Man pages for vitkl/SLIMFinderR
Short Linear Motif Search Using QSLIMFinder, Protein Interaction Network and Binding Domain Inference

benchmarkMotifsBenchmark linear motif instance found using QSLIMFinder...
benchmarkMotifsROCPlot ROC or precision-recall curves for motifs search...
centerDomainsCenter QSLIMFinder datasets (InteractionSubsetFASTA_list) at...
domainProteinPairMatchCheck if the protein in the set2 is associated with domain...
ELMdb2GRangesDownload and read ELM database motif occurrences
filterBYmotifTypeFilter ELM database motif occurrence GRanges by motif type
filterInteractionSubsetFASTA_listFilter InteractionSubsetFASTA_list by the size of the...
findOverlapsBenchFind occuring GRanges overlapping with the benchmarking set...
GRangesINinteractionSubsetFASTACheck if proteins in GRanges were used for motif search using...
interactionSubsetFASTAFASTA sequences of interactors of a specific protein
interactionSubsetMapIDinteraction_subset_from_2_sets renames ids in the...
listInteractionSubsetFASTAget FASTA sequences of proteins that interact with seed...
listSingleInteractFromSet2Split interaction subset from 2 sets so that each elements...
merge2GRangesmcolsMerge data.table to GRanges metadata
motifVariantClassGenerate motif variant class (the first 2 element in the...
plotEnrichmentPlot the enrichment of domains that are likely to be...
PPInetwork2SLIMFinderFind linear motifs (QSLIMFinder or SLIMFinder) in the protein...
printMotifDomainTable'printMotifDomainTable' combines Domain enrichment and Motif...
QSLIMFinderCommandGenerate a QSLIMFinder command
randomGRangesGenerate random GRanges of equal length in the same sequence
readQSLIMFinderMainRead and write QSLIMFinder results
recodeANDinteractionSubsetFASTARecode names and retrieve FASTA sequences of interactors of a...
recodeFASTARecode names of the AAStringSet object
reduceOverlappingGRangesReduce Overlapping GRanges keeping metadata (collapsing...
reduceWithMcolsReduce GRanges keeping metadata (collapsing withing each...
runCompariMotif3Run CompariMotif3
runQSLIMFinderRun a list of QSLIMFinder jobs
singleInteractFromSet2Filter interaction subset from 2 sets: keep only i-th element...
SLIMFinderOcc2GRangesRead QSLIMFinder (SLIMFinder) occurence output to Genomic...
subset2setsBy1IDSubset 2 sets of protein interaction data using a single ID...
writeInteractionSubsetFASTA_listWrite InteractionSubsetFASTA_list into directory system...
vitkl/SLIMFinderR documentation built on May 3, 2019, 8:08 p.m.