
Defines functions separate_BAM_into_clusters annotation_from_merged_peaks merge_MACS2_peaks call_macs2_merge_peaks subset_bam_call_peaks

Documented in annotation_from_merged_peaks call_macs2_merge_peaks merge_MACS2_peaks separate_BAM_into_clusters subset_bam_call_peaks

## Authors : PacĂ´me Prompsy, Celine Vallot

#' Peak calling on cell clusters
#' @description 
#' This functions does peak calling on each cell population in order to refine
#' gene annotation for large bins. For instance, a 50000bp bins might contain
#' the TSS of several genes, while in reality only one or two of these genes are
#' overlapping the signal (peak). To do so, first in-silico cell sorting is
#' applied based on previously defined clusters contained in the
#' SingleCellExperiment. Taking BAM files of each sample as input, samtools
#' pools then splits reads from each cell barcode into 1 BAM file per cell
#' cluster (pseudo-bulk). Then MACS2 calls peaks on each cluster. The peaks are
#' aggregated and merged if closer to a certain distance
#' defined by user (10000bp). Then, 
#' This function takes as input a SingleCellExperiment, that must contain a
#' 'cell_cluster' column in it's colData, an output directory where to store
#' temporary files, the list of BAM files corresponding to each sample and
#' containing the cell barcode information as a tag (for instance tag CB:Z:xxx,
#' XB:Z:xxx or else...) or single-cell BED files containing the raw reads and 
#' corresponding to the 'barcode' column metadata,
#'  the p.value used by MACS2 to distinguish significant
#' peaks, the reference genome (either hg38 or mm10), the maximal merging
#' distance in bp and a data.frame containing gene TSS genomic cooridnates of
#' corresponding genome (if set to NULL, will automatically load geneTSS). The
#' output is a SingleCellExperiment with GRanges object containing ranges of
#' each merged peaks that falls within genomic bins of the SingleCellExperiment,
#' saving the bin range as additional column (window_chr, window_start,
#' window_end), as well as the closests genes and their distance relative to the
#' peak. The peaks may be present in several rows if multiple genes are close /
#' overlap to the peaks.
#' Note that the user must have MACS2 installed and available in the
#' PATH. Users can open command terminal and type 'which
#' macs2' to verify the availability of these programs. Will only work on unix
#' operating system. Check operating system with 'print(.Platform)'.
#' @details The BED files of the peaks called for each clusters, as well as 
#' the merged peaks are written in the output directory.
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param odir Output directory where to write temporary files and each
#'   cluster's BAM file
#' @param input A character vector of file paths to each sample's BAM file,
#'   containing cell barcode information as tags. BAM files can be paired-end or
#'   single-end.
#' @param format Format of the input data, either "BAM" or "scBED".
#' @param p.value a p-value to use for MACS2 to determine significant peaks.
#'   (0.05)
#' @param ref A reference genome, either hg38, mm10 or ce11. ('hg38')
#' @param peak_distance_to_merge Maximal distance to merge peaks together after
#'   peak calling , in bp. (10000)
#' @param geneTSS_annotation A data.frame annotation of genes TSS. If NULL will
#'   automatically load Gencode list of genes fro specified reference genome.
#' @param run_coverage Create coverage tracks (.bw) for each cluster ? 
#' @param progress A shiny Progress instance to display progress bar.
#' @return A SingleCellExperiment with refinded annotation
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges pintersect ranges
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlapPairs subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom Rsamtools mergeBam indexBam
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' data("scExp")
#' subset_bam_call_peaks(scExp, "path/to/out/", list("sample1" = 
#'    "path/to/BAM/sample1.bam", "sample2" = "path/to/BAM/sample2.bam"),
#'    p.value = 0.05, ref = "hg38", peak_distance_to_merge = 10000, 
#'    geneTSS_annotation = NULL)
subset_bam_call_peaks <- function(scExp, odir, input, format = "BAM", p.value = 0.05,
                                ref = "hg38", peak_distance_to_merge = 10000,
                                geneTSS_annotation = NULL, run_coverage = FALSE,
                                progress = NULL)
    stopifnot(is(scExp, "SingleCellExperiment"), dir.exists(odir),
            is.numeric(p.value), is.character(ref),
    if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = "Checking for annotation...", value = 0.15)
    if (!ref %in% c("hg38", "mm10", "ce11")) 
        stop("ChromSCape::subset_bam_call_peaks - 
            Reference genome (ref) must be 'hg38' or 'mm10'.")
    if (!"barcode" %in% colnames(SingleCellExperiment::colData(scExp))) 
        stop("ChromSCape::subset_bam_call_peaks - 
            Colnames of cell annotation must contain 'barcode'.")
    if (!"cell_cluster" %in% colnames(SingleCellExperiment::colData(scExp))) 
        stop("ChromSCape::subset_bam_call_peaks -
            Colnames of cell annotation must contain 'cell_cluster'.")

    if (is.null(geneTSS_annotation))
        message("ChromSCape::subset_bam_call_peaks - Selecting ", ref,
                " genes from Gencode.")
        eval(parse(text = paste0("data(", ref, ".GeneTSS)")))
        geneTSS_annotation = 
            eval(parse(text = paste0("", ref, ".GeneTSS")))
        start = geneTSS_annotation$start
        geneTSS_annotation$start = ifelse(geneTSS_annotation$strand == "+",
        geneTSS_annotation$end = ifelse(geneTSS_annotation$strand == "+",
                                        start +1,
                                        geneTSS_annotation$end +1)
        geneTSS_annotation$strand = NULL
        geneTSS_annotation = as(geneTSS_annotation,"GRanges")
    } else geneTSS_annotation = as(geneTSS_annotation, "GRanges")
    if(format == "BAM"){
        if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = "Merging BAM files...", value = 0.25)
        if (length(input) > 1)
            merged = file.path(odir, "merged.bam")
            Rsamtools::mergeBam(input, destination = merged_bam,
                                overwrite = TRUE, indexDestination = TRUE)
        } else merged = input[1]
            Rsamtools::indexBam(merged, overwrite= TRUE)
    if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = "Generating pseudo-bulk of each cluster...", value = 0.35)
    affectation = SingleCellExperiment::colData(scExp)
    affectation$cell_cluster = as.factor(affectation$cell_cluster)
    p.value = paste0(" -p ", p.value, " ")  # format for system call to macs2
    if(format == "BAM") separate_BAM_into_clusters(affectation, odir, merged) 
    else concatenate_scBed_into_clusters(affectation, input, odir)
    if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = "Calling peaks with MACS2...", value = 0.45)
    merged_peaks <- call_macs2_merge_peaks(affectation, odir, p.value, 
                                           format, ref, peak_distance_to_merge)
    if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = "Refining annotation based on merged peaks...", value = 0.65)
    scExp@metadata$refined_annotation <- 
        annotation_from_merged_peaks(scExp, odir,
                                     merged_peaks, geneTSS_annotation)


#' Calling MACS2 peak caller and merging resulting peaks
#' @param affectation Annotation data.frame with cell cluster and cell id
#'   information
#' @param odir Output directory to write MACS2 output
#' @param p.value P value to detect peaks, passed to MACS2
#' @param format File format, either "BAM" or "scBED"
#' @param ref Reference genome to get chromosome information from.
#' @param peak_distance_to_merge Distance to merge peaks
#' @return A list of merged GRanges peaks
call_macs2_merge_peaks <- function(affectation, odir, p.value,
                                   format = c("scBED","BAM")[1],
                                   ref, peak_distance_to_merge){
    suffix = ".bam"
    if(format != "BAM") suffix = ".bed"
    if(format != "BAM") format = "BED"
    for (class in levels(factor(affectation$cell_cluster))){
        macs2_options = paste0(" -f ",format," --nomodel --extsize 300 ")
        command = paste0("macs2 callpeak ", p.value,
                    macs2_options, " --keep-dup all --broad -t '", 
                    file.path(odir, paste0(class, suffix)),
                    "' --outdir '", odir, "' --name ", class)
        merged_peaks[[class]] <-
            merge_MACS2_peaks(odir, class, peak_distance_to_merge, ref)
    unlink(file.path(odir, "*.xls"))
    unlink(file.path(odir, "*.gappedPeak"))
    unlink(file.path(odir, "*_model.r"))
    unlink(file.path(odir, "header.sam"))
    unlink(file.path(odir, 'merged.bam'))

#' Merge peak files from MACS2 peak caller
#' @param peak_file A character specifying the path towards the peak file (BED
#' or bedGraph format)
#' @param peak_distance_to_merge Maximum distance to merge two peaks 
#' @param min_peak_size An integer specifying the minimum size of peaks
#' @param ref Reference genome
#' @return Peaks as GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges reduce ranges
merge_MACS2_peaks <- function(peak_file, peak_distance_to_merge, 
                              min_peak_size = 200, ref){
    merged_peaks = list()
    peaks = read.table(
        file = peak_file,
        colClasses = c("character", "integer", "integer", rep("NULL", 6)))
    colnames(peaks) = c("chr", "start", "end")
    peaks = GenomicRanges::GRanges(peaks)
    peaks = peaks[which(width(GenomicRanges::ranges(peaks)) >= min_peak_size), ]
    peaks = GenomicRanges::reduce(peaks, min.gapwidth = peak_distance_to_merge, 
                                ignore.strand = TRUE)
    eval(parse(text = paste0("data(", ref, ".chromosomes)")))
    ref_chromosomes <- eval(parse(text = paste0("", ref, ".chromosomes")))
    ref_chromosomes = GenomicRanges::GRanges(ref_chromosomes)
    peaks = IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(peaks, ref_chromosomes, 
                                                    ignore.strand = TRUE)

#' Find nearest peaks of each gene and return refined annotation
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment object 
#' @param odir An output directory where to write the mergedpeaks BED file
#' @param merged_peaks A list of GRanges object containing the merged peaks
#' @param geneTSS_annotation A GRanges object with reference genes
#' @return A data.frame with refined annotation
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges start end union distanceToNearest 
#' pintersect
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols queryHits subjectHits
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlapPairs
#' @importFrom rtracklayer export.bed
#' @export
annotation_from_merged_peaks <- function(scExp, odir,
    segmentation = SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(scExp)
    S4Vectors::mcols(segmentation) = NULL
    segmentation$window_ID = paste(
        as.character(segmentation@seqnames), GenomicRanges::start(segmentation),
        GenomicRanges::end(segmentation), sep = "_")
    merged_peak = merged_peaks[[1]]
    for (i in 2:length(merged_peaks))
        merged_peak = suppressWarnings(
            GenomicRanges::union(merged_peak, merged_peaks[[i]], 
                                ignore.strand = TRUE))
    rtracklayer::export.bed(merged_peak, file.path(odir, "consensus_peaks.bed"))
    pairs <- IRanges::findOverlapPairs(
        segmentation, merged_peak, ignore.strand = TRUE)
    refined_annotation = GenomicRanges::pintersect(pairs, ignore.strand = TRUE)
    S4Vectors::mcols(refined_annotation)$hit = NULL
    hits_genes = GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest(
        refined_annotation, geneTSS_annotation, 
        ignore.strand = TRUE, select = "all")
    refined_annotation = refined_annotation[S4Vectors::queryHits(hits_genes)]
    refined_annotation$Gene = as.character(
    refined_annotation$distance = hits_genes@elementMetadata$distance
    refined_annotation$peak_ID = paste(
        GenomicRanges::end(refined_annotation), sep = "_")

#' Separate BAM files into cell cluster BAM files
#' @param affectation An annotation data.frame containing cell_id and 
#' cell_cluster columns
#' @param odir A valid output directory path
#' @param merged_bam A list of merged bam file paths
#'  @importFrom Rsamtools filterBam ScanBamParam
#' @return Create one BAM per cluster from one BAM per condition
separate_BAM_into_clusters <- function(affectation, odir, merged_bam){
    for (class in levels(factor(affectation$cell_cluster)))
        message("ChromSCape:::separate_BAM_into_clusters - generating ",class,
                " BAM file...")
        class_barcodes <- affectation$barcode[which(affectation$cell_cluster == 
        filt <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(tag=c("XB"),
                    indexDestination = TRUE, overwrite=TRUE, param=filt)
vallotlab/ChromSCape documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 1:47 p.m.