Man pages for ttriche/biscuitEater
a bunch of convenience functions for Biscuit

atRegionssummarize a bsseq dataset over defined regions (for e.g....
bigWigsToSegswrapper fn to process large numbers of bigWig'ed CN...
binCoveragebin CpG/CpH coverage to simplify & improve CNA "sketching"...
biscuiteer-methodsBSseq class methods (VCF-centric) added by biscuiteer...
biscuitMetadatametadata about a Biscuit run using its vcfHeader metadata...
byChromArman idiotically simple parallelization step
byExtremalitychoose loci or features by extremality (fraction of Bernoulli...
checkBiscuitBEDinspect Biscuit BED and/or VCF output to make sure all is as...
condenseSampleNamessimplify sampleNames for a bsseq object
correctBsSeqCoveragetweaked version of TitanCNA's preprocessing
correctDepthtweaked version of HMMcopy's GC bias and mappability function
CpGindexMeasure hypermethylation-at-PRCs-in-CGIs and...
extremalitycompute the fraction of a Bernoulli variance achieved by a...
fexpitHelper function: expanded expit
filterLocifilter loci with zero coverage in one or more conditions
fixAgeproject Horvath-type 'epigenetic clock' raw output onto...
fixNAsplay nice with BSseq's expectations about the M matrix
flogitHelper function: squeezed logit
getClockbiscuiteer supports several "epigenetic clock" models. This...
getLogitFracMethhelper function for compartment inference...
grToSegdump GRanges to .seg files
loadHDF5a simple local wrapper around...
makeBSseqmake an in-core BSseq object from a biscuit BED
plotSegsplotting WGBScopy results (modified from HMMcopy)
read.biscuita bsseq loader for Biscuit output (BED-like format, 2 or 3...
RRBSeqeRRBS settings appropriate to dmrseq
saveHDF5a simple local wrapper around...
segToGrreverse a grToSeg... import a segmentation file
simplifySampleNamesSimplify bsseq sample names (usually VCF columns)
summarizeBsSeqOverPretty much what it says on the tin.
TN_WGBS_CNAMatched tumor-normal coverage processing & segmentation
unionizeSmoosh BSseq objects together without losing information.
unionizeBSseqSmoosh a couple of BSseq objects together, sensibly.
WGBSageGuess ages using various Horvath-style (Genome Biology, 2012)...
WGBSeqwrapper for WGBS settings appropriate to dmrseq
WGBSsegCopy number segmentation of GC- & mapping-corrected WGBS...
ttriche/biscuitEater documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:18 p.m.