
Defines functions mapToCovidGenome getAdapterStats ezMethodCov19QC

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

ezMethodCov19QC <- function(input = NA, output = NA, param = NA, htmlFile = "00index.html"){
    ###1. Get Adapter Dimer Fraction (per Sample Mapping against AdapterSeq)
    adapterResult <- getAdapterStats(param, input)
    ###2. Preprocess with fastp
    param[['cmdOptionsFastp']] <- paste0('--reads_to_process=', param$readsUsed)
    inputProc <- ezMethodFastpTrim(input = input, param = param)
    ###3. Run Bowtie2 Mapping to get basic bamStats
    mappingResult <- mapToCovidGenome(param, input = inputProc, workDir="mappingResult")
    ###4. Report results (% Primer Dimer, % Mapped Reads, AvgCoverage, StdCoverage)
    dataset <- data.frame(Name = rownames(input$meta), input$meta, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
    result <- merge(adapterResult, mappingResult, by.x = 'Name', by.y = 'Name', all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
    result <- merge(result, dataset, by.x = 'Name', by.y = 'Name', all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
    ezWrite.table(result, 'result.txt', row.names = FALSE)
    bamFiles <- list.files('mappingResult', pattern = '.bam$', full.names = TRUE)
    samples <- sub('.bam','', basename(bamFiles))
    ###5. GenoType samples
    param$mpileupOptions = '--skip-indels --annotate AD,INFO/AD,ADF,ADR,SP' 
    param$callOptions = '--multiallelic-caller --keep-alts --variants-only' 
    param$filterOptions = '--include \"MIN(DP)>5\"'
    param$minReadDepth = 20
    mpileupCmd = paste("bcftools", "mpileup","-Ou",
                       "-f", param$ezRef["refFastaFile"],
                       paste(bamFiles, collapse=" "))
    callCmd = paste("bcftools", "call",
                    "-") ## read from stdin
    filterCmd = paste("bcftools", "filter",
                      "--output-type z",
                      "--output result.vcf",
                      "-") ## read from stdin
    ezSystem(paste(mpileupCmd, "|", callCmd, "|", filterCmd))
    indexTabix('result.vcf',format = "vcf")
    chromSizes = ezChromSizesFromVcf('result.vcf')
    genotype = geno(readVcf( 'result.vcf', genome="genomeDummy"))
    gt = genotype$GT
    gt[genotype$DP < param$minReadDepth] = "lowCov" ## those calls will become NA in subsequent analyses
    ##Remove samples with > 50% NA calls
    pos <- c()
    for (j in 1:ncol(gt)){
        if(0.5 * nrow(gt) < sum(gt[,j] == './.') ){
            pos <- c(pos, j)
    if(length(pos) > 0){
        gt <- gt[,-pos] }
    saveRDS(gt, 'gt.RDS')
    file <- file.path(system.file("templates", package="ezRun"), 
    file.copy(from=file, to=basename(file), overwrite=TRUE)
    rmarkdown::render(input=basename(file), envir = new.env(),
                      output_dir=".", output_file=htmlFile,
    ezSystem('rm *.fastq.gz adapters.fa mappingResult/*')

getAdapterStats <- function(param, input){
    inputFiles <- input$getFullPaths("Read1")
    if(param$Adapter1!='') {
            pattern <- param$Adapter1
        } else {
            pattern <- 'CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT'
    result <- data.frame(Name = names(inputFiles), adapterDimerFraction = 0)
    i <- 0
    for (nm in names(inputFiles)) {
        i <- i + 1
        readCount <- min(c(20000, input$meta[['Read Count']][i]))
        file <- inputFiles[nm]
        myCmd <- paste('zcat', file, '|head -n 80000|grep', paste0('"^.*',pattern,'"'),'-o |while read LINE; do echo $LINE | wc -m; done')
        adapterPositions <- as.numeric(system(myCmd, intern = TRUE))-nchar(pattern)
        result[['adapterDimerFraction']][i] <- sum(adapterPositions <= 10, na.rm = TRUE)/readCount

mapToCovidGenome <- function(param, input, workDir){
    R1_files = input$getFullPaths("Read1")
    R2_files = input$getFullPaths("Read2")
    result <- data.frame(Name = names(R1_files), mappingRate = 0, avgCov = 0, sdCov = 0, minCov = 0)
    ref <- getBowtie2Reference(param)
    defOpt <- paste("-p", param$cores)
    i <- 0
    for (nm in names(R1_files)) {
        i <- i + 1
        nReads <- min(c(as.numeric(param$readsUsed), input$meta[['Read Count']][i]))
        if(nReads >= param$minReads){
            bamFile <- paste0(nm, ".bam")
            cmd <- paste(
            "bowtie2", param$cmdOptions, defOpt,
            "-x", ref, if (param$paired) "-1", R1_files[nm],
            if (param$paired) paste("-2", R2_files[nm]),
            "2>", paste0(nm, "_bowtie2.log"), "|",
            "samtools", "view -S -b - > bowtie.bam")
            ezSortIndexBam("bowtie.bam", bamFile,
                       ram = param$ram, removeBam = TRUE,
                       cores = param$cores)
            mappingStats <- getBamMultiMatching(param, bamFile, nReads)
            result[['mappingRate']][i] <- 100* (sum(mappingStats[2:length(mappingStats)])/nReads)
            if(length(mappingStats) > 1){
                reads <- ezReadBamFileAsGRanges(bamFile, chromosomes = NULL, pairedEndReads = param$paired,
                                        max.fragment.width = 5000, min.mapq = 10, remove.duplicate.reads = FALSE)
                cov <- coverage(reads)
                avgCov <- mean(unlist(cov), na.rm = TRUE)
                sdCov <- sd(unlist(cov), na.rm = TRUE)
                result[['avgCov']][i] <- avgCov
                result[['sdCov']][i] <- sdCov
                result[['minCov']][i] <- 100*(sum(as.vector(cov[[1]]) >= param$minCov)/length(as.vector(cov[[1]])))

##' @template app-template
##' @templateVar method ezMethodFastqScreen(input=NA, output=NA, param=NA, htmlFile="00index.html")
##' @description Use this reference class to run
##' @section Functions:

EzAppCov19QC <-
                contains = "EzApp",
                methods = list(
                    initialize = function() {
                        "Initializes the application using its specific defaults."
                        runMethod <<- ezMethodCov19QC
                        name <<- "EzAppCov19QC"
                        appDefaults <<- rbind(Adapter1 = ezFrame(Type = "character", DefaultValue = "CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT",
                                                                      Description = "Adapter Sequence for dimer calc"),
                                              minReads = ezFrame(Type = "numeric", DefaultValue = 10,
                                                                 Description = "minimal number of reads to be considered for mapping"),
                                              minCov = ezFrame(Type = "numeric", DefaultValue = 5,
                                                                 Description = "minimal coverage per base position for variant calling"))
uzh/ezRun documentation built on May 4, 2024, 3:23 p.m.