
setGeneric("brownian.bridge.dyn", function(object, raster = 1, dimSize = 10, location.error, margin = 11, window.size = 31, ext=.3, bbox = NA, ...) {
# This method is to enable pointing at a collumn that contains the location error
setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", 
	  signature = c(object = "ANY", raster = "RasterLayer", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "character"), 
	  function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
		  location.error <- do.call("$", list(object, location.error))
			  stop('column indicated for location error probably does not exist')
		  brownian.bridge.dyn(object = object, location.error = location.error, raster = raster, ext=ext, ...)

### if neither a raster nor the dimSize is given, then the cell size is
### calculated by the defauled dimSize and the largest dimension
setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", 
	  signature = c(object = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "missing", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"), 
	  function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
		  return(brownian.bridge.dyn(object = object, dimSize = dimSize, location.error = location.error, margin = margin, window.size = window.size, ext = ext, ...))
	  })  #seems to be necessary

### if no raster object but a dimSize is given, the cell size of the raster is
### calculated with the number of cells given by the dimSize NOTE: the dimSize
### is a raw estimate of number of cells of the highest range side. it is
### however not the final number of cells in that direction because when
### calculating the raster it is extended by the ext factor and there is
### rounding with ceiling also taking part.
setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", 
	  signature = c(object = "SpatialPointsDataFrame", raster = "missing", dimSize = "numeric", location.error = "ANY"), 
	  function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
		  if (!any(is.na(bbox))) {
			  Range <- extent(bbox)
			  Range <- c(Range@xmin, Range@xmax, Range@ymin, Range@ymax)
		  } else {
			  Range <- .extcalc(obj = object, ext = ext)
		  yRange <- diff(Range[3:4])
		  xRange <- diff(Range[1:2])

		  # largest dimension divided by number of cells (=dimSize) gives cell.size
		  # (raster='numeric')
		  if (xRange > yRange) {
			  raster <- xRange/dimSize
		  } else {
			  raster <- yRange/dimSize
		  return(brownian.bridge.dyn(object = object, raster = raster, location.error = location.error, 
					     margin = margin, window.size = window.size, ext = ext, ...))

# if there is no valid raster object, it should be calculated make a raster
# object and feed it (again) to the brownian.bridge.dyn function (now it will
# call the right function, because raster is now a raster object)
setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", 
	  signature = c(object = "SpatialPointsDataFrame", raster = "numeric", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "ANY"), 
	  definition = function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
		  if (!any(is.na(bbox))) {
			  Range <- extent(bbox)
			  Range <- c(Range@xmin, Range@xmax, Range@ymin, Range@ymax)
		  } else {
			  Range <- .extcalc(obj = object, ext = ext)
		  yRange <- diff(Range[3:4])
		  xRange <- diff(Range[1:2])
		  # calculation of the coordinates to fit squared raster cells
		  ymin <- Range[3] - (ceiling(yRange/raster) * raster - yRange)/2
		  ymax <- Range[4] + (ceiling(yRange/raster) * raster - yRange)/2
		  xmin <- Range[1] - (ceiling(xRange/raster) * raster - xRange)/2
		  xmax <- Range[2] + (ceiling(xRange/raster) * raster - xRange)/2
		  # Calculate the raster; the raster variable replaces here the cell size
		  nrow <- ((ymax - ymin)/raster)
		  ncol <- ((xmax - xmin)/raster)
		  ex <- extent(c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax))
		  rst <- raster(ncols = ncol, nrows = nrow, crs = proj4string(object), ex)
		  return(brownian.bridge.dyn(object = object, raster = rst, location.error = location.error, margin = margin, window.size = window.size, ext = ext,  ...))

setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", 
	  signature = c(object = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "RasterLayer", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"), 
	  definition = function(object, raster, location.error, ...) {
		  if (length(location.error) == 1) location.error <- rep(x = location.error, times = n.locs(object))
		  object <- brownian.motion.variance.dyn(object = object, location.error = location.error, margin = margin, window.size = window.size)
		  brownian.bridge.dyn(object = object, raster = raster, location.error = location.error, ext = ext,  ...)

setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", 
	  signature = c(object = "dBMvariance", raster = "RasterLayer", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"), 
	  definition = function(object, raster, location.error,  ext, time.step, verbose=TRUE,...) {
		  if(n.locs(object)!= length(location.error))
			  stop("The location error vector has not the same length as the move object")
			  stop("The location error contains NAs")
        stop("The location error needs to be a postive number")
		  # check for aeqd projection of the coordinates
		  if(isLonLat(object)) stop("You can not use longitude latitude projection for this function. To transform your coordinates use the spTransform function. \n")
		  if(!equalProj(list(raster,object))) #check equal projection of raster and Move
			  stop(paste("The projection of the raster and the Move object are not equal. \n raster:", proj4string(raster), "\n object:", proj4string(object), "\n"))

		  time.lag <- c(timeLag(object, units = "mins"), 0)  #units need to match between here and dBBMMvar calculations

		  if (missing(time.step)) {
			  time.step <- (min(time.lag[-length(time.lag)])/15)
			  stop('time.step is not numeric')

		  T.Total <- sum(time.lag[object@interest])

		  compsize <- ncell(raster) * (sum(time.lag[object@interest])/time.step)
		  		  message(paste("Computational size:", sprintf("%.1e", compsize)))

		  interest <- (c(object@interest, 0) + c(0, object@interest))[1:length(object@interest)] != 0
	ans<-.Call('dbbmm2', coordinates(object)[interest, 1],
			coordinates(object)[interest, 2], 
			time.step, 4)# last argument is how many sds away one want to calculate
    raster <- setValues(raster, ans)
#		  # Fortran agguments n.locs gridSize timeDiff total time x track y track
#		  # variance estimates loc error x raster y raster interpolation time step prop
#		  # vector filled
#		  ans <- .Fortran("dBBMM", as.integer(1 + sum(object@interest)), 
#				  as.integer(ncell(raster)), 
#				  as.double(c(time.lag[object@interest], 0)), 
#				  as.double(T.Total), 
#				  as.double(coordinates(object)[interest, 1]), 
#				  as.double(coordinates(object)[interest, 2]), 
#				  as.double(c(object@means[object@interest],0)), 
#				  as.double(location.error[interest]), 
#				  as.double(coordinates(raster)[, 1]), 
#				  as.double(coordinates(raster)[, 2]), 
#				  as.double(time.step), as.double(rep(0, ncell(raster))))
#		  raster <- setValues(raster, ans[[12]])

		  dBBMM <- new("DBBMM", DBMvar = object, method = "Dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Model", 
			       raster, ext = ext)
		  outerProbability <- outerProbability(dBBMM)

		  if (is.na(outerProbability)) {
			  #              stop("The used extent is too large. Choose a smaller value for ext!")
			  stop('outerProbability returned an NA value consider different values for ext, this error can also occure if the raster only consist of 1 or few cells (e.g. dimSize=1 or dimSize=2)')
			  # when did this occure Marco? # should we move these checks to the validity 
			  # function of the dbbbmm object
			  #one occurence i found is with a every small raster of 1 by 2 cells
		  } else {
			  if (outerProbability > 0.01) {
				  warning("Outer probability: ", outerProbability, " The used extent is too small. Choose an extent which includes more of the probabilities.")


### do brownian.bridge.dyn for all individuals within a MoveStack
setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", 
	  signature = c(object = "MoveStack", raster = "RasterLayer", dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"), 
	  function(object, raster, dimSize, location.error, ...) {
		  moveUnstacked <- split(x = object)
          stop('Location error needs to be the same length as the number of locations')
		  # split MoveStack into individual Move objects
		  dbbmmLST <- list()
		  omitMove <- c()
		  for (i in names(moveUnstacked)) {
			  if (n.locs(moveUnstacked[[i]]) > (2*window.size - 2*margin)) {
				  dbbmmLST[[i]] <- brownian.bridge.dyn(moveUnstacked[[i]], raster = raster, location.error = location.error[[i]], margin = margin, window.size = window.size, ext = ext, ...)
			  } else {
				  omitMove <- c(omitMove, i)
			  # store which Move Objects were not processed
		  if (length(omitMove) > 0) 
			  warning("Move object ", paste(omitMove, collapse = " "), " was/were omitted, because the number of coordinates is smaller than the window.size and margin you use.\n")

		  rasterStack <- stack(lapply(dbbmmLST, as, "RasterLayer"))
		  DBMvarLST <- lapply(dbbmmLST, slot, "DBMvar")
		  objectAnimalsOmitted <- object[as.character(object@trackId) %in% names(DBMvarLST)]
		  dBMvarianceStack <- new("dBMvarianceStack", 
					  in.windows = unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "in.windows")), 
					  interest = unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "interest")), 
					  means = unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "means")), 
					  margin = unique(unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "margin"))), 
					  window.size = unique(unlist(lapply(DBMvarLST, slot, "window.size"))))
		  # The breaks should later be inherited here now there gone

		  DBBMMStack <- new("DBBMMStack", DBMvar = dBMvarianceStack, rasterStack)

setMethod(f = "brownian.bridge.dyn", signature = c(object = "dBMvarianceBurst", raster = "RasterLayer", 
						   dimSize = "missing", location.error = "numeric"), definition = function(object, 
						   raster, location.error, ext, time.step, burstType, ...) {
	burstVarList <- split(object)
	if (!missing(burstType)) {
	  if(!any(burstType %in% names(burstVarList)))
	    stop("none of the burstTypes is in the data")
		burstVarList <- burstVarList[names(burstVarList) %in% burstType]
	varList <- lapply(burstVarList, as, "dBMvariance")

	if(!all(sel<-unlist( lapply(lapply(lapply(lapply(varList, slot,"interest"),rev), '[',-1), any))))
	{warning("Some burst are omitted for variance calculation since there are not segements of interest")
	if (missing(time.step)) {
		time.step <- min(unlist(lapply(varList, timeLag, units = "mins")))/15
	locErrSplit<-lapply(mapply('%in%', MoreArgs=list(row.names(object)), table=lapply(varList, row.names),SIMPLIFY=F),function(x,i)x[i], x=location.error)
		  location.error = locErrSplit, 
		  MoreArgs=list(ext = ext, 
				raster = raster, 
				time.step = time.step, ...), SIMPLIFY=F)
	for(i in 1:length(t))

	res <- stack(t)
	t<-( as.difftime(unlist(lapply(varList, function(x){
					       interest <- (c(x@interest, 0) + c(0, x@interest))[1:length(x@interest)] != 0
					       return(as.numeric(diff(range(timestamps(x)[interest])),units='days'))})), units='days'))
	res<-stack(res*(as.numeric(t, units='days')/sum(as.numeric(t,units='days'))))

	res<-setZ(res, t)
	res <- new("DBBMMBurstStack", DBMvar = object, (res), ext = ext)

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move documentation built on Jan. 16, 2017, 2:22 a.m.