
# This function is the real meat of the simulation code
#' @importFrom polyester simulate_experiment
abs_simulation <- function(tpms, counts, s2c, design, eff_lengths, fasta_file,
                           outdir = ".",
                           num_reps = c(10, 10),
                           gc_bias = NULL,
                           de_prob = 0.01,
                           de_levels = c(1.25, 2, 4),
                           de_type = "discrete",
                           dir_prob = 0.5,
                           seed = 1,
                           mean_lib_size = 20*10^6,
                           single_value = TRUE,
                           polyester_sim = FALSE,
                           include_spikeins = TRUE,
                           spikein_mix = "Mix1",
                           spikein_percent = 0.02) {
  if(is.null(gc_bias)) {
    gc_bias <- rep(0, sum(num_reps))
  } else if(length(gc_bias) != sum(num_reps)) {
    stop("'gc_bias' must be the same length as the total number of samples: ",
         sum(num_reps), ".")
  } else if(!is.numeric(gc_bias) || !all(gc_bias >= 0 & gc_bias <= 7)) {
    stop("'gc_bias' must be a vector of integers, from 0 (no bias) to 7, ",
         "the same length as the total number of samples: ", sum(num_reps), ".")
  } else {
    gc_bias <- as.integer(gc_bias)

  message("generating mean absolute copy numbers and relative TPMs")
  results <- generate_abs_changes(tpms = tpms,
                                  de_prob = de_prob,
                                  de_levels = de_levels,
                                  de_type = de_type,
                                  dir_prob = dir_prob,
                                  seed = seed,
                                  num_reps = num_reps)
  if (include_spikeins) {
    results <- add_spikeins(results = results,
                            spikein_mix = spikein_mix,
                            spikein_percent = spikein_percent)

  new_tpms <- results$transcript_abundances

  eff_lengths <- eff_lengths[match(rownames(new_tpms),
                                   eff_lengths$target_id), ]

  message("converting relative TPMs to expected reads per transcript")
  expected_reads <- tpms_to_expected_reads(new_tpms,
  adj_rel_fc <- expected_reads$adj_fold_changes
  expected_reads <- expected_reads$expected_reads
  polyester_fc <- expected_reads$fold_changes
  polyester_fc[is.na(polyester_fc)] <- 1
  polyester_fc <- matrix(c(rep(1, length(polyester_fc)), polyester_fc),
                         nrow = length(polyester_fc))
  consistent <- calculate_consistency(results$abs_fold_changes,
  sizes <- NULL
  reads_per_transcript <- expected_reads[, 1]
  message("calculating the sizes using DESeq2 dispersion estimation")
  deseq_res <- calculate_sizes(counts, s2c, design, reads_per_transcript,
                           polyester_fc[, 2], single_value = single_value)

  if (include_spikeins) {
    spikein_sizes <- calculate_spikein_sizes(deseq_res, expected_reads)
    sizes <- c(deseq_res$sizes, spikein_sizes)
  } else {
    sizes <- deseq_res$sizes

  sizes[which(is.na(sizes) | sizes==0)] <- 1e-22
  rm(design, new_tpms, tpms, counts, deseq_res)
  if (polyester_sim) {
    lib_sizes <- rnorm(sum(num_reps), 1, sd = 0.05)
    message("simulating an RNA-Seq experiment using 'polyester' package")
    polyester::simulate_experiment(fasta = fasta_file, outdir = outdir,
                                    num_reps = num_reps,
                                    reads_per_transcript = reads_per_transcript,
                                    size = sizes,
                                    fold_changes = polyester_fc,
                                    paired = TRUE, strand_specific = TRUE,
                                    distr = "empirical",
                                    error_model = "illumina5",
                                    bias = "none",
                                    gc_bias = gc_bias,
                                    #frag_GC_bias = gc_bias,
                                    seed = seed + 100000,
                                    gzip = TRUE, shuffle = TRUE)
                values = list(sizes = sizes,
                              eff_lengths = eff_lengths,
                              expected_reads = expected_reads,
                              adjusted_consistent_changes = consistent,
                              adjusted_fold_changes = adj_rel_fc)))

#' Run a copy number simulation
#' This function runs a simulation that explicitly defines copy numbers,
#' which can be used to test whether compositional changes leads to consistent
#' or misleading results based on the analysis done. After simulating an
#' experiment using the copy numbers, those numbers are converted into
#' expected reads to be used for a polyester simulation.
#' @param sleuth, a sleuth object or a character string with an R-Data file
#'   containing a sleuth object saved using 'sleuth_save'. This object contains
#'   results from a real experiment.
#' @param fasta_file, a multiFASTA file with the transcripts to be used in
#'   the simulation (required for polyester)
#' @param sample_index, which sample from the real dataset should be used
#'   as the starting point for the simulation? You may use a number or string,
#'   as long as it is a valid column index for the dataset. If "mean" is given,
#'   the default, then the mean of the control samples will be used.
#' @param outdir, where should the simulated reads be written to?
#' @param num_reps, the number of samples in each condition. Note that this
#'   only currently supports two conditions, so this must be length 2.
#' @param denom, the name(s) of transcript(s) that will be used as the
#'   denominator for showing how the data will behave after ALR transformation.
#'   The default is \code{NULL}, which indicates that this function will choose
#'   the first feature that is simulated to not change as the denominator.
#' @param seed, the random seed to be used for reproducibility
#' @param num_runs, the number of simulations to run
#' @param gc_bias, integer vector of length \code{sum(num_reps)} of the
#'   GC bias to be used by polyester. Only numbers between 0 and 7.
#'   See ?polyester::simulate_experiment under "gcbias" in the 
#'   Details section for more information. The default is \code{NULL},
#'   which means that all samples will be set to 0 (i.e. no bias).
#' @param de_probs, vector of same length as \code{num_runs}, with
#'   numbers between 0 and 1 describing the probability of differential
#'   expression for each simulation
#' @param de_type, either "discrete" or "normal" (the default) to indicate using
#'   discrete levels of differential expression, or to used a truncated
#'   normal for a continuum of differential expression. The levels of
#'   discrete DE, or the parameters for the truncated normal, are
#'   determined by \code{de_levels}.
#' @param de_levels, if \code{de_type} is "discrete", this is a vector
#'   with one or more numbers > 1 to indicate the levels of differential
#'   expression (e.g. 50% increase would be 1.5). If \code{de_type} is
#'   "normal", this is a vector of length 3 specifying the following
#'   parameters for the \code{rtruncnorm} function: a (the min of
#'   the truncated normal; it should be > 1), mean, and sd.
#'   When the direction is down, the inverse of these levels will be used.
#' @param dir_probs, vector of same length as \code{num_runs}, with
#'   numbers between 0 and 1 describing the probability of differential
#'   expression being increased, given a transcript that is changing.
#' @param mean_lib_size, the average number of reads per library to be
#'   simulated. Variability in the exact library size per sample will
#'   be introduced with a normal using a coefficient of variation of 5%.
#'   (default is 20 million reads).
#' @param single_value, if \code{TRUE}, sizes are calculated for the whole
#'   experiment using DESeq2 estimateDispersions; otherwise, sizes are
#'   interpolated using the dispersion function from DESeq2 using the mean
#'   counts for each condition.
#' @param polyester_sim, should polyester be run? (default to \code{FALSE}
#'   to save time when you are merely interested in the ground truth)
#' @param control_condition, what factor level should be used to define
#'   the control condition? This is used to select control samples to
#'   estimate dispersions for a null distribution, i.e. variance of estimated
#'   counts in an experiment without an expectation of differential expression.
#'   The default, \code{NULL}, uses all of the samples in the provided sleuth_file.
#'   Note that if this is specified, DESeq2 will estimate dispersions using an
#'   intercept only model (~1), whereas if it is left \code{NULL}, the full
#'   formula from the sleuth object will be used (obj$full_formula).
#' @param num_cores the number of cores to be used to run parallel simulations.
#'   the default is to use just one.
#' @param include_spikeins if \code{TRUE}, will add spike-ins to the simulated
#'   experiment.
#' @param spikein_mix character specifying which mix to use; only accepts
#'   "Mix1" or "Mix2". If a different mix is desired for each condition, specify
#'   a character vector containing a mix for each condition. The default is
#'   "Mix1".
#' @param spikein_percent what percent of the total copy numbers in the control
#'   condition should be spike-in controls? The default is 2\%.
#' @return returns invisibly a list with three members:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item results: a list of lists, one entry for each simulation. Each
#'       simulation's results has the following entries:
#'       \itemize{
#'         \item all of the entries returned by \code{generate_abs_changes}
#'         \item sizes: the size parameter for each transcript
#'         \item expected_reads: an N x 2 matrix with the expected number of
#'           fragments for each transcript in each condition
#'         \item adjusted_consistent_changes: consistency comparing copy numbers
#'           to the relative data after normalization using the DESeq procedure
#'         \item adjusted_fold_changes: the fold changes perceived after normalization
#'           using the DESeq procedure
#'       }
#'     \item alr_results: a list of lists, one entry for each simulation. Each
#'       simulation's alr_data list contains the results from
#'       \code{calculate_rel_consistency}
#'     \item params: a list of the parameters used for this simulation
#'   }
#' @importFrom sleuth sleuth_load sleuth_to_matrix
#' @importFrom Biostrings readDNAStringSet width writeXStringSet
#' @importFrom biomaRt useMart getBM
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply detectCores
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @export
run_abs_simulation <- function(sleuth, fasta_file, sample_index = "mean",
                               outdir = ".",
                               num_reps = c(10,10),
                               denom = NULL,
                               seed = 1, num_runs = 1,
                               gc_bias = NULL,
                               de_probs = 0.1,
                               de_type = "normal",
                               de_levels = c(1.25, 2, 4),
                               dir_probs = 0.5,
                               mean_lib_size = 20*10^6,
                               single_value = TRUE,
                               polyester_sim = FALSE, control_condition = NULL,
                               num_cores = 1,
                               include_spikeins = TRUE,
                               spikein_mix = "Mix1", spikein_percent = 0.02) {
  if (is(sleuth, "sleuth")) {
    sleuth.obj <- sleuth
  } else if (is.character(sleuth)) {
    message("loading sleuth results object")
    sleuth.obj <- try(sleuth::sleuth_load(sleuth))
    if (is(sleuth.obj, "try-error")) {
      stop("The sleuth object could not be loaded. Here is the error message: ",
  } else {
    stop("'sleuth' is of an unrecognized class: ", print(class(sleuth)))

  tpms <- sleuth::sleuth_to_matrix(sleuth.obj, "obs_raw", "tpm")
  counts <- sleuth::sleuth_to_matrix(sleuth.obj, "obs_raw", "est_counts")
  s2c <- sleuth.obj$sample_to_covariates
  if (!is.null(control_condition)) {
    ctr_samples <- which(s2c$condition == control_condition)
    s2c <- s2c[ctr_samples, ]
    counts <- counts[, ctr_samples]
    design <- ~1
  } else {
    ctr_samples <- 1:nrow(s2c)
    design <- sleuth.obj$full_formula
  ## formulas capture enclosing environment when assigned
  ## so giving it a new environment prevents that memory leak
  environment(design) <- new.env()

  message("loading transcripts from FASTA file")
  transcripts <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(fasta_file)
  # Take the first ID if there is metadata present
  # The single space is used in Ensembl FASTA files
  if(grepl(" ", names(transcripts)[1], fixed = TRUE)) {
    names(transcripts) <- sapply(names(transcripts), function(x) {
      strsplit(x, " ", fixed = T)[[1]][1]
  # The '|' character is used in NCBI and Gencode FASTA files
  } else if(grepl("|", names(transcripts)[1], fixed = TRUE)) {
    names(transcripts) <- sapply(names(transcripts), function(x) {
      strsplit(x, "|", fixed = T)[[1]][1]

  if (!all(rownames(tpms) %in% names(transcripts))) {
    stop("the names of the FASTA file do not match the target_ids from the sleuth object")

  transcripts <- transcripts[rownames(tpms)]

  if(sample_index == "mean") {
    tpms <- rowMeans(tpms[, ctr_samples])
  } else {
    tpms <- tpms[, sample_index]

  if (sum(tpms) != 10^6) tpms <- tpms / sum(tpms) * 10^6

  eff_lengths <- data.table::as.data.table(
    sleuth.obj$obs_raw[which(sleuth.obj$obs_raw$sample %in% s2c$sample),
                       c("target_id", "eff_len")]
  eff_lengths <- eff_lengths[, list(eff_len = median(eff_len)), by = target_id]
  eff_lengths <- as.data.frame(eff_lengths)
  stopifnot(identical(eff_lengths$target_id, names(tpms)))

  if (include_spikeins) {
    data(ERCC92_seqs, package = "absSimSeq")
    spikein_lengths <- Biostrings::width(ERCC92_seqs)
    spikein_df <- data.frame(target_id = names(ERCC92_seqs),
                             eff_len = spikein_lengths)
    eff_lengths <- rbind(eff_lengths, spikein_df)

    transcripts <- c(transcripts, ERCC92_seqs)
    fasta_dir <- dirname(fasta_file)
    fasta_file <- file.path(fasta_dir, "temp.fa")
    Biostrings::writeXStringSet(transcripts, fasta_file)
  rm(transcripts, sleuth.obj)

  results <- vector(mode = "list", length = num_runs)
  alr_data <- vector(mode = "list", length = num_runs)
  results <- parallel::mclapply(seq(num_runs), function(i) {
    run_num <- sprintf('%02d', i)
    message(paste0("running run #", run_num))
    dir.create(file.path(outdir, paste0("run", run_num)), showWarnings = F)
    real_outdir <- file.path(outdir, paste0("run", run_num))
    result <- abs_simulation(tpms = tpms, counts = counts, s2c = s2c,
                             design = design, eff_lengths = eff_lengths,
                             fasta_file = fasta_file,
                             outdir = real_outdir,
                             num_reps = num_reps, gc_bias = gc_bias,
                             de_prob = de_probs[i], de_levels = de_levels,
                             de_type = de_type, dir_prob = dir_probs[i],
                             seed = seed + (i-1)*5*10^5,
                             mean_lib_size = mean_lib_size,
                             include_spikeins = include_spikeins,
                             spikein_mix = spikein_mix,
                             spikein_percent = spikein_percent,
                             single_value = single_value,
                             polyester_sim = polyester_sim)
  }, mc.cores = min(parallel::detectCores()-1, num_runs, num_cores))
  checks <- sapply(results, function(x) class(x) == "try-error")
  if(any(checks)) {
    failed_runs <- results[checks]
    error_msg <- paste(paste("run", which(checks)), print(failed_runs), ": ")
    error_msg <- paste(error_msg, collapse = "\n")
    stop('at least one of the simulation runs failed. see the error messages below:\n',
  alr_data <- parallel::mclapply(seq(num_runs), function(i) {
    run_num <- sprintf('%02d', i)
    message(paste0("finding ALR consistency from run #", run_num))
                              denom = denom)
  }, mc.cores = min(parallel::detectCores()-1, num_runs, num_cores))
  checks <- sapply(alr_data, function(x) class(x) == "try-error")
  if(any(checks)) {
    failed_runs <- alr_data[checks]
    error_msg <- paste(paste("run", which(checks)), print(failed_runs), ": ")
    error_msg <- paste(error_msg, collapse = "\n")
    stop('at least one of the ALR runs failed. see the error messages below:\n',
  if (include_spikeins) {

  parameters <- list(seed = seed, sample_index = sample_index,
                     num_reps = num_reps, gc_bias = gc_bias,
                     de_probs = de_probs, de_type = de_type,
                     de_levels = de_levels, dir_probs = dir_probs,
                     mean_lib_size = mean_lib_size)
  if (include_spikeins) {
    parameters$spikein_mix <- spikein_mix
    parameters$spikein_percent <- spikein_percent
  } else {
    parameters$spikein_mix <- parameters$spikein_percent <- NA

  invisible(list(results = results, alr_results = alr_data, params = parameters))

#' Summarize a group of copy number simulations
#' This function summarizes for each simulation the consistency of the
#' fold changes comparing copy numbers to TPMs, and then the consistency
#' comparing the ALR transformation of the copy numbers versus that of 
#' the TPMs.
#' @param abs_sim_runs_list, the output from \code{run_abs_simulation}
#' @param num_runs, the number of simulations
#' @param de_probs, vector of probabilities of differential expression
#' @param dir_probs, vector of probabilities of differential expression
#'   being increased, given a transcript that is changing
#' @return a data frame with the following columns:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item run_num: which simulation?
#'     \item de_prob: probability of differential expression
#'     \item dir_prob: probability of DE being up
#'     \item rel*: the number of transcripts with each category of consistency
#'       between copy numbers and relative TPMs
#'     \item rel_apparent_fc: the apparent fold change of relative TPMs of
#'       transcripts that are not changing
#'     \item adj*: the number of transcripts with each category of consistency
#'       between copy numbers and DESeq-normalized counts
#'     \item adj_apparent_fc: the apparent fold change of DESeq-normalized
#'       counts for transcripts that are not changing
#'     \item alr: the number of transcripts that have consistent
#'       changes after ALR transformation of copy numbers vs relative TPMs
#'   }
#' @export
summarize_abs_sim_runs <- function(abs_sim_runs_list, num_runs,
                                   de_probs, dir_probs) {
  summaries <- data.frame()
  for (i in seq(num_runs)) {
    de_prob <- de_probs[i]
    dir_prob <- dir_probs[i]
    result <- abs_sim_runs_list$results[[i]]
    rel_consistency <- abs_sim_runs_list$alr_data[[i]]$alr_consistency
    rel_summary <- summary(result$consistent_changes)
    rel_z2c <- which(result$consistent_changes=="zero2change")
    rel_apparent_fc <- unique(round(result$rel_fold_changes[rel_z2c], 10))
    adj_summary <- summary(result$adjusted_consistent_changes)
    adj_z2c <- which(result$adjusted_consistent_changes=="zero2change")
    adj_apparent_fc <- unique(round(result$rel_fold_changes[rel_z2c], 10))
    alr_summary <- summary(rel_consistency)[3]
    rel_df <- data.frame(run_num = i, de_prob = de_probs[i],
                         dir_prob = dir_probs[i],
                         rel = rbind(rel_summary), rel_fc = rel_apparent_fc)
    adj_df <- data.frame(run_num = i, de_prob = de_probs[i],
                         dir_prob = dir_probs[i],
                         adj = rbind(adj_summary), adj_fc = adj_apparent_fc)
    alr_df <- data.frame(run_num = i, de_prob = de_probs[i],
                         dir_prob = dir_probs[i],
                         alr = alr_summary)
    summary_df <- merge(rel_df, adj_df,
                        by = c("run_num", "de_prob", "dir_prob"))
    summary_df <- merge(summary_df, alr_df,
                        by = c("run_num", "de_prob", "dir_prob"))
    summaries <- rbind(summaries, summary_df)
warrenmcg/absSimSeq documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:57 a.m.