#' import plate-seq velocity information (from Salmon) to a SingleCellExperiment
#' Automated (more or less) importation of STORM-seq and SMART-seq[123] data for
#' downstream attempts at merging with droplet data, index sort visualization,
#' and so forth.
#' FIXME: Add Kallisto support and Arkas style txome/repeatome/spikeome support.
#' FIXME: Add in ability to support bootstraps/Gibbs samples from salmon
#' @param quants where the quant.sf files are
#' @param t2g required file with tx2gene information for TPM calcs
#' @param type What type of quantifications are these? ("salmon")
#' @param gtf Where an expanded GTF lives if not collapsed to gene-level
#' @param qc Whether QC should be performed to toss low-quality cells
#' @param fixrn Fix goofy versioned ENSEMBL gene names? (TRUE)
#' @param ... additional parameters to pass to tximport, if any
#' @return A SingleCellExperiment with 'spliced' & 'unspliced' assays.
#' @import scuttle
#' @import tximeta
#' @import tximport
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import rtracklayer
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @export
import_plate_txis <- function(quants, t2g=NA, type="salmon",
gtf=NULL, qc=TRUE, fixrn=TRUE, ...) {
if (is.na(t2g)) {
message("No transcript to gene mapping file provided. Cannot compute TPM.")
message("(Usually a name like mm10.ens101.annotation.expanded.tx2gene.tsv)")
stop("This can be guessed from the index, but that is usually a poor idea.")
} else if (!file.exists(t2g)) {
message(t2g, " does not exist or cannot be read by this process.")
stop("Cannot calculate per-gene TPM without tx2gene mappings.")
} else {
tx2gene <- read.delim(t2g, sep="\t", head=FALSE)
if (!all(file.exists(quants))) stop("Some of your quant files don't exist.")
cmds <- unlist(lapply(quants, FUN = function(x) gsub("quant\\.*sf", "cmd_info.json", x)))
if (!all(file.exists(cmds))) stop("Some quants don't have cmd_info.json")
if (!is.null(gtf)) {
gtfs <- gtf
} else {
## this means they were collapsed to gene level already
gtfs <- sapply(cmds, .getGTF)
if (length(unique(gtfs)) > 1) stop("Some quants use different GTF files.")
gtf <- unique(gtfs)
# because the next step can take a LONG time:
message("Processing ", quants[1], " through ", quants[length(quants)], "...")
mats <- tximport(quants, type="salmon", txIn=TRUE, tx2gene=tx2gene, ...)
asys <- mats[ c("counts", "abundance") ]
names(asys) <- c("counts", "tpm")
message("Reading annotations from ", gtf, "...")
rr <- .rowRanges(gtf, asys)
message("Constructing sample annotations...")
cd <- DataFrame(sample=make.unique(quants))
if (!is.null(names(quants))) cd <- DataFrame(sample=names(quants))
txi <- SingleCellExperiment(asys, rowRanges=rr, colData=cd)
## catch and remove empty cells
txi <- .removeEmptyCells(txi)
feats <- sub("\\.gtf", ".features.tsv", gtf)
cg <- read.delim(feats, header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE)
if ("intron" %in% colnames(cg)) {
message("WARNING: using a full-length protocol and only using intron pieces may miss relevant reads/unspliced transcripts.")
message("Ideally, you want to create the reference with 'unspliced' instead of 'introns' with eisaR.")
colnames(cg)[colnames(cg) == "intron"] <- "unspliced"
} else {
## check to make sure 'unspliced' is there in the features tsv
stopifnot("unspliced" %in% colnames(cg))
txis <- tximeta::splitSE(txi, cg, assayName="counts")
assay(txis, "counts") <- assays(txis)[[1]] + assays(txis)[[2]]
txis2 <- tximeta::splitSE(txi, cg, assayName="tpm")
assayNames(txis2) <- paste(assayNames(txis2), "tpm", sep="_")
assay(txis2, "tpm") <- assays(txis2)[[1]] + assays(txis2)[[2]]
for (an in assayNames(txis2)) assay(txis, an) <- assay(txis2, an)
txis <- as(txis, "SingleCellExperiment")
colnames(txis) <- make.unique(colnames(txis)) # else many things will fail
message("adding NumGenesExpressed...")
txis$NumGenesExpressed <- colSums(counts(txis) > 0)
if (qc) {
message("quick QC...")
txis <- .quickQC(txis)
if (fixrn) {
message("Fixing goofy row names...")
rownames(txis) <- fix_rownames(txis)
message("adding logNormCounts...")
txis <- scuttle::logNormCounts(txis)
metadata(txis)$origin <- "plate"
# helper fn
.getGTF <- function(cmd) jsonlite::fromJSON(cmd)$geneMap
# helper fn
.rowRanges <- function(gtf, asys) {
gxs <- subset(rtracklayer::import(gtf), type=="gene")
names(gxs) <- gxs$gene_id
# helper fn
.removeEmptyCells <- function(se) {
message("Removing failed cells.")
se[,colSums(assay(se)) > 0]
# helper fn
.quickQC <- function(se) {
qcstats <- scuttle::perCellQCMetrics(se)
qcfilter <- scuttle::quickPerCellQC(qcstats)
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