
Defines functions residuals.mlogit df.residual.mlogit terms.mlogit model.matrix.mlogit model.response.mlogit logLik.mlogit print.summary.mlogit index.mlogit index.matrix predict.mlogit fitted.mlogit coef.mlogit coef.summary.mlogit effects.mlogit vcov.mlogit print.vcov.mlogit summary.vcov.mlogit print.summary.vcov.mlogit chol2vcov logsum ltm

Documented in coef.mlogit coef.summary.mlogit df.residual.mlogit effects.mlogit fitted.mlogit index.mlogit logLik.mlogit logsum model.matrix.mlogit model.response.mlogit predict.mlogit print.summary.mlogit print.summary.vcov.mlogit print.vcov.mlogit residuals.mlogit summary.vcov.mlogit terms.mlogit vcov.mlogit

#' Methods for mlogit objects
#' Miscellaneous methods for `mlogit` objects.
#' @name miscmethods.mlogit
#' @aliases residuals.mlogit df.residual.mlogit terms.mlogit
#'     model.matrix.mlogit model.response.mlogit update.mlogit
#'     print.mlogit logLik.mlogit summary.mlogit print.summary.mlogit
#'     index.mlogit predict.mlogit fitted.mlogit coef.mlogit
#'     coef.summary.mlogit
#' @param x,object an object of class `mlogit`
#' @param subset an optional vector of coefficients to extract for the
#'     `coef` method,
#' @param digits the number of digits,
#' @param width the width of the printing,
#' @param new an updated formula for the `update` method,
#' @param newdata a `data.frame` for the `predict` method,
#' @param outcome a boolean which indicates, for the `fitted` and the
#'     `residuals` methods whether a matrix (for each choice, one
#'     value for each alternative) or a vector (for each choice, only
#'     a value for the alternative chosen) should be returned,
#' @param type one of `outcome` (probability of the chosen
#'     alternative), `probabilities` (probabilities for all the
#'     alternatives), `parameters` for individual-level random
#'     parameters for the fitted method, how the correlated random
#'     parameters should be displayed : `"chol"` for the estimated
#'     parameters (the elements of the Cholesky decomposition matrix),
#'     `"cov"` for the covariance matrix and `"cor"` for the
#'     correlation matrix and the standard deviations,
#' @param returnData for the `predict` method, if `TRUE`, the data is
#'     returned as an attribute,
#' @param fixed if `FALSE` (the default), constant coefficients are
#'     not returned,
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
residuals.mlogit <- function(object, outcome = TRUE, ...){
    if (! outcome){
        result <- object$residuals
        J <- ncol(object$residuals)
        y <- matrix(model.response(object$model), ncol = J, byrow = T)
        result <- apply(y * object$residuals, 1, sum)

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
df.residual.mlogit <- function(object, ...){
    n <- length(residuals(object))
    K <- length(coef(object))
    n - K

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
terms.mlogit <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
model.matrix.mlogit <- function(object, ...){
    model.matrix(object$formula, object$model)

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
model.response.mlogit <- function(object, ...){
    y.name <- paste(deparse(object$formula[[2]]))

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
update.mlogit <- function (object, new, ...){
    call <- object$call
    if (is.null(call))
        stop("need an object with call component")
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    if (! missing(new))
        call$formula <- update(formula(object), new)
    if(length(extras) > 0) {
        existing <- ! is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
        ## do these individually to allow NULL to remove entries.
        for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
        if(any(!existing)) {
            call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
            call <- as.call(call)
    eval(call, parent.frame())

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
print.mlogit <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
                          width = getOption("width"), ...){
    cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
    if (length(coef(x))) {
        print.default(format(coef(x), digits = digits), print.gap = 2, 
                      quote = FALSE)
    else cat("No coefficients\n")

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
logLik.mlogit <- function(object,...){

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
summary.mlogit <- function (object, ..., type = c("chol", "cov", "cor")){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    fixed <- attr(object$coefficients, "fixed")
    #    b <- coef(object)[! fixed]
    b <- coef(object)
    std.err <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))
    z <- b / std.err
    p <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(z)))
    CoefTable <- cbind(b, std.err, z, p)
    colnames(CoefTable) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z-value", "Pr(>|z|)")
    if (type != "chol"){
        sumvcov <- summary(vcov(object, what = "rpar", type = type))
        CoefTable[grep("chol.", rownames(CoefTable)), ] <- sumvcov
        rownames(CoefTable)[grep("chol.", rownames(CoefTable))] <- rownames(sumvcov)
    object$CoefTable <- CoefTable
    if (has.intercept(object$formula)){
        object$lratio <- lratio(object)
        object$mfR2 <- mfR2(object)
    if (! is.null(object$rpar)){
        rpar <- object$rpar
        object$summary.rpar <- t(sapply(rpar, summary))
    class(object) <- c("summary.mlogit", "mlogit")

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @method print summary.mlogit
#' @export
print.summary.mlogit <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
                                 width = getOption("width"), ...){
    cat("Frequencies of alternatives:")
    print(prop.table(x$freq), digits = digits)
    cat("\nCoefficients :\n")
    printCoefmat(x$CoefTable, digits = digits)
    cat(paste("Log-Likelihood: ", signif(x$logLik, digits), "\n", sep = ""))
    if (has.intercept(x$formula)){
        cat("McFadden R^2: ", signif(x$mfR2, digits), "\n")
        cat("Likelihood ratio test : ", names(x$lratio$statistic),
            " = ", signif(x$lratio$statistic, digits),
            " (p.value = ", format.pval(x$lratio$p.value, digits = digits), ")\n", sep = "")
    if ( !is.null(x$summary.rpar)){
        cat("\nrandom coefficients\n")

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
index.mlogit <- function(x, ...){

index.matrix <- function(x, ...){
    attr(x, "index")

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
predict.mlogit <- function(object, newdata = NULL, returnData = FALSE, ...){
    # if no newdata is provided, use the mean of the model.frame
    if (is.null(newdata)) newdata <- mean(model.frame(object))
    # if newdata is not a mlogit.data, it is coerced below
    if (! inherits(newdata, "mlogit.data")){
        rownames(newdata) <- NULL
        lev <- colnames(object$probabilities)
        J <- length(lev)
        choice.name <- attr(model.frame(object), "choice")
        if (nrow(newdata) %% J)
            stop("the number of rows of the data.frame should be a multiple of the number of alternatives")
        attr(newdata, "index") <- data.frame(chid = rep(1:(nrow(newdata) %/% J ), each = J), alt = rep(lev, J))
        attr(newdata, "class") <- c("mlogit.data", "data.frame")
        if (is.null(newdata[['choice.name']])){
            newdata[[choice.name]] <- FALSE
            newdata[[choice.name]][1] <- TRUE # probit and hev requires that one (arbitrary) choice is TRUE

    # if the updated model requires the use of mlogit.data, suppress all
    # the relevant arguments
    m <- match(c("choice", "shape", "varying", "sep",
                 "alt.var", "chid.var", "alt.levels",
                 "opposite", "drop.index", "id", "ranked"),
               names(object$call), 0L)
    if (sum(m) > 0) object$call <- object$call[ - m]
    # update the model and get the probabilities
    newobject <- update(object, start = coef(object, fixed = TRUE), data = newdata, iterlim = 0, print.level = 0)
#    newobject <- update(object, start = coef(object), data = newdata, iterlim = 0, print.level = 0)
    result <- newobject$probabilities
    if (nrow(result) == 1){
        result <- as.numeric(result)
        names(result) <- colnames(object$probabilities)
    if (returnData) attr(result, "data") <- newdata

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
fitted.mlogit <- function(object, type = c("outcome", "probabilities",
                                           "linpred", "parameters"),
                          outcome = NULL, ...){
    if (! is.null(outcome)){
        if (outcome) result <- object$fitted
        else result <- object$probabilities
        type <- match.arg(type)
        result <- switch(type,
                        outcome = object$fitted,
                        probabilities = object$probabilities,
                        linpred = object$linpred,
                        parameters = object$indpar)

#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @export
coef.mlogit <- function(object,
                        subset = c("all", "iv", "sig", "sd", "sp", "chol"),
                        fixed = FALSE, ...){
    whichcoef <- match.arg(subset)
    result <- object$coefficients
    ncoefs <- names(result)
    # first remove the fixed coefficients if required
    if (! fixed) result <- result[! attr(result, "fixed")]
    attr(result, "fixed") <- NULL
    if (whichcoef == "all") selcoef <- 1:length(result)
    else selcoef <- grep(whichcoef, ncoefs)
#' @rdname miscmethods.mlogit
#' @method coef summary.mlogit
#' @export
coef.summary.mlogit <- function(object, ...){
    result <- object$CoefTable

#' Marginal effects of the covariates
#' The `effects` method for `mlogit` objects computes the marginal
#' effects of the selected covariate on the probabilities of choosing the
#' alternatives
#' @name effects.mlogit
#' @param object a `mlogit` object,
#' @param covariate the name of the covariate for which the effect should be
#' computed,
#' @param type the effect is a ratio of two marginal variations of the
#' probability and of the covariate ; these variations can be absolute
#' `"a"` or relative `"r"`. This argument is a string that contains
#' two letters, the first refers to the probability, the second to the
#' covariate,
#' @param data a data.frame containing the values for which the effects should
#' be calculated. The number of lines of this data.frame should be equal to the
#' number of alternatives,
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return If the covariate is alternative specific, a \eqn{J \times J} matrix is
#' returned, \eqn{J} being the number of alternatives. Each line contains the
#' marginal effects of the covariate of one alternative on the probability to
#' choose any alternative. If the covariate is individual specific, a vector of
#' length \eqn{J} is returned.
#' @export
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @seealso  [mlogit()] for the estimation of multinomial logit
#' models.
#' @keywords regression
#' @examples
#' data("Fishing", package = "mlogit")
#' library("zoo")
#' Fish <- mlogit.data(Fishing, varying = c(2:9), shape = "wide", choice = "mode")
#' m <- mlogit(mode ~ price | income | catch, data = Fish)
#' # compute a data.frame containing the mean value of the covariates in
#' # the sample
#' z <- with(Fish, data.frame(price = tapply(price, index(m)$alt, mean),
#'                            catch = tapply(catch, index(m)$alt, mean),
#'                            income = mean(income)))
#' # compute the marginal effects (the second one is an elasticity
#' effects(m, covariate = "income", data = z)
#' effects(m, covariate = "price", type = "rr", data = z)
#' effects(m, covariate = "catch", type = "ar", data = z)
effects.mlogit <- function(object, covariate = NULL,
                           type = c("aa", "ar", "rr", "ra"),
                           data = NULL, ...){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (is.null(data)){
        P <- predict(object, returnData = TRUE)
        data <- attr(P, "data")
        attr(P, "data") <- NULL
    else P <- predict(object, data)
    newdata <- data
    J <- length(P)
    alt.levels <- names(P)
    pVar <- substr(type, 1, 1)
    xVar <- substr(type, 2, 2)
#    cov.list <- lapply(attr(formula(object), "rhs"), as.character)
    nrhs <- length(formula(object))[2]
    cov.list <- vector(length = 3, mode = "list")
    for (i in 1:nrhs) cov.list[[i]] <-
                          attr(terms(formula(object), rhs = i), "term.labels")
    rhs <- sapply(cov.list, function(x) length(na.omit(match(x, covariate))) > 0)
    rhs <- (1:length(cov.list))[rhs]
    eps <- 1E-5
    if (rhs %in% c(1, 3)){
        if (rhs == 3){
            theCoef <- paste(alt.levels, covariate, sep = ":")
            theCoef <- coef(object)[theCoef]
        else theCoef <- coef(object)[covariate]
        me <- c()
        for (l in 1:J){
            newdata[l, covariate] <- data[l, covariate] + eps
            newP <- predict(object, newdata)
            me <- rbind(me, (newP - P) / eps)
            newdata <- data
        if (pVar == "r") me <- t(t(me) / P)
        if (xVar == "r") me <- me * matrix(rep(data[[covariate]], J), J)
        dimnames(me) <- list(alt.levels, alt.levels)
    if (rhs == 2){
        newdata[, covariate] <- data[, covariate] + eps
        newP <- predict(object, newdata)
        me <- (newP - P) / eps
        if (pVar == "r") me <- me / P
        if (xVar == "r") me <- me * data[[covariate]]
        names(me) <- alt.levels
    attr(me, "index") <- NULL

#' vcov method for mlogit objects
#' The `vcov` method for `mlogit` objects extract the covariance
#' matrix of the coefficients, the errors or the random parameters.
#' This new interface replaces the `cor.mlogit` and `cov.mlogit`
#' functions which are deprecated.
#' @name vcov.mlogit
#' @aliases vcov.mlogit print.vcov.mlogit summary.vcov.mlogit
#' print.summary.vcov.mlogit
#' @param object a `mlogit` object (and a `vcov.mlogit` for the
#' summary method),
#' @param x a `vcov.mlogit` or a `summary.vcov.mlogit` object,
#' @param what indicates which covariance matrix has to be extracted : the
#' default value is `coefficients`, in this case, `vcov` behaves as
#' usual. If `what` equals `errors` the covariance matrix of the
#' errors of the model is returned. Finally, if `what` equals `rpar`,
#' the covariance matrix of the random parameters are extracted,
#' @param subset the subset of the coefficients that have to be extracted (only
#' relevant if `what` ` = "coefficients"`),
#' @param type with this argument, the covariance matrix may be returned (the
#' default) ; the correlation matrix with the standard deviation on the
#' diagonal may also be extracted,
#' @param reflevel relevent for the extraction of the errors of a multinomial
#' probit model ; in this case the covariance matrix is of error differences is
#' returned and, with this argument, the alternative used for differentiation
#' is indicated,
#' @param digits the number of digits,
#' @param width the width of the printing,
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @export
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @seealso  [mlogit()] for the estimation of multinomial logit
#' models.
#' @keywords regression
vcov.mlogit <- function(object,
                        what = c('coefficient', 'errors', 'rpar'),
                        subset = c("all", "iv", "sig", "sd", "sp", "chol"),
                        type = c('cov', 'cor', 'sd'),
                        reflevel = NULL, ...){
    whichcoef <- match.arg(subset)
    what <- match.arg(what)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    fixed <- attr(object$coefficients, "fixed")
    ncoefs <- names(object$coefficients)

    # for the coefficients, we have to check the problem for fixed
    # coefficients
    if (what == 'coefficient'){
        if (whichcoef == "all") selcoef <- 1:length(ncoefs)
        else selcoef <- grep(whichcoef, ncoefs)
        if (any(fixed)) selcoef <- selcoef[! fixed]
        result <- solve(- object$hessian[selcoef, selcoef])
    if (what == 'errors'){
        if (! is.null(object$omega)){
            if (is.null(reflevel)){
                if (is.list(object$omega)) result <- object$omega[[1]]
                else result <- object$omega
            else result <- object$omega[[reflevel]]
        result <- switch(type,
                         cov = result,
                         cor = result / tcrossprod(sqrt(diag(result))),
                         sd = sqrt(diag(result))
    if (what == 'rpar'){
        if (is.null(object$rpar)) stop('no random parameters')
        nrpar <- names(object$rpar)
        if (is.null(attr(object$rpar, "covariance"))){
            # No correlated parameters
            result <- stdev(object)
            if (type != 'sd'){
                V  <- matrix(0, length(result), length(result),
                             dimnames = list(names(result), names(result)))
                if (type == 'cor') diag(V) <- 1
#                if (type == 'vcov') diag(V) <- result ^ 2
#                if (type == 'cov') V <- result ^ 2
                if (type == 'cov') diag(V) <- result ^ 2
                result <- V
            # correlated parameters
            coefs <- coef(object, subset = "chol")
            ncoefs <- names(coefs)
            # compute the vcov matrix of random parameters
            result <- tcrossprod(ltm(coefs, to = "ltm"))
            # compute the variance of the vcov matrix of random
            # parameters
            vcovstruct <- chol2vcov(object, type = type)
            if (type == "cov") attr(result, "cov") <- vcovstruct
            if (type == 'cor'){
                sd <- sqrt(diag(result))
                result <- result / tcrossprod(sqrt(diag(result)))
                diag(result) <- sd
                attr(result, "cov") <- vcovstruct
            attr(result, "type") <- type
            ## if (type == 'cov'){
            ##     result <- diag(result)
            ##     attr(result, "cov") <- diag(ltm(vcovstruct, to = "ltm"))
            ## }
            if (type == 'sd') result <- sqrt(diag(result))
            nrparcor <- rownames(attr(object$rpar, "covariance"))
            if (is.null(dim(result))) names(result) <- nrparcor
            else dimnames(result) <- list(nrparcor, nrparcor)
    structure(result, class = c('vcov.mlogit', class(result)), type = type)

#' @rdname vcov.mlogit
#' @method print vcov.mlogit
#' @export
print.vcov.mlogit <- function(x, ...){
    attr(x, "cov") <- attr(x, "type") <- NULL

#' @rdname vcov.mlogit
#' @method summary vcov.mlogit
#' @export
summary.vcov.mlogit <- function(object, ...){
    if (is.null(attr(object, "cov")))
        stop("summary.vcov.mlogit only implemented for random parameters")
    if (is.matrix(object)){
        coefs <- ltm(object, to = "vec")
        nrpar <- rownames(object)
        K <- length(nrpar)
        type <- attr(object, "type")
        diag <- ifelse(type == "cov", "var", "sd")
        nstruct <- names.rpar(nrpar, prefix = type, diag = diag, unique = TRUE)
        coefs <- object
        nstruct <- names(coefs)
    std.err <- sqrt(attr(object, "cov"))
    b <- coefs
    z <- b / std.err
    p <- 2 * pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE)
    # construct the object of class summary.plm
    coefficients <- cbind("Estimate"   = b,
                          "Std. Error" = std.err,
                          "z-value"    = z,
                          "Pr(>|z|)"   = p)
    rownames(coefficients) <- nstruct
    if (is.matrix(object)){
        diagpos <- (1:K) * ( (1:K) + 1) / 2
        coefficients <- coefficients[c(diagpos, (1:nrow(coefficients))[- diagpos]), ]
    structure(coefficients, class = "summary.vcov.mlogit")

#' @rdname vcov.mlogit
#' @method print summary.vcov.mlogit
#' @export
print.summary.vcov.mlogit <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
                                      width = getOption("width"), ...){
    printCoefmat(x, digits = digits)

chol2vcov <- function(x, type = c("cov", "cor")){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    # Take a mlogit object as argument and returns a vector of
    # variance for the structural parameters
    # First get the position of the coefficients of the Cholesky
    # decomposition
    cholspos <- grep("chol.", names(coef(x)))
    # Then get these coefficients
    coefs <- coef(x)[cholspos]
    # and the covariance matrix of these coefficients
    vcovs <- vcov(x)[cholspos, cholspos]
    # compute the matrix of derivatives
    Dcholcov <- function(x){
        # x is a Cholesky matrix (lower triangular + diagonal),
        # entered as a matrix or as a vector ; Dchol returns the
        # matrix of derivatives of the structural parameters (variance
        # and covariance) respective to the estimated parameters (the
        # element of the Cholesky decomposition).
        if (! is.matrix(x)) x <- ltm(x, to = "ltm")
        K <- nrow(x)    
        Delta <- matrix(0, nrow = K * (K + 1) / 2, ncol = K * (K + 1) / 2)
        dims <- c(0, (1:K) * (1:K + 1) / 2)
        Delta[1, 1] <- x[1, 1]
        if (K > 1){
            for (i in 2:K){
                pos <- (dims[i] + 1):dims[i + 1]
                betas <- ltm(ltm(x, to = "vec")[1:dims[i + 1]], to = "ltm")
                Delta[pos, pos] <- betas
                for (j in 1:(i - 1)){
                    Delta[dims[i] + j, (dims[j] + 1):dims[j + 1]] <- x[i, 1:j]
        dblrows <- (1:K) * ( (1:K) + 1) / 2
        Delta[dblrows, ] <- Delta[dblrows, ] * 2
    Dcovcor <- function(x){
        y <- ltm(x, to = "ltm")
        sd <- sqrt(diag(y))
        y <- y / outer(sd, sd)
        diag(y) <- sd
        x <- ltm(x, to = "vec")
        y <- ltm(y, to = "vec")
        dims <- length(x)
        K <- - 0.5 + sqrt(1 + 8 * dims) / 2
        diags <- (1:K) * ((1:K) + 1) / 2
        rows <- Reduce("c", lapply(1:K, function(x) 1:x))
        cols <- rep(1:K, 1:K)
        M <- matrix(0, dims, dims)
        for (i in 1:dims){
            if (cols[i] == rows[i]) M[i, i] <- 1 / 2 * y[i] / x[i]
                M[i, i] <- 1  * y[i] / x[i]
                first <- rows[i]
                second <- cols[i]      
                M[i, rows == first  & cols == first ] <- - 1 / 2  * y[i] / x[i]
                M[i, rows == second & cols == second] <- - 1 / 2  * y[i] / x[i]
    Derchols <- Dcholcov(ltm(coefs, to = "ltm"))
    # estimate the covariance matrix of the structural parameters
    result <- Derchols %*% vcovs %*% t(Derchols)
    if (type == "cor"){
        coefs <- tcrossprod(ltm(coefs, to = "ltm"))
        Dercov <- Dcovcor(ltm(coefs, to = "ltm"))
        result <- Dercov %*% result %*% t(Dercov)
    # coerce it to a vector and set the relevant names
    result <- diag(result)
    names(result) <- names(coef(x))[cholspos]

#' Compute the log-sum or inclusive value/utility
#' The `logsum` function computes the inclusive value, or inclusive
#' utility, which is used to compute the surplus and to estimate the two steps
#' nested logit model.
#' @name logsum
#' @param coef a numerical vector or a `mlogit` object, from which the
#' `coef` vector is extracted,
#' @param X a matrix or a `mlogit` object from which the
#' `model.matrix` is extracted,
#' @param formula a formula or a `mlogit` object from which the
#' `formula` is extracted,
#' @param data a `data.frame` or a `mlogit` object from which the
#' `model.frame` is extracted,
#' @param type either `"group"` or `"global"` : if a `group`
#' argument has been provided in the `mlogit.data`, the inclusive values
#' are by default computed for every group, otherwise, a unique global
#' inclusive value is computed for each choice situation,
#' @param output the shape of the results: if `"chid"`, the results is a
#' vector (if `type = "global"`) or a matrix (if `type = "region"`)
#' with row number equal to the number of choice situation, if `"obs"` a
#' vector of length equal to the number of lines of the data in long format is
#' returned.
#' @details
#' The inclusive value, or inclusive utility, or log-sum is the log of the
#' denominator of the probabilities of the multinomial logit model. If a
#' `"group"` variable is provided in the `"mlogit.data"` function,
#' the denominator can either be the one of the multinomial model or those of
#' the lower model of the nested logit model.
#' If only one argument (`coef`) is provided, it should a `mlogit`
#' object and in this case, the `coefficients` and the `model.matrix`
#' are extracted from this model.
#' In order to provide a different `model.matrix`, further arguments could
#' be used. `X` is a `matrix` or a `mlogit` from which the
#' `model.matrix` is extracted. The `formula`-`data` interface
#' can also be used to construct the relevant `model.matrix`.
#' @return either a vector or a matrix.
#' @export
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @seealso  [mlogit()] for the estimation of a multinomial logit
#' model.
#' @keywords regression
logsum <- function(coef, X = NULL, formula = NULL, data = NULL,
                   type = NULL, output = c("chid", "obs")){
    # the model.matrix is from model x
    # the coef is from model y

    # extract the coefs
    if (is.numeric(coef)) beta <- coef
        if (inherits(coef, "mlogit")) beta <- coef(coef)
        else stop("coef should be either a numeric or a mlogit object")
    # extract the model.matrix

    # X, formula and data is NULL, in this case, extract the
    # model.matrix from the coef object
    if (is.null(X) & (is.null(data))){
        if (inherits(coef, "mlogit")){
            idx <- index(coef)
            X <- model.matrix(coef)
        else stop("only one argument is provided, it should be a mlogit object")           
        # X is provided, in this case, the index is (by priority) the
        # index attribute of X if it exists, otherwise, it is coef's
        # and conformity should be checked
        if (! is.null(X)){
            if (! inherits(X, "matrix") & ! inherits(X, "mlogit"))
                stop("X should be either a matrix or a mlogit object")
            if (is.matrix(X)){
                if (! is.null(attr(X, "index"))) idx <- attr(X, "index")
                    if (inherits(coef, "mlogit")){
                        idx <- index(coef)
                        if (nrow(idx) != nrow(X)) stop("X has no index and its dimension is uncorrect")
                    else stop("no index in for the coef and the X argument")
            if (inherits(X, "mlogit")){
                idx <- index(X)
                X <- model.matrix(X)
            if (is.null(data)) stop("the X or data argument should be provided")
                # data is provided, if it is a mlogit object, extract
                # the model.frame
                if (inherits(data, "mlogit")) data <- model.frame(data)
                # if it is an ordinary data.frame, coerce it using the
                # index extracted from the coef argument
                if (! is.data.frame(data)) stop("data should be a data.frame")
                if (! inherits(data, "mlogit.data")){
                    if (is.null(attr(coef, "index")))
                        stop("no index available to compute the model.matrix")
                        idx <- index(coef)
                        if (nrow(idx) != nrow(data)) stop("uncompatible dimensions")
                            data <- structure(data, index = idx,
                                              class = c("mlogit.data", "data.frame"))
                else idx <- index(data)

                if (! is.null(formula)) X <- model.matrix(formula, data)
                    if (inherits(coef, "mlogit")){
                        mf <- update(coef, data = data, estimate = FALSE)
                        idx <- index(mf)
                        X <- model.matrix(formula(mf), model.frame(mf))
                    else stop("no formula provided to compute the model.matrix")

    output <- match.arg(output)
    if (! is.null(type)){
        if (! type %in% c("group", "global"))
            stop("type should be one of 'group' or 'local'")
    idx$nb <- 1:nrow(idx)
    coefsubset <- intersect(names(beta), colnames(X))
    X <- X[, coefsubset, drop = FALSE]
    idx$linpred <- as.numeric(crossprod(t(X[, coefsubset, drop = FALSE]), beta[coefsubset]))
    if (! is.null(idx$group) & (is.null(type) || type == "group")){
        iv <- log(with(idx, tapply(exp(linpred), list(chid, group), sum)))
        if (output == "obs"){
            iv <- data.frame(chid = rep(rownames(iv), each = ncol(iv)),
                             group = rep(colnames(iv), nrow(iv)),
                             iv = as.numeric(t(iv)))
            iv <- merge(idx, iv)
            iv <- iv[order(iv$nb), "iv"]
        #iv <- log(with(idx, tapply(exp(linpred), chid, sum))) bug
        # (for unbalanced set of choices) fixed thanks to Malick
        # Hossain
        iv <- log(with(idx, tapply(exp(linpred), chid, sum, na.rm = TRUE)))
        if (output == "obs"){
            iv <- data.frame(chid = rownames(iv), iv = as.numeric(iv))
            iv <- merge(idx, iv)
            iv <- iv[order(iv$nb), "iv"]

ltm <- function(x, to = c("vec", "mat", "ltm")){
    to <- match.arg(to)
    result <- x
    if (is.null(dim(x))){
        if (to != "vec"){
            z <- length(x)
            K <- - 0.5 + sqrt(1 + 8 * z) / 2
            if (abs(K - floor(K)) > 1E-07) stop("wrong length")
            result <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = K)
            result[! lower.tri(result)] <- x
            result <- t(result)
            if (to == "mat") result[upper.tri(result)] <- t(result)[upper.tri(result)]
        if (! identical(x, t(x))){
            # the matrix is not symetric, its upper triangular
            # elements should be 0
            if (any(x[upper.tri(x)] != 0))
                stop("the matrix is not symetric, it should have only zero ont the upper triangular part")
            if (to == "mat") result[upper.tri(x)] <- t(x)[upper.tri(x)]
            if (to == "vec") result <- t(x)[! lower.tri(x)]
            result <- x
            if (to == "ltm") result[upper.tri(result)] <- 0
            if (to == "vec") result <- t(x)[! lower.tri(x)]

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mlogit documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 3:01 p.m.