
# Model -----
#' R6 class representing modelling result
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @examples
#' istar <- prolfqua_data('data_ionstar')$normalized()
#' istar$config <- old2new(istar$config)
#' istar_data <- dplyr::filter(istar$data ,protein_Id %in% sample(protein_Id, 100))
#' modelName <- "f_condtion_r_peptide"
#' formula_randomPeptide <-
#'   strategy_lmer("transformedIntensity  ~ dilution. + (1 | peptide_Id)",
#'    model_name = modelName)
#' pepIntensity <- istar_data
#' config <- istar$config
#' config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth()
#' mod <- prolfqua::build_model(
#'  pepIntensity,
#'  formula_randomPeptide,
#'  modelName = modelName,
#'  subject_Id = config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth())
#' mod$modelDF
#' aovtable  <- mod$get_anova()
#' mod$get_coefficients()
#' mod$coef_histogram()
#' mod$coef_volcano()
#' mod$coef_pairs()
#' mod$anova_histogram()
Model <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = ModelInterface,
  public = list(
    #' @field modelDF data.frame with modelling data and model.
    modelDF = NULL,
    #' @field modelName name of model
    modelName = character(),
    #' @field subject_Id e.g. protein_Id
    subject_Id = character(),
    #' @field model_strategy function to create the models
    model_strategy = NULL,
    #' @field anova_df function to compute anova
    anova_df = NULL,
    #' @field p.adjust function to adjust p-values
    p.adjust = NULL,
    #' @description
    #' initialize
    #' @param modelDF dataframe with modelling results
    #' @param model_strategy model_strategy see \code{\link{strategy_lmer}}
    #' @param modelName name of model
    #' @param subject_Id subject column name
    #' @param p.adjust method to adjust p-values
    initialize = function(modelDF,
                          subject_Id = "protein_Id",
                          p.adjust = prolfqua::adjust_p_values){
      self$modelDF = modelDF
      self$model_strategy = model_strategy
      self$modelName = modelName
      self$subject_Id = subject_Id
      self$p.adjust = p.adjust
    #' @description
    #' return model coefficient table
    get_coefficients = function(){
      lmermodel <- "linear_model"
      modelProteinF <- get_complete_model_fit(self$modelDF)
      # Extract coefficients
      .coef_df <-  function(x){
        x <- coef(summary(x));
        x <- data.frame(factor = row.names(x), x);
      Model_Coeff <- modelProteinF |>
        dplyr::mutate(!!"Coeffs_model" := purrr::map( !!sym(lmermodel),  .coef_df ))
      Model_Coeff <- Model_Coeff |>
        dplyr::select(!!!syms(self$subject_Id), !!sym("Coeffs_model"), isSingular, nrcoef)
      Model_Coeff <- tidyr::unnest_legacy(Model_Coeff)
    #' @description
    #' return anova table
    get_anova = function(){
      lmermodel <- "linear_model"
      modelProteinF <- get_complete_model_fit(self$modelDF)

      Model_Anova <- modelProteinF |>
        dplyr::mutate(!!"Anova_model" := purrr::map( !!sym(lmermodel),
                                                     self$model_strategy$anova_df$fun ))

      Model_Anova <- Model_Anova |>
        dplyr::select(!!!syms(self$subject_Id), !!sym("Anova_model"), isSingular, nrcoef)
      Model_Anova <- tidyr::unnest_legacy(Model_Anova)

      Model_Anova <- Model_Anova |> dplyr::filter(factor != "Residuals")
      Model_Anova <- Model_Anova |> dplyr::filter(factor != "NULL")

      Model_Anova <- self$p.adjust(Model_Anova,
                                   column = self$model_strategy$anova_df$col_pval,
                                   group_by_col = "factor")

      Model_Anova <- Model_Anova |> dplyr::rename(p.value = !!sym(self$model_strategy$anova_df$col_pva))

    #' @description
    #' writes model coefficients to file
    #' @param path folder to write to
    #' @param format default xlsx \code{\link{lfq_write_table}}
    write_coefficients  = function(path, format = "xlsx"){
                      path = path,
                      name  = paste0("Coef_",self$modelName),
                      format = format)
    #' @description
    #' histogram of model coefficient
    coef_histogram = function(){
      Model_Coeff <- self$get_coefficients()
      Model_Coeff <- tidyr::unite(Model_Coeff, "subject_Id", self$subject_Id)
      ## Coef_Histogram
      fname_histogram_coeff_p.values <- paste0("Coef_Histogram_",self$modelName,".pdf")
      histogram_coeff_p.values <- ggplot(data = Model_Coeff, aes(x = Pr...t.., group = factor)) +
        geom_histogram(breaks = seq(0,1,by = 0.05)) +
      return(list(plot = histogram_coeff_p.values, name = fname_histogram_coeff_p.values))
    #' @description
    #' volcano plot of non intercept coefficients
    coef_volcano = function(){
      Model_Coeff <- self$get_coefficients()
      Model_Coeff <- tidyr::unite(Model_Coeff, "subject_Id", self$subject_Id)
      fname_VolcanoPlot <- paste0("Coef_VolcanoPlot_",self$modelName,".pdf")
      VolcanoPlot <- Model_Coeff |>
        dplyr::filter(factor != "(Intercept)") |>
          effect = "Estimate",
          significance = "Pr...t..",
          contrast = "factor",
          label = "subject_Id" ,
          xintercept = c(-1, 1) ,
          colour = "isSingular" )
      return(list(plot = VolcanoPlot, name = fname_VolcanoPlot))
    #' @description
    #' pairs-plot of coefficients
    coef_pairs = function(){
      Model_Coeff <- self$get_coefficients()
      Model_Coeff <- tidyr::unite(Model_Coeff, "subject_Id", self$subject_Id)
      ## Coef_Pairsplot
      forPairs <- Model_Coeff |>
        dplyr::select(all_of(c("subject_Id" , "factor" ,  "Estimate") )) |>
        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "factor", values_from = "Estimate" )
      fname_Pairsplot_Coef <- paste0("Coef_Pairsplot_", self$modelName,".pdf")
      #Pairsplot_Coef <-  GGally::ggpairs(forPairs, columns = 2:ncol(forPairs))
      return(list(plot = forPairs, name = fname_Pairsplot_Coef))

    #' @description
    #' histogram of ANOVA results
    #' @param what show either "Pr..F." or "FDR.Pr..F."
    anova_histogram = function(what=c("p.value", "FDR")){
      ## Anova_p.values
      what <- match.arg(what)
      Model_Anova <- self$get_anova()
      fname_histogram_anova_p.values <- paste0("Anova_p.values_", self$modelName, ".pdf")
      histogram_anova_p.values <-  Model_Anova |>
        ggplot( aes(x = !!sym(what), group = factor)) +
        geom_histogram(breaks = seq(0,1,by = 0.05)) +
      return(list(plot = histogram_anova_p.values, name = fname_histogram_anova_p.values))
    #' @description
    #' write figures related to ANOVA into pdf file
    #' @param path folder name
    #' @param width figure width
    #' @param height figure height
    write_anova_figures = function(path, width = 10, height =10){
      private$write_fig(self$anova_histogram(),path, width, height )
    #' @description
    #' write figures related to Coefficients into pdf file
    #' @param path folder name
    #' @param width figure width
    #' @param height figure height
    write_coef_figures = function(path, width = 10, height =10){
      private$write_fig(self$coef_histogram(),path, width, height )
      private$write_fig(self$coef_volcano(),path, width, height )
      private$write_fig(self$coef_pairs(),path, width, height )
  private = list(
    write_fig = function(res, path, width = 10, height = 10){
      fpath <- file.path(path, res$name)
      message("Writing figure into : ", fpath, "\n")
      pdf(fpath, width = width, height = height )
wolski/prolfqua documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 5:02 a.m.