
Defines functions run1001genomes geneInfoFromGff .relableTairSymbol geneInfoFromFile .approxRefGt

Documented in geneInfoFromFile geneInfoFromGff run1001genomes

# clean up object names to be consistent with bioconductor style (camelCaps)

### APP FUNCTIONS =============================================================

#' Run 1001 genomes browser shiny app
#' @return Runs the app
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #not run
#' #run1001genomes()
run1001genomes <- function() {
  appDir <- system.file("shiny-app", package = "r1001genomes")
  if (appDir == "") {
    stop("Could not find example directory. Try re-installing `mypackage`.",
         call. = FALSE)

  shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal")

### UTILITY FUNCTIONS =========================================================

# Make a string containing the desired genomic ranges
# of the format "chrom:start-stop"
# @param data a data.frame with columns `chromosome_name`, `transcript_start`, and `transcript_end`
# @return a vector of strings with the format "chrom:start-stop"
.makeRegionString <- function (data) {
  # format "chrom:start-stop"
                 as.character(data$transcript_end)), collapse=""))

# Download and save a .VCF file from 1001genomes.org.
# @param fName the file name the downloaded vcf will be saved as eg.
#    "data1.vcf"
# @param strainStr A character string of comma separated strain or
#    "Ecotype ID"s used in the construction of the URL
# @param regionStr A character string of the format "[chrom]:[start]-[stop]"
#    where [chrom], [start], and [stop] are numbers. this string is used
#    directly in the construction of the URL
# @param download A logical, if TRUE (default) the file will be downloaded, if
#     FALSE, the file will not be downloaded, the URL will still be returned
# @return The URL used for the download
.downloadData <- function (fName, strainStr, regionStr,
                          download=TRUE) {
  url <- c("http://tools.1001genomes.org/api/v1/vcfsubset/strains/", strainStr, "/regions/",
           regionStr, "/type/snpeff/format/vcf")
  url <- paste(url, collapse="")
  if (download == TRUE) {
    utils::download.file(url, fName)
  return (url)

# Download two vcf files from 1001genomes.org and merge their contents
# @param fName a character string of the file name to save the final .vcf file to
# @param strainVect numeric vector list of the strains
# @param regionStr A character string of the format "[chrom]:[start]-[stop]"
#    where [chrom], [start], and [stop] are numbers. this string is used
#    directly in the construction of the URL
# @return a vcfR object of teh combined vcf file
# @examples my.VCF <- .downloadMerge("myFullVCF.vcf.gz", strains, "1:4368760-4371298")
.downloadMerge <- function (fName, strainVect, regionStr) {
  strains <- as.character(strainVect)
  # the URL to download the VCF for all 1135 strains is too long so we have to split it into two sets

  splitPoint <- round(length(strains) / 2) #where to split the strain list

  # first file
  strainString <- paste(as.character(strains[1:splitPoint]), collapse=",")
    tempFile1 <- tempfile(fileext=".vcf")
  .downloadData(tempFile1, strainString, regionStr)
  # second file
  strainString <- paste(as.character(strains[(splitPoint + 1):length(strains)]), collapse=",")
  tempFile2 <- tempfile(fileext=".vcf")
  .downloadData(tempFile2, strainString, regionStr)
  #load the two temporary vcf files then delete the temp files
  data1 <- vcfR::read.vcfR(tempFile1, verbose=FALSE, convertNA=TRUE)
  if (file.exists(tempFile1)) file.remove(tempFile1)

  data2 <- vcfR::read.vcfR(tempFile2, verbose=FALSE, convertNA=TRUE)
  if (file.exists(tempFile2)) file.remove(tempFile2)

  #combine the two gt fields, and write a new combined vcf file.
  data1@gt <- cbind(data1@gt, data2@gt[,-1])
  vcfR::write.vcf(data1, fName)

  return (data1)  #return the vcfR object of the combined .vcf

#' Parse the EFF field of the VCF files from 1001genomes.org
#' @param tidyVCF tidyVCF$dat tibble to be parsed. should have an 'EFF' field
#' @param Transcript_ID Character string of the transcript ID. if NULL, the
#' function will look for it as the attribute "transcript_ID" of the dataframe
#' @return new tidyVCF object with added columns for the parsed effect fields
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## make a gene info DF
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download a single VCF
#' myVCF <- VCFByTranscript(geneInfo[1, ])
#' ## Parse the EFF field of a single VCF
#' myParsedVCF <- parseEFF(myVCF)
#' ## This function can also be applied to a list of VCF files created by the
#' ## `VCFList()` function, see example in the documentation for VCFList()
parseEFF <- function (tidyVCF){
  EFFColNames = c("Effect", "Effect_Impact", "Functional_Class", "Codon_Change",
                  "Amino_Acid_Change", "Amino_Acid_Length", "Gene_Name", "Transcript_BioType",
                  "Gene_Coding", "Transcript_ID", "Exon_Rank", "Genotype_Number")
  data <- tidyVCF
  # stop if there is no "transcript_ID" attribute
  if (is.null(attr(tidyVCF, "transcript_ID"))) stop("Can not parse EFF field without transcript ID")
  transcript_ID <- attr(tidyVCF, "transcript_ID")
  output <- plyr::ddply(data, "POS", .fun=.parseEFFKernel, transcript_ID, EFFColNames)
  attr(output, "transcript_ID") <- attr(tidyVCF, "transcript_ID")
  attr(output, "tair_locus") <- attr(tidyVCF, "tair_locus")
  attr(output, "tair_symbol") <- attr(tidyVCF, "tair_symbol")
  return (tibble::as_tibble(output))

# Kernel of the parseEFF funciton, operates on a single row of data and parses the 'EFF' field
# @param data Single row of tidyVCF with "EFF" field
# @param transcript_ID the transcript ID to be used to parse the 'EFF' field
# @param EFFColNames the column names to be used for the effect fields of the 'EFF' column
# @return a data frame row consisting of the original data row with the parsed effect columns appended to it.
.parseEFFKernel <- function (data, transcript_ID, EFFColNames){
  if (length(unique(data$EFF)) > 1) {
    warning("warning multiple effects found")

  effect <- unique(data$EFF)
  # split by comma to generate a vector of different effects
  effect <- stringr::str_split(effect, pattern=",", simplify=TRUE)
  # split by "(", "|", and ")" to separate fields
  effect <- tibble::as_tibble(data.frame(stringr::str_split(effect, pattern="\\(|\\||\\)", simplify=TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  # remove last column of empty strings ""found after ")"
  effect <- effect[, 1:12, drop=FALSE]
  # add column names to effects
  colnames(effect) <- c(EFFColNames)
  # only keep effects that match the transcript ID
  effect <- effect[effect$Transcript_ID == transcript_ID, ]
  # add codon number field
  changeStr <- effect$Amino_Acid_Change[grepl( "p.", effect$Amino_Acid_Change)][1]
  codonNumber <- stringr::str_extract_all(stringr::str_extract_all(changeStr, "p.[A-z]{3}[0-9]*")[[1]], "[0-9]+")[[1]]
  codonNumber <- as.numeric(codonNumber)
  effect$Codon_Number <- codonNumber

  if (nrow(effect) > 0){   # if there are some effects remaining:
    #create a "gt_GT" column in the effect dataframe that matches the format of the VCF$dat
    effect$gt_GT <- paste(effect$Genotype_Number, "|", effect$Genotype_Number, sep = "")
    # merge the effect df with the original data df by the gt_GT field
    output <- dplyr::left_join(data, effect, by="gt_GT")

  else{  #if there are no effects matching the transcript ID, return the data unaltered
    output <- data


#' download VCF, optionally in tidyVCF format
#' @param geneInfo single row of geneInfo dataframe
#' @param strains numeric vector of strain/ecotypes to include
#' @param tidy logical, if true VCF will be provided in tidyVCF format, see
#' vcfR documentation
#' @param dataOnly logical, if true only return the $dat field of the VCF, (drop the metadata)
#' @return the VCF, in the format as requested by the parameters of the function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## make a gene info DF
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = "AT3G62980")
#' ## download a single VCF
#' myVCF <- VCFByTranscript(geneInfo)
VCFByTranscript <- function (geneInfo, strains=NULL, tidy=TRUE, dataOnly=TRUE){
  if (is.null(strains)){
    strains <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "strains.rds", package = "r1001genomes"))
  transcript_ID <- as.character(geneInfo$transcript_ID)
  regionString <- as.character(geneInfo$regionString)
  fName <- tempfile(fileext=".vcf.gz")
  VCF.out <- .downloadMerge(fName, strains, regionString)
  if (tidy == TRUE){
    VCF.out <- vcfR::vcfR2tidy(VCF.out, single_frame = TRUE, info_fields = c("AC", "EFF"), format_fields = ("GT"))
    VCF.out$dat <- VCF.out$dat[!(is.na(VCF.out$dat$gt_GT)), ]
  if (dataOnly){
    VCF.out <- VCF.out$dat
  attr(VCF.out, "transcript_ID") <- transcript_ID # add transcript_ID attribute to the output object
  attr(VCF.out, "tair_locus") <- geneInfo$tair_locus
  attr(VCF.out, "tair_symbol") <- geneInfo$tair_symbol
  return (VCF.out)

#' download and store several VCFs in a list structure, named by their transcirpt ID
#' @param geneInfo a geneInfo dataframe as created by the getGeneInfo() function
#' @param by
#' @return list of VCF objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## first make a gene info DF
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download and compile a list of VCF files
#' myVCFList <- VCFList(geneInfo)
#' ## other functions in this package that operate on VCF data can be applied
#' ## to VCFList objects using plyr::llply()
#' myVCFList <- plyr::llply(myVCFList, parseEFF)
#' myVCFList <- plyr::llply(myVCFList, Nucleotide_diversity)
#' myVCFList <- plyr::llply(myVCFList, addAccDetails)
VCFList <- function (geneInfo, by="transcript", tidy=TRUE) {
  output <- plyr::alply(geneInfo,.margins=1, .fun=VCFByTranscript)
  for (i in 1:length(output)){
    names(output)[i] <- attr(output[[i]], "transcript_ID")

#' Get gene information
#' @description Get the start and end position of each transcript of a set of
#'  genes using `bioMart` package to query the TAIR10 database via plants.ensembl.org
#' @param genes a character vector of tair IDs of the genes to retrieve
#' @param firstOnly logical, if true only return transcript IDs containing ".1"
#' @param useCache logical, read from and write to a file of cached genes?
#' @param source the source to retrieve gene information from. "tair10" will
#' use the tair 10 database via biomart (requires internet), "araport11" uses a
#' gff file of the araport11 data stored locally in  the r1001genomes R package
#' a file path to a .gff or .gff.gz file may also be used.
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE, print new genes added to cache in console?
#' @return a table containing fields from the TAIR database on the provided genes
#' including "transcript_ID" and "regionString" columns required for other fuctions in this code
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
getGeneInfo <- function (genes, firstOnly=TRUE, useCache=TRUE, source="tair10",
                         verbose = FALSE) {
  retrievedInfo <- NULL
  genes2 <- genes
  cacheFile <- system.file("extdata", "geneInfoCache.csv", package="r1001genomes")
  output <- NULL
  if (useCache == TRUE){
    geneInfoCache <- utils::read.table(file=cacheFile, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    retrievedInfo <- geneInfoCache[geneInfoCache$tair_locus %in% genes, ]
    genes2 <- genes[!(genes %in% geneInfoCache$tair_locus)] #remove genes present in the cache from genes list
      print("new genes:")
      print(genes2)   # list new genes, not found in cache

  if (length(genes2) > 0){
    if (source == "tair10") {
      tair10 <- biomaRt::useMart("plants_mart", host="plants.ensembl.org", dataset="athaliana_eg_gene")
      output <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes=c("tair_locus", "tair_symbol","ensembl_transcript_id", "chromosome_name", "start_position",
                                   "end_position", "strand", "transcript_start", "transcript_end"
                                    ), filters="tair_locus", values=genes2, mart=tair10)
      # create a list of strings encoding the chromosome and start and end position of all transcript IDs to be analyzed
      output$regionString <- as.character(plyr::alply(output, .fun=.makeRegionString, .margins=1, .expand=FALSE))
      names(output)[names(output) == "ensembl_transcript_id"] <- "transcript_ID"
      output$transcript_length <- abs(output$transcript_end - output$transcript_start)
    } else if (source == "araport11"){
      gffFile <- system.file("extdata", "Araport11_GFF3_genes_transposons.201606.gff.gz", package="r1001genomes")
      output <- geneInfoFromGff(genes2, gffFile)
    } else if (file.exists(source)) {
      output <- geneInfoFromGff(genes2, source)
    } else {
      print("Error 'source' argument of getGeneInfo() is not valid")
  if (useCache == TRUE) {
    # append cache
    geneInfoCache <- unique(rbind(geneInfoCache, output))
    utils::write.table(geneInfoCache, file=cacheFile, row.names=FALSE)
  output <- rbind(retrievedInfo, output)
  if (firstOnly == TRUE) {
    # if firstOnly is TRUE, only return transcript IDs containing ".1"
    output <- output[(grepl(".1", output$transcript_ID, fixed=TRUE)), ]
  return (output)

#' get gene information from .gff file
#' @param genes a character vector of tair IDs of the genes to retrieve
#' @param gffFile file path to the gff file or gz compressed gff file.
#' @return gene info in same format as getGeneInfo, but including all transcripts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gffFile <- system.file("extdata",
#'                        "Araport11_GFF3_genes_transposons.201606.gff.gz",
#'                        package="r1001genomes")
#' geneInfo <- geneInfoFromGff(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"), gffFile)
geneInfoFromGff <- function(genes, gffFile){
  gffData <- ape::read.gff(gffFile)

  # only look at entries of type "gene" and "protein"
  gffData <- gffData[gffData$type %in% c("gene", "protein"), ]

  # filter for entries matching the gene IDs
  gffData <- gffData[grep(pattern=paste("ID=", genes, sep="", collapse="|"), gffData$attributes), ]

  # process entries of the "gene" type
  geneData <- gffData[gffData$type %in% "gene", ]
  geneData$tair_locus <- stringr::str_match(geneData$attributes, "Name=(.*?);")[,2]
  geneData$tair_symbol <- stringr::str_match(geneData$attributes, "symbol=(.*?);")[,2]
  geneData$start_position <- geneData$start
  geneData$end_position <- geneData$end
  geneData <- subset(geneData, select=-c(strand))

  # process entries of the "protein" type
  proteinData <- gffData[gffData$type %in% "protein", ]
  proteinData$transcript_ID <- stringr::str_match(proteinData$attributes, "Name=(.*?);")[, 2]
  proteinData$tair_locus <- stringr::str_match(proteinData$transcript_ID, "AT[1-5]G[0-9]{5}")[, 1]
  proteinData$chromosome_name <- as.integer(stringr::str_match(as.character(proteinData$seqid), "Chr([0-9])")[,2])
  proteinData$transcript_start <- proteinData$start
  proteinData$transcript_end <- proteinData$end
  proteinData$regionString <- as.character(plyr::alply(proteinData, .fun=.makeRegionString, .margins=1, .expand=FALSE))
  proteinData$transcript_length <- abs(proteinData$transcript_end - proteinData$transcript_start)
  proteinData$strand <- as.integer(paste(proteinData$strand,"1", sep=""))

  # join the gene and protein entries
  geneInfoOutput <- dplyr::inner_join(geneData, proteinData, by="tair_locus")

  # order columns same as getGeneInfo function
  geneInfoOutput <- geneInfoOutput[, c("tair_locus", "tair_symbol",
                                       "transcript_ID", "chromosome_name",
                                       "start_position", "end_position",
                                       "strand", "transcript_start",
                                       "transcript_end", "regionString",
                                       "transcript_length" )]


# Rename TAIR symbols of geneInfo table based on .csv file
# @param geneInfo geneInfo dataframe, see getGeneInfo() function
# @param fnames vector of filenames of csv files containing "tair_locus" and "name" fields
# @return geneInfo dataframe, where the tair_symbol of the original geneInfo is replaced
.relableTairSymbol <- function(geneInfo, fnames) {
 geneIdTable <- plyr::ldply(fnames, read.csv, colClasses="character")

 colnames(geneIdTable)[colnames(geneIdTable) == "name"] <- "tair_symbol"
 # remove any leading and trailing whitespace
 geneIdTable$tair_symbol <- trimws(geneIdTable$tair_symbol)
 geneIdTable$tair_locus <- trimws(geneIdTable$tair_locus)

 geneInfoOut <- merge(geneInfo, geneIdTable[, c("tair_locus", "tair_symbol")], by="tair_locus", all.x=TRUE)

 # relable tair_symbol.x column as tair_symbol, this is in the right column order
 colnames(geneInfoOut)[colnames(geneInfoOut) == "tair_symbol.x"] <- "tair_symbol"
 # replace tair_symbol column with tair_symbol.y which contains the names from the csv files
 geneInfoOut$tair_symbol <- geneInfoOut$tair_symbol.y
 # remove the tair_symbol.y column (now redundant)
 geneInfoOut <- subset(geneInfoOut, select=-c(tair_symbol.y))


#' make geneInfo dataframe based on .csv file of tair loci and names/symbols
#' @param fname filename of csv files containing "tair_locus" and "name" fields
#' @param firstOnly logical, if true only return transcript IDs containing ".1"
#' @param useCache logical, read from and write to a file of cached genes?
#' @return geneInfo dataframe see getGeneInfo
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneIdFile <- system.file("extdata", "AFB_gene_ids.csv", package="r1001genomes")
#' geneInfoFromFile(fname = geneIdFile)
geneInfoFromFile <- function(fname, firstOnly=TRUE, useCache=TRUE, source="tair10") {
  geneIDTable <- read.csv(fname, colClasses="character")
  genes <- trimws(geneIDTable$tair_locus)
  geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes, firstOnly=firstOnly, useCache=useCache, source=source)
  geneInfo <- .relableTairSymbol(geneInfo, fname)

# Calculate Nei's nucleotide diversity statistic for a single position,
# given a vector of counts of uninque genotypes at that location
# @param GTfreq numeric vector listing counts of uninque genotypes
# @return numeric vector of nucleotide diversity
.calcDiversity <- function (GTfreq){

  result <- (sum(GTfreq)**2 - sum(GTfreq**2))/(sum(GTfreq)**2)

# return a count of accessions with undetermined genotype or 0 depending on if there are 0|0 genotpyes present
# @param groupFreq a group GT_Frequencies tibble for a single position
# @return 0 if 0|0 genotypes are present or (1135 - number of determined genotypes) if no 0|0 genotypes are present.
.approxRefGt <- function(groupFreq) {
  if ("0|0" %in% groupFreq$gt_GT){  # if 0
  } else {
    return(1135 - sum(groupFreq$freq)) # else return number of accessions with undetermined genotypes

#' Calculate nucleotide diversity for each position in the coding sequence
#' @param tidyVCF the $dat field of a tidyVCF object
#' @param approxMissingRefGt logical, if true, assume all undetermined geneotypes are 0|0 in positions where no 0|0s are present
#' @return input with Diversity field appended
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## make a gene info DF
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download a single VCF
#' myVCF <- VCFByTranscript(geneInfo[1, ])
#' ## calculate site-wise nucleotide diversity of a single VCF
#' myVCFWithDiv <- Nucleotide_diversity(myVCF)
#' ## This function can also be applied to a list of VCF files created by the
#' ## `VCFList()` function, see example in the documentation for VCFList()
Nucleotide_diversity <- function (tidyVCF, approxMissingRefGt=TRUE){
  data <- unique(tidyVCF[, c("POS", "gt_GT", "Indiv")])
  GT_Frequencies <- plyr::count(data, c("POS", "gt_GT"))
  GT_Frequencies <- dplyr::group_by(GT_Frequencies, POS)
  if (approxMissingRefGt){
    # add a row at each position, with frequency determined by the .approxRefGt() function
    GT_Frequencies <- dplyr::do(GT_Frequencies, tibble::add_row(., POS=.$POS[1], gt_GT="0|0approx", freq=.approxRefGt(.)))
  diversityByPOS <- dplyr::summarise(GT_Frequencies, Diversity = .calcDiversity(freq))
  output <- dplyr::full_join(tidyVCF, diversityByPOS, by="POS")

  attr(output, "transcript_ID") <- attr(tidyVCF, "transcript_ID")
  attr(output, "tair_locus") <- attr(tidyVCF, "tair_locus")
  attr(output, "tair_symbol") <- attr(tidyVCF, "tair_symbol")


#' counts number of variants in certain affect categories
#' use with plyr::ldply() on VCFList objects to create a table.
#' @param data tidyVCF with 'EFF' field parsed
#' @param unique logical, if true only unique variants will be counted
#' @return a single row dataframe with variant counts
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download and compile a list of VCF files
#' myVCFList <- VCFList(geneInfo)
#' ## tabultate unique variants
#' plyr::ldply(myVCFList, variantCounts, unique=TRUE, .id="transcript_ID")
#' # tabulate total counts of variants relative to the reference sequence.
#' plyr::ldply(myVCFList, variantCounts, unique=TRUE, .id="transcript_ID")
variantCounts <- function(data, unique=TRUE) {
  effects <- c("5_prime_UTR_variant",

  if (unique == TRUE){
    # if unique is true, only count rows with unique combination of positon and genotype.
    variant_counts <- plyr::count(unique(data[, c("POS", "gt_GT", "Effect")]), "Effect")
  } else{
    variant_counts <- plyr::count(data, "Effect")

  tableData <- data.frame(row.names=attr(data,"transcript_ID"))
  tableData$tair_symbol <- attr(data, "tair_symbol")

  for (effect in effects){
    if (effect %in% variant_counts$Effect){
      tableData[effect] <- variant_counts[variant_counts$Effect %in% effect, "freq"]
    } else {
      tableData[effect] <- 0

  tableData$coding_total <- tableData$missense_variant + tableData$synonymous_variant


#' calculate nucleotide diversity statsistics for a gene/transcript
#' use with plyr::ldply() on VCFList objects to create a table.
#' @param data tidyVCF with 'EFF' field parsed and diversity calculated by position
#' @param geneInfo
#' @return a row with nucleotide diversity statistics of the transcript.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download and compile a list of VCF files
#' myVCFList <- VCFList(geneInfo)
#' ## Parse EFF field
#' myVCFList <- plyr::llply(myVCFList, parseEFF)
#' ## calculate site-wise nucleotide diversity
#' myVCFList <- plyr::llply(myVCFList, Nucleotide_diversity)
#' ## tabulate diversity statistics
#' plyr::ldply(myVCFList, diversityStats, .id="transcript_ID")
diversityStats <- function(data, geneInfo=NULL) {
  tableData <- data.frame(row.names=attr(data,"transcript_ID"))

  #nucleotide diversity sums:
  reducedData <- unique(data[, c("POS", "Effect", "Diversity")])
  AA_Length <- unique(data$Amino_Acid_Length)
  AA_Length <- as.numeric(AA_Length[!is.na(AA_Length)])

  tableData$tair_symbol <- attr(data, "tair_symbol")
  tableData$Pi_non_syn <- sum(reducedData[reducedData$Effect %in% c("missense_variant",
                                          "Diversity"]) / (3*AA_Length)
  tableData$Pi_syn <- sum(reducedData[reducedData$Effect %in% "synonymous_variant", "Diversity"]) / (3*AA_Length)
  tableData$Pi_NS_Ratio <- tableData$Pi_non_syn / tableData$Pi_syn

  tableData$Pi_coding <- sum(reducedData[reducedData$Effect %in% c("missense_variant",
                                           "Diversity"]) / (3*AA_Length)

  if (!is.null(geneInfo)){
    transcript_length <- geneInfo$transcript_length[geneInfo$transcript_ID == attr(data,"transcript_ID")]
    tableData$Pi_transcript <- sum(unique(reducedData[, c("POS", "Diversity")])$Diversity) / transcript_length


#' produce dataframe of unique variants on the coding sequence
#' @param data tidyVCF with 'EFF' field parsed and 'Diversity' field calculated
#' @return a dataframe of unique variants on the coding sequence
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download a single VCF
#' myVCF <- VCFByTranscript(geneInfo[1, ])
#' ## Parse the EFF field of a single VCF:
#' myVCF <- parseEFF(myVCF)
#' ## calculate site-wise nucleotide diversity of a single VCF
#' myVCF <- Nucleotide_diversity(myVCF)
#' # get unique coding variants with diversity
#' myCodingVariants <- getCodingDiv(myVCF)
#' ## plot diversity of coding variants
#' plotCodingDiv(myCodingVariants)
getCodingDiv <- function(data){
  # input is tidy tibble/df with EFF field parsed and diversity calculated:
  # eg.
  # myvcf <- VCFByTranscript(geneInfo[1, ], strains)
  # mydata <- parseEFF(myvcf)
  # mydata <- Nucleotide_diversity(mydata)
  # coding_Diversity_Plot(mydata)
  coding_variants <- data[!is.na(data$Codon_Number), ]
  #extract uniuqe position and effect
  uniqueCodingVars <- unique(coding_variants[ , c("POS", "Codon_Number", "Effect",
                                                        "Diversity") ])

#' Plot nucleotide diversity over the coding sequence by codon
#' @param uniqueCodingVars
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download a single VCF
#' myVCF <- VCFByTranscript(geneInfo[1, ])
#' ## Parse the EFF field of a single VCF:
#' myVCF <- parseEFF(myVCF)
#' ## calculate site-wise nucleotide diversity of a single VCF
#' myVCF <- Nucleotide_diversity(myVCF)
#' # get unique coding variants with diversity
#' myCodingVariants <- getCodingDiv(myVCF)
#' ## plot diversity of coding variants
#' plotCodingDiv(myCodingVariants)
plotCodingDiv <- function(uniqueCodingVars){
  plot <- ggplot(uniqueCodingVars, aes(x=Codon_Number,y=Diversity,
                                       color=Effect)) +
    geom_point(size = 4, position = "jitter", shape = 4) +
    scale_y_log10(breaks=c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1),limits=c(0.001, 1)) +
    ylab("nucleotide diversity, log scale") +
    xlab("codon") +
    viridis::scale_color_viridis(option = "A", discrete = TRUE) +
    theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "grey85", color = "grey85"))

#' Add accession metadata to a dataset containing ecotype IDs
#' @param tidyVCF Tidy format VCF data.
#' @param allAccs logical, if `TRUE` include rows for all accessions even if no
#' rows in the data exist with that accession.
#' @return dataframe with accession details added
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## make a gene info DF
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download a single VCF
#' myVCF <- VCFByTranscript(geneInfo[1, ])
#' ## add accession details to a single VCF
#' myVCFWithAccDets <- addAccDetails(myVCF)
#' ## This function can also be applied to a list of VCF files created by the
#' ## `VCFList()` function, see example in the documentation for VCFList()
addAccDetails <- function(tidyVCF, allAccs=FALSE) {
  ecoIDs <- r1001genomes::accessions
  data <- tidyVCF
  data$Indiv <- as.numeric(data$Indiv)
  if (allAccs) {
    output <- dplyr::full_join(data, ecoIDs, by=c("Indiv"="Ecotype.ID"))
  } else{
    output <- dplyr::left_join(data, ecoIDs, by=c("Indiv"="Ecotype.ID"))
  attr(output, "transcript_ID") <- attr(data, "transcript_ID")
  attr(output, "tair_locus") <- attr(data, "tair_locus")
  attr(output, "tair_symbol") <- attr(data, "tair_symbol")

#' Label accessions with the variants they contain
#' @param data a data frame of variants with a column named "Indiv"
#' @param collapse logicial value, should each accession be a single line?
#' @return a df with a single row per accession, with a new column "SNPs" that
#'  has a single text string detailing all the variants from data within that
#'  accession
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## download a single VCF
#' myVCF <- VCFByTranscript(geneInfo[1, ])
#' ## Parse the EFF field of a single VCF:
#' myVCF <- parseEFF(myVCF)
#' ## When using Collapse=TRUE, each accession will be a single row of the output
#' labelBySNPs(myVCF, collapse=TRUE)[1:3,]
#' ## When using collapse=FALSE, each SNP of each accession will have it's own row.
#' labelBySNPs(myVCF, collapse=FALSE)[1:3,]
labelBySNPs <- function(data, collapse=TRUE) {
  output <- plyr::ddply(data, .variables="Indiv", .fun=.labelBySNPsKernel, collapse=collapse)
  output <- addAccDetails(output)

# kernel function used by labelBySNPs
# @param indivData
# @param collapse
# @return a dataframe with a single row, containing the column "SNPs" that
#  has a single text string detailing all the variants from data within that
#  accession
.labelBySNPsKernel <- function(indivData, collapse=TRUE) {
  #if collapse == TRUE, each accession will be a single line.

  # store Indiv as a single value
  Indiv <- indivData[1,"Indiv"]

  # filter only rows with an effect (ie not reference or NA)
  data <- indivData[!is.na(indivData$Effect), ]
  # order the rows by transcript ID frist, then Amino_Acid_change field
  # note: Amino_Acid_change should be always present even on non coding UTRs and introns
  data <- data[order(data[, "Transcript_ID"], data[, "Amino_Acid_Change"]), ]

  if (collapse == TRUE) {
    collapseString <- ","
  } else {
    collapseString <- NULL

  SNPstring <- paste("[", data[, "Transcript_ID"],"|", data[, "Amino_Acid_Change"], "]", collapse=collapseString)

  output <- data.frame(Indiv, SNPs=SNPstring, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


#' Make an alignment of Coding sequences
#' @param IDs a vector of TAIR transcript IDs, e.g. "AT3G26890.1"
#' @param primary_only TRUE or FALSE should only the primary transcript coding
#' sequences be aligned?
#' @param all TRUE or FALSE, should the coding sequences of all known transcripts
#' be aligned?
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE, should progress be displayed in the console?
#' @return aligned CDS and amino acid sequences as a list of XStringSet objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' IDs <- c("AT3G62980.1", "AT3G26810.1")
#' alignment <- alignCDS(IDs)
#' alignment[[2]]
alignCDS <- function(IDs, primary_only = TRUE, all = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
  #use_package("BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9", "imports")
  Athaliana <- BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9::BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9
  #use_package("GenomicFeatures", "imports")
  #use_package("rtracklayer", "imports")
  # gr is now built in
  # gr <- rtracklayer::import(system.file("extdata",
  #           "Araport11_GFF3_genes_transposons.201606.gff.gz",
  #           package = "r1001genomes"))
  gr_sub <- gr[which(grepl(pattern = paste(
    gsub(pattern = "\\..*", replacement = "", x = IDs), collapse = "|"),
                             x = mcols(gr)$ID)),]
  txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges(gr_sub, drop.stop.codons = TRUE) # maybe use exclude.stop
  CDSseqs <- GenomicFeatures::extractTranscriptSeqs(Athaliana,
                GenomicFeatures::cdsBy(txdb, by = 'tx', use.names = TRUE))
  #devtools::use_package("XVector", "imports")
  CDSseqs.xstop <- XVector::subseq(CDSseqs, start = rep(1,length(CDSseqs)),
                          end = Biostrings::nchar(CDSseqs)-3)
  if(primary_only) CDSseqs.xstop <- CDSseqs.xstop[grepl(pattern = "\\.1",
                                                        x = names(CDSseqs.xstop))]
  if(!all) CDSseqs.xstop <- CDSseqs.xstop[names(CDSseqs.xstop) %in% IDs]
  #devtools::use_package("DECIPHER", "depends")
  # Update to imports once DECIPHER has fixed environment issue
  CDSAlignment <- DECIPHER::AlignTranslation(CDSseqs.xstop, type = "both",
                                             verbose = verbose)

#' Make an alignment data frame for plotting
#' @param alignment an AAStringSet or DNAStringSet resulting from an alignment made with DECIPHER.
#' @return a tidy long data frame of the alignment with columns `seq_name`, `letter`, `aln_pos`, and `seq_pos`, where `aln_pos` is the position of the letter in the alignment of all sequences and `seq_pos` is the position of the letter in the native sequence.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' IDs <- c("AT3G62980.1", "AT3G26810.1")
#' alignment <- alignCDS(IDs)
#' makeAlnDF(alignment[[2]])
makeAlnDF <- function(alignment){
  seqs <- strsplit(as.character(alignment), split = NULL)
  aln_df <- plyr::ldply(.data = seqs, .id = "transcript_ID", .fun = function(sequence){
      "letter" = sequence,
      "aln_pos" = 1:length(sequence)
  aln_df$seq_name <- aln_df$transcript_ID
  aln_df <- aln_df %>% dplyr::group_by(seq_name) %>% dplyr::mutate(
    seq_pos = {
      matches <- base::which(letter %in% c(LETTERS, letters, "*"))
      gaps <- base::which(letter %in% c("-"))
      seqPos <- base::vector(length = length(letter))
      seqPos[gaps] <- "-"
      seqPos[matches] <- 1:length(matches)

#' Add SNPs and indels to an alignment data frame
#' @param aln_df an alignment data frame resulting from
#'  \link[r1001genomes]{makeAlnDF}
#' @param SNPs a data frame of SNPs as returned from \link[r1001genomes]{getCodingDiv}
#' @param by_aln_SNPs a named list of character objects with each equivalency
#' representing matching columns in `aln_df` (on the LHS) and `SNPs`
#' (on the RHS), e.g. `"seq_name" = "transcript_id"`
#' @param effect_order a \code{data.frame} containing an integer vector named 'strength' representing the strength of the effect, paired with a character vector named 'effect' of possible effects. This will be used to order single and multiple effects.
#' @return aln_df with the addition of a `variants` column containing a string
#'  listing the variant types at each position
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # make an alignment
#' IDs <- c("AT3G62980.1", "AT3G26810.1")
#' alignment <- alignCDS(IDs)
#' # make an alignment data frame
#' aln_df <- makeAlnDF(alignment[[2]])
#' # load a VCF list
#' vcf <- readRDS(file = system.file("shiny-app", "demo_VCFs.rds",
#'    package = "r1001genomes"))
#' vcf <- plyr::ldply(.data = vcf, .fun = subset,
#'   !is.na(Transcript_ID) & gt_GT != "0|0")
#' coding_vcf <- getCodingDiv(vcf)
#' addSNPsToAlnDF(aln_df = aln_df, SNPs = coding_vcf, seq_name = Transcript_ID,
#' seq_pos = Codon_Number)
addSNPsToAlnDF <- function(aln_df, SNPs, seq_name = Transcript_ID,
                           seq_pos = Codon_Number, effect = Effect,
                           variant = Amino_Acid_Change,
                           effect_order = SNPeff_order){
  seq_name <- dplyr::enquo(seq_name)
  seq_pos <- dplyr::enquo(seq_pos)
  effect <- dplyr::enquo(effect)
  variant <- dplyr::enquo(variant)
  temp <- SNPs %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!seq_name, !!seq_pos) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(effects = {switch(as.character(length(unique(!!effect))),
                                       "0" = NA,
                                       "1" = unique(!!effect),
                                             collapse = " & "))},
                     variants = {switch(as.character(length(unique(!!variant))),
                                        "0" = NA,
                                        "1" = unique(!!variant),
                                              collapse = " & "))},
                     strength = max(effect_order[which(effect_order$effect %in% unique(!!effect)), "strength"]))
  temp[[rlang::quo_name(seq_pos)]] <- as.character(x = temp[[rlang::quo_name(seq_pos)]])
  aln_df <- dplyr::left_join(x = aln_df, y = temp,
                             by = c("seq_name" = rlang::quo_name(seq_name),
                                    "seq_pos" = rlang::quo_name(seq_pos)))
  aln_df$seq_name <- as.factor(aln_df$seq_name)
  aln_df$effects <- gsub(pattern = "_variant", replacement = "",
                         x = aln_df$effects)

#' Chunk up an alignment data frame to allow facetting over
#' multiple rows
#' @param aln_df An alignment data frame
#' @param chunk_width The number of units (bp or aa) in a chunk.
#' @return \code{aln_df} with the addition of a \code{chunk} column for
#'  wrapping the alignment across facets
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #' # make an alignment
#' IDs <- c("AT3G62980.1", "AT3G26810.1")
#' alignment <- alignCDS(IDs)
#' # make an alignment data frame
#' aln_df <- makeAlnDF(alignment[[2]])
#' chunkAlnDF(aln_df)
chunkAlnDF <- function(aln_df, chunk_width = 80){
  chunk_num <- round(max(aln_df$aln_pos)/chunk_width, 1)
  aln_df$chunk <- ggplot2::cut_number(aln_df$aln_pos, n = chunk_num, dig.lab = 6)

#' Read an annotation file
#' @param filename filename or path to the annotation csv file to be read.
#' This should by default be a long format csv containing at least columns
#' named "gene", "annotation", "annotation_type", "position", and
#' "position_type". "Gene" should match the names of the tracks you wish to
#' annotate. "Annotation" is a description of the position and may be the start
#' or end of annotations spanning multiple consecutive positions
#' (multiposition annotations) (e.g. domain_start), note that the
#' underscore separator and "start" and "end" are crucial to the processing of
#' domain annotations and "start" and "end" should not be used in single
#' position annotations. "Position_type" should be either
#' "AA" refering to the amino acid position, or "DNA" refering to the coding
#' sequence.
#' @param wide is the annotation file a wide format data frame with colums for
#' the start and end of each domain? Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param domains create multiposition annotations from annotations containing
#' "start" and "end"? This will allow shading of the entire domain as opposed
#' to just marking the start and end positions.
#' @return returns an annotation data frame, or if domains = TRUE a list of
#' data frames with the first "domains" element containing multiposition
#' annotation and the second "positions" element containing single position
#' annotations.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @examples
#'readAnnotationFile(filename = system.file("extdata", "AFB_annotations.csv",
#'                                         package = "r1001genomes"))
readAnnotationFile <- function(filename, wide = FALSE, domains = TRUE,
                               gene_info = NULL){
  anno_df <- read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # remove leading and trailing whitespace from character columns
  anno_df <- data.frame(lapply(anno_df, function(x){if(class(x) == "character")
    {trimws(x)}else{x}}), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    tair_locus <- dplyr::quo(tair_locus)
    tair_symbol <- dplyr::quo(tair_symbol)
    gene <- dplyr::quo(gene)
    anno_df.loci <- anno_df %>% dplyr::inner_join(y = gene_info,
                                                  by = c("gene" = "tair_locus"))
    anno_df.symbol <- anno_df %>% dplyr::inner_join(y = gene_info,
                                                by = c("gene" = "tair_symbol"))
    names(anno_df.symbol)[which(names(anno_df.symbol) == "gene")] <-
    names(anno_df.loci)[which(names(anno_df.loci) == "gene")] <-
    anno_df.loci <- anno_df.loci[,names(anno_df.symbol)]
    anno_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(anno_df.symbol, anno_df.loci)
    anno.domain <- reshape2::melt(data = anno_df,
                                   id.vars = "gene",
                                   variable.name = "annotation",
                              # column name for
                                   # all of the column names in the wide format
                                   value.name = "position")
    # what is the name
    # of all of the values in the table
  } else if(domains){
    annotation <- dplyr::quo(annotation)
    bound <- dplyr::quo(bound)
    position <- dplyr::quo(position)
      anno.domain <- anno_df %>% dplyr::filter(
        stringr::str_detect(!!annotation, "start|end")) %>%
        tidyr::separate(col = !!annotation,
                        into = c("annotation", "bound"), sep = "_") %>%
        tidyr::spread(key = !!bound, value = !!position)
      anno.pos <- anno_df %>% dplyr::filter(
        !stringr::str_detect(!!annotation, "start|end"))
  return(list(domains = anno.domain, positions = anno.pos))

#' Add alignment positions to an annotation data frame
#' @param anno_df an annotation data frame from \link{readAnnotationFile}
#' @param aln_df an alignment data frame
#' @param intersect_only (logical) only keep rows containing matching
#'  positions in aln_df (default is TRUE)
#' @return an annotation data frame with columns from an alignment data frame joined by transcript ID and position
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @examples
#' ## first make a gene info DF
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## read in an annotation DF
#' anno_df <- readAnnotationFile(filename = system.file("extdata",
#' "AFB_annotations.csv", package = "r1001genomes"), gene_info = geneInfo )
#' ## make an alignment DF
#' IDs <- c("AT3G62980.1", "AT3G26810.1")
#' alignment <- alignCDS(IDs)
#' aln_df <- makeAlnDF(alignment[[2]])
#' addAlnPosToAnno(anno_df, aln_df)
addAlnPosToAnno <- function(anno_df, aln_df, intersect_only = TRUE){
  suppressWarnings(aln_df$seq_pos <- as.integer(aln_df$seq_pos))
  # check anno_df
  max_anno <- plyr::ddply(anno_df$domains, .variables = .(transcript_ID, annotation), .fun = dplyr::summarise, end = max(end))
  max_aln <- plyr::ddply(aln_df, .variables = .(transcript_ID),
                   .fun = dplyr::summarise,
                   max = max(na.omit(as.integer(seq_pos))))
  max_anno <- plyr::join(max_anno, max_aln, by = "transcript_ID")
  max_anno <- max_anno[!is.na(max_anno$max),]
  max_anno$errors <- dplyr::if_else(max_anno$end > max_anno$max,
                "annotation end exceeds sequence length", "none")
  if(sum(max_anno$errors != "none") > 0){
    errors <- max_anno[max_anno$errors != "none",]
    stop("Annotations exceed sequence dimensions! \n",
       "Abberant annotations: \n",
       paste(plyr::apply(errors, 1, paste, collapse =", " ), collapse = " \n"))
  # joins
  anno_df$domains <- anno_df$domains %>%
    dplyr::left_join(aln_df[,c("seq_name", "seq_pos",
                               "aln_pos", "transcript_ID")],
                     by = c("transcript_ID" = "transcript_ID",
                                        "end" = "seq_pos"))
  names(anno_df$domains)[which(names(anno_df$domains) == "aln_pos")] <-
  anno_df$domains <- anno_df$domains %>%
    dplyr::left_join(aln_df[,c("seq_name", "seq_pos",
                               "aln_pos", "transcript_ID")],
                     by = c("transcript_ID" = "transcript_ID",
                            "start" = "seq_pos"))
  names(anno_df$domains)[which(names(anno_df$domains) == "aln_pos")] <-
  anno_df$positions <- anno_df$positions %>%
    dplyr::left_join(aln_df[,c("seq_name", "seq_pos",
                               "aln_pos", "transcript_ID")],
                     by = c("transcript_ID" = "transcript_ID",
                            "position" = "seq_pos"))
  if(intersect_only) {
    anno_df$domains <- anno_df$domains[
      !is.na(anno_df$domains$start_aln_pos), ]
    anno_df$positions <- anno_df$positions[
      !is.na(anno_df$positions$aln_pos), ]

#' Create a chunks data frame from a chunked alignment data frame
#' To allow similar chunking of annotation layers for facetting
#' across multiple rows
#' @param aln_df An alignment dataframe
#' @param chunk_width number of units (bases or amino acids) in a single chunk
#' @return a chunks data frame containing the start, end, and chunk name for
#' each chunk of the alignment
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # make an alignment
#' IDs <- c("AT3G62980.1", "AT3G26810.1")
#' alignment <- alignCDS(IDs)
#' # make an alignment data frame
#' aln_df <- makeAlnDF(alignment[[2]])
#' aln_df <- chunkAlnDF(aln_df)
#' makeChunksDF(aln_df)
makeChunksDF <- function(aln_df){
  chunks <- data.frame("chunk" = levels(aln_df$chunk)) %>%
    tidyr::separate(col = "chunk", into = c("start", "end"), sep = ",", remove=FALSE)
  chunks$start <- dplyr::if_else(condition = stringr::str_detect(chunks$start, "\\("),
                          true = as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(chunks$start, "\\d+"))
                          + 1, false = as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(chunks$start,
  chunks$end <- dplyr::if_else(condition = stringr::str_detect(chunks$end, "\\)"),
                        true = as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(chunks$end, "\\d+")) - 1,
                        false = as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(chunks$end, "\\d+")))

#' Add a chunks column to an annotation data frame
#' This function adds chunk information for wrapping an alignment and
#' annotations across multiple rows. This will also split individual
#' annotations across rows.
#' @param anno_df an annotation data frame from \link{readAnnotationFile}
#' with attached alignment positions from \link{addAlnPosToAnno}
#' @param chunks a data frame of chunks to facet an alignment/annotation
#' data frame across
#' @return anno_df with the addition of chunks columns (and potentially extra
#' rows) for facetting
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @examples
#' ## first make a gene info DF
#' geneInfo <- getGeneInfo(genes = c("AT3G62980", "AT3G26810"))
#' ## read in an annotation DF
#' anno_df <- readAnnotationFile(filename = system.file("extdata",
#' "AFB_annotations.csv", package = "r1001genomes"), gene_info = geneInfo )
#' ## make an alignment DF
#' IDs <- c("AT3G62980.1", "AT3G26810.1")
#' alignment <- alignCDS(IDs)
#' aln_df <- makeAlnDF(alignment[[2]])
#' aln_df <- chunkAlnDF(aln_df)
#' chunks <- makeChunksDF(aln_df)
#' anno_df <- addAlnPosToAnno(anno_df, aln_df)
#' chunkAnnotation(anno_df, chunks)
chunkAnnotation <- function(anno_df, chunks){
  chunks.anno.domain <- plyr::adply(anno_df$domains, 1, function(domain) {
    #check which chunks the domain spans
    rows <- (domain$start_aln_pos <= chunks$start &
               domain$end_aln_pos >= chunks$end) | # chunks it encompases
      (domain$start_aln_pos <= chunks$end &
         domain$start_aln_pos >= chunks$start) | #chunks at the beginning
      (domain$end_aln_pos >= chunks$start & domain$end_aln_pos <= chunks$end)
      # chunks at the end
    if(sum(rows) > 1){
      #create copies of the row for each chunk
      new_rows <- domain[rep(1, sum(rows)),]
      new_rows[,c("chunk", "start_aln_pos", "end_aln_pos")] <-
        chunks[rows, c("chunk", "start","end")]
      # if the domain starts after the chunk starts extend the "start_aln_pos"
      new_rows[(domain$start_aln_pos <= new_rows$end_aln_pos &
                  domain$start_aln_pos >= new_rows$start_aln_pos),
               "start_aln_pos"] <- domain[, "start_aln_pos"]
      # if the domain ends before the chunk does shorten "end_aln_pos"
      new_rows[(domain$end_aln_pos >= new_rows$start_aln_pos &
                  domain$end_aln_pos <= new_rows$end_aln_pos),
               "end_aln_pos"] <- domain[, "end_aln_pos"]
    # or if mono-chunk-ular add chunk info
      domain[,"chunk"] <-
        chunks[which(chunks$start <= domain$start_aln_pos &
                       chunks$end >= domain$end_aln_pos),
  aln_pos <- dplyr::quo(aln_pos)
  chunks.anno.positions <- anno_df$positions %>%
    dplyr::rowwise() %>% dplyr::mutate(
    chunk = chunks[(chunks$start <= !!aln_pos &
                          chunks$end >= !!aln_pos),
  chunks.anno <- list("domains" = chunks.anno.domain,
                      "positions" = chunks.anno.positions)

#' String alignment geom for plotting XStringSet Alignments
#' @param data an alignment data.frame made from an XStringSet. In the future,
#'  we plan to add pretty defaults allowing XStringSets to be plotted.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed on to geoms like aes()
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
geom_str_align <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL){
  ggplot2::ggplot(aln_plot, ggplot2::aes(x, as.integer(seqname), group = seqPos)) +
    ggplot2::geom_rect(data = na.omit(aln_plot), ggplot2::aes(xmin = x - 0.5, xmax = x + 0.5,
                                            ymin = as.integer(seqname) - 0.5,
                                            ymax = as.integer(seqname) + 0.5,
                                            fill = variants), alpha = 0.8) +
    ggplot2::geom_text(aes(label=letter), alpha= 1,
              check_overlap = TRUE) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,max(aln_plot$x), by = 10)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(1:length(levels(aln_plot$seqname))),
                       labels = levels(aln_plot$seqname)) +
    # expand increases distance from axis
    ggplot2::xlab("") +
    ggplot2::ylab("") +
    #scale_size_manual(values=c(5, 6)) + # does nothing unless 'size' is mapped
    ggseqlogo::theme_logo(base_family = "Courier") +
    ggplot2::theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

#' make DNAStrings of sequences for each gene of each accession
#' @param SNPs a VRanges object containing the SNPs you would like to make
#'  sequences for
#' @param genome a BSgenomes object corresponding to the genome used to call
#'  the SNPs and also corresponding to the ranges set in 'ranges'
#' @param ranges a named GRanges object containing the ranges of the sequence
#'  elements you would like to extract
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
promoterVariantToString<-function(SNPs, genome, ranges, files_out = TRUE){
  #get reference sequences
  #mcols(ranges)$seqs <- getSeq(x = genome, ranges)
  #ranges(SNPs) <- ranges(mapToTranscripts(SNPs, ranges))
  #mcols(SNPs)$GENEID <- seqnames(mapToTranscripts(SNPs, ranges))
  #loop to generate accession sequences for each seq of each gene
  plyr::llply(mcols(ranges)$names,function(gene) {
    #pull all coding snps mapped to gene
    genes <- subset(SNPs, mcols(SNPs)$GENEID == gsub("\\..*$","",gene))
    #for each unique accession in the new SNP_list
    geneList <- plyr::llply(unique(sampleNames(SNPs)),function(acc) {
      #get variants in the strain
      variants <- unique(subset(genes, sampleNames(genes) == acc))
      #create sequence
      strainVar <- replaceAt(x=mcols(ranges)$seqs[
        at = ranges(variants), value = alt(variants))
      #name it
    #stitch this list together for fasta creation
    if(files_out) writeXStringSet(geneSet,
wrightrc/r1001genomes documentation built on Nov. 10, 2019, 12:45 p.m.