#LFQData ----
#' LFQData R6 class
#' @export
#' @family LFQData
#' @examples
#' istar <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' #LFQData$debug("omit_NA")
#' lfqdata <- LFQData$new(istar$data, istar$config)
#' lfqdata$filter_proteins_by_peptide_count()
#' tmp <- lfqdata$to_wide()
#' testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp$data) , nrow(tmp$rowdata))
#' testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp$data) , nrow(tmp$annotation) + ncol(tmp$rowdata))
#' stopifnot("data.frame" %in% class(tmp$data))
#' tmp <- lfqdata$to_wide(as.matrix = TRUE)
#' stopifnot("matrix" %in% class(tmp$data))
#' stopifnot(lfqdata$is_transformed()==FALSE)
#' lfqdata$summarize_hierarchy()
#' # filter for missing values
#' f1 <- lfqdata$omit_NA(nrNA = 0)
#' stopifnot(f1$hierarchy_counts() <= lfqdata$hierarchy_counts())
#' f2 <- lfqdata$omit_NA(factorDepth = 0)
#' stopifnot(f2$hierarchy_counts() <= lfqdata$hierarchy_counts())
#' lfqdata$response()
#' lfqdata$rename_response("peptide.intensity")
#' lfqdata$response()
#' stopifnot("LFQData" %in% class(lfqdata$get_copy()))
#' stopifnot("LFQDataTransformer" %in% class(lfqdata$get_Transformer()))
#' stopifnot("LFQDataStats" %in% class(lfqdata$get_Stats()))
#' stopifnot("LFQDataSummariser" %in% class(lfqdata$get_Summariser()))
#' stopifnot("LFQDataPlotter" %in% class(lfqdata$get_Plotter()))
#' stopifnot("LFQDataWriter" %in% class(lfqdata$get_Writer()))
#' stopifnot("LFQDataAggregator" %in% class(lfqdata$get_Aggregator()))
#' lfqdata2 <- lfqdata$get_copy()
#' lfqdata2$data <- lfqdata2$data[1:100,]
#' res <- lfqdata$filter_difference(lfqdata2)
#' stopifnot(nrow(res$data) == nrow(lfqdata$data) - 100)
#' tmp <- lfqdata$get_sample(5, seed = 4)
#' stopifnot(nrow(tmp$hierarchy()) == 5)
#' lw <- lfqdata$get_Writer()
#' stopifnot(names(lw$get_wide()) %in% c("data", "annotation"))
#' stopifnot("data.frame" %in% class(lw$get_long()))
LFQData <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
#' @field config AnalysisConfiguration
config = NULL,
#' @field data data.frame or tibble matching AnalysisConfiguration.
data = NULL,
#' @field is_pep todo
is_pep = FALSE,
#' @field prefix e.g. "peptide_", "protein_", "compound_"
prefix = "",
#' @description
#' initialize
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param config configuration
#' @param is_pep todo
#' @param prefix will be use as output prefix
#' @param setup is data setup needed, default = FALSE, if TRUE, calls \code{\link{setup_analysis}} on data first.
initialize = function(data, config, is_pep=TRUE, prefix = "ms_", setup = FALSE) {
self$data <- if (setup) {setup_analysis(data, config)} else {data}
self$config <- config$clone(deep = TRUE)
self$is_pep <- is_pep
self$prefix <- prefix
#' @description
#' get deep copy
get_copy = function(){
return(self$clone(deep = TRUE))
#' @description
#' samples subset of data
#' @param size size of subset default 100
#' @param seed set seed
get_sample = function(size = 100, seed = NULL){
if (!is.null(seed)) { set.seed( seed ) }
subset <- prolfqua::sample_subset(size = size, self$data, self$config)
return(LFQData$new(subset, self$config$clone(deep = TRUE)))
#' @description
#' get subset of data
#' @param x data frame with columns containing subject_Id
get_subset = function(x){
x <- select(x, any_of(self$subject_Id())) |> distinct()
subset <- inner_join(x, self$data)
return(LFQData$new(subset, self$config$clone(deep = TRUE)))
#' @description
#' get subject ID columns
subject_Id = function(){
#' @description
#' is data transformed
#' @param is_transformed logical
#' @return logical
is_transformed = function(is_transformed){
if (missing(is_transformed)) {
self$config$table$is_response_transformed = is_transformed
#' @description
#' some software is reporting NA's as 0, you must remove it from your data
#' @param threshold default 4.
#' @return self
remove_small_intensities = function(threshold = 4){
self$data <- prolfqua::remove_small_intensities( self$data, self$config, threshold = threshold )
#' @description
#' remove proteins with less than X peptides
#' @return self
filter_proteins_by_peptide_count = function(){
message("removing proteins with less than: ",
" peptpides")
self$data <- prolfqua::filter_proteins_by_peptide_count(self$data, self$config)$data
#' @description
#' Omit NA from intensities per hierarchy (e.g. protein or peptide), idea is to use it for normalization
#' For instance if a peptide has a missing value in more then nrNA of the samples within a condition
#' it will be removed
#' @param nrNA number of NA values
#' @param factorDepth you control for nrNA per condition or experiment etc. e.g. factorDepth = 0 then per experiment
#' @return LFQData with NA omitted.
omit_NA = function(nrNA = 0, factorDepth = NULL) {
if (is.null(factorDepth)) {
missing <- prolfqua::summarize_stats_factors(self$data, self$config)
} else {
if (factorDepth >= 1) {
cfg <- self$config$clone(deep = TRUE)
cfg$table$factorDepth <- factorDepth
missing <- prolfqua::summarize_stats_factors(self$data, cfg)
} else{
missing <- prolfqua::summarize_stats_all(self$data, self$config)
notNA <- missing |> dplyr::filter(nrNAs <= nrNA)
sumN <- notNA |> group_by_at(self$config$table$hierarchy_keys()) |>
summarise(n = n())
notNA <- sumN |> dplyr::filter(n == max(n))
notNA <- notNA |> dplyr::select(self$config$table$hierarchy_keys())
notNAdata <- dplyr::inner_join( notNA, self$data) |> ungroup()
return(LFQData$new(notNAdata, self$config$clone(deep = TRUE)))
#' @description
#' some software is reporting NA's as 0, you must remove it from your data
#' @param threshold default 4.
#' @return self
complete_cases = function(){
self$data <- prolfqua::complete_cases(self$data, self$config)
#' @description
#' converts the data to wide
#' @param as.matrix return as data.frame or matrix
#' @param value either response or nr chidren
#' @return list with data, annotation, and configuration
to_wide = function(as.matrix = FALSE, value = c("response", "nr_children")){
value <- match.arg(value)
if (value == "response") {
wide <- prolfqua::tidy_to_wide_config(self$data, self$config, as.matrix = as.matrix)
} else {
wide <- prolfqua::tidy_to_wide_config(
self$data, self$config,
as.matrix = as.matrix,
value = self$config$table$nr_children)
wide$config <- self$config$clone(deep = TRUE)
#' @description
#' Annotation table
#' @return data.frame
factors = function(){
prolfqua::table_factors(self$data, self$config)
#' @description
#' Hierarchy table
hierarchy = function(){
hk <- self$config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth()
hkdf <- self$data |> select(all_of(hk)) |> distinct()
#' @description
#' name of response variable
#' @return data.frame
response = function(){
#' @description
#' new name of response variable
#' @param newname default Intensity
rename_response = function(newname = "Intensity"){
if((newname %in% colnames(self$data))){
msg <- paste(newname, " already in data :", paste( colnames(self$data), collapse = " "), ".")
} else {
old <- self$config$table$pop_response()
self$data <- self$data |> dplyr::rename(!!newname := !!sym(old))
#' @description
#' number of elements at each level
hierarchy_counts = function(){
prolfqua::hierarchy_counts(self$data, self$config)
#' @description
#' e.g. number of peptides per protein etc
#' @return data.frame
summarize_hierarchy = function(){
prolfqua::summarize_hierarchy(self$data, self$config)
#' @description
#' get Plotter
#' @return LFQDataPlotter
get_Plotter = function(){
return(LFQDataPlotter$new(self, self$prefix))
#' @description
#' get Writer
#' @param format array of formats to write to supported are xlsx, csv and html
#' @return LFQDataPlotter
get_Writer = function(format = "xlsx"){
return(LFQDataWriter$new(self, self$prefix, format = format))
#' @description
#' get Summariser
#' @return LFQDataSummarizer
get_Summariser = function(){
#' @description
#' Get \code{\link{LFQDataStats}}. For more details see \code{\link{LFQDataStats}}.
#' @param stats default interaction, computes statistics within interaction.
#' @return LFQDataStats
get_Stats = function(stats = c("everything","interaction", "all")){
stats <- match.arg(stats)
return(LFQDataStats$new(self, stats = stats))
#' @description
#' get Stats
#' @return LFQDataTransformer
get_Transformer = function() {
#' @description
#' get Aggregator
#' @return LFQDataAggregator
get_Aggregator = function() {
#' @description
#' get difference of self with other if other is subset of self
#' @details
#' Use to compare filtering results obtained from self, e.g. which proteins and peptides were removed (other)
#' @param other a filtered LFQData set
#' @return LFQData
filter_difference = function(other){
diffdata <- prolfqua::filter_difference(self$data,other$data,self$config )
res <- LFQData$new(diffdata , self$config$clone(deep = TRUE))
#' converts LFQData object to SummarizedExperiment
#' For compatibility with Bioconductor
#' @param lfqdata LFQData object
#' @return SummarizedExperiment (bioconductor)
#' @family LFQData
#' @export
#' @examples
#' istar <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' istar$config <- (istar$config)
#' data <- istar$data
#' lfqdata <- LFQData$new(data, istar$config)
#' lfqdata$to_wide()
#' if(require("SummarizedExperiment")){
#' tmp <- LFQDataToSummarizedExperiment(lfqdata)
#' }
LFQDataToSummarizedExperiment <- function(lfqdata){
if (requireNamespace("SummarizedExperiment")) {
wide <- lfqdata$to_wide(as.matrix = TRUE)
nr_children <- lfqdata$to_wide(as.matrix = TRUE, value = "nr_children")
ann <- data.frame(wide$annotation)
rownames(ann) <- wide$annotation[[lfqdata$config$table$sampleName]]
se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(S4Vectors::SimpleList(
LFQ = wide$data,
nr_children = nr_children$data),
colData = ann,
rowData = wide$rowdata)
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