
Defines functions MergeDuplicates Get.Accuracy GetFeatureRankingMat GetUnivRankedFeatureNames GetBestModelIndex GetModelNames GetRocSigFileName GetImpValues GetImpColNames GetImpRowNames GetImpHighLow GetCurrentConfMatTest GetCurrentConfMat GetLRthreshold GetLRperformTable GetLRmodelTable GetLREquation GetLRConvergence GetLassoFreqNames GetLR_clsLblNew GetLR_clsLbl Get.VIP GetImpFeatureMat GetROCLassoFreq createCVset GetROCTtestP GetLassoFreqs GetROC.coords Get.Fstat Get.Fisher GetNewSampleGrps GetNewSampleProbs GetNewSampleNameVec GetNewSampleNames ContainNewSamples GetMeanROC Get.rpart.summary GetAccuracyInfo PlotDetailROC PrepareROCDetails SetCustomData PrepareROCData ComputeHighLow ComputeAverageCurve Get.pAUC Plot.Permutation PreparePermResult Get.pred Perform.Permut PlotImpBiomarkers PlotTestAccuracy PlotAccuracy PlotROCTest PlotROC PlotProbViewTest PlotProbView PlotRocUnivBoxPlot Perform.UnivROC GetCIs multi.stat PlotROC.LRmodel doLogisticRegMdl .do.CVTest.LRmodel genLREquation logisticReg Predict.class PerformCV.test PerformCV.explore SetAnalysisMode UpdateKmeans ComputeKmeanClusters CalculateFeatureRanking RankFeatures SetCurrentGroups GetTrainTestSplitMat GetFeatureNumbers

Documented in CalculateFeatureRanking ComputeAverageCurve ComputeHighLow createCVset .do.CVTest.LRmodel doLogisticRegMdl GetAccuracyInfo GetCIs GetFeatureNumbers GetImpFeatureMat GetLassoFreqs GetMeanROC GetNewSampleNames Get.pAUC Get.pred GetROC.coords GetROCLassoFreq GetROCTtestP Get.rpart.summary GetTrainTestSplitMat Get.VIP MergeDuplicates multi.stat PerformCV.explore PerformCV.test Perform.Permut Perform.UnivROC PlotAccuracy PlotDetailROC PlotImpBiomarkers Plot.Permutation PlotProbView PlotProbViewTest PlotROC PlotROC.LRmodel PlotROCTest PlotRocUnivBoxPlot PlotTestAccuracy Predict.class PreparePermResult PrepareROCData PrepareROCDetails RankFeatures SetAnalysisMode SetCurrentGroups SetCustomData

### Miscellaneous tasks for subsetting and training
### Subset data, train, rank
### Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
### McGill University, Canada
### License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

#'Numbers for subset selection
#'@description Return a series of number for subsets selection
#'@param feat.len Input the feature length
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetFeatureNumbers <- function(feat.len){
  if(feat.len > 100){
    nFeatures <- c(5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 100);
  }else if(feat.len > 50){
    nFeatures <- c(3, 5, 10, 20, round(feat.len/2), feat.len);
  }else if(feat.len > 20){
    nFeatures <- c(2, 3, 5, 10, 20, feat.len);
  }else if(feat.len > 10){
    nFeatures <- c(2, 3, 5, 7, 10, feat.len);
  }else if(feat.len > 1){
    nFeatures <- sort(sample(2:feat.len));
    print("Feature number is less than 2!")

#'Make random partitions
#'@description Make random partitions, returns matrices indicating
#'whether the observation is in train/test for each run
#'note: try to get a balanced sampling for each group (classification)
#'or each quantile (regression). This is very useful for unbalanced data
#'@param y Input the data
#'@param propTraining By default set to 2/3
#'@param nRuns By default set to 30
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

GetTrainTestSplitMat <- function(y, propTraining = 2/3, nRuns = 30){
  nTotalSample <- length(y);
  smallestClass <- names(sort(table(y)))[1];
  nSmallest <- sum(y == smallestClass);
  nSmallestTrain <- round(propTraining * nSmallest);
  nBiggestTrain <- nSmallestTrain;
  nSmallestTest <- nSmallest - nSmallestTrain;
  nBiggestTest <- nTotalSample - (nSmallestTest + nSmallestTrain + nBiggestTrain);
  # sanity check for very large number of samples
  # for each run max 600 - 400 train, 200 test 
  big.samples <- FALSE;
  if(nSmallestTrain > 400){
    big.samples <- TRUE;
    nSmallestTrain <- nBiggestTrain <- 400;
    nSmallestTest <- nBiggestTest <- 200;
  # split up in smallest class indices and biggest class indices
  smallestIndices <- which(y == smallestClass)
  biggestIndices <- seq(along = y)[-smallestIndices]
  nTrainingSample <- nSmallestTrain + nBiggestTrain;
  nTestSample <- nSmallestTest + nBiggestTest;
  trainingSampleAllRuns <- matrix(0, nrow = nRuns, ncol = nTrainingSample)
  testSampleAllRuns  <- matrix(0, nrow = nRuns, ncol = nTestSample);
  for (irun in 1:nRuns) {
    sampleSmallestTrain <- sample(smallestIndices, nSmallestTrain);
    sampleBiggestTrain <- sample(biggestIndices, nBiggestTrain);
    trainingSampleRun <- c(sampleSmallestTrain, sampleBiggestTrain);
    indicesTrainingSample <- rep(FALSE, length = nTotalSample);
    indicesTrainingSample[trainingSampleRun] <- TRUE;
    trainingSampleAllRuns[irun, ] <- which(indicesTrainingSample);
      testSampleAllRuns[irun, ] <- sample(which(!indicesTrainingSample), 200);
      testSampleAllRuns[irun, ] <- which(!indicesTrainingSample);
  # return the results
    training.mat = trainingSampleAllRuns,
    testing.mat = testSampleAllRuns

#'To choose from two groups
#'@description Choose two groups (when more than two groups uploaded)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param grps Input the groups
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SetCurrentGroups <- function(mSetObj=NA, grps){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    grp.nms <- strsplit(grps, " vs. ")[[1]];
    # now extract the data for the two groups
    hit.inx <- as.character(mSetObj$dataSet$cls.all) %in% grp.nms;
    mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- factor(mSetObj$dataSet$cls.all[hit.inx]);
    mSetObj$dataSet$norm <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm.all[hit.inx, ];
    mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls.all;
    mSetObj$dataSet$norm <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm.all;

#'Rank features based on different importance measures
#'@description Ranks features based on various importance measures,
#'return imp.vec which contains the importance measures
#'of unordered features
#'@param x.in Input the X features
#'@param y.in Input the Y features
#'@param method Input the method
#'@param lvNum Input the number of levels
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

RankFeatures <- function(x.in, y.in, method, lvNum){
  if(method == "rf"){ # use randomforest mean decrease accuracy
    rf <- randomForest::randomForest(x = x.in,y = y.in,importance=TRUE, keep.forest=F);
    return(randomForest::importance(rf)[ ,"MeanDecreaseAccuracy"]);
  }else if (method == "pls"){
    ncls <- as.numeric(y.in)-1;
    datmat <- as.matrix(x.in);
    pls <- pls::plsr(ncls~datmat,method='oscorespls', ncomp=lvNum);
    return(Get.VIP(pls, lvNum));
  }else if(method == "svm"){
    svmres <- e1071::svm(x.in, y.in, type = 'C', kernel="linear");
    imp.vec <- (t(svmres$coefs) %*% svmres$SV)[1,]^2;
    names(imp.vec) <- colnames(x.in);
  }else if(method == "auroc"){ # univariate based ou area under ROC
    imp.vec <- caTools::colAUC(x.in, y.in, plotROC=F)[1,];
  }else if(method == "tt"){ # univariate based ou area under ROC
    imp.vec <- Get.Fstat(x.in, as.factor(y.in)); # all f-stats
    names(imp.vec) <- colnames(x.in);
  }else if(method == "fisher"){ # univariate based ou area under ROC
    imp.vec <- Get.Fisher(x.in, as.factor(y.in));
    names(imp.vec) <- colnames(x.in);
    print("Not supported!");

#'Calculates feature importance
#'@description Perform calculation of feature importance (AUC, p value, fold change)
#'@usage CalculateFeatureRanking(mSetObj=NA, clust.num=5)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param clust.num Numeric, input the number of clusters for cluster-analysis
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
CalculateFeatureRanking <- function(mSetObj=NA, clust.num=5){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  LRConverged <<- "FALSE"; 
  x  <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;
  y <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  # auc
  auc <- caTools::colAUC(x, y, plotROC=F)[1,];
  if(.on.public.web & RequireFastUnivTests(mSetObj)){
     res <- PerformFastUnivTests(x, y);
     ttp <- res[,2];
     ttp <- GetROCTtestP(x, y);

  # fold change
  # use non-transformed data, then log2
    data <- mSetObj$dataSet$proc.ratio;
    data <- qs::qread("data_proc.qs");
  # update in case norm filtered?
  hit.inxX <- rownames(data) %in% rownames(x);
  hit.inxY <- colnames(data) %in% colnames(x);
  data <- data[hit.inxX, hit.inxY, drop=FALSE];
  min.val <- min(abs(data[data!=0]))/2;
  #data <- log2((data + sqrt(data^2 + min.val))/2);
  m1 <- colMeans(data[which(mSetObj$dataSet$cls==levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)[1]), , drop=FALSE]);
  m2 <- colMeans(data[which(mSetObj$dataSet$cls==levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)[2]), , drop=FALSE]);
  #fc <- m1-m2;
  ratio <- m1/m2;
  ratio[ratio < 0] <- 0;
  fc <- signif(log2(ratio), 5);
  fc[is.infinite(fc) & fc < 0] <- -99;
  fc[is.infinite(fc) & fc > 0] <- 99;

  if(mSetObj$dataSet$roc_cols > 1){ # dont need to calc kmeans if only 1 metabolite!
    # now do k-means to measure their expression similarities

    kms <- ComputeKmeanClusters(t(x), clust.num);
    feat.rank.mat <- data.frame(AUC=auc, Pval=ttp, FC=fc, clusters = kms);
    rownames(feat.rank.mat) <- colnames(x);
    ord.inx <- order(feat.rank.mat$AUC, decreasing=T);
    feat.rank.mat  <- data.matrix(feat.rank.mat[ord.inx, , drop=FALSE]);
    feat.rank.mat <- data.matrix(data.frame(AUC=auc, Pval=ttp, FC=fc, clusters=1))
  # how to format pretty, and still keep numeric
  feat.rank.mat <<- signif(feat.rank.mat, digits = 5);
  if(mSetObj$analSet$mode == "univ"){
    fast.write.csv(feat.rank.mat, file="metaboanalyst_roc_univ.csv");

# return a vector contain the cluster index 
ComputeKmeanClusters <- function(data, clust.num){
    # if feature number is too low, change clust.num
    if(nrow(data) <= clust.num){
        clust.num <- nrow(data)-1;
    if(clust.num < 2){
        clust.num <- 1;
    kmeans.res <- kmeans(data, clust.num, nstart=100);

# recomputing based on new cluster number
UpdateKmeans <- function(mSetObj=NA, clust.num=5){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  x  <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;
  clsts <- ComputeKmeanClusters(t(x), clust.num);
  # note, need to synchronize the order as feat.rank.mat is order by AUC, not the same as in the x 
  ord.inx <- match(rownames(feat.rank.mat), names(clsts));
  feat.rank.mat[,"clusters"] <- clsts[ord.inx];
  feat.rank.mat <<- feat.rank.mat;

#'Set biomarker analysis mode
#'@description ROC utilities
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'@usage SetAnalysisMode(mSetObj, mode)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)s
#'@param mode Input the selected mode for biomarker analysis, "univ" for univariate ROC curve analysis,
#'"explore" for multivariate ROC curve analysis, and "test" for ROC curve based model creation and evaluation.
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

SetAnalysisMode <- function(mSetObj=NA, mode){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$analSet$mode <- mode;

#'Perform Monte-Carlo Cross Validation (MCCV)
#'@description Classification MCCV, aims to find the best feature 
#'subsets using default model parameters
#'@usage PerformCV.explore(mSetObj, cls.method, rank.method="auroc", lvNum=2, propTraining=2/3)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param cls.method Select the classification method, "rf" for random forest classification, "pls" for PLS-DA,
#'and "svm" for support vector machine 
#'@param rank.method Select the ranking method, "rf" for random forest mean decrease accuracy, 
#'"fisher" for Fisher's univariate ranking based on area under the curve
#'"auroc" for univariate ranking based on area under the curve, "tt" for T-test univariate ranking based on area under the curve,
#'"pls" for partial least squares, and "svm" for support vector machine
#'@param lvNum Input the number of latent variables to include in the analyis, only for PLS-DA classification
#'@param propTraining Input the proportion of samples to use for training 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PerformCV.explore <- function(mSetObj=NA, cls.method, rank.method="auroc", lvNum=2, propTraining=2/3){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$analSet$exp.method <- cls.method;
  mSetObj$analSet$rank.method <- rank.method;
  mSetObj$analSet$exp.lvNum <- lvNum;

  data <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  # number of subsampling to produce smooth curve
  if(nrow(data) > 500){
    nRuns <- 10;
  }else if(nrow(data) > 200){
    nRuns <- 20;
  }else if(nrow(data) > 100){
    nRuns <- 30;
    nRuns <- 50;
  nFeatures <- GetFeatureNumbers(ncol(data));
  feat.outp <- actualCls <- vector(length = nRuns, mode = "list");
  perf.outp <- vector(length = length(nFeatures), mode = "list");
  perf.outp <- lapply(perf.outp, function(x){x <- vector(length = nRuns, mode = "list"); return(x)});
  auc.mat <- accu.mat <- matrix(nrow=nRuns, ncol=length(nFeatures));
  splitMat <- GetTrainTestSplitMat(cls, propTraining, nRuns);
  trainRuns <- splitMat$training.mat;
  testRuns <- splitMat$testing.mat;
  for (irun in 1:nRuns){
    trainingSampleRun <- trainRuns[irun, ]
    testSampleRun <- testRuns[irun, ];
    x.in <- data[trainingSampleRun, ];
    y.train <- cls[trainingSampleRun];
    actualCls[[irun]] <- y.test <- cls[testSampleRun];
    # Feature ranking using only training data, 
    imp.vec <- RankFeatures(x.in, y.train, rank.method, lvNum);
    feat.outp[[irun]] <- imp.vec;
    ord.inx <- order(imp.vec, decreasing = TRUE);
    ordData <- data[, ord.inx];
    # buliding classifiers for each number of selected features and test on the test data
    for (inum in seq(along = nFeatures)){
      x.train <- ordData[trainingSampleRun, 1:nFeatures[inum]];
      x.test <- ordData[testSampleRun, 1:nFeatures[inum]];
      prob.out <- Predict.class(x.train, y.train, x.test, cls.method, lvNum);
      # calculate AUC for each
      pred <- ROCR::prediction(prob.out, y.test);
      auc.mat[irun, inum] <- slot(ROCR::performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]];
      perf.outp[[inum]][[irun]] <- prob.out;
      pred.out <- as.factor(ifelse(prob.out > 0.5, 1, 0));
      accu.mat[irun, inum] <- Get.Accuracy(table(pred.out, y.test));
  ## prepare results for default plotting 
  ## 1) get best model based on AUROC for prob.view and imp.feature calculation
  ## 2) calculate accuracy and roc for all models under comparison
  preds <- vector(length = length(nFeatures), mode = "list");
  act.vec <- unlist(actualCls); # same for all subsets
  for(m in 1:length(nFeatures)){
    prob.vec <- unlist(perf.outp[[m]]);
    pred <- ROCR::prediction(prob.vec, act.vec);
    preds[[m]] <- pred; # prediction obj
    #auc.vec[m] <- slot(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]];
  # accu.mat and preds are for all models
  colnames(accu.mat) <- colnames(auc.mat) <- names(preds) <- paste(nFeatures, sep = "");
  auc.vec <- colMeans(auc.mat);
  auc.cis <- GetCIs(auc.mat);
  # get the best based on AUROC
  best.model.inx <- which.max(auc.vec);
  mSetObj$analSet$multiROC <- list(
    type = mSetObj$analSet$type, # note, do not forget to carry the type "roc"
    train.mat = trainRuns,
    # record raw output
    test.feats = nFeatures,
    pred.cv = perf.outp, 
    true.cv = actualCls, 
    imp.cv = feat.outp,
    # record processed output
    pred.list = preds,
    accu.mat = accu.mat,
    auc.vec = auc.vec,
    auc.ci = auc.cis,
    best.model.inx = best.model.inx

#'Perform MCCV for manually selected features
#'@description MCCV for manually selected features (no additional feature selection)
#'@usage PerformCV.test(mSetObj, method, lvNum, propTraining=2/3, nRuns=100)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param method Select the classification method, "rf" for random forest classification, "pls" for PLS-DA,
#'and "svm" for support vector machine 
#'@param lvNum Input the number of latent variables to include in the analyis, only for PLS-DA classification  
#'@param propTraining Input the proportion of samples to use for training, by default it is 2/3 
#'@param nRuns Input the number of MCCV runs, by default it is 100 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PerformCV.test <- function(mSetObj=NA, method, lvNum, propTraining=2/3, nRuns=100){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$analSet$tester.method <- method;
  mSetObj$analSet$tester.lvNum <- lvNum;
  data <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;    
  if(method == "lr") {
    # check cls (response variable) whether it is number 0/1 or not
    if( length(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)) == 2 ) {
      mSetObj$dataSet$cls.lbl <- levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls);  # already sorted
      cls <- as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)-1;
      mSetObj$dataSet$cls.lbl.new <- sort(unique(cls));
      mSetObj$dataSet$cls01 <- cls; # integer values for response of logistic regression
    } else {
       AddErrMsg("level of response variable y/class has more than 2!");
  } else {
    if(method == "pls"){# make sure the feature # > comp #
        if(lvNum > ncol(data)){
            AddErrMsg("PLS components cannot be more than total features selected!");
    cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  splitMat <- GetTrainTestSplitMat(cls, propTraining, nRuns);
  trainRuns <- splitMat$training.mat;
  testRuns <- splitMat$testing.mat;
  feat.outp <- actualCls <- perf.outp <- vector(length = nRuns, mode = "list");
  auc.vec <- accu.vec <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nRuns);
  for (irun in 1:nRuns){
    trainingSampleRun <- trainRuns[irun, ]
    testSampleRun <- testRuns[irun, ];
    x.train <- data[trainingSampleRun, ,drop=F];
    x.test <- data[testSampleRun, ,drop=F];
    y.train <- cls[trainingSampleRun];
    actualCls[[irun]] <- y.test <- cls[testSampleRun];
    res <- Predict.class(x.train, y.train, x.test, method, lvNum, imp.out=T);
    feat.outp[[irun]] <- res$imp.vec;
    prob.out <- res$prob.out;
    # calculate AUC for each
    pred <- ROCR::prediction(prob.out, y.test);
    auc.vec[irun] <- slot(ROCR::performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")[[1]];
    perf.outp[[irun]] <- prob.out;
    pred.out <- as.factor(ifelse(prob.out > 0.5, 1, 0));
    accu.vec[irun] <- Get.Accuracy(table(pred.out, y.test));
  ## prepare results for default plotting
  ## 1) get best model based on AUROC for prob.view and imp.feature calculation
  ## 2) calculate accuracy and roc for all models under comparison
  prob.vec <- unlist(perf.outp);
  act.vec <- unlist(actualCls);
  preds <- ROCR::prediction(prob.vec, act.vec);
  auc <- mean(auc.vec);
  auc.ci <- GetCIs(as.matrix(auc.vec));
  # if there is holdout sample, do prediction
    test.res <- Predict.class(data, cls, mSetObj$dataSet$test.data, method, lvNum);
    test.res <- NULL;
  # if there is new samples, do prediction
    new.res <<- Predict.class(data, cls, mSetObj$dataSet$new.data, method, lvNum);
    new.res <- NULL;
  # method = Logistic Regression
  # generate report tables for model with 10-fold Cross-Validation
  if( method == "lr") {
    x.train.all <- data;
    x.test.all  <- data;
    y.train.all <- as.character(cls);
    y.test.all  <- as.character(cls);
    # generate LR model and AUROC statistics. Then assign to the analSet list
    # return (list(model = mdlSummary, LR.auc=LR.auc));
    tbl.cls <- table(cls);
    if( (tbl.cls[[1]] < 10) & (tbl.cls[[2]] < 10) ) {
       AddErrMsg("The sample size of each group should be more than 10!");
       return (0);
    } else {
      doLogisticRegMdl(x.train.all, y.train.all, x.test.all, y.test.all);
    mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest <-  list(
      type = mSetObj$analSet$type,  # note, do not forget to carry the type "roc" when overwrite analSet
      train.mat = trainRuns,
      pred.cv = perf.outp,
      true.cv = actualCls,
      imp.cv = feat.outp,
      perm.res = mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$perm.res,
      # record processed output
      pred.list = preds,
      accu.mat = t(as.matrix(accu.vec)),
      auc.ci = auc.ci,
      auc.vec = auc,
      test.res = test.res,
      new.res = new.res

  } else {
    mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest <-  list(
      type = mSetObj$analSet$type,  # note, do not forget to carry the type "roc" when overwrite analSet
      train.mat = trainRuns,
      pred.cv = perf.outp,
      true.cv = actualCls,
      imp.cv = feat.outp,

      # record processed output
      pred.list = preds,
      accu.mat = t(as.matrix(accu.vec)),
      auc.ci = auc.ci,
      auc.vec = auc,
      test.res = test.res,
      new.res = new.res


#'Get predicted class probability 
#'@description Get predicted class probability
#'@param x.train Input the x training samples
#'@param y.train Input the y training samples
#'@param x.test Input the x testing samples
#'@param clsMethod Se the classification method, default is set to pls
#'@param lvNum Input the number of levels
#'@param imp.out Logical, set to F by default
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Predict.class <- function(x.train, y.train, x.test, clsMethod="pls", lvNum, imp.out=F){
  # first convert class label to 0/1 so convert prob-> class will be easier
  y.train <- as.factor(as.numeric(y.train)-1);
  # note, we only need prob for class 1, pred can be inferred
  if (clsMethod == "rf"){
    model <- randomForest::randomForest(x.train, y.train, ntree=300, importance=T);
    prob.out <- predict(model, x.test, type="prob")[,"1"];
      imp.vec <- randomForest::importance(model)[ ,"MeanDecreaseAccuracy"];
      return(list(imp.vec = imp.vec, prob.out = prob.out));
  }else if(clsMethod == "pls"){ # plsda
    model <- caret::plsda(x.train, y.train, method='oscorespls', ncomp=ifelse(ncol(x.train)>lvNum, lvNum, 2));
    prob.out <- predict(model, x.test, type="prob")[,"1",1];
      imp.vec <- Get.VIP(model, lvNum);
      return(list(imp.vec = imp.vec, prob.out = prob.out));
  }else if(clsMethod == "lr"){ # logistic regression with selected variables (only in Test)
    x <- x.train;
    y <- y.train;
    xx.test <- x.test;
    names.x.origin <- names(x);
    names(x) <- paste0("V", 1:(ncol(x)));
    names(xx.test) <- names(x);
    data.xy <- data.frame(y, x);
    model <- logisticReg(data.xy);
    prob.out <- predict(model, xx.test, type="response");
      imp.vec <- names(model$coefficients)[-1]
      return(list(imp.vec = imp.vec, prob.out = prob.out));
  }else{ # svm
    model <- e1071::svm(x.train, y.train, type = 'C', kernel="linear", probability=TRUE);
    prob.out <- attr(predict(model, x.test,  probability=TRUE), "probabilities")[,"1"];
      imp.vec <- (t(model$coefs) %*% model$SV)[1,]^2;
      names(imp.vec) <- colnames(x.train);
      return(list(imp.vec = imp.vec, prob.out = prob.out));

logisticReg <- function(d.xy) {
  fmla <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(names(d.xy)[-1], collapse="+")));
  model <- glm(fmla, data=d.xy, family=binomial(link="logit"), na.action="na.omit")

genLREquation <- function(coef.mdl){
  coef.mdl <- round(coef.mdl, 3);
  eq <- coef.mdl[[1]];
  for(i in 2:length(coef.mdl)) {
    eq <- paste(eq, ifelse(sign(coef.mdl[[i]])==1,"+","-"), abs(round(coef.mdl[[i]],3)), names(coef.mdl)[i]);

#'Calculate ROC performance with CV
#'An internal function called by PerformCV.test
#'@description Calculate ROC performance with CV
#'@param data.in Input matrix of data
#'@param fmla.in Input for generalized linear model
#'@param kfold Numeric
#'@param run.stepwise Logistic Regression
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

.do.CVTest.LRmodel <- function(data.in, fmla.in, kfold=10, run.stepwise=FALSE){

  dw.case <- data.in[which(data.in$y == 1), ]; nrow(dw.case)
  dw.ctrl <- data.in[which(data.in$y == 0), ]; nrow(dw.ctrl)
  random.seed <- 10063927;
  grpIndice.case <- createCVset(nrow(dw.case), kfold, random.seed)
  grpIndice.ctrl <- createCVset(nrow(dw.ctrl), kfold, random.seed)
  all.trainning.y <- NULL
  all.trainning.fit <- NULL
  all.validation.y <- NULL
  all.validation.fit <- NULL
  for (i in 1:kfold) 
    d.train.case <- dw.case[-grpIndice.case[[i]], ]; nrow(d.train.case)
    d.train.ctrl <- dw.ctrl[-grpIndice.ctrl[[i]], ]; nrow(d.train.ctrl)
    d.train <- rbind(d.train.case, d.train.ctrl); names(d.train)
    d.validation.case <- dw.case[grpIndice.case[[i]], ]; nrow(d.validation.case)
    d.validation.ctrl <- dw.ctrl[grpIndice.ctrl[[i]], ]; nrow(d.validation.ctrl)
    d.validation <- rbind(d.validation.case, d.validation.ctrl)  
    vnames <- names(d.train); 
    mdl <- glm(fmla.in, data=d.train, family=binomial(link="logit"))
    if(run.stepwise) { mdl <- step(mdl) }
    dval.pred <- predict(mdl, d.validation, type="response");  
    all.validation.y <- c(all.validation.y, d.validation$y)
    all.validation.fit <- c(all.validation.fit, dval.pred)
    all.trainning.y <- c(all.trainning.y, mdl$y)
    all.trainning.fit <- c(all.trainning.fit, mdl$fitted.values)
  # 10-fold cross validation
  cv.r <- pROC::roc(all.validation.y ~ all.validation.fit, ci=T, ci.se=T, sp=seq(0,1,0.01)) # of: se (sensitivity), sp (specificity), thresholds, auc 
  # cv.threshold <- coords(cv.r, "best", ret=c("threshold"), best.method="youden", best.weights=c(5, nrow(dw.case)/nrow(data.in)) ); 
  cv.threshold <- as.numeric(pROC::coords(cv.r, "best", ret=c("threshold"), best.method="closest.topleft", transpose=TRUE)); 
  cv.rstat <- multi.stat(all.validation.fit > cv.threshold, all.validation.y);
  if(length(cv.rstat) == 1 && cv.rstat == 0){
  cv.tbl <- table(all.validation.fit > cv.threshold, all.validation.y);
  # training performance
  train.r <- pROC::roc(all.trainning.y ~  all.trainning.fit, ci=T, ci.se=T, sp=seq(0,1,0.01)) # of: se (sensitivity), sp (specificity), thresholds, auc 
  train.threshold <- pROC::coords(train.r, "best", ret=c("threshold"), best.method="youden", transpose=TRUE); 
  train.rstat <- multi.stat(all.trainning.fit > cv.threshold, all.trainning.y) 
  if(length(train.rstat) == 1 && train.rstat == 0){
    train.r = train.r$ci,
    train.threshold = train.threshold,
    train.rstat = train.rstat,
    cv.robj = cv.r,
    cv.r = cv.r$ci,
    cv.threshold = cv.threshold,
    cv.rstat = cv.rstat,
    cv.tbl = cv.tbl,
    cv.y = all.validation.y,
    cv.pred = all.validation.fit,
    cv.threshold = cv.threshold

#'Develop a Logistic Regression Model with all of the combined k-fold CV subsets
#'@description Develop a Logistic Regression Model with all of the combined k-fold CV subsets
#'@param x.train Input the X training set
#'@param y.train Input the Y training set
#'@param x.test Input the X test set
#'@param y.test Input the Y test set
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
doLogisticRegMdl <- function(x.train, y.train, x.test, y.test){
  # use 10-fold CV as default; or LOOCV if sample size < 10
  x <- x.train;
  y <- y.train;
  x.cv.test <- x.test;
  y.cv.test <- y.test;
  names.x.origin <- names(x);
  names(x) <- paste0("V", 1:(ncol(x)));
  names(x.cv.test) <- names(x);

  # glm can only take numeric + factor
  if(class(y) == "character"){
    y <- as.factor(y)
  # LR Model generation
  data.xy <- data.frame(y, x);
  fmla <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(names(data.xy)[-1], collapse="+")));
  model <- glm(fmla, data=data.xy, family=binomial(link="logit"), na.action="na.omit");
  # if model with selected variables is failed, the use the stepwise variable selection
  if((!model$converged) | (model$deviance < 1)){
    model <- step(model, trace=0);
    fmla <- model$formula;
  mdlSummary <- summary(model)$coefficients;
  dimnames(mdlSummary)[[1]][-1] <- names.x.origin;
  # prob.out <- predict(model, x.cv.test, type="response");
  Odds <- round(exp(cbind(OR=coef(model), confint(model))), 2)[,1];
  # Odds <- round(exp(OR=coef(model)), 2);
  Odds[1] <- "-";
  LRmodel <- cbind(round(mdlSummary,3), Odds);
  LRmodel[,4] <- ifelse(LRmodel[,4] < 0.001, "< 0.001", LRmodel[,4]);
  # LR model's summary table as html format
  LRmodel.xtable <<- print(xtable::xtable(LRmodel, align="r|rrrcc"),
                           type = "html", print.results=F, xtable.width=600,
                           html.table.attributes="border=1 width=600" );
  coefTable <- coef(model);
  names(coefTable)[-1] <- names.x.origin;
  if (model$converged & model$deviance > 1) {
    LReq <<- genLREquation(coefTable);
    LRConverged <<- "TRUE";
  } else {
    # (Error: Model was not converged)
    LReq <<- "(Error: Model was not converged)";
    LRConverged <<- "FALSE"; 
  # ROC analysis with 10-fold CV test set   
  rStat <- .do.CVTest.LRmodel(data.xy, fmla.in=fmla, kfold=10, run.stepwise=FALSE)     
  # r <- roc(y.cv.test ~ prob.out, ci=T, ci.se=T, sp=seq(0,1,0.01)) # of: se (sensitivity), sp (specificity), thresholds, auc
  # ROC plot with k-fold CV test set for ROC plot
  LR.r <<- rStat$cv.robj;
  LR.y.origin <<- rStat$cv.y;
  LR.y.pred <<- rStat$cv.pred;
  LR.threshold <<- rStat$cv.threshold;
  # training/discovery; 10-fold CV
  auc  <- c( sprintf("%.3f (%.3f ~ %.3f)", rStat$train.r[2], rStat$train.r[1], rStat$train.r[3]),
             sprintf("%.3f (%.3f ~ %.3f)", round(rStat$cv.r[2],3), round(rStat$cv.r[1],3), round(rStat$cv.r[3],3)) );
  sens <- c( sprintf("%.3f (%.3f ~ %.3f)", rStat$train.rstat$sens, rStat$train.rstat$sensCI[1], rStat$train.rstat$sensCI[2]),
             sprintf("%.3f (%.3f ~ %.3f)", rStat$cv.rstat$sens, rStat$cv.rstat[1], rStat$cv.rstat$sensCI[2]) );
  spec <- c( sprintf("%.3f (%.3f ~ %.3f)", rStat$train.rstat$spec, rStat$train.rstat$specCI[1], rStat$train.rstat$specCI[2]),
             sprintf("%.3f (%.3f ~ %.3f)", rStat$cv.rstat$spec, rStat$cv.rstat$specCI[1], rStat$cv.rstat$specCI[2]) );
  LRperf <- cbind(auc, sens, spec);
  colnames(LRperf) <- c("AUC","Sensitivity","Specificity");
  rownames(LRperf) <- c("Training/Discovery","10-fold Cross-Validation");
  LRperf.xtable <<- print(xtable::xtable(LRperf, align="r|ccc"), include.rownames=TRUE, floating=FALSE,
                          type = "html", print.results=F, xtable.width=600,
                          html.table.attributes="border=1 width=600");

#'Plot ROC for the logistic regression model
#'@description Plot ROC for the logistic regression model
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param show.conf Logical, show confidence intervals
#'@param sp.bin Numeric, default is set to 0.01. 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @importFrom pROC smooth plot.roc
#' @importFrom Cairo Cairo
PlotROC.LRmodel <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, show.conf=FALSE, sp.bin=0.01) {

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- h <- 8;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.lr <- imgName;
  roc.object <- LR.r;
  y.origin <- LR.y.origin;
  y.pred <- LR.y.pred;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  op <- par(mar=c(5,4,3,3));
  # auc.ci <- ci.auc(roc.object, method="bootstrap", boot.n=500, progress="none");
  auc.lbl <- paste("Area under the curve (AUC) = ", round(roc.object$ci[2],3), sep="");
  ci.lbl  <- paste("95% CI: ", round(roc.object$ci[1],3), " - ", round(roc.object$ci[3],3),sep="");
  perform.lbl <- paste(auc.lbl,"\n", ci.lbl, sep="");
  # plot ROC of specific model and save the table for details
    # of: se (sensitivity), sp (specificity), thresholds, auc
    r.new <- roc(y.origin ~ y.pred, ci=T, of="se", sp=seq(0,1,sp.bin));
    pROC::plot.roc(r.new, add=F, ci.type="bars", ci.col="green", col="darkolivegreen", lty="dotted", legacy.axes=T,
             xlab="1 - Specificity (False positive rate)", ylab="Sensitivity (True positive rate)",
             cex.axis=1.0, cex.lab=1.0);
    pROC::plot.roc(pROC::smooth(r.new, method="density", n=512), add=T, col="blue", lwd=1);
    legend("bottomright", legend=c("Empirical","Smoothed", "95% CI"), cex=1.0, col=c(par("fg"), "blue", "green"), lwd=3, lty=c(3,1,1) );
    text(0.7, 0.4, perform.lbl, adj=c(0,1), col="black", cex=1.0);
  } else {
    pROC::plot.roc(roc.object, add=F, ci.type="no", col="blue", legacy.axes=T,
             xlab="1 - Specificity (False positive rate)", ylab="Sensitivity (True positive rate)",
             cex.axis=1.0, cex.lab=1.0, lwd=2, lty=1 );
    text(0.7, 0.4, perform.lbl, adj=c(0,1), col="black", cex=1.0);

#'Get multiple category statistics
#'@description Get multiple category statistics
#'@param pred Input predictions
#'@param resp Input responses
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
multi.stat <- function(pred, resp) {
  in.dat <- na.omit(cbind(pred,resp));
  if(nrow(in.dat) < length(pred)/2){ # abort if over half is invalid
    AddErrMsg("More than half of tests return NA! Insufficent sample size?");
  pred <- in.dat[,1];
  resp <- in.dat[,2];

  ts <- table(pred, resp)
  TP <- ts[2,2]
  FP <- ts[2,1]  # identify as True/Positive  but actually Negative/False (healthy)
  FN <- ts[1,2]  # identify as False/Negative but actually Positive/True
  TN <- ts[1,1]
  sensitivity <- TP / (TP + FN)
  specificity <- TN / (FP + TN)
  ppv <- TP / (TP + FP)
  npv <- TN / (FN + TN)
  likelihood_ratio_pos <- sensitivity / (1 - specificity) # positive
  likelihood_ratio_neg <- (1-sensitivity) / specificity  # positive
  # (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
  accuracy <- (TP + TN) / sum(ts)
  # fdr = fp / (fp + tp) : false discovery rate
  fdr <- FP / (FP + TP)
  SEsens <- sqrt(sensitivity * (1-sensitivity) / (TP + FN) )
  SEspec <- sqrt(specificity * (1-specificity) / (FP + TN) )
  cise.u <- sensitivity + 1.96 * SEsens
  cisp.u <- specificity + 1.96 * SEspec
  CIsens <- c(sensitivity - 1.96 * SEsens, ifelse( cise.u > 1.0, 1.0, cise.u) )
  CIspec <- c(specificity - 1.96 * SEspec, ifelse( cisp.u > 1.0, 1.0, cisp.u) )
  return(list(sens=sensitivity, sensCI=CIsens, spec=specificity, specCI=CIspec) );

#'Get confidence intervals
#'@description For non-parametric tests, use quantiles,
#'use normal (1.96*std.err) if parametric
#'@param data Input data matrix
#'@param param Logical, False by default 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

GetCIs <- function(data, param=F){
  means <- colMeans(data, na.rm=T);
    sds <- apply(data, 2, sd, na.rm=T);
    nn <- nrow(data);
    std.err <- sds/sqrt(nn);
    LCL <- round(means-1.96*std.err,3);
    LCL[LCL<0] <- 0;
    UCL <- round(means+1.96*std.err, 3);
    UCL[UCL>1] <- 1;
    res <- paste(LCL, "-", UCL, sep="");
    cis <- apply(data, 2, quantile, probs=c(0.025, 0.975));
    cis <- round(cis,3);
    cis[cis<0] <- 0;
    cis[cis>1] <- 1;
    res <- paste(cis[1,], "-", cis[2,], sep="");

#'Perform Classical Univariate ROC
#'@description Perform Classical Univariate ROC
#'@usage Perform.UnivROC(mSetObj=NA, feat.nm, version, 
#'format="png", dpi=72, isAUC, isOpt, optMethod, isPartial, measure, cutoff)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param feat.nm Input the name of the feature to perform univariate ROC analysis
#'@param version image version mark, can be any character
#'@param format Select the image format, png, of pdf. 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is pdf, users need not define the dpi. For png images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300. 
#'@param isAUC Logical, select T to compute the 95 percent confidence interval band and "F" to not 
#'@param isOpt Logical, show the optimal cutoff, T to show it and F to not 
#'@param optMethod Select the optimal cutoff by using either closest.topleft for closest to top-left corner or 
#'youden for farthest to the diagonal line (Youden) 
#'@param isPartial Logical, input T to calculate a partial ROC curve, and F to not
#'@param measure Select the parameter to limit the calculation of the partial ROC curve, 
#'se for the X-axis (maximum false-positive rate)
#'and sp for the Y-axis, representing the minimum true positive-rate
#'@param cutoff Input the threshold to limit the calculation of the partial ROC curve, 
#'the number must be between 0 and 1.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

Perform.UnivROC <- function(mSetObj=NA, feat.nm, 
                            version, format="png", 
                            dpi=72, isAUC, isOpt, 
                            optMethod, isPartial, measure, cutoff){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  imgName <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms[feat.nm];
  imgName = paste("roc_univ_", imgName, "_", version, "_dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");

  data_ori_norm <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm
    data_ori_norm <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm.orig
  x <- data_ori_norm[, feat.nm];
  y <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
    if(measure == "se"){
      cutoff = cutoff;
      cutoff = 1-cutoff;
    roc.obj <- pROC::roc(y, x, partial.auc=c(1.0, cutoff), ci=TRUE, partial.auc.focus=measure, boot.n=50, percent = F, progress="none");
    roc.obj <- pROC::roc(y, x, percent = F);
  w <- h <- 6; 
    mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name <- feat.nm;
    mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.plot <- imgName;
  } else {
    if(feat.nm %in% mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name){
        idx <- which(feat.nm %in% mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name);
        mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name[idx] <- feat.nm;
        mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.plot[idx] <- imgName;
    } else {
        mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name <- c(mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name, feat.nm);
        mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.plot <- c(mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.plot, imgName);
  #mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.plot <- imgName;
  #mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name <- feat.nm;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  opt.thresh = NA;
  # first plot ROC curve
    pROC::plot.roc(roc.obj, print.auc=F, legacy.axes=TRUE, col="navy", grid=T,
             xlab = "False positive rate", ylab="True positive rate", main=feat.nm);
    ci.obj <- pROC::ci.se(roc.obj, specificities=seq(0, 1, 0.05), boot.n=200, progress="none");
    pROC::plot.roc(roc.obj, print.auc=F, legacy.axes=TRUE, col="navy", grid=T,
             xlab = "False positive rate", ylab="True positive rate",
             auc.polygon=TRUE, auc.polygon.col="#0000ff22", main=feat.nm);
  auc.ci <- pROC::ci.auc(roc.obj, method="bootstrap", boot.n=500, progress="none");
  roc.obj$ci <- auc.ci;
  auc.lbl <- paste("AUC: ", round(roc.obj$ci[2],3), sep="");
  ci.lbl <- paste("(", round(roc.obj$ci[1],3), "-", round(roc.obj$ci[3],3), ")", sep="");
  text(0.5, 0.5, paste(auc.lbl, "\n", ci.lbl, sep=""), adj=c(0,1), col="navy");
    opt.ps <- data.frame(pROC::coords(roc.obj, "best", best.method=optMethod, transpose = TRUE));
    opt.thresh <- opt.ps["threshold",]
    points(opt.ps["specificity",], opt.ps["sensitivity",], pch=19, col="red");
    lbls=paste(signif(opt.ps["threshold",],3), "(", round(opt.ps["specificity",],1), ", ", round(opt.ps["sensitivity",],1), ")", sep="");
    text(opt.ps["specificity",], opt.ps["sensitivity",], adj=c(-.05,1.25), label=lbls);

  mSetObj$analSet$opt.thresh <- opt.thresh


#'Plot a boxplot view of a selected compound
#'@description Plots a boxplot of the selected compound's concentration
#'between the groups.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param feat.nm Input the name of the selected compound.
#'@param version version mark for image name
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.
#'@param isOpt logical
#'@param isQuery logical
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotRocUnivBoxPlot <- function(mSetObj, feat.nm, version, format="png", dpi=72, isOpt, isQuery){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  data_ori_norm <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm
    data_ori_norm <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm.orig

  imgName <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms[feat.nm];
  imgName = paste("roc_boxplot_", imgName, "_", version, "_dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  x <- data_ori_norm[, feat.nm];
  y <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  scale <- dpi/72;
  w <- 200*scale;
  h <- 400*scale; 
  col <- GetColorSchema(y);
    mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.boxplot <- imgName;
    mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name2 <- feat.nm;
  } else {
    if(feat.nm %in% mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name2){
        idx <- which(feat.nm %in% mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name);
        mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.boxplot[idx] <- imgName;
    } else {
        mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name2 <- c(mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.name2, feat.nm);
        mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.boxplot <- c(mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.boxplot, imgName);
  #mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ.boxplot <- imgName;
  Cairo::Cairo(file=imgName, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white", dpi=dpi);
  df <- data.frame(conc = x, class = y)
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(x=class, y=conc, fill=class)) + geom_boxplot(notch=FALSE, outlier.shape = NA, outlier.colour=NA) + theme_bw() + geom_jitter(size=1)
  p <- p + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")
  p <- p + stat_summary(fun=mean, colour="yellow", geom="point", shape=18, size=3, show.legend = FALSE)
  p <- p + theme(text = element_text(size=15), plot.margin = margin(t=0.45, r=0.25, b=1.5, l=0.25, "cm"), axis.text = element_text(size=10))
  p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values=col)
    opt.thresh <- mSetObj$analSet$opt.thresh
    p <- p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=opt.thresh), colour="red")
    thresh <- as.numeric(mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj$thresh)
    p <- p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=thresh), colour="red")

#'Plot a summary view of the classification result
#'@description Plot of predicted class probabilities. On the x-axis is the proability, 
#'and the y-axis is the index of each predicted sample based on the probility. 
#'The samples are turned into separations at the x-axis.
#'This plot can be created for multivariate ROC curve analysis using SVM, PLS, and RandomForest.
#'Please note that sometimes, not all samples will be tested, instead they will be plotted
#'at the 0.5 neutral line. 
#'@usage PlotProbView(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, mdl.inx, show, showPred) 
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300. 
#'@param mdl.inx Model index, 0 means to compare all models, -1 means to use the best model, input 1-6 to plot a ROC curve for one of the top six models
#'@param show 1 or 0, if 1, label samples classified to the wrong groups 
#'@param showPred Show predicted samples
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PlotProbView <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, mdl.inx, show, showPred) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  anal.mode <- mSetObj$analSet$mode;
  smpl.nms <- rownames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
  prob.vec <- rep(0.5, length(smpl.nms));
  names(prob.vec) <- smpl.nms;
  if(mdl.inx == -1){
    mdl.inx <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$best.model.inx;
  probs <- MergeDuplicates(unlist(mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$pred.cv[[mdl.inx]]));

  prob.vec[names(probs)] <- probs;
  nms <- names(prob.vec);
  ord.inx <- order(nms);
  prob.vec <- prob.vec[ord.inx];
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls[ord.inx];
  # remember to update the nms itself!
  nms <- names(prob.vec);
  # get html confusion matrix
  pred.out <- as.factor(ifelse(prob.vec > 0.5, 1, 0));
  act.cls <- as.numeric(cls)-1;
  prob.res <- data.frame(Probability=prob.vec, Predicted=pred.out, Actual=act.cls);
  write.table(prob.res, file="roc_pred_prob.csv", sep=",", col.names = TRUE);
  conf.res <- table(pred.out, act.cls);
  mSetObj$analSet$conf.table <- xtable::xtable(conf.res, caption="Confusion Matrix (Cross-Validation)");
  mSetObj$analSet$conf.mat <- print(mSetObj$analSet$conf.table, type = "html", print.results=F, caption.placement="top", html.table.attributes="border=1 width=150" )     

  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- 9; h <- 8;

  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.prob.plot <- imgName;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.prob.name <- mdl.inx

  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  y <- rnorm(length(prob.vec));
  max.y <- max(abs(y));
  ylim <- max.y*c(-1.05, 1.05);
  xlim <- c(0, 1.0);
  op <- par(mar=c(4,4,3,6));
  pchs <- ifelse(as.numeric(cls) == 1, 1, 19);
  colors <- ifelse(show==1, "darkgrey", "black");
  ROCR::plot(prob.vec, y, pch=pchs, col=colors, xlim=xlim, ylim= ylim, xlab = "Predicted Class Probabilities", ylab="Samples");
  abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col="grey");
  abline(v = 0.5, lty = 2, col="grey");
  legend("right",inset=c(-0.11,0), legend = unique(as.character(cls)), pch=unique(pchs));
  test.y <- test.x <- 0;
    test.y <- rnorm(length(mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$test.res));
    test.x <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$test.res;

    pchs <- ifelse(as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls) == 1, 1, 19);
    points(test.x, test.y, pch=pchs, cex=1.5, col="red");
  if(show == 1){ 
    # add labels for sample classified wrong
    # the idea is to add labels to the left side for those with prob < 0.5
    # and add labels to the right side of the point for those with prob > 0.5
    # leave 0.5 out 
    # first wrong pred as 1 (right side)
    act.ones <- as.numeric(cls)-1 == 1;
    pred.vec <- ifelse(prob.vec > 0.5, 1, 0);
    wrong.inx <- (pred.vec != as.numeric(cls)-1) & pred.vec == 1;
    if(sum(wrong.inx) > 0){
      text(prob.vec[wrong.inx], y[wrong.inx], nms[wrong.inx], pos=4);
    # first wrong pred as 0 (left side)
    act.zeros <- as.numeric(cls)-1 == 0;
    pred.vec <- ifelse(prob.vec < 0.5, 0, 0.5);
    wrong.inx <- pred.vec != as.numeric(cls)-1 & pred.vec == 0;
    if(sum(wrong.inx) > 0){
      text(prob.vec[wrong.inx], y[wrong.inx], nms[wrong.inx], pos=2);
      nms <- rownames(mSetObj$dataSet$test.data);
      act.ones <- as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1 == 1;
      act.zeros <- as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1 == 0;
      # leave 0.5 there
      pred.vec <- ifelse(test.x > 0.5, 1, 0.5);
      wrong.inx <- (pred.vec != as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1) & act.ones;
      if(sum(wrong.inx) > 0){
        text(test.x[wrong.inx], test.y[wrong.inx], nms[wrong.inx], pos=4, cex=0.9);
      pred.vec <- ifelse(test.x < 0.5, 0, 0.5);
      wrong.inx <- pred.vec != as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1 & act.zeros;
      if(sum(wrong.inx) > 0){
        text(test.x[wrong.inx], test.y[wrong.inx], nms[wrong.inx], pos=2, cex=0.9);

#'Plot a summary view of the classification result of tester prediction
#'@description Plot of predicted class probabilities. On the x-axis is the proability, 
#'and the y-axis is the index of each predicted sample based on the probility. 
#'The samples are turned into separations at the x-axis.
#'This plot can be created for multivariate ROC curve analysis using SVM, PLS, and RandomForest.
#'Please note that sometimes, not all samples will be tested, instead they will be plotted
#'at the 0.5 neutral line. 
#'@usage PlotProbViewTest(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, mdl.inx, show, showPred) 
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300. 
#'@param mdl.inx Model index, 0 means to compare all models, -1 means to use the best model, input 1-6 to plot a ROC curve for one of the top six models
#'@param show 1 or 0, if 1, label samples classified to the wrong groups 
#'@param showPred Show predicted samples
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PlotProbViewTest <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, mdl.inx, show, showPred) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  anal.mode <- mSetObj$analSet$mode;
  smpl.nms <- rownames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
  prob.vec <- rep(0.5, length(smpl.nms));
  names(prob.vec) <- smpl.nms;
  probs <- MergeDuplicates(unlist(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$pred.cv));

  prob.vec[names(probs)] <- probs;
  nms <- names(prob.vec);
  ord.inx <- order(nms);
  prob.vec <- prob.vec[ord.inx];
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls[ord.inx];
  # remember to update the nms itself!
  nms <- names(prob.vec);
  # get html confusion matrix
  pred.out <- as.factor(ifelse(prob.vec > 0.5, 1, 0));
  act.cls <- as.numeric(cls)-1;
  prob.res <- data.frame(Probability=prob.vec, Predicted=pred.out, Actual=act.cls);
  write.table(prob.res, file="roc_pred_prob1.csv", sep=",", col.names = TRUE);
  conf.res <- table(pred.out, act.cls);
  mSetObj$analSet$conf.table <- xtable::xtable(conf.res, caption="Confusion Matrix (Cross-Validation)");
  mSetObj$analSet$conf.mat <- print(mSetObj$analSet$conf.table, type = "html", print.results=F, caption.placement="top", html.table.attributes="border=1 width=150" )     
  if(anal.mode == "test"){
      test.pred <- ifelse(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$test.res > 0.5, 1, 0);
      test.cls <- as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1;
      test.df <- data.frame(Prob_HoldOut=mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$test.res, Predicted_HoldOut=test.pred, Actual_HoldOut=test.cls);
      suppressMessages(write.table(test.df, file="roc_pred_prob1.csv", sep=",", append=TRUE, col.names = TRUE));
      test.res <- table(test.pred, test.cls);
      mSetObj$analSet$conf.mat.test <- print(xtable::xtable(test.res, 
                                                            caption="Confusion Matrix (Hold-out)"),
                                             type = "html", print.results=F, xtable.width=120, caption.placement="top",
                                             html.table.attributes="border=1 width=150" );
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- 9; h <- 8;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.testprob.plot <- imgName;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.testprob.name <- mdl.inx

  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  y <- rnorm(length(prob.vec));
  max.y <- max(abs(y));
  ylim <- max.y*c(-1.05, 1.05);
  xlim <- c(0, 1.0);
  op <- par(mar=c(4,4,3,6));
  pchs <- ifelse(as.numeric(cls) == 1, 1, 19);
  colors <- ifelse(show==1, "darkgrey", "black");
  ROCR::plot(prob.vec, y, pch=pchs, col=colors, xlim=xlim, ylim= ylim, xlab = "Predicted Class Probabilities", ylab="Samples");
  abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col="grey");
  abline(v = 0.5, lty = 2, col="grey");
  legend("right",inset=c(-0.11,0), legend = unique(as.character(cls)), pch=unique(pchs));
  test.y <- test.x <- 0;
    test.y <- rnorm(length(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$test.res));
    test.x <- mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$test.res;
    pchs <- ifelse(as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls) == 1, 1, 19);
    points(test.x, test.y, pch=pchs, cex=1.5, col="red");
  if(show == 1){ 
    # add labels for sample classified wrong
    # the idea is to add labels to the left side for those with prob < 0.5
    # and add labels to the right side of the point for those with prob > 0.5
    # leave 0.5 out 
    # first wrong pred as 1 (right side)
    act.ones <- as.numeric(cls)-1 == 1;
    pred.vec <- ifelse(prob.vec > 0.5, 1, 0);
    wrong.inx <- (pred.vec != as.numeric(cls)-1) & pred.vec == 1;
    if(sum(wrong.inx) > 0){
      text(prob.vec[wrong.inx], y[wrong.inx], nms[wrong.inx], pos=4);
    # first wrong pred as 0 (left side)
    act.zeros <- as.numeric(cls)-1 == 0;
    pred.vec <- ifelse(prob.vec < 0.5, 0, 0.5);
    wrong.inx <- pred.vec != as.numeric(cls)-1 & pred.vec == 0;
    if(sum(wrong.inx) > 0){
      text(prob.vec[wrong.inx], y[wrong.inx], nms[wrong.inx], pos=2);
      nms <- rownames(mSetObj$dataSet$test.data);
      act.ones <- as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1 == 1;
      act.zeros <- as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1 == 0;
      # leave 0.5 there
      pred.vec <- ifelse(test.x > 0.5, 1, 0.5);
      wrong.inx <- (pred.vec != as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1) & act.ones;
      if(sum(wrong.inx) > 0){
        text(test.x[wrong.inx], test.y[wrong.inx], nms[wrong.inx], pos=4, cex=0.9);
      pred.vec <- ifelse(test.x < 0.5, 0, 0.5);
      wrong.inx <- pred.vec != as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1 & act.zeros;
      if(sum(wrong.inx) > 0){
        text(test.x[wrong.inx], test.y[wrong.inx], nms[wrong.inx], pos=2, cex=0.9);

#'Plot ROC
#'@description Pred and auroc are lists containing predictions
#'and labels from different cross-validations 
#'@usage PlotROC(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, mdl.inx, 
#'avg.method, show.conf, show.holdout, focus="fpr", cutoff = 1.0)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", 
#'users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param mdl.inx Model index, 0 means to compare all models, 
#'input 1-6 to plot a ROC curve for one of the top six models  
#'@param avg.method Input the method to compute the average ROC curve, 
#'either "threshold", "vertical" or "horizontal"
#'@param show.conf Logical, if 1, show confidence interval, if 0 do not show
#'@param show.holdout Logical, if 1, show the ROC curve for hold-out validation, if 0 do not show 
#'@param focus "fpr" 
#'@param cutoff Input the threshold to limit the calculation of the 
#'ROC curve, the number must be between 0 and 1.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotROC <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, mdl.inx, avg.method, show.conf, show.holdout, focus="fpr", cutoff = 1.0){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  anal.mode <- mSetObj$analSet$mode;
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- 8; h <- 8;

  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.multi.plot <- imgName;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.multi.model <- mdl.inx;

  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  op <- par(mar=c(5,4,3,3));
  if(mdl.inx == 0){ # compare all models
    preds <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$pred.list;
    auroc <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$auc.vec;
    perf <- ROCR::performance(preds[[1]], "tpr", "fpr");
    perf.avg <- ComputeAverageCurve(perf, avg.method);
    cols <- (1:length(preds))+1;
    ROCR::plot(perf.avg@x.values[[1]], perf.avg@y.values[[1]], type="n", axes=F,
         xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
         xlab="1-Specificity (False positive rate)",
         ylab="Sensitivity (True positive rate)"
    lab.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.2);
    grid.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.1);
    lab.labels <- lab.at
    axis(side=1, at=lab.at, labels=as.graphicsAnnot(sprintf( "%.1f", lab.labels)));
    abline(v=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    abline(h=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    lines(perf.avg@x.values[[1]], perf.avg@y.values[[1]], col=cols[1]);
    for(i in 2:length(preds)){
      perf <- ROCR::performance(preds[[i]], "tpr", "fpr");
      avg <- ComputeAverageCurve(perf, avg.method);
      lines(avg@x.values[[1]], avg@y.values[[1]], col=cols[i]);
    best.inx <- which.max(auroc);
    # now add and format legends to the bottom right corner
    feats <- c("Var.", names(preds));
    feats <- substr(feats, 1, 8);
    feats <- sprintf("%-5s", feats);
    vals <- c("AUC", round(auroc, 3));
    vals <- sprintf("%-8s", vals);
    cis <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$auc.ci;
    cis <- c("CI", cis);
    legends <- paste(feats, vals, cis, sep="");
    pch <- c(NA, rep(15, length(preds)));
    cols <- c(NA, cols);
    legend("bottomright", legend = legends, pch=15, col=cols);
  }else if(mdl.inx > 0){ 
    preds <- ROCR::prediction(mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$pred.cv[[mdl.inx]], mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$true.cv);
    auroc <- round(mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$auc.vec[mdl.inx],3);
    auc.ci <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$auc.ci[mdl.inx];
    perf <- ROCR::performance(preds, "tpr", "fpr");
    perf.avg <- ComputeAverageCurve(perf, avg.method);
    y.all <- perf.avg@y.values[[1]];
    x.all <- perf.avg@x.values[[1]];
    lgd <- paste("Area under the curve (AUC) =", auroc, "\n",
                 "95% CI:", auc.ci);
    ROCR::plot(x.all, y.all, type="n", axes=F,
         xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
         xlab="1-Specificity (False positive rate)",
         ylab="Sensitivity (True positive rate)"
    lab.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.2);
    grid.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.1);
    lab.labels <- lab.at
    axis(side=1, at=lab.at, labels=as.graphicsAnnot(sprintf( "%.1f", lab.labels)));
    abline(v=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    abline(h=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    lines(x.all, y.all, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue");
      res <- ComputeHighLow(perf);
      suppressWarnings(polygon(c(x.all, rev(x.all)), c(res$con.low, rev(res$con.high)), col="#0000ff22"))
    legend("center", legend = lgd, bty="n");

#'Plot ROC for the ROC Curve Based Model Creation and Evaluation module
#'@description Plot the ROC curve of the biomarker model created using a user-selected subset of features.
#'Pred and auroc are lists containing predictions and labels from different cross-validations. 
#'@usage PlotROCTest(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", 
#'dpi=72, mdl.inx, avg.method, show.conf, show.holdout, focus="fpr", cutoff = 1.0)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", 
#'users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param mdl.inx Model index, 0 means to compare all models, 
#'input 1-6 to plot a ROC curve for one of the top six models  
#'@param avg.method Input the method to compute the average ROC curve, 
#'either "threshold", "vertical" or "horizontal"
#'@param show.conf Logical, if 1, show confidence interval, if 0 do not show
#'@param show.holdout Logical, if 1, show the ROC curve for hold-out validation, if 0 do not show 
#'@param focus "fpr" 
#'@param cutoff Input the threshold to limit the calculation of the ROC curve, the number must be between 0 and 1.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PlotROCTest<-function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, mdl.inx, avg.method, show.conf, show.holdout, focus="fpr", cutoff = 1.0){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  anal.mode <- mSetObj$analSet$mode;
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- 8; h <- 8;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.testcurve.plot <- imgName;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.testcurve.name <- mdl.inx
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.testcurve.method <- avg.method
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  op <- par(mar=c(5,4,3,3));
  if(anal.mode=="explore" && mdl.inx == 0){ # compare all models
    preds <- mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$pred.list;
    auroc <- mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$auc.vec;
    perf <- ROCR::performance(preds[[1]], "tpr", "fpr");
    perf.avg <- ComputeAverageCurve(perf, avg.method);
    cols <- (1:length(preds))+1;
    ROCR::plot(perf.avg@x.values[[1]], perf.avg@y.values[[1]], type="n", axes=F,
         xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
         xlab="1-Specificity (False positive rate)",
         ylab="Sensitivity (True positive rate)"
    lab.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.2);
    grid.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.1);
    lab.labels <- lab.at
    axis(side=1, at=lab.at, labels=as.graphicsAnnot(sprintf( "%.1f", lab.labels)));
    abline(v=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    abline(h=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    lines(perf.avg@x.values[[1]], perf.avg@y.values[[1]], col=cols[1]);
    for(i in 2:length(preds)){
      perf <- ROCR::performance(preds[[i]], "tpr", "fpr");
      avg <- ComputeAverageCurve(perf, avg.method);
      lines(avg@x.values[[1]], avg@y.values[[1]], col=cols[i]);
    best.inx <- which.max(auroc);
    # now add and format legends to the bottom right corner
    feats <- c("Var.", names(preds));
    feats <- substr(feats, 1, 8);
    feats <- sprintf("%-5s", feats);
    vals <- c("AUC", round(auroc, 3));
    vals <- sprintf("%-8s", vals);
    cis <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$auc.ci;
    cis <- c("CI", cis);
    legends <- paste(feats, vals, cis, sep="");
    pch <- c(NA, rep(15, length(preds)));
    cols <- c(NA, cols);
    legend("bottomright", legend = legends, pch=15, col=cols);
  }else if(mdl.inx > 0 && anal.mode=="explore"){ 
    preds <- ROCR::prediction(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$pred.cv[[mdl.inx]], mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$true.cv);
    auroc <- round(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$auc.vec[mdl.inx],3);
    auc.ci <- mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$auc.ci[mdl.inx];
    perf <- ROCR::performance(preds, "tpr", "fpr");
    perf.avg <- ComputeAverageCurve(perf, avg.method);
    y.all <- perf.avg@y.values[[1]];
    x.all <- perf.avg@x.values[[1]];
    lgd <- paste("Area under the curve (AUC) =", auroc, "\n",
                 "95% CI:", auc.ci);
    ROCR::plot(x.all, y.all, type="n", axes=F,
         xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
         xlab="1-Specificity (False positive rate)",
         ylab="Sensitivity (True positive rate)"
    lab.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.2);
    grid.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.1);
    lab.labels <- lab.at
    axis(side=1, at=lab.at, labels=as.graphicsAnnot(sprintf( "%.1f", lab.labels)));
    abline(v=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    abline(h=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    lines(x.all, y.all, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue");
      res <- ComputeHighLow(perf);
      suppressWarnings(polygon(c(x.all, rev(x.all)), c(res$con.low, rev(res$con.high)), col="#0000ff22"))
    legend("center", legend = lgd, bty="n");
  }else{ # plot ROC of specific model and save the table for details
    preds <- ROCR::prediction(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$pred.cv, mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$true.cv);
    auroc <- round(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$auc.vec[1],3)
    auc.ci <- mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$auc.ci;
    perf <- ROCR::performance(preds, "tpr", "fpr");
    perf.avg <- ComputeAverageCurve(perf, avg.method);
    y.all <- perf.avg@y.values[[1]];
    x.all <- perf.avg@x.values[[1]];
    # to draw a roc curve line from (0,0)
    y.all <- c(0.0, y.all);
    x.all <- c(0.0, x.all);
    lgd <- paste("Area under the curve (AUC) =", auroc, "\n",
                 "95% CI:", auc.ci);
    ROCR::plot(x.all, y.all, type="n", axes=F,
         xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
         xlab="1-Specificity (False positive rate)",
         ylab="Sensitivity (True positive rate)"
    lab.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.2);
    grid.at <- seq(0, 1, 0.1);
    lab.labels <- lab.at
    axis(side=1, at=lab.at, labels=as.graphicsAnnot(sprintf( "%.1f", lab.labels)));
    abline(v=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    abline(h=grid.at, lty=3, col="lightgrey");
    lines(x.all, y.all, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue");
      res <- ComputeHighLow(perf);            
      # to draw a roc curve line from (0,0)
      # suppressWarnings(polygon(c(x.all, rev(x.all)), c(res$con.low, rev(res$con.high)), col="#0000ff22"))
      suppressWarnings(polygon(c(x.all, rev(x.all)), c(c(0,res$con.low), c(rev(res$con.high),0)), col="#0000ff22"))

      roc.obj <- pROC::roc(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls, mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$test.res, percent = F);
      test.x <- 1-roc.obj$spec;
      test.y <- roc.obj$sens;
      lbls <- c("Type", "CV","Holdout");
      lbls <- sprintf("%-10s",lbls);
      test.auc <- round(roc.obj$auc[[1]],3);
      aucs <- c("AUC", auroc, test.auc);
      lgd <- paste(lbls, aucs, sep="");
      lines(test.x, test.y, type="l", lwd=2, col="magenta");
      legend("bottomright", legend = lgd, pch=c(NA, 15, 15), col=c(NA, "blue", "magenta"));
      legend("center", legend = lgd,  bty="n");

#'Plot classification performance using different features for Multi-Biomarker
#'@description Plot of the accuracy of classification with an increasing number of features.
#'@usage PlotAccuracy(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PlotAccuracy<-function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  anal.mode <- mSetObj$analSet$mode;
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- 9; h <- 7;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    accu.mat <- mSet$analSet$ROCtest$accu.mat;
    accu.mat <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$accu.mat;
  mn.accu <- apply(accu.mat, 2, mean);
  ylabl <- 'Predictive Accuracy';
  ylim <- c(0,1);
  title <- 'Predictive accuracies with different features';
  txt.lbls <- paste(100*round(mn.accu,3),'%');
  matplot(t(accu.mat),type='l', lty=2, col="grey", xlab='Number of features',ylab=ylabl, ylim=ylim,
  lines(1:ncol(accu.mat), mn.accu, lwd=2);
  points(mn.accu, pch=19, col=ifelse(1:length(mn.accu)==which.max(mn.accu),"red","blue"));
  text(mn.accu,labels=txt.lbls, adj=c(-0.3, -0.5), srt=45, xpd=T)
  lbls <- colnames(accu.mat);
  axis(1, 1:length(mn.accu), labels=lbls);
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.pred <- imgName;

#'Plot classification performance using different features for Biomarker Tester
#'@description Plot of the accuracy of classification with an increasing number of features.
#'@usage PlotTestAccuracy(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PlotTestAccuracy<-function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  anal.mode <- mSetObj$analSet$mode;
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- 9; h <- 7;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  y.vec <- mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$accu.mat[1,];
  ylim.ext <- GetExtendRange (y.vec, 12); # first increase ylim by 1/12
  boxplot(y.vec, col="#0000ff22", ylim=ylim.ext, outline=FALSE, boxwex=c(0.5, 0.5), ylab="Predictive Accuracy");
  stripchart(t(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$accu.mat), method = "jitter", vertical=T, add = T, pch=19);
  accu.info <- paste ("The average accuracy based on 100 cross validations is", round(mean(y.vec), 3));
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.testpred <- imgName;
    test.pred <- ifelse(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$test.res > 0.5, 1, 0);
    test.cls <- as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls)-1;
    hit <- sum(test.pred == test.cls);
    percent <- round(hit/length(test.cls), 3);
    accu.info <- paste(accu.info, ". The accuracy for hold out data prediction is ",  percent,
                       "(", hit, "/",  length(test.cls), ").", sep="");
  mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$accu.info <- accu.info;

#'Plot selected compounds by their percentage frequency
#'@description Plot the important variables of single biomarker model ranked by order of importance
#'@usage PlotImpBiomarkers(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, 
#'mdl.inx, measure = "freq", feat.num = 15)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format elect the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param mdl.inx Model index, -1 selects the model with the best AUC, input 1-6 to 
#'view the important features of one of the top six models
#'@param measure Choose to rank features by the frequency of being selected "freq", or the 
#'mean importance measure "mean"
#'@param feat.num Input the number of features to include in the plot, by default it is 15.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PlotImpBiomarkers <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, 
                        mdl.inx, measure = "freq", feat.num = 15) {
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  anal.mode <- mSetObj$analSet$mode;
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- 8; h <- 8;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.imp.plot <- imgName;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.imp.name <- mdl.inx
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    data <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;
    mSetObj$dataSet$norm_explore <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;
  } else {
    data <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm_explore
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  op <- par(mar=c(6,10,3,7));
  # if(anal.mode == "explore"){
    if(mdl.inx == -1){
      mdl.inx <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$best.model.inx;
    imp.mat <- GetImpFeatureMat(mSetObj, mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$imp.cv, mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$test.feats[mdl.inx]);
  # }else{
  #   imp.mat <- GetImpFeatureMat(mSetObj, mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$imp.cv, null);
  # }
  imp.nms <- rownames(imp.mat);
  hit.nms <- imp.nms[imp.nms %in% colnames(data)];
  data <- data[, hit.nms];
  # note, tapply can only be applied to a vector, we need
  # to combine with apply in order to used on a data frame
  mds <- apply(data, 2,
                 tapply(x, cls, median);

  lowhigh <- apply(mds, 2,
                     ifelse(rank(x)==1, "Low", "High")
  lowhigh <- t(lowhigh);

  temp.dat <- data.frame(imp.mat, lowhigh);
  colnames(temp.dat) <- c(colnames(imp.mat), levels(cls));
  imp.fileNm <- "imp_features_cv.csv";
  fast.write.csv(temp.dat, file=imp.fileNm);
  temp.dat <- NULL;
  # record the imp.mat for table show
  mSetObj$analSet$imp.mat <- imp.mat;
  mSetObj$analSet$lowhigh <- lowhigh;
  mSetObj$analSet$roc.sig.nm <- imp.fileNm;

    imp.vec <- sort(imp.mat[,1], decreasing=T);
    xlbl <- "Selected Frequency (%)";
  }else{ # default sort by freq, need to reorder
    imp.vec <- sort(imp.mat[,2], decreasing=T);
    xlbl <- "Average Importance";
  var.len <- length(imp.vec);
  if(feat.num <= 0){
    feat.num = 15;
  }else if(feat.num > var.len){
    feat.num <- var.len;
  nms.orig <- names(imp.vec);
  vip.nms <-substr(nms.orig, 1, 20);
  names(imp.vec) <- NULL;
  xlim.ext <- GetExtendRange(imp.vec, 12);
  dotchart(imp.vec, bg="blue", xlab= xlbl, xlim=xlim.ext);
  mtext(side=2, at=1:feat.num, vip.nms, las=2, line=1)
  names(imp.vec) <- nms.orig;
  axis.lims <- par("usr"); # x1, x2, y1 ,y2
  # get character width
  shift <- 2*par("cxy")[1];
  lgd.x <- axis.lims[2] + shift;
  x <- rep(lgd.x, feat.num);
  y <- 1:feat.num;

  # now synchronize lowhigh with imp.vec
  lowhigh <- lowhigh[nms.orig, ,drop=FALSE];

  nc <- ncol(lowhigh);
  col <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "RdYlBu"))(nc);
  # calculate background
  bg <- matrix("", nrow(lowhigh), nc);
  for (m in 1:nrow(lowhigh)){
    bg[m,] <- ifelse(lowhigh[m,]=="High", col[1], col[2]);

  cls.lbl <- levels(cls);

  for (n in 1:ncol(lowhigh)){
    points(x,y, bty="n", pch=22, bg=bg[,n], cex=3);
    # now add label
    text(x[1], axis.lims[4], cls.lbl[n], srt=45, adj=c(0.2,0.5));
    # shift x, note, this is good for current size
    x <- x + shift/1.25;
  # now add color key, padding with more intermediate colors for contiuous band
  col <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "RdYlBu"))(20)
  nc <- length(col);
  x <- rep(x[1] + shift, nc);
  shifty <- (axis.lims[4]-axis.lims[3])/3;
  starty <- axis.lims[3] + shifty;
  endy <- axis.lims[3] + 2*shifty;
  y <- seq(from = starty, to = endy, length = nc);
  points(x,y, bty="n", pch=15, col=rev(col), cex=2);
  text(x[1], endy+shifty/8, "High");
  text(x[1], starty-shifty/8, "Low");

#'Perform permutation tests only for ROC Tester 
#'@description Perform permutation tests for the ROC Curve Based Model Creation and Evaluation module
#'@usage Perform.Permut(mSetObj=NA, perf.measure, perm.num, propTraining = 2/3)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param perf.measure Input the performance measure to rate the performance of the model, either the area
#'under the ROC curve ("auroc") or the predictive accuracy ("accu")
#'@param perm.num Input the number of permutations to perform
#'@param propTraining Numeric, input the fraction of samples to set aside for training. Default is set to 2/3.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Perform.Permut<-function(mSetObj=NA, perf.measure, perm.num, propTraining = 2/3){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  cvRuns = perm.num;
  propTraining = propTraining
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  datmat <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;

  if(mSetObj$analSet$mode == "test"){
    clsMethod <- mSetObj$analSet$tester.method;
    clsMethod <- mSetObj$analSet$exp.method;

  splitMat <- GetTrainTestSplitMat(cls, propTraining, cvRuns);
  trainInx <- splitMat$training.mat;
  testInx <- splitMat$testing.mat;
  # now, do the permutation
  perf.outp <- actualCls <- vector(length = cvRuns, mode = "list");
  # for (irun in 1:cvRuns){
  irun <- 1;
  while(irun < cvRuns){
    cls <- cls[order(runif(length(cls)))];
    trainingSampleRun <- trainInx[irun, ]
    testSampleRun <- testInx[irun, ];
    y.in <- cls[trainingSampleRun];
    # make sure the y.in contain only one group
    if(length(unique(as.numeric(y.in))) > 1){
      y.out <- cls[testSampleRun];
      actualCls[[irun]] <- as.numeric(y.out);
      perf.outp[[irun]] <- Get.pred(datmat[trainingSampleRun,], y.in,
                                    datmat[testSampleRun, ], y.out, clsMethod);
      irun <- irun + 1;
  # get the AUROC for permuted data
  pred <- ROCR::prediction(perf.outp, actualCls);
  aucs <- try(unlist(slot(ROCR::performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")));
  if (class(aucs)=="try-error"){
     AddErrMsg("Not enough distinct predictions to compute area under the ROC curve. Increase sample size or reduce permutation number.");
  accs <- unlist(slot(ROCR::performance(pred, "acc"), "y.values"));
  perf.obj <- try(ROCR::performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr"));
  if (class(perf.obj)=="try-error"){
     AddErrMsg("Something wrong with the task. Increase sample size or reduce permutation number.");
  # now, insert the average value of the original performance
  accs <- c(mean(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$accu.mat[1,]), accs);
  aucs <- c(mean(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$auc.vec), aucs);
  mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$perm.res <- list(perf.measure=perf.measure, perf.obj=perf.obj, auc.vec=aucs, acc.vec=accs);

#'Get predicted class probability 
#'@description Get predicted class probability, used in higher function
#'@param x.train Training X
#'@param y.train Training Y
#'@param x.test Test X
#'@param y.test Test Y
#'@param clsMethod Method to predict class, by default it is PLS
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

Get.pred <- function(x.train, y.train, x.test, y.test, clsMethod="pls"){
  # first convert class label to 0/1 so convert prob-> class will be easier
  y.train <- as.factor(as.numeric(y.train)-1);
  y.test <- as.factor(as.numeric(y.test)-1);
  # note, we only need prob for class 1, pred can be inferred
  if (clsMethod == "rf"){
    model <- randomForest::randomForest(x.train, y.train, ntree=100, importance=F);
    prob.out <- predict(model, x.test, type="prob")[,"1"];
  }else if(clsMethod == "pls"){ # plsda
    model <- caret::plsda(x.train, y.train, method='oscorespls');
    prob.out <- predict(model, x.test, type="prob")[,"1",1];
  }else{ # svm
    model <- e1071::svm(x.train, y.train, type = 'C', kernel="linear", probability=TRUE);
    prob.out <- attr(predict(model, x.test,  probability=TRUE), "probabilities")[,"1"];

#'Prepare report for permutation tests
#'@description Function to prepare a report for permutation tests, used in higher functions
#'@param perm.vec Input permutation vector 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
  # check for infinite since with group variance could be zero for perfect classification
  inf.found = TRUE;
    inf.found = FALSE;
  }else {
    if(sum(is.finite(perm.vec))==0){ # all are infinite, give a random number 10
      perm.vec<-rep(10, length(perm.vec));
    }else{ # if not all inf, replace with the 10 fold of non-inf values
  better.hits <- sum(perm.vec[-1]>=perm.vec[1]);
  num <- length(perm.vec);
  if(better.hits == 0) {
    p <- paste("p <", 1/num);
    p <- better.hits/num;
    p <- paste("p =", signif(p, digits=5));
  list(permut.p = p,
       permut.inf = F,
       permut = perm.vec);

#'Plot results of permutation tests
#'@description Plot results of permutation tests
#'@usage Plot.Permutation(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format elect the image format, "png", of "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Plot.Permutation<-function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  w <- 8; h <- 8;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.perm.plot <- imgName;
  if(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$perm.res$perf.measure == "auroc"){
    mSetObj$imgSet$roc.perm.method <- "auroc"
    mSetObj$imgSet$roc.perm.method <- "predictive accuracy"
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  if(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$perm.res$perf.measure == "auroc"){
    ROCR::plot(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$perm.res$perf.obj, col="grey", lwd=1, lty=2,
         xlab="1-Specificity (False Positive rate)",
         ylab="Sensitivity (True Positive rate)");
    # now add the original ROC
    preds <- ROCR::prediction(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$pred.cv, mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$true.cv);
    auroc <- round(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$auc.vec[1],3)
    perf <- ROCR::performance(preds, "tpr", "fpr");
    # need to replace Inf with 1
    alpha.vals <- perf@alpha.values;
    perf@alpha.values <- lapply(alpha.vals, function(x){
      x[x==Inf] <- 1;
      x[x==-Inf] <- 0;
    ROCR::plot(perf,lwd=2,avg="threshold", col="blue", add=T);
    # calculate p value
    perm.vec <- mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$perm.res$auc.vec;
    better.hits <- sum(perm.vec[-1]>=perm.vec[1]);
    num <- length(perm.vec);
    if(better.hits == 0) {
      p <- paste("p <", 1/num);
      p <- better.hits/num;
      p <- paste("p =", signif(p, digits=5));
    legend("center", legend = paste('Empirical p-value: ', p), bty="n", cex=1.5);
  }else{ # accuracies
    perms <- PreparePermResult(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$perm.res$acc.vec);
    perm.vec <- perms$permut;
    perm.p <- perms$permut.p;
    xlim.ext <- GetExtendRange (perm.vec, 10);
    hst <- hist(perm.vec[-1], breaks = "FD", freq=T, ylab="Frequency", xlim=xlim.ext, xaxt="n", xlab= 'Permutation test statistics', col="lightblue", main="");
    # add the indicator using original label
    h <- max(hst$counts)
    arrows(perm.vec[1], h/5, perm.vec[1], 0, col="red", lwd=2);
    text(perm.vec[1], h/3.5, paste('Observed \n statistic \n', perm.p), xpd=T);

#'Calculate partial area under ROC curve
#'@description Calculate partial area under ROC curve
#'@param x Input X
#'@param y Input Y
#'@param focus Method
#'@param cutoff Numeric
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

Get.pAUC <- function(x, y, focus, cutoff) {
  finite.bool <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y);
  if(focus == "fpr"){
    x <- x[finite.bool];
    y <- y[finite.bool];
    x <- rev(1-y[finite.bool]);
    y <- rev(1-x[finite.bool]);
    cutoff <- 1-cutoff;
  if (length(x) < 2) {
    return (NA);
  if (cutoff < 1) {
    ind <- max(which(x <= cutoff));
    stop <- try(approxfun(x[ind:(ind+1)], y[ind:(ind+1)])(cutoff));
    if(class(stop) == "try-error"){
      x <- c(x[1:ind], cutoff);
      y <- c(y[1:ind], stop);
  auc <- 0
  for (i in 2:length(x)) {
    auc <- auc + 0.5 * (x[i] - x[i-1]) * (y[i] + y[i-1])

#'Compute average ROC curve
#'@description Compute the average ROC curve
#'@param perf Input the average
#'@param avg.method Input the name of the method to compute the average curve
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

ComputeAverageCurve<-function(perf, avg.method){
  # now get the average curve
  perf.avg = perf;
  if(avg.method == "vertical"){
    x.values <- seq(min(unlist(perf@x.values)), max(unlist(perf@x.values)),
                    length=max( sapply(perf@x.values, length)))
    for (i in 1:length(perf@y.values)) {
      perf.avg@y.values[[i]] <-
        approxfun(perf@x.values[[i]], perf@y.values[[i]],
                  ties=mean, rule=2)(x.values)
    perf.avg@y.values <- list(rowMeans(data.frame(perf.avg@y.values )))
    perf.avg@x.values <- list(x.values)
  }else if(avg.method == "horizontal"){
    y.values <- seq(min(unlist(perf@y.values)), max(unlist(perf@y.values)),
                    length=max(sapply(perf@y.values, length)))
    for (i in 1:length(perf@x.values)) {
      perf.avg@x.values[[i]] <- approxfun(perf@y.values[[i]],
                                          ties=mean, rule=2)(y.values)
    perf.avg@x.values <- list(rowMeans( data.frame( perf.avg@x.values )));
    perf.avg@y.values <- list(y.values);
  }else{ # threshold
    all.alphas <- unlist(perf@alpha.values);
    min.alpha <- min(all.alphas);
    if(min.alpha == -Inf){
      min.alpha <- 0;
    max.alpha <- max(all.alphas);
    if(max.alpha == Inf){
      max.alpha <- 1.0;
    alpha.values <- rev(seq(min.alpha, max.alpha,length=max(sapply(perf@alpha.values, length))));
    perf.sampled <- perf;
    for (i in 1:length(perf.sampled@y.values)) {
      perf.sampled@x.values[[i]] <-
                  rule=2, ties=mean)(alpha.values)
      perf.sampled@y.values[[i]] <-
        approxfun(perf@alpha.values[[i]], perf@y.values[[i]],
                  rule=2, ties=mean)(alpha.values)
    ## compute average curve
    perf.avg <- perf.sampled
    perf.avg@x.values <- list(rowMeans(data.frame(perf.avg@x.values)))
    perf.avg@y.values <- list(rowMeans(data.frame(perf.avg@y.values)))

#'Compute the 95 percent interval for threshold ROC
#'@description Computes the 95 percent interval only for the y-axis.
#'Utility function, called upon by higher functions 
#'@param perf Input the performance 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

ComputeHighLow <- function(perf){
  all.alphas <- unlist(perf@alpha.values);
  min.alpha <- min(all.alphas);
  if(min.alpha == -Inf){
    min.alpha <- 0;
  max.alpha <- max(all.alphas);
  if(max.alpha == Inf){
    max.alpha <- 1.0;
  alpha.values <- rev(seq(min.alpha, max.alpha,length=max(sapply(perf@alpha.values, length))));
  perf.sampled <- perf;
  for (i in 1:length(perf.sampled@y.values)) {
    perf.sampled@x.values[[i]] <-
                rule=2, ties=mean)(alpha.values)
    perf.sampled@y.values[[i]] <-
      approxfun(perf@alpha.values[[i]], perf@y.values[[i]],
                rule=2, ties=mean)(alpha.values)
  ## compute average curve
  y.data <- data.frame(perf.sampled@y.values)
  con.low <- apply(y.data, 1, quantile, 0.05);
  con.high <- apply(y.data, 1, quantile, 0.95);
  res <- list( 
    con.low = con.low,
    con.high = con.high
  return (res);

#'Prepare data for ROC analysis
#'@description Prepare data for ROC analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PrepareROCData <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mSetObj$dataSet$norm.all <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;
    mSetObj$dataSet$cls.all<- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  new.inx <- is.na(mSetObj$dataSet$cls.all) | mSetObj$dataSet$cls.all == "";
  if(sum(new.inx) > 0){
    mSetObj$dataSet$new.samples <- TRUE;
    mSetObj$dataSet$new.data <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm.all[new.inx, ,drop=F];
    mSetObj$dataSet$norm <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm.all[!new.inx, ,drop=F];
    mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- factor(mSetObj$dataSet$cls.all[!new.inx])
    mSetObj$dataSet$new.samples <- FALSE;
    mSetObj$dataSet$new.data <- NULL;
    mSetObj$dataSet$norm <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm.all;
    mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls.all; 

#'Set custom data
#'@description The "selected.cmpds" should be for extraction
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param selected.cmpds Input the vector containing the compounds
#'@param selected.smpls Input the vector containing the samples
SetCustomData <- function(mSetObj=NA, selected.cmpds, selected.smpls){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  data.norm.orig <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm;
  cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  if(length(selected.cmpds) > 0){
    data.norm <- data.norm.orig[, selected.cmpds, drop=F];
      mSetObj$dataSet$new.data <- mSetObj$dataSet$new.data[, selected.cmpds, drop=F];
  if(length(selected.smpls) > 0){
    hit.inx <- rownames(data.norm) %in% selected.smpls;
    mSetObj$dataSet$test.data <- data.norm[hit.inx, ,drop=F];
    mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls <- cls[hit.inx];
    data.norm <- data.norm[!hit.inx, ,drop=F];
    cls <- cls[!hit.inx];
    mSetObj$dataSet$test.data <- NULL;
    mSetObj$dataSet$test.cls <- NULL;
  mSetObj$dataSet$norm.orig <- data.norm.orig;
  mSetObj$dataSet$norm <- data.norm;
  mSetObj$dataSet$selected.cmpds <- paste(selected.cmpds, collapse="; ");
  mSetObj$dataSet$cls <- cls;

#'ROC with CI for AUC
#'@description ROC with CI for AUC
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param feat.nm Input the feature name
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PrepareROCDetails <- function(mSetObj=NA, feat.nm){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  x <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm[, feat.nm];
  y <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  roc.res <- pROC::roc(y, x, ci = T, of = "auc");
  roc.mat <- as.matrix(data.frame(
    "Cut.Offs" = roc.res$thresholds,
    "Sensitivity" = roc.res$sensitivities,
    "Specificity" = roc.res$specificities,
    "Sens.Spec." = roc.res$sensitivities + roc.res$specificities,
    "LRP" = roc.res$sensitivities/(1-roc.res$specificities),
    "LRN" = (1-roc.res$sensitivities)/roc.res$specificities
  filename <- paste(mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms[feat.nm], "_roc.csv", sep="");
  fast.write.csv(signif(roc.mat,4), file=filename, row.names=F);
  # need to clean NA/Inf/-Inf
  #analSet$roc.mat <- ClearNumerics(roc.mat);
  mSetObj$analSet$roc.mat <- signif(roc.mat, 6);
  mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj <- roc.res;
  current.feat.nm <<- feat.nm;

#'Plot detailed ROC
#'@description Plot detailed ROC
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param thresh Input the threshold
#'@param sp Specificity
#'@param se Sensitivity
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf". 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotDetailROC <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, thresh, sp, se, dpi=72, format="png"){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  imgName = paste(imgName, "_dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");

  roc.obj <- mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj;
  w <- h <- 6;
  mSetObj$imgSet$roc.univ <- imgName;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  par(oma = c(0,0,1,0));
  par(mar=c(4,4,4,4) + .1);
  pROC::plot.roc(roc.obj, print.auc=F, legacy.axes=TRUE, col="navy", grid=T,
           xlab = "False positive rate", ylab="True positive rate",
           auc.polygon=TRUE, auc.polygon.col="#0000ff22", main=current.feat.nm);
  points(sp, se, cex=1.8, col="red");


########## Utilities for web-server ##########
#'Export biomarker accuracy information
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

#'Get the text description of a recursive partitioning (rpart) result
#'@description x must be an rpart object
#'@param x An Rpart object
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

Get.rpart.summary <- function(x) {
  frame <- x$frame
  ylevel <- attr(x, "ylevels")
  node <- as.numeric(row.names(frame))
  depth <- floor(log(node, base = 2) + 1e-7)
  depth <- depth - min(depth) # doesn't seem to need as.vector.
  indent <- paste(rep(" ", 5 * 32L), collapse = "")
  if(length(node) > 1L) {
    indent <- substring(indent, 1L, 5 * seq(depth))
    indent <- paste(c("", indent[depth]), format(node), ")", sep = "")
  } else {
    indent <- paste(format(node), ")", sep = "")
  tfun <- (x$functions)$print
  if (!is.null(tfun)) {
    if (is.null(frame$yval2)){
      yval <- tfun(frame$yval,  ylevel, 4)
      yval <- tfun(frame$yval2,  ylevel, 4)
    yval <- format(signif(frame$yval, digits = 4))
  term <- rep(" ", length(depth))
  term[frame$var == "<leaf>"] <- "*"
  z <- labels(x, digits=4, minlength=0)
  n <- frame$n
  z <- paste(indent, z, n, format(signif(frame$dev, digits = 4)),
             yval, term);
  msg <- NULL;
  if (x$method=="class"){
    msg <- "node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)";
  }else {
    msg <- "node), split, n, deviance, yval";
  msg <- c(msg, "      * denotes terminal node\n");
  msg <- paste(c(msg, z), collapse="\n");

#'Compute data points on the ROC curve
#'@description perf is the performance object from ROCR
#'@param perf Performance object from ROCR
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

  perf@alpha.values <- lapply(perf@alpha.values,
                              function(x) { isfin <- is.finite(x);
                              x[is.infinite(x)] <-
                                (max(x[isfin]) +
                                   mean(abs(x[isfin][-1] -
                              x } );
  ## remove samples with x or y not finite
  for (i in 1:length(perf@x.values)) {
    ind.bool <- (is.finite(perf@x.values[[i]]) & is.finite(perf@y.values[[i]]))
    if (length(perf@alpha.values)>0){
      perf@alpha.values[[i]] <- perf@alpha.values[[i]][ind.bool]
    perf@x.values[[i]] <- perf@x.values[[i]][ind.bool]
    perf@y.values[[i]] <- perf@y.values[[i]][ind.bool]
  perf.sampled <- perf;
  alpha.values <- rev(seq(min(unlist(perf@alpha.values)),
                          length=max( sapply(perf@alpha.values, length))))
  for (i in 1:length(perf.sampled@y.values)) {
    perf.sampled@x.values[[i]] <- approxfun(perf@alpha.values[[i]],perf@x.values[[i]], rule=2, ties=mean)(alpha.values)
    perf.sampled@y.values[[i]] <- approxfun(perf@alpha.values[[i]], perf@y.values[[i]],rule=2, ties=mean)(alpha.values)
  ## return the average value
  return (cbind(alpha.values, rowMeans(data.frame(perf.sampled@x.values)), rowMeans(data.frame(perf.sampled@y.values))));

ContainNewSamples <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  ifelse(mSetObj$dataSet$new.samples, 1, 0);

#'Obtain sample names and their class labels
#'@description Obtain sample names and their class labels
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetNewSampleNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    smplInfo <- paste(rownames(mSetObj$dataSet$new.data), collapse="\n");
    smplInfo <- "No new samples found";

GetNewSampleNameVec <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetNewSampleProbs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  new.res <- mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$new.res;
  # new res is the prob for class in level 1, 
  # need to adjust it
  lvls <- levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls);
  grps <- ifelse(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$new.res >= 0.5, lvls[2], lvls[1]);
  new.res <- ifelse(new.res >= 0.5, new.res, 1-new.res);
  return(round(new.res, 5));

GetNewSampleGrps <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # need to figure out which is 1 or 0
  lvls <- levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls);
  grps <- ifelse(mSetObj$analSet$ROCtest$new.res >= 0.5, lvls[2], lvls[1]);

Get.Fisher <- function(x, fac, var.equal=TRUE) {
  inx1 <- which(y==levels(y)[1]);
  inx2 <- which(y==levels(y)[2]);
  p.value <- apply(as.matrix(x), 2,
                   function(x) {
                     tmp <- try(fisher.test(x[inx1], x[inx2]));
                     if(class(tmp) == "try-error") {

Get.Fstat <-  function(x, fac, var.equal=TRUE) {
  x = t(x);
  sqr = function(x) x*x;
  stopifnot(length(fac)==ncol(x), is.factor(fac), is.matrix(x))
  x   <- x[,!is.na(fac), drop=FALSE]
  fac <- fac[!is.na(fac)]
  ## Number of levels (groups)
  k <- nlevels(fac)
  ## xm: a nrow(x) x nlevels(fac) matrix with the means of each factor level
  xm <- matrix(
    sapply(levels(fac), function(fl) rowMeans(x[,which(fac==fl), drop=FALSE])),
    nrow = nrow(x),
    ncol = nlevels(fac))
  ## x1: a matrix of group means, with as many rows as x, columns correspond to groups
  x1 <- xm[,fac, drop=FALSE]
  ## degree of freedom 1
  dff    <- k - 1
  ## x0: a matrix of same size as x with overall means
  x0 <- matrix(rowMeans(x), ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))
  ## degree of freedom 2
  dfr    <- ncol(x) - dff - 1
  ## mean sum of squares
  mssf   <- rowSums(sqr(x1 - x0)) / dff
  mssr   <- rowSums(sqr( x - x1)) / dfr
  ## F statistic
  fstat  <- mssf/mssr

#'Return ROC corodinates with confidence intervals
#'@description Return ROC corodinates with confidence intervals
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param fld.nm The kind of input coordinate
#'@param val The coordinates to look for
#'@param plot Logical, by default set to TRUE
#'@param imgNm Input the image name
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetROC.coords <- function(mSetObj=NA, fld.nm, val, plot=TRUE, imgNm){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  res <- pROC::coords(mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj, val, input=fld.nm, transpose=TRUE);
  sp <- res[2];
  se <- res[3];
  res <- round(res, 3);
  mSetObj$analSet$thresh.obj <- NULL;
  if(fld.nm == "threshold"){
    ci.s <- pROC::ci.thresholds(mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj, boot.n=100, thresholds=val, progress="none");
    specs <- round(ci.s$specificity,3);
    sens <- round(ci.s$sensitivity, 3);
    res[2] <- paste(res[2], "(", specs[1], "-", specs[3], ")", sep="");
    res[3] <- paste(res[3], "(", sens[1], "-", sens[3], ")", sep="");
    mSetObj$analSet$thresh.obj <- ci.s;
    # update pos with the thresh obj coords
    sp <- ci.s$specificity[2];
    se <- ci.s$sensitivity[2];
  mythresh <- res[1];
    if(fld.nm == "sensitivity"){
      fld.vals <- mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj$sensitivities;
      fld.vals <- mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj$specificities;
    inx1 <- which.min(abs(fld.vals-val));
    if(inx1 == 1){
      inxb1 <- inx1;
      inxb1 <- inx1 - 1;
    if(inx1 == length(fld.vals)){
      inxb2 <- inx1;
      inxb2 <- inx1 + 1;
    if(fld.vals[inx1] > val){
      inx2 <-ifelse(fld.vals[inxb1] > val, inxb2, inxb1);
      inx2 <-ifelse(fld.vals[inxb1] > val, inxb1, inxb2);
    threshs <- mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj$thresholds;
    if(inx1 == inx2){ # out of the threshod range
      if(threshs[inx1] > threshs[2]){ #max
        res[1] <- paste(">",threshs[inx1], sep="");
        res[1] <- paste("<",threshs[inx1], sep="");
      inx.thresh <- c(inx1, inx2)
      ord.inx <- order(threshs[inx.thresh]);
      inx.thresh <- inx.thresh[ord.inx];
      res[1] <- paste(threshs[inx.thresh], collapse="-")
    PlotDetailROC(mSetObj, imgNm, mythresh, sp, se);
    mSetObj$analSet$roc.obj$thresh <- mythresh;

#'Compute lasso frequency
#'@description Not part of default, need to perform function 
#'to compute lasso frequency
#'msg: There are more than 500 variables and n<m
#'You may wish to restart and set use.Gram=FALSE
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetLassoFreqs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(ncol(mSetObj$dataSet$norm) < 500){
    lassoFreq <- try(GetROCLassoFreq(mSetObj$dataSet$norm, mSetObj$dataSet$cls));
    if(class(lassoFreq) == "try-error"){
      err.msg <<- "Unknown errors occured during computing lasso!";
      lassoFreq <- rep(0, ncol(mSetObj$dataSet$norm));
    err.msg <<- "Too many variables (>500) with small sample size, computing aborted!";
    lassoFreq <- rep(0, ncol(mSetObj$dataSet$norm));
  names(lassoFreq) <- colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
  lassoFreq <- sort(lassoFreq, decreasing =TRUE);
  lassoFreq <<- lassoFreq;

#'Get p-values for ROC
#'@description ROC p-vaues, used in higher function
#'@param data Input data
#'@param cls Input class labels
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

GetROCTtestP <- function(data, cls){
  if(ncol(data) < 1000){
    inx1 <- which(cls==levels(cls)[1]);
    inx2 <- which(cls==levels(cls)[2]);
    p.value <- apply(as.matrix(data), 2, function(x) {
      tmp <- try(t.test(x[inx1], x[inx2], paired = F, var.equal = T));
      if(class(tmp) == "try-error") {
  }else{ # use fast version
    p.value <- try(genefilter::rowttests(t(as.matrix(data)), cls)$p.value);
    if(class(p.value) == "try-error") {
      p.value <- NA;

#'Separate data set using k-fold cross validation (CV)
#'@description Separate data set with k-fold CV, used in higher function
#'@param groupN Input the size of the group
#'@param kfold Input the number of cross-validations
#'@param rseed Input the random seed
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
createCVset <- function(groupN, kfold, rseed)
  idxlist <- sample(1:groupN, size=groupN, replace=FALSE)
  CVsize <- floor(groupN / kfold)
  CV.groupIndexes <- vector(mode="list", length=kfold)
  for (i in 1:kfold) {
    CV.groupIndexes[i] <- list(idxlist[(1+CVsize*(i-1)):(CVsize*i)])
  if((groupN %% kfold) > 0) {
    while( i <= (groupN %% kfold) ) {
      CV.groupIndexes[[i]] <- c(CV.groupIndexes[[i]], idxlist[CVsize*kfold + i])
      i <- i+1
  return (CV.groupIndexes)

#'Get p-values from lasso 
#'@description Get p-values from lasso 
#'@param data Input data
#'@param cls Input class labels
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetROCLassoFreq <- function(data, cls){

  data <- cbind(cls, data);
  d.headers <- names(data);
  names(data) <- c("cls", paste0("V", 1:(ncol(data)-1)));
  inx1 <- which(cls==levels(cls)[1]);
  inx2 <- which(cls==levels(cls)[2]);
  data1 <- data[inx1, ];
  data2 <- data[inx2, ];
  min.n <- ifelse(length(inx1) <= length(inx2), length(inx1), length(inx2));
  kfold.origin <- ifelse(min.n >= 10, 10, ifelse(min.n >= 5, 5, 0));
  if(kfold.origin > 0) {
    random.seed <- 10063927;
    kfold <- kfold.origin;
    CV.inx1 <- createCVset(length(inx1), kfold, random.seed);
    CV.inx2 <- createCVset(length(inx2), kfold, random.seed);        
  } else {
    kfold <- 10;
  varlist <- NULL;
  for (i in 1:kfold) {
    # i<-1
    if (kfold.origin > 0) {
      dw1 <- data1[-CV.inx1[[i]], ]; 
      dw2 <- data2[-CV.inx2[[i]], ]; 
    } else {
      # resampling if sample size is less than 5 
      CV.inx1 <- sample(inx1, size=length(inx1), replace=TRUE);
      CV.inx2 <- sample(inx2, size=length(inx2), replace=TRUE);
      dw1 <- data1[as.character(CV.inx1), ]; 
      dw2 <- data2[as.character(CV.inx2), ]; 
    dw.all <- rbind(dw1, dw2);   
    #rownames(dw.all) <- c(1:nrow(dw.all))
    # To create a formula for model with large number of independent vars
    xnam <- names(dw.all)[-1];
    (fmla <- as.formula(paste("cls ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+"))));
    if (is.numeric(dw.all$cls)) {
      dw.all$cls <- as.numeric(as.character(dw.all$cls)); 
    } else {
      # label/cls should be integer as 0 and 1
      dw.all$cls <- as.numeric(dw.all$cls)-1; 
    x <- model.matrix(as.formula(fmla), dw.all)[, -1];
    o <- lars::lars(x, dw.all$cls, type="lasso", trace=FALSE, intercept=TRUE, normalize=FALSE, use.Gram=FALSE);
    cvfit <- NULL;
    m <- NULL;
      cvfit <- lars::cv.lars(x, dw.all$cls, type="lasso", mode="fraction", plot.it=FALSE); ## Cross-Validation              
      m <- ( o$beta[which.min(cvfit$cv),] != 0 );
      varlist10 <- names(m[m==TRUE]);
    }, error = function(e) {
      ##  print(e); 
      tryCatch ( {
        cvfit <- lars::cv.lars(x, dw.all$cls, type="lar", mode="step", plot.it=FALSE); 
        m <- ( o$beta[which.min(cvfit$cv),] != 0 );
      }, error=function(e) {
        ## print(e); 
      }, finally = {
        if(is.null(cvfit)) {
          m <- ( o$beta[5,] != 0 );
    }, finally = {
      # cat("\n Finished CV Lasso\n"); 
    varlist <- c(varlist, names(m[m==TRUE]));
  var.lasso.10CV <- unique(varlist); 
  dt <- table(varlist); 
  compnames <- names(dw.all)[-1];
  selfreq <- 0.0;
  compselfreq <- cbind(compnames, selfreq);
  for (i in 1:length(dt)) {
    compselfreq[which(compnames == names(dt[i])), "selfreq"] <- dt[i]/kfold * 100.0;

#'Get important feature matrix
#'@description feat.outp is a list that contains the ranked features in each 
#'cross validation (CV) and returns a two column matrix, col 1 = median ranking 
#'and col 2 =  mean importance measure
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param feat.outp Input the list that contains the ranked features in each 
#'cross validation (CV) and returns a two column matrix, col 1 = median ranking 
#'and col 2 =  mean importance measure
#'@param bestFeatNum Numeric
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

GetImpFeatureMat <- function(mSetObj=NA, feat.outp, bestFeatNum){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  anal.mode <- mSetObj$analSet$mode; 
  # first order each run by cmpd names so that can be combined to a data frame
  feat.outp <- lapply(feat.outp, function(x) x[order(names(x))]);
  # First rank by frequencies of being selected in the given model ###
  # obtain their ranks
  freqRank <- lapply(feat.outp, function(x) rank(-x));
  runRanksMat <- do.call("cbind", freqRank);
  # order by their median rank across runs
  ordRunRanksMat <- as.data.frame(runRanksMat[order(apply(runRanksMat, 1, median)),]);
  # Then rank by mean importance measures
  impsMat <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", feat.outp));
  impsVec <- apply(impsMat, 1, mean);
  # if(anal.mode == "explore"){
    # now count the number being selected in the bestFeatNum
    selectedMat <- apply(ordRunRanksMat, 2, function(x) x <= bestFeatNum);
  # }else{
  #   selectedMat <- ordRunRanksMat;
  # }
  # calculate percentage of being selected in the best subsets
  percentVec <- apply(selectedMat, 1, sum)/ncol(ordRunRanksMat);
  # remove ones never being selected
  percentVec <- percentVec[percentVec > 0];
  # reorder the imps to percentVec
  impsVec <- impsVec[names(percentVec)];
  # combine and return the result
  imp.mat <- cbind(percentVec, impsVec);
  ord.inx <- order(imp.mat[,1], imp.mat[,2], decreasing=T);
  imp.mat <- imp.mat[ord.inx,];
  colnames(imp.mat) <- c("Rank Freq.", "Importance");

#'Calculate variable importance of projection (VIP) score for PLS object
#'@description Users give a pls object ('oscorespls'=T), function calculates VIP score
#'usually one VIP for each component, return is the average of all VIP
#'@param pls.obj Input the PLS object
#'@param comp Numeric, input the number of components, by default it is 2
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

Get.VIP <- function(pls.obj, comp=2){
  # only use the top two comps
  b <- c(pls.obj$Yloadings)[1:comp];
  T <- pls.obj$scores[,1:comp, drop = FALSE]
  SS <- b^2 * colSums(T^2)
  W <- pls.obj$loading.weights[,1:comp, drop = FALSE]
  Wnorm2 <- colSums(W^2);
  SSW <- sweep(W^2, 2, SS / Wnorm2, "*")
  vips <- sqrt(nrow(SSW) * apply(SSW, 1, cumsum) / cumsum(SS));
    vip.mns<-apply(vips, 2, mean);      

GetLR_clsLbl <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  return(paste(mSetObj$dataSet$cls.lbl, collapse="/"));

GetLR_clsLblNew <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  return(paste(mSetObj$dataSet$cls.lbl.new, collapse="/"));

GetLassoFreqNames <- function(){

GetLRConvergence <- function(){

GetLREquation <- function(){

GetLRmodelTable <- function(){

GetLRperformTable <- function() {

GetLRthreshold <- function() {

GetCurrentConfMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetCurrentConfMatTest <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetImpHighLow <- function(mSetObj=NA, inx){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetImpRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetImpColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetImpValues <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetRocSigFileName <- function(mSetObj=NA){
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetModelNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  test.nums <- mSetObj$analSet$multiROC$test.feats;
  paste("Model", 1:length(test.nums), "(", test.nums, "features)");

GetBestModelIndex <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetUnivRankedFeatureNames <- function(){

# do the ordering before return
GetFeatureRankingMat <- function(){

Get.Accuracy <- function(cm) {
    sum(diag(cm)) / sum(cm);

#'Merge duplicated columns or rows by their mean
#'@description dim 1 => row,  dim 2 => column
#'@param data Input the data
#'@param dim Numeric, input the dimensions, default is set to 2
MergeDuplicates <- function(data, dim=2){
  if(is.null(dim(data))){ # a vector
      print("Cannot detect duplicate data without names!!!");
    nm.cls <- as.factor(names(data));
    uniq.len <- length(levels(nm.cls));
    if(uniq.len == length(data)){
    new.data <- vector (mode="numeric",length=uniq.len);
    for(i in 1:uniq.len){
      dup.inx <- nm.cls == levels(nm.cls)[i];
      new.data[i] <- mean(data[dup.inx]);
    names(new.data) <- levels(nm.cls);
    rem.len <- length(data) - length(new.data);
    if(dim == 1){
      data <- t(data);
      print("Cannot detect duplicate data without var names!!!");
    nm.cls <- as.factor(colnames(data));
    uniq.len <- length(levels(nm.cls));
    if(uniq.len == ncol(data)){
      if(dim == 1){
        data <- t(data);
    new.data <- matrix (nrow=nrow(data), ncol=uniq.len);
    for(i in 1:uniq.len){
      dup.inx <- which(nm.cls == levels(nm.cls)[i]);
      new.data[,i] <- apply(data[,dup.inx, drop=F], 1, mean);
    rownames(new.data) <- rownames(data);
    colnames(new.data) <- levels(nm.cls);
    rem.len <- ncol(data) - ncol(new.data);
    if(dim == 1){
      new.data <- t(new.data);
  print(paste(rem.len, "duplicates are merged to their average"));
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR documentation built on Oct. 24, 2024, 6:43 a.m.