


### dgp
n <- 20000
xn <- round(runif(n), 3)
xn[sample(1:n)[1:(n / 100)]] <- NA
xf <- gl(4, n / 4)
xf[sample(1:n)[1:(n / 100)]] <- NA
z1 <- sample(gl(2, n / 2))
z1[sample(1:n)[1:(n / 100)]] <- NA
z2 <- round(runif(n), 3)
z2[sample(1:n)[1:(n / 100)]] <- NA
w <- rpois(n, lambda = 2)
y <- 2 * xn + rnorm(n)
y[is.na(y)] <- rnorm(sum(is.na(y)))

testfun <- function(m1, m2) {
    ret <- c(max(abs(coef(m1) - coef(m2))),
      max(abs(fitted(m1) - fitted(m2)), na.rm = TRUE))
    if (any(ret > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))

### numeric x with intercept
m1 <- lm(y ~ xn, weights = w, na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(xn), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### numeric x without intercept
m1 <- lm(y ~ xn - 1, weights = w, na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(xn, intercept = FALSE), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### factor x with intercept
m1 <- lm(y ~ xf, weights = w, na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(xf), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### factor x without intercept
tmp <- model.matrix(~ xf)[,-1] ## build model matrix without first row
mm <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(tmp), nrow = length(y))
mm[!is.na(xf),] <- tmp ## build model matrix with missings
m1 <- lm(y ~ mm - 1, weights = w, na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(xf, intercept = FALSE), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### factor x with "contr.dummy"
m1 <- lm(y ~ xf - 1, weights = w, na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(xf, contrasts.arg = "contr.dummy"), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### contrasts
m1 <- lm(y ~ xf, weights = w, contrasts = list(xf = "contr.sum"), na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(xf, contrasts.arg = list(xf = "contr.sum")), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### multiple x
m1 <- lm(y ~ xn + xf, weights = w, na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(xn, xf), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### interaction with binary factor
xtmp <- (z1 == "2") * xn
m1 <- lm(y ~ xtmp - 1, weights = w, na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(xn, by = z1, intercept = FALSE), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### interaction with numeric variable
m1 <- lm(y ~ z2:xn - 1, weights = w, na.action = na.exclude)
m2 <- fit(dpp(bols(z2, by = xn, intercept = FALSE), w), y)
testfun(m1, m2)

### ridge
one <- rep(1, n)
cf1 <- coef(lm.ridge(y ~ one + xn - 1, lambda = 2))
cf2 <- coef(fit(dpp(bols(one, xn, lambda = 2, intercept = FALSE), rep(1, n)), y))
max(abs(cf1 - cf2))
cf1 <- coef(lm.ridge(y ~ xf - 1, lambda = 2))
cf2 <- coef(fit(dpp(bols(xf, lambda = 2, intercept = FALSE), rep(1, n)), y))
max(abs(cf1 - cf2))

### matrix (here with missing values)
cf1 <- coef(mod <- lm(y ~ xn + xf * z1 - 1, weights = w, y = TRUE, x = TRUE))
tX <- mod$x
tw <- mod$weights
ty <- mod$y
cf2 <- coef(fit(dpp(bols(tX), weights = tw), ty))
stopifnot(max(abs(cf1 - cf2)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### ridge again with matrix interface
tX <- matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 10)
ty <- rnorm(100)
tw <- rep(1, 100)

### compute & check df
op <- options(mboost_dftraceS = TRUE)
la <- df2lambda(tX, df = 2, dmat = diag(ncol(tX)), weights = tw)["lambda"]
truedf <- sum(diag(tX %*% solve(crossprod(tX * tw, tX) + la * diag(ncol(tX))) %*% t(tX * tw)))
stopifnot(abs(truedf - 2) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

one <- rep(1, ncol(tX))
cf1 <- coef(lm.ridge(ty ~ . - 1, data = as.data.frame(tX), lambda = la))
cf2 <- coef(fit(dpp(bols(tX, df = 2), weights = tw), ty))
max(abs(cf1 - cf2))
# I think bols is better and thus right
sum((ty - tX %*% cf1)^2) + la * sum(cf1^2)
sum((ty - tX %*% cf2)^2) + la * sum(cf2^2)

### now with other df-definition:
op <- options(mboost_dftraceS = FALSE)
la <- df2lambda(tX, df = 2, dmat = diag(ncol(tX)), weights = tw)["lambda"]
H <- tX %*% solve(crossprod(tX * tw, tX) + la * diag(ncol(tX))) %*% t(tX * tw)
truedf <- sum(diag(2*H - tcrossprod(H,H)))
stopifnot(abs(truedf - 2) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

# check df with weights
op <- options(mboost_dftraceS = TRUE)
tw <- rpois(100, 2)
la <- df2lambda(tX, df = 2, dmat = diag(ncol(tX)), weights = tw)["lambda"]
truedf <- sum(diag(tX %*% solve(crossprod(tX * tw, tX) + la * diag(ncol(tX))) %*% t(tX * tw)))
stopifnot(abs(truedf - 2) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### check df2lambda for P-splines (Bug spotted by B. Hofner)
x <- runif(100, min = -1, max = 3)
## extract lambda from base-learner
lambda <- bbs(x, df = 4)$dpp(rep(1, length(x)))$df()["lambda"]
X <- get("X", envir = environment(bbs(x, df = 4)$dpp))
K <- get("K", envir = environment(bbs(x, df = 4)$dpp))
truedf <- sum(diag(X %*%  solve(crossprod(X,X) + lambda * K) %*% t(X)))
stopifnot(abs(truedf - 4) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### check accuracy of df2lambda
data("bodyfat", package="TH.data")
diff_df <- matrix(NA, nrow=8, ncol=ncol(bodyfat))
rownames(diff_df) <- paste("df", 3:10)
colnames(diff_df) <- names(bodyfat)
for (i in 3:10){
    for (j in 1:ncol(bodyfat)){
        lambda <- bbs(bodyfat[[j]], df = i)$dpp(rep(1, nrow(bodyfat)))$df()["lambda"]
        diff_df[i-2,j] <- bbs(bodyfat[[j]], lambda = lambda)$dpp(rep(1, nrow(bodyfat)))$df()["df"] - i
stopifnot(all(diff_df < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))

### check degrees of freedom for design matrices without full rank:
x <- sample(1:3, 100, replace = TRUE)
X <- extract(bbs(x))
## df2lambda:
stopifnot(df2lambda(X, df = NULL, lambda = 0, weights = rep(1, 100))[["df"]] == 3)
(res <- df2lambda(X, df = 4, weights = rep(1, 100)))
stopifnot(res[["lambda"]] == 0)

### componentwise
cf2 <- coef(fit(dpp(bolscw(cbind(1, xn)), weights = w), y))
cf1 <- coef(lm(y ~ xn - 1, weights = w))
stopifnot(max(abs(cf1 - max(cf2))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

cf2 <- coef(fit(dpp(bolscw(matrix(xn, nc = 1)), weights = w), y))
cf1 <- coef(lm(y ~ xn - 1, weights = w))
stopifnot(max(abs(cf1 - max(cf2))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### componentwise with matrix
n <- 200
m <- 10000
x <- rnorm(n * m)
x[abs(x) < 2] <- 0
X <- Matrix(data = x, ncol = m, nrow = n)
beta <- rpois(ncol(X), lambda = 1)
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(nrow(X))
w <- rep(1, nrow(X)) ###rpois(nrow(X), lambda = 1)
f1 <- dpp(bolscw(X), weights = w)$fit

### varying coefficients
x1 <- runif(n, max = 2)
x2 <- sort(runif(n, max = 2 * pi))
y <- sin(x2) * x1 + rnorm(n)
w <- rep(1, n)

d <- dpp(bbs(x2, by = x1, df = 4), w)
f <- fit(d, y)
f2 <- d$predict(list(f), newdata = data.frame(x1 = 1, x2 = x2))

max(abs(sin(x2) - f2))

### bols and bbs; matrix interfaces
n <- 10000
x <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 2*pi)
y <- sin(x) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)
w <- rpois(n, lambda = 1)
x[sample(1:n)[1:(n / 100)]] <- NA
h <- hyper_bbs(data.frame(x = x), vary = "")
X <- X_bbs(data.frame(x = x), vary = "", h)$X
f1 <- fit(dpp(bbs(x, df = ncol(X)), w), y)
f2 <- fit(dpp(bols(X, df = ncol(X)), w), y)
stopifnot(max(abs(coef(f1) - coef(f2))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

stopifnot(all.equal(get_index(data.frame(x, x)), get_index(X)))
stopifnot(all.equal(get_index(data.frame(x)), get_index(X)))

### check handling of missings for cyclic effects
h <- hyper_bbs(data.frame(x = x), vary = "", cyclic = TRUE)
X <- X_bbs(data.frame(x = x), vary = "", h)$X

### combinations and tensor products of base-learners

n <- 1000
x1 <- rnorm(n)
x2 <- rnorm(n)
x3 <- rnorm(n)
f <- gl(4, 25)
y <- rnorm(n)
ndf <- data.frame(x1 = x1[1:10], x2 = x2[1:10], f = f[1:10])

### spatial
m1 <- gamboost(y ~ bbs(x1) %X% bbs(x2))
m2 <- gamboost(y ~ bspatial(x1, x2, df = 16))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(m1) - predict(m2))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(m1, newdata = ndf) - predict(m2, newdata = ndf))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### spatio-temporal
m1 <- gamboost(y ~ bbs(x1, knots = 6) %X% bbs(x2, knots = 6) %X% bbs(x3, knots = 6))
m2 <- gamboost(y ~ (bbs(x1, knots = 6) + bbs(x2, knots = 6)) %X% bbs(x3, knots = 6))

### varying numeric
m1 <- gamboost(y ~ bbs(x1) %X% bols(x2, intercept = FALSE, lambda = 0))
m2 <- gamboost(y ~ bbs(x1, by = x2, df = 4))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(m1) - predict(m2))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(m1, newdata = ndf) - predict(m2, newdata = ndf))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### varying factor
m1 <- gamboost(y ~ bbs(x1) %X% bols(f, df = 5, contrasts.arg = "contr.dummy"))
predict(m1, newdata = ndf)

### cbind
m1 <- gamboost(y ~ bols(x1, intercept = FALSE, df = 1) %+%
                   bols(x2, intercept = FALSE, df = 1))
m2 <- gamboost(y ~ bols(x1, x2, intercept = FALSE, df = 2))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(m1) - predict(m2))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(m1, newdata = ndf) - predict(m2, newdata = ndf))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### yeah
m1 <- gamboost(y ~ (bols(x1, intercept = FALSE, df = 1) %+%
                    bols(x2, intercept = FALSE, df = 1)) %X% bols(f, df = 4) +
                    bbs(x1) + bspatial(x1, x2))

### test bmono with categorical covariates
x <- as.ordered(gl(4, 50))
y <- rnorm(200, mean = rep(c(1,3,2,4), each = 50), sd = 1)
mod1 <- gamboost(y ~ bols(x))
mod2 <- gamboost(y ~ bmono(x, lambda2 = 10^15))
stopifnot(abs(coef(mod1)[[1]] - coef(mod2)[[1]])[c(1,4)] < 1e-5)
stopifnot(all(diff(coef(mod2)[[1]]) > - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))

### test bmono for tensor-product splines
x1 <- runif(100, min = -2, max = 3)
x2 <- runif(100, min = -2, max = 3)
f <- function(x1, x2)
    0.5 + x1^2 * (x2 + 3)
y <- rnorm(100, mean = f(x1, x2), sd = 0.5)
mod1 <- mboost(y ~ bspatial(x1, x2, df = 6, knots = list(x1 = 10, x2 = 5)),
               control = boost_control(mstop = 50))
mod21 <- mboost(y ~ bmono(x1, x2, df = 6, knots = list(x1 = 10, x2 = 5),
                          lambda2 = list(x1 = 10e6, x2 = 0)),
                control = boost_control(mstop = 50))
mod22 <- mboost(y ~ bmono(x1, x2, df = 6, knots = list(x1 = 10, x2 = 5),
                          lambda2 = list(x1 = 0, x2 = 10e6)),
                control = boost_control(mstop = 50))

diff_order <- 1
D1 <- kronecker(diff(diag(10 + 3 + 1), differences = diff_order),
                diag(5 + 3 + 1))
D2 <- kronecker(diag(10 + 3 + 1), diff(diag(5 + 3 + 1),
                              differences = diff_order))

beta <- coef(mod1)[[1]]
sum((D1 %*% beta)[D1 %*% beta <= 0])
sum((D2 %*% beta)[D2 %*% beta <= 0])

beta <- coef(mod21)[[1]]
sum((D1 %*% beta)[D1 %*% beta <= 0])
sum((D2 %*% beta)[D2 %*% beta <= 0])
stopifnot(all(D1 %*% beta > - 2e-05))

beta <- coef(mod22)[[1]]
sum((D1 %*% beta)[D1 %*% beta <= 0])
sum((D2 %*% beta)[D2 %*% beta <= 0])
stopifnot(all(D2 %*% beta > - 2e-05))

#nd <- expand.grid(sort(x1), sort(x2))
#names(nd) <- c("x1", "x2")
#contour(sort(x1), sort(x2),
#        z = matrix(predict(mod1, newdata = nd), ncol = length(x1)))
#contour(sort(x1), sort(x2),
#        z = matrix(predict(mod21, newdata = nd), ncol = length(x1)),
#        col = "red", add = TRUE)
#contour(sort(x1), sort(x2),
#        z = matrix(predict(mod22, newdata = nd), ncol = length(x1)),
#        col = "green", add = TRUE)

### %O%: kronecker product of baselearners for matrix-valued
### responses
x1 <- 1:10/10
x2 <- 11:17/17

X1 <- cbind(1, x1, x1^2)
colnames(X1) <- paste("X1", 1:ncol(X1), sep = "_")
X2 <- cbind(1, x2, x2^2, x2^3)
colnames(X2) <- paste("X2", 1:ncol(X2), sep = "_")

x <- expand.grid(x1, x2)
colnames(x) <- c("x1", "x2")
B1 <- with(x, cbind(1, x1, x1^2))
colnames(B1) <- paste("B1", 1:ncol(B1), sep = "_")
B2 <- with(x, cbind(1, x2, x2^2, x2^3))
colnames(B2) <- paste("B2", 1:ncol(B2), sep = "_")

X <- kronecker(X2, X1)
w <- rep(1, nrow(X))

B <- kronecker(matrix(1, ncol = ncol(B2)), B1) *
     kronecker(B2, matrix(1, ncol = ncol(B1)))

tol <- 1 / 10000
stopifnot(max(abs(X - B)) < tol)

K1 <- diag(ncol(B1))
K2 <- crossprod(diff(diag(ncol(B2)), diff = 2))

b1 <- buser(B2, K = diag(ncol(B2))) %X%
            buser(B1, K = diag(ncol(B1)))

stopifnot(max(abs(extract(b1, "design") - B)) < tol)
b1d <- b1$dpp(w)

b2 <- buser(X1, K = diag(ncol(X1))) %O%
      buser(X2, K = diag(ncol(X2)))
b2d <- b2$dpp(w)

stopifnot(max(abs(get("XtX", environment(b1d$fit)) -
        get("XtX", environment(b2d$fit)))) < tol)

y <- runif(nrow(X))

stopifnot(max(abs(b1d$fit(y)$model - as.vector(b2d$fit(y)$model))) < 1/1000)

m1 <- b1d$fit(y)
p1 <- b1d$predict(list(m1, m1))

m2 <- b2d$fit(y)
p2 <- b2d$predict(list(m2, m2))

stopifnot(max(abs(p1 - p2)) < tol)

x1 <- runif(200)
x2 <- runif(60)
y <- rnorm(length(x1) * length(x2))
d <- expand.grid(x1, x2)
d$y <- y
w <- as.vector(rmultinom(1, length(y), rep(1 / length(y), length(y))))

m1 <- mboost(y ~ bbs(Var2, df = 3, knots = 5) %X%
                 bbs(Var1, df = 3, knots = 7),
             data = d, weights = w)
m2 <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x1, df = 3, knots = 7) %O%
                 bbs(x2, df = 3, knots = 5),
             weights = w)

stopifnot(max(abs(fitted(m1) - fitted(m2))) < tol)

stopifnot(max(abs(coef(m1)[[1]] - coef(m2)[[1]])) < tol)

stopifnot(max(abs(m1$predict() - m2$predict())) < tol)

p1 <- predict(m1, newdata = expand.grid(Var1 = c(0.2, 0.5), Var2 = c(0.7, 0.3)))
p2 <- predict(m2, newdata = data.frame(x1 = c(0.2, 0.5), x2 = c(0.7, 0.3)))

stopifnot(max(abs(p1 - p2)) < tol)

### large data set with ties
nunique <- 100
xindex <- sample(1:nunique, 1000000, replace = TRUE)
x <- runif(nunique)
y <- rnorm(length(xindex))
w <- rep.int(1, length(xindex))
### brute force computations
op <- options()
options(mboost_indexmin = Inf, mboost_useMatrix = FALSE)
## data pre-processing
b1 <- bbs(x[xindex])$dpp(w)
## model fitting
c1 <- b1$fit(y)$model
### automatic search for ties, faster
b2 <- bbs(x[xindex])$dpp(w)
c2 <- b2$fit(y)$model
### manual specification of ties, even faster
b3 <- bbs(x, index = xindex)$dpp(w)
c3 <- b3$fit(y)$model
stopifnot(all.equal(c1, c2))
stopifnot(all.equal(c1, c3))

### new T spline monotonicity

options(mboost_useMatrix = FALSE)
x <- sort(runif(100, max = 2))
y <- sin(x) + rnorm(100, sd = .1) + 10
layout(matrix(1:3, nc = 3))
plot(x, y)
m1 <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x))
lines(x, fitted(m1))
plot(x, y)
m2 <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x, constraint = "increasing"))
lines(x, fitted(m2))
plot(x, -y)
m3 <- mboost(I(-y) ~ bbs(x, constraint = "decreasing"))
lines(x, fitted(m3))

### penalty problem -- penalize differences???
bl <- bbs(x, constraint = "increasing", lambda = 100)
lines(x, bl$dpp(rep(1, length(y)))$fit(y)$fitted(), col = "red")

x1 <- seq(from = -3, to = 3, by = .1)
x2 <- seq(from = 0, to = 2 * pi, by = .1)
m2 <- sin(x2)
y <- sapply(m2, function(m) pnorm(x1, mean = m))
x <- expand.grid(x1 = x1, x2 = x2)
y <- x$y <- as.vector(y) + runif(nrow(x), min = -.3, max = .3)

wireframe(y ~ x1 + x2, data = x)

m1 <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x1) %O% bbs(x2))
x$p1 <- fitted(m1)
wireframe(p1 ~ x1 + x2, data = x)

m2 <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x1, constraint = "increasing", df = 10) %O% bbs(x2))
x$p2 <- fitted(m2)
wireframe(p2 ~ x1 + x2, data = x)

m3 <- mboost(I(-y) ~ bbs(x1, constraint = "decreasing", df = 10) %O% bbs(x2))
x$p3 <- fitted(m3)
wireframe(p3 ~ x1 + x2, data = x)

### check brandom
x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- rnorm(100)
z1 <- as.factor(sample(1:10, 100, TRUE))
z2 <- as.factor(sample(1:10, 100, TRUE))
Zm <- model.matrix(~ z1 - 1)
Z <- as.data.frame(Zm)

extract(brandom(z1, by = x2))
## probably non-sense but ok...
## not really useful but might be ok
extract(brandom(z1, z2))
## should throw an error
try(extract(brandom(x1, by = x2, intercept = FALSE)))

## check if one can specify either df or lambda
round(extract(brandom(z1, df = 3)$dpp(rep(1, 100)), what = "lambda"), 2)
round(extract(brandom(z1, df = 3)$dpp(rep(1, 100)), what = "df"), 2)
round(extract(brandom(z1, lambda = 50.39)$dpp(rep(1, 100)), what = "lambda"), 2)
round(extract(brandom(z1, lambda = 50.39)$dpp(rep(1, 100)), what = "df"), 2)

### check if data beyond boundary knots is permitted
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- sin(x) + rnorm(100, sd = 0.1)
plot(x, y, xlim = c(-3, 5))
## should not work:
try(mod <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x, boundary.knots = c(-1, 1))))
try(mod <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x, cyclic = TRUE, boundary.knots = c(-1, 1))))
## now fit models and check linear extrapolation
mod <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x))
tail(pr <- predict(mod, newdata = data.frame(x = seq(-3, 5, by = 0.1))))
lines(seq(-3, 5, by = 0.1), pr)
## now with bmono
mod <- mboost(y ~ bmono(x))
tail(pr2 <- predict(mod, newdata = data.frame(x = seq(-3, 5, by = 0.1))))
lines(seq(-3, 5, by = 0.1), pr2, col = "red")
## check same with cyclic splines
mod <- mboost(y ~ bbs(x, cyclic = TRUE))
try(predict(mod, newdata = data.frame(x = seq(-3, 5, by = 0.1))))

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mboost documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:10 p.m.