spike_res: A Granges object with spike-in sequence coverage, and...

spike_resR Documentation

A Granges object with spike-in sequence coverage, and summarized for each spike contig as (the default) max coverage. (In other words, the default output of scan_spike_contigs or scan_spike_bedpe) This represents what most users will want to generate from their own spike-in BAMs or BEDPEs, and is used repeatedly in downstream examples throughout the package.


A Granges object with spike-in sequence coverage, and summarized for each spike contig as (the default) max coverage. (In other words, the default output of scan_spike_contigs or scan_spike_bedpe) This represents what most users will want to generate from their own spike-in BAMs or BEDPEs, and is used repeatedly in downstream examples throughout the package.




A GRanges of coverage results with one metadata column, coverage


Generated using scan_spike_bedpe or scan_spike_contigs on an example bedpe or bam containing spike contigs.

trichelab/spiky documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 8:44 a.m.