_float: true",
" code_folding: show",
"package: systemPipeR",
"fontsize: 14pt",
con = fileName
# rmarkdown::render(input = fileName, c(paste0(type)), quiet = TRUE, envir = new.env())
rmarkdown::render(input = fileName, c(paste0("BiocStyle::", type)), quiet = TRUE, envir = new.env())
detach("package:BiocStyle", unload = TRUE)
file_path <- .getPath(fileName)
file_out <- .getFileName(fileName)
ext <- if (type == "html_document") "html" else "pdf"
sysargs <- as(sysargs, "list")
sysargs$projectInfo[["Report_Logs"]] <- file.path(file_path, paste(file_out, ext, sep = "."))
if (!quiet) cat("Written content of 'Report' to file:", "\n", paste(file_out, ext, sep = "."), "\n")
if (open_file) try(utils::browseURL(file.path(file_path, paste(file_out, ext, sep = "."))), TRUE)
return(as(sysargs, "SYSargsList"))
## Usage
# sal <- runWF(sal)
# sal <- renderLogs(sal)
## subsetRmd function ##
subsetRmd <- function(Rmd, input_steps = NULL, exclude_steps = NULL, Rmd_outfile = NULL, save_Rmd = TRUE) {
. <- NULL
# function start, check inputs
if (!file.exists(Rmd) == TRUE) stop("Provide valid 'Rmd' file.")
if (is.null(Rmd_outfile)) Rmd_outfile <- paste0("new", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"), basename(Rmd))
# read file
file <- readLines(Rmd)
# check for proper start and end
t_start <- file %>% stringr::str_which("^#")
if (length(t_start) == 0) stop("This Rmd does not have any '#' titles")
# get code chunks
chunk_start <- file %>% stringr::str_which("^```\\{.*\\}.*")
chunk_end <- file %>% stringr::str_which("^```[[:blank:]]{0,}$")
if (length(chunk_start) != length(chunk_end)) stop("unmatched number of code chunk starts and ends")
for (i in seq_along(chunk_start)[-length(chunk_end)]) {
if (chunk_start[i + 1] <= chunk_end[i]) stop("A code chunk does not end: chunk line ", chunk_start[i + 1])
# remove '#' titles in code chunk
t_start <- t_start[!unlist(lapply(t_start, function(x) any(x >= chunk_start & x <= chunk_end)))]
# get end
t_end <- append((t_start - 1)[c(-1)], length(file))
# get # levels and text
t_text <- file[t_start] %>% stringr::str_remove("^[#]+")
t_lvl <- file[t_start] %>%
stringr::str_extract("^[#]+") %>%
# parse levels
for (lvl in unique(t_lvl)[-length(t_lvl)]) {
if (lvl == min(unique(t_lvl))) {
step_main <- which(t_lvl == lvl)
names(t_lvl)[step_main] <- names(step_main) <- seq_along(step_main)
step_main <- append(step_main, 9999)
sub_lvl <- lvl
while (sub_lvl <= max(t_lvl)) {
step_sub <- which(t_lvl == sub_lvl + 1)
if (length(step_sub) < 1) {
sub_lvl <- sub_lvl + 1
} else {
jump_step_glue <- if (sub_lvl - lvl == 0) {
} else {
rep(".1.", sub_lvl - lvl) %>%
paste0(collapse = "") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("\\.\\.", "\\.")
for (i in seq_along(step_main[-1])) {
subs <- step_sub[step_sub > step_main[i] & step_sub < step_main[i + 1]]
names(t_lvl)[subs] <- names(step_sub)[step_sub %in% subs] <- paste0(names(step_main[i]), jump_step_glue, seq_along(subs))
step_main <- append(step_sub, 9999)
# get code in lists
code_list <- lapply(seq_along(t_start), function(t_index) {
code_start <- chunk_start[chunk_start %in% (t_start[t_index]:t_end[t_index])]
code_end <- chunk_end[chunk_end %in% (t_start[t_index]:t_end[t_index])]
code_lines <- lapply(seq_along(code_start), function(code_index) {
(code_start[code_index] + 1):(code_end[code_index] - 1)
}) %>% unlist()
# create a df to store everything
rmd_df <- data.frame(
t_lvl = t_lvl, t_number = names(t_lvl),
t_text = t_text, selected = FALSE,
row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
rmd_df$code <- code_list
# add sample run/success, step link cols
rmd_df$no_run <- NA
rmd_df$no_run <- ifelse(sapply(rmd_df$code, length) == 0, 0, NA)
rmd_df$no_success <- NA
rmd_df$no_success <- ifelse(sapply(rmd_df$code, length) == 0, 0, NA)
rmd_df$link_to <- NA
rmd_df$link_to[1:(nrow(rmd_df) - 1)] <- rmd_df$t_number[2:nrow(rmd_df)]
# list all steps if no input_steps
# if (!assertthat::not_empty(input_steps)) {
if (!is.null(input_steps)) {
cat("No input_steps is given, list all sections and exit\n")
cat("This file contains following sections\n")
stringr::str_replace(t_text, "^", paste0(strrep(" ", (t_lvl - 1)), names(t_lvl), " ")) %>%
paste0(., collapse = "\n") %>%
stringr::str_replace("$", "\n") %>%
# parse steps
index_select <- .parse_step(t_lvl, input_steps)
index_exclude <- .parse_step(t_lvl, exclude_steps)
index_final <- index_select[!index_select %in% index_exclude]
rmd_df$selected[index_final] <- TRUE
# print again what will be write in the new file
cat("The following sections are selected\n")
t_text[index_final], "^",
strrep(" ", (t_lvl[index_final] - 1)),
names(t_lvl[index_final]), " "
) %>%
paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
stringr::str_replace("$", "\n") %>%
# to print new titles and return
if (save_Rmd == FALSE) {
# sebset lines
final_lines <- mapply(seq, t_start[index_final], t_end[index_final]) %>%
unlist() %>%
append(1:(t_start[1] - 1), .) %>%
writeLines(file[final_lines], Rmd_outfile)
cat("File write to ", file.path(Rmd_outfile), "\n")
# # Usage:
# Rmd <- system.file("extdata/workflows/rnaseq", "systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", package="systemPipeRdata")
# newRmd <- subsetRmd(Rmd=Rmd, input_steps="1:2.1, 3.2:4, 4:6", exclude_steps="3.1", Rmd_outfile="test_out.Rmd", save_Rmd=TRUE)
## config.param function ##
config.param <- function(input_file = NULL, param, file = "default", silent = FALSE) {
## In the case of 'input_file' == character (file)
if (inherits(input_file, "character")) {
if (!file.exists(input_file)) {
stop("Provide valid 'input_file' file. Check the file PATH.")
input <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(input_file), eval.expr = TRUE)
input <- out_obj <- .replace(input = input, param = param)
path_file <- normalizePath(input_file)
out_msg <- c("input_file")
} else if (inherits(input_file, "list")) {
if (is.null(names(param))) {
stop("for each element of the 'param' list need to assign a name.")
input <- out_obj <- .replace(input = input_file, param = param)
path_file <- normalizePath(file)
out_msg <- c("input_file")
} else if (inherits(input_file, "SYSargs2")) {
input <- .replace(input = yamlinput(input_file), param = param)
dir_path <- .getPath(files(input_file)[["yml"]])
if (is.na(files(input_file)[["targets"]])) {
targets <- NULL
} else {
targets <- targets(input_file)
args1 <- loadWorkflow(
targets = targets, wf_file = basename(files(input_file)[["cwl"]]),
input_file = basename(files(input_file)[["yml"]]), dir_path = dir_path
args1 <- as(args1, "list")
args1$yamlinput <- input
if ("ModulesToLoad" %in% names(param)) {
for (i in seq_along(param$ModulesToLoad)) {
args1$modules[names(param$ModulesToLoad[i])] <- param$ModulesToLoad[[i]]
args1 <- out_obj <- as(args1, "SYSargs2")
out_msg <- c("yamlinput(args1)")
path_file <- files(input_file)[["yml"]]
} else if (inherits(input_file, "SYSargsList")) {
input <- out_obj <- .replace(input = input_file$sysconfig, param = param)
path_file <- input_file$projectInfo$project
out_msg <- c("input_file")
} else if (all(is.null(input_file))) {
stop("'input_file' need to be defenid as '.yml' OR 'SYSargs2 class' OR 'SYSargsList class' OR 'list class' ")
## File and Path to be written
if (file == "default") {
run <- dir(.getPath(path_file))
fileName <- paste0("_run", length(grep(
paste0(gsub("\\..*", "", basename(path_file)), "_run"),
)) + 1)
path <- paste0(.getPath(path_file), "/", gsub("\\..*", "", basename(path_file)), fileName, ".",
gsub(".*\\.", "", basename(path_file)),
collapse = "/"
} else if (file == "append") {
path <- path_file
} else {
path <- file
## Rename original file
## Write YML file
yaml::write_yaml(x = input, file = path)
if (silent != TRUE) cat("\t", "All the new param + ", out_msg, "were written to:", "\n", path, "\n")
if (inherits(input_file, "SYSargs2")) {
args1 <- as(args1, "list")
args1$files$yml <- path
args1 <- as(args1, "SYSargs2")
out_obj <- args1
## Usage:
# Config param files
# targets <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
# input_file <- system.file("extdata", "cwl/hisat2/hisat2-se/hisat2-mapping-se.yml", package="systemPipeR")
# param <- list(thread=10, fq=list(class="File", path="./results2"))
# input <- config.param(input_file=input_file, param, file="default") # Example with 'input_file'
## Utilities ##
## SYScreate ##
SYScreate <- function(class) {
if (class == "SYSargs2") {
SYS.empty <- list(
targets = data.frame(),
targetsheader = list(),
modules = list(),
wf = list(),
clt = list(),
yamlinput = list(),
cmdlist = list(NULL),
input = list(),
output = list(),
files = list(),
inputvars = list(),
cmdToCwl = list(),
status = data.frame(),
internal_outfiles = list()
return(as(SYS.empty, "SYSargs2"))
} else if (class == "SYSargsList") {
SYS.empty <- list(
stepsWF = list(),
statusWF = list(),
targetsWF = list(),
outfiles = list(),
SEobj = list(),
dependency = list(),
targets_connection = list(),
projectInfo = list(),
runInfo = list()
return(as(SYS.empty, "SYSargsList"))
} else if (!class %in% c("SYSargs2", "SYSargsList")) {
stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an character 'SYSargs2' OR 'SYSargsList'")
## Usage:
# list <- SYScreate("SYSargsList")
# list <- SYScreate("SYSargs2")
## Function to check if the command line / Software is installed and set in your PATH ##
tryCMD <- function(command, silent = FALSE) {
if (command == "fastqc") command <- "fastqc --version"
if (command == "gunzip") command <- "gunzip -h"
if (command == "gzip") command <- "gzip -h"
system(command, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE, timeout = 2)
if (!silent) print("All set, proceed!")
if (silent) (return("proceed"))
warning = function(w) {
if (silent) invisible(return("error"))
if (!silent) {
"ERROR: ", "\n", command, ": COMMAND NOT FOUND. ", "\n",
"Please make sure to configure your PATH environment variable according to the software in use.",
## Usage:
# tryCMD(command="R")
# tryCMD(command="blastp")
# tryCMD(command="fastqc")
# tryCMD(command="gzip")
tryCL <- tryCMD
## Function to check if the Path (file or dir) exists ##
tryPath <- function(path) {
warning = function(w) message(path, ": ", "No such file or directory"),
error = function(e) message(path, ": ", "Please provide a valid Path")
## Usage:
# tryPath(path="./")
## Function to list/check if all cmd tools are in path for a workflow ##
listCmdTools <- function(
check_path = FALSE,
check_module = FALSE
if(!inherits(sal, "SYSargsList")) stop("ERROR: Please provide a `SYSargsList` object")
# list of cmd steps
all_steps <- stepsWF(sal) %>% lapply(class) %>% unlist()
cmd_steps <- which(all_steps == "SYSargs2")
if(length(cmd_steps) == 0) return(cat(crayon::make_style("orange")$bold("There is no commandline (SYSargs) step in this workflow, skip.\n")))
base_cmd <- lapply(cmd_steps, function(step) {
# step_module <- stepsWF(sal)[[step]]@modules
# if(length(step_module) > 0)
step_clt <- stepsWF(sal)[[step]]@clt
lapply(step_clt, function(clt) {
base_cmd <- data.frame(
step_name = rep(names(base_cmd), (lapply(base_cmd, length) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE))),
tool = base_cmd %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE),
in_path = NA
if(!check_path) {
cat(crayon::blue$bold("Following tools are used in steps in this workflow:\n"))
if(!check_path) return(invisible(base_cmd))
cat(crayon::blue$bold("Check if they are in path:\n"))
unique_tools <- unique(base_cmd$tool)
path_res <- lapply(unique_tools, function(i) {
cat(crayon::blue$bold(paste0("Checking path for ", i, "\n")))
try_res <- tryCMD(i, silent = TRUE)
if(try_res == "proceed") {
}) %>% unlist()
base_cmd$in_path <- path_res[match(base_cmd$tool, unique_tools)]
if (all(path_res) && check_module) return(cat(crayon::green$bold(
"All required tools in PATH, skip module check. If you want to check modules use `listCmdModules`"
if(!check_module) return({
if(!all(path_res)) {
c("Not all tools required are in PATH.",
"If you have a modular system, turn `load_module = TRUE`",
"It will call `listCmdModules` to check the required tools are in your modular system.\n")))
cat(crayon::blue$bold("Now check if modular system:\n"))
listCmdModules(sal, check_module)
listCmdModules <- function(
check_module = FALSE
) {
if(!inherits(sal, "SYSargsList")) stop("ERROR: Please provide a `SYSargsList` object")
# list of cmd steps
all_steps <- stepsWF(sal) %>% lapply(class) %>% unlist()
cmd_steps <- which(all_steps == "SYSargs2")
if(length(cmd_steps) == 0) return(cat(crayon::make_style("orange")$bold("There is no commandline (SYSargs) step in this workflow, skip.\n")))
base_mod <- lapply(cmd_steps, function(step) {
}) %>% unlist()
if(is.null(base_mod)) return(cat(crayon::make_style("orange")$bold("No module is listed, check your CWL yaml configuration files, skip.\n")))
base_mod <- data.frame(
step_name = stringr::str_remove(names(base_mod), "\\.module[0-9]{1,}$"),
module = unname(base_mod),
avail = NA
if(!check_module) {
cat(crayon::make_style("orange")$bold("Here are modules used in this workflow:\n"))
if(!check_module) return(invisible(base_mod))
module_avail <- is.modules.avail()
if(is.null(module_avail)) return({
cat(crayon::make_style("orange")$bold("Modular system is not installed, skip\n"))
all_mods <- moduleAvail()$available_modules %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
base_mod$avail <- base_mod$module %in% all_mods
cat(crayon::blue$bold("Module availability:\n"))
## Function to evaluate (eval=TRUE) or not evaluate (eval=FALSE) R code in the Rmarkdown ##
## infile: Name and path of the infile file, format Rmarkdown.
evalCode <- function(infile, eval = TRUE, output) {
if (!file.exists(infile)) stop("Provide valid 'infile' file. Check the file PATH.")
if (!"Rmd" %in% .getExt(infile)) stop("Provide Rmarkdown file. Check the file PATH.")
file <- readLines(infile)
Rchunk <- grep("^```[{}]", file)
if (length(Rchunk) == 0) stop("The file does not have any R Chuck")
for (i in Rchunk) {
if (grepl("eval", file[i])) {
file[i] <- sub("eval.*E", paste0("eval=", eval), file[i])
} else {
file[i] <- sub("[}]", paste0(", eval=", eval, "}"), file[i])
writeLines(file, output)
## Usage:
# file <- system.file("extdata/workflows/rnaseq/", "systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", package="systemPipeRdata")
# evalCode(infile=file, eval=FALSE, output="test.Rmd")
## Update CWL description files ##
cwlFilesUpdate <- function(destdir, force = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
tempDir <- tempdir()
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/systemPipeR/cwl_collection/master/cwl/repo_version.txt",
file.path(tempDir, "repo_version_new.txt"), quiet = TRUE
## option for old versions
if (force) {
url = "https://github.com/systemPipeR/cwl_collection/archive/refs/heads/master.zip",
file.path(tempDir, "cwl_collection-master.zip")
unzip(file.path(tempDir, "cwl_collection-master.zip"), exdir = tempDir)
file.copy(file.path(tempDir, "cwl_collection-master", "cwl"), to = file.path(destdir), overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
file.copy(file.path(tempDir, "cwl_collection-master", "docopt.R"), to = file.path(destdir), overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
if (verbose) {
cat(crayon::magenta(file.path(destdir, "cwl"), "folder was updated successfully!"))
} else {
## Get version
new <- readLines(file.path(tempDir, "repo_version_new.txt"))
if (!file.exists(file.path(destdir, "cwl", "repo_version.txt"))) {
if (verbose) {
"We expect a file called:", file.path(destdir, "cwl", "repo_version.txt"),
"\n", "OR please use the argument `force = TRUE`."
} else {
current <- readLines(file.path(destdir, "cwl", "repo_version.txt"))
## Download CWL repo
if (as.numeric(sub(".*\\.", "", current)) < as.numeric(sub(".*\\.", "", new))) {
url = "https://github.com/systemPipeR/cwl_collection/archive/refs/heads/master.zip",
file.path(tempDir, "cwl_collection-master.zip"), quiet = TRUE
unzip(file.path(tempDir, "cwl_collection-master.zip"), exdir = tempDir)
file.copy(file.path(tempDir, "cwl_collection-master", "cwl"),
to = file.path(destdir), overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE
file.copy(file.path(tempDir, "cwl_collection-master", "docopt.R"),
to = file.path(destdir), overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE
if (verbose) {
file.path(destdir, "cwl"), "folder was updated successfully!", "\n",
} else {
if (verbose) {
cat(crayon::magenta("Already up to date.", "\n", new))
## Usage
# destdir <- "param/"
# options(timeout = max(3000, getOption("timeout")))
# cwlFilesUpdate(destdir)
## Unexported helper functions ##
## Return the path of the file ##
## [x] A character vector or an object containing file PATH.
.getPath <- function(x, normalizePath = TRUE, full_path = TRUE, warning = TRUE) {
if (warning) {
if (!any(file.exists(x))) warning("No such file or directory. Check the file PATH.")
if (normalizePath) {
x <- normalizePath(x)
if (full_path) {
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
path_un <- unlist(strsplit(x[i], "/|\\\\"))
path <- path_un[path_un != basename(x[i])]
x[i] <- paste0(path, collapse = "/")
} else {
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
path_un <- unlist(strsplit(x[i], "/|\\\\"))
path <- path_un[path_un != basename(x[i])]
x[i] <- paste0(path[length(path)], collapse = "/")
## Usage:
# x <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package = "systemPipeR")
# .getPath(x) ## internal fct: it will delete any suffixes up to the last slash ('/') character and return the 'path of the file'
# basename(x) ## BiocGenerics pkg: it will delete any prefix up to the last slash ('/') character and return the 'name of the file'
## Return the file extension ##
## Function to return the extension of the file. The argument 'x' is a character vector or an object containing the file PATH.
.getExt <- function(x) {
ext <- Biostrings::strsplit(basename(x), split = "\\.")[[1]]
ext <- ext[[length(ext)]]
## Usage:
# x <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package = "systemPipeR")
# .getExt(x) ## internal fct: it will delete any suffixes up to the last slash ('/') character and return the 'extension of the file'
## Return the file name, without extension ##
## [x] A character vector or an object containing file File name without extension, simmilar with 'basename'
.getFileName <- function(x) {
# if (!file.exists(x)) warning("No such file or directory. Check the file PATH.")
filename <- Biostrings::strsplit(basename(x), split = ".([^.]*)$")[[1]]
# filename <- filename[[-2]]
## Usage:
# targetspath <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
# .getFileName(targetspath)
## Return the logical, if the path is absolute ##
is.fullPath <- function(x) {
grepl("^(/|[A-Za-z]:|\\\\|~)", x)
## Usage:
# targetspath <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
# is.fullPath(targetspath)
# is.fullPath("./results")
## Internal function to detect nested of the param list ##
.nest <- function(x) ifelse(is.list(x), 1L + max(sapply(x, .nest)), 0L)
## Usage:
# param <- list(results_new=list(class="Directory", path=8))
# nesting <- .nest(param[1])
## Internal function to replace or add the list values at the input file ##
.replace <- function(input, param) {
for (i in seq_along(param)) {
for (j in seq_along(param[[i]])) {
nesting <- .nest(param[i])
if (nesting == 1) {
if (is.numeric(param[[i]][j][[1]])) {
input[names(param)[i]] <- as.integer(param[[i]][j])
} else {
input[names(param)[i]] <- param[[i]][j]
} else if (nesting > 1) {
if (is.numeric(param[[i]][j][[1]])) {
input[[names(param[i])]][[names(param[[i]][j])]] <- as.integer(param[[i]][[j]])
} else {
input[[names(param[i])]][[names(param[[i]][j])]] <- (param[[i]][[j]])
input[[names(param[i])]] <- as.list(input[[names(param[i])]])
## Usage:
# input_file="param/cwl/hisat2/hisat2-se/hisat2-mapping-se.yml"
# input <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(input_file))
# param <- list(thread=14, test="test")
# .replace(input=input, param=param)
## .parse_step function ##
## Internal parse function used in the subsetRmd function
.parse_step <- function(t_lvl, input_steps) {
. <- NULL
t_lvl_name <- names(t_lvl)
input_steps <- unlist(input_steps %>% stringr::str_remove_all(" ") %>% stringr::str_split(",") %>% list())
# single steps
nocolon_steps <- input_steps[stringr::str_which(input_steps, "^[^:]+$")]
lapply(nocolon_steps, function(x) if (!any(t_lvl_name %in% x)) stop("Step ", x, " is not found"))
# dash linked steps
dash_list <- NULL
for (i in stringr::str_which(input_steps, ":")) {
dash_step <- unlist(stringr::str_split(input_steps[i], ":"))
dash_parse <- unlist(lapply(dash_step, function(x) {
which(t_lvl_name %in% x) %>% ifelse(length(.) > 0, ., stop("Step ", x, " is not found"))
})) %>%
dash_list <- append(dash_list, dash_parse)
# merge
all_step_name <- unique(append(nocolon_steps, dash_list))
# if upper level step is selected, all sub-level steps will be added
unlist(lapply(all_step_name, function(x) stringr::str_which(t_lvl_name, paste0("^", x, "\\..*")))) %>%
append(which(t_lvl_name %in% all_step_name)) %>%
unique() %>%
sort() %>%
## .tryCatch function ##
.tryCatch <- function(x, file = NULL) {
if (is.null(file)) file <- tempfile()
expr = {
cat("## Output", append = TRUE, file = file, "\n")
capture.output(out <- eval(parse(text = x), envir = globalenv()), file = file, append = TRUE)
error = function(e) {
return("Caught an error!")
warning = function(w) {
return("Caught an warning!")
## Usage:
# .tryCatch(x=codeList[[1]])
## .checkSpecialChar function ##
.checkSpecialChar <- function(x) {
chunk_names_bad <- stringr::str_detect(x, "\\W")
if (any(chunk_names_bad)) {
"Only letters, numbers, and '_' allowed for step_name. Invalid name:\n",
paste0(x[chunk_names_bad], collapse = ", "),
call. = FALSE
## Usage:
# .checkSpecialChar("name@")
# .checkSpecialChar("name test")
## .renderMsg function ##
.renderMsg <- function() {
warn_flag <- getOption("spr_render_msg")
if (isTRUE(warn_flag)) {
crayon::green$bold("Done with workflow running, now consider rendering logs & reports\n"),
crayon::blue("To render logs, run: "), "sal <- renderLogs(sal)\n",
crayon::blue("From command-line: "), 'Rscript -e "sal = systemPipeR::SPRproject(resume = TRUE); sal = systemPipeR::renderLogs(sal)"\n',
crayon::blue("To render reports, run: "), "sal <- renderReport(sal)\n",
crayon::blue("From command-line: "), 'Rscript -e "sal= s ystemPipeR::SPRproject(resume = TRUE); sal = systemPipeR::renderReport(sal)"\n',
crayon::make_style("white")$bold("This message is displayed once per R session\n"),
sep = ""
options(spr_render_msg = TRUE)
## .clusterRunResults function ##
.clusterRunResults <- function(args.run, reg, nTargets) {
logdir <- reg$file.dir
file_log <- file.path(logdir, paste0(
format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%Ms%S"),
paste(sample(0:9, 4), collapse = "")
id_save <- character()
for (i in seq_along(1:nTargets)) {
## ind object created by the batchtools
newsysargs <- batchtools::loadResult(reg = reg, id = i)
id_sysargs <- names(newsysargs$cmdlist)
id_save <- c(id_save, id_sysargs)
## update output slot
args.run@output[id_sysargs] <- newsysargs$output[id_sysargs]
## Update status slot
args.run@status$status.completed[id_sysargs, ] <- newsysargs$status$status.completed[id_sysargs, ]
args.run@status$status.time[id_sysargs, ] <- newsysargs$status$status.time[id_sysargs, ]
## time
args.run@status$status.time[id_sysargs, ]$time_start <- as.POSIXct(args.run@status$status.time[id_sysargs, ]$time_start, origin = "1970-01-01")
args.run@status$status.time[id_sysargs, ]$time_end <- as.POSIXct(args.run@status$status.time[id_sysargs, ]$time_end, origin = "1970-01-01")
## Update files logs --> combining
logs <- readLines(newsysargs$files$log)
write(logs, file_log, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
time_start <- sort(args.run$status$status.time[id_save, ]$time_start)[1]
time_end <- tail(sort(args.run$status$status.time[id_save, ]$time_end), 1)
args.run@status$total.time <- list(
time_start = as.POSIXct(time_start, origin = "1970-01-01"),
time_end = as.POSIXct(time_end, origin = "1970-01-01")
args.run@status$status.summary <- .statusSummary(args.run)
args.run@files$log <- file_log
## .tryRcode function ##
.tryRcode <- function(command, envir) {
warning <- error <- NULL
value <- withCallingHandlers(
eval(command, envir = envir),
error = function(e) {
error <<- conditionMessage(e)
warning = function(w) {
warning <<- append(warning, conditionMessage(w))
list(stdout = value, warning = warning, error = error)
## .updateAfterRunC function ##
.updateAfterRunC <- function(args, step) {
args2 <- args
conList <- args2$targets_connection[lengths(args2$targets_connection) != 0]
conList_step <- sapply(conList, "[[", 1)
for (l in seq_along(conList_step)) {
if (step %in% conList_step[[l]]) {
requiredUP <- names(conList)[[l]]
for (s in requiredUP) {
WF <- args2[s]
WFstep <- names(stepsWF(WF))
new_targets <- WF$targetsWF[[1]]
col_out <- lapply(outfiles(args2), function(x) colnames(x))
col_out_l <- sapply(names(col_out), function(x) list(NULL))
for (i in names(col_out)) {
col_out_l[[i]] <- col_out[[i]][col_out[[i]] %in% WF$targets_connection[[WFstep]]$new_targets_col[[1]]]
col_out_l <- col_out_l[lapply(col_out_l, length) > 0]
if (all(sapply(col_out_l, function(x) length(x) == 1))) {
col_out_df <- lapply(names(col_out_l), function(x) getColumn(args2, step = x, position = "outfiles", column = col_out_l[[x]]))
names(col_out_df) <- col_out_l
new_targets[as.character(col_out_l)] <- col_out_df
} else {
col_out_df <- data.frame(args2[step]$outfiles[[step]][, col_out_l[[1]]])
names(col_out_df) <- col_out_l[[1]]
new_targets[as.character(col_out_l[[1]])] <- col_out_df
WF2 <- stepsWF(WF)[[1]]
WF2 <- updateWF(WF2, new_targets = targets.as.list(data.frame(new_targets)), inputvars = WF2$inputvars, write.yaml = FALSE)
## Preserve outfiles
WF2[["output"]] <- WF$stepsWF[[s]]$output
args2 <- sysargslist(args2)
args2$stepsWF[[WFstep]] <- WF2
args2$targetsWF[[WFstep]] <- as(WF2, "DataFrame")
rownames(args2$targetsWF[[WFstep]]) <- rownames(args$targetsWF[[WFstep]])
args2$outfiles[[WFstep]] <- output.as.df(WF2)
rownames(args2$outfiles[[WFstep]]) <- rownames(args$outfiles[[WFstep]])
args2$statusWF[[WFstep]] <- WF2$status
rownames(args2$statusWF[[WFstep]]$status.completed) <- rownames(args$outfiles[[WFstep]])
rownames(args2$statusWF[[WFstep]]$status.time) <- rownames(args$outfiles[[WFstep]])
args2 <- as(args2, "SYSargsList")
} else {
do <- "donothing"
## .statusSummary function ##
.statusSummary <- function(args) {
if (inherits(args, "SYSargs2")) {
step.status.summary <- args$status$status.completed
} else if (inherits(args, "data.frame")) {
step.status.summary <- args[5:ncol(args)]
} else {
stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs2' or 'data.frame'.")
if ("Error" %in% unlist(unique(step.status.summary))) {
step.status <- "Error"
} else if ("Warning" %in% unlist(unique(step.status.summary))) {
step.status <- "Warning"
} else if ("Success" %in% unlist(unique(step.status.summary))) {
step.status <- "Success"
} else if ("Pending" %in% unlist(unique(step.status.summary))) {
step.status <- "Pending"
} else if (is.null(step.status.summary)) {
step.status <- "Pending"
## .prepareRmdPlot ##
.prepareRmdPlot <- function(sysargs, dir_log) {
out_path <- file.path(dir_log, "log_plot.html")
out_format = "html", out_path = out_path, rmarkdown = TRUE,
in_log = TRUE, rstudio = TRUE, plot_ctr = FALSE
# modify HTML content
if (!file.exists(out_path)) stop("Cannot create the workflow plot for logs at\n", out_path)
plot_content <- readLines(out_path)
## .dirProject function ##
.dirProject <- function(projPath, data, param, results, silent) {
project <- list(
project = projPath,
data = file.path(projPath, data),
param = file.path(projPath, param),
results = file.path(projPath, results)
path <- sapply(project, function(x) suppressMessages(tryPath(x)))
create <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(path)) {
if (is.null(path[[i]])) create <- c(create, project[i])
## Question
if (!is.null(create)) {
## For an interactive() session
if (interactive()) {
dir_create <- readline(cat(
"It is required to have the project structure in place. We can create the directories now, and you can find more information by reading the `?SPRProject` help file. ", "\n",
"\n", "There is no directory called", "\n", paste(names(create), collapse = " OR ", sep = "\n"), "\n", "\n",
"Would you like to create this directory now? Type a number: \n 1. Yes \n 2. No \n"
} else {
## For an non-interactive session
dir_create <- "1"
for (i in seq_along(create)) {
if (dir_create == "1") {
dir.create(create[[i]], recursive = TRUE)
if (silent != TRUE) cat("Creating directory: ", create[[i]], "\n")
} else if (dir_create == 2) {
stop("Aborting project creation. Find more information by reading the `?SPRProject` help file.", call. = FALSE)
project <- list(
project = projPath,
data = file.path(data),
param = file.path(param),
results = file.path(results)
## .statusPending function ##
.statusPending <- function(args) {
status.pending <- check.output(args)
## function
.statusSYSargs2 <- function(args, status.pending) {
pending <- sapply(args$files$steps, function(x) list(x = "Pending"))
pending <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(pending), ncol = length(pending), byrow = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
colnames(pending) <- args$files$steps
status.pending <- cbind(status.pending, pending)
rownames(status.pending) <- status.pending$Targets
status.pending[c(2:4)] <- sapply(status.pending[c(2:4)], as.numeric)
status.pending[c(5:ncol(status.pending))] <- sapply(status.pending[c(5:ncol(status.pending))], as.character)
# status.time <- data.frame(matrix(, nrow=nrow(status.pending), ncol = length(pending)))
status.time <- status.pending[, 1, drop = FALSE]
# status.time <- cbind(status.time)
status.time <- cbind(status.time, time_start = NA, time_end = NA)
status.time$time_start <- .POSIXct(status.time$time_start)
status.time$time_end <- .POSIXct(status.time$time_end)
rownames(status.time) <- status.pending$Targets
pendingList <- list(
status.summary = .statusSummary(status.pending),
status.completed = status.pending, status.time = status.time
if (inherits(args, "SYSargsList")) {
for (i in seq_along(status.pending)) {
# print(i)
if (inherits(args$stepsWF[[i]], "SYSargs2")) {
status.pending[[i]] <- .statusSYSargs2(args$stepsWF[[i]], status.pending[[i]])
# print(status.pending[[i]])
pendingList <- status.pending
} else if (inherits(args, "SYSargs2")) {
pendingList <- .statusSYSargs2(args, status.pending)
## .outList2DF function ##
.outList2DF <- function(args) {
if (inherits(args, "list")) {
args <- as(args, "SYSargsList")
out <- sapply(names(stepsWF(args)), function(x) list(NULL))
for (i in seq_along(stepsWF(args))) {
l_out <- output(stepsWF(args)[[i]])
out[[i]] <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(matrix(unlist(l_out), nrow = length(l_out), byrow = TRUE))
# out <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, l_out)))
colnames(out[[i]]) <- stepsWF(args)[[i]]$files$output_names
} else if (inherits(args, "SYSargs2")) {
l_out <- output(args)
# sapply(l_out, function(x) length(x))
out <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(matrix(unlist(l_out), nrow = length(l_out), byrow = TRUE))
# out <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, l_out)))
colnames(out) <- args$files$output_names
## .outputTargets function ##
.outputTargets <- function(args, fromStep, index = 1, toStep, replace = c("FileName")) {
if (!inherits(args, "SYSargsList")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargsList'")
outputfiles <- outfiles(args[fromStep])[[1]]
if (length(targetsWF(args)[[fromStep]]) > 0) {
df <- targetsWF(args)[[fromStep]]
df[replace] <- outputfiles
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