
Defines functions panelview

Documented in panelview

## A pre-view function for TSCS data
## 2022-08-14

## preview of data treatment status, missing values and outcome ##

panelview <- function(data, # a data frame (long-form)
                      formula = NULL,
                      Y = NULL,
                      D = NULL,
                      X = NULL,
                      index, # c(unit, time) indicators
                      ignore.treat = FALSE,
                      type = "treat", ## treat, miss(ing), outcome, or bivar(iate), fraction
                      outcome.type = "continuous", # continuous or discrete
                      treat.type = NULL, # discrete or continuous
                      by.group = FALSE, # (color pre-treatment treated differently)
                      by.group.side = FALSE,
                      by.timing = FALSE,
                      theme.bw = TRUE,
                      xlim = NULL, 
                      ylim = NULL,
                      xlab = NULL, 
                      ylab = NULL,
                      gridOff = FALSE,
                      legendOff = FALSE,
                      legend.labs = NULL,
                      main = NULL,
                      pre.post = NULL, # only used for treat & outcome plots
                      id = NULL,
                      show.id = NULL,
                      color = NULL,
                      axis.adjust = FALSE,
                      axis.lab = "both",
                      axis.lab.gap = c(0, 0),
                      axis.lab.angle = NULL,
                      shade.post = FALSE,
                      cex.main = 15,
                      cex.main.sub = 12,
                      cex.axis = 8,
                      cex.axis.x = NULL,
                      cex.axis.y = NULL,
                      cex.lab = 12, 
                      cex.legend = 12,
                      background = NULL, # background color
                      style = NULL, ## bar, connected line, or line
                      by.unit = FALSE,
                      lwd = 0.2,
                      leave.gap = FALSE,
                      display.all = NULL,
                      by.cohort = FALSE,
                      collapse.history = NULL,
                      report.missing = FALSE
                    ) {
    ## ------------------------- ##
    ## parse variable.           ##
    ## ------------------------- ##

    if (is.data.frame(data) == FALSE || length(class(data)) > 1) {
        data <- as.data.frame(data)

    if (is.factor(data[,index[1]]) == TRUE) {
        sumcheck <- sum(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(levels(data[,index[1]])))[data[,index[1]]])
        if (is.na(sumcheck)) { #units are texts as factor
            data[,index[1]] <- as.character(data[,index[1]])
        else {
            data[,index[1]] <- as.numeric(levels(data[,index[1]]))[data[,index[1]]] #units are numbers as factor

    ## number of units
    N0 <- length(unique(data[, index[1]]))
    if (N0 <= 500) {        
        if (is.null(collapse.history)) {
            collapse.history <- FALSE
        if (is.null(display.all)) {
            display.all <- FALSE
    } else { # more than 500 units
        if (!is.null(collapse.history)) {
            if (is.null(display.all)) {
                display.all <- FALSE
        } else { # collapse.history not specified
            if (is.null(display.all)) { # display.all not specified
                if (type != "outcome") { # type != "outcome" sss
                    collapse.history <- TRUE 
                    display.all <- FALSE
                } else {
                    collapse.history <- FALSE
                    display.all <- FALSE
            } else { # display.all specified
                collapse.history <- FALSE

    ## remove missing values
    if (is.logical(leave.gap) == FALSE & !leave.gap%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"leave.gap\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(by.cohort) == FALSE & !by.cohort%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"by.cohort\" is not a logical flag.")
    if (is.logical(display.all) == FALSE & !display.all%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"display.all\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(by.group.side) == FALSE & !by.group.side%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"by.group.side\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(by.unit) == FALSE & !by.unit%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"by.unit\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(axis.adjust) == FALSE & !axis.adjust%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"axis.adjust\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.null(axis.lab.angle) == FALSE) {
        if (is.numeric(axis.lab.angle) == FALSE) {
            stop("\"axis.lab.angle\" must be numeric.")
        } else if (axis.lab.angle < 0 | axis.lab.angle > 90) {
            stop("\"axis.lab.angle\" needs to be in [0, 90].")
    # pre.post
    if (is.null(pre.post) == TRUE) {
        if (type == "outcome") {
            pre.post <- TRUE
        } else  {
            pre.post <- FALSE
    if (is.logical(pre.post) == FALSE & !pre.post%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"pre.post\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(theme.bw) == FALSE & !theme.bw%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"theme.bw\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(by.timing) == FALSE & !by.timing%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"by.timing\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(by.group) == FALSE & !by.group%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"by.group\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(ignore.treat) == FALSE & !ignore.treat%in%c(0, 1)) {
        stop("\"ignore.treat\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (by.group.side == TRUE) {
        if (by.group == FALSE) {
            by.group <- TRUE

    if (by.group == TRUE) {
        if (is.null(by.cohort)==FALSE) {
            warning("option \"by.cohort\" is not allowed with \"by.group = TRUE\" or \"by.group.side = TRUE\". Ignored.")

    if (type == "missing" | type == "miss") {
        if (ignore.treat == 1) {
            stop("option \"type = missing\" should not be combined with \"ignoretreat = TRUE\"")

    if (type != "outcome" & by.cohort == TRUE) {
        stop("option \"by.cohort = TRUE\" should be combined with \"type = \'outcome\'\"")

    if (type == "outcome" & collapse.history == TRUE) { # sss
        stop("option \"collapse.history = TRUE\" should not be combined with \"type = \'outcome\'\"")

    if (!is.null(formula)) { # with formula

        if (formula[[1]] != "~") { # no "Y/D/X = var" or "var1 ~ var2"
            stop("need to specify \"Y\"/\"D\"/\"X\" or \"formula\"")

        varnames <- all.vars(formula)
        Y <- formula[[2]] # left hand side of the formula

        if (is.numeric(Y) == FALSE) { # Y is a variable
            ## outcome
            Y <- varnames[1]
            ## treatment indicator and covariates
            if (length(varnames) == 1) { ## only y
                D <- X <- NULL
                ignore.treat <- 1

                if (type == "treat") { # Y ~ 1, type(treat)
                    message("\"type = treat\" not allowed. Plot \"type = missing\" instead.\n")
                    type <- "missing"
            } else if (length(varnames) == 2) {
                if (ignore.treat == 0) {
                    D <- varnames[2]
                    X <- NULL
                } else {
                    D <- NULL
                    X <- varnames[2]
            } else { # length(varnames) > 2
                if (ignore.treat == 0) {
                    D <- varnames[2]
                    X <- varnames[3:length(varnames)]
                } else {
                    D <- NULL
                    X <- varnames[2:length(varnames)]
        else if (is.numeric(Y) == TRUE) { # Y is a number
            ## outcome
            Y <- NULL
            ## treatment indicator and covariates
            if (length(varnames) == 1) { # 1 ~ D/X
                if (ignore.treat == 0) { # 1 ~ D
                    D <- varnames[1]
                    X <- NULL
                } else { # 1 ~ X
                    stop("formula form not allowed")
                # 1 ~ variable, type(miss): not allowed
                if (type == "missing" | type == "miss") {
                    stop("formula form not allowed")
            } else if (length(varnames) == 2) { ## 1 ~ D + X
                if (ignore.treat == 0) { # 1 ~ D + X
                    D <- varnames[1]
                    X <- varnames[2]
                } else { # 1 ~ X
                    stop("formula form not allowed")
            } else { # length(varnames) > 2
                if (ignore.treat == 0) {
                    D <- varnames[1]
                    X <- varnames[2:length(varnames)]
                } else {
                    stop("formula form not allowed")
    } else { # no formula
        varnames <- c(Y, D, X)
        if (is.null(D)==TRUE & is.null(X)==TRUE) { # Y="Y", set type = "miss" as default
            if (type == "treat") {
                message("\"type = treat\" not allowed. Plot \"type = missing\" instead.\n")
                type <- "missing"

    ## check Incorrect variable names
    for (i in 1:length(varnames)) {
        if(!varnames[i] %in% colnames(data)) {
            stop(paste("Variable \"", varnames[i],"\" is not in the dataset.", sep = ""))

    ## index 
    if (length(index) != 2 | sum(index %in% colnames(data)) != 2) {
        stop("\"index\" option misspecified. Try, for example, index = c(\"unit.id\", \"time\").")
    ## index names
    index.id <- index[1]
    index.time <- index[2]

    ## exclude other covariates 
    data <- data[,c(index, Y, D, X)] 

    varV <- nv <- NULL
    if (report.missing == TRUE) {
        ## report missings
        varV <- c(Y, D, X)
        nv <- length(varV)

        ## a nv*2 matrix 
        mis <- matrix(NA, nv, 2)
        for (i in 1:nv) {
            mis[i, 1] <- sum(is.na(data[, varV[i]]))
        mis[, 2] <- round(mis[, 1] / dim(data)[1] * 100, 1) 

        rownames(mis) <- varV
        colnames(mis) <- c("# Missing", "% Missing")



    if (by.cohort == TRUE) {
        leave.gap <- 1

    if (leave.gap == 0) {
        data <- na.omit(data)
    else {
        # if there is a unit that has variable missing across all periods, then we drop this unit
        data$rowmiss <- rowSums(is.na(data))
        data$minrowmiss <- ave(data$rowmiss, list(data[,1]), FUN=min)
        data <- data[!(data$minrowmiss != 0),] #if minrowmiss != 0, drop this unit
        data <- data[1:(ncol(data)-2)]

    #if (na.rm == FALSE & sum(is.na(data)) > 0) {
    #    stop("Missing values in dataset. Try set na.rm = TRUE.\n")
    # sort data
    data <- data[order(data[,index.id], data[,index.time]), ]

    minmintime <- as.numeric(min(data[, 2], na.rm = TRUE))
    maxmaxtime <- as.numeric(max(data[, 2], na.rm = TRUE))
    timegap <- (maxmaxtime - minmintime)/(length(unique(data[,index.time]))-1)
    inttimegap <- as.integer(timegap)    
    data_1 <- transform(data, differencetime = ave(as.numeric(data[, 2]), data[, 1], FUN = function(x) c(NA, diff(x))))
    mintimegap <- min(data_1$differencetime, na.rm = TRUE)
    maxtimegap <- max(data_1$differencetime, na.rm = TRUE)

    if (leave.gap == 0) {
        if (timegap != mintimegap | timegap != inttimegap) {
            message("Time is not evenly distributed (possibly due to missing data).\n")

    if (leave.gap == 1) {
       # expand panel data

        data <- transform(data, differencetime = ave(as.numeric(data[, 2]), data[, 1], FUN = function(x) c(NA, diff(x))))

        mintimegap <- min(data$differencetime, na.rm = TRUE)
        maxtimegap <- max(data$differencetime, na.rm = TRUE)
        divide_differencetime <- maxtimegap / mintimegap

        if (timegap != mintimegap | inttimegap != timegap) {
            #common difference: mintimegap:
            if (mintimegap != maxtimegap & mintimegap != 1 & divide_differencetime == as.integer(divide_differencetime)) {
                #1. Create all combinations of `id` and `year`
                g <- with(data, expand.grid(g.id = unique(data[,index[1]]), 
                        g.time = seq(from = minmintime, to = maxmaxtime, by = mintimegap))) 
                colnames(g)[1] <- colnames(data[1])
                colnames(g)[2] <- colnames(data[2])
                #2. Merge `g` with `data`
                data2 <- merge(g, data, all.x = TRUE)
                data <- data2
        else { #commmon difference = 1 
                #1. Create all combinations of `id` and `year`
                g <- with(data, expand.grid(g.id = unique(data[,index[1]]), 
                        g.time = seq(from = minmintime, to = maxmaxtime))) 
                colnames(g)[1] <- colnames(data[1])
                colnames(g)[2] <- colnames(data[2])
                #2. Merge `g` with `data`
                data2 <- merge(g, data, all.x = TRUE)
                data <- data2
        data <- data[1:(length(data)-1)] #drop the differencetime column

    ## check duplicated observations
    unique_label <- unique(paste(data[,index[1]],"_",data[,index[2]],sep=""))
    if (length(unique_label)!= dim(data)[1]) {
        stop("Unit and time variables do not uniquely identify all observations. Some may be duplicated or Incorrectly marked in the dataset.")

    #if (length(unique(data[,index[1]])) > 1000) {
    #    stop("Please limit your units within 1000 for elegant presentation")

    if (length(unique(data[,index[1]])) > 300 & gridOff != TRUE & type != "outcome") {
        message("If the number of units is more than 300, we set \"gridOff = TRUE\".\n")
        gridOff <- TRUE
    if (length(unique(data[,index[1]])) > 300 & gridOff != TRUE & type == "outcome") {
        gridOff <- TRUE

    if (display.all == FALSE & length(unique(data[,index[1]])) > 500) {
        message("If the number of units is more than 500, we randomly select 500 units to present.
        You can set \"display.all = TRUE\" to show all units.\n")
        sample_subject_ids = sample(unique(data[,index[1]]), 500)
        data = subset(data, data[,index[1]] %in% sample_subject_ids)

    ## Checking Other Parameters

    if (!type %in% c("miss", "missing", "raw", "treat", "outcome","bivar","bivariate")) {
        stop("\"type\" option misspecified.")

    if (type == "missing" | type == "miss") {
        type <- "treat"
        ignore.treat <- 1

    if (type == "raw") {
        type <- "outcome"

    if (by.group == TRUE || type == "outcome") {
        cex.main.top <- cex.main
        cex.main <- cex.main.sub

    if (is.null(cex.axis.x)==TRUE) {
        cex.axis.x <- cex.axis

    if (is.null(cex.axis.y)==TRUE) {
        cex.axis.y <- cex.axis

    ## check plot 
    if (is.null(D)) {
        if (ignore.treat == 0) {
            message("No treatment indicator.\n")
            ignore.treat <- 1

    if (is.null(Y) && (type == "outcome" || type == "bivar" || type == "bivariate")) {
        stop("No outcomes.\n")

    ## axis.lab
    if (!axis.lab %in% c("both", "unit", "time", "off")) {
        stop("\"axis.lab\" option misspecified. Try, for example, axis.lab = c(\"both\", \"unit\", \"time\", \"off\").") 
    ## time labels gap
    if (sum(axis.lab.gap < 0) > 0) {
        stop("\"gap\" should be equal to or greater than 0.\n")

    ## legend labels
    if (is.null(legend.labs)==FALSE) {
        legend.labs <- as.character(legend.labs)

    ## outcome.type
    if (!outcome.type %in% c("continuous", "discrete")) {
        stop("\"outcome.type\" option misspecified. Try, for example, outcome.type = c(\"continuous\", \"discrete\").")

    ## check treatment indicator
    d.levels <- NULL
    d.bi <- FALSE

    # without ignore.treat:
    if (ignore.treat == 0) {

        if (leave.gap == 0) {
            if (!(class(data[, D]) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) {
                    ## data[, Dname] <- as.numeric(as.character(data[, Dname]))
                    stop("Treatment indicator should be a numeric value.")

        d.levels <- sort(unique(data[, D]))
        n.levels <- length(d.levels) # n.levels: treatment levels
        d.bi <- d.levels[1] == 0 & d.levels[2] == 1 & n.levels == 2 # d.bi: binary treatment

        if (d.bi == FALSE & by.cohort == TRUE) {
            stop("option \"by.cohort = TRUE\" works only with dummy treatment variable")

        if (outcome.type == "discrete") {
            y.levels <- sort(unique(data[, Y]))

        if (n.levels == 1) {
            message("Only one treatment level...\n")
            ignore.treat <- 1
        } else {
            if (d.bi == FALSE) {
                cat(paste0(n.levels, " treatment levels.\n"))

        if (is.null(treat.type)== FALSE) {
            if (!treat.type %in% c("discrete","continuous")) {
                stop("\"treat.type\" must be \"discrete\" or \"continuous\"")
            if (treat.type == "discrete" & n.levels>=5) {
                message("Too many treatment levels; treat as continuous.")
                treat.type <- "continuous"
            if (treat.type == "continuous" & n.levels<=4) {
                cat("Too few treatment levels; consider setting treat.type = \"discrete\".")                
        } else {
            if (n.levels>5) {
                treat.type <- "continuous"
            } else {
                treat.type <- "discrete"

        ## if (!(1%in%data[, D] & 0%in%data[, D] & length(unique(data[,D])) == 2)) {
        ##     stop(paste("variable \"", D, "\" should contain only 0 and 1.\n"))
        ## }
    else { #ignore.treat == 1
        n.levels <- 0
        treat.type <- "discrete"

    ## shade in the post-treatment period
    if (!class(shade.post) %in% c("logical","numeric")) {
        stop("Incorrect type for option \"shade.post\"")


    ## ------------------------ ##
    ## parsing data.            ##
    ## ------------------------ ##

    ## raw id and time
    raw.id <- sort(unique(data[,index[1]]))
    raw.time <- sort(unique(data[,index[2]]))
    N <- length(raw.id) 
    TT <- length(raw.time)

    ## id to be plotted 
    input.id <- NULL
    if (!is.null(id)) {
        if (!is.null(show.id)) {
            message("Using specified id.\n")
        ## check id 
        remove.id <- setdiff(id, raw.id)
        if (length(remove.id) != 0) {
            cat("List of units removed from dataset:", remove.id)
            input.id <- intersect(sort(id), raw.id)
        } else {
            input.id <- sort(id)
    } else {
        if (!is.null(show.id)) {

            if (length(show.id) > N ) {
                stop("Length of \"show.id\" should not be larger than total number of units. \n")
            if (!class(show.id) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) {
                stop("\"show.id\" option misspecified. Try, for example, show.id = 1:100. \n")
            if (sum(show.id > N) > 0) {
                stop("Some specified units are not in the data.\n")
            if (length(unique(show.id)) != length(show.id)) {
                stop("Repeated values in \"show.id\" option.")

            input.id <- raw.id[show.id]

        } else {
            input.id <- raw.id

    ## store variable names
    data.old <- data
    Yname <- Y
    Dname <- D

    # if any of D/Y/X in data missing, then obs.missing = -200
    data$rowmiss <- rowSums(is.na(data))
    rowmissname <- colnames(data[ncol(data)])

    ## plot a subset of all data
    if (length(input.id) != length(raw.id)) {
        data <- data[which(data[,index.id] %in% input.id),]
        N <- length(input.id)

    id.all <- time.all <- count <- coordin <- data.x <- x.na <- NULL  
    M <- Y <- I <- D <- X <- NULL

    if (leave.gap == 0) {
    ## check balanced panel and fill unbalanced panel
    if (dim(data)[1] != TT*N) { # unbalanced panel
        data[,index.id] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,index.id])) 
        data[,index.time] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,index.time])) 

        if (!is.null(Yname)) {
            Y <- matrix(NA, TT, N)
        I <- matrix(0, TT, N) #I: observed(1) and missing(0)
        if (ignore.treat == 0) {
            D <- matrix(0, TT, N)

        for (i in 1:dim(data)[1]) {
            if (!is.null(Yname)) {
                Y[data[i,index.time],data[i,index.id]] <- data[i,Yname] 

            if (ignore.treat == 0) {
                D[data[i,index.time],data[i,index.id]] <- data[i,Dname] 

            I[data[i,index.time], data[i,index.id]] <- 1 #I: observed(1) and missing(0)

    } else { # balanced panel
        I <- matrix(1, TT, N) 
        if (!is.null(Yname)) {
            Y <- matrix(data[,Yname], TT, N)
        if (ignore.treat == 0) {
            D <- matrix(data[,Dname], TT, N)
    else { # leave.gap == 1: balanced panel
        data[,index.id] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,index.id]))
        data[,index.time] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,index.time]))

        M <- matrix(0, TT, N)
        for (i in 1:dim(data)[1]) {
            M[data[i,index.time], data[i,index.id]] <- data[i,rowmissname] 

        if (!is.null(Yname)) {
            Y <- matrix(NA, TT, N)
        I <- matrix(0, TT, N) #I: observed(1) and missing(0)
        if (ignore.treat == 0) {
            D <- matrix(0, TT, N)

        for (i in 1:dim(data)[1]) {
            if (!is.null(Yname)) {
                Y[data[i,index.time],data[i,index.id]] <- data[i,Yname] 
            if (ignore.treat == 0) {  
                D[data[i,index.time],data[i,index.id]] <- data[i,Dname] 
            I[data[i,index.time], data[i,index.id]] <- 1 #I: observed(1) and missing(0)

    if (collapse.history == TRUE) {

        if (is.null(M)) {
            D.f <- rbind(D, I)
        } else {
            D.f <- rbind(D, I, M)

        D.d <- as.data.frame(t(D.f))
        suppressMessages(ff <- as.data.frame(summarise(group_by_all(D.d), COUNT = n())))

        D <- t(as.matrix(ff[, 1:TT]))
        I <- t(as.matrix(ff[, (TT+1):(2*TT)]))

        if (is.null(M)) {
            input.id <- ff[, (2 * TT + 1)]
        } else {
            M <- t(as.matrix(ff[, (2 * TT + 1):(3*TT)]))
            input.id <- ff[, (3 * TT + 1)]

        N <- length(input.id)

        ## sort by cohort size 
        D.id <- cbind(1:N, input.id)
        D.id <- D.id[order(D.id[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]

        D.id.vec <- D.id[, 1]
        input.id <- D.id[, 2]

        D <- D[, D.id.vec]
        I <- I[, D.id.vec]

        if (!is.null(M)) {
            M <- M[, D.id.vec]

        ## return(obs.missing)

        ## colnames(obs.missing) <- input.id
        ## rownames(obs.missing) <- raw.time


        ## cat("ok2")
        ## cat(N)


    D.old <- D ## store the original indicators 

    ## binary treatment indicator 
    if (ignore.treat == FALSE && d.bi == 1) {

        if (length(unique(c(D.old))) > 2) {
            D[which(D > 1)] <- 1 ## set all treatment levels to 1

        ## once treated, always treated!
        D <- apply(D, 2, function(vec){cumsum(coalesce(vec, 0)) + vec*0}) 
        co.total.all <- TT - apply(D, 2, sum)
        D <- ifelse(D > 0, 1, 0)

        ## timing
        tr.pos <- which(D[TT,] == 1) ## which units are treated
        T0 <- apply(D == 0, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)[tr.pos]+1 ## first time expose to treatment 

        T1 <- apply(D == 1, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)[tr.pos] ## number of periods expose to treatment 
        T1[which(T1 > 1)] <- 0 ## indicate the last dot of treatment status change

        co.total <- co.total.all[tr.pos] ## total number of periods not exposed to treatment 

        DID <- length(unique(T0)) == 1 ## DID type: all treated units are treated at the same time

        ## number of periods after first get treated
        # T1 <- t1 <- NULL ## sort by timing
        # if (by.timing == TRUE) {
        #     T1 <- rep(NA, length(tr.pos))            
        #     for (i in 1:length(tr.pos)) {
        #         i.tr <- I[,tr.pos[i]]
        #         d.tr <- D.old[,tr.pos[i]]
        #         t1 <- which(d.tr == 0 & i.tr == 1)
        #         if (length(t1) > 0) {
        #             if (max(t1) <= T0[i]) {
        #                 T1[i] <- 0
        #             } else {
        #                 T1[i] <- TT - min(t1[which(t1 > T0[i])])
        #             }
        #         } else {
        #             T1[i] <- 0
        #         }
        #     }
        # }

        ## check DID mode
        if (sum(abs(D.old[which(I==1)] - D[which(I==1)]), na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
            staggered <- 1
        } else { ## FE mode, with reversals
            DID <- 0
            if (type == "outcome" || type == "bivar" || type == "bivariate") {
                message("Treatment has reversals.\n")
            if (by.cohort == TRUE) {
                stop("option \"by.cohort = TRUE\" works only with staggered adoption.")
            staggered <- 0

    } else {
        DID <- 0
        staggered <- 1

    ## missing matrix 

    ## unified labels:
    ##  -200 for missing
    ##  -1 for control condition (or observed)
    ##   0 for treated pre
    ##   1 for treated post  
    obs.missing <- NULL

if (leave.gap == 0) {
    if (ignore.treat == 0 && d.bi == 1) { #  binary, and without ignore.treat 
        con1 <- type == "treat" && pre.post == TRUE
        con2 <- type == "outcome" && by.group == FALSE

        if (staggered == 1 && (con1 || con2)) {  ## DID type data
            tr <- D[TT,] == 1     # cross-sectional: treated unit

            id.tr <- which(tr==1)
            id.co <- which(tr==0)

            D.tr <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr==1)])
            I.tr <- as.matrix(I[,which(tr==1)])
            Y.tr <- Y.co <- NULL
            if (type == "outcome") {
                Y.tr <- as.matrix(Y[,which(tr==1)])
                Y.co <- as.matrix(Y[,which(tr==0)])

            Ntr <- sum(tr)
            Nco <- N - Ntr

            ## 1. control group: -1
            obs.missing <- matrix(-1, TT, N)
            ## 2. add treated units
            obs.missing[, id.tr] <- D[, id.tr]
            ## 3. set missing values
            obs.missing[which(I==0)] <- -200 ## missing -200; I==0: missings in unbalanced panel

            unit.type <- rep(1, N) ## 1 for control; 2 for treated; 3 for reversal
            unit.type[id.tr] <- 2

        } else {
            unit.type <- rep(NA, N) ## 1 for control; 2 for treated; 3 for reversal

            for (i in 1:N) {
                di <- D.old[, i]
                ii <- I[, i]

                if (length(unique(di[which(ii==1)])) == 1) { ## treated or control
                    if (0 %in% unique(di[which(ii==1)])) {
                        unit.type[i] <- 1 ## always control
                    } else {
                        unit.type[i] <- 2 ## always treated
                } else {
                    unit.type[i] <- 3 ## control to treated / treated to control
            ## 1. using D.old  
            obs.missing <- D.old 
            ## 2. set controls
            obs.missing[which(D.old == 0)] <- -1 ## under control
            ## 3. set missing 
            obs.missing[which(I==0)] <- -200 ## missing
        obs.missing.treat <- obs.missing
        if (length(unique(c(D.old))) > 2) {
            obs.missing[which(obs.missing > 1)] <- 1

    else { # either not binary (>2 treatment levels) or ignore.treat == 1
        if (n.levels > 2 && type == "treat") { ## >2 treatment levels
            obs.missing <- D
            # NA: leave.gap == 0
            obs.missing[which(I == 0)] <- NA             
        } else {
                    obs.missing <- matrix(-1, TT, N) 
                    obs.missing[which(I==0)] <- -200 ## missing
                    ignore.treat <- 1   
else if (leave.gap == 1) {
        if (ignore.treat == 0 && d.bi == 1) { #  binary, and without ignore.treat 
        con1 <- type == "treat" && pre.post == TRUE
        con2 <- type == "outcome" && by.group == FALSE

        if (staggered == 1 && (con1 || con2)) {  ## DID type data
            tr <- D[TT,] == 1     # cross-sectional: treated unit

            id.tr <- which(tr==1)
            id.co <- which(tr==0)

            D.tr <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr==1)])
            I.tr <- as.matrix(I[,which(tr==1)])
            Y.tr <- Y.co <- NULL

            if (type == "outcome") {
                Y.tr <- as.matrix(Y[,which(tr==1)])
                Y.co <- as.matrix(Y[,which(tr==0)])

            Ntr <- sum(tr)
            Nco <- N - Ntr

            ## 1. control group: -1
            obs.missing <- matrix(-1, TT, N)
            ## 2. add treated units
            obs.missing[, id.tr] <- D[, id.tr]
            ## 3. set missing values
            obs.missing[which(I==0)] <- -200 ## missing -200
            obs.missing[which(M!=0)] <- -200

            unit.type <- rep(1, N) ## 1 for control; 2 for treated; 3 for reversal
            unit.type[id.tr] <- 2

        } else {
            unit.type <- rep(NA, N) ## 1 for control; 2 for treated; 3 for reversal

            for (i in 1:N) {
                di <- D.old[, i]
                ii <- I[, i] ## I: observed or missing

                if (length(unique(di[which(ii==1)])) == 1) { ## treated or control
                    if (0 %in% unique(di[which(ii==1)])) {
                        unit.type[i] <- 1 ## control
                    } else {
                        unit.type[i] <- 2 ## treated
                else if ((length(unique(di[which(ii==1)])) == 2) & (NA %in% unique(di[which(ii==1)]))) { # NA 0 / NA 1
                    if (0 %in% unique(di[which(ii==1)])) {
                        unit.type[i] <- 1 ## control
                    } else {
                        unit.type[i] <- 2 ## treated
                else {
                    unit.type[i] <- 3 ## control to treated / treated to control / NA 0 1 / NA 1 0
            ## 1. using D.old  
            obs.missing <- D.old 
            ## 2. set controls
            obs.missing[which(D.old == 0)] <- -1 ## under control
            ## 3. set missing 
            obs.missing[which(I==0)] <- -200 ## missing
            obs.missing[which(M!=0)] <- -200
        obs.missing.treat <- obs.missing
        if (length(unique(c(D.old))) > 2) {
            obs.missing[which(obs.missing > 1)] <- 1

    } else { # either not binary (>2 treatment levels) or ignore.treat == 1
        if (n.levels > 2 && type == "treat") { ## >2 treatment levels (note that if ignore.treat = 1, n.levels = 0)
            obs.missing <- D
            # -200: leave.gap == 1
            obs.missing[which(I == 0)] <- -200
            obs.missing[which(M != 0)] <- -200          
        else {
            obs.missing <- matrix(-1, TT, N)
            obs.missing[which(I==0)] <- -200
            obs.missing[which(M != 0)] <- -200
            ignore.treat <- 1 

    colnames(obs.missing) <- input.id
    rownames(obs.missing) <- raw.time
    ## cat("ok")
    ## plot unique treatment histories 
    #if (collapse.history == TRUE) {

    #    obs.missing.d <- as.data.frame(t(obs.missing))
    #    suppressMessages(ff <- as.data.frame(summarise(group_by_all(obs.missing.d), COUNT = n())))

    #    obs.missing <- t(as.matrix(ff[, 1:TT]))
    #    input.id <- ff[, (TT + 1)]

        ## return(obs.missing)

    #    colnames(obs.missing) <- input.id
    #    rownames(obs.missing) <- raw.time

    #    N <- length(input.id) 

        ## cat("ok2")
        ## cat(N)


    time <- raw.time
    id <- input.id 

    ## ------------------------------------- ##
    ##          part 2: plot
    ## ------------------------------------- ##
    outcome <- NULL ## global variable
    treatment <- NULL
    labels1 <- labels2 <- labels3 <- NULL
    if (is.null(xlim)==FALSE) {
        if (is.numeric(xlim)==FALSE) {
            stop("Some element in \"xlim\" is not numeric.")
        } else {
            if (length(xlim)!=2) {
                stop("\"xlim\" must be of length 2.")

    if (type != "bivar" & type != "bivariate") {
        if (is.null(ylim)==FALSE) {
            if (is.numeric(ylim)==FALSE) {
                stop("Some element in \"ylim\" is not numeric.")
            } else {
                if (length(ylim)!=2) {
                    stop("\"ylim\" must be of length 2.")

    if (is.null(xlab)==FALSE) {
        if (is.character(xlab) == FALSE) {
            stop("\"xlab\" is not a string.")
        } else {
            xlab <- xlab[1]
    if (is.null(ylab)==FALSE) {
        if (is.character(ylab) == FALSE) {
            stop("\"ylab\" is not a string.")
        } else {
            ylab <- ylab[1]

    if (is.logical(legendOff) == FALSE & is.numeric(legendOff)==FALSE) {
        stop("\"legendOff\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.logical(gridOff) == FALSE & is.numeric(gridOff)==FALSE) {
        stop("\"gridOff\" is not a logical flag.")

    if (is.null(main)==FALSE) {
        if (is.character(main) == FALSE) {
            stop("\"main\" is not a string.")
        } else {
            main <- main[1]

    if (is.null(axis.lab.angle)==FALSE) {
        angle <- axis.lab.angle
        x.v <- 1
        x.h <- 1
    } else {
        if (axis.adjust == TRUE) {
            angle <- 45
            x.v <- 1
            x.h <- 1
        } else {
            angle <- 0
            x.v <- 0
            if (type == "treat") {
                x.h <- 0.5
            } else {
                x.h <- 0
    ## type of plots
    if (!is.numeric(time[1])) {
        time <- 1:TT

    ## periods to show
    if (length(xlim) != 0) {
        show <- which(time>=xlim[1] & time<=xlim[2])
    } else {
        show <- 1:length(time)

    nT <- length(show)
    time.label <- raw.time[show]
    T.b <- 1:length(show)

    ## labels
    N.b <- 1:N
    if (type == "treat") {
        if (axis.lab == "both") {
            if (length(axis.lab.gap)==2) {
                x.gap <- axis.lab.gap[1]
                y.gap <- axis.lab.gap[2] 
            } else {
                x.gap <- y.gap <- axis.lab.gap[1]
        } else {
            x.gap <- y.gap <- axis.lab.gap[1]
        if (y.gap != 0) {
            N.b <- seq(from = N, to = 1, by = -(y.gap + 1))
    } else {
        x.gap <- axis.lab.gap[1]

    if (x.gap != 0) {
        T.b <- seq(from = 1, to = length(show), by = (x.gap + 1))

    ## legend on/off
    if (legendOff == 1) {
        legend.pos <- "none"
    } else {
        legend.pos <- "bottom"

    ## Outcome Plot
    if (type == "outcome") {
        ## axes labels
        if (is.null(xlab)==TRUE) {
            xlab <- index[2]
        } else if (xlab == "") {
            xlab <- NULL
        if (is.null(ylab)==TRUE) {
            ylab <- Yname
        } else if (ylab == "") {
            ylab <- NULL

        ## plot color setting
        raw.color <- NULL

        ## color setting
        if (is.null(color) == TRUE) {
            if (ignore.treat == FALSE) {
                if (outcome.type == "continuous") {
                    raw.color <- c("#5e5e5e50", "#FC8D62", "red")
                } else {
                    raw.color <- c("#5e5e5e60", "#FC8D62", "red")
                if (type == "outcome" && (staggered == 0 | by.group == TRUE | pre.post == FALSE)) { # two conditions only
                    raw.color <- raw.color[c(1,3)]
            } else { # ignore treat
                raw.color <- "#5e5e5e50"
        } else {    # color is specified  
            if (ignore.treat == FALSE) {
                if (staggered == 0 | pre.post == FALSE) { # with reversals or two groups only
                    if (length(color) != 2) {
                        stop("Length of \"color\" should be equal to 2.\n")    
                    } else {
                        cat("Specified colors are in the order of \"under treatment\", \"under control\".\n")
                        raw.color <- color[c(2,1)]
                } else {
                    if (by.group == FALSE & length(color) != 3) {
                        stop("Length of \"color\" should be equal to 3.\n")
                    else if (by.group == TRUE & length(color) != 2) {
                        stop("Length of \"color\" should be equal to 2.\n")
                    else if (by.group == FALSE & length(color) == 3) {
                        cat("Specified colors in the order of \"treated (pre)\", \"treated (post)\", \"control\".\n")
                        raw.color <- color[c(3,1,2)]
                    else {
                        cat("Specified colors in the order of \"under treatment\", \"under control\".\n")
                        raw.color <- color[c(2,1)]
            } else {
                if (length(color) != 1) {
                    stop("Length of \"color\" should be equal to 1.\n") 

        ## prepare to plot

        if (ignore.treat == TRUE) { # do not show treatment status

            data <- cbind.data.frame("time" = rep(time[show], N), 
                                     "outcome" = c(Y[show,]),
                                     "type" = rep("co",(N*nT)),
                                     "id" = rep(1:N,each = nT))

            if (outcome.type == "discrete") {
                data <- na.omit(data)
                data$outcome <- factor(data$outcome)

            ## theme
            p <- ggplot(data) + xlab(xlab) +  ylab(ylab)
            if (theme.bw == TRUE) {
                p <- p + theme_bw()
            p <- p + theme(legend.position = legend.pos,
             axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle, hjust=x.h, vjust=x.h),
             plot.title = element_text(size=cex.main, hjust = 0.5, face="bold",margin = margin(8, 0, 8, 0)))

            if (outcome.type == "continuous") {
                ## main
                p <- p + geom_line(aes(time, outcome,
                                       colour = type,
                                       size = type,
                                       linetype = type,
                                       group = id))

                ## legend
                set.limits = "co"
                set.colors = raw.color
                set.linetypes = "solid"
                set.linewidth = 0.5
                if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
                    if (length(legend.labs) != 1) {
                        warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legend. Using default.\n")
                        set.labels = "Observed"  
                    } else {
                        set.labels <- legend.labs
                } else {
                    set.labels <- "Observed"
                labels.ncol <- 1

                ## scale
                p <- p + scale_colour_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                             labels = set.labels,
                                             values =set.colors) +
                    scale_linetype_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                          labels = set.labels,
                                          values = set.linetypes) +
                    scale_size_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                      labels = set.labels,
                                      values = set.linewidth) +
                    guides(linetype = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol),
                           colour = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol),
                           size = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol))

            } else { ## categorical data
                ## main
                p <- p + geom_jitter(width = 0.15, height = 0.15,
                                     aes(x = time, y = outcome, colour = type, shape = type))

                ## scale
                set.limits = "co"
                set.colors = raw.color
                set.shapes = 1
                if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
                    if (length(legend.labs) != 1) {
                        warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legend. Using default.\n")
                        set.labels = "Observed"
                    } else {
                        set.labels <- legend.labs
                } else {                      
                    set.labels = "Observed"
                labels.ncol <- 1

                p <- p + scale_colour_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                             labels = set.labels,
                                             values =set.colors) + 
                         scale_shape_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                            labels = set.labels,
                                            values =set.shapes) + 
                         guides(colour = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol),
                                shape = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol))

            if (!is.numeric(time.label)) {
                p <- p + 
                     scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = show[T.b], labels = time.label[T.b])

            ## title
            if (is.null(main) == TRUE) {
                p <- p + ggtitle("Raw Data")
            } else if (main != "") {
                p <- p + ggtitle(main)

            ## ylim
            if (is.null(ylim) == FALSE) {
                p <- p + coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim)

        } # ignore.treat == TRUE over
        else if (ignore.treat == FALSE && by.group == FALSE) { ## Mixed units
            ## time-line
            if (outcome.type == "continuous") { ## continuous outcome
                if (staggered == 0 || (by.cohort == FALSE && pre.post == FALSE)) { ## with reversals
                    D.plot <- D.old
                    D.plot[which(D.plot == 0)] <- NA
                    D.plot[which(I == 0)] <- NA

                    Y.trt <- Y * D.plot
                    Y.trt.show <- as.matrix(Y.trt[show,])
                    time.trt.show <- time[show]
                    ut.time <- ut.id <- NULL
                    for (i in 1:N) {
                        if (sum(is.na(Y.trt.show[,i])) != nT) {
                            ut.id <- c(ut.id, rep(i, nT - sum(is.na(Y.trt.show[,i]))))
                            ut.time <- c(ut.time, time.trt.show[which(!is.na(Y.trt.show[,i]))])
                    T1_0 <- c(T1)[which(T1==0)]
                    T1_1 <- c(T1)[which(T1==1)]
                    N_T1_1 <- sum(T1_1)
                    N_T1_0 <- N*nT + length(ut.id) - N_T1_1

                    data <- cbind.data.frame("time" = c(rep(time[show], N), ut.time),
                                             "outcome" = c(c(Y[show,]),
                                             "type" = c(rep("co",(N*nT)),
                                            "last_dot" = c(rep("0",N_T1_0),
                                             "id" = c(rep(1:N,each = nT), ut.id))

                    idtimes <- sapply(1:length(data$id),function(x)sum(data$id[1:x]==data$id[x]))
                    data <- cbind(data, idtimes)
                    data$idtimes <- ave(data$idtimes, data$id, FUN=max)
                    data$last_dot <- 0
                    data$last_dot[data$idtimes == 1] <- 1

                    ## legend
                    set.limits = c("co","tr")
                    set.colors = raw.color
                    set.linetypes = c("solid","solid")
                    set.linewidth = c(0.5, 0.5)
                    if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
                        if (length(legend.labs) != 2) {
                            warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legend. Using default.\n")
                            set.labels = c("Control", "Treated")  
                        } else {
                            set.labels <- legend.labs
                    } else {
                        set.labels <- c("Control", "Treated") 
                    labels.ncol <- 2
                else { ## staggered 

                    time.bf <- time[unique(T0)]
                    pst <- D.tr

                    for (i in 1:Ntr) {
                        pst[T0[i], i] <- 1

                    time.pst <- c(pst[show,] * time[show])
                    time.pst <- time.pst[which(c(pst[show,])==1)]
                    Y.tr.pst <- c(Y.tr[show,])[which(pst[show,]==1)]
                    id.tr.pst <- matrix(rep(1:Ntr,each=TT),TT,Ntr,byrow=FALSE)[show,]
                    id.tr.pst <- c(id.tr.pst)[which(pst[show,]==1)]
                    T1_0 <- c(T1)[which(T1==0)]
                    T1_1 <- c(T1)[which(T1==1)]
                    N_T1_1 <- sum(T1_1)
                    N_T1_0 <- Nco*nT + Ntr*nT + length(Y.tr.pst) - N_T1_1                   
                    data <- cbind.data.frame("time" = c(rep(time[show], N), time.pst),
                                             "outcome" = c(c(Y.tr[show,]),
                                             "type" = c(rep("tr",(Ntr*nT)),
                                            "last_dot" = c(rep("0",N_T1_0),
                                            "id" = c(rep(1:N,each = nT), id.tr.pst + N0)) # post seen as different groups
                    idtimes <- sapply(1:length(data$id),function(x)sum(data$id[1:x]==data$id[x]))
                    data <- cbind(data, idtimes)
                    data$idtimes <- ave(data$idtimes, data$id, FUN=max)
                    data$last_dot <- 0
                    data$last_dot[data$idtimes == 1] <- 1
                     ## legend 
                    set.limits = c("co", "tr", "tr.pst")
                    set.colors = raw.color
                    set.linetypes = c("solid","solid","solid")
                    set.linewidth = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
                    if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
                        if (length(legend.labs) != 3) {
                             warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legend. Using default.\n")
                            set.labels <- c("Controls","Treated (Pre)","Treated (Post)")  
                        } else {
                            set.labels <- legend.labs
                    } else {
                        set.labels <- c("Controls","Treated (Pre)","Treated (Post)") 
                    labels.ncol <- 3
                    if (by.cohort == TRUE) {
                        # expand to balanced panel:
                        ref <- expand.grid(id = unique(data.old[,index.id]), time = unique(data.old[,index.time]))
                        data.old <- merge(ref, data.old, by = 1:2, all.x = TRUE)
                        colnames(data.old)[4] <- "treatment"
                        data.old$treatment<- ave(data.old$treatment, data.old$id, FUN=function(x) approxfun(x, method = "constant", rule=2)(seq_along(x)))
                        #1. If a person's first follow-up data is missing, then add the value of the next row;
                        #2. If a person's non-first follow-up data is missing, then add the value of the previous row;
                        #3. If multiple consecutive follow-up data are missing, then add the value of the previous non-missing row.

                        data.old$treatment_history <- ave(data.old[,"treatment"], data.old$id, FUN = function(x) paste(x, collapse= "_")) # data.old[,4]: treatment; data.old[,1]: id
                        cat(paste0("Number of unique treatment histories: ", length(unique(data.old$treatment_history))))

                        if (length(unique(data.old$treatment_history)) > 20) {
                            stop("\"by.cohort = TRUE\" ignored the number of unique treatment history is more than 20.")
                        else {
                            data.old$outcomehistorymean <- ave(data.old[,3], data.old$treatment_history, data.old$time, FUN=function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)) # data.old[,3]: outcome

                            data.old <- data.old[,c("time", "treatment", "treatment_history", "outcomehistorymean")]

                            names(data.old)[names(data.old) == 'outcomehistorymean'] <- 'outcome'
                            names(data.old)[names(data.old) == 'treatment_history'] <- 'id'
                            #data.old <- data.old[!duplicated(data.old), ]
                            N_cohort <- length(sort(unique(data.old$id))) 

                            #group id and time to numeric values:
                            data.old[,3] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data.old[,3]))
                            data.old[,1] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data.old[,1]))

                            Y <- matrix(NA, TT, N_cohort) 
                            for (i in 1:dim(data.old)[1]) {
                                Y[data.old[i,1],data.old[i,3]] <- data.old[i,4] # data.old[,1]: time; data.old[,3]: id; data.old[,4]: outcome

                            D <- matrix(0, TT, N_cohort)
                            for (i in 1:dim(data.old)[1]) {
                                D[data.old[i,1],data.old[i,3]] <- data.old[i,2] # data.old[,2]: treatment

                            tr <- D[TT,] == 1
                            Ntr <- sum(tr)
                            Nco <- N_cohort - Ntr
                            Y.tr <- Y.co <- NULL
                            Y.tr <- as.matrix(Y[,which(tr==1)])
                            Y.co <- as.matrix(Y[,which(tr==0)])
                            tr.pos <- which(D[TT,] == 1) ## which units are treated
                            T1 <- apply(D == 1, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)[tr.pos] ## number of periods expose to treatment 
                            T1[which(T1 > 1)] <- 0 ## indicate the last dot of treatment status change
                            pst <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr==1)]) # treatment matrix

                            time.pst <- c(pst[show,] * time[show])
                            time.pst <- time.pst[which(c(pst[show,])==1)]
                            Y.tr.pst <- c(Y.tr[show,])[which(pst[show,]==1)]
                            id.tr.pst <- matrix(rep(1:Ntr,each=TT),TT,Ntr,byrow=FALSE)[show,]
                            id.tr.pst <- c(id.tr.pst)[which(pst[show,]==1)]
                            T1_0 <- c(T1)[which(T1==0)] 
                            T1_1 <- c(T1)[which(T1==1)] #last dot of treatment status change
                            N_T1_1 <- sum(T1_1)
                            N_T1_0 <- Nco*nT + Ntr*nT + length(Y.tr.pst) - N_T1_1                        
                            if (pre.post == TRUE) {
                                data <- cbind.data.frame("time" = c(rep(time[show], N_cohort), time.pst),
                                                    "outcome" = c(c(Y.tr[show,]),
                                                    "type" = c(rep("tr",(Ntr*nT)),
                                                    "id" = c(rep(1:N_cohort,each = nT), id.tr.pst + N0))
                            } else {
                                tr.vec <- rep("co", nT * N_cohort)
                                tr.vec[which(c(pst[show,])==1)] <- "tr"
                                data <- cbind.data.frame("time" = c(rep(time[show], N_cohort)),
                                                    "outcome" = c(c(Y.tr[show,]), c(Y.co[show,])),
                                                    "type" = tr.vec,
                                                    "id" = c(rep(1:N_cohort,each = nT)))    
                                ## legend 
                                set.limits = c("co", "tr")
                                set.colors = raw.color[1:2]
                                set.linetypes = c("solid","solid")
                                set.linewidth = c(0.5, 0.5)
                                if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
                                    if (length(legend.labs) != 2) {
                                        warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legend. Using default.\n")
                                        set.labels <- c("Controls", "Treated")  
                                    } else {
                                        set.labels <- legend.labs
                                } else {
                                    set.labels <- c("Controls","Treated") 
                                labels.ncol <- 2                                                                        
                            # last perioed treated (show using a dot)
                            idtimes <- sapply(1:length(data$id),function(x)sum(data$id[1:x]==data$id[x]))
                            data <- cbind(data, idtimes)
                            data$idtimes <- ave(data$idtimes, data$id, FUN=max)
                            data$last_dot <- 0
                            data$last_dot[data$idtimes == 1] <- 1                            

                ## theme
                p <- ggplot(data) + xlab(xlab) +  ylab(ylab)
                if (theme.bw == TRUE) {
                    p <- p + theme_bw()
                p <- p + theme(legend.position = legend.pos,
                    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle, hjust=x.h, vjust=x.h),
                    plot.title = element_text(size=cex.main, hjust = 0.5, face="bold",margin = margin(8, 0, 8, 0)))
                if (DID == TRUE && Ntr >= 1) {
                    if (exists("time.bf")) {
                        if (time.bf >= min(show) && time.bf <= max(show)) {
                            p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=time.bf, colour="white", size = 2)
                            if (shade.post == TRUE) {
                                p <- p + annotate("rect", xmin= time.bf, xmax= Inf,
                                                ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf, alpha = .3) 
                ## main
                p <- p + geom_line(aes(time, outcome,
                                       colour = type,
                                       size = type,
                                       linetype = type,
                                       group = id))

                data1 <- subset(data, data$last_dot==1)                       
                p <- p + geom_point(data = data1,
                                    aes(time, outcome),
                                    colour = raw.color[3],
                                    size = 0.5)
                p <- p + scale_colour_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                             labels = set.labels,
                                             values =set.colors) +
                    scale_linetype_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                          labels = set.labels,
                                          values = set.linetypes) +
                    scale_size_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                      labels = set.labels,
                                      values = set.linewidth) +
                    guides(linetype = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol),
                           colour = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol),
                           size = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol))
            } else { ## categorical data
                data <- cbind.data.frame("time" = rep(time[show], N), 
                                         "outcome" = factor(c(Y[show,])),
                                         "type" = c(obs.missing[show,]))

                data <- na.omit(data)
                data$type <- factor(data$type, levels = c(-1, 0, 1), labels = c("co","tr","tr.pst"))

                ## theme
                p <- ggplot(data) + xlab(xlab) +  ylab(ylab)
                if (theme.bw == TRUE) {
                    p <- p + theme_bw()
                p <- p + theme(legend.position = legend.pos,
                    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle, hjust=x.h, vjust=x.h),
                    plot.title = element_text(size=cex.main, hjust = 0.5, face="bold",margin = margin(8, 0, 8, 0)))
                ## main plot
                p <- p + geom_jitter(width = 0.15, height = 0.15,
                                     aes(x = time, y = outcome, colour = type, shape = type))

                ## legend
                if (staggered == 1 && pre.post == TRUE) {
                    time.bf <- time[unique(T0)]
                    set.limits = c("co", "tr", "tr.pst")
                    set.colors = raw.color 
                    set.shapes = c(1, 1, 16)
                    if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
                        if (length(legend.labs) != 3) {
                            warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legend. Using default.\n")
                            set.labels = c("Controls","Treated (Pre)","Treated (Post)")  
                        } else {
                            set.labels <- legend.labs
                    } else {
                        set.labels = c("Controls","Treated (Pre)","Treated (Post)") 
                    labels.ncol <- 3
                } else {
                    set.limits = c("co", "tr")
                    set.colors = raw.color
                    set.shapes = c(1, 1)
                    if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
                        if (length(legend.labs) != 2) {
                            warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legend. Using default.\n")
                            set.labels = c("Control", "Treatment")  
                        } else {
                            set.labels <- legend.labs
                    } else {
                        set.labels = c("Control", "Treatment") 
                    labels.ncol <- 2

                p <- p + scale_colour_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                             labels = set.labels,
                                             values =set.colors) + 
                         scale_shape_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                            labels = set.labels,
                                            values =set.shapes) + 
                    guides(colour = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol),
                           shape = guide_legend(title=NULL, ncol=labels.ncol))                
            if (!is.numeric(time.label)) {
                p <- p + 
                    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = show[T.b], labels = time.label[T.b])

            ## title
            if (is.null(main) == TRUE) {
                p <- p + ggtitle("Raw Data")
            } else if (main!="") {
                p <- p + ggtitle(main)

            ## ylim
            if (is.null(ylim) == FALSE) {
                p <- p + coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim)
            ## end of raw plot
        } else { ## separate plot (by.group == TRUE)
            if (is.null(main) == TRUE) {
                main <- "Raw Data"

            if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
               if (length(legend.labs) != 2) {
                   warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legend. Using default.\n")
                   set.labels = c("Control", "Treatment") 
               } else {
                   set.labels <- legend.labs
            } else {
                set.labels = c("Control", "Treatment") 

            if (1 %in% unit.type) {
                co.pos <- which(unit.type == 1)
                Nco <- length(co.pos)

                data1 <- cbind.data.frame("time" = c(rep(time[show], Nco)),
                                          "outcome" = c(Y[show, co.pos]),
                                          "type" = c(rep("co", (Nco*nT))),
                                          "id" = c(rep(1:Nco, each = nT)))

                limits1 <- c("co", "tr")
                colors1 <- raw.color[1:2]

                main1 <- "Always Under Control"

            if (2 %in% unit.type) {
                tr.pos <- which(unit.type == 2)
                Ntr <- length(tr.pos)

                data2 <- cbind.data.frame("time" = c(rep(time[show], Ntr)),
                                          "outcome" = c(Y[show, tr.pos]),
                                          "type" = c(rep("tr",(Ntr*nT))),
                                          "id" = c(rep(1:Ntr,each = nT)))

                limits2 <- c("co", "tr")
                colors2 <- raw.color[1:2]
                main2 <- "Always Under Treatment"

            if (3 %in% unit.type) {
                rv.pos <- which(unit.type == 3)
                Nrv <- length(rv.pos)

                if (outcome.type == "continuous") {

                    D.plot <- D.old

                    D.plot[which(D.plot == 0)] <- NA
                    D.plot[which(I == 0)] <- NA

                    D.rv <- as.matrix(D.plot[, rv.pos])
                    Y.rv <- as.matrix(Y[, rv.pos])

                    Y.trt <- Y.rv * D.rv
                    Y.trt.show <- as.matrix(Y.trt[show,])
                    time.trt.show <- time[show]
                    ut.time <- ut.id <- NULL
                    for (i in 1:Nrv) {
                        if (sum(is.na(Y.trt.show[,i])) != nT) {
                            ut.id <- c(ut.id, rep(i, nT - sum(is.na(Y.trt.show[,i]))))
                            ut.time <- c(ut.time, time.trt.show[which(!is.na(Y.trt.show[,i]))])

                    T1_0 <- c(T1)[which(T1==0)]
                    T1_1 <- c(T1)[which(T1==1)]
                    N_T1_1 <- sum(T1_1)
                    N_T1_0 <- Nrv*nT + length(ut.id) - N_T1_1

                    data3 <- cbind.data.frame("time" = c(rep(time[show], Nrv), ut.time),
                                              "outcome" = c(c(Y[show, rv.pos]),
                                              "type" = c(rep("co",(Nrv*nT)),
                                              "last_dot" = c(rep("0",N_T1_0),
                                              "id" = c(rep(1:Nrv,each = nT), ut.id))

                    data3_tr <- subset(data3, data3$type=="tr")  
                    data3_co <- subset(data3, data3$type=="co") 

                    idtimes <- sapply(1:length(data3_tr$id),function(x)sum(data3_tr$id[1:x]==data3_tr$id[x]))
                    data3_tr <- cbind(data3_tr, idtimes)
                    data3_tr$idtimes <- ave(data3_tr$idtimes, data3_tr$id, FUN=max)
                    data3_tr$last_dot <- 0
                    data3_tr$last_dot[data3_tr$idtimes == 1] <- 1

                    idtimes <- sapply(1:length(data3_co$id),function(x)sum(data3_co$id[1:x]==data3_co$id[x]))
                    data3_co <- cbind(data3_co, idtimes)
                    data3_co$idtimes <- ave(data3_co$idtimes, data3_co$id, FUN=max)

                    data3 <- rbind(data3_co,data3_tr)

                } else { ## categorical data

                    data3 <- cbind.data.frame("time" = c(rep(time[show], Nrv)),
                                              "outcome" = c(Y[show, rv.pos]),
                                              "type" = c(obs.missing[show,]), ## -1 for control and 1 for treated
                                              "id" = c(rep(1:Nrv,each = nT)))

                    data3$type <- factor(data3$type, levels = c(-1, 1), labels = c("co","tr"))


                limits3 <- c("co", "tr")
                colors3 <- raw.color[1:2]

                main3 <- "Treatment Status Changed"
            ## sub-plot function for each type
            subplot <- function (data, limits, labels, colors, main, outcome.type, theme.bw) {
                if (outcome.type == "discrete") {
                    data$outcome <- factor(data$outcome)
                    data <- na.omit(data)

                ## theme
                p <- ggplot(data) + xlab(xlab) +  ylab(ylab)

                ## legend
                set.limits = limits
                set.colors = colors
                set.linetypes = rep("solid", length(limits))
                set.linewidth = rep(0.5, length(limits))

                if (theme.bw == TRUE) {
                    p <- p + theme_bw() + 
                             theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                                   panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                                   axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle, hjust=x.h, vjust=x.h),
                                   plot.title = element_text(size=cex.main, hjust = 0.5, face="bold",margin = margin(8, 0, 8, 0)))
                else {
                    p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle, hjust=x.h, vjust=x.h),
                                   plot.title = element_text(size=cex.main, hjust = 0.5, face="bold",margin = margin(8, 0, 8, 0)))

                ## main
                if (outcome.type == "continuous") {
                    p <- p + geom_line(aes(time, outcome,
                                           colour = type,
                                           size = type,
                                           linetype = type,
                                           group = id))

                data1 <- subset(data, data$last_dot==1)                       
                p <- p + geom_point(data = data1,
                                    aes(time, outcome),
                                    colour = raw.color[2],
                                    size = 0.5)

                    p <- p + scale_colour_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                                 labels = set.labels,
                                                 values =set.colors) +
                        scale_linetype_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                              labels = set.labels,
                                              values = set.linetypes) +
                        scale_size_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                          labels = set.labels,
                                          values = set.linewidth) +
                        guides(linetype = guide_legend(title=NULL, nrow=1),
                               colour = guide_legend(title=NULL, nrow=1),
                               size = guide_legend(title=NULL, nrow=1))
                } else {
                    p <- p + geom_jitter(width = 0.15, height = 0.15, shape = 1,
                                     aes(x = time, y = outcome, colour = type))

                    p <- p + scale_colour_manual(limits = set.limits,
                                                 labels = set.labels,
                                                 values =set.colors) +
                        guides(linetype = guide_legend(title=NULL, nrow=1),
                               colour = guide_legend(title=NULL, nrow=1),
                               size = guide_legend(title=NULL, nrow=1))

                if (!is.numeric(time.label)) {
                    p <- p + 
                        scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = show[T.b], labels = time.label[T.b])

                ## title
                if (is.null(main) == TRUE) {
                    p <- p + ggtitle("Raw Data")
                } else if (main!="") {
                    p <- p + ggtitle(main)

                ## ylim
                if (is.null(ylim) == FALSE) {
                    p <- p + coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim)

            if (by.group.side == FALSE) {
                if (length(unique(unit.type)) == 1) {
                    if (1%in%unit.type) {
                        p1 <- subplot(data1, limits1, labels1, colors1, main1, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            legend, nrow = 2, heights = c (1, 1/5)),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    else if (2%in%unit.type) {
                        p2 <- subplot(data2, limits2, labels2, colors2, main2, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p2 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            legend, nrow = 2, heights = c (1, 1/5)),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2)))) 
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    else if (3%in%unit.type) {
                        p3 <- subplot(data3, limits3, labels3, colors3, main3, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p3 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            legend, nrow = 2, heights = c (1, 1/5)),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2)))) 
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))

                else if (length(unique(unit.type))==2) {
                    if (!1%in%unit.type) {
                        p2 <- subplot(data2, limits2, labels2, colors2, main2, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        p3 <- subplot(data3, limits3, labels3, colors3, main3, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p2 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p2 + theme(legend.position="none"), p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            legend, nrow = 3, heights = c (1, 1, 1/5)),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))  
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    else if (!2%in%unit.type) {
                        p1 <- subplot(data1, limits1, labels1, colors1, main1, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        p3 <- subplot(data3, limits3, labels3, colors3, main3, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"), p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            legend, nrow = 3, heights = c (1, 1, 1/5)),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))  
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    else if (!3%in%unit.type) {
                        p1 <- subplot(data1, limits1, labels1, colors1, main1, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        p2 <- subplot(data2, limits2, labels2, colors2, main2, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"), p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            legend, nrow = 3, heights = c (1, 1, 1/5)),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))  
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))

                else {
                    p1 <- subplot(data1, limits1, labels1, colors1, main1, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                    p2 <- subplot(data2, limits2, labels2, colors2, main2, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                    p3 <- subplot(data3, limits3, labels3, colors3, main3, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                    if (legend.pos != "none") {
                        suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                        legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                        suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"), p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                        p3 + theme(legend.position="none"), legend, nrow = 4, heights = c (1, 1, 1, 1/5)),
                                        top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    } else {
                        suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))

            else if (by.group.side == TRUE) {

                if (length(unique(unit.type)) == 1) {
                    if (1%in%unit.type) {
                        p1 <- subplot(data1, limits1, labels1, colors1, main1, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            nrow =1, top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))),legend,nrow=2,heights=c(1,1/8)))
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow =1,
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    else if (2%in%unit.type) {
                        p2 <- subplot(data2, limits2, labels2, colors2, main2, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p2 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            nrow =1, top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))),legend,nrow=2,heights=c(1,1/8)))
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p2 + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow =1,
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    else if (3%in%unit.type) {
                        p3 <- subplot(data3, limits3, labels3, colors3, main3, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p3 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            nrow =1, top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))),legend,nrow=2,heights=c(1,1/8)))
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p3 + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow =1,
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))

                else if (length(unique(unit.type))==2) {
                    if (!1%in%unit.type) {
                        p2 <- subplot(data2, limits2, labels2, colors2, main2, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        p3 <- subplot(data3, limits3, labels3, colors3, main3, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p2 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p2 + theme(legend.position="none"), p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            nrow =1, top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))),legend,nrow=2,heights=c(1,1/8)))
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p3 + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow =1,
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    else if (!2%in%unit.type) {
                        p1 <- subplot(data1, limits1, labels1, colors1, main1, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        p3 <- subplot(data3, limits3, labels3, colors3, main3, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"), p3 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            nrow =1, top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))),legend,nrow=2,heights=c(1,1/8)))
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p3 + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow =1,
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))
                    else if (!3%in%unit.type) {
                        p1 <- subplot(data1, limits1, labels1, colors1, main1, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        p2 <- subplot(data2, limits2, labels2, colors2, main2, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                        if (legend.pos != "none") {
                            suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)
                            legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"), p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            nrow =1, top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))),legend,nrow=2,heights=c(1,1/8)))
                        } else {
                            suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p2 + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow =1,
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))

                else {
                    p1 <- subplot(data1, limits1, labels1, colors1, main1, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                    p2 <- subplot(data2, limits2, labels2, colors2, main2, outcome.type, theme.bw)
                    p3 <- subplot(data3, limits3, labels3, colors3, main3, outcome.type, theme.bw)

                    if (legend.pos != "none") {
                        suppressWarnings(g <- ggplotGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs)

                        legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]

                        suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"), p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                        p3 + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow =1,
                                        top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))),legend,nrow=2,heights=c(1,1/8)))
                    } else {
                        suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p2 + theme(legend.position="none"),
                                            p3 + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow =1,
                                            top = textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = cex.main.top,font=2))))

        }  ## end of (by.group = TRUE or by.group.side = TRUE); END of outcome plot    

    }   ############# Treatment Status ###############
    else if (type=="treat") {

        if (is.null(xlab)==TRUE) {
            xlab <- index[2]
        } else if (xlab == "") {
            xlab <- NULL
        if (is.null(ylab)==TRUE) {
            ylab <- index[1]
            if (collapse.history == TRUE) {
                ylab <- "Number of Units"
        } else if (ylab == "") {
            ylab <- NULL

        if (is.null(main)==TRUE) {
            if (collapse.history == TRUE) {
                main <- "Unique Treatment Histories"
            } else {
                if (ignore.treat == 0) {
                    main <- "Treatment Status"
                } else {
                    main <- "Missing Values"
        } else if (main == "") {
            main <- NULL

        ## cat(N)

        units <- rep(rev(1:N), each = TT)
        period <- rep(1:TT, N)

        ## replicate data
        m <- as.matrix(obs.missing[show,])
        all <- unique(na.omit(c(m)))

        col <- breaks <- label <- NULL 

        ## set breaks, colors and labels
        if (d.bi == FALSE && ignore.treat == 0) { ## >2 treatment level

            tr.col <- c("#66C2A5","#FC8D62","#8DA0CB","#E78AC3","#A6D854","#FFD92F","#E5C494",
                "#FAFAD2", "#ADFF2F", "#87CEFA", "#1874CD", "#00008B")

            if (treat.type == "discrete") {
                for (i in 1:n.levels) {
                    breaks <- c(breaks, d.levels[i])
                    #label <- c(label, paste("Treatment level: ", d.levels[i], sep = ""))
                    label <- c(label, paste(d.levels[i], sep = ""))
                col <- tr.col[1:n.levels]                

            } else {
                cat("Continuous treatment.\n")
                #col <- c("#87CEEB", "#00008B")
                interval <- (max(d.levels)-min(d.levels))/4
                m[m >= min(d.levels) & m < min(d.levels)+interval] <- min(d.levels)
                m[m >= min(d.levels)+interval & m < min(d.levels)+2*interval] <- min(d.levels)+interval
                m[m >= min(d.levels)+2*interval & m < min(d.levels)+3*interval] <- min(d.levels)+2*interval
                m[m >= min(d.levels)+3*interval & m < min(d.levels)+4*interval] <- min(d.levels)+3*interval
                m[m >= max(d.levels)] <- max(d.levels)
                breaks <- c(min(d.levels), min(d.levels)+interval, min(d.levels)+2*interval, min(d.levels)+3*interval, max(d.levels))
                col <- c("#c6dbef","#4292c6", "#1f78b4", "#08519c", "#042b53")
                #label <- "Treatment Levels"
                for (i in 1:length(breaks)) {
                    label <- c(label, paste(breaks[i], sep = ""))
                treat.type <- "discrete"

             # missing values
            if (-200 %in% all) {
                col <- c(col,"#FFFFFF")
                breaks <- c(breaks, -200)
                label <- c(label,"Missing")

        } else { ## binary treatment indicator

            if (0 %in% all) { ## have pre and post: general DID type data
                ## control
                if (-1 %in% all) {
                    col <- c(col,"#B0C4DE")
                    breaks <- c(breaks, -1)
                    label <- c(label,"Controls")
                ## treated pre
                col <- c(col,"#4671D5")
                breaks <- c(breaks, 0)
                label <- c(label,"Treated (Pre)")
                ## treated post
                if (1 %in% all) {
                    col <- c(col,"#06266F")
                    breaks <- c(breaks, 1)
                    label <- c(label,"Treated (Post)")

            } else { # do not have pre and post

                ## control
                if (-1 %in% all) {
                    col <- c(col,"#B0C4DE")
                    breaks <- c(breaks, -1)
                    if (ignore.treat == 0) {
                        ## if (pre.post == TRUE) {
                            label <- c(label,"Under Control")
                        ## } else {
                        ##     label <- c(label,"Control")
                        ## }
                    } else {
                        label <- c(label, "Observed")

                ## treated 
                if (1 %in% all) {
                    col <- c(col,"#06266F")
                    breaks <- c(breaks, 1)
                    ## if (pre.post == TRUE) {
                        label <- c(label,"Under Treatment")
                    ## } else {
                    ##     label <- c(label,"Treated")
                    ## }


            # missing values
            if (-200 %in% all) {
                col <- c(col,"#FFFFFF")
                breaks <- c(breaks, -200)
                label <- c(label,"Missing")
            ## adjust DID: treated units on top
            ## if (length(id) >1 && 1 %in% all && by.treatment == TRUE) {

                ## 1. sort treated
            ##     missing.tr <- which(apply(m == 1, 2, sum) > 0)
            ##     if (length(missing.tr) > 1) {
            ##         tr.count <- TT - apply(m == 1, 2, sum)[missing.tr]
            ##         if (length(unique(tr.count)) > 1) {
            ##             TR <- cbind(missing.tr, tr.count)
            ##             TR <- TR[order(TR[, 2]),]
            ##             missing.tr <- TR[, 1]
            ##         }
            ##     }
                ## 2. check controls
            ##     missing.co <- NULL
            ##     if (length(missing.tr) < N) {
            ##         missing.co <- setdiff(1:N, missing.tr)
            ##     } 
                ## 3. re-order id
            ##     m <- as.matrix(m[,c(missing.tr, missing.co)])
            ##     id <- id[c(missing.tr, missing.co)]
            ## }

            ## sort units 
            if (length(id) > 1 && ignore.treat == 0 && d.bi == TRUE) {

                if (by.timing == TRUE) {
                    co.seq <- which(unit.type == 1) ## unit.type: 1 for control; 2 for treated; 3 for reversal
                    tr.seq <- setdiff(1:N, co.seq)
                    dataT0 <- cbind.data.frame(tr.seq, T0, co.total) 
                    names(dataT0) <- c("id", "T0", "co.total")
                    dataT0 <- dataT0[order(dataT0[, "T0"], dataT0[, "co.total"], dataT0[, "id"]),] ## order of by.timing

                    tr.seq <- dataT0[,"id"]
                    missing.seq <- c(tr.seq, co.seq)

                    m <- as.matrix(m[,missing.seq])
                    id <- id[missing.seq]




        ## user-defined color setting and legend
        if (!is.null(color)) {
            if (treat.type == "discrete") { ## discrete treatment indicator
                if (length(col) == length(color)) {
                    cat(paste("Specified colors in the order of: ", paste(label, collapse = ", "), ".\n", sep = ""))
                    col <- color
                else { 
                    stop(paste("Length of \"color\" should be equal to ",length(col),".\n", sep=""))
            #else {
            #    if (length(color) != 2) {
             #       stop(paste("Length of \"color\" should be equal to ",length(col),".\n", sep=""))
              #  } else {
               #     col <- color
        if (!is.null(legend.labs)) {
            if (treat.type == "discrete") { ## discrete treatment indicator
                if (length(legend.labs) != length(label)) {
                    warning("Incorrect number of labels in the legends. Using default.\n")
                } else {
                    cat(paste("Specified labels in the order of: ", paste(label, collapse = ", "), ".\n", sep = ""))
                    label <- legend.labs
            #else {
             #   if (length(legend.labs) != 1) {
              #      warning("The length of label should be equal to 1.\n")
               # } else {
                #    label <- legend.labs

        ## start plot 
        #if (treat.type == "continuous" && ignore.treat == 0 && leave.gap == 1) {
        #m2 <- NULL
        #m2 <- m
        #m2 <- replace(m2, m2 == -200, NA) # if NA in the first and last period, then this period will disappear
        #res <- c(m2)
        res <- c(m)
        data <- cbind.data.frame(units=units, period=period, res=res)

        if (leave.gap == 0) {
            data <- na.omit(data)

        #if (treat.type == "discrete") { 
            data[,"res"] <- as.factor(data[,"res"])
        ## check if N >= 200
        if (dim(m)[2] >= 200) {
            if (axis.lab == "both") {
                axis.lab <- "time"
            else if (axis.lab == "unit") {
                axis.lab <- "off"

        ## background color
        if (is.null(background)==FALSE) {
            grid.color <- border.color <- background.color <- legend.color <- background
        } else {
            grid.color <- border.color <- background.color <- legend.color <- "grey90"       

        id <- rev(id)
        p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = period, y = units,
                              fill = res), position = "identity") 

        if (gridOff == FALSE) {
            p <- p + geom_tile(colour=grid.color, size=0.1, stat="identity")
        } else {
            p <- p + geom_tile(stat="identity")

        p <- p + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, title=main) + theme_bw() 

        #if (treat.type == "discrete") {
            p <- p + scale_fill_manual("Treatment level: ", breaks = breaks, values = col, labels=label)
            if (n.levels < 3) {
                p <- p + theme(legend.title=element_blank())
        #} else {
            #p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(low = col[1], high = col[2], na.value="white") + guides(fill=guide_legend(title= label))

        p <- p +
        theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
              panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
              panel.border = element_rect(fill=NA,color=border.color, size=0.5, linetype="solid"),
              axis.line = element_blank(),
              axis.ticks = element_blank(),
              axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 8, r = 0, b = 0, l = 0)),
              axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(t = 0, r = 8, b = 0, l = 0)),
              axis.text = element_text(color="black", size=cex.axis),
              axis.text.x = element_text(size = cex.axis.x, angle = angle, hjust=x.h, vjust=x.v),
              axis.text.y = element_text(size = cex.axis.y),
              plot.background = element_rect(fill = background.color),
              legend.background = element_rect(fill = legend.color),
              legend.position = legend.pos,
              legend.margin = margin(c(0, 5, 5, 0)),
              legend.text = element_text(margin = margin(r = 10, unit = "pt"), size = cex.legend),
              plot.title = element_text(size=cex.main, hjust = 0.5,face="bold",margin = margin(8, 0, 8, 0)))

        if (axis.lab == "both") {
            p <- p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = T.b, labels = time.label[T.b]) +
            scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = N.b, labels = id[N.b])
        else if (axis.lab == "unit") {
            p <- p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = T.b, labels = NULL) +
            scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = N.b, labels = id[N.b])            
        else if (axis.lab == "time") {
            p <- p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = T.b, labels = time.label[T.b]) +
            scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = N.b, labels = NULL)
        else if (axis.lab == "off") {
            p <- p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = 1:length(show), labels = NULL) +
            scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = 1:N, labels = NULL)
        if (length(all) >= 4 && length(all) < 6) {
            p <- p + guides(fill=guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE))
        ## end of missing plot

    }############# Treatment Status and Outcome ###############
    else if (type == "bivar" || type == "bivariate") {

        ## line, bar, or connedted line
        if (length(style) == 0) { 
            if (treat.type == "discrete" & outcome.type == "continuous") { 
                ystyle <- "l"
                Dstyle <- "b" 
            else if (treat.type == "discrete" & outcome.type == "discrete") {
                ystyle <- "b"
                Dstyle <- "b"
            else if (treat.type == "continuous" & outcome.type == "discrete") { 
                ystyle <- "b"
                Dstyle <- "l"
            else if (treat.type == "continuous" & outcome.type == "continuous") {
                ystyle <- "l"
                Dstyle <- "l"
        else {
            if (length(style) == 2) {
                ystyle <- style[1]
                Dstyle <- style[2]
            else if (length(style) == 1) {
                ystyle <- style[1]
                Dstyle <- style[1]
            else if (length(style) > 2) {
                stop("Length of \"style\" should not be larger than 2.\n")

        ## axes labels
        if (is.null(xlab)==TRUE) {
            xlab <- Dname
        } else if (xlab == "") {
            xlab <- NULL
        if (is.null(ylab)==TRUE) {
            ylab <- Yname
        } else if (ylab == "") {
            ylab <- NULL

        ## plot color setting
        raw.color <- NULL
        ## color setting 
        if (is.null(color)==TRUE) { #not indicate color
            if (theme.bw == FALSE) { # not theme.bw (black and white theme)
                    raw.color <- c("dodgerblue4", "lightsalmon2") 
            else { #  theme.bw
                    raw.color <- c("black","azure4")
        else { #indicate color    
                if (length(color) != 2) {
                    stop("Length of \"color\" should be equal to 2.\n") 
                else {
                    raw.color <- color[c(1,2)]

            if (treat.type == "continuous") {
                D.old <- D

            data <- cbind.data.frame("time" = rep(time[show], N),
                                    "outcome" = c(Y[show,]), 
                                    "treatment"= c(D.old[show,]),
                                    "id" = rep(1:N,each = nT),
                                    "input.id" = rep(input.id, each = nT))
            colnames(data) <- c("time","outcome","treatment","id","input.id")

        if (by.unit == FALSE) { #Plot average time series for all units:

            if (Dstyle == "bar" | Dstyle == "b") {
                geom_D <- geom_col(aes(y=(treatment * coeff[2L]) + coeff[1L], fill=xlab),alpha=0.3)
            else if (Dstyle == "line" | Dstyle == "l") {
                geom_D <- geom_line( aes(y=(treatment * coeff[2L]) + coeff[1L], color=xlab), size=lwd)
            else if (Dstyle == "connected" | Dstyle == "c") {
                geom_D <- geom_line( aes(y=(treatment * coeff[2L]) + coeff[1L], color=xlab), size=lwd)
                geom_Dc <- geom_point(aes(y=(treatment * coeff[2L]) + coeff[1L], x=time, color=xlab))

            if (ystyle == "bar" | ystyle == "b") {
                geom_y <- geom_col(aes(y=outcome, fill=ylab),alpha=0.3)
            else if (ystyle == "line" | ystyle == "l") {
                geom_y <- geom_line( aes(y=outcome, color=ylab), size=lwd)
            else if (ystyle == "connected" | ystyle == "c") {
                geom_y <- geom_line( aes(y=outcome, color=ylab), size=lwd)
                geom_yc <- geom_point(aes(y=outcome, x=time, color=ylab))

            data.means <- aggregate(data[, 2:3], list(data$time), mean, na.rm = TRUE)

            colnames(data.means) <- c("time","outcome","treatment")

            p <- ggplot(na.omit(data.means), aes(x=time))
            if (theme.bw == TRUE) {
                p <- p + theme_bw()

            p <- p + theme(legend.position = legend.pos, aspect.ratio = 1/2,
                    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle, hjust=x.h, vjust=x.h),
                    plot.title = element_text(size=cex.main, hjust = 0.5, face="bold",margin = margin(8, 0, 8, 0)))

            if (is.null(ylim) == TRUE) {
                ylim <- c(min(data.means$outcome, na.rm = TRUE),max(data.means$outcome, na.rm = TRUE))

                coeff <- as.numeric(solve(
                a=matrix(c(1,max(data.means$treatment, na.rm = TRUE),1,min(data.means$treatment, na.rm = TRUE)),nrow=2,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE),
                b=matrix(c(max(data.means$outcome, na.rm = TRUE),min(data.means$outcome, na.rm = TRUE)),ncol=1)))
            else {
                ylim.prim <- ylim[[1]]
                ylim.sec <- ylim[[2]]

                coeff <- as.numeric(solve(

                ylim <- ylim.prim  

        if ((ystyle == "line" | ystyle == "l") & (Dstyle == "line" | Dstyle == "l")) { #ll
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "") 
        else if ((ystyle == "bar" | ystyle == "b") & (Dstyle == "bar" | Dstyle == "b")) { #bb
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_fill_manual(values = rev(raw.color)) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, ylim=ylim)
        else if ((ystyle == "connected" | ystyle == "c") & (Dstyle == "connected" | Dstyle == "c")) { #cc
                p <- p + geom_y + geom_yc +
                        geom_D + geom_Dc +
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = rev(raw.color)) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "") 
        else if ((ystyle == "line" | ystyle == "l") & (Dstyle == "connected" | Dstyle == "c")) { #lc
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + geom_Dc +
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = rev(raw.color)) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "") +
                        guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = c(16, NA))))
        else if ((ystyle == "connected" | ystyle == "c") & (Dstyle == "line" | Dstyle == "l")) { #cl
                p <- p + geom_y + geom_yc +
                        geom_D +
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_colour_manual(NULL, values = rev(raw.color)) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "") +
                        guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = c(NA, 16))))
        else if ((ystyle == "line" | ystyle == "l") & (Dstyle == "bar" | Dstyle == "b")) { #lb
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color[1]) +
                        scale_fill_manual(values = raw.color[2]) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, ylim=ylim)
        else if ((ystyle == "bar" | ystyle == "b") & (Dstyle == "line" | Dstyle == "l")) { #bl
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color[1]) +
                        scale_fill_manual(values = raw.color[2]) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, ylim=ylim)
        else if ((ystyle == "bar" | ystyle == "b") & (Dstyle == "connected" | Dstyle == "c")) { #bc
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + geom_Dc +
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color[1]) +
                        scale_fill_manual(values = raw.color[2]) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, ylim=ylim)
        else if ((ystyle == "connected" | ystyle == "c") & (Dstyle == "bar" | Dstyle == "b")) { #cb
                p <- p + geom_y + geom_yc +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2)) + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color[1]) +
                        scale_fill_manual(values = raw.color[2]) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, ylim=ylim)

        else if (by.unit == TRUE) { #Plot by each unit:

            p <- ggplot(na.omit(data), aes(x=time))

            if (theme.bw == TRUE) {
                p <- p + theme_bw()

            p <- p + theme(legend.position = legend.pos,
                    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust=x.h, vjust=0.5),
                    plot.title = element_text(size=cex.main, hjust = 0.5, face="bold",margin = margin(8, 0, 8, 0)))

            if (is.null(ylim) == TRUE) {
                ylim <- c(min(data$outcome, na.rm = TRUE),max(data$outcome, na.rm = TRUE))

                coeff <- as.numeric(solve(
                a=matrix(c(1,max(data$treatment, na.rm = TRUE),1,min(data$treatment, na.rm = TRUE)),
            else {
                ylim.prim <- ylim[[1]]
                ylim.sec <- ylim[[2]]

                coeff <- as.numeric(solve(

                ylim <- ylim.prim  

            width <- (max(time, na.rm = TRUE)-min(time, na.rm = TRUE))/(length(time)-1)

            if (Dstyle == "bar" | Dstyle == "b") {
                geom_D <- geom_col(aes(y=(treatment * coeff[2L]) + coeff[1L], fill=xlab),alpha=0.3,width = width)
            else if (Dstyle == "line" | Dstyle == "l") {
                geom_D <- geom_line( aes(y=(treatment * coeff[2L]) + coeff[1L], color=xlab), size=lwd, alpha=0.9)
            else if (Dstyle == "connected" | Dstyle == "c") {
                geom_D <- geom_line( aes(y=(treatment * coeff[2L]) + coeff[1L], color=xlab), size=lwd, alpha=0.9)
                geom_Dc <- geom_point(aes(y=(treatment * coeff[2L]) + coeff[1L], x=time, color=xlab))

            if (ystyle == "bar" | ystyle == "b") {
                geom_y <- geom_col(aes(y=outcome, fill=ylab),alpha=0.3,width = width)
            else if (ystyle == "line" | ystyle == "l") {
                geom_y <- geom_line( aes(y=outcome, color=ylab), size=lwd, alpha=0.9)
            else if (ystyle == "connected" | ystyle == "c") {
                geom_y <- geom_line( aes(y=outcome, color=ylab), size=lwd, alpha=0.9)
                geom_yc <- geom_point(aes(y=outcome, x=time, color=ylab))

            if (treat.type == "discrete" & outcome.type == "continuous") { 
                scale_y_conti <- scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab, 
                        breaks = 0:(length(d.levels)-1), labels = d.levels),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2))
            else if (treat.type == "discrete" & outcome.type == "discrete") {
                scale_y_conti <- scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab, 
                        breaks = 0:(length(d.levels)-1), labels = d.levels),
                        breaks = 0:(length(y.levels)-1), labels = y.levels,
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2))
            else if (treat.type == "continuous" & outcome.type == "discrete") { 
                scale_y_conti <- scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        breaks = 0:(length(y.levels)-1), labels = y.levels,
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2))
            else if (treat.type == "continuous" & outcome.type == "continuous") {
                scale_y_conti <- scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~(. - coeff[1L]) / coeff[2L], name=xlab),
                        expand = c (0.1, 0.2))

            if ((ystyle == "line" | ystyle == "l") & (Dstyle == "line" | Dstyle == "l")) { 
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color) +
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "") +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4)
            else if ((ystyle == "bar" | ystyle == "b") & (Dstyle == "bar" | Dstyle == "b")) { 
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_fill_manual(values = rev(raw.color)) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4) +
                        coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, ylim=ylim)
            else if ((ystyle == "connected" | ystyle == "c") & (Dstyle == "connected" | Dstyle == "c")) {
                p <- p + geom_y + geom_yc +
                        geom_D + geom_Dc +
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = rev(raw.color)) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "") +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4)
            else if ((ystyle == "line" | ystyle == "l") & (Dstyle == "connected" | Dstyle == "c")) { 
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + geom_Dc +
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = rev(raw.color)) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "") +
                        guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = c(16, NA)))) +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4)
            else if ((ystyle == "connected" | ystyle == "c") & (Dstyle == "line" | Dstyle == "l")) { 
                p <- p + geom_y + geom_yc +
                        geom_D +
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_colour_manual(NULL, values = rev(raw.color)) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "") +
                        guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = c(NA, 16)))) +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4)
                else if ((ystyle == "line" | ystyle == "l") & (Dstyle == "bar" | Dstyle == "b")) { 
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color[1]) +
                        scale_fill_manual(values = raw.color[2]) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4) +
                        coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, ylim=ylim)
                else if ((ystyle == "bar" | ystyle == "b") & (Dstyle == "line" | Dstyle == "l")) { 
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color[1]) +
                        scale_fill_manual(values = raw.color[2]) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4)
                else if ((ystyle == "bar" | ystyle == "b") & (Dstyle == "connected" | Dstyle == "c")) { 
                p <- p + geom_y +
                        geom_D + geom_Dc +
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color[1]) +
                        scale_fill_manual(values = raw.color[2]) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4)
                else if ((ystyle == "connected" | ystyle == "c") & (Dstyle == "bar" | Dstyle == "b")) { 
                p <- p + geom_y + geom_yc +
                        geom_D + 
                        scale_y_conti + 
                        scale_colour_manual(values = raw.color[1]) +
                        scale_fill_manual(values = raw.color[2]) + 
                        labs(y=ylab, x = "", colour = "", fill = "") +
                        facet_wrap(~input.id, ncol = 4) +
                        coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, ylim=ylim)
            if (!is.numeric(time.label)) {
                p <- p + 
                    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = show[T.b], labels = time.label[T.b])
            ## title
            if ("main" != "") {
                p <- p + ggtitle(main)

            ## ylim
            if (is.null(ylim) == FALSE) {
                p <- p + coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim)
xuyiqing/panelView documentation built on June 24, 2024, 12:27 p.m.