
Defines functions heatmap_scExp plot_cluster_network.Seurat plot_cluster_network.default plot_cluster_network

Documented in plot_cluster_network plot_cluster_network.default plot_cluster_network.Seurat

#' Plot Iterative Differential Clustering network
#' @param object  An object clustered with
#'  [iterative_differential_clustering()].
#' @param ... 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Plotting of Seurat scRNA object (Paired-Tag)
#' if(requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly=TRUE)){
#' data("Seu", package = "IDclust")
#' data("IDC_summary_scRNA", package = "IDclust")
#' plot_cluster_network(
#'     object = Seu,
#'     IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scRNA,
#'     color_by = "IDcluster",
#'     cluster_col = "IDcluster",
#'     colors = NULL,
#'     node_size_factor = 7.5,
#'     edge_size_factor = 1,
#'     function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
#'                                                          flip.y = FALSE)
#' )
#' # Plotting proportion of cells activating a specific gene in  Seurat scRNA 
#' # object (Paired-Tag)
#' plot_cluster_network(
#'     object = Seu,
#'     IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scRNA,
#'     color_by = "Erbb4", # a gene contained in the Seu object
#'     threshold_to_define_feature_active = 2,
#'     assay = "RNA",
#'     cluster_col = "IDcluster",
#'     colors = NULL,
#'     node_size_factor = 7.5,
#'     edge_size_factor = 1,
#'     function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
#'                                                          flip.y = FALSE)
#' )
#' # Plotting cluster networ with the pathway information on the edges:
#' data("IDC_DA_scRNA", package = "IDclust")
#' edge_df = top_enriched_pathways(
#'     IDC_DA_scRNA,
#'     top = 5,
#'     gene_col = "gene",
#'     qval.th = 0.1)
#' plot_cluster_network(
#'     object = Seu,
#'     IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scRNA,
#'     edge_df = edge_df
#' )
#' }
#' # Clustering of scExp scH3K27ac object (Paired-Tag)
#' if(requireNamespace("ChromSCape", quietly=TRUE)){
#' data("scExp", package = "IDclust")
#' data("IDC_summary_scEpigenomics", package = "IDclust")
#' plot_cluster_network(
#'     object = scExp,
#'     IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scEpigenomics,
#'     color_by = "IDcluster",
#'     cluster_col = "IDcluster",
#'     colors = NULL,
#'     node_size_factor = 7.5,
#'     edge_size_factor = 1,
#'     function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
#'                                                          flip.y = FALSE),
#'     edge_df = topmarkers
#' )
#' # Plotting proportion of cells activating a specific gene in  scExp scH3K27ac 
#' # object (Paired-Tag)
#' plot_cluster_network(
#'     object = scExp,
#'     IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scEpigenomics,
#'     color_by = "Tcf4", # a gene contained in the scExp object
#'     threshold_to_define_feature_active = 1,
#'     gene_col = "Gene",
#'     max_distanceToTSS = 1000,
#'     cluster_col = "IDcluster",
#'     colors = NULL,
#'     node_size_factor = 7.5,
#'     edge_size_factor = 1,
#'     function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE,
#'                                                          flip.y = FALSE)
#' )
#' # Adding on the edges the 3 top markers of each clusters in scExp H3K27ac
#' # object (Paired-Tag)
#' # Adding gene information in the IDC_DA
#' data("IDC_DA_scEpigenomics", package = "IDclust")
#' IDC_DA_scEpigenomics = add_gene_to_DA_list(
#'     scExp = scExp, 
#'     IDC_DA = IDC_DA_scEpigenomics
#' )
#' # Finding the 3 top markers per cluster
#' topmarkers = top_differential_markers(
#'     IDC_DA_scEpigenomics,
#'     top = 3,
#'     gene_col = "Gene",
#'     logFC_col = "logFC",
#'     qvalue_col = "qval",
#'     order_by = "logFC_col",
#'     pseudogene_pattern = "Rik|Vmn|Gm|AW"
#' )
#' # Concatenate top 3 markers per cluster/cluster_of_origin 
#' topmarkers = topmarkers %>% dplyr::group_by(cluster_of_origin, cluster) %>%
#'  dplyr::summarise(Term = paste(Gene, collapse = " "))
#' plot_cluster_network(
#'     object = scExp,
#'     IDC_summary = IDC_summary_scEpigenomics,
#'     edge_df = topmarkers
#' )
#' }
plot_cluster_network <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'plot_cluster_network', object = object)

#' Plot Iterative Differential Clustering network
#' @param object A SingleCellExperiment object clustered with
#'  [iterative_differential_clustering()].
#' @param IDC_summary Optional. A data.frame of differential
#' analyses summary outputed by [iterative_differential_clustering()] when 
#' saving option is TRUE. Use to determine the width of the edges based on the
#' number of differential features of the given marker.
#' @param color_by A character specifying the column of the SingleCellExperiment
#'  to use for coloring the nodes. If NULL, the nodes will be unicolor circles.
#' @param cluster_col A character specifying the column of the 
#' SingleCellExperiment to use to store the iterative differential clusters. 
#' @param node_size_factor A numeric specifying the size of the nodes.  
#' @param function_layout A function of g for the layout of the graph.
#' @param threshold_to_define_feature_active If color_by is a gene, an integer
#' specifying the threshold above which a gene is considered as active in any 
#' given cell.
#' @param gene_col If color_by is a gene, a character specifying the column in
#' the rowData of the object
#' @param max_distanceToTSS If color_by is a gene, the maximum distance to TSS
#' to consider a gene  linked to a region. Used only if "color_by" is a gene 
#' name.
#' @param legend A logical indicating whether to plot the legend or not.
#' @param edge_df A data.frame containing column 'Term', 'cluster' and 
#' 'cluster_of_origin'. Typically obtained by [top_enriched_pathways()]. 
#' Will add label (Term) on the corresponding edges (cluster_of_origin to 
#' cluster).
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the plot function.
#' @return A hierarchical network of cluster assignation:
#' * Size of nodes reflects the number of cells
#' * Width of edges reflects the number of differential features defining a cluster    
#' * Color of nodes reflects the repartition of cells according to 'color_by'
#' @importFrom igraph layout_as_tree simplify graph_from_adjacency_matrix
#' get.edges
#' @importFrom grDevices colors
#' @export
#' @rdname plot_cluster_network
#' @exportS3Method plot_cluster_network default
plot_cluster_network.default <- function(
    IDC_summary = NULL,
    color_by = "IDcluster",
    cluster_col = "IDcluster",
    colors = NULL,
    node_size_factor = 7.5,
    edge_size_factor = 1,
    threshold_to_define_feature_active = 1,
    max_distanceToTSS = 1000,
    gene_col = "Gene",
    function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE, flip.y = FALSE),
    legend = TRUE,
    edge_df = NULL,
  categ = TRUE
  shape = "pie"
    if(!color_by %in% colnames(SingleCellExperiment::colData(object))) {
      if(color_by %in% unlist(strsplit(SingleCellExperiment::rowData(object)[[gene_col]], split = ", ", fixed = T)))
        categ = FALSE else stop("color_by must be in colnames",
                                "(object@meta.data) or in rownames(object).")
  } else {
    categ = FALSE
    shape = "circle"
  object[[cluster_col]] = gsub("Alpha_","", object[[cluster_col]])
    IDC_summary$true_subcluster = gsub("Alpha_","", IDC_summary$true_subcluster)
    IDC_summary$cluster_of_origin = gsub("Alpha_","", IDC_summary$cluster_of_origin)
  if(is.null(colors)) {
    colors = c("#4285F4", "#DB4437", "#F4B400", "#0F9D58", "slategray",
                        grDevices::colors()[grep('gr(a|e)y', grDevices::colors(), invert = TRUE)])
      colors = colors[seq_along(unique(unlist(object[[color_by]])))]
    } else {
      color_df = data.frame(
        "color_by" = "main",
        "color_by_color" = colors[1]
  annot = as.data.frame(SingleCellExperiment::colData(object))
  # Make a color data.frame
    color_df = data.frame(
      "color_by" = sort(unique(object[[color_by]])),
      "color_by_color" = colors
    colnames(color_df) = gsub("color_by", color_by, colnames(color_df))
  } else if(!is.null(color_by)){
    annot_feature = as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(object))
    annot_feature = annot_feature %>% 
      tidyr::separate_rows(.data[[gene_col]], sep = ", ") %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.data[[gene_col]]) %>%
    annot_feature = annot_feature %>%
      dplyr::filter( .data[["distanceToTSS"]] < max_distanceToTSS)
    counts = SingleCellExperiment::counts(object[annot_feature$ID[which(
      annot_feature[[gene_col]] == color_by)],])
    if(!is.null(counts) & nrow(counts) > 1 ){
      counts = Matrix::rowSums(counts)
    counts = as.numeric(counts)
    sel = which(counts >= threshold_to_define_feature_active)
    counts[] = "Inactive"
    counts[sel] = "Active"
    color_df = data.frame(
      "color_by" = sort(unique(counts)),
      "color_by_color" = c("red","grey85")
    annot[, color_by] = counts
    colnames(color_df) = gsub("color_by", color_by, colnames(color_df))
  clusters = object[[cluster_col]]
  annot$partition_0 = "Alpha"
  cluster_list = sapply(clusters, function(i) strsplit(i, split = "_", fixed =TRUE))
  max_partition_depth = max(sapply(cluster_list, length))
  for(i in seq_len(max_partition_depth)){
    annot[,paste0("partition_",i)] = sapply(cluster_list, function(l){
      paste(l[1:min(i, length(l)) ], collapse = "_") })
    na_idxs = which(is.na(annot[,paste0("partition_",i)]))
    if(i > 1 & length(na_idxs)) annot[na_idxs, paste0("partition_",i)] =
      annot[na_idxs, paste0("partition_",i-1)]
  # Table of cell and cluster assignation for each 'partition depth'
  repartition = annot
  if(is.null(color_by)) {
    repartition$tmp = 0
    repartition = repartition[,c(paste0("partition_",0:max_partition_depth), "tmp")]
  } else{
    repartition = repartition[,c(paste0("partition_",0:max_partition_depth), color_by)]
  # Define all final clusters
  all_nodes = sapply(paste0("partition_",0:max_partition_depth), 
  all_nodes = unique(unlist(all_nodes))
  # Create adjency matrix for graph
  adj.mat = matrix(0, nrow = length(all_nodes), ncol = length(all_nodes),
                   dimnames = list(all_nodes, all_nodes))
  adj.mat[1, unique(repartition$partition_1)] = 1
  df = data.frame(name =all_nodes)
  rownames(df) = df$name
  df$size = 0
  df$ndiff = 0
  df$isFinal = 2
  prop.base_clust = list()
  if(!is.null(color_by)) empty = table(repartition[[color_by]]) else empty = 0
  empty[] = 0
  # Fill adjency matrix with link between nodes (clusters).
  # Size of nodes reflects the number of cells
  # Width of edges reflects the number of differential features defining a cluster
  # Color of nodes reflects the repartition of cells according to the 'color_by'
  # column
  for(level in 1:(ncol(repartition)-1)){
    for(i in unique(repartition[,level])){
      df$size[df$name == i] = length(which(repartition[,level] == i))
      if(i %in% repartition[,ncol(repartition)-1]) df$isFinal[df$name == i] = 1
      if(!is.null(color_by)) {
        prop.base_clust[[i]] = empty
        tab = table(repartition[which(repartition[,level] == i), color_by])
        prop.base_clust[[i]][match(names(tab), names(empty))] = as.numeric(tab)
        prop.base_clust[[i]] = as.numeric(prop.base_clust[[i]])
      if(!is.null(IDC_summary)) {
        if(i != "Alpha") df$ndiff[df$name == i] = IDC_summary$n_differential[which(IDC_summary$true_subcluster == i)][1]
      } else {
        if(i != "Alpha") df$ndiff[df$name == i] = 20
      if(level != (ncol(repartition)-1)) adj.mat[i, unique(repartition[,level + 1 ][which(repartition[,level] == i)])] = 1
  # Make sure that all the edge have a minimum width of 1
  df$ndiff[which(df$ndiff == 0)] = 1
  df$size = node_size_factor * sqrt(50 * df$size / nrow(repartition))
  df$size[1] = df$size[1] / 1.5
  df$ndiff = edge_size_factor * log2(df$ndiff+1)
  g = igraph::simplify( igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix = adj.mat))
  edges_ids =  igraph::get.edges(g, es = 1:(nrow(df)-1))
  if(legend) par(mar = c(9, 0, 4, 8) + 0.1)
  df$pathway = ""
    edge_df$Term = gsub(" \\(.*", "", edge_df$Term)
    edge_df = edge_df %>% dplyr::group_by(cluster, cluster_of_origin) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise(Term = head(Term, 1))
    df$pathway = edge_df$Term[match(df$name, gsub("Alpha_", "",paste0(edge_df$cluster_of_origin, "_", edge_df$cluster)))]

  colors_vertex = NULL
  main = color_by
     colors_vertex = colors[1]
     main = ""
     vertex.pie.color = NULL
   } else {
     vertex.pie.color = list(color_df[,paste0(color_by, "_color")])
  layout = function_layout(g)

  xpd = par()$xpd
       layout = layout,
       vertex.shape = shape,             # One of “none”, “circle”, “square”, “csquare”, “rectangle” “crectangle”, “vrectangle”, “pie”, “raster”, or “sphere”
       vertex.pie =  prop.base_clust,
       vertex.pie.lty = df$isFinal,
       vertex.pie.color = vertex.pie.color,
       vertex.size = df$size,                          # Size of the node (default is 15)
       vertex.size2 = NA,
       edge.width = df$ndiff[edges_ids[,2]],                        # Edge width, defaults to 1
       edge.arrow.size = 0,                           # Arrow size, defaults to 1
       edge.arrow.width = 0,                          # Arrow width, defaults to 1
       edge.lty = c("solid"),
       vertex.color = colors_vertex,
       vertex.label.color = c("black"),
       vertex.label.family = 'sans',                   # Font family of the label (e.g.“Times”, “Helvetica”)
       vertex.label.font = c(1),                  # Font: 1 plain, 2 bold, 3, italic, 4 bold italic, 5 symbol
       vertex.label.cex = 0.125 * log2(df$size),                 # Font size (multiplication factor, device-dependent)
       vertex.label.dist = c(3,rep(1, nrow(df) -1)),                           # Distance between the label and the vertex
       vertex.label.degree = c(4.7,rep(90, nrow(df) -1)), 
       margin = c(-0.2,-1,-0.2,-1),
       main = main,
  arguments <- list(...)
  if(!"edge.label.cex" %in% names(arguments)) edge.label.cex = 0.5 else
    edge.label.cex = arguments$edge.label.cex
  xpd = par()$xpd
       layout = layout,
       edge.arrow.size=0,                           # Arrow size, defaults to 1
       vertex.label.cex = 0,
       edge.label = lapply(df$pathway[edges_ids[,2]], function(s) paste(strwrap(s, width=20), collapse = "\n")),
       edge.label.cex = edge.label.cex,
       add = TRUE,
  par(xpd = xpd)
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
    sizes = c(50, 100, 200, 500, 1000)
    sizes. = node_size_factor * sqrt(50 * sizes / nrow(repartition))
    legend(x = 0.5,
           y = -1.25,
           ncol = 6,
           xjust = 0.5,
           pt.cex = 4,
           y.intersp = 2,
           xpd = TRUE)
    legend(x = 1.5,
           y =1.35,
           title = "#Ncells",
           cex = 1,
           pt.cex = sizes./10,
           y.intersp = 1.5,
           x.intersp = 2,
           xpd = TRUE)
    text(c(1.5,1.5)  + 0.35, c(0.2,-0.05),
         labels = c("Final", "Transient"))
    circle. <- function (r, x0, y0,  ...){
      t <- seq(0, 2 * pi, by = 0.01)
      x <- r * cos(t) + x0
      y <- r * sin(t) + y0
      lines(x, y, ...)
    circle.(r = 0.1,
            x0 =  1.5,
            y0 = 0.2,
            lty = 1, 
            col = "black",
            xpd =TRUE)
    circle.(r = 0.1,
            x0 = 1.5,
            y0 =  -0.05,
            lty = 2, 
            col = "black",
            xpd =TRUE)
      sizes = c(5,10,20,50,100)
      sizes. = edge_size_factor * log2(sizes+1)
      legend(x = 1.5,
             y = -0.35,
             title = "#Nmarkers",
             lty = 1,
             cex = 1,
             lwd = 1.5*sizes.,
             col = "grey65",
             y.intersp = c(1.35),
             x.intersp = 2,
             xpd = TRUE

#' Plot Iterative Differential Clustering network
#' @param object A Seurat object clustered with [iterative_differential_clustering()]
#' @param IDC_summary Optional. A data.frame of differential
#' analyses summary outputed by [iterative_differential_clustering()] when 
#' saving option is TRUE. Use to determine the width of the edges based on the
#' number of differential features of the given marker.
#' @param color_by A character specifying the column of the Seurat
#'  to use for coloring the nodes.
#' @param cluster_col A character specifying the column of the 
#' Seurat to use to store the iterative differential clusters. 
#' @param colors A character vector of colors. If NULL, will take R default 
#' color.
#' @param node_size_factor A numeric specifying  a multiplicator of the size of
#' the nodes.  
#' @param edge_size_factor A numeric specifying a multiplicator of the 
#' size of the edges.  
#' @param function_layout A function of g for the layout of the graph.
#' @param threshold_to_define_feature_active If color_by is a gene, an integer
#' specifying the threshold above which a gene is considered as active in any 
#' given cell.
#' @param assay If color_by is a gene, the assay in which to retrieve the counts.
#' @param legend A logical indicating whether to plot the legend or not.
#' @param edge_df (Optional). A data.frame obtained by
#'  [top_enriched_pathways()] containing the top 1 pathway enriched per cluster
#'  to display it on the edges.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the plot function.
#' @return A hierarchical network of cluster assignation:
#' * Size of nodes reflects the number of cells
#' * Width of edges reflects the number of differential features defining a cluster    
#' * Color of nodes reflects the repartition of cells according to 'color_by'
#' @importFrom igraph layout_as_tree simplify graph_from_adjacency_matrix
#' get.edges
#' @importFrom grDevices colors
#' @export
#' @rdname plot_cluster_network
#' @exportS3Method plot_cluster_network Seurat
plot_cluster_network.Seurat <- function(
    IDC_summary = NULL,
    color_by = "IDcluster",
    cluster_col = "IDcluster",
    colors = NULL,
    node_size_factor = 7.5,
    edge_size_factor = 1,
    threshold_to_define_feature_active = 2,
    function_layout = function(g) igraph::layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, circular = TRUE, flip.y = FALSE),
    assay = "RNA",
    legend = TRUE,
    edge_df = NULL,
  categ = TRUE
  shape = "pie"
  if(!color_by %in% colnames(object@meta.data)) {
    if(color_by %in% rownames(object)) categ = FALSE else stop("color_by must ",
                                                               "be in colnames(object@meta.data) or in rownames(object).")
  } else {
    categ = FALSE
    shape = "circle"
  object@meta.data[,cluster_col] = gsub("Alpha_","", object@meta.data[,cluster_col])
    IDC_summary$true_subcluster = gsub("Alpha_","", IDC_summary$true_subcluster)
    IDC_summary$cluster_of_origin = gsub("Alpha_","", IDC_summary$cluster_of_origin)
  if(is.null(colors)) {
    colors = c("#4285F4", "#DB4437", "#F4B400", "#0F9D58", "slategray",
                        grDevices::colors()[grep('gr(a|e)y', grDevices::colors(), invert = TRUE)])
      colors = colors[seq_along(unique(unlist(object[[color_by]])))]
    } else {
      color_df = data.frame(
        "color_by" = "main",
        "color_by_color" = colors[1]
  # Annotation
  annot = as.data.frame(object@meta.data)
  # Make a color data.frame
    color_df = data.frame(
      "color_by" = sort(unique(object@meta.data[,color_by])),
      "color_by_color" = colors
    colnames(color_df) = gsub("color_by", color_by, colnames(color_df))
  } else if(!is.null(color_by)){
    counts = as.numeric(object@assays[[assay]]@counts[color_by,])
    sel = which(counts >= threshold_to_define_feature_active)
    counts[] = "Inactive"
    counts[sel] = "Active"
    color_df = data.frame(
      "color_by" = sort(unique(counts)),
      "color_by_color" = c("red","grey85")
    annot[, color_by] = counts
    colnames(color_df) = gsub("color_by", color_by, colnames(color_df))
  clusters = object[[cluster_col]]
  annot$partition_0 = "Alpha"
  cluster_list = sapply(clusters, function(i) strsplit(i, split = "_", fixed =TRUE))
  max_partition_depth = max(sapply(cluster_list, length))
  for(i in seq_len(max_partition_depth)){
    annot[,paste0("partition_",i)] = sapply(cluster_list, function(l){
      paste(l[1:min(i, length(l)) ], collapse = "_") })
    na_idxs = which(is.na(annot[,paste0("partition_",i)]))
    if(i > 1 & length(na_idxs)) annot[na_idxs, paste0("partition_",i)] =
      annot[na_idxs, paste0("partition_",i-1)]
  # Table of cell and cluster assignation for each 'partition depth'
  repartition = annot
  if(is.null(color_by)) {
    repartition$tmp = 0
    repartition = repartition[,c(paste0("partition_",0:max_partition_depth), "tmp")]
  } else{
    repartition = repartition[,c(paste0("partition_",0:max_partition_depth), color_by)]
  # Define all final clusters
  all_nodes = sapply(paste0("partition_",0:max_partition_depth), 
  all_nodes = unique(unlist(all_nodes))
  # Create adjency matrix for graph
  adj.mat = matrix(0, nrow = length(all_nodes), ncol = length(all_nodes),
                   dimnames = list(all_nodes, all_nodes))
  adj.mat[1, unique(repartition$partition_1)] = 1
  df = data.frame(name =all_nodes)
  rownames(df) = df$name
  df$size = 0
  df$ndiff = 0
  df$isFinal = 2
  prop.base_clust = list()
  if(!is.null(color_by)) empty = table(repartition[[color_by]]) else empty = 0
  empty[] = 0
  # Fill adjency matrix with link between nodes (clusters).
  # Size of nodes reflects the number of cells
  # Width of edges reflects the number of differential features defining a cluster
  # Color of nodes reflects the repartition of cells according to the 'color_by'
  # column
  for(level in 1:(ncol(repartition)-1)){
    for(i in unique(repartition[,level])){
      df$size[df$name == i] = length(which(repartition[,level] == i))
      if(i %in% repartition[,ncol(repartition)-1]) df$isFinal[df$name == i] = 1
      if(!is.null(color_by)) {
        prop.base_clust[[i]] = empty
        tab = table(repartition[which(repartition[,level] == i), color_by])
        prop.base_clust[[i]][match(names(tab), names(empty))] = as.numeric(tab)
        prop.base_clust[[i]] = as.numeric(prop.base_clust[[i]])
      if(!is.null(IDC_summary)) {
        if(i != "Alpha") df$ndiff[df$name == i] = IDC_summary$n_differential[which(IDC_summary$true_subcluster == i)][1]
      } else {
        if(i != "Alpha") df$ndiff[df$name == i] = 20
      if(level != (ncol(repartition)-1)) adj.mat[i, unique(repartition[,level + 1 ][which(repartition[,level] == i)])] = 1
  # Make sure that all the edge have a minimum width of 1
  df$ndiff[which(df$ndiff == 0)] = 1
  df$size = node_size_factor * sqrt(50 * df$size / nrow(repartition))
  df$size[1] = df$size[1] / 1.5
  df$ndiff = edge_size_factor * log2(df$ndiff+1)
  g = igraph::simplify( igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix = adj.mat))
  edges_ids =  igraph::get.edges(g, es = 1:(nrow(df)-1))
  if(legend) par(mar = c(9, 0, 4, 8) + 0.1)
  df$pathway = ""
    edge_df$Term = gsub(" \\(.*", "", edge_df$Term)
    edge_df = edge_df %>% group_by(cluster, cluster_of_origin) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise(Term = head(Term, 1))
    df$pathway = edge_df$Term[match(df$name, gsub("Alpha_", "",paste0(edge_df$cluster_of_origin, "_", edge_df$cluster)))]
  layout = function_layout(g)
  colors_vertex = NULL
  main = color_by
    colors_vertex = colors[1]
    main = ""
    vertex.pie.color = NULL
  } else {
    vertex.pie.color = list(color_df[,paste0(color_by, "_color")])
  layout = function_layout(g)
  xpd = par()$xpd
       layout = layout,
       vertex.shape = shape,             # One of “none”, “circle”, “square”, “csquare”, “rectangle” “crectangle”, “vrectangle”, “pie”, “raster”, or “sphere”
       vertex.pie =  prop.base_clust,
       vertex.pie.lty = df$isFinal,
       vertex.pie.color = vertex.pie.color,
       vertex.size = df$size,                          # Size of the node (default is 15)
       vertex.size2 = NA,
       edge.width = df$ndiff[edges_ids[,2]],                        # Edge width, defaults to 1
       edge.arrow.size = 0,                           # Arrow size, defaults to 1
       edge.arrow.width = 0,                          # Arrow width, defaults to 1
       edge.lty = c("solid"),
       vertex.color = colors_vertex,
       vertex.label.color = c("black"),
       vertex.label.family = 'sans',                   # Font family of the label (e.g.“Times”, “Helvetica”)
       vertex.label.font = c(1),                  # Font: 1 plain, 2 bold, 3, italic, 4 bold italic, 5 symbol
       vertex.label.cex = 0.125 * log2(df$size),                 # Font size (multiplication factor, device-dependent)
       vertex.label.dist = c(3,rep(1, nrow(df) -1)),                           # Distance between the label and the vertex
       vertex.label.degree = c(4.7,rep(90, nrow(df) -1)), 
       margin = c(-0.2,-1,-0.2,-1),
       main = main,
  par(xpd = xpd)
  arguments <- list(...)
  if(!"edge.label.cex" %in% names(arguments)) edge.label.cex = 0.5 else
    edge.label.cex = arguments$edge.label.cex
       layout = layout,
       edge.arrow.size=0,                           # Arrow size, defaults to 1
       vertex.label.cex = 0,
       edge.label = lapply(df$pathway[edges_ids[,2]], function(s) paste(strwrap(s, width=20), collapse = "\n")),
       add = TRUE,
       edge.label.cex = edge.label.cex,
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
    sizes = c(50, 100, 200, 500, 1000)
    sizes. = node_size_factor * sqrt(50 * sizes / nrow(repartition))
    legend(x = 0.5,
           y = -1.25,
           ncol = 6,
           xjust = 0.5,
           pt.cex = 4,
           y.intersp = 2,
           xpd = TRUE)
    legend(x = 1.5,
           y =1.35,
           title = "#Ncells",
           cex = 1,
           pt.cex = sizes./10,
           y.intersp = 1.5,
           x.intersp = 2,
           xpd = TRUE)
    text(c(1.5,1.5)  + 0.35, c(0.2,-0.05),
         labels = c("Final", "Transient"))
    circle. <- function (r, x0, y0,  ...){
      t <- seq(0, 2 * pi, by = 0.01)
      x <- r * cos(t) + x0
      y <- r * sin(t) + y0
      lines(x, y, ...)
    circle.(r = 0.1,
            x0 =  1.5,
            y0 = 0.2,
            lty = 1, 
            col = "black",
            xpd =TRUE)
    circle.(r = 0.1,
            x0 = 1.5,
            y0 =  -0.05,
            lty = 2, 
            col = "black",
            xpd =TRUE)
      sizes = c(5,10,20,50,100)
      sizes. = edge_size_factor * log2(sizes+1)
      legend(x = 1.5,
             y = -0.35,
             title = "#Nmarkers",
             lty = 1,
             cex = 1,
             lwd = 1.5*sizes.,
             col = "grey65",
             y.intersp = c(1.35),
             x.intersp = 2,
             xpd = TRUE

#' Seurat-Like Heatmap of SingleCellExperiment features x cells
#' @param object A SingleCellExperiment object containing IDclusters 
#' @param DA The differential analysis output from IDclust
#' @param white.line The size of the white line separating
#' @return
#' @export
#' @importFrom Seurat Idents ScaleData DoHeatmap
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' if(!requireNamespace("patchwork", quietly=TRUE)){
#' data(scExp)
#' data(IDC_DA_scEpigenomics)
#' heatmap_scExp(scExp, IDC_DA_scEpigenomics)
#' }
heatmap_scExp = function(scExp, DA, clusters = "All", feature = "Gene", white.line = 25){
  if(!requireNamespace("patchwork", quietly=TRUE)){
    warning("Please install patchwork package first.")
  } else{
  if(feature == "Gene") stopifnot("Gene" %in% colnames(DA))
  DA$IDcluster = paste0(DA$cluster_of_origin, "_", DA$cluster)
  if(clusters[1] != "All") DA = DA[which(DA$IDcluster %in% clusters),]
  DA = DA[order(DA$cluster),]
  if(clusters[1] != "All") {
    scExp = scExp[,which(scExp$IDcluster %in% clusters)]
    scExp = scExp[which(rownames(scExp) %in% DA$ID),]
  mat = counts(scExp)
  if(feature == "Gene"){
    DA_Gene = DA[which(!is.na(DA$Gene)),]
    rownames(mat)[match( DA_Gene$ID, rownames(mat))] = DA_Gene$Gene
    DA$Gene[which(is.na(DA$Gene))] = gsub("_", "-", DA$ID[which(is.na(DA$Gene))])
  object = CreateSeuratObject(mat, meta.data = as.data.frame(colData(scExp)))
  Idents(object) = object$IDcluster
  Seurat::Idents(object) = factor((object$IDcluster))
  object = Seurat::ScaleData(object, features = rownames(object))
  lp = list()
  for(i in 1:length(unique(DA$IDcluster))){
    if(i == 1) group.bar = TRUE else group.bar = FALSE
    if(i == 1) margin = margin(50,0,-1000,0) else margin = margin(0,0,-20,0)
    idclust = levels(Seurat::Idents(object))[i]
    if(feature == "Gene"){
      IDs. = DA$Gene[DA$IDcluster == idclust]
    } else{
      IDs. = gsub("_", "-", DA$ID[DA$IDcluster == idclust])
    lp[[idclust]] = Seurat::DoHeatmap(object, group.bar = group.bar, combine = TRUE,
                                      features = IDs., angle = 90, size = 2,
                                      raster = T, lines.width = white.line) +
      scale_fill_viridis_c() + NoLegend() +  theme(plot.margin = margin,
                                                   axis.text =  element_text(size = 5))
  heights = sapply(unique(levels(Seurat::Idents(object))), function(i) length(DA$ID[DA$IDcluster == i]))
  heights[1] = heights[1] + 10
  wrap_plots(lp) + plot_layout(nrow = length(unique(levels(Seurat::Idents(object)))), heights = heights)
vallotlab/IDclust documentation built on July 5, 2024, 3:26 p.m.