#'Perform sPLS-DA
#'@description Sparse PLS functions (adapted from mixOmics package for web-based usage)
#'this function is a particular setting of internal_mint.block
#'the formatting of the input is checked in internal_wrapper.mint
#'@param X numeric matrix of predictors
#'@param Y a factor or a class vector for the discrete outcome
#'@param ncomp the number of components to include in the model. Default to 2.
#'@param mode Default set to c("regression", "canonical", "invariant", "classic")
#'@param keepX Number of \eqn{X} variables kept in the model on the last components (once all keepX.constraint[[i]] are used).
#'@param keepX.constraint A list containing which variables of X are to be kept on each of the first PLS-components.
#'@param scale Boleean. If scale = TRUE, each block is standardized to zero means and unit variances (default: TRUE).
#'@param tol Convergence stopping value.
#'@param max.iter integer, the maximum number of iterations.
#'@param near.zero.var boolean, see the internal \code{\link{nearZeroVar}} function (should be set to TRUE in particular for data with many zero values).
#'Setting this argument to FALSE (when appropriate) will speed up the computations
#'@param logratio "None" by default, or "CLR"
#'@param multilevel Designate multilevel design, "NULL" by default
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
splsda <- function(X,
ncomp = 2,
mode = c("regression", "canonical", "invariant", "classic"),
scale = TRUE,
tol = 1e-06,
max.iter = 100,
near.zero.var = FALSE,
logratio = "none", # one of "none", "CLR"
multilevel = NULL) # multilevel is passed to multilevel(design = ) in withinVariation. Y is ommited and shouldbe included in multilevel design
#-- validation des arguments --#
# most of the checks are done in the wrapper.mint.spls.hybrid function
if (is.null(Y))
stop("'Y' has to be something else than NULL.")
if (is.null(dim(Y)))
Y = factor(Y)
} else {
stop("'Y' should be a factor or a class vector.")
if (nlevels(Y) == 1)
stop("'Y' should be a factor with more than one level")
Y.mat = unmap(Y)
colnames(Y.mat) = levels(Y)#paste0("Y", 1:ncol(Y.mat))
# we expect a vector or a 2-columns matrix in 'Y' and the repeated measurements in 'multilevel'
multilevel = data.frame(multilevel)
if ((nrow(X) != nrow(multilevel)))
stop("unequal number of rows in 'X' and 'multilevel'.")
if (ncol(multilevel) != 1)
stop("'multilevel' should have a single column for the repeated measurements, other factors should be included in 'Y'.")
if (!is.null(ncol(Y)) && !ncol(Y) %in% c(0,1,2))# multilevel 1 or 2 factors
stop("'Y' should either be a factor, a single column data.frame containing a factor, or a 2-columns data.frame containing 2 factors.")
multilevel = data.frame(multilevel, Y)
multilevel[, 1] = as.numeric(factor(multilevel[, 1])) # we want numbers for the repeated measurements
Y.mat = NULL
# call to 'internal_wrapper.mint'
result = internal_wrapper.mint(X = X, Y = Y.mat, ncomp = ncomp, scale = scale, near.zero.var = near.zero.var, mode = mode,
keepX = keepX, keepX.constraint = keepX.constraint, max.iter = max.iter, tol = tol, logratio = logratio,
multilevel = multilevel, DA = TRUE)
# choose the desired output from 'result'
out = list(
call = match.call(),
X = result$X[-result$indY][[1]],
Y = if (is.null(multilevel))
} else {
ind.mat = result$X[result$indY][[1]],
ncomp = result$ncomp,
mode = result$mode,
keepX = result$keepA[[1]],
keepY = result$keepA[[2]],
keepX.constraint = result$keepA.constraint[[1]],
keepY.constraint = result$keepA.constraint[[2]],
variates = result$variates,
loadings = result$loadings,
names = result$names,
tol = result$tol,
iter = result$iter,
max.iter = result$max.iter,
nzv = result$nzv,
scale = scale,
logratio = logratio,
explained_variance = result$explained_variance,#[-result$indY],
input.X = result$input.X
class(out) = c("splsda","spls","DA")
# output if multilevel analysis
if (!is.null(multilevel))
out$multilevel = multilevel
class(out) = c("mlsplsda",class(out))
internal_wrapper.mint = function(X,
ncomp = 2,
scale = FALSE,
near.zero.var = FALSE,
max.iter = 100,
tol = 1e-06,
logratio = "none", # one of "none", "CLR"
DA = FALSE, # indicate whether it's a DA analysis, only used for the multilvel approach with withinVariation
multilevel = NULL) # multilevel is passed to multilevel(design=) in withinVariation. Y is ommited and should be included in multilevel design
if (is.null(ncomp) || !is.numeric(ncomp) || ncomp <= 0 || length(ncomp)>1)
stop("invalid number of variates, 'ncomp'.")
#-- validation des arguments --#
check = Check.entry.pls(X, Y, ncomp, keepX, keepY, keepX.constraint, keepY.constraint, mode=mode, scale=scale,
near.zero.var=near.zero.var, max.iter=max.iter ,tol=tol ,logratio=logratio ,DA=DA, multilevel=multilevel)
X = check$X
input.X = X # save the checked X, before logratio/multileve/scale
Y = check$Y
ncomp = check$ncomp
mode = check$mode
keepX.constraint = check$keepX.constraint
keepY.constraint = check$keepY.constraint
keepX = check$keepX
keepY = check$keepY
nzv.A = check$nzv.A
#set the default study factor
if (missing(study))
study = factor(rep(1,nrow(X)))
} else {
study = as.factor(study)
if (length(study) != nrow(X))
stop(paste0("'study' must be a factor of length ",nrow(X),"."))
if (any(table(study) <= 1))
stop("At least one study has only one sample, please consider removing before calling the function again")
if (any(table(study) < 5))
warning("At least one study has less than 5 samples, mean centering might not do as expected")
design = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), ncol = 2, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#-- logratio transformation --#
X = logratio.transfo(X=X, logratio=logratio)
#as X may have changed
if (ncomp > min(ncol(X), nrow(X)))
stop("'ncomp' should be smaller than ", min(ncol(X), nrow(X)), call. = FALSE)
#-- logratio transformation --#
#-- multilevel approach ----------------------------------------------------#
if (!is.null(multilevel))
if (!DA)
Xw = withinVariation(X, design = multilevel)
Yw = withinVariation(Y, design = multilevel)
X = Xw
Y = Yw
} else {
Xw = withinVariation(X, design = multilevel)
X = Xw
#-- Need to set Y variable for 1 or 2 factors
Y = multilevel[, -1,drop=FALSE]
if (ncol(Y)>0)
Y = apply(Y, 1, paste, collapse = ".") # paste is to combine in the case we have 2 levels
Y = as.factor(Y)
Y.factor = Y
Y = unmap(Y)
colnames(Y) = levels(Y)
rownames(Y) = rownames(X)
# if DA keepY should be all the levels (which is not happening in the check because of multilevel
keepY = rep(ncol(Y),ncomp)
#-- multilevel approach ----------------------------------------------------#
#-- pls approach ----------------------------------------------------#
result = internal_mint.block(A = list(X = X, Y = Y), indY = 2, mode = mode, ncomp = c(ncomp, ncomp), tol = tol, max.iter = max.iter,
design = design, keepA = list(keepX, keepY), keepA.constraint = list(keepX.constraint, keepY.constraint),
scale = scale, scheme = "horst",init="svd", study = study)
#-- pls approach ----------------------------------------------------#
result$ncomp = ncomp
result$nzv = nzv.A
if(!is.null(multilevel) & DA)
result$Y.factor = Y.factor
result$input.X = input.X
class(result) = c("mint.spls.hybrid")
internal_mint.block = function (A, indY = NULL, design = 1 - diag(length(A)), tau=NULL,#rep(1, length(A)),
ncomp = rep(1, length(A)), scheme = "horst", scale = TRUE, bias = FALSE,
init = "svd.single", tol = 1e-06, verbose = FALSE,
mode = "canonical", max.iter = 100,study = NULL, keepA = NULL,
keepA.constraint = NULL, penalty = NULL)
# A: list of matrices
# indY: integer, pointer to one of the matrices of A
# design: design matrix, links between matrices. Diagonal must be 0
# ncomp: vector of ncomp, per matrix
# scheme: a function "g", refer to the article (thanks Benoit)
# scale: do you want to scale ? mean is done by default and cannot be changed (so far)
# bias: scale the data with n or n-1
# init: one of "svd" or "random", initialisation of the algorithm
# tol: nobody cares about this
# verbose: show the progress of the algorithm
# mode: canonical, classic, invariant, regression
# max.iter: nobody cares about this
# study: factor for each matrix of A, must be a vector
# keepA: keepX of spls for each matrix of A. must be a list. Each entry must be of the same length (max ncomp)
# keepA.constraint: keepX.constraint, which variables are kept on the first num.comp-1 components. It is a list of characters
# near.zero.var: do you want to remove variables with very small variance
names(ncomp) = names(A)
# keepA is updated to be of length length(A) now, the first entries correspond to the keepA.constraint if it was provided
for (q in 1:length(A))
keepA[[q]] = c(unlist(lapply(keepA.constraint[[q]], length)), keepA[[q]]) #of length ncomp, can contains 0
# center the data per study, per matrix of A, scale if scale=TRUE, option bias
mean_centered = lapply(A, function(x){mean_centering_per_study(x, study, scale, bias)})
A = lapply(mean_centered, function(x){as.matrix(x$concat.data)})
ni = table(study) #number of samples per study
### Start: Initialization parameters
pjs = sapply(A, NCOL)
nb_ind = NROW(A[[1]])
J = length(A)
R = A # R: residuals matrices, will be a list of length ncomp
N = max(ncomp)
AVE_inner = AVE_outer = rep(NA, max(ncomp))
defl.matrix = AVE_X = crit = loadings.partial.A = variates.partial.A = tau.rgcca = list()
P = loadings.A = loadings.Astar = c = t = b = variates.A = vector("list", J)
for (k in 1:J)
t[[k]] = variates.A[[k]] = matrix(NA, nb_ind, N)
for (k in 1:J)
P[[k]] = loadings.A[[k]] = loadings.Astar[[k]]= matrix(NA, pjs[[k]], N)
for (k in 1:J)
loadings.partial.A[[k]] = variates.partial.A[[k]] = vector("list", length = nlevels(study))
for(m in 1:nlevels(study))
loadings.partial.A[[k]][[m]] = matrix(nrow = NCOL(A[[k]]), ncol = N)
variates.partial.A[[k]][[m]] = matrix(nrow = ni[m], ncol = N)
defl.matrix[[1]] = A
ndefl = ncomp - 1
J2 = J-1
if (is.vector(tau))
tau = matrix(rep(tau, N), nrow = N, ncol = length(tau), byrow = TRUE)
### End: Initialization parameters
for (n in 1 : N)
### Start: Estimation ai
if (is.null(tau))
mint.block.result = sparse.mint.block_iteration(R, design, study = study,
keepA.constraint = if (!is.null(keepA.constraint)) {lapply(keepA.constraint, function(x){unlist(x[n])})} else {NULL} ,
keepA = if (!is.null(keepA)) {lapply(keepA, function(x){x[n]})} else {NULL},
scheme = scheme, init = init, max.iter = max.iter, tol = tol, verbose = verbose,penalty = penalty)
### End: Estimation ai
#recording loadings.partials, $Ai$study[,ncomp]
# recording variates.partials, $Ai[,ncomp]
for(k in 1:J)
for(m in 1:nlevels(study))
loadings.partial.A[[k]][[m]][, n] = matrix(mint.block.result$loadings.partial.A.comp[[k]][[m]], ncol=1)
variates.partial.A[[k]][[m]][, n] = matrix(mint.block.result$variates.partial.A.comp[[k]][[m]], ncol=1)
AVE_inner[n] = mint.block.result$AVE_inner
crit[[n]] = mint.block.result$crit
tau.rgcca[[n]] = mint.block.result$tau
for (k in 1:J)
variates.A[[k]][, n] = mint.block.result$variates.A[, k]
# deflation if there are more than 1 component and if we haven't reach the max number of component (N)
if (N != 1 & n != N)
defla.result = defl.select(mint.block.result$variates.A, R, ndefl, n, nbloc = J, indY = indY, mode = mode, aa = mint.block.result$loadings.A)
R = defla.result$resdefl
defl.matrix[[n + 1]] = R
for (k in 1 : J)
if (N != 1)
P[[k]][, n - 1] = defla.result$pdefl[[k]]
loadings.A[[k]][, n] = mint.block.result$loadings.A[[k]]
if (n == 1)
for (k in 1 : J)
loadings.Astar[[k]][, n] = mint.block.result$loadings.A[[k]]
} else {
for (k in 1 : J)
loadings.Astar[[k]][, n] = mint.block.result$loadings.A[[k]] - loadings.Astar[[k]][, (1 : n - 1), drop = F] %*% drop(t(loadings.A[[k]][, n]) %*% P[[k]][, 1 : (n - 1), drop = F])
iter = c(iter, mint.block.result$iter)
if (verbose)
cat(paste0("Computation of the SGCCA block components #", N , " is under progress...\n"))
shave.matlist = function(mat_list, nb_cols) mapply(function(m, nbcomp) m[, 1:nbcomp, drop = FALSE], mat_list, nb_cols, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
shave.veclist = function(vec_list, nb_elts) mapply(function(m, nbcomp) m[1:nbcomp], vec_list, nb_elts, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
for (k in 1:J)
rownames(loadings.A[[k]]) = rownames(loadings.Astar[[k]])=colnames(A[[k]])
rownames(variates.A[[k]]) = rownames(A[[k]])
colnames(variates.A[[k]]) = colnames(loadings.A[[k]]) = paste0("comp ", 1:max(ncomp))
AVE_X[[k]] = apply(cor(A[[k]], variates.A[[k]])^2, 2, mean)
if (is.null(tau))
names(loadings.partial.A[[k]]) = names(variates.partial.A[[k]]) = levels(study)
for (m in 1:nlevels(study))
rownames(loadings.partial.A[[k]][[m]]) = colnames(A[[k]])
colnames(loadings.partial.A[[k]][[m]]) = paste0("comp ", 1:max(ncomp))
rownames(variates.partial.A[[k]][[m]]) = rownames(mean_centered[[1]]$rownames.study[[m]])
colnames(variates.partial.A[[k]][[m]]) = paste0("comp ", 1:max(ncomp))
outer = matrix(unlist(AVE_X), nrow = max(ncomp))
for (j in 1 : max(ncomp))
AVE_outer[j] = sum(pjs * outer[j, ])/sum(pjs)
variates.A = shave.matlist(variates.A, ncomp)
AVE_X = shave.veclist(AVE_X, ncomp)
AVE = list(AVE_X = AVE_X, AVE_outer = AVE_outer, AVE_inner = AVE_inner)
#calcul explained variance
A_split=lapply(A, study_split, study) #split the data per study
if (nlevels(study) == 1)
temp = suppressWarnings(explained_variance(A[[x]], variates = variates.A[[x]], ncomp = ncomp[[x]]))
temp = lapply(1:nlevels(study), function(y){
suppressWarnings(explained_variance(A_split[[x]][[y]], variates = variates.partial.A[[x]][[y]], ncomp = ncomp[[x]]))})
temp[[length(temp)+1]] = explained_variance(A[[x]], variates = variates.A[[x]], ncomp = ncomp[[x]])
names(temp) = c(levels(study), "all data")
names(expl.A) = names(A)
### Start: output
names(loadings.A) = names(variates.A) = names(A)
if (is.null(tau))
names(loadings.partial.A) = names(variates.partial.A) = names(A)
names = lapply(1:J, function(x) {colnames(A[[x]])})
names(names) = names(A)
names[[length(names) + 1]] = row.names(A[[1]])
names(names)[length(names)] = "indiv"
out = list(X = A, indY = indY, ncomp = ncomp, mode = mode,
keepA = keepA, keepA.constraint = keepA.constraint,
variates = variates.A, loadings = shave.matlist(loadings.A, ncomp),
variates.partial= if(is.null(tau)) {variates.partial.A} ,loadings.partial= if(is.null(tau)) {loadings.partial.A},
loadings.star = shave.matlist(loadings.Astar, ncomp),
names = list(sample = row.names(A[[1]]), colnames = lapply(A, colnames), blocks = names(A)),
tol = tol, iter=iter, max.iter=max.iter,
design = design,
scheme = scheme, crit = crit, AVE = AVE, defl.matrix = defl.matrix,
init = init, bias = bias,
scale = scale, tau = if(!is.null(tau)) tau.rgcca, study = study,
explained_variance = expl.A)
### End: Output
# Performance for PLS-DA and sPLS-DA
# Performance prediction for PLS-DA and sPLS-DA
# Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
# McGill University, Canada
# License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
perf.splsda <- function(object,
dist = c("all", "max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist"),
constraint = FALSE,
validation = c("Mfold", "loo"),
folds = 5,
nrepeat = 1,
auc = FALSE,
progressBar = FALSE,
#-- initialising arguments --#
# these data are the centered and scaled X output or the unmapped(Y) scaled and centered
X = object$input.X
level.Y = object$names$colnames$Y #to make sure the levels are ordered
Y = object$Y
ncomp = object$ncomp
n = nrow(X)
logratio = object$logratio
if (is.null(logratio))
logratio = "none"
multilevel = object$multilevel # repeated measurement and Y
near.zero.var = !is.null(object$nzv) # if near.zero.var was used, we set it to TRUE. if not used, object$nzv is NULL
if(any(class(object) == "plsda") & constraint == TRUE)
constraint = FALSE #no need as all variable will be included
warning("'constraint' is set to FALSE as all variables are selected on all components (plsda object).")
#-- tells which variables are selected in X and in Y --#
keepX.constraint = apply(object$loadings$X, 2, function(x){names(which(x!=0))})
# gives a matrix of ncomp columns, I want a list of length ncomp
keepX.constraint = split(keepX.constraint, rep(1:ncol(keepX.constraint), each = nrow(keepX.constraint)))
names(keepX.constraint) = paste("comp",1:length(keepX.constraint),sep="")
#keepX = NULL
} else {
#keepX.constraint = NULL
if (any(class(object) == "splsda"))
keepX = object$keepX
} else {
keepX = rep(ncol(X), ncomp)
tol = object$tol
max.iter = object$max.iter
# initialize new objects:
features = list()
for(k in 1:ncomp)
features[[k]] = NA
# check input arguments
if (hasArg(method.predict))
stop("'method.predict' argument has been replaced by 'dist' to match the 'tune' function")
method.predict = NULL # to pass R CMD check
dist = match.arg(dist, choices = c("all", "max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist"), several.ok = TRUE)
if (any(dist == "all"))
nmthdd = 3
dist = c("max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist")
} else {
nmthdd = length(dist)
if (length(validation) > 1 )
validation = validation [1]
if (!(validation %in% c("Mfold", "loo")))
stop("Choose 'validation' among the two following possibilities: 'Mfold' or 'loo'")
if (validation == "loo")
if (nrepeat != 1)
warning("Leave-One-Out validation does not need to be repeated: 'nrepeat' is set to '1'.")
nrepeat = 1
if (!is.logical(progressBar))
stop("'progressBar' must be either TRUE or FALSE")
measure = c("overall","BER") # one of c("overall","BER")
if (!(logratio %in% c("none", "CLR")))
stop("Choose one of the two following logratio transformation: 'none' or 'CLR'")
#fold is checked in 'MCVfold'
if(!is.numeric(cpus) | length(cpus)!=1)
stop("'cpus' must be a numerical value")
parallel = TRUE
cl = makeCluster(cpus, type = "SOCK")
clusterExport(cl, c("splsda","selectVar"))
} else {
parallel = FALSE
cl = NULL
#-- logration + multilevel approach ----------------------------------------#
# we can do logratio and multilevel on the whole data as these transformation are done per sample
X = logratio.transfo(X = X, logratio = logratio)
if (!is.null(multilevel))
Xw = withinVariation(X, design = multilevel)
X = Xw
#-- logratio + multilevel approach -----------------------------------------#
# -------------------------------------
# added: first check for near zero var on the whole data set
if (near.zero.var == TRUE)
nzv = nearZeroVar(X)
if (length(nzv$Position > 0))
warning("Zero- or near-zero variance predictors.\nReset predictors matrix to not near-zero variance predictors.\nSee $nzv for problematic predictors.")
X = X[, -nzv$Position, drop=TRUE]
if (ncol(X)==0)
stop("No more predictors after Near Zero Var has been applied!")
if (any(keepX > ncol(X)))
keepX = ncol(X)
# and then we start from the X data set with the nzv removed
list.features = list()
mat.error.rate = mat.sd.error = mat.mean.error = error.per.class.keepX.opt = list()
error.per.class = list()
for (measure_i in measure)
mat.sd.error[[measure_i]] = matrix(0,nrow = ncomp, ncol = length(dist),
dimnames = list(c(paste('comp', 1 : ncomp)), dist))
mat.mean.error[[measure_i]] = matrix(0,nrow = ncomp, ncol = length(dist),
dimnames = list(c(paste('comp', 1 : ncomp)), dist))
error.per.class.keepX.opt[[measure_i]] = list()
for(ijk in dist)
mat.error.rate[[measure_i]][[ijk]] = array(0, c(nlevels(Y), nrepeat ,ncomp),
dimnames = list(c(levels(Y)),c(paste('nrep', 1 : nrepeat)),c(paste('comp', 1 : ncomp))))
error.per.class.keepX.opt[[measure_i]][[ijk]] = matrix(nrow = nlevels(Y), ncol = ncomp,
dimnames = list(c(levels(Y)), c(paste('comp', 1 : ncomp))))
if(auc == TRUE)
prediction.all = class.all = auc.mean = auc.all = list()
for(ijk in dist)
class.all[[ijk]] = array(0, c(nrow(X), nrepeat ,ncomp),
dimnames = list(rownames(X),c(paste('nrep', 1 : nrepeat)),c(paste('comp', 1 : ncomp))))
for (comp in 1 : ncomp)
if (progressBar == TRUE)
cat("\ncomp",comp, "\n")
if(comp > 1)
choice.keepX.constraint = keepX.constraint[1 : (comp - 1)]
} else {
choice.keepX.constraint = NULL
test.keepX = keepX.constraint[comp]
#names(test.keepX) = test.keepX
#test.keepX is a vector a variables to keep on comp 'comp'
} else {
if(comp > 1)
choice.keepX = keepX[1 : (comp - 1)]
} else {
choice.keepX = NULL
test.keepX = keepX[comp]
names(test.keepX) = test.keepX
#test.keepX is a value
# estimate performance of the model for each component
result = MCVfold.splsda (X, Y, multilevel = multilevel, validation = validation, folds = folds, nrepeat = nrepeat, ncomp = comp,
choice.keepX = if(constraint){NULL}else{choice.keepX},
choice.keepX.constraint = if(constraint){choice.keepX.constraint}else{NULL},
test.keepX = test.keepX, measure = measure, dist = dist, near.zero.var = near.zero.var,
auc = auc, progressBar = progressBar, class.object = class(object), cl = cl)
# ---- extract stability of features ----- # NEW
if (any(class(object) == "splsda"))
list.features[[comp]] = result$features$stable
for (ijk in dist)
for (measure_i in measure)
mat.error.rate[[measure_i]][[ijk]][ ,,comp] = result[[measure_i]]$mat.error.rate[[ijk]][,1]
mat.mean.error[[measure_i]][comp, ijk]=result[[measure_i]]$error.rate.mean[[ijk]]
if (!is.null(result[[measure_i]]$error.rate.sd))
mat.sd.error[[measure_i]][comp, ijk]=result[[measure_i]]$error.rate.sd[[ijk]]
} else {
mat.sd.error= NULL
# confusion matrix for keepX.opt
error.per.class.keepX.opt[[measure_i]][[ijk]][ ,comp]=result[[measure_i]]$confusion[[ijk]][,1]
#prediction of each samples for each fold and each repeat, on each comp
class.all[[ijk]][, , comp] = result$class.comp[[ijk]][,,1]
prediction.all[[comp]] = array(unlist(result$prediction.comp),c(nrow(result$prediction.comp[[1]]), ncol(result$prediction.comp[[1]]), nrepeat),
dimnames = c(dimnames(result$prediction.comp[[1]])[1:2], list(paste0("nrep",1:nrepeat))))#[[1]][, , 1] #take only one component [[1]] and one of test.keepX [,,1]
if(auc == TRUE)
auc.all[[comp]] = lapply(result$auc.all, function(x) x[,,1])
auc.mean[[comp]] = result$auc[, , 1]
if (parallel == TRUE)
names(prediction.all) = paste('comp', 1:ncomp)
result = list(error.rate = mat.mean.error,
error.rate.sd = mat.sd.error,
error.rate.all = mat.error.rate,
error.rate.class = error.per.class.keepX.opt[[1]],
predict = prediction.all,
class = class.all)
names(auc.mean) = c(paste('comp', 1:ncomp))
result$auc = auc.mean
names(auc.all) = c(paste('comp', 1:ncomp))
result$auc.all =auc.all
if (any(class(object) == "splsda"))
names(list.features) = paste('comp', 1:ncomp)
result$features$stable = list.features
if (progressBar == TRUE)
# added
if (near.zero.var == TRUE)
result$nzvX = nzv$Position
if (any(class(object) == "splsda"))
method = "splsda.mthd"
} else if (any(class(object) == "plsda")) {
method = "plsda.mthd"
} else {
warning("Something that should not happen happened. Please contact us.")
class(result) = c("perf",paste(c("perf", method), collapse ="."))
result$call = match.call()
#updated outputs
MCVfold.splsda = function(
multilevel = NULL, # repeated measurement only
nrepeat = 1,
choice.keepX = NULL, #either choice.keepX or choice.keepX.constraint, not both
choice.keepX.constraint = NULL,
test.keepX, # can be either a vector of names (keepX.constraint) or a value(keepX). In case of a value, there needs to be names(test.keepX)
measure = c("overall"), # one of c("overall","BER")
dist = "max.dist",
auc = FALSE,
max.iter = 100,
near.zero.var = FALSE,
progressBar = TRUE,
class.object = NULL,
pb = FALSE;
M = length(folds);
features = features.j = NULL;
auc.all = prediction.comp = class.comp = list()
for(ijk in dist)
class.comp[[ijk]] = array(0, c(nrow(X), nrepeat, length(test.keepX)))# prediction of all samples for each test.keepX and nrep at comp fixed
folds.input = folds
for(nrep in 1:nrepeat)
prediction.comp[[nrep]] = array(0, c(nrow(X), nlevels(Y), length(test.keepX)), dimnames = list(rownames(X), levels(Y), names(test.keepX)))
rownames(prediction.comp[[nrep]]) = rownames(X)
colnames(prediction.comp[[nrep]]) = levels(Y)
auc.all[[nrep]] = array(0, c(nlevels(Y),2, length(test.keepX)), dimnames = list(paste(levels(Y), "vs Other(s)"), c("AUC","p-value"), names(test.keepX)))
auc.all[[nrep]] = array(0, c(1,2, length(test.keepX)), dimnames = list(paste(levels(Y)[1], levels(Y)[2], sep = " vs "), c("AUC","p-value"), names(test.keepX)))
n = nrow(X)
repeated.measure = 1:n
if (!is.null(multilevel))
repeated.measure = multilevel[,1]
n = length(unique(repeated.measure)) # unique observation: we put every observation of the same "sample" in the either the training or test set
#-- define the folds --#
if (validation == "Mfold")
if (nrep > 1) # reinitialise the folds
folds = folds.input
if (is.null(folds) || !is.numeric(folds) || folds < 2 || folds > n)
stop("Invalid number of folds.")
} else {
M = round(folds)
if (is.null(multilevel))
temp = stratified.subsampling(Y, folds = M)
folds = temp$SAMPLE
if(temp$stop > 0 & nrep == 1) # to show only once
warning("At least one class is not represented in one fold, which may unbalance the error rate.\n
Consider a number of folds lower than the minimum in table(Y): ", min(table(Y)))
} else {
folds = split(sample(1:n), rep(1:M, length = n)) # needs to have all repeated samples in the same fold
} else if (validation == "loo") {
folds = split(1:n, rep(1:n, length = n))
M = n
M = length(folds)
error.sw = matrix(0, nrow = M, ncol = length(test.keepX))
rownames(error.sw) = paste0("fold",1:M)
colnames(error.sw) = names(test.keepX)
# for the last keepX (i) tested, prediction combined for all M folds so as to extract the error rate per class
# prediction.all = vector(length = nrow(X))
# in case the test set only includes one sample, it is better to advise the user to
# perform loocv
stop.user = FALSE
# function instead of a loop so we can use lapply and parLapply. Can't manage to put it outside without adding all the arguments
fonction.j.folds = function(j)#for (j in 1:M)
if (progressBar == TRUE)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, (M*(nrep-1)+j-1)/(M*nrepeat))
#set up leave out samples.
omit = which(repeated.measure %in% folds[[j]] == TRUE)
# get training and test set
X.train = X[-omit, ]
Y.train = Y[-omit]
X.test = X[omit, , drop = FALSE]#matrix(X[omit, ], nrow = length(omit)) #removed to keep the colnames in X.test
Y.test = Y[omit]
#-- near.zero.var ----------------------#
# first remove variables with no variance
var.train = apply(X.train, 2, var)
ind.var = which(var.train == 0)
if (length(ind.var) > 0)
X.train = X.train[, -c(ind.var),drop = FALSE]
X.test = X.test[, -c(ind.var),drop = FALSE]
# match choice.keepX, choice.keepX.constraint and test.keepX if needed
if(is.null(choice.keepX.constraint) & !is.list(test.keepX))
# keepX = c(choice.keepX, test.keepX[i])
# keepX.constraint = NULL
# reduce choice.keepX and test.keepX if needed
if (any(choice.keepX > ncol(X.train)))
choice.keepX[which(choice.keepX>ncol(X.train))] = ncol(X.train)
if (any(test.keepX > ncol(X.train)))
test.keepX[which(test.keepX>ncol(X.train))] = ncol(X.train)
} else if(!is.list(test.keepX)){
# keepX = test.keepX[i]
# keepX.constraint = choice.keepX.constraint
# reduce test.keepX if needed
if (any(test.keepX > ncol(X.train)))
test.keepX[which(test.keepX>ncol(X.train))] = ncol(X.train)
choice.keepX.constraint = match.keepX.constraint(names.remove = names(ind.var), keepX.constraint = choice.keepX.constraint)
} else {
# keepX = NULL
# keepX.constraint = c(choice.keepX.constraint, test.keepX)
# reduce choice.keepX.constraint if needed
choice.keepX.constraint = match.keepX.constraint(names.remove = names(ind.var), keepX.constraint = c(choice.keepX.constraint, test.keepX))
if(near.zero.var == TRUE)
remove.zero = nearZeroVar(X.train)$Position
if (length(remove.zero) > 0)
names.var = colnames(X.train)[remove.zero]
X.train = X.train[, -c(remove.zero),drop = FALSE]
X.test = X.test[, -c(remove.zero),drop = FALSE]
# match choice.keepX, choice.keepX.constraint and test.keepX if needed
if(is.null(choice.keepX.constraint) & !is.list(test.keepX))
# keepX = c(choice.keepX, test.keepX[i])
# keepX.constraint = NULL
# reduce choice.keepX and test.keepX if needed
if (any(choice.keepX > ncol(X.train)))
choice.keepX[which(choice.keepX>ncol(X.train))] = ncol(X.train)
if (any(test.keepX > ncol(X.train)))
test.keepX[which(test.keepX>ncol(X.train))] = ncol(X.train)
} else if(!is.list(test.keepX)){
# keepX = test.keepX[i]
# keepX.constraint = choice.keepX.constraint
# reduce test.keepX if needed
if (any(test.keepX > ncol(X.train)))
test.keepX[which(test.keepX>ncol(X.train))] = ncol(X.train)
choice.keepX.constraint = match.keepX.constraint(names.remove = names.var, keepX.constraint = choice.keepX.constraint)
} else {
# keepX = NULL
# keepX.constraint = c(choice.keepX.constraint, test.keepX)
# reduce choice.keepX.constraint if needed
choice.keepX.constraint = match.keepX.constraint(names.remove = names.var, keepX.constraint = c(choice.keepX.constraint, test.keepX))
#-- near.zero.var ----------------------#
prediction.comp.j = array(0, c(length(omit), nlevels(Y), length(test.keepX)), dimnames = list(rownames(X.test), levels(Y), names(test.keepX)))
class.comp.j = list()
for(ijk in dist)
class.comp.j[[ijk]] = matrix(0, nrow = length(omit), ncol = length(test.keepX))# prediction of all samples for each test.keepX and nrep at comp fixed
for (i in 1:length(test.keepX))
if (progressBar == TRUE)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, (M*(nrep-1)+j-1)/(M*nrepeat) + (i-1)/length(test.keepX)/(M*nrepeat))
# depending on whether it is a constraint and whether it is from tune or perf, keepX and keepX.constraint differ:
# if it's from perf, then it's only either keepX or keepX.constraint
# if it's from tune, then it's either keepX, or a combination of keepX.constraint and keepX
# we know if it's perf+constraint or tune+constraint depending on the test.keepX that is either a vector or a list
object.res = splsda(X.train, Y.train, ncomp = ncomp,
keepX = if(is.null(choice.keepX.constraint) & !is.list(test.keepX)){c(choice.keepX, test.keepX[i])}else if(!is.list(test.keepX)){test.keepX[i]} else {NULL} ,
keepX.constraint = if(is.null(choice.keepX.constraint)& !is.list(test.keepX)){NULL}else if(!is.list(test.keepX)){choice.keepX.constraint} else {c(choice.keepX.constraint, test.keepX)},
logratio = "none", near.zero.var = FALSE, mode = "regression", max.iter = max.iter)
# added: record selected features
if (any(class.object %in% c("splsda")) & length(test.keepX) == 1) # only done if splsda and if only one test.keepX as not used if more so far
# note: if plsda, 'features' includes everything: to optimise computational time, we don't evaluate for plsda object
features.j = selectVar(object.res, comp = ncomp)$name
test.predict.sw <- predict.spls(object.res, newdata = X.test, method = dist)
prediction.comp.j[, , i] = test.predict.sw$predict[, , ncomp]
for(ijk in dist)
class.comp.j[[ijk]][, i] = test.predict.sw$class[[ijk]][, ncomp] #levels(Y)[test.predict.sw$class[[ijk]][, ncomp]]
} # end i
return(list(class.comp.j = class.comp.j, prediction.comp.j = prediction.comp.j, features = features.j, omit = omit))
} # end fonction.j.folds
if (!is.null(cl) == TRUE)
result = parLapply(cl, 1: M, fonction.j.folds)
} else {
result = lapply(1: M, fonction.j.folds)
# combine the results
for(j in 1:M)
omit = result[[j]]$omit
prediction.comp.j = result[[j]]$prediction.comp.j
class.comp.j = result[[j]]$class.comp.j
prediction.comp[[nrep]][omit, , ] = prediction.comp.j
for(ijk in dist)
class.comp[[ijk]][omit,nrep, ] = class.comp.j[[ijk]]
if (any(class.object %in% c("splsda")) & length(test.keepX) == 1) # only done if splsda and if only one test.keepX as not used if more so far
features = c(features, result[[j]]$features)
if (progressBar == TRUE)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, (M*nrep)/(M*nrepeat))
for (i in 1:length(test.keepX))
data$outcome = Y
data$data = prediction.comp[[nrep]][, , i]
auc.all[[nrep]][, , i] = as.matrix(statauc(data))
} #end nrep 1:nrepeat
names(prediction.comp) = names (auc.all) = paste0("nrep.", 1:nrepeat)
# class.comp[[ijk]] is a matrix containing all prediction for test.keepX, all nrepeat and all distance, at comp fixed
# average auc over the nrepeat, for each test.keepX
auc.mean.sd = array(0, c(nlevels(Y),2, length(test.keepX)), dimnames = list(rownames(auc.all[[1]]), c("AUC.mean","AUC.sd"), names(test.keepX)))
auc.mean.sd = array(0, c(1,2, length(test.keepX)), dimnames = list(rownames(auc.all[[1]]), c("AUC.mean","AUC.sd"), names(test.keepX)))
for(i in 1:length(test.keepX))
temp = NULL
for(nrep in 1:nrepeat)
temp = cbind(temp, auc.all[[nrep]][, 1, i])
auc.mean.sd[, 1, i] = rowMeans(temp);
auc.mean.sd[, 2, i] = apply(temp,1,sd)
} else {
auc.mean.sd = auc.all = NULL
result = list()
error.mean = error.sd = error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp = keepX.opt = test.keepX.out = mat.error.final = choice.keepX.out = list()
if (any(measure == "overall"))
for(ijk in dist)
rownames(class.comp[[ijk]]) = rownames(X)
colnames(class.comp[[ijk]]) = paste0("nrep.", 1:nrepeat)
dimnames(class.comp[[ijk]])[[3]] = paste0("test.keepX.",names(test.keepX))
#finding the best keepX depending on the error measure: overall or BER
# classification error for each nrep and each test.keepX: summing over all samples
error = apply(class.comp[[ijk]],c(3,2),function(x)
sum(as.character(Y) != x)
rownames(error) = names(test.keepX)
colnames(error) = paste0("nrep.",1:nrepeat)
# we want to average the error per keepX over nrepeat and choose the minimum error
error.mean[[ijk]] = apply(error,1,mean)/length(Y)
if (!nrepeat == 1)
error.sd[[ijk]] = apply(error,1,sd)/length(Y)
mat.error.final[[ijk]] = error/length(Y) # percentage of misclassification error for each test.keepX (rows) and each nrepeat (columns)
keepX.opt[[ijk]] = which(error.mean[[ijk]] == min(error.mean[[ijk]]))[1] # chose the lowest keepX if several minimum
# confusion matrix for keepX.opt
error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp[[ijk]] = apply(class.comp[[ijk]][, , keepX.opt[[ijk]], drop = FALSE], 2, function(x)
conf = get.confusion_matrix(Y.learn = factor(Y), Y.test = factor(Y), pred = x)
out = (apply(conf, 1, sum) - diag(conf)) / summary(Y)
rownames(error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp[[ijk]]) = levels(Y)
colnames(error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp[[ijk]]) = paste0("nrep.", 1:nrepeat)
test.keepX.out[[ijk]] = test.keepX[keepX.opt[[ijk]]]
choice.keepX.out[[ijk]] = c(lapply(choice.keepX.constraint,length), test.keepX.out)
choice.keepX.out[[ijk]] = c(choice.keepX, test.keepX.out)
result$"overall"$error.rate.mean = error.mean
if (!nrepeat == 1)
result$"overall"$error.rate.sd = error.sd
result$"overall"$confusion = error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp
result$"overall"$mat.error.rate = mat.error.final
result$"overall"$keepX.opt = test.keepX.out
if (any(measure == "BER"))
for(ijk in dist)
rownames(class.comp[[ijk]]) = rownames(X)
colnames(class.comp[[ijk]]) = paste0("nrep.", 1:nrepeat)
dimnames(class.comp[[ijk]])[[3]] = paste0("test.keepX.",names(test.keepX))
error = apply(class.comp[[ijk]],c(3,2),function(x)
conf = get.confusion_matrix(Y.learn = factor(Y),Y.test = factor(Y),pred = x)
rownames(error) = names(test.keepX)
colnames(error) = paste0("nrep.",1:nrepeat)
# average BER over the nrepeat
error.mean[[ijk]] = rowMeans(error);
if (!nrepeat == 1)
error.sd[[ijk]] = apply(error,1,sd)
mat.error.final[[ijk]] = error # BER for each test.keepX (rows) and each nrepeat (columns)
keepX.opt[[ijk]] = which(error.mean[[ijk]] == min(error.mean[[ijk]]))[1]
# confusion matrix for keepX.opt
error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp[[ijk]] = apply(class.comp[[ijk]][, , keepX.opt[[ijk]], drop = FALSE], 2, function(x)
conf = get.confusion_matrix(Y.learn = factor(Y), Y.test = factor(Y), pred = x)
out = (apply(conf, 1, sum) - diag(conf)) / summary(Y)
rownames(error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp[[ijk]]) = levels(Y)
colnames(error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp[[ijk]]) = paste0("nrep.", 1:nrepeat)
test.keepX.out[[ijk]] = test.keepX[keepX.opt[[ijk]]]
choice.keepX.out[[ijk]] = c(lapply(choice.keepX.constraint,length), test.keepX.out)
choice.keepX.out[[ijk]] = c(choice.keepX, test.keepX.out)
result$"BER"$error.rate.mean = error.mean
if (!nrepeat == 1)
result$"BER"$error.rate.sd = error.sd
result$"BER"$confusion = error.per.class.keepX.opt.comp
result$"BER"$mat.error.rate = mat.error.final
result$"BER"$keepX.opt = test.keepX.out
result$prediction.comp = prediction.comp
result$auc = auc.mean.sd
result$auc.all = auc.all
result$class.comp = class.comp
result$features$stable = sort(table(as.factor(features))/M/nrepeat, decreasing = TRUE)
#'Perform Sparse Generalized Canonical Correlation (sgccak)
#'@description Runs sgccak() modified from RGCCA
#'@param A Data
#'@param design Set design
#'@param study Default set to NULL
#'@param keepA.constraint Default set to NULL
#'@param keepA Default set to NULL
#'@param scheme Scheme, default set to "horst"
#'@param init Init mode, default set to "svd"
#'@param max.iter Max number of iterations, numeric, default set to 100
#'@param tol Tolerance, numeric, default set to 1e-06
#'@param verbose Default set to TRUE
#'@param bias Default set to FALSE
#'@param penalty Default set to NULL
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
sparse.mint.block_iteration = function(A, design, study = NULL, keepA.constraint = NULL, keepA = NULL,
scheme = "horst", init = "svd", max.iter = 100, tol = 1e-06, verbose = TRUE, bias = FALSE,
# keepA.constraint is a list of positions in A of the variables to keep on the component
# keepA is a vector of numbers
# study is a vector
# == == == == no check needed as this function is only used in internal_mint.block, in which the checks are conducted
### Start: Initialization parameters
J = length(A)
J2 = J-1
pjs = sapply(A, NCOL)
AVE_X = rep(0, J)
if (!is.null(penalty))
penalty = penalty * sqrt(pjs)
iter = 1
converg = crit = numeric()
variates.A = Z = matrix(0, NROW(A[[1]]), J)
misdata = any(sapply(A, function(x){any(is.na(x))})) # Detection of missing data
if (misdata)
is.na.A = lapply(A, is.na)
g = function(x) switch(scheme, horst = x, factorial = x^2, centroid = abs(x))
# study split
A_split = lapply(A, study_split, study)
if (misdata)
is.na.A_split = lapply(is.na.A, study_split, study)
nlevels_study = nlevels(study)
### End: Initialization parameters
### Start: Initialisation "loadings.A" vector
if (init == "svd")
### Start: Change initialization of loadings.A
if (misdata)
M = lapply(c(1:(J-1)), function(x){crossprod(replace(A[[x]], is.na(A[[x]]), 0), replace(A[[J]], is.na(A[[J]]), 0))})
} else {
M = lapply(c(1:(J-1)), function(x){crossprod(A[[x]], A[[J]])})
svd.M = lapply(M, function(x){svd(x, nu = 1, nv = 1)})
loadings.A = lapply(c(1:(J-1)), function(x){svd.M[[x]]$u})
loadings.A[[J]] = svd.M[[1]]$v
} else if (init=="svd.single") {
alpha = lapply(1 : J, function(y){initsvd(lapply(y, function(x) {replace(A[[x]], is.na(A[[x]]), 0)})[[1]])})
loadings.A = list()
for (j in 1:J)
if (nrow(A[[j]]) >= ncol(A[[j]]))
loadings.A[[j]] = alpha[[j]]
} else {
K = as.matrix(A[[j]]) %*% as.matrix(t(A[[j]]))
N = ifelse(bias, nrow(A[[j]]), nrow(A[[j]]) - 1)
alpha[[j]] = drop(1/sqrt(t(alpha[[j]]) %*% K %*% alpha[[j]])) * alpha[[j]]
loadings.A[[j]] = t(A[[j]]) %*% alpha[[j]]
### End: Change initialization of a
} else {
stop("init should be either 'svd' or 'svd.single'.")
### End: Initialisation "a" vector
variates.partial.A.comp = NULL
loadings.partial.A.comp = list()
for (q in 1:J)
#variates.A[, q] = apply(A[[q]], 1, miscrossprod, loadings.A[[q]])
A.temp = replace(A[[q]], is.na.A[[q]], 0) # replace NA in A[[q]] by 0
variates.A.temp = A.temp %*% loadings.A[[q]]
temp = drop(loadings.A[[q]]) %o% rep(1, nrow(A[[q]]))
temp[(t(is.na.A[[q]]))] = 0
loadings.A.norm = crossprod(temp)
variates.A[, q] = variates.A.temp / diag(loadings.A.norm)
# we can have 0/0, so we put 0
a = is.na(variates.A[, q])
if (any(a))
variates.A[a, q] = 0
variates.A[, q] = A[[q]]%*%loadings.A[[q]]
loadings.A[[q]] = l2.norm(as.vector(loadings.A[[q]]))
loadings.partial.A.comp[[q]] = list()
loadings.A_old = loadings.A
### Start Algorithm 1 Sparse generalized canonical analysis (See Variable selection for generalized canonical correlation analysis (Tenenhaus))
repeat {
#variates.Aold can be used for the convergence of the algorithm, not used at the moment, so please disregard variates.Aold
variates.Aold = variates.A
for (q in 1:J)
### Start : !!! Impact of the diag of the design matrix !!! ###
if (scheme == "horst")
CbyCovq = design[q, ]
if (scheme == "factorial")
CbyCovq = design[q, ] * cov2(variates.A, variates.A[, q], bias = bias)
if (scheme == "centroid")
CbyCovq = design[q, ] * sign(cov2(variates.A, variates.A[, q], bias = bias))
### End : !!! Impact of the diag of the design matrix !!! ###
### Step A start: Compute the inner components
Z[, q] = rowSums(mapply("*", CbyCovq, as.data.frame(variates.A)))
Z_split = study_split(Z[,q,drop=FALSE],study) # split Z by the study factor
### Step A end: Compute the inner components
### Step B start: Computer the outer weight ###
# possibility of removing NA (replacing by 0) and use crossprod, further development
for (m in 1:nlevels_study)
loadings.partial.A.comp[[q]][[m]] = apply(t(A_split[[q]][[m]]), 1, miscrossprod, Z_split[[m]])
loadings.partial.A.comp[[q]][[m]] = t(A_split[[q]][[m]])%*%Z_split[[m]]
loadings.A[[q]] = temp
# sparse using keepA / penalty
if (!is.null(penalty))
loadings.A[[q]] = sparsity(loadings.A[[q]], keepA = NULL,keepA.constraint = NULL, penalty = penalty[q])
loadings.A[[q]] = sparsity(loadings.A[[q]], keepA[[q]], keepA.constraint[[q]], penalty = NULL)
### Step B end: Computer the outer weight ###
#variates.A[, q] = apply(A[[q]], 1, miscrossprod, loadings.A[[q]])
A.temp = replace(A[[q]], is.na.A[[q]], 0) # replace NA in A[[q]] by 0
variates.A.temp = A.temp %*% loadings.A[[q]]
temp = drop(loadings.A[[q]]) %o% rep(1, nrow(A[[q]]))
temp[(t(is.na.A[[q]]))] = 0
loadings.A.norm = crossprod(temp)
variates.A[, q] = variates.A.temp / diag(loadings.A.norm)
# we can have 0/0, so we put 0
a = is.na(variates.A[, q])
if (any(a))
variates.A[a, q] = 0
variates.A[, q] = A[[q]]%*%loadings.A[[q]]
crit[iter] = sum(design * g(cov2(variates.A, bias = bias)))
if (iter > max.iter)
warning("The SGCCA algorithm did not converge", call. = FALSE)#cat("The SGCCA algorithm did not converge after", max.iter ,"iterations."))
### Start: Match algorithm with mixOmics algo (stopping point)
### if ((converg[iter] < tol & sum(stationnary_point) == J) | iter > max.iter)
if (max(sapply(1:J, function(x){crossprod(loadings.A[[x]] - loadings.A_old[[x]])})) < tol | iter > max.iter)
### End: Match algorithm with mixOmics algo (stopping point)
loadings.A_old = loadings.A
iter = iter + 1
### End Algorithm 1 (See Variable selection for generalized canonical correlation analysis (Tenenhaus))
#calculation variates.partial.A.comp
variates.partial.A.comp = lapply(1 : J, function(x){
lapply(1 : nlevels_study, function(y){
#apply(A_split[[x]][[y]], 1, miscrossprod, loadings.A[[x]])
A.temp = replace(A_split[[x]][[y]], is.na.A_split[[x]][[y]], 0) # replace NA in A_split[[x]][[y]] by 0
variates.part.A.temp = A.temp %*% loadings.A[[x]]
temp = drop(loadings.A[[x]]) %o% rep(1, nrow(A_split[[x]][[y]]))
temp[(t(is.na.A[[x]][[y]]))] = 0
loadings.A.norm = crossprod(temp)
variates.part.A = variates.part.A.temp / diag(loadings.A.norm)
# we can have 0/0, so we put 0
a = is.na(variates.part.A)
if (any(a))
variates.part.A[a] = 0
A_split[[x]][[y]] %*% loadings.A[[x]]
if (verbose)
plot(crit, xlab = "iteration", ylab = "criteria")
AVE_inner = sum(design * cor(variates.A)^2/2)/(sum(design)/2)
result = list(variates.A = variates.A, loadings.A = loadings.A, crit = crit[which(crit != 0)],
AVE_inner = AVE_inner, loadings.partial.A.comp = loadings.partial.A.comp, variates.partial.A.comp = variates.partial.A.comp, iter = iter)
mean_centering_per_study=function(data, study, scale, bias=FALSE)
M = length(levels(study)) # number of groups
# split the data
data.list.study = study_split(data, study)
# center and scale data per group, and concatene the data
res = lapply(data.list.study, scale.function, scale = scale, bias = bias)
concat.data = do.call("rbind", lapply(res,function(x){x[[1]]}))
meanX = lapply(res, function(x){x[[2]]})
sqrt.sdX = lapply(res, function(x){x[[3]]})
rownames.study = lapply(res, function(x){rownames(x[[1]])})
#rename rows and cols of concatenated centered (and/or scaled) data
colnames(concat.data) = colnames(data)
#sort the samples as in the original X
indice.match = match(rownames(data),rownames(concat.data))
concat.data = concat.data[indice.match, ,drop=FALSE]
if (M > 1)
for (m in 1:M)
attr(concat.data,paste0("means:", levels(study)[m])) = meanX[[m]]
attr(concat.data,paste0("sigma:", levels(study)[m])) = sqrt.sdX[[m]]
} else {
attr(concat.data,paste0("sigma:", levels(study)[m])) = NULL
} else {
attr(concat.data,"scaled:center") = meanX[[1]]
if (scale)
attr(concat.data,"scaled:scale") = sqrt.sdX[[1]]
} else {
attr(concat.data,"scaled:scale") = NULL
return(list(concat.data=concat.data, rownames.study=rownames.study))
study_split = function(data, study)
data = as.matrix(data)
M = length(levels(study))
P = ncol(data)
#---------------------- split data
data.list.study = split(data,study)
if (!is.null(rownames(data)))
study.name = split(rownames(data),study)
for(m in 1:M)
data.list.study[[m]] = matrix(data.list.study[[m]], ncol=P)
if (!is.null(colnames(data)))
colnames(data.list.study[[m]]) = colnames(data)
if (!is.null(rownames(data)))
rownames(data.list.study[[m]]) = study.name[[m]]
result = data.list.study
scale.function=function(temp, scale = TRUE, bias = FALSE)
meanX = colMeans(temp, na.rm = TRUE)
data.list.study.scale_i = t(t(temp) - meanX)
if (scale)
if (bias)
sqrt.sdX = sqrt(colSums(data.list.study.scale_i^2, na.rm = TRUE) / (nrow(temp)))
} else {
sqrt.sdX = sqrt(colSums(data.list.study.scale_i^2, na.rm = TRUE) / (nrow(temp) - 1))
data.list.study.scale_i = t(t(data.list.study.scale_i) / sqrt.sdX)
} else {
sqrt.sdX = NULL
is.na.data = is.na(data.list.study.scale_i)
#if (sum(is.na.data) > 0)
#data.list.study.scale_i[is.na.data] = 0
out = list(data_scale=data.list.study.scale_i, meanX=meanX, sqrt.sdX=sqrt.sdX)
if (!is.vector(x))
stop("x has to be a vector")
out = x / drop(sqrt(crossprod(x)))
miscrossprod = function (x, y) {
d.p = sum(drop(x) * drop(y), na.rm = TRUE)
#d.p = as.vector(d.p)/norm2(d.p) ## change made
sparsity=function(loadings.A, keepA, keepA.constraint=NULL, penalty=NULL)
if (!is.null(keepA.constraint))
loadings.A[-keepA.constraint] = 0
} else if (!is.null(keepA)) {
nx = length(loadings.A) - keepA
loadings.A = soft_thresholding_L1(loadings.A, nx = nx)
} else if (!is.null(penalty)) {
loadings.A = soft.threshold(loadings.A, penalty)
soft_thresholding_L1 = function(x,nx)
#selection on a (loadings.X). modified on 19/02/15 to make sure that a!=0
if (nx!=0)
absa = abs(x)
if (any(rank(absa, ties.method = "max") <= nx))
x = ifelse(rank(absa, ties.method = "max") <= nx, 0,
sign(x) * (absa - max(absa[rank(absa, ties.method = "max") <= nx])))
cov2 = function (x, y = NULL, bias = TRUE) {
n = NROW(x)
if (is.null(y)) {
x = as.matrix(x)
if (bias) {
C = ((n - 1)/n) * cov(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
} else {
C = cov(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
} else {
if (bias) {
C = ((n - 1)/n) * cov(x, y, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
} else {
C = cov(x, y, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
defl.select = function(yy, rr, nncomp, nn, nbloc, indY = NULL, mode = "canonical", aa = NULL) { ### Start: Add new parameter for estimation classic mode
resdefl = NULL
pdefl = NULL
for (q in 1 : nbloc) {
### Start: insertion of new deflations (See La regression PLS Theorie et pratique (page 139))
if ( nn <= nncomp[q] ) {
if ((mode == "canonical") || (q != indY)) { #deflation of each block independently from the others, except indY
defltmp = deflation(rr[[q]], yy[ , q])
resdefl[[q]] = defltmp$R
pdefl[[q]] = defltmp$p
} else if (mode == "classic") {
resdefl[[q]] = Reduce("+", lapply(c(1:nbloc)[-q], function(x) {rr[[q]] - yy[ ,x]%*%t(aa[[q]])}))/(nbloc-1)
pdefl[[q]] = rep(0,NCOL(rr[[q]]))
} else if (mode == "invariant") { #no deflation
resdefl[[q]] = rr[[q]]
pdefl[[q]] = rep(0,NCOL(rr[[q]]))
} else if (mode == "regression") {
resdefl[[q]] = Reduce("+", lapply(c(1:nbloc)[-q], function(x) {deflation(rr[[q]],yy[, x])$R}))/(nbloc-1)
pdefl[[q]] = rep(0,NCOL(rr[[q]]))
### End: insertion of new deflations (See La regression PLS Theorie et pratique (page 139))
} else {
resdefl[[q]] = rr[[q]]
pdefl[[q]] = rep(0,NCOL(rr[[q]]))
deflation = function(X, y){
# Computation of the residual matrix R
# Computation of the vector p.
is.na.tX = is.na(t(X))
if (any(is.na.tX))
#p = apply(t(X),1,miscrossprod,y)/as.vector(crossprod(y))
#variates.A[, q] = apply(A[[q]], 1, miscrossprod, loadings.A[[q]])
A.temp = replace(t(X), is.na.tX, 0) # replace NA in A[[q]] by 0
variates.A.temp = A.temp %*% y
temp = drop(y) %o% rep(1, nrow(A.temp))
temp[(t(is.na.tX))] = 0
loadings.A.norm = crossprod(temp)
p = variates.A.temp / diag(loadings.A.norm)
# we can have 0/0, so we put 0
a = is.na(p)
if (any(a))
p[a] = 0
} else {
p = t(X)%*%y/as.vector(crossprod(y))
R = X - y%*%t(p)
explained_variance = function(data, variates, ncomp)
#check input data
check = Check.entry.single(data, ncomp)
data = check$X
ncomp = check$ncomp
isna = is.na(data)
if (sum(isna > 0))
warning("NA values put to zero, results will differ from PCA methods used with NIPALS")
data[isna] = 0
nor2x = sum((data)^2) # total variance in the data
exp.varX = NULL
for (h in 1:ncomp)
temp = variates[, h] / drop(t(variates[, h]) %*% (variates[, h]))
exp_var_new = as.numeric(t(variates[, h]) %*% data %*% t(data) %*% temp )/nor2x
exp.varX = append(exp.varX, exp_var_new)
names(exp.varX) = paste("comp", 1:ncomp)
# result: vector of length ncomp with the explained variance per component
Check.entry.single = function(X, ncomp, q){
#-- validation des arguments --#
if (length(dim(X)) != 2)
stop(paste0("'X[[", q, "]]' must be a numeric matrix."))
X = as.matrix(X)
if (!is.numeric(X))
stop(paste0("'X[[", q, "]]' must be a numeric matrix."))
N = nrow(X)
P = ncol(X)
if (is.null(ncomp) || !is.numeric(ncomp) || ncomp <= 0)
stop(paste0("invalid number of variates 'ncomp' for matrix 'X[[", q, "]]'."))
ncomp = round(ncomp)
# add colnames and rownames if missing
X.names = dimnames(X)[[2]]
if (is.null(X.names))
X.names = paste("X", 1:P, sep = "")
dimnames(X)[[2]] = X.names
ind.names = dimnames(X)[[1]]
if (is.null(ind.names))
ind.names = 1:N
rownames(X) = ind.names
if (length(unique(rownames(X))) != nrow(X))
stop("samples should have a unique identifier/rowname")
if (length(unique(X.names)) != P)
stop("Unique indentifier is needed for the columns of X")
return(list(X=X, ncomp=ncomp, X.names=X.names, ind.names=ind.names))
stratified.subsampling = function(Y, folds = 10)
stop = 0
for(i in 1:nlevels(Y))
ai=sample(which(Y==levels(Y)[i]),replace=FALSE) # random sampling of the samples from level i
aai=suppressWarnings(split(ai,factor(1:min(folds,length(ai))))) # split of the samples in k-folds
if(length(ai)<folds) # if one level doesn't have at least k samples, the list is completed with "integer(0)"
for(j in (length(ai)+1):folds)
stop = stop +1
assign(paste("aa",i,sep="_"),sample(aai,replace=FALSE)) # the `sample(aai)' is to avoid the first group to have a lot more data than the rest
# combination of the different split aa_i into SAMPLE
for(j in 1:folds)
for(i in 1:nlevels(Y))
}# SAMPLE is a list of k splits
ind0 = sapply(SAMPLE, length)
if(any(ind0 == 0))
SAMPLE = SAMPLE [-which(ind0 == 0)]
message("Because of a too high number of 'folds' required, ",length(which(ind0 == 0))," folds were randomly assigned no data: the number of 'folds' is reduced to ", length(SAMPLE))
return(list(SAMPLE = SAMPLE, stop = stop))
selectVar <- function(object, comp =1, block=NULL, ...){
# check arguments
# -----------------
if (length(comp) > 1)
stop("Expecting one single value for 'comp'")
if (is.null(block))
if (any(comp > object$ncomp))
stop("'comp' is greater than the number of components in the fitted model")
if (any(class(object)%in%c("pca")))
if (is.numeric(block))
if (any(block>length(object$names$blocks)))
stop("'block' needs to be lower than the number of blocks in the fitted model, which is length(object$names$blocks)")
}else if (is.character(block) & sum(!is.na(match(block,object$names$blocks)))==0) {
stop("No entry of 'block' match object$names$blocks")
}else if (is.character(block) & sum(is.na(match(block,object$names$blocks)))>0) {
warning("At least one entry of 'block' does not match object$names$blocks")
if (length(object$ncomp)>1)
if (any(comp > object$ncomp[block]))
stop("'comp' is greater than the number of components in the fitted model for the block you specified. See object$ncomp")
if (any(comp > object$ncomp))
stop("'comp' is greater than the number of components in the fitted model")
# main function: get the names and values of the non zero loadings
# -----------------
out = lapply(object$loadings[block],get.name.and.value,comp=comp)
# outputs
# ----------
#if all blocks are considered by default (null.block=TRUE) and it's a DA analysis, then we don't show Y
if (null.block)
if (any(class(object)%in%c("block.plsda","block.splsda")))# the position of Y is in indY
out=out[-object$indY] #remove Y
}else if (any(class(object)%in%c("mint.plsda","mint.splsda","plsda","splsda"))) {
# Y is always in second position
}else if (any(class(object)%in%c("pca"))) { #keep the result as a list
} else {
if (length(grep("pca",class(object)))>0)
#we add comp as an output
if(length(x[,comp,drop=FALSE]) > 1)
name.var = names(sort(abs(x[,comp]), decreasing = T)[1:sum(x[,comp]!=0)])
} else {
name.var = rownames(x) # when only one number, sort loses the name of the variable
return(list(name = name.var, value = data.frame(value.var)))
get.confusion_matrix = function(Y.learn,Y.test,pred)
ClassifResult = array(0,c(nlevels(factor(Y.learn)),nlevels(factor(Y.learn))))
rownames(ClassifResult) = levels(factor(Y.learn))
colnames(ClassifResult) = paste("predicted.as.",levels(factor(Y.learn)),sep = "")
#--------record of the classification accuracy for each level of Y
for(i in 1:nlevels(factor(Y.learn)))
ind.i = which(Y.test == levels(factor(Y.learn))[i])
for(ij in 1:nlevels(factor(Y.learn)))
ClassifResult[i,ij] = sum(pred[ind.i] == levels(Y.learn)[ij])
get.BER = function(X)
if(!is.numeric(X)| !is.matrix(X) | length(dim(X)) != 2 | nrow(X)!=ncol(X))
stop("'X' must be a square numeric matrix")
nlev = nrow(X)
#calculation of the BER
ClassifResult.temp = X
diag(ClassifResult.temp) = 0
BER = sum(apply(ClassifResult.temp,1,sum,na.rm = TRUE)/apply(X,1,sum,na.rm = TRUE),na.rm = TRUE)/nlev
#predict.block.pls <-predict.block.spls <- predict.mint.splsda <- predict.pls <-
predict.spls <- function(object, newdata, study.test, dist = c("all", "max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist"), multilevel = NULL, ...)
ncomp = object$ncomp
if(length(grep("plsda", class(object)))>0) # a DA analysis (mint).(block).(s)plsda
#if DA analysis, the unmap Y is in ind.mat
#if not DA, Y is in object$Y
if(is.null(Y)) # block analysis
stop("Something is wrong, object$X should be a matrix and it appears to be a list") #this should never happen/intern check
if(is.list(newdata) & !is.data.frame(newdata))
stop("'newdata' must be a numeric matrix")
# deal with near.zero.var in object, to remove the same variable in newdata as in object$X (already removed in object$X)
if(length(object$nzv$Position) > 0)
newdata = newdata[, -object$nzv$Position,drop=FALSE]
stop("'newdata' must include all the variables of 'object$X'")
#not a block, the input newdata should be a matrix
if (length(dim(newdata)) == 2) {
if (ncol(newdata) != p)
stop("'newdata' must be a numeric matrix with ncol = ", p,
" or a vector of length = ", p, ".")
if (length(dim(newdata)) == 0) {
if (length(newdata) != p)
stop("'newdata' must be a numeric matrix with ncol = ", p,
" or a vector of length = ", p, ".")
dim(newdata) = c(1, p)
#check col/rownames of newdata
check=Check.entry.single(newdata, ncomp,q=1)
if(length(rownames(newdata))==0) rownames(newdata)=1:nrow(newdata)
if(max(table(rownames(newdata)))>1) stop('samples should have a unique identifier/rowname')
# we transform everything in lists
ind.match = 1
# logratio and multilevel transform if necessary
if (!is.null(object$logratio))
newdata = lapply(newdata, logratio.transfo, logratio = object$logratio)
newdata = lapply(newdata, withinVariation, design = data.frame(multilevel))
p = lapply(X, ncol)
q = ncol(Y)
J = length(X) #at this stage we have a list of blocks
variatesX = object$variates[-(J + 1)];
loadingsX = object$loadings[-(J + 1)]
scale = object$scale # X and Y are both mean centered by groups and if scale=TRUE they are scaled by groups
# scale newdata if just one study
if (!is.null(attr(X[[1]], "scaled:center")))
newdata[which(!is.na(ind.match))] = lapply(which(!is.na(ind.match)), function(x){sweep(newdata[[x]], 2, STATS = attr(X[[x]], "scaled:center"))})
if (scale)
newdata[which(!is.na(ind.match))] = lapply(which(!is.na(ind.match)), function(x){sweep(newdata[[x]], 2, FUN = "/", STATS = attr(X[[x]], "scaled:scale"))})
means.Y = matrix(attr(Y, "scaled:center"),nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q,byrow=TRUE);
if (scale)
{sigma.Y = matrix(attr(Y, "scaled:scale"),nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q,byrow=TRUE)}else{sigma.Y=matrix(1,nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q)}
### at this stage we have
# X # list of blocks
# Y # observation
# newdata #list of blocks for the prediction, same length as A, scaled
# replace missing data by 0
concat.newdata = lapply(concat.newdata,function(x)
ind = which(is.na(x))
if (length(ind) > 0)
x[ind] = 0
# replace missing data by 0
X = lapply(X,function(x)
ind = which(is.na(x))
if (length(ind) > 0)
x[ind] = 0
# -----------------------
# prediction
# -----------------------
B.hat = t.pred = Y.hat = list() #= betay
for (i in 1 : J)
Pmat = Cmat = Wmat = NULL
### Start estimation using formula Y = XW(P'W)C (+ Yr, residuals on Y) See page 136 La regression PLS Theorie et pratique Tenenhaus
# Estimation matrix W, P and C
Pmat = crossprod(X[[i]], variatesX[[i]])
Cmat = crossprod(Y, variatesX[[i]])
Wmat = loadingsX[[i]]
# Prediction Y.hat, B.hat and t.pred
Ypred = lapply(1 : ncomp[i], function(x){concat.newdata[[i]] %*% Wmat[, 1:x] %*% solve(t(Pmat[, 1:x]) %*% Wmat[, 1:x]) %*% t(Cmat)[1:x, ]})
Ypred = sapply(Ypred, function(x){x*sigma.Y + means.Y}, simplify = "array")
Y.hat[[i]] = Ypred
t.pred[[i]] = concat.newdata[[i]] %*% Wmat %*% solve(t(Pmat) %*% Wmat)
t.pred[[i]] = matrix(data = sapply(1:ncol(t.pred[[i]]),
function(x) {t.pred[[i]][, x] * apply(variatesX[[i]], 2,
function(y){(norm(y, type = "2"))^2})[x]}), nrow = nrow(concat.newdata[[i]]), ncol = ncol(t.pred[[i]]))
B.hat[[i]] = sapply(1 : ncomp[i], function(x){Wmat[, 1:x] %*% solve(t(Pmat[, 1:x]) %*% Wmat[, 1:x]) %*% t(Cmat)[1:x, ]}, simplify = "array")
### End estimation using formula Y = XW(P'W)C (+ Yr, residuals on Y) See page 136 La regression PLS Theorie et pratique Tenenhaus
rownames(t.pred[[i]]) = rownames(newdata[[i]])
colnames(t.pred[[i]]) = paste("dim", c(1:ncomp[i]), sep = " ")
rownames(Y.hat[[i]]) = rownames(newdata[[i]])
colnames(Y.hat[[i]]) = colnames(Y)
dimnames(Y.hat[[i]])[[3]]=paste("dim", c(1:ncomp[i]), sep = " ")
rownames(B.hat[[i]]) = colnames(newdata[[i]])
colnames(B.hat[[i]]) = colnames(Y)
dimnames(B.hat[[i]])[[3]]=paste("dim", c(1:ncomp[i]), sep = " ")
#-- valeurs sortantes --#
# basic prediction results
if(length(grep("block",class(object)))!=0 & length(object$X)>1 )
# average prediction over the blocks
temp.all =list()
for(comp in 1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])) #note: all ncomp are the same in v6 as the input parameter is a single value
temp = array(0, c(nrow(Y.hat[[1]]), ncol(Y.hat[[1]]), J), dimnames = list(rownames(newdata[[1]]), colnames(Y),names(object$X)))
for(i in 1 : J)
temp[, , i] = Y.hat[[i]][, , comp]
temp.all[[comp]] = temp
names(temp.all) = paste("dim", c(1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])), sep = " ")
out$AveragedPredict = array(unlist(lapply(temp.all, function(x){apply(x, c(1,2), mean)})), dim(Y.hat[[1]]), dimnames = list(rownames(newdata[[1]]), colnames(Y), paste("dim", c(1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])), sep = " ")))
out$WeightedPredict = array(unlist(lapply(temp.all, function(x){apply(x, c(1,2), function(z){
temp = aggregate(object$weights,list(z),sum)
ind = which(temp[,2]== max (temp[,2]))# if two max, then NA
if(length(ind) == 1)
res = temp[ind, 1]
} else {
res = NA
})})), dim(Y.hat[[1]]), dimnames = list(rownames(newdata[[1]]), colnames(Y), paste("dim", c(1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])), sep = " ")))
}else if(length(grep("block",class(object)))!=0){ # a block but can have only one block (so e.g. a pls done with a block.pls)
} else {# not a block (pls/spls/plsda/splsda/mint...)
# get the classification for each new sample if the object is a DA
if(any(class(object)=="DA")) # a DA analysis (mint).(block).(s)plsda
if(length(grep("block",class(object)))!=0 & length(object$X)>1 )
# predict class of AveragePredict, only with max.dist
out$AveragedPredict.class$max.dist = matrix(sapply(1:ncomp[1], ### List level
function(y){apply(out$AveragedPredict[, , y, drop = FALSE], 1, ### component level
paste(levels(Y.factor)[which(z == max(z))], collapse = "/")
}) ### matrix level
}), nrow = nrow(newdata[[1]]), ncol = ncomp[1])
# predict class of WeightedPredict, only with max.dist
out$WeightedPredict.class$max.dist = matrix(sapply(1:ncomp[1], ### List level
function(y){apply(out$WeightedPredict[, , y, drop = FALSE], 1, ### component level
paste(levels(Y.factor)[which(z == max(z))], collapse = "/")
}) ### matrix level
}), nrow = nrow(newdata[[1]]), ncol = ncomp[1])
rownames(out$AveragedPredict.class$max.dist) = rownames(out$WeightedPredict.class$max.dist) = rownames(newdata[[1]])
colnames(out$AveragedPredict.class$max.dist) = colnames(out$WeightedPredict.class$max.dist) = paste("dim", c(1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])), sep = " ")
# creating temporary 'blocks' outputs to pass into the internal_predict.DA function
# getting classification for each new sample
object.temp = object
object.temp$X = object.temp$X[which(!is.na(ind.match))]
object.temp$variates = object.temp$variates[c(which(!is.na(ind.match)),J+1)] #J+1 is Y
classif.DA=internal_predict.DA(object=object.temp, q=q, out=out.temp, dist=dist, weights = object$weights[which(!is.na(ind.match))])
out$call = match.call()
class(out) = paste("predict")
logratio.transfo <- function (X, logratio = "none", offset = 0)
if (logratio == "ILR") {
if (any(class(X) != "ilr")) {
X = ilr.transfo(X, offset = offset)
else if (logratio == "CLR") {
X = clr.transfo(X, offset = offset)
internal_predict.DA = function(object, out, q, dist, weights)
if (length(grep("plsda",class(object)))==0) # a DA analysis (mint).(block).(s)plsda
stop("'Object' is not from a Discriminant Analysis", call.=FALSE)
out.DA = list()
J = length(object$X) #at this stage we have a list of blocks
p = lapply(object$X, ncol)
t.pred = out$variates
Y.hat = out$predict
newdata = out$newdata #actually concat.newdata
variatesX = object$variates[-(J + 1)];
ncomp = object$ncomp
Y = object$Y
Y.prim = unmap(object$Y)
G = cls = list()
for (i in 1 : J)
G[[i]] = sapply(1:q, function(x) {apply(as.matrix(variatesX[[i]][Y.prim[, x] == 1,,drop=FALSE]), 2, mean)})
if (ncomp[i] == 1)
G[[i]] = t(t(G[[i]]))
G[[i]] = t(G[[i]])
colnames(G[[i]]) = paste("dim", c(1:ncomp[i]), sep = " ")
### Start: Maximum distance
if (any(dist == "all") || any(dist == "max.dist"))
cls$max.dist = lapply(1:J, function(x){matrix(sapply(1:ncomp[x], ### List level
function(y){apply(Y.hat[[x]][, , y, drop = FALSE], 1, ### component level
paste(levels(Y)[which(z == max(z))], collapse = "/")
}) ### matrix level
}), nrow = nrow(newdata[[x]]), ncol = ncomp[x])
cls$max.dist = lapply(1:J, function(x){colnames(cls$max.dist[[x]]) = paste(rep("comp", ncomp[x]), 1 : ncomp[[x]], sep = " ");
rownames(cls$max.dist[[x]]) = rownames(newdata[[x]]); return(cls$max.dist[[x]])})
### Start: Centroids distance
if (any(dist == "all") || any(dist == "centroids.dist"))
cl = list()
centroids.fun = function(x, G, h, i) {
q = nrow(G[[i]])
x = matrix(x, nrow = q, ncol = h, byrow = TRUE)
if (h > 1) {
d = rowSums((x - G[[i]][, 1:h])^2);
else {
d = (x - G[[i]][, 1])^2
cl.id = paste(levels(Y)[which(d == min(d))], collapse = "/")
for (i in 1 : J)
cl[[i]] = matrix(nrow = nrow(newdata[[1]]), ncol = ncomp[i])
for (h in 1 : ncomp[[i]])
cl.id = apply(matrix(t.pred[[i]][, 1:h], ncol = h), 1, function(x) {centroids.fun(x = x, G = G, h = h, i = i)})
cl[[i]][, h] = cl.id
cls$centroids.dist = lapply(1:J, function(x){colnames(cl[[x]]) = paste(rep("comp", ncomp[x]), 1 : ncomp[[x]], sep = " ");
rownames(cl[[x]]) = rownames(newdata[[x]]); return(cl[[x]])})
}### End: Centroids distance
### Start: Mahalanobis distance
if (any(dist == "all") || any(dist == "mahalanobis.dist"))
cl = list()
Sr.fun = function(x, G, Yprim, h, i) {
q = nrow(G[[i]])
Xe = Yprim %*% G[[i]][, 1:h]
#Xr = object$variates$X[, 1:h] - Xe
Xr = variatesX[[i]][, 1:h] - Xe
Sr = t(Xr) %*% Xr/nrow(Yprim)
Sr.inv = solve(Sr)
x = matrix(x, nrow = q, ncol = h, byrow = TRUE)
if (h > 1) {
mat = (x - G[[i]][, 1:h]) %*% Sr.inv %*% t(x - G[[i]][, 1:h])
d = apply(mat^2, 1, sum)
} else {
d = drop(Sr.inv) * (x - G[[i]][, 1])^2
cl.id = paste(levels(Y)[which(d == min(d))], collapse = "/")
for (i in 1 : J){
cl[[i]] = matrix(nrow = nrow(newdata[[1]]), ncol = ncomp[i])
for (h in 1:ncomp[[i]]) {
cl.id = apply(matrix(t.pred[[i]][, 1:h], ncol = h), 1, Sr.fun, G = G, Yprim = Y.prim, h = h, i = i)
cl[[i]][, h] = cl.id
cls$mahalanobis.dist = lapply(1:J, function(x){colnames(cl[[x]]) = paste(rep("comp", ncomp[x]), 1 : ncomp[[x]], sep = " ");
rownames(cl[[x]]) = rownames(newdata[[x]]);return(cl[[x]])})
} ### End: Mahalanobis distance
out.DA$class = cls
### End if discriminant analysis is performed
# at this stage, we have the classification of each sample for each dataset of object$X
# now we need to combine the classification by vote (majority wins), only when more than one block, otherwise 'vote' is classic classification
if (length(object$X)>1)
for (ijk in 1:length(out.DA$class))# loop on the dist
# create a temporary array to make computation on the lists easier
temp=array(c(nrow(newdata[[1]]), min(ncomp), J))
for(i in 1:J)
temp[, , i] = out.DA$class[[ijk]][[i]][, 1:min(ncomp)]
# look at the majority vote for all dataset of object$X (with table), if more than a unique max, we put NA
table.temp = apply(temp,c(1,2), function(x){a=table(x); if (length(which(a==max(a)))==1) {b=names(which.max(a))}else{b=NA}; b})
colnames(table.temp) = colnames(out.DA$class[[ijk]][[i]])[1:min(ncomp)]
rownames(table.temp) = rownames(out.DA$class[[ijk]][[i]])
out.DA$MajorityVote[[ijk]] = table.temp
names(out.DA$MajorityVote) = names(out.DA$class)
# weighted vote for each distance, each comp
out.DA$WeightedVote = lapply(out.DA$class, function(x){ # x is a distance
class.per.comp = lapply(1:min(ncomp), function(y) {matrix(sapply(x, function(z) z[,y, drop = FALSE]),ncol=J)}) # combine the results per component
names(class.per.comp) = paste0("comp",1:min(ncomp))
class.per.comp = lapply(class.per.comp, function(y){rownames(y) = rownames(out.DA$vote[[1]]); y})
class.weighted.per.comp = sapply(class.per.comp, function(y){ # for each component
apply(y,1,function(z){ # we aggregate the results of each individuals using the 'weights'
temp = aggregate(weights,list(z),sum)
ind = which(temp[,2]== max (temp[,2]))# if two max, then NA
if(length(ind) == 1)
res = temp[ind, 1]
} else {
res = NA
out.DA$weights = weights
out.DA$MajorityVote = lapply(out.DA$class,function(x){x[[1]]})
if (length(grep("block",class(object)))!=0 & J>1) # a block
out.DA$centroids = G
}else{ #not a block
out.DA$centroids = G[[1]]
out.DA$class = out.DA$MajorityVote
if (any(dist == "all"))
dist = "all"
out.DA$dist = dist
Check.entry.pls = function(X, Y, ncomp, keepX, keepY, keepX.constraint, keepY.constraint, mode, scale,
near.zero.var, max.iter, tol, logratio, DA, multilevel)
if (missing(mode))
mode = "regression"
if (length(mode)>1)
mode = mode[1]
if (!(mode %in% c("canonical", "invariant", "classic", "regression")))
stop("Choose one of the four following modes: canonical, invariant, classic or regression")
#-- validation des arguments --#
if (length(dim(X)) != 2)
stop("'X' must be a numeric matrix.")
X = as.matrix(X)
if (!(logratio %in% c("none", "CLR")))
stop("Choose one of the two following logratio transformation: none or CLR")
#multilevel analysis: withinVariation and then pls-like
# if it's DA analysis, Y and 'multilevel' are combined
Y = multilevel
if ((nrow(X) != nrow(multilevel)))
stop("unequal number of rows in 'X' and 'multilevel'.")
Y = as.matrix(Y)
if (!is.numeric(X) || !is.numeric(Y))
stop("'X' and/or 'Y' must be a numeric matrix.")
Y = as.matrix(Y)
if (!is.numeric(X) || !is.numeric(Y))
stop("'X' and/or 'Y' must be a numeric matrix.")
N = nrow(X)
Q = ncol(Y)
P= ncol(X)
if ((N != nrow(Y)))
stop("Unequal number of rows in 'X' and 'Y'.")
if (is.null(ncomp) || !is.numeric(ncomp) || ncomp <= 0 || length(ncomp)>1)
stop("invalid number of variates, 'ncomp'.")
ncomp = round(ncomp)
if(ncomp > P)
warning("Reset maximum number of variates 'ncomp' to ncol(X) = ", P, ".")
ncomp = P
if (!is.numeric(tol) | tol<=0)
stop("tol must be non negative")
if (!is.numeric(max.iter) | max.iter<=0)
stop("max.iter must be non negative")
# add colnames and rownames if missing
X.names = dimnames(X)[[2]]
if (is.null(X.names))
X.names = paste("X", 1:P, sep = "")
dimnames(X)[[2]] = X.names
ind.names = dimnames(X)[[1]]
if (is.null(ind.names))
ind.names = dimnames(Y)[[1]]
rownames(X) = ind.names
if (is.null(ind.names))
ind.names = 1:N
rownames(X) = rownames(Y) = ind.names
rownames(X) = rownames(Y) = ind.names
#if (dim(Y)[2] == 1) Y.names = "Y"
Y.names = dimnames(Y)[[2]]
if (is.null(Y.names))
if (dim(Y)[2] == 1)
Y.names = "Y"
} else {
Y.names = paste("Y", 1:Q, sep = "")
if (length(unique(X.names)) != P)
stop("Unique indentifier is needed for the columns of X")
if (length(unique(Y.names)) != Q)
stop("Unique indentifier is needed for the columns of Y")
# check on keepX and keepX.constraint
if (missing(keepX.constraint))
if (missing(keepX))
keepX = rep(P, ncomp)
} else {
if (length(keepX)<ncomp)
keepX = c(keepX, rep(P, ncomp - length(keepX))) #complete (with ncomp) the keepX already provided
} else {
if (length(keepX.constraint)>ncomp)
stop(paste0("You should have length(keepX.constraint) lower or equal to 'ncomp' = ", ncomp, "."))
if (missing(keepX))
keepX = rep(P, ncomp - length(keepX.constraint))
} else {
if ((length(keepX.constraint) + length(keepX)) < ncomp)
keepX = c(keepX, rep(P, ncomp - length(keepX) - length(keepX.constraint)))
if ((length(keepX.constraint) + length(keepX)) > ncomp)
stop(paste0("length (keepX.constraint) + length(keepX) should be lower than 'ncomp' = ", ncomp, "."))
# check on keepY and keepY.constraint
if (missing(keepY.constraint))
if (missing(keepY))
keepY = rep(Q, ncomp)
} else {
if (length(keepY) < ncomp)
keepY = c(keepY, rep(Q, ncomp - length(keepY))) #complete the keepY already provided
keepY.constraint = list()
} else {
if (length(keepY.constraint)>ncomp)
stop(paste0("you should have length(keepY.constraint) lower or equal to 'ncomp' = ", ncomp, "."))
if (missing(keepY))
keepY = rep(Q, ncomp - length(keepY.constraint))
} else {
if ((length(keepY.constraint) + length(keepY)) < ncomp)
keepY = c(keepY, rep(Q, ncomp - length(keepY) - length(keepY.constraint)))
if ((length(keepY.constraint) + length(keepY)) > ncomp)
stop(paste0("length (keepY.constraint) + length(keepY) should be lower than 'ncomp' = ", ncomp,"."))
if (any(keepX<0))
stop("each component of 'keepX' must be non negative ")
if (any(keepY<0))
stop("each component of 'keepY' must be non negative ")
if (any(keepX > ncol(X)))
stop("each component of 'keepX' must be lower or equal than ", P, ".")
if (any(keepY > ncol(Y)))
stop("each component of 'keepY' must be lower or equal than ", Q, ".")
if (is.numeric(unlist(keepX.constraint)) && any(unlist(keepX.constraint) > ncol(X)))
stop("each entry of 'keepX.constraint' must be lower or equal than ", P, ".")
if ( is.numeric(unlist(keepY.constraint)) && any(unlist(keepY.constraint) > ncol(Y)))
stop("each entry of 'keepY.constraint' must be lower or equal than ", Q, ".")
if (!is.logical(scale))
stop("'scale' must be either TRUE or FALSE")
if (!is.logical(near.zero.var))
stop("'near.zero.var' must be either TRUE or FALSE")
# match keepX.constraint and the colnames of X in order for keepX.constraint to be a list of character
# safety if keepX.constraint contains a mixed of character/numeric. It should one or the other, not a mix
if (length(keepX.constraint) > 0)
if (!is.numeric(unlist(keepX.constraint)))
ind = match(unlist(keepX.constraint), colnames(X))
if (sum(is.na(ind)) > 0)
stop("'keepX.constraint' must contain a subset of colnames(X) or the position of the X-variables you wish to keep.")
X.indice = X[, unlist(keepX.constraint), drop=FALSE]
keepX.constraint = relist(colnames(X.indice), skeleton=keepX.constraint)
# same for keepY.constraint
if (length(keepY.constraint) > 0)
if (!is.numeric(unlist(keepY.constraint)))
ind = match(unlist(keepY.constraint),colnames(Y))
if (sum(is.na(ind)) > 0)
stop("'keepY.constraint' must contain a subset of colnames(Y) or the position of the Y-variables you wish to keep.")
Y.indice = Y[, unlist(keepY.constraint), drop=FALSE]
keepY.constraint = relist(colnames(Y.indice), skeleton=keepY.constraint)
# at this stage keepA.constraint needs to be character, to easily remove variables with near zero variance
### near.zero.var, remove the variables with very small variances
if (near.zero.var == TRUE)
nzv.A = nearZeroVar(X)
if (length(nzv.A$Position) > 0)
names.remove.X = colnames(X)[nzv.A$Position]
X = X[, -nzv.A$Position, drop=FALSE]
warning("Zero- or near-zero variance predictors.\n Reset predictors matrix to not near-zero variance predictors.\n See $nzv for problematic predictors.")
if (ncol(X) == 0)
stop("No more variables in X")
# at this stage, keepA.constraint needs to be numbers
if (length(keepX.constraint) > 0)
#remove the variables from keepA.constraint if removed by near.zero.var
keepX.constraint = match.keepX.constraint(names.remove.X, keepX.constraint)
#need to check that the keepA[[q]] is now not higher than ncol(A[[q]])
if (any(keepX > ncol(X)))
ind = which(keepX > ncol(X))
keepX[ind] = ncol(X)
# we need numbers in keepX.constraint from now on
keepX.constraint = lapply(keepX.constraint,function(x){match(x, colnames(X))})
keepY.constraint = lapply(keepY.constraint,function(x){match(x, colnames(Y))})
return(list(X=X, Y=Y, ncomp=ncomp, X.names=X.names, Y.names=Y.names, ind.names=ind.names, mode=mode, keepX.constraint=keepX.constraint,
keepY.constraint=keepY.constraint, keepX=keepX, keepY=keepY, nzv.A=nzv.A))
#'sPLS-DA Map
#'@description map variable for (s)plsda
#'@param Y Input data
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
map = function (Y)
nrowY = nrow(Y)
cl = numeric(nrowY)
I = 1:nrowY
J = 1:ncol(Y)
for (i in I)
cl[i] = (J[Y[i, ] == max(Y[i, ])])[1]
unmap = function (classification, groups = NULL, noise = NULL)
n = length(classification)
u = sort(unique(classification))
levels = levels(classification)### Add levels
if (is.null(groups))
groups = u
} else {
if (any(match(u, groups, nomatch = 0) == 0))
stop("groups incompatible with classification")
miss = match(groups, u, nomatch = 0) == 0
cgroups = as.character(groups)
if (!is.null(noise))
noiz = match(noise, groups, nomatch = 0)
if (any(noiz == 0))
stop("noise incompatible with classification")
groups = c(groups[groups != noise], groups[groups == noise])
noise = as.numeric(factor(as.character(noise), levels = unique(groups)))
groups = as.numeric(factor(cgroups, levels = unique(cgroups)))
classification = as.numeric(factor(as.character(classification), levels = unique(cgroups)))
k = length(groups) - length(noise)
nam = levels(groups)
if (!is.null(noise))
k = k + 1
nam = nam[1:k]
nam[k] = "noise"
z = matrix(0, n, k, dimnames = c(names(classification), nam))
for (j in 1:k) z[classification == groups[j], j] = 1
attr(z, "levels") = levels
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